Contributed by Byron Olson, transcribed by Stan
[Table of Contents] [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
The inventory at the Clark County Insane Asylum Farm on November 1920 was as follows:
Gang plow | $50.00 | Tedder | $75.00 |
Corn Planter | 30.00 | Set Stock & Dies | 22.50 |
Disc Harrow | 40.00 | Folding Bed | 30.00 |
Grain Drill | 75.00 | China Closet | 20.00 |
Ground Roller | 20.00 | Gas Water Heater | 10.00 |
2-Horse Cultivator | 30.00 | 2 Grinding Stones | 5.00 |
2 Mowers | 120.00 | Grass Seeder | 5.00 |
Hay Rake | 25.00 | Water Tank | 3.00 |
Manure Spreader | 75.00 | Wood Water Tank | 24.00 |
5 Wagons | 300.00 | 4 Heating Stoves | 30.00 |
Wagon Box | 40.00 | 30 Gal. Paint | 90.00 |
2 Heavy Sleighs | 80.00 | 4 Wheelbarrows | 20.00 |
Milk Wagon | 40.00 | 1 Set Scales | 20.00 |
Surry | 35.00 | Cream Separator | 135.00 |
2-Seat Sleigh | 65.00 | 3 Gas Engines | 140.00 |
Fanning Mill | 20.00 | Box Stove | 20.00 |
Bone Grinder | 10.00 | Laundry Stove | 10.00 |
1 Hay Loader | 90.00 | Cook Stove | 135.00 |
1 Binder | 185.00 | Safe | 50.00 |
1 Binder Truck | 24.00 | 3 Sets Harness | 300.00 |
1 Hay Rope | 18.00 | 6 Collars | 40.00 |
1 Hay Carrier | 13.00 | 1 Pr. Horse Blankets | 12.00 |
1 Hay Fork | 6.00 | 2 Spring Tooth Drags | 52.00 |
6 Hay Slings | 24.00 | 1 Harrow | 22.00 |
1 Pea Windrower | 23.25 | 1 Feed Cooker | 18.00 |
1 Side Delivery Rake | 35.00 | 1 Garden Seeder | 15.00 |
8 Milk Cans | 50.00 | 4 Plows | 100.00 |
10 Milk Pails | 7.50 | 4 Hay Racks | 100.00 |
3 milk Strainers | 3.00 | 1 Pump Jack | 7.00 |
1 Lawn Mower | 10.00 |
In 1921, contracts for construction were awarded. The general contract, including electrical wiring and finishing the floor foundation, was awarded to the Hutter Construction Company of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin for $364,090; heating contract to Paul Mueller of Milwaukee, Wisconsin for $54,690; plumbing to the American Heating Company of Superior, Wisconsin for $28,284; and the water tower and tank to Chicago Bridge and Iron Works of Chicago, Illinois for $5,325.
Living in the Withee House, the first Asylum Community earned a profit of $1721.27 during the year of 1920.
The first trustees elected by the County Board on November 12, 1921 for the Clark County Asylum, were W. J. Rush, John Verkuilen and William Reinheimer. The new building was officially opened on July 1, 1922. Total cost of construction, furnishings and equipment was $900,000.
The Building Committee turned all matters pertaining to the operation of the Asylum over to the Board of Trustees on November 16, 1922. The first meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on July 1, 1922. At this meeting they selected Dr. H. H. Christopherson as Medical Director. At the second meeting of the Board, held on August 5, 1922, the following bills were audited and approved for payment:
Standard Oil Co. | $86.57 |
O & N Lumber Co. | 29.95 |
W. H. Hobbs Supply Co. | 29.40 |
Marshfield Grocery Co. | 84.12 |
Griebenow and Weirick Co. | 92.92 |
American Heating Co. | 59.30 |
Eau Claire Grocery Co. | 241.53 |
Wis.-Minn. Light & Power Co. | 175.39 |
M. J. Charrette | 45.29 |
W. F. Neuling | 18.00 |
Armour & Company Co. | 70.23 |
C????y Bros. Co. | 25.82 |
Greenwood Roller Mills Co. | 116.85 |
B???r Specialty Co. | 18.18 |
Clark County Telephone Co. | 17.80 |
??? Garage Co. | 22.55 |
M. H. Duncan, Cash Bills | 115.74 |
Payroll | 1,245.81 |
Total. . . . . . . . . . . ......................... . .$2,495.45 |
The operations of the Institution began with the original twelve patients transferred from thewitheehousetothe main building. Seventy more patients were admitted by the end of July. Gradually the population increased, including fifty-five patients, who were transferred from the Northern Wisconsin Colony and Training School, Chippewa Falls, on January 4, 1933. The total population in April of 1936 was 316.
