NO. 13, 1907 - 1911
Record of Registration, Sept. 30, 1907 - May 15,
Teacher: Annie O'Keefe
Name, sex, age at nearest birthday
Boyle, Forest, 8
Dearing, Bert, 9
Gray, Jud, 9
Green, Cecil, 11
Green, Guy, 6
Leforge, Earl, 9
Lightle, Clyde, 11
McTimmonds, Dewey, 10
Mitchell, Louis, 11
Pierpoint, Martain, 12
Place, Charlie, 13
Place, Elias, no age listed
Post, Lewis, 12
Pringle, Raymond, no age listed
Seifert, Willie, 9
Simms, Jimmy, 9
Smith, Asa, 8
Smith, Elsie, 8
Smith, Everett, 12
Smith, Frank, 15
Smith, Fred, 15
Smith, Milo, 11
Snyder, Lester, 12
Whalen, Romanus, no age listed
Armstrong, Eva, 13
Boyle, Alice, 11
Gray, Mabel, 13
Hamer, Ina, 8
Hoke, Opal, 12
Huddleson, Elva, 14
Huddleson, Joysa, 7
Huddleson, Lola, 9
Leforge, Algia, 11
Leforge, Amy, 13
Leforge, Ethel, 8
Lightle, Atha, 9
Lightle, Mary, no age listed
McTimmonds, Manilla, 10
McTimmonds, Verda, 7
Mitchell, Mildred, 9
Newton, Edna, 7
Ogle, Gertrude, 8
Patterson, Hazel, 10
Post, Cora, 7
Post, Gertrude, 9
Pound, Adelis, 12
Price, Ruth, 7
Seifert, Hattie, 14
Seifert, Linnie, 12
Severson, Mildred, 7
Simms, Mary, 11
Smith, Altie, 7
Smith, Ettie, 7
Stone, Vera, 14
Record of Registration, Oct. 5, 1908 - May 26, 1909
Teacher: Elma Armstrong
Teacher: (older students) Annie O'Keefe
NOTE: I've combined listings from two registers since they covered the
same school year
Name, sex if listed, age at nearest birthday
Arington, Lloyd, 7
Arington, Ruby, 6
Armstrong, Eva, f, 14
Boyle, Alice, f, 12
Catron, Ross, m, 14
Childs, Kenneth, 6
Childs, Reginald, 8
Childs, Virgil, 6
Flood, Fred, 12
Flood, Wilbert, 14
Green, Blossom, f, 14
Green, Cecil, m, 12
Green, Guy, 6
Hector, Antonio, 8
Hector, Thresa, 10
Hoke, Opal, f, 12
Horning, Earle, 7
Jones, Ella, f, 18 or 11?
Klum, Charlie, m, 14
Klum, Zelda, f, 16
Laforge, Algia, f, 12
Laforge, Ethel, 8
Leforge, Amy, f, 14
Leforge, Earl, m, 10
Leforge, Elmer, m, no age listed
Lightle, Atha, 10
Lightle, Clyde, m, 12
Lightle, Delia, f, 15
Lightle, Mary, 8
Lightle, Pearl, f, 14
Mason, Gardiner, m, 15
McCoy, Francis, f, 16
McTimmonds, Dewey, 10
McTimmonds, Minnella, f, 11
McTimmonds, Verda, 7
Mitchell, Louis, m, 12
Mitchell, Mildred, f, 10
Mitchell, Paul, m, 13
Newton, Edna, 7
Parmentier, Gladys, 7
Patterson, Hazel, f, 12
Place, Charlie, m, 14
Place, Delmar, 6
Place, Elias, 11
Post, Cora, 7
Post, Gertrude, 9
Post, Louis, m, 12
Pound, Adelia, f, 13
Price, Hettie, f, 15
Price, Ruth, 8
Pringle, Raymond, m, 12
Seifert, Hattie, f, 15
Seifert, Linnie, f, 14
Seifert, Willie, 10
Simms, Jimmy, m, 10
Simms, Mary, f, 12
Smith, Alta, 8
Smith, Elzie, 9
Smith, Etta, 8
Stone, Vera, f, 16
Strickler, Vena, 8
Strickler, Vernon, 6
Sturtevant, Leo, m, 12
Taylor, Kenith, 5
Taylor, Ranah, 7
Triplet, James, m, 16
VanDorn, Luella, 10
Zimbrick, Ellen, f, 15
Zimbrick, Laura, f, 12
Zimbrick, Mathew, m, 7
Zimbrick, William, m, 10
Record of Registration, Oct. 6, 1909 - May 20, 1910
