Andreas' History of the State of Nebraska

York County Names
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Fair, Ann M. Winter Woodruff Precinct
Fair, George Woodruff Precinct
Fair, John Woodruff Precinct
Fair, Mary J. Show Woodruff Precinct
Fair, Mr. Woodruff Precinct
Fair, Susan Willhelm Woodruff Precinct
Fairbank, Randolph Henderson Precinct
Fairbanks, Randolph County Roster
Fansler, A. M. York: Societies
Farrel, J. B. York: Societies
Farris, John Houston Precinct
Faustman, Gustavus Baker Precinct
Fay, Henry Henderson Precinct
Fenton, D. Stewart Precinct
Finch, Albert E. York: Biographical Sketches
Finch, Mary E. Meade York: Biographical Sketches
Finch, Salvinas York: Biographical Sketches
Fisher, David York: Elevators
Fleming, D. B. York: Churches
Flock, George Organization
Flock, George County Roster
Flock, George York: Societies
Foster, Bishop York: Biographical Sketches
Foster, J. W. York: Societies
Fouse, Miss Sophonisba West Blue Precinct
Fouse, Nerva West Blue Precinct
Fox, John Beaver Creek Precinct
Fox, Sarah Beaver Creek Precinct
France, Adam York: Biographical Sketches
France, G. B. York: Societies
France, G. B. York: Incorporation
France, G. B. York: Biographical Sketches
France, G. B. York: Biographical Sketches
France, George B. York: Churches
France, George B. York: Biographical Sketches
France, George B. York: Biographical Sketches
France, Lydia Griffith York: Biographical Sketches
France, Mr. York: Incorporation
Frank, Martin C. York: Biographical Sketches
French, M. C. York: Churches
Frost, Julius Early Settlements
Frost, Julius Organization
Frost, Julius Beaver Creek Precinct
Funk, Martin Baker Precinct
Gandy, A. W. York: Societies
Gandy, Carrie J. York: Biographical Sketches
Gandy, Catherine Mathew York: Biographical Sketches
Gandy, Elmer L. York: Biographical Sketches
Gandy, Ettie E. York: Biographical Sketches
Gandy, J. County Roster
Gandy, J. P. York: Incorporation
Gandy, L. J. Organization
Gandy, L. J. County Roster
Gandy, L. J. York: Churches
Gandy, L. J. York: Societies
Gandy, L. J. York: Early History
Gandy, L. J. York: Biographical Sketches
Gandy, L. J. York: Public Schools
Gandy, Lemuel J. York: Biographical Sketches
Gandy, S. E. York: Societies
Gandy, Samuel York: Biographical Sketches
George, Daniel Henderson Precinct
Gerard, F. H. York: The Press
Gerard, Scott York: The Press
Gerard, Mr. York: The Press
Ghost, A. M. Organization
Gibbs, W. H. York: Incorporation
Gibson, W. F. York: Churches
Giffen, W. York: Incorporation
Giffen, W. W. Organization
Giffen, William W. York: Biographical Sketches
Giffin, W. W. York: Churches
Gilbert, Mr. L. York: Biographical Sketches
Gilmore, A. J. Organization
Gilmore, A. J. County Roster
Gilmore, A. J. West Blue Precinct
Gilmore, A. J. West Blue Precinct
Gilmore, A. J. West Blue Precinct: Church History
Gilmore, Catherine E. Barrows West Blue Precinct: Church History
Gilmore, Elias Early Settlements
Gilmore, Elias Organization
Gilmore, Elias West Blue Precinct
Gilmore, Elias West Blue Precinct
Gilmore, Elias West Blue Precinct
Gilmore, Elias West Blue Precinct
Gilmore, Elias West Blue Precinct: Church History
Gilmore, Ellen A. West Blue Precinct: Church History
Gilmore, Huldah Rush West Blue Precinct: Church History
Gilmore, Jackson West Blue Precinct
Gilmore, Jacob R. West Blue Precinct: Church History
Gilmore, Lillie May West Blue Precinct: Church History
Gilmore, Miss Lizzie May West Blue Precinct
Gilmore, Miss Lydia West Blue Precinct
Gilmore, Mr. West Blue Precinct
Gilmore, Mr. West Blue Precinct: Church History
Gilmore, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. West Blue Precinct: Church History
