Bio: Marshall, William L. (Commemorative Bio - 1895)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

---Source: Commemorative Biographical Record of the Upper Wisconsin Counties of Waupaca, Portage, Wood, Marathon, Lincoln, Oneida, Vilas, Langlade and Shawano. publ. 1895 by J. H. Beers & Co., Chicago 1110 pages, illustrated; Page 958-959

William L. Marshall

William L. Marshall, the popular and efficient postmaster of Tomahawk, Lincoln County, is one of the most enterprising citizens of the place. He is a native of the Buckeye State, where his birth occurred August 12, 1849.

His father, Edmund Marshall, was born in 1817, in Pennsylvania, and was a son of Lazarus Marshall, a native of the same State. The latter, who was a carpenter by trade, had a family of six children. The father of our subject wedded Miss Mary Crawford, who was born in 1825, in Ohio, daughter of John Crawford, who was a native of Ireland, and a farmer by occupation. She was one of a family of eight children, three of her brothers being James, Arthur and Wesley. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall have had children as follows: Sarah A., John W., James A., Leonidas H., Almeda and William L. The father, who was an agriculturist, followed that vocation after locating in Vernon County, Wis., in 1856, where he died January 8, 1894, and his wife departed this life in July, 1888.

William L. Marshall migrated with his parents to Vernon County, Wis., in 1856, locating in the wilds of Wisconsin forests, where he endured the hardships incident to pioneer life. His early days were spent in attendance at the district schools during the winter months, while in the summer season he assisted his father in the arduous take of clearing and developing his new land. On January 1, 1879, Mr. Marshall was united in marriage with Miss Adella E. Slade, who was born in Fox Lake, Wis., and prior to her marriage, had engaged in teaching. She is a daughter of William and Elizabeth Slade, the former a native of London, England, and the latter of New York. To our subject and his wife have been four children, of whom Nellie died at the age of four years; those living are Mary E., William W. and Fred.

In March, 1881, Mr. Marshall removed with his family, consisting of wife and one baby girl, to Merrill, Lincoln County, where he worked at his trade of house carpentering until the fall of 1886, when he was employed on the great Tomahawk dam, where he remained until the spring of 1888. He was then elected to the office of treasurer of the town of Rock Falls, and removed to the village of Tomahawk, which he has since made his home. Here he began the real estate and fire insurance business, in which he has ever since met with a well deserved success.

Being an active Democrat Mr. Marshall was, after a heated contest, appointed postmaster of Tomahawk by President Cleveland, receiving his appointment January 25, 1895, which was confirmed by the United States Senate February 2, 1895; and he took charge of the office February 28, 1895,. He seems to be alive to the needs of the patrons of the post office in the thriving city in which he lives, as he at once set to work carpenters and painters fitting up a new office, which is now completed, and is one of the finest in all its details in Northern Wisconsin. Mr. Marshall has ever taken a great inertest in political affairs, serving as a delegate to both State and County Conventions, and for two years was town treasurer. He takes an active part in promoting educational work, and for four years was a member of the school board. For twenty-two years he had been connected with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, being a charter member of two lodges, and has filled all the chairs in the local order.

Additional Information:

Census Records for William L. Marshall & Family

Obit: Marshall, Adella Elizabeth #1 (1857 - 1920)

Obit: Marshall, Mary Elizabeth #1 (1879 - 1920)

Obit: Marshall, Adella Elizabeth #2 (1857 - 1920)

Obit: Marshall, Mary Elizabeth #2 (1879 - 1920)

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