A wonderful new invention, running steam engines, smelting all kinds of ores and minerals, heating and lighting houses and cooking all kinds of food, either day or night, by heat of the sun's rays, without fire, fuel or expense, is the Solar Furnace.
It is thought by some that the solar furnace will revolutionize the present irrigation system, especially in the Southwest, where water is scarce and fuel high. Any amount of water and fuel can be pumped from either deep or shallow wells; no fuel is required, and when a plant is once installed the expense is ended. On all pumping plants requiring over five horsepower, a steam engine is used, the steam being generated by the heat of the sun, as above stated. On plants of five horsepower or less, a "compression" engine with pump attached is used. No fire, fuel, steam, or water is used; nothing but sunlight and air. It is impossible for it to "blow up" or explode. It works automatically, and no engineer is required. A small plant may be made to pump sufficient water for a large tract by having a reservoir and running the pump every day when the sun shines, using the water only as needed.
A small plant can be installed on the roof of the house at a cost of only a few dollars. Attached to the water hydrant it works automatically and carries steam down through pipes to the kitchen, where it is attached to a steam cooker cooking a dozen different kinds of food at the same time without fire, fuel or expense, and furnishing boiling water for the bath, the laundry and all other purposes. Electric power is generated by a steam engine run by the solar furnace during the daytime and stored up in a storage battery to run machinery, and for heating, lighting, cooking and other purposes nights and cloudy days. The possibilities of the solar furnace are practically unlimited. A TELEGRAPH MACHINE THAT PRINTS |