Goast, Mrs. York: Biographical Sketches
Goche, Henry Beaver Creek Precinct
Goche, Jared Beaver Creek Precinct
Goche, William Beaver Creek Precinct
Godding, T. Beaver Creek Precinct
Gould, H. York: Societies
Gould, Miss Lucy York: Public Schools
Gould, William H. York: Early History
Graham, David York
Graves, Miss Lucy York: Biographical Sketches
Gray, J. S. York: Societies
Gray, Thomas Organization
Gray, Thomas County Roster
Gray, Thomas York: Early History
Green, J. F. York: Incorporation
Greer, W. H. Organization
Greer, W. H. County Roster
Greer, William North Blue Precinct
Grove, H. C. York: Societies
Groves, N. W. York County Agricultural Society
Gruber, Rev. Theodore Beaver Creek Precinct
Gunlach, Christian West Blue Precinct: Church History
Gunlach, Christian F. West Blue Precinct: Church History
Gunlach, Frederick C. West Blue Precinct: Church History
Gunlach, Lillian V. West Blue Precinct: Church History
Gunlach, Matilda Widle West Blue Precinct: Church History
Gunlach, Mena West Blue Precinct: Church History
Hamilton, James H. Organization
Hamilton, Katie E. York: Biographical Sketches
Hamilton, Lieut. James H. York: Biographical Sketches
Hamilton, Nancy Bilsingson York: Biographical Sketches
Hamilton, Thomas E. York: Biographical Sketches
Hamilton, William York: Biographical Sketches
Hammond, Miss Lenna York: Biographical Sketches
Hancock, E. J. Bradshaw
Hannah, George West Blue Precinct
Harlan, N. V. York: Incorporation
Harlan, N. V. York: Schools
Harmon, Rev. H. Houston Precinct
Harmon, Rev. Mr. North Blue Precinct
Harris, Austin York: Churches
Harris, Mr. Stewart Precinct
Harris, Mrs. Austin York: Churches
Harris, O. C. County Roster
Harrison, C. S. North Blue Precinct
Harrison, Rev. S. S. York: Biographical Sketches
Hart, Miss York: Schools
Hartwell, Henry Houston Precinct
Hatch, E. L. York: Incorporation
Hathaway, Wm. West Blue Precinct
Haven, Bishop Gilbert York: Biographical Sketches
Hayes, Miss York: Schools
Hecht, Christina McQuait Henderson Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Hecht, Henry C. Henderson Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Heckman, Rev. William Woodruff Precinct
Hect, Christiana Henderson Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Hect, Harry E. Henderson Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Hect, infant Henderson Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Hect, Issac H. Henderson Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Hect, Truly C. Henderson Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Hect, William H. Henderson Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Hedges, Mr. North Blue Precinct
Hedges, Rev. T. K. North Blue Precinct
Hedges, T. K. York: Churches
Heitz, Anthony Baker Precinct
Heitz, Mr. Baker Precinct
Heller, P. West Blue Precinct: Church History
Helms, John H. Organization
Helms, John H. County Roster
Hemper, Fred Henderson Precinct
Henderson, David Henderson Precinct
Henderson, John Henderson Precinct
Henderson, Miss Nellie Henderson Precinct
Hendrick, Almira Ferris Woodruff Precinct
Hendrick, Daniel Woodruff Precinct
Hendrick, Deborah Woodruff Precinct
Hendrick, Joseph Woodruff Precinct
Hendrick, Mr. Woodruff Precinct
Hendricks, A. E. York: Schools
Hendricks, Albert E. York: Biographical Sketches
Hendricks, Ellen Shannon York: Biographical Sketches
Hendricks, John J. York: Biographical Sketches
Henton, Ethel M. Woodruff Precinct
Henton, Frank E. Woodruff Precinct
Henton, George Woodruff Precinct
Henton, George E. Woodruff Precinct
Henton, John R. Woodruff Precinct
Henton, Lydia M. Woodruff Precinct
Henton, Mary McCurry Woodruff Precinct
Herman, Rev. C. Beaver Creek Precinct
