News: Thorp & Worden (28 Jan 1904)
Transcriber: Laurel Bragstad
Surnames: Bruno, Crowley, Gilman, Haight, Lar, Maddux, McKee, Nettleton, Parkhill, Solomon, Vanderhyden
----Source: Greenwood Gleaner (Greenwood, Clark County, WI) 1/28/1904
Thorp Locals
Joe Lar spent Sunday with his parents at Boyd.
Luella Maddux went to Waupaca Monday noon.
Allie Bruno is the proud possessor of a nice new piano.
Thos. Crowley of Withee spent Sunday with his mother here.
The presiding elder, Rev. Haight, preached in the M.E. church last Sunday evening.
Mamie Nettleton of Waupaca is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Geo. Solomon.
Pearl McKee returned from Fond du Lac, where she has been for some time, last Friday.
Frank Parkhill of Abbotsford visited with his uncle, Geo. B. Parkhill and family one day last week.
Lulu Gilman went to Nebraska Thursday noon, where she will make her home with her brother.
Mrs. Gilbert Vanderhyden was called to Holland town Wednesday by the death of her father. Her son Harry accompanied her.
News: Thorp and Worden (3 Dec 1904)
Transcriber: Stan
Surnames: Black, Brath, DeLong, Drake, Heiting, Hutchins, Martin, Micke, Pritzle, Riemenschnieder
----Source: The Stanley Republican (3 Dec 1904)
Thorp and Worden News.
Barney Micke and Archie Brath were in Stanley Tuesday. Henry Heiting, Anton Micke, Geo. Hulst and Frank Pritzle attended church on Tuesday.
Sam Mills and August Riemenschnieder have their farm residences connected with Wisconsin Telephone lines.
The advertisement above appeared in the Thorp Courier 5 Dec. 1912
Peter Rasmussen put up a new wind mill Thursday.
Leonard Hutchins has moved on the Nathan Black farm. Mrs. Turner of Boyd is visiting a few days with Mrs. I. P. Drake.
Andrew Dorgai and Ora DeLong are cutting wood with a steam wood machine.
Loggers using a Steam Wood Cutter, abt. 1904
E. F. Martin had his saloon connected with the Wisconsin Telephone line.
News: Thorp & Worden (25 Nov 1904)
Transcriber: Stan
Surnames: Baxter, Boardman, Edwardson, Fry, Hatfield, Nelson, Peterson, Siverson, Vanderlope, Woodman, Worden
----Source: The Stanley Republican (25 Now 1904)
Thorp and Worden News.
E. Boardman w as down from Ruby and spent last Sunday at the Boardman home, at Eidsvold.
Guy Worden went up to Ruby the fore part of the week to attend to his logging interests.
Lizzie and Nettie Boardman visited friends at Withee last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Baxter were callers in Stanley Sunday.
Laurence Peterson of Stanley was a caller at Eidsvold Sunday.
Silas Woodman, Nathen Fry, Ole Elton, and Henry Vanderlope, were all busy cutting Wood with Jack Hatfield’s steam Wood machine.
John Siverson, Marten Edwardson. Peter B. Nelson and Adolph Edwardson are all hauling Wood to Eidsvold to be shipped by rail to market.
News: Thorp & Worden (19 Nov 1904)
Transcriber: Stan
Surnames: Barrett, Baumgartner, Campbell, Dreson, Fellman, Galbrith, Hatfield, Heiting, Keinholtz, Kreger, Micke, Smart, Worden
----Source: The Stanley Republican (19 Nov 1904)
Thorp and Worden News.
David Keinholtz returned home from Neillsville Thursday.
Archie Galbrith of Hilldreth is spending a few weeks with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Micke.
William Smart of Baraboo is spending two weeks hunti8ng and visiting his brother, John Smart.
Barrett Bros. of Eidsvold have their store connected with the Wisconsin Telephone line.
H. H. Worden is building an addition to his house.
Wesley Fellman, Frank Kreger, Henry Dreson, B. Baumgartner and C. L. Campbell are all busy cutting wood with a steam wood machine, Jack Hatfield officiating as head sawyer.
Anton Micke and Henry Heiting were in Stanley Tuesday.
News: Wisconsin Central Railway Co. (19 Nov 1904)
Transcriber: Stan
Surnames: Brigman
----Source: The Stanley Republican (19 Nov 1904)
News: Thorp & Worden (22 Oct 1904)
Transcriber: Stan
Surnames: Backler, Barot, Boardman, Everson, Flora, Hatfield, Heiting, Mortensen, Rye, Seufzer, Siverson
----Source: The Stanley Republican
C. R. Mortensen from Denmark, Wis, who bought the Frank Heiting farm a short time ago, moved on the same the fore part of the week.
Theo. Heiting was up from Stanley on Tuesday looking over his farm in Worden.
John Siverson and Peter Rye were in Stanley Wednesday.
Christ Everson had Jack Hatfield up from Stanley building him a well.
T. R. Backler is digging a well on his property at Eidsvold.
Earnest Barot of Thorp has rented the store building formerly occupied by the Thorp Mercantile Company at Eidsvold, and has opened a store in the same.
Erwin and Vern Boardman were down from Ruby the fore part of the week after supplies for Flora & Boardman’s camp.
Joe Flora, Jr. drove down from Ruby Sunday and went back Wednesday.
News: Thorp & Worden (15 Oct 1904)
Transcriber: Stan
Surnames: Driesen, Eaton, Henderson, Henke, Johnson, Lusk, Mieke, Nye, Peterson, Senfozer
----Source: The Stanley Republican (15 Oct 1904)
Thorp & Worden
Jos. Senfozer was in Eau Claire the fore part of the week.