Teacher: Mabel Temple
Teacher: (older students) Irene F. Frink
NOTE: I've combined listings from two registers since they covered
the same school year
Name, sex if listed, age at nearest birthday
Arrington, Loyd, m, 8
Arrington, Ruby, f, 7
Bruer, Hallie, m, 6
Coleman, Violet, f, 6
Frink, Harold, m, 7
Garoutte, Eloise, f, 5
Garoutte, Marie, f, 8
Garoutte, Roscoe, m, 11
Green, Blossom, f, 15
Green, Cecil, m, 13
Green, Guy, m, 8
Hazen, Joe, m, 14
Henderson, Winston, m, 14
Horning, Earle, m, 8
Klum, Erma, f, 6
Knapp, Delford, m, 7
Knapp, Margaret, f, 11
LaForge, Earl, m, 12
LaForge, Ethel, f, 9
Lawrence, Bertie, f, 14
Lawrence, Elmer, m, 8
Lawrence, Izora, f, 12
Lawrence, Willard, m, 10
Lawrence, Willie, m, 10
Lightle, Ada, f, 5
Lightle, Mary, f, 9
Lytle, Atha, f, 11
Lytle, Clyde, m, 13
Mason, Gardner, m, 15
McBeth, Ira, m, 8
McBeth, John, m, 10
McTimmonds, Dewey, m, 12
McTimmonds, Manila, f, 11
McTimmonds, Verda, f, 9
Misner, Mamie, f, 8
Patterson, Hazel, f, 12
Piecklik, Frances, f, 7
Piecklik, Stella, f, 9
Pieklik, Frank, m, 12
Place, Charles, m, 14
Place, Delmer, m, 7
Place, Elias, m, 12
Poet, Cora, f, 8
Post, Gertie, f, 10
Post, Lewis, m, 13
Price, Dee, m, 6
Price, Ruth, f, 9
Pringle, Raymond, m, 13
Seifert, Willie, m, 11
Simms, Jimmy, m, 11
Simms, Margaret, f, 6
Simms, Mary, f, 12
Stewart, Edith, f, 8
Stewart, Florence, f, 6
Zimbrick, Freda, f, no age listed
Zimbrick, Laura, f, 13
Zimbrick, Mattie, m, 8
Zimbrick, Willie, m, 11
Record of Registration, Sept. 26, 1910 - May 12, 1911
Teacher: Clara Tassell
Teacher: (older students) Mabel L. Temple
NOTE: I've combined listings from two registers since they covered
the same school year
Name, sex, age at nearest birthday
Brown, Irene, f, 13
Bruer, Hallie, m, 7
Bruer, Lewis, m, 5
Garroutte, Angie, f, no age listed
Garroutte, Eloise, f, 6
Garroutte, Marie, f, 9
Hazen, Joe, m, 14
Henderson, Winston, m, 15
Horning, Earle, m, 9
Janasky, Florence, f, 7
Janasky, Rose, f, 6
Kaczmarek, Frances, f, 9
Kaczmarek, George, m, 10
Karpecksy, John, m, 7
Klum, Erma, f, 7
Knapp, Delford, m, 8
Knapp, Margaret, f, no age listed
LaForge, Amy, f, no age listed
LaForge, Earle, m, 12
LaForge, Ethel, f, 10
Lightle, Ada, f, 6
Lightle, Atha, f, 12
Lightle, Clyde, m, 14
Lightle, George, m, no age listed
Lightle, Mary, f, 10
Mason, Gardner, m, 16
McBeth, Ira, m, 9
McBeth, John, m, 11
McClennon, Bertha, f, 9, moved away Jan. 23, 1911
McClennon, Florida, f, 7, moved away Jan. 23, 1911
McClennon, Goldie, f, 15, moved away Jan. 23, 1911
McClennon, Gustie, f, 12, moved away Jan. 23, 1911
Misner, Mamie, f, 9
Patterson, Hazel, f, 13
Piecklik, Frances, f, 8
Piecklik, Frank, m, 12
Piecklik, Stella, f, 10
Place, Charley, m, 15
Place, Delmer, m, 8
Place, Elias, m, 13
Post, Cora, f, 9
Post, Gertie, f, 11
Post, Lewis, m, 14
Price, Dee, m, 8
Price, Ruth, f, 10
Price, Willard, m, 5
Seifert, Willie, m, 12
Simmons, Glen, m, 10