Higby, E. Henderson Precinct
Hill, Bird E. York: Biographical Sketches
Hill, Charles York: Biographical Sketches
Hill, Charles A. W. York: Biographical Sketches
Hill, George M. York: Biographical Sketches
Hill, Lorenzo D. York: Biographical Sketches
Hill, Mary Train York: Biographical Sketches
Hill, Miss M. A. York: Schools
Hill, Nellie K. York: Biographical Sketches
Hill, Owen B. York: Biographical Sketches
Hill, Reno York: Biographical Sketches
Hill, Rev. William S. Bradshaw
Hill, W. S. North Blue Precinct
Hill, William F. Henderson Precinct
Hilton, John T. Beaver Creek Precinct
Hilton, Rachel A. Logan Beaver Creek Precinct
Hofer, Gottleib York: Schools
Hoffschneider, F. Beaver Creek Precinct
Holach, Christian West Blue Precinct
Holley, James J. York: Schools
Holoch, Christian West Blue Precinct: Church History
Hopkins, N. H. Henderson Precinct
Houston, A. Houston Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Houston, Andrew Houston Precinct
Houston, Andrew Houston Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Houston, Emily Houston Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Houston, George Houston Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Houston, James Houston Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Houston, James D. Houston Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Houston, John E. Houston Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Houston, Kate L. Houston Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Houston, Mary Lidington Houston Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Houston, Ritchie Houston Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Houston, William B. Houston Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Hughes, E. L. York: Biographical Sketches
Hunter, David I. York: Biographical Sketches
Hunter, John G. York: Biographical Sketches
Hunter, Lottie Erwin York: Biographical Sketches
Hutchinson, D. York: Societies
Hyett, Newton Early Settlements
Hyett, Newton Stewart Precinct
Itner, John York: Churches
Johnson, C. M. Baker Precinct
Johnson, Eleanor Graham York: Biographical Sketches
Johnson, Mr. Houston Precinct
Johnson, Nathan York: Biographical Sketches
Johnson, Nathan York
Johnson, Rev. E. W. West Blue Precinct: Church History
Jones, William Stewart Precinct
Kearney, Samuel Early Settlements
Keckley, John Houston Precinct
Keckley, Jonathan Houston Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Keckley, Margaret E. Hodges Houston Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Keckley, Mary Dyoson Houston Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Keckley, Miss Kate York: Schools
Keckley, W. H. County Roster
Keckley, W. H. York: Societies
Keckley, William H. County Roster
Keckley, William H. York: Societies
Keckley, William H. Houston Precinct
Keckley, William H. Houston Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Keekley, W. H. Organization
Keister, D. W. York: Societies
Keith, Abbie Frisbee Henderson Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Keith, Calvin V. Henderson Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Keith, Martin H. Henderson Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Keith, Rachel B. Bouton Henderson Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Keller, Miss Lizzie York: Biographical Sketches
Kelso, Rev. West Blue Precinct: Church History
Kenniston, Rev. J. C. Stewart Precinct
Kiedke, Mr. Organization
Kilner, J. C. York County Agricultural Society
Kilner, John C. York: Biographical Sketches
Kilner, Mr. York: Biographical Sketches
Kilner, Sarah York: Biographical Sketches
Kilner, William York: Biographical Sketches
