What flashlight throws upon the screen,
This news from far-off Philippine,
Where through the darkness of the bay,
Victorious Dewey led the way?
A hundred guns the channel swept,
Beneath the quick torpedo slept.—
Beyond the Spanish navy’s pride
Blazed with its batteries’ broadside,—
Defying danger through the night,
The stars and stripes have won the fight.
Rise up, from all your mountain lands,
Brave Negrito and Malay bands.
Rise up, for on the Sulu sea,
The flag of freedom floats for ye;
Three hundred years your sinewy backs
Have sweat to pay a foreign tax;
Three hundred years has Spanish greed,
Reaped harvest where ye sowed the seed.
Rise up, fair Island of Luzon,
The day has come, delayed so long,
When priestcraft’s art, and statecraft’s rule,
Give way for freedom’s public school.
There, where the Spanish ensign flies
Above the dark Manilla walls
The patriot’s spirit sinks and dies
Or faintly from its prison calls;
Rise up, and greet at our behest
The star of Freedom from the west.
Look up, oh sister of the seas,
Through tears fanned by the Gulf stream breeze,
Twin sister of Oppression’s rod
Look up, lift up your eyes to God;
From starving child and open grave
Look up, behold the hand to save!
From Santiago’s mountain tips,
From Santa Clara’s fields of cane
Look up with prayer upon the lips
For light that flashes o’er the main;
Look up and greet the rising day,
And tidings from Manilla bay.
Stand up, Columbia, from the sea,
Thy sons send greetings unto thee;
Quick-eyed, strong-souled, with trained hands,
They prove their deeds on distant strands,
Yet not for glory, but for good,
They dared the straits of fire and blood,
And not to conquer, but to free,
The thunder of their guns shall be;
Stand up, Columbia, take thy place,
To raise and free the human race;
Long may the children of distress.
The flutter of thy banners bless,
And may thy children’s children prove
War ends in liberty and love.