328. Elanus leucurus (Vieill.).—WHITE-TAILED KITE. Lanham, Nebr., "one seen March 14, 1893" (Amos Pyfer). 331. Circus hudsonius (Linn.).—MARSH HAWK. Entire state—common—breeds (L. Bruner); "Occasionally seen in Nebraska" (Aughey); "Summer resident, common, may remain in the state during the winter" (Taylor); "Nearly the entire North American continent" (Bendire); "The whole of North America" (Goss); "Inhabits the whole of North America" (Fisher); Omaha—breeding (L. Skow); Cherry county—. breeds, also winters here (J. M. Bates); Gage county (F. A. Colby); "a not common summer resident—never observed earlier in spring than May 25" (I. S. Trostler). 332. Accipiter velox (Wils.).--SHARP-SHINNED HAWK. West Point, Omaha, South Bend, Lincoln (L. Bruner); "Migratory, common, may breed in northern Nebraska" (Taylor); "North America in general" (Bendire); "Nearly the whole of North America" (Goss); "It breeds in most, if not all, of the states" (Fisher); Omaha (L. Skow); Peru, rare (G. A. Coleman); Gage county (F. A. Colby) ; Omaha, "somewhat rare, permanent resident, seen in April, May, and September (I. S. Trostler); Sioux county (Mrs. Wallace). 333. Accipiter cooperi (Bonap.).—COOPER’s HAWK. West Point, Hat Creek Basin—breeding, Lincoln (L. Bruner); common (Aughey); "Resident, common" (Taylor); "Whole of temperate North America" (Bendire); "They breed in suitable localities throughout the United States (Goss); "Throughout the United States and the greater part of Mexico" (Fisher); Omaha—nesting (L. Skow); Peru, common—breeds (G. A. Coleman); Cherry county (J. M. Bates); Omaha (F. J. Brezee); Gage county (F. A. Colby); "common resident, except in coldest weather—breeds April 7—20" (I. S. Trostler). 334. Accipiter atricapillus (Wils.).—AMERICAN GOSHAWK. West Point, Omaha (L. Bruner); "'Present but rare on the prairies of Nebraska" (Aughey); "South in winter to the Middle States" (Bendire); "West to and including the Rocky mountains" (Goss); "Northern and eastern North America" (Fisher) ; Rockport, Florence (L. Skow); Lincoln (F. J. Brezee); Sioux county, Feb. 24, 1896 (L. Skow). 334a. Accipiter atricapillus striatulus Ridgw.—WESTERN GOSHAWK. Florence, Nebr., 1889 (L. Skow). 337. Buteo borealis (Gmel.).—RED-TAILED HAWK. Timbered portion of state, breeding (L. Bruner); "Common in Nebraska" (Aughey); "Found in the summer and fall, and may remain all winter" (Taylor); "West to border of Great Plains" (Bendire); "West to the Great Plains" (Goss); do. (Fisher); Beatrice, De Witt—nesting (A. S. Pearse); Omaha-breeding (L. Skow); Gage county (F. A. Colby); common resident, breeds April 1 to 20 (I. S. Trostler); Jamaica—breeding (R. E. Dinges). 337a. Buteo borealis kriderii Hoopes.—KRIDER'S HAWK. West Point, Lincoln, Tekamah (L. Bruner); "Great plains of the United States, from Minnesota to Texas" (Bendire); "East casually to Illinois and Iowa’ (Goss); "Great Plains from Minnesota to Texas" (Fisher); Omaha— breeding (L Skow); Omaha, "have twice taken eggs from a pair of very light Red-tails that would probably be classified as Kriderii" (L S. Troetler). More Falcons Back to Legacy. © 2001, Lynn Waterman |