Kingston, J. W. Early Settlements
Kingston, J. W. North Blue Precinct
Kleinschmidt, H. Beaver Creek Precinct
Kleinschmidt, H. C. York: Incorporation
Kleinschmidt, H. C. York: Schools
Knapp, Miss Annie York: Public Schools
Knapp, Dr. William M. York: Biographical Sketches
Knapp, E. A. Beecher York: Biographical Sketches
Knapp, T. D. York: Churches
Knapp, T. D. York: Incorporation
Knapp, T. D. York: Schools
Knapp, W. M. Organization
Knapp, W. M. County Roster
Knapp, W. R. York: Societies
Knapp, William M. York: Societies
Knopp, M. York: Societies
Knott, James P. York: Biographical Sketches
Knott, Jennie E. York: Biographical Sketches
Knott, John S. York: Biographical Sketches
Knott, Lena York: Biographical Sketches
Knott, Mollie Burns York: Biographical Sketches
Kohn, Thomas B. Houston Precinct
Kora, John Early Settlements
Lacock, J. B. York: Societies
Lake, Justice G. B. York: First Term of Court
Langworthy, C. York: Biographical Sketches
Langworthy, C. S. York: Schools
Langworthy, Mr. York: Schools
Langworthy, Mr. York: Biographical Sketches
Larkin, J. A. Houston Precinct
Larkins, J. A. Henderson Precinct
Laycock, J. B. York: Societies
Le Count, Adelaide A. York: Biographical Sketches
Le Count, Charles York: Early History
Le Count, Charles Beaver Creek Precinct
Le Count, Charles York: Biographical Sketches
LeCount, Charles York: Public Schools
Le Count, Charles A. York: Biographical Sketches
Le Count, Esther Smith York: Biographical Sketches
Le Count, John C. York: Biographical Sketches
Le Count, John H. York: Biographical Sketches
Le Count, Laura M. York: Biographical Sketches
Leach, Chloe I. York: Biographical Sketches
Leach, Eli E. York: Biographical Sketches
Leach, Garfield York: Biographical Sketches
Leach, Infant York: Biographical Sketches
Leach, Juliette S York: Biographical Sketches
Leach, Juliette Saunders York: Biographical Sketches
Leach, Lily J. York: Biographical Sketches
Leach, Mary B. York: Biographical Sketches
Leach, Mary E. Brakeman York: Biographical Sketches
Leach, Minnie M. York: Biographical Sketches
Leach, Robert E. York: Biographical Sketches
Leaming, F. Henderson Precinct
LeCount, C. York: Incorporation
LeCount, Charles York: Incorporation
Leidke, F. W. Organization
Leohr, Rev. H. Stewart Precinct
Leohr, Rev. John Stewart Precinct
Lett, Abraham York: Biographical Sketches
Lett, Carrie Draucker York: Biographical Sketches
Lett, Elizabeth Barnhart York: Biographical Sketches
Lett, John York: Societies
Lett, John North Blue Precinct
Lett, John York: Biographical Sketches
Lett, Mr. York: Biographical Sketches
Lichtenberger, S. R. York: Societies
Liedke, F. W. York County Agricultural Society
Liedke, F. W. County Roster
Liedke, T. W. County Roster
Liedke, W. County Roster
Lindsley, Austin York: Societies
Lindsley, Austin Bradshaw
Lint, Benjamin C. Henderson Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Lint, Isaac B. Henderson Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Lint, John W. Henderson Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Lint, Julia A. Henderson Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Lint, Mr. Henderson Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Lint, Samuel S. Henderson Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Lint, Volinda Show Henderson Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Little, S. W. York: Elevators
Logan, H. M. Stewart Precinct
Lorence, Miss Carrie North Blue Precinct
Love, Jesse Organization
Love, Jesse County Roster
Love, Jesse York: Incorporation
Love, Lee Organization
Love, Lee County Roster
Love, Lee York: Societies
Love, Lee York: Biographical Sketches
Love, Lee York: The Press
