Bio: French, James
Contact: Stan
----Source: Family Member
Family Heritage of James French
1 Jonathan FRENCH
Birth: 3 Dec 1760, Dunstable, Middlesex, Mass
Death: 18 Dec 1837, Bolton, Warren County, New York
Burial: Federal Hill Cemetery, Bolton, NY
Father: Eleazer French (1729-1775)
Mother: Abigail Fletcher (1731-1808)
Military Service: 1776 Soldier of the Revolution 8 years
A Soldier of the Revolution is carved on his headstone in Bolton at Federal Hill Cemetery. Record says was of Dunstable, Yeoman
At 16 Jonathan enlisted in 1 June 1776 in Captain Nathan Watkins' company, Colonel Edmund Finney's regiment in the Massachusetts Line of the Continental Army. He served at Boston, Mount Independence, and Fort Ticonderoga before being discharged Dec 8, 1776 from garrison at Fort George, NY, considered underage (Na#W25609)
Spring of 1777, joined Massachusetts Militia, serving in Captain John Minot's company, Colonel Josiah Whitney's regiment. Appears on muster rolls at Warwick Neck, Rhode Island, having arrived there May 10, 1777 and was discharged July 9, 1777, a service of 2 months and 3 days with travel included. Then served in Captain Nathaniel Lakin's company, Colonel John Robinson's regiment for 6 months. Appears on muster rolls at Groton and North Kingston, having served another 2 months and 25 days in Rhode Island (NA3W25609; Secretary of the Commonwealth, Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War (Boston MA 1899) Vol VI 78-79
in 1778 at Billerica MA Jonathan enlisted in 9th Massachusetts Regiment of Continental Army, Captain Joseph Fox's company commanded by Coloner Henry Jackson for a term that was to last 3 years. This regiment served at Rhode Island, Boston, Valley Forge, Philadelphia, New Jersey, Rhode Island under General Sullivan, Portland and Rhode Island again, until finally joining General Washington's army at Morristown, NJ. During this time he was involved in the major battles of Monmouth, NJ and Newport, RI (NA#W25609)
Re-enlisted in the same company Jan 1, 1879 for duration of the War. He was described as a Yeoman (an independent famer_), 20 years old, 5 feet tall, with a dark complexion and dark hair residing at Dunstable, MA. By order of Lt. Col Cobb (one of Washington's aides-de-camp) he took car of a wounded officer named Phealou and was then stationed at Boston for 2 1/2 years.
Late in 1782 was transferred to 2nd Massachusetts Regiment, Captain Henry Sewall's Co. commanded by Lt. Col Ebenezer Sprout which joined the Continental Army camped at West Point. He was honorable discharged June 10, 1783 by General George Washington at New Windsor (near West Point (New York. (NA#25609; also Mass Soldiers and Sailors 78-79)
Jonathan professed to be of the Baptist faith Nov 26, 1760 at Reading Vt (Reading VR). His name appears on a list of men of the 2nd Massachusetts Regiment entitled to 200 acres of land or twenty dollars in money, granted March 5, 1801 by the General Court of MA (Mass Soldiers and Sailors 79). He summarized his service in the Revolution as he applied for a veteran's pension April 6, 1818, the age of 58 living in Plymouth VT in 'reduced circumstances'. He later received $96 a year pension, as well as 100 acres bounty land. On Aug. 1, 1820 living in Plymouth, VT he stated that he was 60 years old with a wife of 52 and a daughter age 8. He was a farmer, but able to do little or no work. On March 4, 1832 at Mount Holly VT Jonathan stated that he was residing at Mt. Holly, VT having been there seven years and having previously lived in Cavendish VT (NA #W25609).
In the fall of 1835, being in poor health, was persuaded to move to Bolton NY to live with his daughter, Esther Shedd. His second wife remained at Mt. Holly. In 1839 after Jonathan's death, his daughter Esther received 4/7 of the amount of his pension which had remained unpaid. This was presumable for four of the seven children remaining living at that time. ALL OF ABOVE FROM TERRY FRENCH GENEAOLOGY
From another Source: Jonathan French also fought at Bunker hill with his brothers Samuel and Eleazer.