The Institution was originally established under a protective and custodial concept of providing humane care and kind treatment to mentally retarded and chronically mentally ill patients. This is emphasized by the inscription on the cornerstone, which reads, "Dedicated to the Cause of Humanity". One of its main purposes was to receive by transfer patients from the larger state hospitals who required long-term care. The Clark County Asylum was regarded as a home for individuals with little hope of returning to "open society", and did a good job in caring for custodial patients on a long-term basis.
In 1922, a silo measuring 14' x 36' was built on the south side of the cattle barn located on the Johnson Farm. The silo was purchased from the Vesper Silo & Tank Co. for $570.25. A new cement silo was also erected by the dairy barn on the farm known as the Withee Farm.
Operating room equipment was purchased and installed in the hospital ward. A large gathering of people was present at the Institution on October 6, 1922 to witness a plowing and stump-blowing demonstration. The Clark County Agent, Mr. Knipfel, was in charge of the project.
The crop acreage in 1924 was as follows: 60 acres of corn, 25 acres of potatoes, 16 acres of barley, 40 acres of oats, 6 acres of buckwheat and 3 acres of millet. 22 head of springer cows were purchased at a cost of $1,575. The hospital ward of the Asylum was used from September 22 to September 24, 1924 to care for 29 people from the surrounding area, who had been injured in the recent tornado.
In 1925, the following farm machinery was purchased: 1 Wallis tractor, 1 three-bottom plow and I tandem disc, for a total of $650. Gradually, additional farm land was cleared and the dairy herd was expanded with the purchase of additional cattle. The Board of Trustees made monthly inspections of the patients' dining room, living areas and outlying farm buildings.
In 1929, the name of the Institution was changed from the Clark County Asylum to the Clark County Hospital. During the early 1930's, additional wells were dug, as the original supply of water was not sufficient to provide for the needs of the institution. Hardwood logs were cut, hauled and sold to the John S. Owen Lumber Company of Owen. Wisconsin. Other logs of basswood and hemlock were sawed into lumber for repair work on institutional buildings. New fences were built and the old ones repaired.
In April of 1936, Myron G. Duncan succeeded his late father as Superintendent and Mrs. M. H. Duncan continued to act as the Matron. In an effort to increase the production of the farm, land was rented in 1936 from the Lohde and Miller Farms. Six acres of ground surrounding the main building was plotted into lawn. The clearing of additional farm land continued. Electric lines to the barns were repaired.
In 1939, the smoke stack was repaired. In 1941, twenty-four new chairs and two wheelchairs for handicapped patients were purchased. The water tower and tank were cleaned and painted. Two shuffleboard courts was installed. Gradually, additional personnel were hired to meet the needs of a growing institution.
In 1942, a new roof was installed on the horse barn. New and replacement equipment and machinery were purchased as needed.
On September 1, 1943, Mrs. M. H. (Hazel) Duncan was appointed Matron to succeed Mrs. M. G. (Clara) Duncan.
Consideration was given in 1944 to the disposition of the personal property of the County Poor Farm, located in the Town of York, northeast of Neillsville. It was agreed by the Board of Trustees to discontinue the operation of the Poor Farm. In 1945, the Public Property Committee of the County Board and the Board of Trustees decided that there would be a sale of personal property of the County Poor Farm on Wednesday, March 7, 1945. It was also agreed that any machinery and crops which could be used at the Clark County Hospital should be transferred there.
Mr. Calvin Mills was appointed Superintendent as of June 15, 1945 to succeed Mr. M. G. Duncan. Mrs. Mills became Matron.
Era of Improvements and Additions to Buildings and Grounds
During 1946 - 47, a new machine shed was erected and an X-ray machine purchased. Lifting of price controls and rationing gradually increased the cost of operations. Fortunately, this was offset in part by an increase in income from farm operations.