Love, Mr. York: The Press
Lowry, Alexander Henderson Precinct
Lowry, Miss Lizzie West Blue Precinct
Lucas, D. C. Stewart Precinct
Lundeen, Anna L. Broman York: Biographical Sketches
Lundeen, Elmer T. York: Biographical Sketches
Lundeen, Hellen P. York: Biographical Sketches
Lundeen, Nellie A. York: Biographical Sketches
Lundeen, Nils P. York: Biographical Sketches
Lundeen, Oscar York: Biographical Sketches
Lushbaugh, Benjamin F. Baker Precinct
Lushbaugh, Mr. Early Settlements
Lytle, R. M. North Blue Precinct
Lytle, Robert North Blue Precinct
Manning, Frank Organization
Manning, Frank County Roster
Manning, Frank Beaver Creek Precinct
Manning, Reuben West Blue Precinct
Marshall, Arthur York: Biographical Sketches
Marshall, Benjamin F. York: Biographical Sketches
Marshall, Bertha F. York: Biographical Sketches
Marshall, Fred York: Biographical Sketches
Marshall, Laura O. York: Biographical Sketches
Marshall, Sarah J. Pursel York: Biographical Sketches
Marshall, Walter J. York: Biographical Sketches
Martin, Charles F. York: Biographical Sketches
Martin, D. C. York: Biographical Sketches
Martin, Dr. William H. York: Biographical Sketches
Martin, Georgiania A. Ladd York: Biographical Sketches
Martin, Junius C. York: Biographical Sketches
Martin, Mamie C. York: Biographical Sketches
Martin, Minnie May York: Biographical Sketches
Martin, Sarah White York: Biographical Sketches
Mason, Judge York: Biographical Sketches
Massison, Joseph York: Incorporation
Mathewson, James T. Early Settlements
McCarty, Mr. Henderson Precinct
McClellan, A. L. York: The Press
McClellan, A. L. York: Societies
McClellan, John Early Settlements
McCloud, W. E. York County Agricultural Society
McConaughy, Dr. James York: Biographical Sketches
McConnaughey, Samuel York: Societies
McCoughey, JosephW. Houston Precinct: Biographical Sketches
McCoughey, Margarett Houston Precinct: Biographical Sketches
McCoughey, Maud Houston Precinct: Biographical Sketches
McCoughey, Minnesota Talbot Houston Precinct: Biographical Sketches
McCoughey, Mr. Houston Precinct: Biographical Sketches
McCoughey, Wilbur Houston Precinct: Biographical Sketches
McCoughey, Wilson Houston Precinct: Biographical Sketches
McFadden, Aletha E. Woodruff Precinct
McFadden, Annie E. Woodruff Precinct
McFadden, Arthur R. Woodruff Precinct
McFadden, Charles Woodruff Precinct
McFadden, Eliza Long Woodruff Precinct
McFadden, Fernando Early Settlements
McFadden, Fernando Woodruff Precinct
McFadden, George W. Woodruff Precinct
McFadden, Mary J. Custer Woodruff Precinct
McFadden, Mr. Early Settlements
McFadden, William Woodruff Precinct
McKillip, J. A. York: Incorporation
McKillip, James York: Incorporation
McKillip, James A. York: Societies
McKillop, J. A. York: Societies
McNairy, Miss York: Biographical Sketches
McWhister, William York: Banks
Meagher, John West Blue Precinct
Meismer, Alva Baker Precinct
Meissner, C. L. York: Biographical Sketches
Meissner, Charles York: Biographical Sketches
Mercer, John A. Early Settlements
Mercer, John A. Stewart Precinct
Meritt, D. K. Stewart Precinct
Meritt, George Stewart Precinct
Merrill, Edwin Henderson Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Merrill, Osson V. Henderson Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Merrill, Sarah Simons Henderson Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Miller, Mr. York: The Press
Miller, G. P. York: Schools
Miller, J. P. York: Biographical Sketches
Miller, J. P. York County Agricultural Society
Miller, J. P. Organization
Miller, J. P. County Roster
Miller, J. P. York: Societies
Miller, J. P. York
Miller, J. P. York: Incorporation
Miller, James P. County Roster
