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NE WWI Resources NE Military Resources - Main
The Great War - National Project


In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place, and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved, and now we lie

In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields.

Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918)



Oh! sleep in peace where poppies grow;

The torch your falling hands let go

Was caught by us, again held high,

A beacon light in Flanders sky

That dims the stars to those below.

You are our dead, you held the foe,

And ere the poppies cease to blow,

We'll prove our faith in you who lie

In Flanders Fields.

Oh! rest in peace, we quickly go

To you who bravely died, and know

In other fields was heard the cry,

For freedom's cause, of you who lie,

So still asleep where poppies grow,

In Flanders Fields.

As in rumbling sound, to and fro,

The lightning flashes, sky aglow,

The mighty hosts appear, and high

Above the din of battle cry,

Scarce heard amidst the guns below,

Are fearless hearts who fight the foe,

And guard the place where poppies grow.

Oh! sleep in peace, all you who lie

In Flanders Fields.

And still the poppies gently blow,

Between the crosses, row on row.

The larks, still bravely soaring high,

Are singing now their lullaby

To you who sleep where poppies grow

In Flanders Fields.

John Mitchell



In Flanders Fields the poppies bloom,

Where standing crosses mark your tomb,

Where larks area gaily singing still,

But now we hear their skyward trill,

For all the guns have ceased to boom.

The crosses tells us you are dead,

But flaming poppies teal instead,

That you are living now anew,

In hearts who caught the torch you threw

From Flanders Field

Though you are sleeping ?over There?,

Wee know that you are living here,

We loved you then, we love you still,

So long as poppies bloom, we will;