In 1948, a slaughter house was erected and many needed repairs and improvements were made to outlying buildings. A new hog house and a laboratory for the State Soil Conservation Project were erected in 1952. The following year, a new water supply was developed. A fire alarm and inter-communication system were installed. The installation of new roofs on the main building was also completed.
Contracts were awarded for an addition to the main building, consisting of a deepfreeze unit, new refrigeration, meat processing room, modern dairy unit, bakery, employees' dining room and complete modernization of the kitchen. This was completed and in use during 1954. Cafeteria style of serving patients was instituted, making possible the serving of hot food to patients at all times.
Dr. H. H. Christofferson unexpectedly passed away on September 1, 1954. Dr. J. W. Johnson was appointed medical director on September 8, 1954.
The following year found improvements in the heating system, which resulted in a more efficient operation. Occupational Therapy was initiated with male patients. An extensive program of needlework and rug making was carried out on each ward under the direction of Mrs. Calvin Mills. Television was installed on all wards and a movie machine was purchased. Short films were shown on the wards to patients who formerly were unable to attend movies in the auditorium.
By 1956 all of the women's wards had been equipped with new dayroom furniture. A new mangle was installed in the laundry. The addition of a modern grain storage and mixing plant increased the efficiency of the farm operation.
In the early part of 1957, the men's wards were equipped with new dayroom furniture, which provided a greater degree of comfort for the patients and improved the appearance of the Institution. The Hospital was fortunate in being named a beneficiary of a portion of the Max Papenfuss Estate. A portion of the money was used to purchase new tables and chairs for the patients' dining room and for ventilation and acoustics for the auditorium. Every effort was made to use the legacy for purposes which would add to the enjoyment and well-being of the patients, as this was the intent of the donor. A plaque was placed in the Institution in commemoration of the gift.
A beauty shop was added in 1958. The front entrance and porch of the main building were remodeled. This improved the appearance of the building and at the same time added two visiting rooms for patients, friends and relatives.
Contracts for new boilers, piping and ventilation were awarded in December, 1959. This project, along with a new system for filtration of the river water, was completed in early 1960. The driveways were blacktopped and new electric entrance panels and lines were installed in the boiler room and main building. Six electric stoves were installed in the kitchen and bakery and a new electric oven was added to the kitchen equipment. The new stoves and oven were made possible from the balance of the money left to the Institution from the Max Papenfuss Estate. During 1960, the part-time services of a social worker were acquired. Release plans were developed for select patients. Increased involvement with relatives of patients was now possible.
In 1961 - 62, roofs were installed on the west wing of the main building and on the power house. Plans were approved for a Superintendent's residence and construction was started. The former private quarters of the Superintendent were converted to a sewing room, medical center, dentist office and storage rooms. The moving of these services from ward areas reduced overcrowding and resulted in improved patient care. A bulk tank was installed at the main dairy barn. The barn and dairy plant were certified as Grade A by the Department of Agriculture and Markets. A new well was drilled and water system installed at the west farm; also, a milk house was built, and a can cooler added.
During 1963, the part-time services of a psychiatric consultant were acquired, which provided for the development of psychiatric-patient evaluation and therapy. The Knights of Columbus from the surrounding area presented the Hospital with an altar, confessional booth and lectern. The altar and lectern were used for services in the Hospital auditorium. A new chapel, which represented several months of cooperative planning between the Clark County Hospital staff and clergymen of all denominations, was dedicated in July, 1965. The chapel has a seating capacity of 130 people.
An occupational therapy unit, consisting of 2400 square feet of floor space, was constructed during 1965. The existing auditorium adjoins and is easily accessible to the therapy unit for larger groups taking part in recreation. A sewage treatment project was also completed during the year.
On June 1, 1966, Arlyn Mills joined the staff as Assistant Superintendent and Director of Patient Care and Treatment.
Gradually over the years, the philosophy of providing long-term custodial care changed and it was recognized that the Clark County Hospital had the potential for offering a greatly expanded program of institutional care and treatment. Experience had demonstrated the advantage of treating patients within their own communities in small hospitals close to their homes and families. More than ever before, it became evident that Clark County was not only unique, but fortunate, in having this facility located at the local level.
