The Legacy Preservation Library
(Formerly: The Legacy Preservation Society)
Due to a server meltdown around Thanksgiving, this site has been inaccessible. We are now back! However, due to the meltdown, some files may have been lost. If you find broken links, or if pages won't come up for you, please contact me and tell me what is not working. I will get if fixed as quickly as possible!! Thank you!
This site is dedicated to the Preservation of the Legacy handed down to us by our forefathers! The Library is working to preserve this historic heritage whether in written, photographic, printed or hand-written form. We hope that you will find accurate and informative content within our site.
Our hope is that you will discover, not only "who you are," (The USGenWeb Project) or "where you are from" (American Local History Network and American History and Genealogy Project); but that you might find items here that will enrich your own heritage!
Your hosts for this site are:
Lynn Waterman:
Ginger Cisewski; and
Bill Oliver !
"They forged their way through difficult and dangerous trails and truly came through the fires of trial to create a better life for themselves and their descendants. Their struggles should be remembered!"
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BIOGRAPHIES Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Last of the Great Scouts
The life story of Buffalo Bill
A BIG Thank you to Pam Rietsch for this book!
Parks by Name
Park Net
U.S. National Parks
Visit a National Park Bridal Veil Falls, Provo Canyon, UT Devil's Slide, Provo Canyon, UT McKilligan Canyon, El Paso, TX |
BOOKS The Dead Issue Scrolls
I Quit (this book has been scanned in; average size: 89kb) The Purging of a President
The Strawman That Sat Upon a Throne!
A Ride to Panmunjom |
NATURE Nebraska Birds Submitted by Pam Rietsch Story of the Great Flood and Cyclone Disasters Submitted by Pam Rietsch
TORNADO!!! Tragic Story of America's Greatest Disaster Submitted by Pam Rietsch |
1895 Submitted by Pam Rietsch
Map & Gazetteer Projects by Pam Rietsch |
OLD PHOTOS AND PICTURES Air-Sea Rescue Nebraskans 1904-1914 |
Fashions, Site by Annette Peebles Fashions of Yesterday! |
POEMS Baby Wants a Bottle Blood Brothers The Debt
The Deserted Village Destiny The Gift Grasshopper Parade The Lonely Soldier Poems and Sketches of Nebraska Prison Cell The Traveler War Time Rymes
Arlington National Cemetery Website
The VietNam Veterans' Memorial Wall Page
The Virtual Wall Andersonville National Cemetery Confederate Cemetery at the Hermitage Gas Station of Billy Carter Jimmy Carter's Hometown Replica of Pilgrim's Boat
St Martin of Tours Church Texas Schoolbook Depository
Fred's Post Card Collection of Nebraska 8 Advertisement Cards Submitted by Pam Rietsch Scenic
Historic American Documents
History of the City of Greenwood, WI
PBS: Journey of Coronado
Memories of the Old West
Ohio Byways  Scroll down to link ODOT Photo Archives
Overland Stage to California
The Patriot Post 
A Pictorial History of Locomotives Voyages and Travels, Illustrated; 1887 (these are two very large books and will takes lots of time to get online) A Nation Mourns! American Family Educator (10 books in 1 volume) Great Epochs in American History The Louisiana Purchase (Thank you Pam Rietsch for this book!)
Modern Blacksmithing, 1904 Old Europe and Young America The Old Town on the River (Thank you Pam Rietsch for this book!)
PESIDENTIAL HOMES AND MEMORIAL SITES Gravesite of Jimmy Carter's Parents Birthplace of Jimmy Carter
Eisenhower Birthplace
Eisenhower Statue
Little White House
Memorial of Andrew Jackson's Birthplace Tomb of Pres. and Mrs. Andrew Jackson
Memorial of Thomas Jefferson's Birthplace Memorial of Thomas Jefferson Andrew Johnson's Memorial
Memorial of Andrew Johnson's Birthplace
Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson
James Polk's Birthplace
Grave of James Knox Polk
Graves of Woodrow Wilson's Parents
The Memorial On-Line Library
Old Time Nebraska See: Roster of Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines in Nebraska, 1893 |
PRESIDENTS and GOVERNMENT Presidents Roster of Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines in Nebraska. 1893 |
HOLIDAY TRADITIONS Christmas Easter Thanksgiving
| |
HOME REMEDIES, Past and Present Health Household
Words of Wisdom |
SCIENCE The Youngfolk's Book of Invention Great Moments in Science |
Diary of George Erion 1761-1806 Perils of Pegasus by Duane Thorin |
SONGS On Top of Smold O-key Songs We Love to Sing, 1912 The School of Velocity (for the Piano) |
STORIES Ancestors Apple Butter Time Buffalo Cliff Dwellings Drought From the Great Plains to the Great Frontier The 1880 Great Western Presidential Tour Halloween Indian Indian Creation Maple Syrup Seeking a New Frontier Settling Nebraska Visiting the 20th President's Home
For more stories by this Author, check out
Old Time Nebraska!
Memories by Velma Ann Rogers Tower |
TOYS and GAMES Home Made Paper Dolls |
Civil War: Field of Lost Shoes Foward-March!: Vol. 1: Forward-March!: Vol. 2 Pictorial record of WWI, pages may load slow. (very large books) America~Here and Over There |
Minisink Deed Autograph Book from 1893 Howe, NE Autograph Book from 1900 Valparaiso, NE Thank you, Pam Rietsch for both the autograph books above! Christmas Card Coins of America Fire Trucks of the Past The House that Junk Built Moores Hill Bombs Afghanistan Mother pillow case
Owls Ulysses S. Grant
WWII Egg Plate
This is an ongoing project, and will never be completed, as more material will always be added. If you have something special that was handed down to you, please consider sharing it with the Legacy Preservation Library.
All material submitted remains the sole property of the submitter, and will never be claimed by the Library!
If you have an idea of other topics to pursue, or if you have a site that would fit in these catagories, please contact one of the hosts above, and we will be more than happy to add it!!
Consider making a tax free donation to USGenNet! It may not clothe the poor or feed the hungry, but it can touch the life of a lonely person! You are the [an error occurred while processing the directive] Visitor to this USGenNet Site Since Monday, July 09, 2001.
Plus 4189 from our previous site.
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This site is hosted by USGenNet, a nonprofit web-hosting service solely supported by tax-deductible donations. If this Legacy Library website has provided you with useful information, please consider making a donation to USGenNet to help keep sites like this online.
© 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006 by Lynn Waterman
(Any statements or views contained in the material found on this site, do not necessarily reflect the view or convictions of the Library, or of any individual connected with the Library!)