Andreas' History of the State of Nebraska

Nebraska as a Territory Names
Produced by Ted & Carole Miller and Connie Snyder.
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Abbe, Mr. The Florence Secession
Abbey, J. G. The Fourth Session
Abbott, L. J. The State Legislature
Abrams, Henry The Machinery in Motion
Acton, A. M. Attempt to Create a State
Adams, John Quincy Erection of Nebraska
Adams, Truman H. The Sixth Session
Albertson, Isaac Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Albertson, J. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Alden, Isaac R. The First Legislature
Allen, E. A. The Sixth Session
Allen, E. A. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Allen, Edwin A. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Allen, James A. The Third Session
Allen, Mr. The Florence Secession
Allen, Thomas J. Election of Delegate
Allgawahr, L. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Allgawahr, Lewis Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Anderson, Capt. Senator Gere's Sketch
Anderson, D. M. Vote on the Constitution
Anderson, D. M. The State Legislature
Anderson, H. First School Report
Anderson, H. C. The Second Legislature
Anderson, H. C. Judiciary
Anderson, H. O. Official Roster of the Territory
Archer, A. The First Legislature
Archer, Robert T. The Machinery in Motion
Archer, Robert T. Election of Delegate
Armstrong, George The Third Session
Armstrong, George The Fourth Session
Arnold Senator Gere's Sketch
Arnold, Anselam The Machinery in Motion
Arnold, E. W. Vote on the Constitution
Arnold, Joseph Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Ashley, Thomas B. The Machinery in Motion
Astor, John Jacob Traders and Missionaries
Atchison, Senator Erection of Nebraska
Austin, Benjamin Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Bader, John R. The State Legislature
Bain, Alex The Sixth Session
Baker, A. H. Vote on the Constitution
Baker, Daniel Arrival and Death of Gov. Burt
Baker, John P. Attempt to Create a State
Baker, William The State Legislature
Bangs, S. D. Attempt to Create a State
Barkley, V. Vote on the Constitution
Barnard, E. H. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Barnum, E. W. Attempt to Create a State
Barnum, E. W. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Barnum, G. C. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Barnum, Guy C. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Bates, Barnabas The Sixth Session
Bates, Barnabas Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Bates, Barnabas The State Legislature
Baumer, W. The State Legislature
Bayne, O. P. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Bayne, Oliver P. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Beall, Enos Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Beane, George Attempt to Create a State
Beck, William B. The Fourth Session
Becker, John P. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Beek, William B. The Second Legislature
Belden, D. D. The Sixth Session
Belden, David D. Attempt to Create a State
Bell, T. R. Vote on the Constitution
Benedict, A. J. The Fourth Session
Benedict, A. J. The Machinery in Motion
Benedict, Albert J. Election of Delegate
Bennet, G. The First Legislature
Bennet, H. P. The First Legislature
Bennet, H. P. The Death of Secretary Cuming
Bennet, Hiram P. The First Legislature
Bennet, Isaiah Arrival and Death of Gov. Burt
Bennet, Isaiah The Machinery in Motion
Bennet, John Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Bennet, John B. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Bennett, H. P. Gov. M. W. Izard
Bennett, Hiram P. Official Roster of the Territory
Beuter, John Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Birchfield, W. P. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Bishop, A. S. The Second Legislature
Black, Gov. The Sixth Session
Black, Gov. Gov. Alvin Saunders
Black, John Attempt to Create a State
Black, Samuel W. Gov. S. W. Black
Black, Samuel W. Attempt to Create a State
Black, Samuel W. Official Roster of the Territory
Black, Samuel W. Judiciary
Blakeley, N. Vote on the Constitution
Blakeley, Nathan Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Blakely Senator Gere's Sketch
Blanchard, C. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Bobst, Christian The Machinery in Motion
Bobst, Christian Election of Delegate
Bonnet, John B. Attempt to Create a State
Borland, Solon Erection of Nebraska
Boulware, John The Second Legislature
Boulware, John B. Election of Delegate
Bowen, J. S. The Sixth Session
Bowen, J. S. The State Legislature
Bowen, John S. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Bowen, L. L. The Third Session
Bowen, L. L. The Death of Secretary Cuming
Bowen, Leavitt L. The Second Legislature
Bowen, Leavitt L. The Florence Secession
Bowen, Mr. The Florence Secession
Bowen, Mr. The Sixth Session
Boyd, James E. Senator Gere's Sketch
Boyd, James E. Vote on the Constitution
Boykin, Thomas J. The Sixth Session
Bradford, A. A. The Second Legislature
Bradford, A. A. The Third Session
Bradford, A. H. The First Legislature
Bradford, Allen A. Repeal of the Criminal Code
Bradford, Henry The Machinery in Motion
Bradford, Mr. The Florence Secession
Bradley, James Organization of the Territory
Bradley, James Judiciary
