186. Plegadis autumnalis (Hasselq.).—GLOSSY IBIS. Omaha (F. J. Brezee); "wandering northward to New England and Illinois. In America only locally abundant and of irregular distribution" (A. 0. U. Check List). 187. Plegadis guarauna (Linn.).—WHITE-FACED GLOSSY IBIS. Omaha (L. Skow); Omaha, "a straggler was killed on Florence lake, Aug. 19, 1893 (I. S. Trostler); Clarke, Nebr. (Frank Parmalee). FAMILY CICONIDÆ--STORKS AND WOOD IBISES. 188. Tantalus loculator Linn.—WOOD IBIS. A rare, irregular straggler. If the reports of several persons, the names of whom cannot be recalled at this moment, can be relied upon (L. Bruner). FAMILY ARDEIDÆ. —HERONS, BITTERNS, ETC. 190. Botaurus lentiginosus (Montag.).—BITTERN; THUNDER PUMPER. West Point, Holt county, Lincoln, Platte river—breeds in state (L. Bruner); "Occasionally seen in Nebraska" (Aughey); "summer resident, common, arrives in April and leaves in October" (Taylor); "The whole of temperate and tropical North America" (Goss); Omaha—breeds (L. Skow); Peru—breeds (G. A. Coleman); Cherry county (J. M. Bates); Wood River, O’Neill, Hartington (D. H. Talbot); Omaha, a common migrant, but uncommon summer resident (I. S. Trostler). 191. Ardetta exilis (Gmelin).—LEAST BITTERN. West Point, Lincoln—breeding at West Point (L Bruner); "The whole of temperate North America" (Goss); Omaha—nesting (L. Skow); Peru, abundant—breeds (G. A. Coleman); Gage county (F. A. Colby); Omaha, "an abundant migrant and a common summer resident" (I. S. Trostler). 194. Ardea herodias Linn.—GREAT BLUE HERON. West Point, Norfolk, Florence, Blair, Lincoln, etc.—breeding at West Point (L. Bruner); "occasionally seen in Nebraska" (Aughey); "migratory, sometimes common, more abundant in the fall than spring" (Taylor); "North America from the Arctic regions southward" (Goss); Omaha—breeding (L. Skow); Oakdale, Wood River (D. H. Talbot); Gage county (F. A. Colby); Omaha, "a common migrant and not uncommon resident" (I. S. Trostler). 196. Ardea egretta Gmelin.--GREAT WHITE EGRET. Richardson county, May, 1873 (Samuel Aughey); "North casually to the British provinces" (Goss); Nebraska City, Florence lake (L. Skow); "a straggler was killed near Omaha, July 12, 1894" (I. S. Trostler). 197. Ardea candidissima Gmelin. — SNOWY HERON; LITTLE WHITE EGRET. Reported from southeastern Nebraska—not rare (L. Bruner); "Otoe and Richardson counties" (Aughey); "From the northern United States to Chili" (Goss); "Straggler, one was killed near Fremont, Sept. 4, 1893" (I. S Trostler). 200 Ardea cœrulea Linn.—LITTLE BLUE HERON. Omaha (?) (Brezee); occasional in south part of state (L. Bruner); "Probably not an uncommon summer resident" (Taylor); "Casually north to Massachusetts, Illinois, Kansas, etc." (Goss); Butler county, on Platte river (Dr. Peebles); "Rare in the vicinity of Omaha, but a colony breed annually thirty miles north of here" (I. S. Trostler). 201. Ardea virescens (Linn.).—GREEN HERON; POKE. West Point, Omaha, Lincoln, Oakdale, etc.—common, breeds (L. Bruner); "Probably not an uncommon summer resident" (Taylor); "The whole of termperate North America" (Goss); Beatrice—nesting, De Witt (A. S. Pearse); Omaha—breeding (L. Skow); Peru, common—breeds (G. A. Coleman); Gage County—breeds (F. A. Colby); "not rare as a summer resident" (I. S. Trostler). 202. Nycticorax nycticorax nævius (Bodd.). — BLACK- CROWNED NIGHT HERON. West Point, Oakland, Omaha, Lincoln (L. Bruner); "Nearly the whole of America except the Arctic regions" (Goss); Omaha—nesting (L. Skow); Peru, not uncommon—may breed (G. A. Coleman); Bow creek, Nebr. (D. H. Talbot); Straggler, saw one that was killed Sept. 3, 1894, near Cut-off lake" (I. S. Trostler). 203. Nycticorax violaceus (Linn.)—YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT HERON. Reported from Platte river—a single specimen seen from Valley (L Bruner); "Probaby a rare summer resident" (Taylor); "Breeding regularly north into Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, etc. (Goss); "A rare summer resident" (I. S. Trostler). Order Paludicolæ Back to Legacy. © 2001, Lynn Waterman |