An application submitted to the State Department of Public Welfare, Division of Mental Hygiene, to qualify the Clark County Hospital as an active treatment center, received formal approval on December 20, 1966. This meant that the Hospital had the necessary personnel, programs and facilities to provide intensive treatment on a first-admission basis. An increasing number of patients entered the Hospital by direct admission and a decreasing number were transferred from state institutions. Those admitted directly displayed greater rehabilitative potential; consequently, the proportion released and re-entering society rose accordingly. Active treatment was a relatively new concept for the Hospital and would continue to develop as the philosophy of providing progressive mental health services became more pronounced. The image of a "custodial asylum" and "county farm" was replaced by one of a "treatment hospital". This represented progress and the beginning of a new era. It was a step forward which all citizens of Clark County and surrounding areas could be proud.
During 1966, a federal grant was received from the National Institute of Mental Health for the development of an In-Service Training Program for Hospital Personnel.
Several additions and improvements were made to the physical plant during 1966 - 67. Two new elevators, one located in the female section and the other in the male section of the main building, were completed and put into operation. Fifty new beds were purchased and water softeners were installed for water that supplies the laundry and all hot water in the rest of the Hospital. New roofs were put on the east and west wings of the main building and a new Free- port cement stave silo was constructed and with a Jamesway unloader installed at the beef stock barn. The receptionist and business office area was completely remodeled and a new office was renovated for the Superintendent.
In February, 1967, the Food Service Department was reorganized with the appointment of a food service super- visor. One menu, cafeteria style, was initiated. The previous two-menu system for patients and employees was abolished.
An open house was held on June 4, 1967. Guided tours were conducted by Hospital personnel through the buildings at various intervals. A brochure "Welcome to Clark County Hospital", which explained the Institution's programs, services and facilities was distributed to the visitors.
The part-time services of a trained social worker provided consultation and supervision to staff, as well as services to patients and their families. On July 1, 1967, counseling and diagnostic services were made available to residents of Clark County through the Wood County Mental Health Services, Marshfield, Wisconsin. By a contractual agreement between Clark County and the Wood County Mental Health Services, consultation became available by special appointment at the Clark County Hospital.
The services of two additional agencies providing evaluation and/or training in social and vocational experiences for long-term retarded patients were utilized: Marshfield Rehabilitation Workshop and Development Evaluation Center, Central Wisconsin Colony and Training School. The number of patients on various programs administered by county departments of social services rose markedly. The Hospital began to develop a working relationship with the Clark County Department of Social Services, as well as with other like agencies in other counties.
This period marked the first full year of participation under the federally sponsored In-Service Training Pro- gram. Specialists presented lectures and demonstrations to the entire staff.
Additional staff was provided to meet the demands of new programs and the refinement of existing programs for patients; psychiatric aides and nursing personnel to provide a higher level of care, dietician to more adequately provide for the dietary and nutritional needs, and volunteer coordinator to stimulate the involvement of interested persons in the community.
An Advisory Committee was appointed to study the feasibility of converting a portion of the Clark County Hospital to a Public Medical Institution (Skilled Nursing Home). After considerable investigation, the Advisory Committee recommended to the County Board of Supervisors that 9&100 beds be converted. The County Board formally approved this action in its April, 1968 session. Subsequently, approval was also received from the State Department of Health and Social Services. The name of the institution then became Clark County Hospital and Home.
In an effort to meet state and federal standards, plans were approved and contracts let for an extensive remodeling program. Some of the work undertaken in this project was as follows:
Enclosing of twelve open porches and remodeling of former employee quarters
Construction of new toilet and bathing facilities
Replacement of cast iron radiators by thermostatically controlled wall fin radiation
Elimination of all transoms and dirt chutes
Installation of two new fire exits
Complete renovation of one male and one female ward
Addition of new nursing stations on each ward
Installation of nurses call system on two wards
Installation of fire resistive doors on all stair wells.
The enclosing of the twelve porches and remodeling of former employee quarters provided for an additional 75 beds. This was not done to serve more patients, but to release overcrowding and, therefore, more adequately serve the existing population. The former employee quarters became an intensive treatment 15-bed unit, where newly admitted patients in acute distress were assigned for intensive treatment and early recovery.
