Index for the Colby Wisconsin


•Businessmen Sketches•Civic Leaders•

•Echoes of Pioneer Days•Forward

•News Clips•Sketches of Pioneers•Tragedies•

[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [Mc] [M]

[N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

[Table of Contents]


Sabler, Chas. [Colby Fire Department, page 69] Retired from the department.

Sabler, Karl [American Legion, page 84, column 2] Awarded continuous pin for 52 years of service (1953).

Sabler, Mrs. Carl [Sketches of Pioneers, page 34, column 1] Mentioned in sketch of Gust. Franz.

Sagstetter, F. X [Businessmen of 1887] Proprietor of a factory that manufactures ginger ale, birch beer and pop.

Salter, F. J. [News clip, 1883, page 35, column 1] Selling Chamberlain’s Pain Balm.

[Businessmen of 1887, page 41, column 2] Druggist that owns and occupies his building.

Salter, John [Schools, page 90, bottom of page] Group photo (no date) of grade school.

Salter, Mrs. R. B. [Formal reception at J. E. Lyons residence, page 61, column 1] Mentioned as receiving guests.

Salter, R. B. [Lawyers, page 71, column 1] Mentioned as practicing law in Colby in 1878 and elected as Clark County Judge in 1899 to hold that office for eight years.

[Druggists, page 71, column 2, page 72, column 1] In 1882, purchased the stock of H. Siegrist and hired his brother Frank as the new druggist.

[Government, page 87, column 1] Third mayor of Colby (1895-1896), seventh mayor of Colby (1900-1906),

seventh city clerk of Colby (1914-1916).

[Schools, page 88, column 1] Treasurer of school district (Marathon County, 1879).

[Banking, page 96, column 1 & 2] One of the original promoters of the Colby State Bank (1900), also a stockholder (1900).

[City Government, Past, page 118] Group photograph.

Salter, R. G. (Dick) [Schools, page 90, column 2] Group photo of 1900 football team.

Salter, Richard [Sketches of Pioneers, page 31, column 2] Son of Richard B., mentioned in sketch of his father.

[Banking, page 96, columns 1 & 2] Hired as cashier (1924), Colby State Bank.

Salter, Richard. B. [News clip, 1878, page 29, column 2] Mentioned as owning a saw mill.

[Photo, page 30, columns 2 & 3] Saw mill photograph with some individuals identified.

[Photo, page 31, column 1] Photo of R. B. as County Judge.

[Sketches of Pioneers, page 31, column 2] Richard B. Slater was born in the town of Jackson, Washington County in 1854. Mr. Salter worked on a farm and went to school until he was 17, when he commenced teaching. He attended Oshkosh Norman, Mann’s Business College and Law School in Madison. In 1879 he came to Colby to practice law. He married Sarah Engelhard from West Bend in 1880. Richard and Sarah had two sons and one daughter. R. B. died in Colby May 25th, 1914 at the age of 60 years. (For more detailed information, consult the Colby Centennial Book, 1873-1973]

[Businesses of 1887, page 41, column 2, page 43, column 1] Attorney who has been here for the past eight years. He is a senior partner in the firm of R. B. Slater & Co. (lumber business), owns and operates a saw mill 6 miles Northwest of the village.

[Hall and Library, page 53, column 2] See article, appointed as a director, Feb or 1899.

Salter, Ted [Womanless Wedding Cast, page 121] Group photograph, top.

Salter, Verna [Blue Sky Garden Club, page 108, columns 1 & 2] Charter member (1947).

St. Killian’s Catholic Church [Photographs, page 92, column 1 & page 93, column 1] See St. Mary’s Catholic, Church.

St. Mary’s Catholic Church [Churches, page 92, column 2, page 93, columns 1 & 2, photographs, page 93, column 1 (two photo’s)] Renamed from St. Killian’s in February of 1905. Anniversary (50th) celebrated in 1965.

St. John’s Ev. Reformed Church [Photograph page 94, column 1] See First United Church of Christ.

St. Paul’s Ev. Lutheran Church (a/k/a North Green Grove) [Churches, page 95, column 2, page 96, column 1, Photograph, page 96]

Sauer, Herb [Business Places of Today, page 126, column 1] Co-owner of S & K Dairy, DeLaval dealership .

Sawdy, Charlotte [Girl Scouts, page 105, column 2] Assisted girl scouts.

Sawyer [Echoes of Pioneer Days, page 5, column 2] See Shannon, John and William.

Sazama, Joseph III [Township of Hull, page 99, column 2] He operates the property that his grandfather homesteaded in 1900 North of Cherokee in the Town of Frankfurt. He has seven children.

Schaller, Frank [Royal Neighbors of America, Camp 2666, page 84, column 1] Listed as owner of saloon that the Royal Neighbors first held their meetings in, later the IOOF hall.

