Bio: Marshall, William L. (Census Records)

Poster: Chuck Jentlie

Census Records for William Lazarus Marshall & Family

1850 Census - Ohio, Muskingum County, Image 26; index as Edward Marshal
Line # Name Age Sex Color Occupation Value of Real Estate Place of Birth
22 Edward Marshal 32 M W Farmer   PA
23 Mary Marshal 29 F W     Ohio
24 Sarah A. Marshal 9 F W     Ohio
25 Mary J. Marshal 8 F W     Ohio
26 John W. Marshal 5 M W     Ohio
27 James W. Marshal 4 M W     Ohio
28 Wm L. Marshal 1 N W     Ohio

1860 Census - Wisconsin, Bad Ax County [AKA Vernon Co.], Webster, Image 5
Line # Name Age Sex Color Occupation Value of Real Estate Value of Personal Estate Birth Place
1 Edmund Marshall 43 M   Farmer $400 $239 Pennsylvania
2 Mary Marshall Wife 39 F         Ohio
3 Mary Marshall 18 F         Ohio
4 John Marshall 15 M         Ohio
5 James Marshall 12 M         Ohio
6 William Marshall 11 M         Ohio
7 Leonidas Marshall 6 M         Ohio
8 Alemda Marshall 4 F         Wisconsin
9 Samuel Marshall 3/12 M         Wisconsin

1870 Census - Webster, Vernon County, Wisconsin; Image 11; Index as Edmond Marshall
Line # Name Age Sex Color Occupation Value of Estate Value of Personal Estate Birth Place
10 Edmond Marshall 53 M W Farmer 1800 600 Pennsylvania
11 Mary Marshall 48 F W Keeping House     Ohio
12 James A. Marshall 22 M W Farm Laborer     Ohio
13 William L. Marshall 21 M W Farm Laborer     Ohio
14 Leonidas Marshall 16 M W Farm Laborer     Ohio
15 Phileanelia Marshall 13 F W At Home     Wisconsin

1880 Census - Webster, Vernon County, Wisconsin; District 19; Image 13; Index as Edman Marshal
Line # Name Color Sex Age Relation Occupation Birth Place Birth Place of Father Birth Place of Mother
37 Edman Marshal W M 63 Head Farming PA PA Pa
38 Mary Marshal W F 58 Wife Keeping House Ohio Ireland Connecticut
39 James Marshal W M 33 Son Farming Wis Pa Ohio
40 Almeda Marshal W F 23 Daughter Stay At Home Wis Pa Ohio
41 Wellar Marshal W M 9 Gran Son   Wis Ohio Ohio
42 Anne Marshal W F 6/12 Gran Daughter   Wis Ohio Ohio

1900 Census - Wisconsin, Lincoln County, Merrill; District 60; Image 29
House address is 608 3rd Street
Line # Name Relation Race Sex Birth Month Birth Year Age Martial Status Martial
Children Born Children Living Birth Place Father Birth Place Mother Birth Place Occupation
89 William L. Marshall Head W M August 12 1849 50 M 21     Ohio Ohio Ohio Insurance Agent
90 Adella E. Marshall Wife W F July 3 1857 42 M 21 4 3 Wisconsin Euglund New York  
91 Mary E. Marshall Daughter W F Oct. 5 1879 20 S       Wisconsin Ohio Wisconsin At School
92 Wm Walter Marshall Son W M Sept. 19 1891 8 S       Wisconsin Ohio Wisconsin At School
93 Fred A. Marshall Son W M March 26 1893 7 S       Wisconsin Ohio Wisconsin At School

1905 Census - Wisconsin, Lincoln County, Merrill; Image 20; Index as Wm. L. Marshall
Line # Name Relation Color Sex Age MartialStatus Birth Place Birth Place of Parents Occupation
1 Wm L. Marshall head W M 56 M Ohio Penn Ohio Dealer Real Estate
2 Adella Marshall Wife W F 48 M Wisconsin New York Eng  
3 Mary E. Marshall Daughter W F 31 S Wisconsin Ohio Wis Teacher
4 Walter M. Marshall Son W M 13 S Wisconsin Ohio Wis Student
5 Fred S. Marshall Son W F 12 S Wisconsin Ohio Wis  

1910 Census - Merrill, Ward 3, Lincoln County, Wisconsin; District 57; Image 14; Index as William L. Marshall 205 Second Street
Line # House # Name Relation Sex Color Age Martial Status Martial Years # of Children Born # of Children Living Birth Place Birth Place of Father  Birth Place of  Mother Occupation
94 205 William L. Marshall head M W 60 M 31     Ohio Ohio Ohio Agent - Rubber Stock
95   Adela E. Marshall Wife F W 52 M 31 4 3 Wisconsin England New York None
96   Walter W. Marshall Son M W 18 S       Wisconsin Ohio Wisconsin None
97   Fred S. Marshall Son M W 17 S       Wisconsin Ohio Wisconsin None


Additional Information:

Bio: Marshall, William L. (Commemorative Bio - 1895)

Obit: Marshall, Adella Elizabeth #1 (1857 - 1920)

Obit: Marshall, Mary Elizabeth #1 (1879 - 1920)

Obit: Marshall, Adella Elizabeth #2 (1857 - 1920)

Obit: Marshall, Mary Elizabeth #2 (1879 - 1920)


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