So long as larks sing in the air

In Flanders Field

James Heron

From ?The Measure of a Man? 1923
Private FAIRCHILD Fred H. Lemoyne DW 217
Private FANKHAUSER Adolf Rushville DD NSHS
Private FANKHAUSER Charles F. Dubois DW 217 212
Private FARLEY FIetcher L. Bancroft KIA 215 210
Private FARNSWORTH Carl Litchfield KIA 215
Private FASSNACHT Harry W. Fairmont DW 217
Private FEARN Ellsworth E. Cortland WA 210
Private FEHRS Peter Jon Belgrade DW 217
Private FERGUSON Cleasant W. Naponee DD 216
Major FETTERMAN Albert D. Omaha DD 216 210
Private FIERSTEIN Willie Campbell KIA 215 210
Private FILIPI Frank Western WA 210
Corporal FINCH John R. Bradshaw KIA 215
Corporal FIRME Herbert A. Hastings WA 212
Private FISCHER Herman H. Hardy KIA 215
Corporal FISHER Roland Prosser DD 216
Sergeant FISHER James Elba WA 210
Private FISHER Henry S. Hastings DW 217
Private FISHER Jesse M. White DD 216
Private FITCH Alfred C. Pleasanton DA 218
Private FIX Willard L. Millford DW 217
Lieutenant FLANSBURG Walter A. Lincoln KIA 215
Lieutenant FLANSBURG Robert H. Lincoln KIA NSHS
Private FLESNER Rikus H. Battle Creek KIA 215
Sergeant FLOOD Frank G. Battle Creek KIA 215
Private FLOROM Marion W. Stockville KIA 215
Captain FLYNN Arthur E., Jr. Hastings DW 217
Private FOGEL Lester G. South Omaha KIA 215
Corporal FOLDA Albin Clarkson KIA 215
Private FOLTZ Maximillion Humphrey DD 216
Lieutenant FORBES Earl Fairmont KIA 215
Private FORBES Geroge Arcadia DW 217
Private FORSMAN Fritz C. Omaha KIA 215
Private FOSTER Sidney Ray Kennedy KIA 215
Private FOUNTAIN Roger Glenn Broken Bow KIA 215
Private FOUTCH Glenn W. Fremont DD 216 212
Private FRAHM William H. Omaha DD 216
Sergeant FRALEY Charles A. Lincoln DD 216
Private FREDERICK Harrison B. Beatrice DD 216
Private FRENCH William W. Schuyler WA 210
Wagoner FREUDENSTEIN Robert Emil Omaha DD 216
Private FREY Edwin Jacob Hebron DD 216
Lieutenant FRYER Clair P. Plainview DW 217
Private FULLER Albert D. Cowles KIA 215 210
Private FULSAS Nori H. Albion DW 217
Private FUNKHOUSER Adolf Rushville DD 216
Corporal FURCH John K. Omaha DD 216
Private FUSSELL Fred M. Lincoln WA 210
Sergeant GAEBLER Frederick W. Omaha DD 216
Private GANDEE Vane W. Sterling DD 216 213
Private GARDNER Paul L. Creighton DD 216
Private GARLAND Raymond A. Germantown DD 216
Private GARNER William L. Seward KIA 215
Private GARRETSON Jesse E. Red Cloud DW 217
Private GASTON Alpha Alexandria DD 216
Private GAUGER George Wauneta DD 216 212
Sergeant GAVREAU Alfred L. Omaha DD 216
Sergeant GEE Alfred A. Palmer WA 212
Private GEREN Thomas J. Heartwell DD 216 213
Private GIFFORD Charles Yerington DA 218
Private GILL Frederick J. North Platte KIA 215
Corporal GILMER John E. Central City KIA 215
Private GLANTZ Peter Harvard DD NSHS
Private GODBERSON Herman Millard KIA 215
Private GOHR Harry Fairmont KIA NSHS
Private GOLDEN Horace F. Gothenburg KIA 215 213
Private GOLDEN Victor E. Byron DW NSHS
Private GOLDHAHN Nealie L. Magnet KIA NSHS
Corporal GOLDNER John H. Omaha KIA 215
Corporal GOLDWARE Morris Omaha DD 216
Private GOODENOW John W. Omaha DW 217
Private GOODWIN Isaac Chester Marengo KIA 215
Private GOODWIN J.C. Marengo KIA NSHS
Private GRAHAM Samuel N. York DW NSHS
Private GRAHAM Ralph C. Long Pine WA 213
Private GRAUS Bert A. Bellevue DD 216 208
Private GRAVES Julius E. Tilden DD 216
Private GRAVES Theodore Elmer Clarks KIA 215
Wagoner GRAY Artie N. Omaha KIA 217 212
Corporal GRAY Granville Beatrice DD 216
Private GREINER Frank Bloomfield KIA 215
Private GRIMES Scott L. Fremont KIA 212
Private GRIMMELS John A. Omaha KIA 215 205
Private GROAT William Bloomfield KIA 215
Private GUNN Leon B. Palisade DD 216
Private GUSTUS Vanner A. Callaway DD NSHS 213
Private GYLLENSTORE Arvid I. Wausa DD 216 209
Corporal HAASE John Glenvil DD NSHS
Private HABLITZEL Jacob, Jr. Eustis KIA 215
Private HAGEL Paul W. Rushville DD 216 208
Corporal HAGELIN Paul A. Wahoo DW 217
Private HAJEK Frank J. Whitman KIA 215
Private HALBERG Hjalmer Gustav Lyons DW NSHS
Private HALSTEAD Roy G. Blair KIA NSHS
Private HAMILTON Joseh Arbor Belgrade KIA 215
Private HAMPTON Arthur F. Harrison DD 216
Private HAND Charles E. Red Cloud DD 216
Private HANKINS Daniel P. Paxton KIA 215 208
Private HANKINS Marion A. Paxton WA 208
Corporal HANNAN John C. Lincoln DD 216
Private HANSEN Alex E. Adams DD NSHS
Private HANSEN Chris McCook KIA 215 208
Private HANSEN Jen Omaha DW 217
Private HANSEN Willard U. Wauneta KIA 215
Private HANSEN Ernest R. St. Paul DD 216