Simms, Jimmie, m, 12
Simms, Margaret, f, 6
Simms, Mary, f, 13
Stewart, Edith, f, 9
Stewart, Florence, f, 7
Stewart, Sadie, f, 6
Record of Registration, Sept. 25, 1911 - May 17, 1912
Teacher: Agnes Hoag
Teacher: (older students) Agnes Hoag and D. A. Hoag
NOTE: I've combined listings from two registers since they covered
the same school year
Name, sex, age at nearest birthday
Basl, Ben, m, 14
Basl, Frank, m, 16
Basl, Lena, f, 12
Basl, Rose, f, 8
Benson, Earl, m, 10
Benson, Karyl, m, 12
Benson, Margaret, f, 7
Buckman, Naomi, f, 9
Clem, Maicel, f, 10
Clem, Ralph, m, 8
Frame, Beecher, m, 9
Frame, Ralph, m, 13
Frame, Roy, m, 11
Frame, Vivian, f, 7
Garoutte, Eloise, f, 7
Garoutte, Marie, f, 10
Horning, Earle, m, 10
Houlett, Agnes, f, 9
Houlett, Frank, m, 7
Janasky, Elenore, f, 6
Janasky, Florence, f, 9
Janasky, Rose, f, 7
Jones, Wallace, m, 14
Kaczmarek, Frances, f, 10
Kaczmarek, George, m, 11
Kaczmarek, Sophia, f, 7
Karpecksy, John, m, 8
Karpecksy, Madeline, f, 5
Karpinski, John, m, 8
Karpinski, Madaline, f, 5
Klum, Erma, f, 8
Knapp, Delford, m, 9
Knapp, Ernest, m, 6
Larson, Ernest, m, 14
LeForge, Ethel, f, 11
Lightle, Ada, f, 7
Lightle, Mary, f, 11
McBeth, Ira, m, 10
McBeth, John, m, 12
Misner, Mamie, f, 10
Owens, Hazel, f, 12
Owens, Margaret, f, 10
Owens, Robert, m, 7
Piecklik, Frances, f, 10
Piecklik, Stella, f, 11
Place, Delmer, m, 10
Post, Cora, f, 11
Post, Gertie, f, 13
Seifert, Willie, m, 13
Simms, Margaret, f, 7
Simons, Avery, m, 9
Simons, Carl, m, 6
Simons, Glen, m, 11
Simons, Glen, m, 11
Smith, Alta, f, 10
Smith, Elzie, m, 12
Smith, Etta, f, 10
Stewart, Edith, f, 10
Stewart, Florence, f, 9
Stewart, Sadie, f, 7
Toler, May, f, 11
Tucker, Laura, f, 7
Record of Visitors, 1909:
D. A. Hoag
Dr. D. M. Jones, patron
Fred Smith, former pupil
George Lightle
Hattie Post
J. W. Bolin, County Supervisor
Jack Hazen
M. Seifert, parent
Miss Alice Boyles
Miss Bertha Temple, former pupil
Miss Bettie Brewer
Miss Coyle
Miss Fay Bolin
Miss Vera Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Galbreath, father and mother of teacher
Mr. Baker, Director
Mr. Herbert Armstrong
Mr. I. Green, parent
Mr. J. W. Mitchell, parent
Mr. L. H. Jackson, County Supt. Of Schools
Mr. W. L. Jackson, Superintendent
Mrs. Basl, parent
Mrs. Bessie Boyles, parent
Mrs. Bridges, patron
Mrs. Bruer, patron
Mrs. Clara Parrish, patron
Mrs. D. Klum, parent
Mrs. Ed. Simms, parent
Mrs. Elsie Stewart, parent
Mrs. Green, parent
Mrs. Hoewitt, sister
Mrs. Hogue Parrish, patron
Mrs. Hoke, parent
Mrs. J. M. Montgomery, patron
Mrs. Janasky, parent
Mrs. Lightle, parent
Mrs. Mason, parent
Mrs. N. W. Henderson, patron
Mrs. Owens, parent
Mrs. Simons, parent
Mrs. Smith, parent
Mrs. Sturtevant, parent
Mrs. Victor Ballantyne, patron
Percy Patterson
Prof. Knapp
Prof. L. R. Alderman, Prof. At the U. of O.
Rev. Scott
Rev. Williams
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