Schaff, Jacob [Beauty Shops, page 71, column 2] Purchased beauty shop in 1947 from Pearl (Kraut) Vorland.

Scheffler, Dr. [Business Places of Today, page 126, column 2] Branch of Medford Vet. Clinic.

Schelling, Noel [Boy Scouts, page 106, column 2, group photo]

[Womanless Wedding Cast, page 121] Group photograph, bottom.

Schemmer, Dr. A. L. [Doctors, page 73, columns 1 & 2] He came to Colby in 1913 from Chilton. In 1914, he was asked to join Drs. A. M. & H. H. Chistofferson and they formed the Colby Medical Association. The first baby he delivered in Colby was Katherine Kraus. In 1949, he moved his office to a building on North First St. and practiced there until his death in 1951.

[Nat. Catholic Soc. of Foresters, page 93, column 2] Elected as first physician (1915).

Schemmer, Gertrude [Nat. Catholic Soc. of Foresters, page 93, column 2] Charter member (1915), organized the juvenile court (1943).

[Blue Sky Garden Club, page 108, columns 1 & 2] Elected Secretary-Treasurer (1947), also served as president of club.

Scheuren, Frank [Hull Town Mutual Insurance Company, page 110, columns 1 & 2] Original director.

Schief, Albert [Barbers, page 69, column 2] Mentioned as being a barber in 1902.

Schief, Dr. [Tri City Band Member, page 122] Group photograph.

Schields, Dr. [Doctors, page 73, columns 1 & 2] He practiced in Colby for a short time.

Schilling, Nora [V.F.W. Aux. Photo, page 86, top of page] Making cancer dressings, about 1950.

Schilling, Rev. [Churches, page 93, column 2] Prior to 1877, he was the missionary pastor from Stevens Point before the establishment of Zion Lutheran Church

[Churches, page 95, column 2] Also missionary pastor for St. Paul’s (a/k/a North Green Grove) 1877.

Schilling, Terry [Cub Scouts, page 107, column 2]

Schjoneman [Business Places of Today (1973), page 126, column 1] Trucking company.

Schjoneman, Dorothy [V.F.W Auxiliary, page 86, column 1, V.F.W. Aux. Photo, page 86, column 2] First elected conductress (1947), listed as auxiliary president (1973).

[Girl Scouts, page 106, column 1] Mentioned as leader.

[Cub Scouts, page 107, column 2] Den mother.

[Colby Homemakers Club, page 110, column 1] Present sunshine chairman (1973).

[Business Places of Today, page 127, column 2] Operated the “Like New Bicycle Shop.”

Schjoneman, K. [Girl Scouts, page 106, top of page, group photo]

Schjoneman, M. [Girl Scouts, page 106, top of page, group photo]

Schjoneman, M. [Colby Fire Department, page 69] Retired from the department.

Schjoneman, Mark [Cub Scouts, page 107, column 2]

Schjoneman, Merlin [Womanless Wedding Cast, page 121] Group photograph, bottom.

Schjoneman, Mrs. M. [Girl Scouts, page 106, top of page, group photo]

Schlimm, Anna [Nonagenarians, page 78, column 1] 94 years old (1973).

[Nat. Catholic Soc. of Foresters, page 93, column 2] Charter member (1915).

Schmichen, Pastor Siegfried A. [Churches, page 95, column 1] First pastor of newly merged First Evangelical and Reformed Church.

Schmidt, Dr. E. [Dentists, page 71, columns 1 & 2] Practiced dentistry in Colby.

Schmitt, Peter [Businessmen of 1887, page 42, column 2] A Well digger.

[Colby Fire Department, page 67, column 2, page 68, column 1 & 2, page 69 column 1] Hired by city fathers of Colby to dig well.

[V.F.W., page 85, column 2] One of those chosen to honor in naming the post (WW2).

Schmutzler, Eugene [Womanless Wedding Cast, page 121] Group photograph, top.

Schmutzler, Frank [Womanless Wedding Cast, page 121] Group photograph, top.

Schmutzler, Herbert [Womanless Wedding Cast, page 121] Group photograph, top.

Schnable, Mrs. D. [Girl Scouts, page 106, column 1] Mentioned as leader.

Schneider, Theo. [Colby Area Family Names, page 57, upper portion of page] Theo. Schneider - Since 1879.

Scholz, Rev. Richard J. [Churches, page 95, column 2] Pastor of St. Paul’s (a/k/a North Green Grove).

Schonfeldt, Hilda [Business Places of Today, page 126, column 2] Owned the Colby Cafe.

Schookman [Womanless Wedding Cast, page 121] Group photograph, bottom.

Schorer, Agnes [V.F.W. Aux. Photo, page 86, top of page] Making cancer dressings, about 1950.

Schorer, Louis [Sketches of Pioneers, page 27, column 2] Mentioned in sketch of Karl Holzhausen, purchased blacksmith shop business from Karl. [Photo, page 28, column 1] [Photo, page 28, column 1] Schorer family in wagon with son Norman.

