1875 Clark County, WI State Census

Index Q

This census was contributed by Kenneth Wood.


Alpha Index by Name: [A] [C] [H] [M] [Q]


Alpha-Index by Township: [Beaver--below] [Colby Village] [Eaton] [Fremont] [Grant] [Hewett] [Hixon] [Levis]

[Loyal] [Lynn] [Mayville] [Mentor] [Perkins] [Pine Valley] [Sherman] [Unity] [Warner] [Washburn] [Weston] [York]


Clark County Census Records


Quntard, Frank WARNER 2
Ramminger, Phillip EATON 2
Rand, A.J. MENTOR 2
Randall, Frank COLBY 1
Randall, L. PINE VALLEY 9
Randall, Willard HIXON 1
Ransom, Hermion WESTON 1
Ransom, William WESTON 1
Rathbone, Albert MENTOR 3
Raymond, A.W. BEAVER 2
Raymond, Deloss WESTON 1
Reaber, Fred WESTON 2
Reale, John LOYAL 2
Rebus, S. COLBY 1
Reddan, Jas. Hotel PINE VALLEY 3
Redmond, Geo. YORK 2
Redmond, John YORK 2
Reed, John PINE VALLEY 4
Reed, Thomas GRANT 1
Refer, Christian MENTOR 2
Reidel, Christian GRANT 2
Reidel, Gottlieb GRANT 4
Reidel, John GRANT 2
Reime, H.W. YORK 1
Rennant, R.C. MAYVILLE 1
Renne, Martin LYNN 1
Rensimer, Joseph BEAVER 1
Retzloff, Henry LYNN 1
Reuben, Peter MAYVILLE 1
Rice, E.J. LOYAL 4
Rice, Henry PINE VALLEY 9
Rice, L. Mrs. MENTOR 2
Richards, Cal HIXON 1
Richardson, Cornelius PINE VALLEY 5
Richie, Stephen WESTON 3
Riedel, August G. GRANT 4
Riedel, David LYNN 1
Riedel, Frederick LYNN 1
Riedel, Geo. GRANT 4
Riedel, Herman LYNN 1
Riley, Abram GRANT 1
Riley, John GRANT 2
Rivchiline, Carl WARNER 1
Robbins, Ira FREMONT 1
Robbins, J.W. WESTON 1
Robbins, L.R. MAYVILLE 1
Robbinson, D.H. PINE VALLEY 6
Roberts, George UNITY 2
Roberts, Peter PINE VALLEY 4
Robinot, Frank EATON 2
Robinson, Charles WASHBURN 1
Robinson, Jas. PINE VALLEY 2
Robinson, Thomas PINE VALLEY 2
Rockwell, Geo. GRANT 4
Roder, Carl GRANT 4
Rogers, Andrew PINE VALLEY 2
Rogers, I.M. PINE VALLEY 6
Rogers, James LOYAL 4
Rogers, Louis LOYAL 4
Rollins, John FREMONT 1
Rollins, Oscar FREMONT 1
Rollins, Willie FREMONT 1
Romaine, B.F. BEAVER 1
Romaine, E.W. BEAVER 1
Ross, Andrew PINE VALLEY 3
Ross, Ira YORK 1
Ross, John WESTON 1
Rossman, Jacob PINE VALLEY 10
Rossman, Phillip BEAVER 2
Rowe, Abner HEWETT 1
Rowe, Wm. YORK 2
Roy, Will HIXON 3
Rudman, L.W. PINE VALLEY 3
Russ, C. COLBY 4
Russell, F.J. YORK 1
Russell, Jos. PINE VALLEY 7
Safford, D.L. YORK 2
Sanders, John HIXON 2
Sands, A.F. MAYVILLE 1
Sanford, Ephraim WARNER 2
Sanford, S.C. COLBY 1
Saring, H.G. PINE VALLEY 10
Saulsbery, John SHERMAN 2
Sawyer, A.E. Farm HIXON 2
Sawyer, R.J. PINE VALLEY 7
Scharff, Carl GRANT 2
Schartz, Fred MENTOR 3
Schermerhorn, Alinon HIXON 1
Schirmel, Geo. GRANT 2
Schlinsog, August GRANT 2
Schlinsog, Mrs. GRANT 4
Schltz, Ludwig WESTON 3
Schmidt, C.T.W. MENTOR 2
Schock, Jake LOYAL 2
Schoengarth, Carl GRANT 2
Schoengarth, Frederich GRANT 1
Schoengarth, Wm. GRANT 1
Schofield, Hiram UNITY 1
Schofield, Hnery COLBY 3
Schofield, Robt. PINE VALLEY 2
Schollar, Peter COLBY 3
Scholz, August GRANT 4
Schoolcroft, I. MAYVILLE 1
Schoolcroft, M. MAYVILLE 1
Schultz, Wm. PINE VALLEY 3
Schurry, Wm. GRANT 4
Schuster, Herman WASHBURN 1
Schwartz, Henry WARNER 2
Schwartz, Herman WARNER 2
Schwerten, Frederick GRANT 4
Scorseth, John P. HEWETT 1
Scranton, Munson PINE VALLEY 2
Seager, Nirum WESTON 2
Secher, Frank EATON 2
Seely, Benjamine PERKINS 1
Seely, Truman LOYAL 3
Seff, Fred PERKINS 1
Sefkler, Fred WARNER 2
Segwick, Charles GRANT 1
Selga, O.K. MAYVILLE 1
Selves, John GRANT 3