Bramble, D. T. The Death of Secretary Cuming
Breman, M. W. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Brewster, E. P. Attempt to Create a State
Brewster, W. S. The State Legislature
Briggs, Clinton The Death of Secretary Cuming
Briggs, John Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Broadhead, William H. The Sixth Session
Brown, C. H. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Brown, J. H. The Third Session
Brown, J. H. Vote on the Constitution
Brown, Miles W. Election of Delegate
Brown, Richard The Machinery in Motion
Brown, Richard The First Legislature
Brown, William D. The Gold Hunters
Browne, Charles H. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Brush, Marcus Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Bryan, Charles Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Bryant, William The Machinery in Motion
Buchanan, W. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Buchanon, President Attempt to Create a State
Buck, Frederick The Machinery in Motion
Buck, John F. The Second Legislature
Burbank, J. E. The Sixth Session
Burns, William J. The Machinery in Motion
Burt, Francis Organization of the Territory
Burt, Francis Arrival and Death of Gov. Burt
Burt, Francis Acting Governor Cuming
Burt, Francis Location of the Capital
Burt, Francis The First Legislature
Burt, Francis Official Roster of the Territory
Burt, Gov. The Machinery in Motion
Burt, Gov. Attempted Removal of the Capital
Burt, Gov. The Death of Secretary Cuming
Butler Senator Gere's Sketch
Butler, David Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Butler, David Senator Gere's Sketch
Butler, David The State Legislature
Butler, Gov. Senator Gere's Sketch
Butler, J. R. Senator Gere's Sketch
Butler, John R. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Byers, W. N. The Machinery in Motion
Byers, W. N. The First Legislature
Cabanne, John Traders and Missionaries
Cadman Senator Gere's Sketch
Cadman, John Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Cadman, John Vote on the Constitution
Cadman, John The State Legislature
Calhoun Senator Gere's Sketch
Calhoun, S. H. Vote on the Constitution
Calhoun, Surveyor Gen. The Machinery in Motion
Calhoun, Surveyor General John The Second Legislature
Campbell, J. The Third Session
Campbell, J. C. The Second Legislature
Campbell, J. C. The Fourth Session
Campbell, John C. The Sixth Session
Campbell, John C. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Campbell, John McA. The Death of Secretary Cuming
Campbell, M. S. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Campbell, Samuel L. Official Roster of the Territory
Cardwell, J. A. The Third Session
Case, M. B. The Second Legislature
Cass, Stephen Election of Delegate
Cassell, John The Death of Secretary Cuming
Cavins, Adin G. Attempt to Create a State
Chalfant, James Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Chambers, L. A. The Second Legislature
Chambers, S. A. The Third Session
Chambers, S. A. The Fourth Session
Chandler, E. B. Judiciary
Chapin Senator Gere's Sketch
Chapin, W. F. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Chapin, W. F. Vote on the Constitution
Chapin, W. F. The State Legislature
Chapin, W. T. Senator Gere's Sketch
Chapman, Bird B. Gov. M. W. Izard
Chapman, Bird B. Official Roster of the Territory
Chapman, J. W. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Chapman, James G. Judiciary
Chase, Amos S. Attempt to Create a State
Chase, Gov. Erection of Nebraska
Chase, Senator Erection of Nebraska
Cheever, John H. The Death of Secretary Cuming
Chilcott, G. M. The Third Session
Child, E. P. The State Legislature
Chinn, E. B. The Second Legislature
Clancy, Mr. The Florence Secession
Clancy, William The First Legislature
Clancy, William The Second Legislature
Clancy, William The Third Session
Clark, Capt The Mormon Exodus
Clark, E. H. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Clark, E. L. Senator Gere's Sketch
Clark, E. L. The State Legislature
Clark, M. F. The Death of Secretary Cuming
Clark, M. H. The Machinery in Motion
Clark, M. H. The First Legislature
Clark, M. H. Mr. Clark's Prophecy
Clark, M. H. The Second Legislature
Clark, Merrill H. Attempt to Create a State
Clark, Merrills H. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Clark, Munson H. The Machinery in Motion
Clarke, Henry T. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Clayes, George The Fourth Session
Clayes, George The Death of Secretary Cuming
Clayes, Mr. The Florence Secession
Cleburne, William Attempt to Create a State
Closser, J. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Coate, Allen L. The Machinery in Motion
Cody, Milo K. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Coffman, J. F. The Sixth Session
Cohn, Aaron Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Cole, Broad The Third Session
Cole, D. Senator Gere's Sketch
Cole, D. The State Legislature
Coleman, J. W. The Sixth Session
Coleman, Thomas Attempt to Create a State
Colfax, Schuyler Formal Admission of the State
Collier, David L. The Death of Secretary Cuming
Collier, David S. The Sixth Session
Collier, Thomas T. The Sixth Session
Collins, T. J. Senator Gere's Sketch
Connor, William The Third Session
Conover, Charles M. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Cooper, Mr. The Florence Secession