The water system no longer met with the approval of the State Board of Health. As a result, new wells and water system were installed, which provided the Institution with the capacity of pumping 225,000 gallons of water per minute.
In October of 1968, In-Service Training classes were initiated for all ward personnel. Every ward employee was scheduled to attend classes for one hour a week. Patient care procedures were taught with visual aids printed material and lectures. Resource personnel were involved. Follow-up observation on the wards was also accomplished by the instructor. Nursing care plans were recorded for each patient so that care could be provided in a more uniform and consistent manner.
Pharmaceutical services were initiated. The drug room was completely remodeled, which included the installation of enclosed drug cabinets and modern work counter. A pharmacist was added to the staff of the Hospital two days per week. The old system of patient medication was replaced by an improved and much safer system of individual medication.
The addition of a full-time trained social worker to the staff resulted in the improvement and development of social service programs. Pre-admission and admission procedures were refined to the point where a thorough evaluation and social history was completed on each patient, either before or during the intake process. A number of treatment modalities were initiated; individual counseling, group therapy and family therapy. All of these made definite contributions to the successful treatment of an impressive number of patients and their families. Release and discharge planning for patients included the identification of suitable living arrangements, establishment of guardianships, providing transportation, locating employment and numerous other details, which were arranged for and with the patients. This planning often included out-patient services, adult foster homes, family care homes, and other alternate care facilities, such as half and quarter-way houses. In utilizing "Out-of-Hospital" resources, a close working relationship progressively developed with community resources.
Volunteer services continued to fulfill the needs of patients, which could not otherwise be provided by the hospital staff. Approximately 200 volunteers participated in various volunteer service programs during 1968 - 69. The following services were rendered by them with staff assistance where necessary: camping, croquette, badminton, volley- ball, trampoline, cards, bingo, letter writing, reading, art, knitting, darning, mock election, bowling, fair guides, hair set- ting, shopping, visiting, jogging, local high school concerts and church. New volunteers experienced an orientation per- iod, which familiarized them with hospital rules and routines.
Clergymen from the surrounding area continued to provide church services. Some clergymen became involved in the treatment program by providing group therapy and guidance and individual counseling to the patients on a regular basis.
By 1970, the psychiatric hospital and nursing home had a full complement of registered nurses and licensed practical nurses. The efficiency of providing nursing care increased considerably with the utilization of nursing stations on each patient care unit. The P.M.I. (public medical institution) unit was now in full operation and began to show effective results. Nursing personnel assumed a supervisory role over staff involved in direct patient contact.
Activity therapy secured its first full-time Registered Occupational Therapist and the program of the Activity Therapy Department was structured to include as many patients as possible. Group recreation was offered for nearly all patients. Specialized activities were provided for regressed and non-ambulatory patients, as well as for those who were better integrated, or who had special interests. All activities were designed as an integral part of the patients s treatment. Written records of patient progress were maintained and scheduled conferences were held to program patients and review objectives.
Industrial Therapy played a significant role in the treatment program. Nearly all newly admitted patients were placed on jobs commensurate with their ability and interest levels. Work assignments were evaluated periodically. Increased emphasis was placed upon the value of work as a therapeutic experience.
The psychiatrist's role as a consultant to the Hospital expanded. In general, he functioned in support and collaboration with the hospital staff in carrying out its mission of affording a good program for individuals with emotional problems requiring hospitalization. Decisions were made pertaining to admission, treatment and discharge of patients. This was facilitated with interviews with each new admission by correlating social, legal, and historic data to establish a diagnostic category. Frequent interviews were held with authorities, family members and/or agency personnel. All staff was involved and assisted in working out a therapeutic program and discharge plan. Medication and varied therapeutic approaches were recommended and supervised which included individual, group, and family therapy. Rehabilitative and eventual discharge plans were reviewed. Post discharge sessions were held with the patient and interested persons. Educational programs were carried out through interviews with aides and nursing personnel.
Patients were discharged with an optimistic attitude because of the Hospital's contact and utilization of sheltered workshops and half-way houses in Marshfield and Eau Claire, as well as affiliation with the Vocational Rehabilitation Program. The Clark County contract with the Wood County Mental Health Services provided a follow-up program for patients who were discharged from the Hospital.