Corporal HARE Warren Albion DD 216
Private HAREMZA Leo Ashton KIA 215 208
Corporal HARMON Glen W. Chappell KIA 215
Private HARMS Ufkll Humboldt KIA 215
Private HARRIS Clark W. Lincoln KIA NSHS
Private HARRIS Dean Alliance DD 216 208
Private HARRISON Albert F. Indianola DD 216
Private HARROUN Alvin Haiqler DW 217
Corporal HARTT Paul Bloomington WA 213
Private HARTY James J. Hubbard KIA 215 213
Private HARVEY Isaac J. Wanneta DW NSHS
Sergeant HAUBENSAK James H. Fremont DW 217 208
Wagoner HAVLUY James A. Omaha DD 216
Private HAWES Will Deloit KIA 215
Lieutenant HAWLEY Mones J. Nebraska City DD 216
Private HAWLEY Archie E. Hershey WA 208
Private HAYS Merren C. Table Rock DD 216
Private HEINS John H. Chalco KIA 215 208
Private HELLER Victor South Omaha DD 216 208
Private HELZU Jacob, Jr. Hastings KIA 217 208
Private HENDRICKSON Arthur C. Brady DD 216
Private HENINGER Herman Omaha WA 208
Private HENINGER Edwin W. Tilden KIA 215 208
Private HENNINGS Fred D. Waco DW NSHS
Private HENSLEY Roy C. Lincoln DD 216
Lieutenant HENSON Richard M. Omaha KIA 215
Corporal HERMAN William C. Alliance KIA 215
Private HERRMAN Fred W. Lincoln DA NSHS
Private HERROLD Carl E. Seward KIA 215
Corporal HESTERKIND Timon Cedar Rapids KIA 215 204
Private HETRICK Michael Wilcox WA 208
Private HETRICK Harry A. Nibs KIA 202
Private HICKS Earl R. Naponee DD 216 207
Private HIGGINS Edward L. Stella KIA 215
Corporal HILAND Robert J. Omaha DA 208
Sergeant HILD Emile J. Plattsmouth DD 216
Private HILDEBRAND Cecil M. Beatrice KIA NSHS
Private HILDEBRAND William Bluehill KIA 215
Private HILTON Edward E. Madrid KIA 215
Private HINTON Robert Spoke KIA 215
Private HIRT Dave Duncan DD 216
Private HIRZ Henry Plattsmouth KIA 215
Private HODGES James S. Overton KIA 215
Corporal HOEFFENR Herbert O. Osmond DW 217
Private HOEPPNER Herbert O. Osmond KIA 215
Wagoner HOFFMAN Ralph Lincoln KIA 215
Private HOLBRIDGE Ira V. Mount Clare DD 216
Private HOLCOMB A.E. Scottsbluff WA 208
Private HOLMBERG Arvid G. Fremont DD 216
Private HOLMES Oliver W. Beaver Crossing KIA 215
Private HOLTGREWE Carl J. Lorton KIA 215
Sergeant HOLZ Carl Guide Rock KIA 215
Private HOOD Lewis Leonard Minatare KIA 215 208
Private HORN Martin Luther Holdrege KIA 215
Private HORROUN Alvin B. Haigler KIA NSHS
Private HORST Henry G. Oak DD 216
Sergeant HOTCHKISS John F. Seward DA 218
Private HOUSEL Harlan B. Omaha DD 216
Private HOUTS John W. Arthur DW 217 208
Private HOY Basil Van Goren Humboldt WA 208
Private HOYSEL Harlan B. Omaha DW 217
Private HROUCH Charles A. Barneston WA 213
Corporal HUGHES Russell G. Omaha KIA 215
Private HUMPHREY George W. Elgin DD 216
Private HUNT James H. Omaha DA 218
Private HUNT Edward Ashton KIA 215
Private HUNT Paul George Kearney KIA NSHS
Private HURLBURT Clarence O. Fairbury KIA 215
Private HURT George Paul Kearney DW 217
Private HYNES Frederick Crawford DD 216
Private IMHOFF William B. Bostwick KIA 215
Private INGRAHAM Roy E. Stromsburg DD 216
Private INMAN George Leroy Seneca DD 216 209
Private IRISH Melvin Brocksburg DD 216
Private JACKS Robert H. PIattsmouth KIA 215
Private JACKSON Ralph L. Alma DD 216 209
Private JANOUSEK John W. Brainard WA 209
Private JARMAN E.O. Ashland DW 217
Private JELINEK Ferdinand Ravenna KIA 215 209
Private JENSEN Jen J. Omaha DD 216
Sergeant JIROUSEK Matt A. Plattsmouth DD 216
Private JOHNSON Emil Grant RD NSHS
Private JOHNSON George S. Big Springs KIA 215 209
Bugler JOHNSON Otto V. Sutherland KIA 215
Private JOHNSON Hjalmer B. Wausa DA 218
Private JOHNSON Roy Bridgeport KIA 215
Private JOHNSON Louie O. Sweetwater WA 209
Private JOHNSON Arthur J. Valparaiso KIA 215
Private JOHNSON Louis Westerville KIA 215
Private JOHNSON Emil Grant DD 216
Private JOHNSON Lawrence D. Oakland DD 217
Private JOHNSON Chas. Albert Inavale KIA 215
Private JOHNSON Val Bethany DD 217 209
Private JOHNSON Carl Omaha DD 216
Private JOHNSON Josef Theodore Winside DD 217
Private JOHNSON Sigfred O. Minden DW 217
Corporal JOHNSON Charles Renwick Superior KIA 215
Private JONES Floyd A. Wymore DD NSHS
Private JONES Floyd Elmer Madison KIA 215
Private JORDAN John Henry Brady KIA 215

Status Legend:
KIA = Killed in Action
WA = Wounded in Action
DW = Died of Wounds
DD = Died of Disease
RD = Reported Died

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NE WWI Resources NE Military Resources - Main
The Great War - National Project

Transcription Courtesy of: S.M. Anderson
Graphic © S.M. Anderson, 2004