Schram, Father [Churches, page 93, column 1] Men’s choir organized while he was pastor.

Schraugnagel, Al [Sketches of Pioneers, page 28, column 2] Mentioned in sketch of Henry Schraufnagel.

Schraufnagel, Henry [Sketches of Pioneers, page 28, column 2] He was born in 1852 but the place of birth is unknown. He came from Leroy, Dodge County to Wausau in 1876 and that was the end of the railroad lines. On May 15, 1878 Henry purchased this farmland which is still operated by his grandson, Cletus Schraufnagel. In 1875, he married Mary Weix and nine children were born, Joseph, Michael, Alois, Frank, Norbert, Anna, Alvina, Leonard and Henry. (For more information, please consult the Colby Centennial Book, 1873-1973).

{News clips, page 29, column 2] A carload of emigrant’s movables, mixed with cattle, sheep, and hogs was left at the depot consigned to Henry Schraufnagel, who has purchased the farm of E.J. Blaum in sec. 2, town of Hull.

Schraufnagel, John [Sketches of Pioneers, page 29, column 1] Mentioned in sketch of John Ohlinger Sr.

Schraufnagle, Leonard [Sketches of Pioneers, page 24, column 2] Mentioned in sketch of Michael Weix.

Schreiber, D. [Girl Scouts, page 106, top of page, group photo]

Schreiber, Dan [Colby Fire Department, page 69] Retired from the department.

Schreiber, Donald [Sketches of Pioneers, page 54, column 1] Mentioned in sketch of Ferdinand Fleischauer.

[Lions Club, page 84, column 2] Elected treasurer in 1952.

Schriebe, Ida [Royal Neighbors of America, Camp 2666, page 84, column 1] Elected past oracle.

Schueller, John Jos. [Businessmen of 1887, page 42, column 2] Lives on Wausau Road, about 3 1/4 miles East of the village. He is an agent for Town of Herman Ins. Co. and also handles farm machinery.

Schuh, Richard [Cub Scouts, page 107, column 2]

Schulte, Dr. [Business Places of Today, page 126, column 2] Branch Medford Vet. Clinic.

Schultzs [Changes from 1878 to 1897, page 60, column 1] Mentioned as living in log cabin West of Colby.

Schultz, August [Sketches of Pioneers, page 24, column 1, photo of Schultz Store, page 23, column 2, photo of 55th wedding anniversary, page 24, column 1] August came from German to the United States with his parents in 1876. August and his wife had three sons, Ernest, George and Gottlieb, two daughters, Anna and Minnie. He then came to Colby and purchased 40 acres of woodlands. Mr. Schultz walked to Minnesota many times to earn cash while working in the wheat fields, returning by train and working in the woods during the winter. (For more information, consult the Colby Centennial Book, 1873-1983)

[Businessmen of 1887, page 40, column 2] Mentioned as being head clerk in the J. E. Borden Co. Store.

Schultz, Bradley [Cub Scouts, page 107, column 2]

Schultz, Charles & Martin [Businessmen of 1887, page 42, column 2] Area carpenters.

Schultz, Elaine [Churches, page 94, column 2] Present officer Zion Lutheran Sewing Club (1973).

[O.A.O. Homemakers, page 109, column 2] Present president (1973).

Schultz, Irma [V.F.W. Auxiliary, page 86, column 1] Senior vice president (1973).

[Churches, page 96, column 1] Present treasurer/member of St. Paul’s (a/k/a North Green Grove) Ladies Aid (1973).

Schultz, Jean [V.F.W. Auxiliary, page 86, column 1] Junior vice president (1973).

[Churches, page 94, column 2] Present Zion Lutheran School Board member (1973).

Schultz, Jean, Wallace and Sons [Business Places of Today, page 126, column 2] Owners of Midway Homes, Inc.

Schultz, Jerome¹ [Colby Fire Department, page 69] Served as a volunteer in 1973.

Schultz, Jerome² [City Government, Present, page 118] Group photograph.

[Womanless Wedding Cast, page 121] Group photograph, bottom.

Schultz, Kenneth & Marlene [Photographers, page 72, column 2] Purchased business from the Lukowicz family in 1968.

Schultz, Lou [Nonagenarians, page 78, column 1] 95 years old.

Schultz, Louis [Colby Fire Department, page 69] Retired from the department.

[Business Places of Today, page 127, column 2] Co-owned electrical business in 1936.

Schultz, Mike [Cub Scouts, page 107, column 2]

Schultz, Mrs. Emma [Huddle Homemakers Club, page 110, column 1]

Schultz, Orville [Hull Town Mutual Insurance Company, page 110, columns 1 & 2] Present agent (1973).