Cooper, P. G. The Fourth Session
Cooper, P. G. The Death of Secretary Cuming
Cotterell, M. S. Attempt to Create a State
Cowles, C. H. The First Legislature
Cowles, Charles H. Election of Delegate
Cowles, Charles H. Attempt to Create a State
Cowles, H. C. The Third Session
Cowles, J. H. The First Legislature
Cowles, James H. The Machinery in Motion
Crawford, George N. Senator Gere's Sketch
Crawford, George N. The State Legislature
Crawford, Mr. The Sixth Session
Crawford, W. G. The Fourth Session
Crawford, W. G. The Death of Secretary Cuming
Critchfield, A. J. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Critchfield, A. J. Vote on the Constitution
Cromwell, A. F. The Third Session
Cromwell, A. F. The Fourth Session
Cromwell, A. F. The Florence Secession
Cromwell, Jacob R. The Fourth Session
Crothers, John Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Crouch, Mason Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Crounse, Judge Senator Gere's Sketch
Crounse, L. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Crowe, George The Sixth Session
Crowe, George Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Crowe, George Senator Gere's Sketch
Crowe, George The State Legislature
Croxton, J. H. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Cuming, Acting Gov. The First Legislature
Cuming, Acting Gov. Election of Delegate
Cuming, Acting Gov. Mr. Clark's Prophecy
Cuming, Acting Gov. Gov. M. W. Izard
Cuming, Acting Gov. Attempted Removal of the Capital
Cuming, Acting Gov. The Florence Secession
Cuming, Israel The Machinery in Motion
Cuming, T. B. The Death of Secretary Cuming
Cuming, Thomas B. Organization of the Territory
Cuming, Thomas B. Acting Governor Cuming
Cuming, Thomas B. Location of the Capital
Cuming, Thomas B. The Machinery in Motion
Cuming, Thomas B. The Death of Secretary Cuming
Cuming, Thomas B. Official Roster of the Territory
Cunningham, B. F. Vote on the Constitution
Curran, S. M. The Third Session
Curran, S. M. The Fourth Session
Curran, S. M. The Death of Secretary Cuming
Curran, S. M. The Sixth Session
Curran, S. M. The State Legislature
Curran, Sterrett M. The Florence Secession
D'Auvergne, La Tour The Death of Secretary Cuming
Daily, S. G. The Death of Secretary Cuming
Daily, Samuel G. Official Roster of the Territory
Daily, William The State Legislature
Dash, Joseph Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Davidson, F. The First Legislature
Davidson, James The Fourth Session
Davidson, James Attempt to Create a State
Davis, Alexander The Second Legislature
Davis, C. D. The Death of Secretary Cuming
Davis, J. T. Vote on the Constitution
Davis, Jesse T. Senator Gere's Sketch
Davis, Oscar F. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Davis, Thomas The First Legislature
Davis, W. R. Attempt to Create a State
Davis, William Election of Delegate
Davis, William H. The Machinery in Motion
Davis, William R. The Death of Secretary Cuming
Davis, William R. The Sixth Session
De Puy, H. W. Attempt to Create a State
De Puy, Henry W. The Death of Secretary Cuming
Dean, A. C. The Death of Secretary Cuming
Decker, J. H. The First Legislature
Decker, J. H. The Fourth Session
Decker, J. H. The Florence Secession
Decker, James H. The Machinery in Motion
Decker, James H. The Second Legislature
Decker, James H. The Florence Secession
Decker, Mr. The Florence Secession
Denton, W. A. Vote on the Constitution
Deweese, J. H. The State Legislature
Deweese, J. M. Vote on the Constitution
Dickens, Charles Gov. M. W. Izard
Dickinson, Capt. The Second Legislature
Dixon, Archibald Erection of Nebraska
Dixon, W. B. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Doane, G. W. The State Legislature
Doane, George W. The Death of Secretary Cuming
Doane, George W. Judiciary
Dodge, Augustus C. Erection of Nebraska
Donahoo, Thomas Election of Delegate
Donelan, E. A. The Fourth Session
Donelan, E. A. The Sixth Session
Donelan, Mr. The Florence Secession
Doom, J. E. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Doom, James E. Senator Gere's Sketch
Doom, James E. The State Legislature
Doom, R. G. The Death of Secretary Cuming
Dorsey, C. O. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Dorsey, J. E. The State Legislature
Douglas, Stephen A. Erection of Nebraska
Dovington, F. M. Vote on the Constitution
Downs, H. P. The Machinery in Motion
Downs, H. P. The Third Session
Downs, Hiram P. Election of Delegate
Downs, Hiram P. Attempt to Create a State
Doyle, Col. Arrival and Death of Gov. Burt
Doyle, E. R. The Machinery in Motion
Doyle, E. R. The First Legislature
Doyle, Eli R. Official Roster of the Territory
Doyle, James Arrival and Death of Gov. Burt
Doyle, James Acting Governor Cuming
Drexed, Fred Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Driggs, Lorenzo The Machinery in Motion
Duerfeldt, G. The State Legislature
Dugan, Dennis Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Duggan, Daniel The State Legislature
Dunbar, Mr. Traders and Missionaries
Dundy Senator Gere's Sketch
Dundy, E. S. The Death of Secretary Cuming
Dundy, E. S. Attempt to Create a State
Dundy, Elmer S. Judiciary
Dunham, Martin Senator Gere's Sketch
Dunning, Oliver W. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Dyson, Joseph The Third Session
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