[Park Church Burying Ground is in a congested part of Boston and has been made a playground for children. A Nebraska visitor to the grave of Paul Revere found a little girls' tea party seated around a flat gravestone there as a tea table.]

Still making tea ?—these more than hundred years—
Since the tea party of historic date:
Boston defying commerce, king and fears
In her own harbor brewed her cup of fate.

Yet the tea party spirit lingers here,
When happy Boston children at their play
Make their tea-table tomb of Paul Revere,
Careless of Charlestown's ride or Concord’s fray.

Above, the leafy corridors of June,
Beneath, those ashes once a flaming spark,—
While fearless prattles Freedom’s glad forenoon
Where Freedom’s morning rose so red and dark.

Ride on, oh restless soul of rider true,—
Rest on, oh ashes of the daring dead;—
This is the triumph Time hath given you
That Freedom’s birds and children crown thy head.

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