P. A. Peterson was in Stanley Wednesday. William Mieke and family of Forest Junction , Wis. visited with his brothers, Barney and Anton Mieke the first part of the week.
Invitations are out for the wedding of Henry H. Driesen and Anna C. Henke O ct. 25th , both of Worden.
Geo. H. Eaton has rented the Henderson farm at Eidsvold.
E. J . Johnson is putting up a wind mill.
Nye Lusk & Henderson’s Plaining mill at Eidsvold started last Monday
News: Thorp & Worden (8 Oct 1904)
Transcriber: Stan
Surnames: Baxter, Boardman, Carlson, Flora, Henke., Hudson, Jensen, Kienholz, Lee, Lusk, Micke, Nye, Rodges, Smith, Worden
----Source: The Stanley Republican (8 Oct 1904)
Thorp and Worden News. R. W. Rodges, who has resided in Worden for some time, started with his family for eastern Tennessee last Monday morning and will make his future home there.
Clara Kienholz spent Saturday and Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Henke.
Henry Baxter of Eidsvold started the fore part of the week for Prescot, Arkansas, where he has accepted a position as assistant filer in a sawmill.
Barney Micke was in Stanley Tuesday.
Soren C. Jensen and John H. Lee both put up a wind mill this week.
Albert Johnson is raising up his house and placing a foundation under same. Wm. A. Smith is doing the mason work.
Harry Worden is having a stone foundation placed under his house. Charles Carlson is doing the work.
Nye Lusk and Hudson’s sawmill at Eidsvold finished their season’s cut last Monday.
Joe Flora, Jr. and Vedel Boardman have taken a two winters logging job for the Ruby Lumber Co. and will start on or about Oct. 8, with a crew of men to build camp and start their job.
News: Thorp & Worden (1 Oct 1904)
Transcriber: Stan
Surnames: Anderson, Baxter, Christopherson, Drake, Flora, Hadley, Heiting, Holverson, Larson, Lee, Martin, Micke, Ogle, Peterson, Rasmussen, Smart, Smart, Warner
----Source: The Stanley Republican (1 Oct 1904)
Mr. and Mrs., I. P. Drake drove over to Boyd last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Baxter were callers in Stanley last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. S . L. Drake started for Great Falls, Montana, the fore p u t of the week, where they will make their future home.
Earl Hadley of Eidsvold, who has been attending the Stanley School, is now taking a course in the District School at Eidsvold.
Henry Heiting was in Stanley Monday.
Ara Warner and John Smart did business in Stanley Tuesday.
P. A. Peterson was in Stanley Wednesday.
The” Modern Woodmen of Stanley and vicinity gave Mr. and Mrs. Hans Anderson a happy surprise last Tuesday night. Some brought their wives and some their best girls.
Peter Rasmussen, James Timlin, J. Flora, Sr., Charles Flora and John Smart, Andrew Eiler, Hans Christopherson, J. Holverson, Andrew Lee, W . M. Ogle, P. A . Petersen, and E. F. Martin all are busy threshers this week.
Lars Larson is building a new barn. A mistake was made in the last Saturday Republican in regard to Anton Micke’s wheat. M r .Micke grew 5 acres of wheat which yielded 28 bushel to the acre, total for the 5 acres 140 bushel, Mr. Micke is one of Thorp's most substantial farmers.
News: Thorp & Worden (24 Sept 1904)
Transcriber: Stan
Surnames: Boardman, Flora, Kass, Warden, Dahl, Driesen, Goshaw, Hammon, Driesen, Baumgarten, Olson, Sloan, Christopherson, Moeare, Micke
----Source: The Stanley Republican (24 Sept 1904)
Towns of Thorp and Worden.
Ole Iverson’s foot is better and he is now able to be out around again.
Vedell Boardman and Joe Flora, Jr. are figuring on quite an extensive logging job for the Ruby Lumber Co. this winter.
Erven Boardman is officiating as barn boss for Nye, Lusk & Hudson at Eidsvold, for a few days.
Math. Kass visited in Stanley this week.
R. Warden did business in Stanley on Monday.
Ole Dahl of Stanley is building a new house on his farm.
Henry Driesen has his new house all finished on the outside.
Goshaw & Hammon, Fred Driesen, B. Baumgarten, Hans Olson and John Sloan all threshed this week and all report a good crop.
Anton Micke threshed 14 bushel of wheat to five acres.
Thomas Christopherson. K. K. Christopherson and Ole Moeare cutting wood with a wood machine.
The corn is only about a half of a crop, but the other crops are generally good and the farmers are well satisfied with their summer’s work.
News: Thorp & Worden (17 Sept 1904)
Transcriber: Stan
Surnames: Boardman, Christianson, Christofferson, Goshaw, Hammond, Jenson, Kass, Lee, Lunnen, Sayles, Sierson, Warner
----Source: The Stanley Republican (17 Sept 1904)
Towns of Thorp and Worden.
Tora Lee began the fall term of school in the Hobbs district in Taylor county last Monday.
Ole Sierson is confined to his home with a cut foot.
Goshaw & Hammond have a crew of men and teams hauling lumber from their mill to Eidsvold for shipment.
Ole M . Christianson is building an addition and porch to his house. Peter Nelson is building a new barn. Sorn C. Jenson is building an addition to his barn. Thom. Christofferson, Will Boardman, Math. Kass and F. Lunnen all threshed this week. S. S. Warner and Geo. Sayles took in the fair at Chippewa Falls on Thursday.
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