Resource Center
Under Direction of the Nebraska State Teachers Association.
E. C. BISHOP, Superintendent Industrial Exhibit.
Lincoln City Auditorium, November 23, 24, 25, 1910.
1. Display of Exhibits.
Exhibits generally show to best advantage when mounted so that they may be placed on the wall. Wherever possible exhibits should be mounted on stiff card board of regular size (22x28 inches) arranged when permissible so that the card board will hang with the large dimensions vertical.
2. Assignment of Exhibit Space.
For collective exhibits the amount of space which will be reserved in each lot will be indicated by the number of regulation cards (22x28 Inches). This will, be wall space. The exhibitor may fill this space by such arrangement of his exhibit as he desires. For work that cannot be mounted on cards, the exhibitor will be allowed to use shelves or floor space equivalent to the amount of space indicated by the number of cards 22x28 inches.
3. Labelling of Exhibit Cards and Exhibits.
The name of the respective school or county should appear on each separate card board of mounted exhibits. This should appear in large letters on each card. Each article in the exhibit should show in which grade work was done and may bear whatever data the exhibitor desires as to name of pupil and conditions under which the work was performed.
4. School Work.
The work exhibited must be work done by pupils as a regular part of the school work done either during school hours or at home from instruction received in the regular work of the school.
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5. Placing of Exhibits.
Large collective exhibits should be accompanied by the exhibitors who will be responsible for arrangement of exhibits. Small collective, or individual exhibits may be sent unaccompanied by exhibitor and will be put in place by the local committee.
6. Arrival of Exhibits.
Exhibits may be sent any time after November 10. All exhibits unaccompanied by the exhibitor should arrive at the City Auditorium not later than Friday morning, November 18. Where exhibits are accompanied by the exhibitor, he may bring them as late as Tuesday morning, November 22, so that they may all be in place not later than Tuesday evening. Perishable exhibits in agriculture, geography and cooking may be brought and placed as late as Tuesday evening, November 22.
7. How to Send Exhibits.
Except in case of very heavy and bulky articles exhibits should be sent by prepaid express, or by mail in case of small articles. The exhibits should be carefully wrapped, packed and protected so that they may arrive at Lincoln in the best possible shape. Address exhibits to E. C. Bishop, City Auditorium, Lincoln, Nebraska, and send notice by letter when the exhibit is forwarded.
8. Entry of Exhibits.
Each exhibit should be accompanied by the proper entry card carefully and completely filled out. The entry blank, with record of all entries made, should be forwarded to the Superintendent of Exhibit. Write for extra entry cards if needed.
9. Entry by Classes and Lots:
A school may enter as many classes and as many lots as desired, but it is recommended that schools making collective exhibits limit entry to those lots in which they can make a creditable showing. To be well represented in one lot, however small, will be creditable to any school. It is desired that schools make as complete an exhibit as possible in only one or more lots rather than in a greater number with incomplete or poorly selected exhibits. The object of the exhibit is to show the best work done in the schools of the state in the various lines of industrial education. The educative value of the exhibit to the school children must come largely when the selection of work is made in the home district.
10. Single Entry of Articles.
No article will be considered in more than one lot, except individual entries by pupils when so labeled may be considered a part of a collective exhibit.
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11. Ownership of Exhibits.
All exhibits will remain the property of the exhibitor at the close of the exhibition, and should be cared for by the exhibitor or by some delegated person. On request the local committee will care for exhibits where the exhibitor cannot be present.
12. All exhibits should be from work of school or pupils
since September 1, 1909.
For convenience in assignment of space, both as to location and amount, the following divisions are made:
Division I--City Schools.
Includes all schools organized under subdivisions 14 and 17.
Division II--Town Schools.
Includes all town schools organized under subdivision 6.
Division III--Village Schools.
Includes all town and village schools organized under subdivision 3, and all consolidated rural schools maintaining high school grades.