Miller, John York: Biographical Sketches
Miller, Lt. James P. York: Biographical Sketches
Miller, Mrs. George W. York: Churches
Miller, Wm. Bradshaw: Biographical Sketches
Milligan, Mary J. York: Biographical Sketches
Millspaugh, Daniel West Blue Precinct
Mitchell, Thomas North Blue Precinct
Moffitt, Miss Carrie York: Public Schools
Monger, A. F. Baker Precinct
Monson, Charles F. Woodruff Precinct
Monson, Charles J. Woodruff Precinct
Monson, Ellen A. Woodruff Precinct
Monson, Johanna W. Kaliff Woodruff Precinct
Montgomery, A. C. York: Incorporation
Montgomery, A. C. York: Schools
Montgomery, Annie M. York: Churches
Montgomery, Archibald York: Biographical Sketches
Montgomery, C. York: Churches
Montgomery, Lt. Andrew C. York: Biographical Sketches
Montgomery, Margaret York: Biographical Sketches
Montgomery, Mr. York: Schools
Moore, Alice M. Bradshaw: Biographical Sketches
Moore, D. F. Organization
Moore, D. F. County Roster
Moore, D. T. York: Biographical Sketches
Moore, David T. York: Biographical Sketches
Moore, Dr. Bradshaw: Biographical Sketches
Moore, Dr. S. V. Organization
Moore, Dwight Shumway York: Biographical Sketches
Moore, Hon. Servetus, M.D. Bradshaw: Biographical Sketches
Moore, John York: Biographical Sketches
Moore, John Henderson Precinct
Moore, Judge Organization
Moore, Judge D. T. Organization
Moore, Judge D. T. York: Schools
Moore, Laura A. Morris Bradshaw: Biographical Sketches
Moore, Malvina York: Biographical Sketches
Moore, Orville M. Bradshaw: Biographical Sketches
Moore, Robert S. Bradshaw: Biographical Sketches
Moore, S. N. County Roster
Moore, S. V. Organization
Moore, S. V. County Roster
Moore, S. V. Houston Precinct: Biographical Sketches
Moore, Sarah York: Biographical Sketches
Moore, Sarah M. York: Churches
Moore, Sarah N. Shumway York: Biographical Sketches
Moore, V. County Roster
Moore, William Houston Precinct
Morgan Mr. York: The Press
Morgan, E. A. York: Biographical Sketches
Morgan, Judge York: Churches
Morgan, N. M. York: Societies
Morgan, Rev. W. E. York: Biographical Sketches
Morgan, W. E. County Roster
Morgan, W. E. York: Churches
Morgan, W. E. York: Biographical Sketches
Mosbarger, Barbara E. Landis York: Biographical Sketches
Mosbarger, Cora L. York: Biographical Sketches
Mosbarger, Henry J. York: Biographical Sketches
Mosbarger, Isaac N. York: Biographical Sketches
Mosbarger, Jacob York: Biographical Sketches
Mosbarger, Jacob F. York: Biographical Sketches
Mosbarger, James A. York: Biographical Sketches
Mosbarger, James I. York: Biographical Sketches
Mosbarger, Mary E. York: Biographical Sketches
Mosbarger, Rosa J. York: Biographical Sketches
Mosbarger, Sarah J. Prather York: Biographical Sketches
Mosher, C. W. York: Banks
Mosher, E. W. York: Banks
Mosher, E. W. York: Biographical Sketches
Mosier, E. W. York: Biographical Sketches
Mullen, Isaac Baker Precinct
Muller, L. D. York: Societies
Munger, Albert Bradshaw: Biographical Sketches
Munger, Hartwell Bradshaw: Biographical Sketches
Munger, Hiram F. Bradshaw: Biographical Sketches
Munger, Levi F. Bradshaw: Biographical Sketches
Munger, Luella Bradshaw: Biographical Sketches
Munger, Orin J. Bradshaw: Biographical Sketches
Munger, Orin S. Bradshaw: Biographical Sketches
Munger, Sarah Brown Bradshaw: Biographical Sketches
Murphy, John York
Murphy, Mary York: Churches
Mutton, Richard Baker Precinct
Myers, Dr. Thomas L. York: Early History
Myers, Dr. Thomas L. Organization
Myers, George North Blue Precinct
Myers, L. Organization
Myers, Riley North Blue Precinct
Myers, S. A. Organization
Myers, S. H. County Roster
Myers, Thomas York: Churches
Myers, Thomas York: Schools
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