Lebanon I.O.O.F.
For the use of genealogists and researchers on the internet. Not
to be used for commercial purposes or profit. Every effort has been
made to type these names correctly. However, any mistakes are my
own. If you have corrections, please let us know. The number after
the listing refers to the section of the cemetery. Click on the
letters below to go to the page with surnames beginning with that
[C-D] [EFG]
[HIJ] [KL]
[S] [TUV]
Walker, Charles E. - d. 4 Aug 1931 - age 6y - S1
Walker, Roy Ellsworth - d. 7 Oct 1934 - age 60y 8m 5d - S5
Wallace, Nancy T. - d. 20 Jan 1927 - age 78y 10m 5d - S4
Walton, Verl - 1900 - 1911 - S4
Ward, Baby - 1921 - S4
Ward, Floyd W. - 1923 - 1928 - S4
Warper, A. B. - no data - S4
Waterhouse, Cecil B. - d. 22 June 1923 - age 24y 6m 11d - S4
Weaver, Harriet (w. of Joseph J. Weaver) - 1850 - 1924 - S4
Weaver, Joseph J. - 1844 - 1928 - S4
Webb, Pauline - d. 9 Apr 1929 - age 87y 10m 14d - S5
Welch, Mary A. - 8 May 1863 - 28 Sept 1915 - S4
Welch, Nellie - 10 Oct 1886 - 5 Apr 1915 - S4
Whitcomb, Meda Ella - d. 16 Sept 1930 - age 64y 6m 24d - S5
Whitcomb, Walter Glenn - d. 26 Apr 1937 - age 24y 9m 6d - S5
White, Dexter G. - d. 10 June 1934 - age 82y 6m 12d - S5
White, Raymond L. - age 11d - S4
Williams, James M. - d. 23 May 1939 - age 52y 4m 6d - S4
Williamson, Herbert Eugene - 29 Nov 1936 - age 73y 4m 4d - S5
Wilson, Alpheus - 1849 - 1925 - S3
Wilson, Don W. - 1912 - 1931 - Son - S5
Wilson, Ellen J. - 1840 - 1934 - S3
Wilson, Glenn Joseph - 8 Aug 1914 - 22 Apr 1979
Wilson, Josephine Elizabeth (Bartrow) - 7 Feb 1888 - 1 Feb 1957
Wilson, Lawrence Foster - 5 May 1911 - 22 July 1982
Wilson, Leo Forbes - 4 Aug 1889 - 11 Dec 1965
Wilson, Martha B. - 1881 - 1922 - S2
Winfree, Alva Lou - d. 23 Jan 1932 - age 42y 9m 23d - S5
Witherell, Nettie - d. 23 Sept 1925 - age 64y 10m 25d - S5
Witman, Charles H. - d. 9 Sept 1939 - age 82y 8m 8d - S5
Witman, Nettie D. - d. 22 Nov 1931 - age 66y 3m 8d - S5
Wolf, Ervin L. - 20 Oct 1896 - 26 Mar 1925 - WW1 Overseas Batry E.
20th F. A. - S4
Wolf, Lawrence P. - 1853 - 1933 - S4
Wolf, Margaret A. - 1859 - 1930 - S4
Wolf, Margaret Ann - d. 30 ___ 1933 - age 74y 7m 8d - S4
Wolters, Christopher J. - 1860 - 1910 - S3
Wright, Eva C. - 1864 - 1914 - S5
Yaneske, Thomas - 1854 - 1923 - b. in Kastryn, Posen, GER - S4
Yeaton, Anna Campbell - d. 16 Aug 1939 - age 80y 6m 10d - S3
Ziggler, Samuel - 29 Oct ___6 - age 80y 3m 26d - S5
Zimmerman, Hannah J. - 7 Dec 1852 - 17 Apr 1916 - S4
Zimmerman, Samuel - 17 Oct 1838 - 22 Aug 1921 - S4
© Jan Phillips