1872 - 1972
Contributed by Jean Dahl,
Transcribed by Tanya Paschke
and Indexing by Kenneth Wood
A Glimpse of Main Street, Unity, Wis. 1908
JUNE 23 – 24 – 25
We have tried to compile an interesting story of our village. Some names have been mentioned, many have not – perhaps their names forgotten. Each served faithfully, their contributions and continued support fused and became part of it all. It is not our intention to emphasize anyone in particular. Our story is based on the material given to us. We wish to thank all who submitted pictures and articles.
A special recognition is extended to the Modern History Class of 1933-34 who compiled "The Dawn of Unity". We included it in our
Centennial Booklet as a tribute to the Unity High School.
To the memory of
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Creed, the first pioneer family who built a home here, and all other early settlers who erected homes from the verdant timber, braved the hardships, shared the joys and sorrows which bonded them into a colony, we dedicate this Centennial Booklet.
Often as we gaze upon the settlement of Unity, we naturally wonder how this place came into existence. We do not realize how really interesting and valuable its history actually is until we have the opportunity to read or hear about it. Most people, particularly the younger generation are not aware of the many interesting facts concerning their home.
We know that back in early 1871 such a place as Unity did not exist; in fact, there were few divisions of the counties, Portage County making up almost all of Wisconsin. In that same year on April 1, in spite of the day, the outcome did not prove to be such a joke as would be expected. Edmund Creed and
Fritz Henry Darling ventured into the wilderness where Unity is now situated. These men started out from Amherst, Wisconsin on foot with their blankets, an old shotgun, and very little food. Stopping at Stevens Point, they went to the land office where they found some vacant plats subject to Homestead entry. Continuing on they wandered around until they found where the Little Eau Pleine River crossed what is now the rail road right of way. Here Mr. Creed homesteaded a 40 and Mr. Darling 160 acres as well as marking homesteads for several friends.
Being very anxious to inform their wives of the claims they returned to Nelsonville where Mr. Creed’s young wife of twenty-two was very enthusiastic about the conditions and location of the new territory. She persuaded Edmund to return here to build a house, that his family might come here to settle. They then began construction of a log house near the surveyed road. As there was no other town between here and Stevens Point, their supplies had to be brought from there by ox team. Mr. Creed and Mr. Darling completed this home in January of 1872. In the spring of 1872, Mr. Creed moved his family and
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Yerks here to take up their residence in the log cabin. No roads or railroads were yet in existence through this county, so the families moved here from Nelsonville by oxen and wagon. It was a long, difficult journey, but the pioneer blood in these people would not let them give up. Of course, many hardships were encountered, such as loss of cattle and horses but even this did not discourage them.
Shortly after the arrival of these families, Mr. Darling also returned here. He at once set to work building a house near the Creed home that his family might also dwell in the new region.
The surveying of a railroad had begun as a result of other chance observers in this territory. It was an entirely new project for the beginning of a village. No doubt, a letter was occasionally written to old friends or relatives at home but there were no trains or trucks to deliver them. As a result the pioneers were satisfied with receiving and sending mail once a week by a man on horseback journeying from Stevens Point to Superior. Of course these letters had to be delivered to one central station so Mr. Creed took over the responsibility of having the temporary Post Office in his home and also secured a permit to be Postmaster. The few families that received or sent mail would thus come to the Creed home and attend to such affairs. Naturally there were no special boxes or even the arrangement of a post office as we see it today. The mail was merely placed in a bag whose contents were emptied and sorted as each person called.
Gradually new settlers chanced through the region and being quite satisfied with the prospects took up a dwelling place. It was growing cold and snow had begun to fall so some of these newcomers could not begin the construction of a home. Mrs. Creed’s hospitality was shown at this moment by taking these people under her own roof. Therefore three families spent the entire winter in the one-room home with the Creed family. It was a difficult task to keep the youngster’s stockings and shoes and other clothing separated. It wasn’t only a simple matter of family difficulties but that of several families combined. It was quite a common occurrence to awaken early in the morning and find Indians sleeping on the narrow floor space that was vacant in spite of the occupancy of these three families.
During the same fall of 1872, Mr. A. Stirling from Stevens Point came here to settle and start a business. He build a house and store in connection directly back of the Creed house. The store was a very small one the chief supplies being tobacco and whiskey. This being a more appropriate place, he took over the responsibility of having the post office in the forepart of his store. It then received better organization and naturally had to have a name. Up to this time no one of these settlers could have said where they were living as they did not know. Mrs. Creed was given the honor of naming the newly settled community. She suggested Maple Grove, Wisconsin which was sent to Washington D.C. Reports were sent back of another Maple Grove in this state. A second choice was then made. Because of the unification of the small group already stationed here, Mrs. Creed decided Unity a very desirable name. This in turn was sent to Washington and became the permanent choice.
In 1873 the third son was born to the Creeds and was named Homer. He was the first white child born in Unity.
Early in the spring of ’73 conditions looked very promising in this newly settled community and more and more people settled here. Mr. J. D. Spaulding of Black River Falls no doubt heard about the prospects of the country. He was then interested in construction of a sawmill for the purpose of profitable clearing of the oversupply of timber and making way for more extensive settling. Through his devoted efforts Mr. Spaulding succeeded in getting enough men to organize the mill. He built a small store to provide his men with supplies. The material need for his mill was brought here partly by horses and the rest by train as the track had been completed as far as the Little Eau Pleine bridge south of the village.
Obituary of Edmund Creed