Construction of the "Sky-Scraper"
Marvelous Development of Printing Apparatus
A Railroad Encircling the Globe
Mammoth Catering Enterprises
Australia's Great Railway Project
Biggest Ships Afloat
Egg Candling by Machinery
Evolving New Kinds of Wheat
The Twentieth Century Daily Newspaper
The "Soo's" Great Power Canal
The World's Stupendous Granary
Railways, the Arteries of Commerce
Great Tunnels of the World
Science the Benefactor of the Farmer
How Glass is Made To-day
Irrigation of the Nile Region
Olive Culture on an Extensive Scale
How Rubber is Made To-day
How Salt is Produced
High-Grade Tobacco Grown Under Mammoth Tents
Monster Ship Canals
Great Strides in the Oil Industry
The Modern Piano
Making Lead Pencils
Artificial Ice
A Substitute for Iron in Building
Compressed Air—What it Means to the World
Sugar Cane in Sugar Making and Paper Making
Mining Coal and Making Coke
New Method of Fattening Poultry
Iron and Steel Manufacturing
Silk Cacoons, and the Silk Industry
Beet Sugar and its Commercial Value
New Inventions in Floor Coverings
Elevated Railroads