Spouse: Huldah Dwinnel
Birth: 17 Mar 1768, Topsfield, Essex Massachusetts Colonies
Death: 18 May 1833, Mt. Holly, Rutland, Vermont United States
Father: Bartholomew Dwinnel (1728-1801)
Mother: Sarah Moulton (1732-)
Marr: 24 Jun 1787, Keene, NH
Children: John (1792-1871)
Esther (1789-1874)
Hannah (1791-)
James (1794-1820)
Abigail (1796-1837)
David (1798-1856)
Betsey (1799-1802)
Nancy (1801-)
Luther (1805-1872)
Benjamin Franklin (1803-)
Calvin (1807-1875)
Betsey (1811-)
Other Spouses Elizabeth
1.1 John French
Birth: 13 Dec 1792, Reading, Windsor, Vermont
Death: 13 Feb 1871, Neillsville, Clark Co. Wisconsin
moved westward to NY, PA, Iowa, Wisc.
buried in Pine Valley Cemetery G15 along with J K French (maybe Joseph Kennedy French), James French who died Feb 10, 1857
Spouse: Nancy Kennedy
Birth: 16 Mar 1794, Goffstown, NH
Death: 8-4 or 11-4-1849, Van Buren, Iowa
Father: Joseph H Kennedy (1772-1858)
Mother: Ann(e) Ferren (1774-1824)
Children: James (1822-1905)
Mary Ann (1817-1892)
Fanny (1818-1894)
Joseph Kennedy (1820-1855)
William P (1826-)
Ann (1825-)
George Washington (1829-1906)
Benjamin Franklin (1831-1887)
John Simpson (1833-1894)
Robert B (1838-1909)
1.1.1a James French*
Birth: 24 May 1822, Plymouth, Vermont
Death: 15 Jan 1905, Nailox, Oregon, (Obit)
Burial: Merrill beside 2nd wife
Occ: farmer and lumberman
Elsie French's Bible records list him as dying Feb 5, 1905 in Klamath Falls . However, Medford Mail for Friday Feb. 3, 1905 lists the following "Jas. French died at Nailox, at the residence of his only child, Ristora French, on Sunday, January 15th and was buried in Merrill beside the remains of his wife, who died four years ago. The Rev. Clay Starr officiated at the grave."
1870 census lists James French was in Clark County, Wisconsin and was listed as lumberman. living with Maryette French age 44, keeping house and born in New York. Also son Frederick French age 18 born in Michigan, Resstora French age 13 born in Wisconsin, and Rosella French age 11 born in Wisconsin. Living next door is Robert B. French farmer who is his brother--age 31.
James French not in Iowa or Michigan in 1850. A history of Clark County, Wisconsin states that in 1848 J.W. Sturdevant family came (James' sister married a Sturdevant). in 1849, Benjamin F. French, James French, and John French came to stay. All of the settleers who came during the early period were connected with the lumber business. Some of the more prominent men in the county in the early 1850's were John French, B.F. French, James, French, Robert French, James W. Sturdevant.
1880 census Vacaville, Ca lists James French (58)--born in Vermont, father in New Hampshire and Mother in Vermont. Marietta French wife (54) born in New York and both parents born in New Jersey. Ristora (22) living at home and Rozella (22) living at home. Henry Watson (32) is living with them--occupation as farmer--he is listed as born in PA as are is parents. Many Chinese farmers enumerated at same household with last name as Ah--Lee Ah age 54, Ge Ah age 22, Lea Ah age 45, Fot Ah age 50, Him Ah age 23 and Goon Ah age 40 all males
1854 list of early settlers in Clark County lists James, John, BF, and Robert French. Clark County History sttates that early settlers attracted to Clark County because of its vast holdings of pine suitable for logging.
