Objects Famous the World Over
Railroads in te United States
The Constitution and government of the United States
Patent Laws of the United States
The Inter-State Commerce Law
Civil Service Regulations
The United States Postal Service
Undersirable Immigrants and Statistics of Immigration
Reclaiming of Arid America
"Uncle Sam" and Nut Culture
What the Weather Man Does
Postage-Stamp Department
How the President of the United States Officially Travels Over the Country
How and Where the World Gets its Meat
Western Farms of Great Extent
Big Trees of California
Where the Various American Industries are Mainly Carried On
Public Schools of the United States—at Home and Abroad
How the United States Government Educates the Indian
Chocolate Making in America
Florida's Products and Pleasure Resorts
Making Money at the Mint
Nine Great Wonders of America
Salaries Paid by the United States Government
The Government of Germany
Moving Boats by Cable on the Elbe
The United States Government Fisheries
Buying Human Hair in Germany
Mountain Climbing in Switzerland
The Government of Great Britain
In a King's Kitchen and Plate Room
A Famous English Locomotive
What Fogs Cost London
Matrimony in England
Scotland's Model Town
Canada and its Government
Canada's Long Bridge Span
The Government of France
The Government of Russia
Marriages in Russia
Short Supply of Platinum in Russia
Facts About New Guinea
The Cinchona Tree in Peru
A Custom Peculiar to New Zealand
The Wool Industry in Australia
The Cannibal Tree of Australia
Lace Making in Paraguay
Chinese Rice Paper
Canton—Examination Hall
Chinese Weddings
Elephants Used for Plowing in India
Where Certain Things Came From
The Delhi Durbar of 1903
The Great Pyramids
Scenes of Great Financial Panics
Scenes of Great Floods
Scenes of Ten Terrible Plagues
Countries Smitten by the Great Famines of History
The Culture of Tapioca
Cotton Culture