Schultz, Uncle Willy {Photo taken in front of Gust. Franz home]

Schultz, Wm. R. [Banking, page 80] Director after the merger in 1965.

[Banking, page 81] Director in 1972.

Schulz, E. W. [American Legion, page 84, column 2] Charter member of post. Awarded (1953) continuous pin for 53 years of service (only remaining charter member).

Schulz, Kenneth [Business Places of Today, page 127, column 1] Tri owner of Schulz Photography.

Schulz, John¹ [Churches, page 94, column 1] Charter member of Zion Lutheran Church of Colby.

Schulz, John² [Business Places of Today, page 127, column 1] Tri owner of Schulz photography.

Schulz, Loren [Business Places of Today, page 127, column 1] Tri owner of Schulz Photography.

Schulz, Louis [Womanless Wedding Cast, page 121] Group photograph, bottom.

Schulz, Mabel [Colby Homemakers Club, page 109, column 2] Present vice president and health chairman (1973).

Schulz, Myron [Boy Scouts, page 107, column 1] Received Eagle Awards.

Schuman, Mr. [Service Station Photo, page 74, column 2]

Schutte, Rev. J. [Churches, page 95, column 2] Pastor at St. Paul’s (a/k/a North Green Grove).

Schwierske, Ella [Blue Sky Garden Club, page 108, columns 1 & 2] Charter member (1947).

Schwierske, Fred [Photo, page 67, column 2]

[Colby Fire Department, page 67, column 2, page 68 columns 1 & 2, page 69,column 1] Served as senior assistant fire chief. Retired from the department.

[Womanless Wedding Cast, page 121] Group photograph, top.

[Land o’ Cotton Cast, page 122] Group photograph.

Scidmore, Fred [Jewelers, page 70, column 2] Came to Colby in 1947 and operated the business out of his apartment.

[Radio & Television show, page 77, column 2] On the committee for Cedric Adams “Talent on Parade” show in 1950.

[Lions Club, page 84, column 2] Elected secretary in 1952. Reorganized in 1963 with Fred as president.

Scidmore, Fred A. [Colby Area Family Names, page 57, upper portion of page] Fred A. Scidmore and Family.

Scidmore, Lloyd [Government, page 87, column 1] Twenty-first mayor of Colby (1970-?).

[City Government, Present, page 118] Group photograph.

[Business Places of Today, page 126, column 2] Owner of Scidmore Fur Farm Inc., then North Starr Barge of Minneapolis as their manager.

Scidmore, Lloyd F. [Colby Area Family Names, page 57, upper portion of page] Lloyd F. Scidmore and Family.

Scott [Business Places of Today, page 126, column 2] Partnership of Nikolay, Jensen and Scott.

Scott, Bervie A. [Churches, page 92, column 1] Pastor of Colby United Methodist Church in 1968.

Scott, Jess W. [Colby Cheese, pages 110 to 113] Listed as president of the Clark County Historical Society serving as master of ceremony for dedication of Colby Cheese Historical Marker (1968).

Scott, Kate [News clip, page 55, column 2] Indian woman who was the oldest settler in the town of Green Grove loved to roam the woods with her rifle and could handle that weapon in a most masterly manner.

Scott, Rueben M. [Forward, page 4, by Pearl Vorland] Phillips and Colby (construction company) gave the sub-contract to Rueben M. Scott to build the first division of the road from Menasha to Stevens Point, a distance of 63 miles. The first dirt was turned in Menasha on June 1, 1871 and the first train rolled into Stevens Point on November 15, 1871.

Sczech, Ray [Business Places of Today, page 126, column 2] Manager of Montogomery Ward Agency.

Seidel, Frank [Womanless Wedding Cast, page 121] Group photograph, top.

Selves, Tom [Photo, page 34, column 1] Picture taken in front of new July Building, 1902.

Senkbeil, Henry [Business Places of Today, page 127, column 1] Owned bakery and grocery store.

Shaefer, Mrs. S. J. [Churches, page 93, column 1] Member of St. Mary’s choir.

Shafarik, Gladys [Business Places of Today, page 126, column 2] Owner of Fashionaire Beauty Salon.

Shafer [Business places of Colby, 1878, page 25, column 2] Printing Office.

Shafer Bros. [Businessmen of 1887, page 42, column 1] Printers who came to Colby in 1878.

Shafer, Florence [Schools, page 90, bottom of page] Group photo (no date) of grade school.

Shafer, Joel [City Government, Past, page 118] Group photograph.

Shafer, Joel J. [News clips, 1878, page 26, column 2] Mentioned as living in house now occupied by I.M. Firnstahl.

[Photo, page 54, bottom of page] White building noted as Phonograph Office.

[Phonograph News Paper, page 65] Mentioned as printing paper in the freight room of the Soo Line Depot in September of 1878 with his brother Sam.

[Colby Post Office, page 65, column 2, page 66, columns 1 & 2] Appointed as postmaster in 1893.