In the fall of 1970, an open house was held for the public. Over 1000 people from throughout the area attended. Guided tours were conducted by the staff and a brochure was distributed to the visitors.
Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Mills retired on December 30, 1970. Arlyn A. Mills, who had been employed as Assistant Superintendent and Director of Patient Care and Treatment, was appointed Superintendent effective January 1, 1971.
The philosophy of nursing services to achieve optimum care in providing for the physical, psycho-social and emotional needs for all patients, received emphasis. To attain this, the staff was provided growth and development through an expanding In-Service Training Program. The team-concept of treatment became more rewarding as each member seemed to recognize the significance and importance of his involvement.
Social Services continued to provide evaluations and social histories on each patient. Individual, group and family therapy was increased and strengthened. Social Services provided increased programming in discharge planning and community services. Clark County Hospital and Home was successfully linked with various community agencies and institutions. Several new resources were developed in outlying areas.
The Activity Therapy Department increased programming in patient self-care on ward units. Various groups of patients were formed to explore and learn about community living skills. Evaluation and diagnostic programming was added, which helped in making individual patient assessments. Activity Therapy Programs developed, especially in areas designed to assist patients to increase their ability to be self-responsible.
Under the direction of the Volunteer Coordinator, the utilization of volunteers increased to the extent that volunteers were used in almost all aspects of programming for patients. Special emphasis was placed on the use of teenage volunteers. Through a cooperative program with the Clark County Department of Social Services, a number of teenagers began working with the patients. Volunteer services supervised a variety of tours and special programs. Annual Career Days drew a large number of students from the area to acquaint them with the opportunities for work in the mental health field.
Regular worship services for all denominations continued. Religious programming increased and improved, especially through the addition of a part-time chaplain. A number of new programs were provided, which included group work, educational programs, individual counseling and films.
A system of decorating the main building was initiated by Mrs. Arlyn Mills. Special emphasis was given to patient living areas. A more homelike atmosphere was provided through the coordination of colors in draperies, pictures and painting. Furniture was arranged in an appealing manner. The total effect stimulated patient interest and pride in their surroundings.
Considerable renovation of the physical plant was completed within the fiscal year 1970 - 71. Listed below are the significant projects undertaken:
Sprinkling system installed in the half-way house and cottage (independent living units which are part of the patient rehabilitative program)
Main dairy barn remodeled and calf barn addition constructed
Concrete stave silo constructed (20' x 70') to be used for haylage
Remodeling and addition to the Superintendent's residence
Conversion of clothing storage room to a sewing room
Conversion of ironing room to a clothing storage area
Conversion of sewing room into four offices
Conversion of unused room to storage and office
Installation of a separate electrical service for the farm buildings located on the east end of the Institution's premises
Replastering Ward II-West
The Institution was surveyed by a team from the Wisconsin Division of Health, Section of Hospitals and Related Facilities and Services, in 1971. Deficiencies found in their visitation were subsequently authorized for correction by the Clark County Board of Supervisors. The following installations were made: Sprinkling systems in storage rooms and smoke barrier doors in corridors; hand rails in hallways of the nursing home units; smoke dampers in ventilation chutes, and fire rated doors and frames in specified hallways and stairway.
Improvements shown below were accomplished between January 1972 September 1, 1972:
Establishment of Medical Records Department
Installation of storage cabinets in Canteen and Occupation Therapy Room
Replastering of Ward I II -West
Re-roofing of dairy barn, hog house and milk house
Replacement of parapet wall on Institution building
Painting of water tower
Underground installation of electrical standby cable to the wells
Redecorating of Ward II-West
Repair and renovation of farrowing barn
An apartment in the Withee House was utilized as a half-way house to evaluate the release potential of select female patients. Increased efforts were made to meet the specialized needs of the alcoholic patient through increased staff involvement in alcoholism treatment.
A federal grant was received from the National Library of Medicine in April, 1972. The grant was used to establish a reference library through the accumulation of books, journals and pamphlets for use by staff and the community. Medical records were completely reorganized. The recruitment of a Medical Records Consultant assisted in this effort.
The services of a Psychological Consultant was added, which allowed for the development of a Psychological Testing and Evaluation Program.