Spouse: Margaret Mickle
Birth: 15 Sep 1821, Franklin, Delaware County, New York
Death: 21 Jul 1849, Lee County, Iowa
Father: Simeon Mickle (1787-1864)
Mother: Phoebe (Phebe) Brewer (1791-1891)
Children: Rufina (1847-1930)
Other Spouses Maryetta (Marietta) Brown?
1.1.1a.1 Rufina French
Birth: 12 Apr 1847, Sugar Grove, Warren County PA
Death: 1930, Stockton, CA
Occ: 1870 census Wisconsin housekeeper
1850 census living with Thomas Sturdevant family--her aunt and uncle. Mother had died the year before.
Spouse: Walter Wilson Lemon
Birth: 12 May 1831, Norfolk County, Ontario, Canada
Death: 30 Dec 1915, Stockton, CA
Father: Jacob Lemon (1800-1854)
Mother: Catherine Buck (1798-1839)
Marr: 19 Oct 1864, Frankville, Clark Co WI
Children: Elsie French (1865-1962)
Frank French (1868-)
Walter W. (1870-)
William W
Louis (lieu)
Margaret Rufina
Myron Bertram
1.1.1a.1.1 Elsie French Lemon
Birth: 25 Nov 1865, Wisconsin
Death: 16 Jul 1962
1920 census lived in Berkeley on Le Conte with Rain and Fay. Listed as divorced.
Spouse: Henry Melville Watson
Birth: 25 Oct 1847, Watsontown, PA
Death: 27 Mar 1923, Berkeley, CA
Father: David Hammond Watson (1810-1874)
Mother: Cornelia Caroline Partenheimer (1816-1884)
Marr: 18 Aug 1881, Suisuin, Solano Co. CA
Children: Fay Esma (1893-1974)
Kenneth Lemon (1882-1957)
Robert Emmons (1884-)
Elsie Cornelia (1886-)
Sadie Ann (1888-1988)
Lorraine Elizabeth (1891-)
1.1.1b James French* (See above)
Spouse: Maryetta (Marietta) Brown?
Birth: 1 Ab 1826, New York
Death: 1901
Children: Frederick M (1852-)
Ristera (Ristora) (1857-)
Rozella (Rosella) (1859-)
Other Spouses Margaret Mickle
Maryetta (Marietta) spouse of 1.1.1b
Huldah spouse of 1
Abigail child of 1
Ann child of 1.1
Benjamin Franklin child of 1
Benjamin Franklin child of 1.1
Betsey child of 1
Betsey child of 1
Calvin child of 1
David child of 1
Esther child of 1
Fanny child of 1.1
Frederick M child of 1.1.1b
George Washington child of 1.1
Hannah child of 1
James 1.1.1a
James child of 1
John 1.1
John Simpson child of 1.1
Jonathan 1
Joseph Kennedy child of 1.1
Luther child of 1
Mary Ann child of 1.1
Nancy child of 1
Ristera (Ristora) child of 1.1.1b
Robert B child of 1.1
Rozella (Rosella) child of 1.1.1b
Rufina 1.1.1a.1
William P child of 1.1
Nancy spouse of 1.1
Elsie French 1.1.1a.1.1
Frank French child of 1.1.1a.1
Louis (lieu) child of 1.1.1a.1
Margaret Rufina child of 1.1.1a.1
Myron Bertram child of 1.1.1a.1
Walter W. child of 1.1.1a.1
Walter Wilson spouse of 1.1.1a.1
William W child of 1.1.1a.1
Margaret spouse of 1.1.1a
Elsie Cornelia child of 1.1.1a.1.1
Fay Esma child of 1.1.1a.1.1
Henry Melville spouse of 1.1.1a.1.1
Kenneth Lemon child of 1.1.1a.1.1
Lorraine Elizabeth child of 1.1.1a.1.1
Robert Emmons child of 1.1.1a.1.1
Sadie Ann child of 1.1.1a.1.1
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