Shafer, Mary [O.A.O. Homemakers, page 109, column 2] Original officer, secretary (1916).

Shafer, Miss Callie [Schools, page 91, top of page] Listed on program (1989) of Colby Free High School.

Shafer, Sam [Government, page 87, column 1, 2] Second mayor of Colby (1894-1895), fourth mayor of Colby (1896-1897), erected kerosene lamp posts and lamps (1899).

[Schools, page 88, column 1] Clerk of school district (Marathon County, 1879).

Shafer, Samuel J. [News clip, 1878, page 26, column 2] Mentioned as having lived in Melvin Kunich residence.

[Businessmen of 1887, page 41, column 2] Listed as postmaster.

[Hall and Library, page 53, columns 1 & 2] See article.

[Photo, page 54, bottom of page] Indicated as the residence of Sam Shafer. White building indicated as the Phonograph Office.

[50th Wedding Anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Yerkes, page 62, columns 1 & 2] Mentioned in article.

[Phonograph News Paper, page 65] Mentioned as printing paper in the freight room of the Soo Line Depot in September of 1878 with his brother Joel.

[Colby Post Office, page 65, column 2, page 66, columns 2 & 3] Sam was appointed as postmaster on the West side of Colby in September of 1885.

Shaffer, Nick Mentioned as familiar names around Colby, page 112.

Shannon, John and William [Echoes of Pioneer Days, page 5, column 2] William Shannon, a single man with his brother John, and a brother in law named Sawyer, had built a shanty in town 29, Range 2 and moved into it in the latter part of Feb., 1872.

Shelling, Nora [V.F.W. Aux., page 86, column 1] First elected treasurer (1947).

Shield, Mr. [Echoes of Pioneer Days, page 6, column 1] Mentioned in same paragraph as E. T. Parkhill.

Shortell, Richard [Businessmen of 1887, page 40, column 2] Proprietor of a saloon and runs the only pool room in town. He is also a distributing agent for the Val. Blatz Brewing Co.

[Hall and Library, page 53, column 2] See article, appointed as one of the directors, 1899.

[Banking, page 96, column 1 & 2] Persue bank robbers in 1934.

Shuttlehoefer, Father [Churches, page 92, columns, 1 & 2, page 93, column 1] First resident pastor at Medford made occasional visits to Colby and other missions attached to Medford (1878).

Sieber, Jacob [Businessmen of 1887, page 43, column 1] Town treasurer and carpenter, lives 3 1/2 miles West of the village.

[Civic Societies, page 83, GAR] Member in 1883.

Sieber, Mr. [Churches, page 94, column 1] On the building committee of Zion Lutheran Church of Colby (1884).

Siegrist [Businesses of Colby, 1878, page 25, column 2] Boots, shoes and slippers.

Siegrist [Photo of Colby band, page 52]

Siegrist, Bill [Photo of Colby band, page 52]

Siegrist, Ed [Photo of old settlers reunion, 1887, page 52]

Siegrist, John, H. & William [Business sketch, page 33, column 1] Purchased meat market of John Muthig.

Siegrist, H. [Druggists, page 71, column 2, page 72, column 1] Purchased Dr. Freeman’s store and had Billy Mahoney as the druggist.

Siegrist, Henry [Businessmen of 1887, page 42, column 1] A shoemaker, an excellent musician and leader of the Colby Band which consists of 13 pieces.

[Photo of Colby band, page 52]

Sill, Arnold [Womanless Wedding Cast, page 121] Group photograph, top.

Sill, Frank [News clips, 1878, page 29, column 2] Mentioned as having climbed a flag pole on the 4th of July.

[Colby Post Office, page 65, column 2, page 66, columns 1 & 2] Rural mail carrier.

Sill, Louis [Photo, page 63, middle of page, Colby Band, July 4, 1906]

Simons, George [Photo inside Simons’s barber shop, page 69 column 2]

[Barbers, page 69, column 2] Mentioned as being a barber in 1879.

Simonson, S. [Jewelers, page 70, column 2] First recorded jeweler in Colby.

Sims, J. F. [Schools, page 88, column 1] Secretary of school district (1879).

Sims, Prof. John. F. [Businessmen of 1887, page 42, column 1] High school established under his supervision on the West side.

[50th Wedding anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Yerkes, page 62, columns 1 & 2] Mentioned in article.

[Schools, page 88, column 2, page 89, column 1] First principal of Colby Free High School (Clark County), salary was $600.00 per year.

Sims, Paul [Photo of old settlers reunion, 1887, page 52]

Singstock, H. Mentined as familiar names around Colby, page 112.

Singstock, Mel [Business Places of Today, page 126, column 2 and 127, column 1] Owner of Les’s Mobile Station.

Skoog, Alma [Blue Sky Garden Club, page 108, column 2] Served as president of club.

