were organized from the National Guard, and 11 were made up of National Army troops.

3. American divisions were in battle for 200 days and engaged in 13 major operations.

4. From the middle of August until the end of the war the American divisions held during the greater part of the time a front longer than that held by the British.

5. In October the American divisions held 101 miles of line, or 23 per cent of the entire western front.

6. On the 1st of April the Germans had a superiority of 324,000 in rifle strength. Due to American arrivals the allied strength exceeded that of the Germans in June and was more than 600,000 above it in November.

7. In the Battle of St. Mihiel 550,000 Americans were engaged, as compared with about 100,000 on the Northern side in the Battle of Gettysburg. The artillery fired more than 1,000,000 shells in four hours, which is the most intense concentration of artillery fire recorded in history.

8. The Meuse-Argonne Battle lasted for 47 days, during which 1,200,000 American troops were engaged.


1. The war cost the United States considerably more than $1,000,000 an hour for over two years.

2. The direct cost was about $32,080,266,968, or nearly enough to pay the entire cost of running the United States Government from 1791 up to the outbreak of the World War.

3. Our expenditures in this war were sufficient to have carried on the Revolutionary War continuously for more than 1,000 years at the rate of expenditure which that war actually involved.

4. Included in this huge expenditure was nearly $10,000,000,000 which was loaned by the United States to the Allies.

5. The Army expenditures have been over $14,000,000,000, or nearly two-thirds of our total war costs.

6. During the first three months our war expenditures were at the rate of $2,000,000 per day. During the next year they averaged more than $22,000,000 a day. For the final ten months of the period, the daily average was over $44,000,000.

7. Although the Army expenditures are less than two-thirds of our total war costs, they are nearly equal to the value of all the gold produced in the whole world from the discovery of America up to the outbreak of the World War.

8. The pay of the Army during the war cost more than the combined salaries of all the public-school principals and teachers in the United States for the five years from 1912 to 1916.

9. The total war costs of all nations were about $208,194,860,348, of which the Allies and the United States spent two-thirds and the enemy one-third.

10. The three nations spending the greatest amounts were Germany, Great Britain, and France, in that order. After them come the United States and Austria-Hungary, with substantially equal expenditures.

11. The United States spent about one-eighth of the entire cost of the war, and something less than one-fifth of the expenditures of the Allied side.


No nation or group of nations was gainer by the World War. The struggle left the original combatants depleted in man-power and wealth, and the best that can be said is that those nations suffered least who were involved least or for the shortest time. There was nothing achieved by any combatant to encourage war as the future policy of any great nation.

Germany11,000,000 1,773,000 4,216,000 1,152,000
Austria-Hungary 7,800,000 1,200,000 3,620,000 2,200,000
Turkey 2,850,000 325,000 500,000 200,000
Bulgaria 1,200,000 88,000 152,000 28,000
_____________ ________________________________________
Total 22,850,000 3,386,000 8,488,000 3,580,000
Russia 12,000,000 1,700,000 4,950,000 2,500,000
France 8,410,000 1,358,000 4,266,000 537,000
Britain 8,905,000 908,000 2,090,000 192,000
(Canada) (595,500)(64,000) (150,000) (3,700)
Italy 5,165,000 650,000 947,000 600,000
Rumania 750,000 335,700 120,000 80,000
United States 4,734,991 130,494 234,000 4,500
Serbia 708,000 45,000 133,000 153,000
Belgium 267,000 14,000 45,000 34,500
Portugal 100,000 7,000 14,000 12,000
Greece 230,000 5,000 21,000 1,000
Montenegro 50,000 3,000 10,000 7,000
Japan 800,000 300 1,000 0
_____________ ________________________________________
Total 43,165,491 5,220,494 12,831,000 4,121,000

This table is misleading as to weights of forces actually arrayed on either side. Germany’s army was comparatively more powerful than the figures show; her men were more fully trained and could be more quickly brought into action than the troops of any other country, and were loyally eager to serve. France equaled Germany in efficiency of troops, but not in numbers and readiness; her eight million "mobilized" represents a more desperate effort than Germany’s eleven million. The Austro-Hungarian armies were partly conscripted by force from unwilling subject races, who naturally avoided battle, hence effective Austrian strength was far less than the figures suggest. This was partly true of Turkey also. Russia’s enormous numbers were even less efficient; half of them were untrained and half-equipped. British troops were excellent.

As of September 8, 1934, over 100,000 United States World War veterans disabled in service had died; 39,725 were on their backs in hospitals; 9,359 were under domiciliary treatment.


Computed in part by the United States war department and printed in the Congressional Record. April 14, 1932.


British Empire—
Great Britain (includes $8,695,000,000 advanced
to Allies)
$ 44,029,011,868
Australia 1,437,418,680
Canada 1,665,576,032
India 601,279,000
New Zealand (to Dec. 31, 1918) 378,750,000
Union of South Africa 300,000,000
Belgium 1,154,467,000
France (to Dec. 31, 1918) (includes $1,547,200,000 advanced to Allies) 25,812,782,800
Greece (to Dec. 31, 1918) 270,000,000
Italy (to Oct. 31, 1918) 12,313,998,000
Japan 40,000,000
Rumania 1,600,000,000
Russia (to Dec. 31, 1917) 22,593,950,000
Serbia (now part of Jugoslavia) 399,400,000
United States (includes $9,455.0 14,125 advanced to Allies) 32,080,266,968
All other Allies (estimated) 500,000,000

Germany (includes $2,375,000,000 advanced to allies) 40,150,000,000
Austria-Hungary 20,622,960,000
Bulgaria 815,000,000
Turkey 1,430,000,000
Total $208,194,860,348


*For detailed account of World War and all events preceding and following the great conflict, consult Progress of Nations (complete 10-volume History of The World) by Jernegan, Benns, Miller and others, published by D. A. V. Dept. of Rehabilitation, 104 South Michigan Ave.. Chicago.

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