Division IV--Rural Schools.
Includes all rural schools which do not maintain high school grades.
Division V--Counties.
Includes work from any or all schools of the county, except city schools (Division I), as entered by the county superintendent in a collective exhibit.
Division VI--Individual Pupils.
Open to pupils enrolled in any school in this state since September 1, 1909.
Division VII--State Educational Institutions.
Includes the University of Nebraska, the state normal schools and other state institutions offering industrial education.
Division VIII--Other Than State Institutions.
Includes all denominational. and private universities, colleges, and other schools offering industrial education.
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The object of the industrial exhibit is to provide a means whereby teachers and supervisors &n attendance at the state teachers' meeting may learn by inspection the kind, character and extent of work being done in the best schools of the state in the various lines of industrial education.
In order that exhibitors may receive some return for the expense of preparing and exhibiting their work,, the executive committee of the State Teachers' Association has provided a fund for awarding pro rata premiums. For collective exhibits, these premiums will be distributed In such a manner as to give recognition to all creditable exhibits
Each school making entry will be classified in each lot entered, according to the division to which such school belongs. (See "divisions defined.")
The standard of judging will be adapted to the various divisions. The basis for judging will be as follows:
- 1. Completeness of exhibit 20 percent
- 2. Quality of work done as shown by exhibit 60 percent
- 3. Arrangements of exhibit 20 percent
In deciding item 1 the judges will take into consideration the completeness of the exhibit in work as ordinarily done by a school of the division indicated, in the particular lot in which entry is made.
In deciding item 3, the judges will take into consideration the manner in which exhibit is displayed. This will include attractiveness and taste used in arrangement, neatness and system in mounting, and also the complete and definite labeling of exhibits so as to give the observer a clear idea of what the work represents.
The entrance card will show, if the exhibit is made by city, town, village, rural school, or by the county as a whole. The amount of space to which each school is entitled for collective exhibits in the various lots will depend upon the division to which the school belongs. The general proportion will be as follows:
Where the space limit is 100 cards, a city school may occupy the entire space for 100 cards, a town school 60 cards, a village school 30 cards, a rural school 15 cards, etc.
Class A--Art.
In this class especially exhibits
should be mounted on stiff card board (22x28 inches), arranged to
hang with the long dimensions of the card in vertical position.
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Lot 1. General collective exhibit of work in art. Space limit, 300 cards.
Lot 1 includes work with pencil, crayon, chalk, charcoal, pen and ink, and brush drawing in water color and in black and white.
Lot 2. Collective exhibit of freehand drawing. Space limit, 200 cards.
Lot 2 includes all lines of drawing except work in water color.
Lot 3. Collective exhibit of work in water color. Space limit, 150 cards.
Lot 4. Collective exhibit of pencil drawing. Space limit, 50 cards.
Lot 4 includes pencil drawing only. (No color work.)
Lot 5. Collective exhibit of pen and ink drawing. Space limit, 15 cards.
Lot 6. Collective exhibit of mechanical drawing. Space limit, 25 cards.
Lot 7. Collective exhibit of work in, design. Space limit, 25 cards.
Lot 8. Collective exhibit of illustrative drawing. Space limit, 12 cards.
Lot 8 includes.
(a) Drawings illustrating activities.(b) Drawings illustrating poems and stories.
Lot 9. Collective exhibit of drawing from pose. Space limit, 12 cards.
Lot 10. Collective exhibit of drawing from memory. Space limit, 12 cards.
Lot 11. Collective exhibit of work in picture study. Space limit, 12 cards.
Lot 12. Collective exhibit of drawings of home and school buildings. Space limit, 12 cards.
Lot 13. Collective exhibit of pea drawing in agriculture. Space limit, 12 cards.
Lot 14. Collective exhibit of pen drawing in chemistry. Space limit, 12 cards.
Lot 15. Collective exhibit of pen drawing in botany. Space limit, 12 cards.