The past has demonstrated continuous growth and development for the Clark County Hospital and Home. A number of building additions and remodeling projects have been accomplished. Additional staff has provided the opportunity of improving and expanding a program of care, treatment and rehabilitation. An active treatment philosophy and program has developed to benefit all segments of the patient population.
The Clark County Institutions provide in-patient, out-patient, and related services for mentally ill, mentally retarded, mentally infirm, and inebriate citizens of Clark County and surrounding area. Individuals are either detained and/or committed by the court, transferred from other institutions, or admitted by voluntary application. The unique needs of each individual are considered as dictated by his physical, social, emotional and mental characteristics in providing specialized programs of care, treatment, and rehabilitation.
Our philosophy is based upon the belief in the inherent dignity and rights of each individual and upon the recognition of the person's physical, social and psychological needs.
It is our belief that we have a moral and professional responsibility to guide and assist all individuals, both patients and staff, to fully develop their potential and seek to provide a setting where they can function effectively, both as an individual and as a member of a group.
We strive to provide not only a service to the sick and aged, but extend ourselves to the promotion of health, both physical and mental, and the prevention of illness in the community as well as at our Institutions. This service attempts to utilize various levels of personnel working cooperatively for quality care and thereby provides a suitable environment for continuous learning.
Through the effective use of self, recognizing individual potential and capabilities, we strive to gain self-knowledge and self-direction in formulating and following a set of values which will lead to personal growth and fulfillment.
All departments must function in an integrative manner with all levels of personnel in the Institutions and with community services in planning, implementing, coordinating and evaluating a therapeutic atmosphere for the provision of comprehensive individualized care and in assisting the patient in attaining his optimal level of independent living.
To treat long-term chronic mentally ill patients
To treat short-term acute mentally ill patients
To treat the alcoholic and patients displaying related symptomatology
To provide residential care and rehabilitation for the socially dependent adult
To meet their physical and emotional needs for skilled nursing service
Maintain their independence
Enrich their lives
Combat loneliness and boredom
Help them continue as useful contributing members of society
The extent of these functions performed by the Hospital and Home staff is determined by the will and involvement of the community. This means that money, material and manpower which our governing bodies feel can be provided by the County resources are used to provide professional treatment on a level consistent with the needs of the patient, according to our developing understanding of psychiatric illness and the aging process. The progress of the organization toward these stated objectives is tempered with the judgment of professional management, humanity and economy.
Budget for the calendar year, 1972 is $1,501,750.00 (includes tax levy of $50,000-00)
Per capita cost (1/l/72 thru 4/30/72):
Psychiatric Hospital, per wk. is $66.79
P.M.I (Nursing Home) per day is $13.28
Patient population - August 1, 1972:
Psychiatric Hospital: Male 135, Female 130, Total 265. Average age: 58 (youngest 22, oldest 92)
P.M.I (Nursing Home): Male 46, Female 47, Total 93. Average age: 75 (youngest 42, oldest 98)
Payroll - July, 1972
Personnel: Full Time 96, Part Time 54, Total 150.
Farm acreage - Summer, 1972: Total acres 1,160 (under cultivation - 800 acres) Oats - 291; Hay - 246; Corn - 85; Garden - 20; Potatoes - 26, Buildings, lawn and grounds - 60; Pasture and misc. acreage - 132; Wild pasture and woods - 300
Cattle Inventory - August 1, 1972: Milking herd consists of approximately 85 head of registered Holsteins. The rolling herd average on 81 cows is 16,063 lbs. of, milk, 3.6 test, 583 lbs. of fat per cow. Beef and young stock - 48; Hogs - 199; Replacement heifers - 71
Dairy plant is licensed for Grade A. 4250 lbs. of milk are processed weekly. One beef and three hogs are slaughtered and processed each week Food service prepares and serves approximately 1200 meals daily (600 loaves of bread are baked weekly, besides miscellaneous pastry. Laundry work load averages 6000 lbs. of finished dry weight per week. Canteen on the average sells 45 cartons of cigarettes weekly, 26 boxes of candy bars and numerous miscellaneous items.
Beauty shop provides 300 permanents and approximately 3000 hair sets annually. Sewing room is responsible for purchasing, fitting and altering clothing for entire patient population.
Printed in Withee, WI by Isaacs Printing Co. 1972
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