Sepker, August PINE VALLEY 1
Servius, Marcus HIXON 2
Severson, Siver MAYVILLE 3
Shafer, Aaron WESTON 3
Shankes, Thos. UNITY 1
Shanks, Alex EATON 2
Shanks, Henry UNITY 2
Shanks, Hugh EATON 2
Shanks, James HIXON 1
Shanks, John EATON 2
Shaw, R.D. MENTOR 2
Shaw, R.W. LOYAL 4
Sheldon, Fred HIXON 2
Sheleir, Henry WARNER 1
Sheoherd, Geo. MAYVILLE 1
Shepard, P.H. PINE VALLEY 6
Sherl, Carl LOYAL 2
Shields, Alex HEWETT 1
Shigley, J.R. UNITY 1
Shigley, Jefferson UNITY 1
Shores, Wm. MENTOR 3
Short, Andrew WASHBURN 1
Short, F.R. WASHBURN 1
Short, Gus WASHBURN 1
Short, John WASHBURN 1
Shoup, Andrew WASHBURN 1
Shupe, Elias LOYAL 2
Siegrist, Henry COLBY 2
Sievers, John YORK 2
Sills, Henry LOYAL 2
Simomns, C.A. PINE VALLEY 1
Simpson, G.W. BEAVER 1
Simpson, M.G. BEAVER 1
Singren, A.G. PINE VALLEY 1
Sischo, Luther WESTON 2
Skadden, Geo. PINE VALLEY 1
Slater, Geo. W. EATON 2
Slaterly, H. LEVIS 1
Slocumb, Chas. GRANT 3
Sloun, E. LOYAL 2
Small, Silas MAYVILLE 3
Smith, A.J. LOYAL 2
Smith, A.P. LOYAL 4
Smith, Albert YORK 2
Smith, Augustus WESTON 3
Smith, Chas. LOYAL 2
Smith, Chas. LOYAL 3
Smith, Chas. PINE VALLEY 3
Smith, Floyd HIXON 2
Smith, G.H. LOYAL 1
Smith, Geo. MAYVILLE 1
Smith, Guilford UNITY 1
Smith, Henry PINE VALLEY 2
Smith, Issac LOYAL 2
Smith, J. LEVIS 1
Smith, Robt. WARNER 1
Smith, S.S. LOYAL 3
Smith, Volney LOYAL 2
Smith, Wm. PINE VALLEY 9
Snow, Henry LYNN 1
Snyder, August PINE VALLEY 3
Snyder, D.R. YORK 2
Snyder, H. YORK 2
Snyder, John PINE VALLEY 3
Snyder, John H. PINE VALLEY 8
Snyder, Josiah YORK 2
Snyder, N. MENTOR 3
Sofer, Hiram LYNN 1
Sontag, Louis PINE VALLEY 4
Soper, A.D. MENTOR 2
Sparks, Elisabeth Mrs. PERKINS 1
Sparks, J.F. PERKINS 1
Sparks, James PERKINS 1
Sparks, Thomas PERKINS 1
Spaulding, D.J. Farm HIXON 1
Spearbroad, Jacob PINE VALLEY 3
Spears, Frank COLBY 2
Spegel, henry GRANT 3
Spicer, J.O. PINE VALLEY 2
Spooner, Edwin PINE VALLEY 2
Spooner, L.O. PINE VALLEY 10
Sprague, Hiram PINE VALLEY 5
Sprague, O.L. PINE VALLEY 8
Stafford, A.K. PINE VALLEY 10
Stafford, Nancy Mrs. PINE VALLEY 1
Stange, Chas. BEAVER 1
Stanley, Chas. WASHBURN 1
Stanley, E.E. PINE VALLEY 5
Stanley, George MENTOR 3
Stanley, Henry MENTOR 3
Stanton, J.W. MENTOR 3
Stanton, W.L. MENTOR 3
Stearns, H.O. SHERMAN 1
Stearns, J. PINE VALLEY 11
Stearns, S. HEWETT 1
Stearns, T.A. SHERMAN 1
Steele, C.W. WARNER 2
Steele, Thos. WARNER 2
Steinbach, Peter COLBY 3
Stenson, Peter PINE VALLEY 8
Stephens, L. SHERMAN 2
Stephens, S.S. SHERMAN 2
Stephens, Silas MAYVILLE 1
Sternitzky, Chas. LYNN 1
Sternitzky, Ernest LYNN 1
Sternitzky, Fredrick LYNN 1
Sternitzky, James LYNN 1
Stevens, C.S. GRANT 1
Stevens, John MENTOR 2
Stevens, Perry PINE VALLEY 1
Steward, J.D. PINE VALLEY 7
Stewart, Jamison COLBY 2
Stewart, Jesse COLBY 2
Stewart, John EATON 2
Stewart, Wm. UNITY 2
Stiles, Horace MENTOR 2
Stineward, Ambros COLBY 3
Stokes, Richard P. PINE VALLEY 7
Stone, L. MENTOR 3
Stow, John PINE VALLEY 8
Strife, John PINE VALLEY 7
Strong, Chester LOYAL 3
Sturdevant, D.M. PINE VALLEY 5
Sturdevant, Hiram PINE VALLEY 8
Sturdevant, J.R. PINE VALLEY 7
Sturdevant, Jas. F. PINE VALLEY 1
Sturdevant, Jas. W. PINE VALLEY 1
Sufficool, John WESTON 3
Sutherland, R. COLBY 2
Swan, Ernest LOYAL 2
Sweet, Ralph FREMONT 1
Syneire, I.W. LEVIS 2
Syth, James EATON 2
Syth, John EATON 2
Syth, Thomas EATON 2





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