Lot 16. Collective exhibit of pen drawing in physical geography. Space limit, 12 cards.
Lot 17. Collective exhibit of pen drawing in physics. Space limit, 12 cards.
Lot 18. Collective exhibit of pen drawing in physiology. Space limit, 12 cards.
Lot 19. Collective exhibit of pen drawing in zoology. Space limit, 12 cards.
Lot 20. Collective exhibit of pen drawing in design. Space limit, 12 cards.
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Lot 21. Discretionary. (Any
work in art not included in above lots.) Space limit, 20 cards.
In this class exhibits should be mounted on, or fastened to exhibit cards so far as possible, but where necessary, exhibitor will be allowed to use shelves or floor space equivalent to the amount indicated by the number of cards given in "space limit."
Lot 1 General collective exhibit of work in manual training. Space limit, 300 cards.
Lot 1 includes manual training work in wood, metal, clay, raffia and reeds, corn husks, paper and fibre of any kind.
Lot 2. Collective exhibit of manual training work in wood. Space limit, 200 cards.
Lot 2 includes work in wood only, or work in which wood is the principal material used.
Lot 3. Collective exhibit of manual training work in metal. Space limit, 20 cards.
Lot 4. Collective exhibit of manual training work in clay. Space limit, 30 cards.
Lot 5. Collective exhibit of manual training work in raffia and reeds. Space limit, 50 cards.
Lot 6. Collective exhibit of manual training work in corn husks. Space limit, 20 cards.
Lot 7. Collective exhibit of manual training work in fibre of any kind. Space limit, 30 cards.
In lot 7, home grown fibre should be utilized so far as possible.
Lot 8. Collective exhibit of kindergarten- industrial work. Space limit, 30 cards.
Lot 9. Collective exhibit of primary industrial work. Space limit, 50 cards.
In lot 9, include the work of grades 1, 2 and 3 only.
Lot 10. Collective exhibit of industrial work by intermediate and grammar grades. Space limit, 50 cards.
In lot 10, include the work of grades 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 only.
Lot 11. Collective exhibit of
home-made apparatus for laboratory work or science teaching. Space
limit, 100 cards.
In this class exhibits should be mounted on, or fastened to, exhibit cards so far as possible, but where necessary the exhibitor will be allowed to use shelves or floor space equivalent to the amount indicated by the number of cards given in "space limit."
Lot 1. General collective exhibit of work in domestic science and art. Space limit, 290 cards.
Lot 1 includes cookery, needle work, millinery, stencling (sic) and any other work in applied design.
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Lot 2. Collective exhibit of needle work. Space limit, 100 cards.
Lot 3. Collective exhibit of work in cookery. Space limit, 60 cards.
Lot 3 may include not only products of actual work of any kind in cookery, but also note books, outlines, and any other material which are evidence of the kind and quality and extent of the work done by the school.
Lot 4. Collective exhibit of work in applied design. Space limit, 40 cards.
Lot 4 includes articles decorated by
stenciling, block printing, and other forms of applied art.
In this class exhibits should be mounted on or fastened to exhibit cards so far as possible, but where necessary, exhibitor will be allowed to use shelves or floor space equivalent to the amount indicated by the number of cards given in "space limit."
Lot I. General collective exhibit of work in industrial geography. Space limit, 300 cards.
Lot 1 includes all work that may be classed under industrial geography. Exhibits showing the study of industries; relief maps; product maps; maps showing industrial conditions or relations; collections of materials; and outlines or plans used in the teaching of any phase of Industrial geography.
Lot 2. Collective exhibit showing work in the study of the industries. Space limit, 200 cards.
Lot 3. Collective exhibit showing work of industries-animal kingdom only. Space limit, 75 cards.
Lot 4. Collective exhibit showing work of industries-vegetable kingdom only. Space limit, 75 cards.
