365. Strix pratinicola Bonap.— AMERICAN BARN OWL, MONKEY-FACED OWL. West Point, Gilmore, Lincoln, Scribner (L. Bruner); "Only occasionally found in Nebraska, but breeds here" (Aughey); breeding in hole in ground in Saline county, breeding in Lancaster county (R. E. Dinges); "An occasional summer resident" (Taylor); "United States generally" (Bendire); do. (Goss); "Reaches southern Minnesota, Wisconsin, etc." (Fisher); Beatrice (A. S. Pearse); Omaha—breeding (L. Skow); Cherry county (J. M. Bates); Gage county (F. A. Colby); "occasionally seen in late spring and summer, a set of eggs taken June 12, 1891, at Hebron, Thayer county, others known to have bred in wolf den in Sarpy county" (I. S. Trostler). FAMILY BUBONIDÆ.—HORNED OWLS, ETC. 366. Asio wilsonius (Less.).--AMERICAN LONG-EARED OWL West Point, Lincoln, Gilmore (L Bruner); rare (Aughey) "Occasionally found in summer and fall" (Taylor); "Whole of temperate North America" (Bendire); do,. (Goss); do. (Fisher); Omaha—breeding (L. Skow); Cherry county (J. M. Bates); Wood River, Genoa, Jackson (D. H. Talbot); Omaha, "resident, not common—breeds" (I. S. Trostler). 367. Asio accipitrinus (Pall.)--SHORT-EARED OWL West Point, Omaha, Lyons, Holt county, Gilmore, Lincoln, etc., breeding. Dodge county in April (L Bruner): "This owl is frequently seen on the borders of the Missouri bottoms in Nebraska" (Aughey); "Resident, rare" (Taylor); "Entire western hemisphere" (Bendire); "The entire continent of America" (Goss); "Greater part of both hemispheres" (Fisher); Beatrice (A. S. Pearse); Omaha (L. Skow); Cherry county (J. M. Bates); Wood River, Elm Creek, Dakota City (D. H. Talbot); Gage county (F. A. Colby); "resident, rare, seen in vicinity of Omaha in summer and winter" (I. S. Trostler). 368. Syrnium nebulosum (Forst.).—BARRED OWL. West Point, Tekamah, Lincoln (L Bruner); "Very seldom seen in Nebraska" (Aughey); "Rarely seen in the state, but may be a constant resident" (Taylor); "West to eastern Nebraska and Kansas" (Bendire); "I have never met with them west of Kansas" (Goss); "Westward to Manitoba, Dakota, Kansas, and Texas" (Fisher); Omaha—breeding (L. Skow); Lincoln— breeding (A. Cook); Gage county (F.A. Colby); Omaha, "resident, not rare— breeds in March" (I. S. Trostler). 370. Scotiaptex cinerium (Gmel.).—GREAT GRAY OWL. Long Pine, Neb. —specimen in a saloon (J. M. Bates); Omaha, "rare winter resident, one seen Dec. 17, 1893, in county poor farm woods" (I. S. Trostler). 371. Nyctala tergmalmi richardsoni (Bonap.).—RICHARDSON’S SAW-WHET OWL. Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 10, 1892 (L. Bruner); "to northern United States in winter" (Bendire). 372. Nyctala acadica (Gmel.).—SAW-WHET OWL. West Point, Omaha, Lincoln (L Bruner); "rarely south of 40° in eastern portions" (Bendire); "The United States and southern British possessions, from Atlantic to the Pacific" (Goss); "Ranging south to about the thirty-ninth parallel in the east" (Fisher); Omaha (L. Skow); Cherry county (J. M. Bates); Sioux county, Feb. 22, 1898, heard at night (W. D. Hunter, L. Skow). 373. Megascops asio (Linn.).—SCREECH OWL. West Point, Omaha, Rockport, Lincoln, etc—breeds (L. Bruner): "Often met with in the wooded portions of Nebraska, where it breeds" (Aughey); "Resident, abundant" (Taylor); "west to the Great Plains" (Bendire); "Temperate eastern North America" (Goss); "West to the Great Plains" (Fisher); Beatrice, De Witt (A. S. Pearse); Omaha—breeding (L. Skow); Dakota City (D. H. Talbot); Gage county—breeds (F. A. Colby); "resident, not common, breeds in April" (I. S. Trostler); Sioux county, Feb. 25, 1896 (L. Skow, W. D. Hunter). 373e. Mogascops asio maxwelliæ (Ridgw.).—R0CKY MOUNTAIN SCREECH OWL. "It is likely to be found in the extreme northwestern parts of Nebraska" (Bendire); "From Colorado to eastern Montana" (Fisher). 375. Bubo virginianus (Gmel.).—GREAT HORNED OWL. West Point., Tekamah, Bellevue, Lincoln, Rockport, etc. —breeds (L. Bruner); Dakota county (Aughey); "Not common during the spring, summer, and fall, and probably remains during the winter (Taylor); "Eastern North America" (Bendire); "West to the edge of the Great Plains" (Goss); "Ranges from Labrador and the eastern United States south through eastern Mexico" (Fisher); Omaha—breeding (L. Skow); Cherry county—one form (J. M. Bates); Dakota City, Elk Creek (D. H. Talbot); Gage county (F. A. Colby); Omaha, resident, not common, usually one pair in each piece of heavy timber—breed in latter part of February and early March" (I. S. Trostler). More Owls Back to Legacy. © 2001, Lynn Waterman |