Slater, Frank [Druggists, page 71,column 2, page 72, column 1] Hired as druggist in the store of his brother, R. B. Salter.

Sloan, Otto Mentioned as familiar names around Colby, page 112.

Smart, Alfred [Township of Hull, page 99, column 2] Son of Chas. Sr., married Alvina Grauman.

Smart, Chas. Sr. [Township of Hull, page 99, column 2] Early settler who cleared land on sect. 25.

Smart, Donald [Township of Hull, page 99, column 2] Son of Alfred, farmed the original homestead of Chas. Sr. until his death in 1962.

Smith, Adell [Girl Scouts, page 105, column 2, page 106, top of page] One of the first girl scout troop committee.

Smith, Homer [Colby Fire Department, page 69] Served as town of Hull fire police in 1973.

Smith, Lloyd [Land o’ Cotton Cast, page 122] Group photograph.

Smith, Miss Ruth {Schools, page 88, column 1] First teacher of Colby Graded School. Wage was $12.00 per month.

Sockwell, Duane [Trailblazer Snowmobile Club, page 110, column 1] President.

Sommers [Sketches of Pioneers, page 22, column 2] Mentioned in sketch of Fred Bredemeyer.

Sommers [Druggists, page 71, column 2, page 72, column 1] He was issued a druggist license along with Hammel in 1894. He also conducted a school of pharmacy. The school closed in April of 1899 and moved to Milwaukee.

Sommers, Prof. [News clip, page 54, column 2] Mentioned in wedding of Mr. F. Clark and Miss Claudia Booth with Mr. Clark having been a student.

Sommers, William [Sketches of Pioneers, page 28, column 2] Wm. Sommers was born in Germany and came to Sheboygan County. In 1878, he purchased the property of M. J. Spaulding and homesteaded that in the town of Green Grove. Theodore, son of William was owner on Dec. 4th, 1913 and Theodore’s son Vernon took possession of the same farm on January 3, 1949. (For more information, consult the Colby Centennial Book, 1873-1973)

Sossaman, W. [Phonograph News Paper, page 65] Mentioned as being the printer.

Spaulding, D. J. [Telephone Company, page 67, columns 1 & 2] 1888, involved in running telephone lines from Spencer to Colby.

Spears [Echoes of Pioneer Days, page 8, column 1] Pioneer settler in town of Colby, sec. 2.

Stacke, Robert [Banking, page 81] Assistant cashier in 1972.

[Business Places of Today (1973), page 126, column 1] Co-owner of Riteway Cleaner Center, Laundromat and Car Wash.

Stadtmueller, Arthur [Schools, page 89, column 1] Group photo of 1911 basketball team.

Stall, Arland [Cherokee Chums, page 109, column 2] Organized Holstein Calf Club for boys (1923).

[Land o’ Cotton Cast, page 122] Not photographed with cast.

[Tri City Band Member, page 122] Group photograph.

Stange, Verla [V.F.W. Auxiliary, page 86, column 1] Trustee (1973).

Stannard, Wm. [Echoes of Pioneer Days, page 9, column 1] Mentioned in paragraph of John Prosser.

Stecker, Ida [O.A.O. Homemakers, page 109, column 2] Charter member still active (1973).

Stecker, Fred [Changes from 1878 to 1897, page 60, column 1] Mentioned as living in modern house.

[Colonial House, page 98, column 1] One of the first residents (1970).

Steinbach, Pete Mentioned as familiar names around Colby, page 112.

Steinbach, Peter [Businessmen of 1887, page 43, column 1] Manufactures ax handles, ox yokes, scales rules and cant hook stocks. He lives 5 miles West of the village.

Steinwand [News clip, 1878, page 29, column 2] Mentioned as consigned a full fledged threshing machine.

Steinwand, A. [Businessmen of 1887, page 43, column 1] Chairman of the town and proprietor of a cheese factory 2 1/2 miles South and West.

[Colby Coal Kilns, page 53, column 2] On the committee to confer with Ashland Iron and Steel Co., in regards to coal kilns (1888).

Steinwand, A. M. [Inventions, page 78, column 1] Received a letter patent on a whey pump with a detachable spout to discharge the contents passing through the spout into cans on a wagon without moving the wagon. The spouts were made by Zillman Brothers.

[Banking, Colby State Bank, page 80] President of bank.

[Banking, page 97, column 1] One of the directors of the Security State Bank (1920), also elected as president of the bank.

Steinwand, Ambrose [Sketches of Pioneers, page 32, column 1] Ambrose and Susan Weber, both natives of Wurtemberg, Germany were married in Wisconsin. After farming in Manitowoc County for ten years, the family came to Clark County in 1875 and bought a quarter section of railroad land in township Colby. They had seven children, Anna, Joseph, Julia, Mary, Ambrose, George and Theodore. Ambrose was town treasurer for 25 years. He built a cheese factory in 1882. His son Joseph assisted his father in the factory from the time he was 16 years old. (For more detailed information, consult the Colby Centennial Book, 1873-1973)

[Colby Post Office, page 65, column 2, page 66, columns 1, & 2] Appointed postmaster in Colby and held office for 13 years.

