Reineking Family Photo Album
Contributed by
Betty Comstock
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Photo: Reineking Family Photo Album
----Source: Reineking Family Scrapbooks provided by Gail Reineking
Reineking Family Portrait-Seated, Olga and Otto, Elvera(Vera),
Eldora(Dotty) and Norman(in service uniform, WW II) |
Photo: Reineking Family Photo Album
----Source: Reineking Family Scrapbooks provided by Gail Reineking
Otto & Olga Reineking farm in Town of Mead, Clark Co., WI (1950’s)
Memories of staying with the Reinekings while attending VBS for six
weeks around 1949-51. The house was small with two bedrooms
upstairs, one bedroom, combination kitchen-living room, and
entry,wash-up room. No running water, pump/well was located outside
the back door, between house and the summer kitchen. House and
garden was fenced to keep geese and chickens out! My older sister &
I stayed during the week, went home to our farm in Loyal on the
weekends. We went to VBS at West Side Church, walking there and back
in the am. In the afternoon, we needed to take naps, due to the
worry of polio, rest being very important. We also helped with
household chores and picked strawberries when in season.
(Betty Comstock) |
Photo: Reineking Family Photo Album
----Source: Reineking Family Scrapbooks provided by Gail Reineking
Norman Reineking, college graduation 1941, with a two year teaching
certificate. Graduated from North Central State Teachers
College-Stevens Point, which is now part of the University System.
Norman taught at Decker School in Town of Warner for $80.00 per
month!. |
Photo: Reineking Family Photo Album
----Source: Reineking Family Scrapbooks provided by Gail Reineking
Norman Reineking, home on leave from service. Norman was inducted
into service, March 16, 1943.He was stationed at Camp Butler, North
Carolina, with the 310 Infantry, 78th division as a Surgical
Technician. |
Photo: Reineking Family Photo Album
----Source: Reineking Family Scrapbooks provided by Gail Reineking
Friends and family, Left to right: front, Mr. and Mrs. Simon (Marie)
Dohmeier, Otto’s grandparents from Sheboygan Co., Erna Dohmeier,
Walter Kuhn; back: unknown, Otto Reineking, Art Meinholdt |