Lot 5. Collective exhibit showing work of industries-mineral kingdom only. Space limit, 75 cards.
Lot 6. Collective exhibit of relief maps. Space limit, 30 cards.
Lot 7. Collective exhibit of product maps. Space limit, 30 cards.
Lot 8. Collective exhibit of combined product-relief maps. Space limit, 20 cards.
Lot 9. Collective exhibit of miscellaneous materials, products, and home-made apparatus collected by the school and used in industrial geography work. Space limit, 40 cards.
Lot 10. Collective exhibit of outlines, pupils' note books, etc., showing plan of work carried out in industrial geography teaching. Space limit, 20 cards.
Lot 10. Exhibit of any material or apparatus used by the teacher, or by class or school in the study of industrial geography.
Lot 11 includes only apparatus and illustrative material which is not home-made or which has not been collected by pupils.
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Lot 12. Collective exhibit of map drawing. Space limit, 40 cards.
Lot 12 includes political, physical,
industrial and any other kind of map drawing used in the teaching of
geography in the public schools.
In this class exhibits should be mounted on, or fastened to, exhibit cards so far as possible; but where necessary, exhibitor will be allowed to use shelves or floor space equivalent to the amount indicated by the number of cards given in "space limit."
Lot 1. General collective exhibit of products and processes used in agricultural education. Space limit, 200 cards.
Lot 1 includes collections of seeds, grains, grasses, woods, farm products both raw and manufactured, classified exhibits of varieties of grains, vegetables, fruits, soils, and outlines, arid plans of procedure used in instruction and laboratory work in agriculture.
Lot 2. Collective exhibit of outlines, pupils' note books, homemade apparatus, illustrative materials used, and other exhibits showing the system used in agricultural education. Space limit, 100 cards.
Lot 2 is for showing plan of
teaching agriculture with only such exhibit of agricultural products
as is necessary to show the plan.
Lot 1. This lot includes any
industrial work done by the schools of the county, excluding
cities--Division I. Entry in this lot is made by the county
superintendent. Each exhibit card should show plainly which school of
the county is represented. Complete written list of the articles
entered should be filed with the entry blank. If the county
superintendent wishes to eater as a part of the county collective
exhibit some exhibits which are entered under other classes, the same
will be considered a part of county collective exhibit if record Is
made showing just what exhibits entered in other classes belong to
the county collective exhibit. Space limit, 300 cards.
Entries may be made in this class by individual pupils of articles which are entirely the product of the work of the exhibitor. Each entry should be in the name of the pupil who did the work.
- Lot 1. Model of any article or machine.
- Lot 2. Chair.
- Lot 3. Tabouret.
- Lot 4. Letter Box.
- Lot 5. Sofa Pillow Cover.
- Lot 6. Table Scarf.
- Lot 7. Curtain.
- Lot 8. Garden Hat.
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- Lot 9. Apron.
- Lot 10. Dressed Doll.
- Lot 11. Drawing from object.
- Lot 12. Painting from object.
- Lot 13. Original design in colors.
- Lot 14. Any article showing originality in design or execution.
- Lot 15. Collection of products illustrating any. phase of industrial geography or agriculture.
