Fifth New Hampshire Regiment Company C Roster |
This is a work in progress (this is not a complete roster). If you are a researcher and have a Web page of anyone on this Roster and want a link on this page or have any information to add please eMail me with the information and the source.
Friday, June 29, 2001 09:18:52 AM
Post and Read Queries ~~~ Post and Read Records
Name | Submitter(s) |
Everett FITCH, 1st Lieut., Hanover; enlisted as a Sergeant Aug. 26, 1861; appointed 2nd lieut. Oct. 24, 1862; 1st lieut. March 1, 1863; wounded June 3, 1864, Cold Harbor, Va.; appointed Capt. Co. D July 1, 1864; discharged Oct. 12, 1864. |
Source #2 |
Norman D. CORSER, Sergeant, enlisted Sept. 2 1861; served in Army of the Potomac; was wounded at Fair Oaks, June 1 1862; reenlisted, Mar. 29 1864; last enlistment was credited to Littleton; He was appointed sergeant; wounded, June 3 1864, at Cold Harbor; mustered out, June 28 1865. |
Melvin L. INGALLS, Musician, Hanover; enlisted Sept. 6, 1861; appointed prin. musician Oct., 1861; discharged Nov. 29, 1862; also 1st N. H. Vol. H. Art., Co. E; enlisted Aug. 26, 1864; appointed 2nd Lieut. Sept. 8, 1864; mustered out June 15, 1865. |
Source #2 |
Thomas C. PARKER, Musician, Hanover; enlisted Aug. 30, 1861; missing June 29, 1862; gained from missing Oct. 10, 1862; re-enlisted Jan. 1, 1864; killed June 3, 1864, Cold Harbor, Va. |
Source #2 |
John H. CHASE, He was mustered into service Oct 12, 1861, at Concord. He served with his regiment until his discharge, Feb 7, 1863. Have been unable to learn much about his career. He was a son of Perley Chase, who owned a farm on the Catamount road. His mother was Sophia Garland, who died when John was quite small, and he ever after made his home with his grandmother Garland, on Main street in the village. A certain captain, whose name for obvious reasons I will not mention, was a very rapid and very poor penman. One day he sent one of his men to the quartermaster for something, telling the man what he wanted, in addition to making out the requisition. He also took occasion to write a note to the quartermaster on some private matter. That evening the quartermaster appeared at the captain's tent, and after chatting a few minutes, said, "Are you a good hand at deciphering manuscript? The colonel said he believed you were." "I can do something at it," replied the captain, evidently flattered by his companion's remarks, "what have you got?" "A letter," answered the quartermaster, handing out the one the captain had sent him that morning. The captain took it, looked it over, turned the paper first this way, then that, and at last broke out, "I hope you don't call that writing. I should say that a spider fell in the ink, then crawled over the paper." Looking at it again, he continued, "If any man should send me such a scrawl, I should feel like kicking him. Where did you get it?" "One of your men brought it to me this morning, and said you sent it." "Said I sent it?" inquired the captain with a puzzled look,--"Oh, yes," he continued, "I know now what it is about, and I should think any blamed fool might read that; it is as plain as the nose on your face." There was a shout outside; several officers had been listening to the conversation, and it cost the captain a box of cigars. |
George W. COLLINS, Hanover; enlisted Sept. 2, 1861; wounded June 1, 1862, Fair Oaks, Va.; discharged disabled Oct. 15, 1862; re-enlisted Feb. 16, 1865 (credited to Sunapee); wounded and missing April 7, 1865, Farmville, Va.; gained from missing and discharged disabled June 19, 1865. |
Source #2 |
Walden T. CROSS, Hanover; enlisted Aug. 24, 1861; wounded June 1, 1862, Fair Oaks, Va.; missing June 29, 1862, Savage Station, Va.; gained from missing Oct. 3, 1862; discharged disabled Nov. 24, 1862; re-enlisted Jan. 4, 1864; wounded Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864; mustered out June 28, 1865. | Source #2 |
Antoine EMERY, Hanover; enlisted Aug. 27, 1861; discharged Jan. 6. 1862. | Source #2 |
James H. FALES, Hanover; enlisted Aug. 26, 1861; deserted Oct. 10, 1862. | Source #2 |
Henry GILCHRIST, Hanover; enlisted Sept. 12, 1864; enter hospital Feb. 2, 1865, furloughed May 7, 1865; no further record in Adjutant General's office. | Source #2 |
Joseph H. HARRIS, Private; See 1st New Hampshire Regiment, Company K. |
Daniel W. HASKELL, Hanover; enlisted Sept. 9, 1861; wounded June 1, 1862, Fair Oaks, Va.; re-enlisted Jan. 1, 1864; mustered out June 28, 1865. | Source #2 |
Robert C. HERBERT, Hanover; enlisted Aug. 28, 1862; discharged May 30, 1865. | Source #2 |
Daniel HIAM, Hanover; enlisted Sept. 12, 1864; wounded. April 7, 1865, Farmville, Va.; died of wounds May 14, 1865. (Sub) | Source #2 |
James HOGAN, Hanover; enlisted Sept. 14, 1864; discharged June 2, 1865. (Sub) | Source #2 |
Milton S. JACKSON, Hanover; enlisted Aug. 31, 1861; mustered out Oct. 29, 1864. | Source #2 |
William C. MERRITT, Hanover; enlisted Aug. 22, 1861; discharged disabled Oct. 9, 1862. | Source #2 |
William MILLER, Private, enlisted Sept 10 1861, age 19; claimed residence Lebanon; died of disease Alexandria, VA May 3 1862. |
Source #1 |
Edward PELTON, Hanover; enlisted Sept. 2, 1861; mustered out Oct. 29, 1864. | Source #2 |
Jeremiah SANBORN, Hanover; enlisted Aug. 22, 1861; died of disease Aug. 14, 1862. | Source #2 |
Register of Soldiers and Sailors of New Hampshire 1861-65 (1895): transcribed by Fred Kunchick
A History of the Town of Hanover, N.H. Lord, John King, The Dartmouth Press. New Hampshire. 1828. transcribed by Fred Kunchick
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