[Colby Cheese, pages 110 to 113] Along with wife Susan (Weber) Steinwand, moved to Clark County in 1877 from Manitowoc County and purchased a quarter section of railroad land in Twp. Colby. Erected cheese factory in 1882 to become known as the home of Colby Cheese.

Steinwand, Arnold [Colby Cheese, pages 110 to 113] Shown with historical marker of Colby Cheese (1968).

Steinwand, Caroline [Royal Neighbors of America, Camp 2666, page 84, column 1] Present outer sentinel (1972).

Steinwand, Francis [Colby Cheese, pages 110 to 113] Shown with historical marker of Colby Cheese (1968).

Steinwand, George [Nonagenarians, page 78, column 1] 91 years of age.

Steinwand, Herbert [Banking, page 80] Director and executive vice president after the merger in 1965.

[Lions Club, page 84, column 2] Organized in 1939 with Herbert as secretary-treasurer.

[Banking, page 97, column 1] Hired as the bookkeeper of the Security State Bank (1922) and became the assistant cashier about 1925. Became first assistant cashier and manager of the defaulted Abbotsford Bank (1932). Was the cashier of the bank during robberies in 1955 and 1958.

Steinwand, Joseph [Colby Cheese, pages 110 to 113] Photograph of first home of Colby Cheese Factory.

Credited with developing the first “Colby Cheese” in his fathers factory.

[Business Places of Today, page 127, column 1] Sold store to Jerry Vrana, business is not identified.

Steinwand, Joseph L. [Colby Post Office, page 65, column 2, page 66, columns 1 & 2] Rural mail carrier.

Steinwand, Margaret (Will) [Schools, page 90, column 1] Group photo of 1922-23 girls basketball team.

[Blue Sky Garden Club, page 108, column 2] Served as president of club.

Steinwand, Mr. & Mrs. Ambrose [News Clip, page 77, column 1] They were passengers on mail train number 2 during an attempted train robbery, 1895.

Steinwand, Susan (Weber) [Colby Cheese, pages 110 to 113] Wife of Ambrose.

Steitz, Geo. [Businessmen of 1887, page 40, column 2] Owns building used as barber shop and the only brick building in town.

Stelzel, Louise [Hull Town Mutual Insurance Company] Present agent (1973).

Stephan, Vincent [Businessmen of 1887, page 41, column 2] Was a music teacher.

Sterzinger, Dena [Nat. Catholic Soc. of Foresters, page 93, column 2] Charter member (1915).

Sterzinger, Geo. [Businessmen of 1887, page 43, column 1] Mason that lives 1 3/4 miles Northwest.

Sterzinger, Joe [Nonagenarians, page 78, column 1] 97 years of age.

Stetter, Conrad [Churches, page 93, column 1] Member of St. Mary’s choir.

Stettler, Fred [Colby Milling Co. Explosion, page 76, columns 1 & 2, photo, bottom of page] Injured in milling explosion.

Stettler, John [Colby Fire Department, page 69] Served as town of Hull fire police in 1973.

Stewart, Dr. [Doctors, page 73, columns 1 & 2] Visiting doctor.

Stewart, Jennison [Echoes of Pioneer Days, page 8, column 1] Pioneer settler in town of Colby, sec. 2.

Stewart, Jerry [Cub Scouts, page 107, column 2]

Stewart, Roy [O & N Lumber Company manager, page 124]

Steyer, Rev. Frank [Churches, page 95, column 2] Pastor at St. Paul’s (a/k/a North Green Grove).

Stichert, Mrs. E. A. [Sketches of Pioneers, page 60, column 1] Mentioned in sketch of Fred Pacholke, Sr.

Stiebers [Colby Area Family Names, page 57, upper portion of page] Stiebers - 1929.

Stieber, A. [Hall and Library, page 53, column 2] In 1952, a trustee of the library.

Stieber, Audrey [Girl Scouts, page 106, column 1] Mentioned a present leader of Brownies (1973).

Stieber, David [Womanless Wedding Cast, page 121] Group photograph, bottom.

[Business Places of Today, page 127, column 2] Operated locker plant until 1960.

Stieber, Joseph, Michael and Roman [Sketches of Pioneers, page 22, column 2] Mentioned in sketch of Kuentz Hardware.

Stieber, Joseph [Colby Post Office, page 65, column 2, page 66, columns 1 & 2] Substitute clerk.

Stieber, M. [Radio & Television Show, page 77, column 2] On committee for the Cedric Adams “Talent on Parade” show in 1950.