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1867 Brownville |
Robt. W. Furnas, Brownville |
October 16 |
59 |
1868 Nebraska City. |
O. B. Hewitt, Brownville |
July 28, 29 |
1869 Omaha |
John M. Taggart, Nebraska City |
August 25 26 |
1870 Brownville |
O. B, Seagrave, Omaha |
August 16. 17 |
1871 Lincoln |
J. M. McKenzie, Peru |
August 16, 17 |
1872 Lincoln |
J. M. McKenzie, Lincoln |
July 30, 31, August 1 |
1872 Fremont |
J. M. McKenzie, Lincoln |
December 26, 27 |
1873 Tecumseh |
J. M. McKenzie, Lincoln |
December 23, 24, 25 |
1875 Omaha |
A. F. Nightingale, Omaha |
March 31, April 1 |
1876 Nebraska City |
C. B. Palmer, Beatrice |
March 27 28, 29 |
1877 Fremont |
C. B. Palmer, Beatrice |
March 27, 28, 29 |
1878 Lincoln |
A. R. Wightman, Fremont |
March 27, 28, 29 |
1879 Hastings |
S. R. Thompson, Lincoln |
March 25, 26, 27 |
1880 Seward |
Robt. Curry, Peru |
March 30, 31. April 1 |
1881 Omaha |
Samuel Aughey, Lincoln |
March 29, 30, 31 |
1882 Crete |
W. W. W. Jones, Lincoln |
March 28, 29, 30, 31 |
1883 Columbus |
W. W. W. Jones, Lincoln |
March 27, 28, 29 |
1884 Lincoln |
W. W. W. Jones, Lincoln |
March 25, 26,27 |
1885 Lincoln |
W. W. W. Jones, Lincoln |
March 31, April 1, 2 |
1886 Lincoln |
W. W. W. Jones, Lincoln |
March 30 31, April 1, 2 |
195 |
1887 Lincoln |
H. M. James, Omaha |
March 29, 30, 31 |
162 |
1888 Fremont |
Geo. L. Farnham, Linc |
March 27, 28, 29 |
271 |
1889 Hastings |
C. E. Bessey, Lincoln |
March 26, 27, 28 |
281 |
1890 Lincoln |
A. K. Goudy, Lincoln |
March 25, 26, 27 |
406 |
1890 Lincoln |
A. B. Hughes, Schulyer |
December 30, 31, January 1 |
575 |
522 |
1891 Lincoln |
W. E. Andrews, Hastings |
December 29, 30, 31 |
770 |
1892 Lincoln |
J. L. McBrien, Tecumseh |
December 27, 28, 29 |
824 |
1893 Lincoln |
C. G. Pearse, Beatrice |
December 27, 28, 29 |
702 |
1894 Lincoln |
Jas. H. Canfield, Lincoln |
December 26, 27, 28 |
973 |
1895 Lincoln |
W. H. Skinner, Nebraska City |
December 31, January 1, 2 |
978 |
1896 Lincoln |
Maynard Spink, Grand Island |
December 28, 29, 30, 31 |
876 |
1897 Lincoln |
J. W. Crabtree, Lincoln |
December 28, 29, 30 |
1089 |
1898 Lincoln |
J. F. Saylor, Lincoln |
December 26, 27, 28, 29 |
905 |
1899 Lincoln |
Chas. Fordyce, University Place |
December 26, 27, 28, 29 |
835 |
1900 Lincoln |
D. B. Perry, Crete |
December 26, 27, 28 |
1470 |
1901 Lincoln |
(U. S. Conn, resigned) |
W. S. Heitzman, Beatrice |
January 1, 2, 3 (1902) |
1124 |
1902 Lincoln |
J. D. French, Hastings |
December 31, January 1, 2 |
1878 |
1903 Lincoln |
C. A. Fulmer, Beatrice |
December 30, 31, January 1 |
1842 |
1904 Omaha |
E. J. Bodwell, Omaha |
December 28, 29, 30 |
2120 |
1905 Lincoln |
J. W. Searson, Peru |
December 27, 28, 29 |
2104 |
1906 Lincoln |
W. L. Stephens, Lincoln |
December 26, 27, 28 |
2Q84 |
1907 Lincoln |
A. H. Waterhouse, Omaha |
December 25, 26, 27 |
1734 |
1908 Lincoln |
E. Benjamin Andrews, Lincoln |
November 4, 5, 6 |
4100 |
1909 Lincoln |
A. L. Caviness, Fairbury |
November 3, 4, 5 |
3799 |
1910 Lincoln |
N. M. Graham, South Omaha |
November 23, 24, 25 |
3721 |
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