Stieber, Michael [Colby Post Office, page 65, column 2, page 66, columns 1 & 2] Appointed as postmaster in January of 1956.

[K. of C., page 93, column 2] Deputy grand knight (1962).

[Boy Scouts, page 107, Column 1] Member at large.

Stieber, Mike¹ [Womanless Wedding Cast (1928), page 121] Group photograph, bottom.

Stieber, Mike² [Chamber of Commerce, page 117] Member and postmaster in 1973.

Stieber, Roman [Business Places of Today, page 127, column 2] Built locker plant.

Stock, Edward [Business Places of Today, page 126, column 1] Began Stock Anderson Insurance Agency (1940).

Stoiber, Anna [Nat. Catholic Soc. of Foresters, page 93, column 2] Charter member (1915).

Storch, Raymond [Hull Town Mutual Insurance Company, page 110, columns 1 & 2] Present director (1973).

Stoughton, A. G. [Echoes of Pioneer Days, page 5, column 2] Elected as the first chairman of the Town of Holeton, fall of 1875.

Strade, Fred Mentioned as familiar names around Colby, page 112.

Strassman, Prof. [Optometrists, page 71, column 1] Took rooms at the Commercial House to help those in need of eye glasses.

Strathman, Arnold [Colby Fire Department, page 69] Served as a volunteer in 1973.

[Womanless Wedding Cast, page 121] Group photograph, bottom.

[Business Places of Today, page 127, column 2] Interior and exterior decorators with his brothers and father.

Strathman, B. [Girl Scouts, page 106, top of page, group photo]

Strathman, Doris [Schools, page 90, bottom of page] Group photo (no date) of grade school.

Strathman, Edward [Business Places of Today, page 127, column 2] Interior and exterior decorators with his brothers and father.

Strathman, Harry [Colby Fire Department, page 69] Served as President in 1973. Served as captain hook in 1973. Served as a volunteer in 1973.

Strathman, Harold [Business Places of Today, page 127, column 2] Interior and exterior decorators with his brothers and father.

Strathman, Herman [Business Places of Today, page 127, column 2] Interior and exterior decorators with his sons. Also in business with Bill Wilde Sr.

Strathman, Irene [V.F.W. Auxiliary, page 86, column 1] Patriotic instructor (1947).

Strathman, Robert [Sketches of Pioneers, page 22, column 2, page 23, column 1] Mentioned in sketch of Fred Bredemeyer.

Strathman, Robert W. [Chamber of Commerce, page 116 & 117 Secretary-Treasurer & member in 1973.

[City Government, Present, page 118] Group photograph.

[Womanless Wedding Cast, page 121] Group photograph, top.

[Business Places of Today, page 127, column 1] Owned the Gor-Mar Dept. Store.

Strathman, Richard [Cub Scouts, page 107, column 2]

Strathman, Viginia [V.F.W. Aux.., page 86, column 1] Elected as first chaplain (1947).

Streiter, James [V.F.W., page 85, column 2] Present commander (1973).

Strohkirch, Kenneth [Trailblazers Snowmobile Club, page 110, column 1] President.

Stroota, Albert [News clip, 1878, page 29, column 1 & 2, photo of threshing rig]

Struthers, Robert [Businessmen of 1887, page 40, column 2] Was a carpenter.

Stroota, Arnold [Sketches of Pioneers, page 22, column 2] Mentioned in sketch of Kuentz Hardware.

Sturner, Oscar [Womanless Wedding Cast, page 121] Group photograph, top.

Suckow, Harvey [Business Places of Today, page 126, column 2] Owner of Suclow’s Bar.

Suckow, Mary [Colonial House, page 98, column 1] First director of nursing (1970).

Sullivan, Dan [Cub Scouts, page 107, column 2] Cubmaster.

Sullivan, Mrs. [Girl Scouts, page 106, top of page, group photo]

Sullivan, P. [Girl Scouts, page 106, top of page, group photo] Row 3.

Sullivan, P. [Girl Scouts, page 106, top of page, group photo] Row 4.

Sullivan, Peggy [Girl Scouts, page 106, column 1] Mentioned as leader.

[Cub Scouts, page 107, column 2] Den mother.

Sullivan, Richard [Cub Scouts, page 107, column 2]

Swan, Perry [Businessmen of 1887, page 43, column 1] In town 28, range 3 East, Northeast of the village is the mill of Perry Swan.

Sweet, A. [Colby Masonic Lodge No. 204, page 84, column 1] Secretary in 1876.

Sweet, Eugene [Echoes of Pioneer Days, page 11, column 1 & 2] Mentioned in article of John Gilford.

[Sketches of Pioneers, page 20, column 1] Mentioned in the sketch of William Greseke.

Switchgaebel, Mr. [Colonial House, page 98, column 1] Associated with Colonial House, later moving to Steven’s Point.


Transcribed by: Robert Lipprandt (November, 2004)





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