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NSHS Newspaper Extractions: Code 0326  CRETE VIDETTE

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Code Date (m/d/y) Pg Col SNDX Extraction

0326 08/27/1896 5 01 E121 Episcopal Church; misc: Crete
0326 08/27/1896 5 01 P400 Pauly, Billy; misc: Crete
0326 09/03/1896 7 02 B652 Behrens, Henry; biographical sketch: Crete
0326 09/10/1896 7 03 F200 Foss, S.R.; misc
0326 10/01/1896 5 02 E121 Episcopal Church; misc: Crete

0326 10/01/1896 5 02 P400 Pauley, Wm.; misc: Crete
0326 10/08/1896 7 01 N340 Nedela, Jr., Frank; misc: Omaha in pharmacy school
0326 10/08/1896 7 02 F200 Foss, S.R.; misc
0326 10/15/1896 5 01 M420 Miles, F.W.; burial: DeWitt
0326 10/22/1896 5 01 N600 Neher, Geo.; death of sister: Crete Mrs. Thibodeau is sister

0326 10/22/1896 5 04 J523 Johnston, J.R.; misc: Crete
0326 10/22/1896 5 04 M460 Miller, T.H.; misc: Crete
0326 10/29/1896 7 03 A650 Aron, Charles; marriage: Anna Marcelino is bride
0326 10/29/1896 7 03 M624 Marcelino, Anna; marriage: Charles Aron is groom
0326 11/19/1896 5 02 B626 Barragar, Saray A. (Mrs. Capt.); obituary: Crete

0326 11/19/1896 5 02 H235 Hastings & McGintie; dissolution: Crete
0326 11/19/1896 5 02 M253 McGintie & Hastings; dissolution: Crete
0326 11/19/1896 5 02 S532 Sands; misc: Crete
0326 12/03/1896 4 04 H140 Happel, George; obituary: Pleasant Dale
0326 12/03/1896 4 04 K400 Kelley, Mrs. M.; death notice: Crete

0326 12/10/1896 5 02 H200 Hoesche, Henry; death notice
0326 12/17/1896 5 04 A336 Atwater, Jennie; death notice: Crete daughter of J.J. Atwater
0326 12/17/1896 5 04 B530 Band, Dr.; misc: Crete
0326 12/17/1896 5 04 H242 Hazels, Jr., David; misc: Crete
0326 12/17/1896 5 04 M256 Misner, Mrs. Frank; death notice: Crete

0326 12/17/1896 5 04 M616 Moore & Peregoy; misc: Crete
0326 12/17/1896 5 04 P625 Peregoy & Moore; misc: Crete
0326 12/24/1896 5 04 A336 Atwater, Jennie Hosephine; obituary: Crete
0326 12/31/1896 5 04 C635 Crete National Bank; closing: Crete
0326 01/07/1897 5 02 F623 First National Bank; misc: Crete

0326 01/07/1897 5 02 H240 Hazel, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 01/07/1897 5 03 D520 Deems, L.C.; death of son: Crete
0326 01/07/1897 5 03 M460 Miller, T.H.; misc: Crete
0326 01/07/1897 5 04 F200 Foss, S.R.; misc
0326 01/14/1897 5 02 B652 Brong, E.; misc: visited Crete

0326 01/14/1897 5 02 D520 Deems, Earl; death notice: Crete son of Mr. & Mrs. Lee Deems
0326 01/14/1897 5 03 H242 Hazels, Mr.; death of father: Pawnee City
0326 01/21/1897 5 03 B362 Beatrice Chautauqua Grounds; misc: Beatrice
0326 01/21/1897 5 03 C560 Conner, F.H.; misc: Chicago
0326 01/21/1897 5 03 H242 Hazels, Mr.; misc: Crete

0326 01/21/1897 5 04 F632 Fritzmeyer, Mrs.; death notice: Crete
0326 01/21/1897 5 04 J452 Jelinek, Emma M.; obituary: Crete daughter of Joseph Jelinek Jr.
0326 01/28/1897 5 02 C500 Cone, C.G.; misc: Lincoln visited Crete
0326 02/04/1897 5 02 G621 Grosscup, Irwen; marriage: Rebecca Mooberry is bride
0326 02/04/1897 5 02 M160 Mooberry, Rebecca; marriage: Irwen Grosscup is groom, Dr. Mooberry is father

0326 02/04/1897 5 04 M343 Middleton, Orrie; death notice: Dorchester son of Tom Middleton
0326 02/11/1897 5 01 B632 Bridges, Will; misc: traded farm in DeWitt, TX for mill in Coffeyville, KS
0326 02/11/1897 5 02 B255 Buchanan, W.T.; death of J.P. Vance: Crete
0326 02/11/1897 5 02 E524 English House; history: Crete
0326 02/11/1897 5 02 N620 Norris, Lu; misc: Crete

0326 02/11/1897 5 02 V520 Vance, J.P.; death notice: Crete
0326 02/18/1897 4 03 K524 Kuncl, Anton; obituary: Crte
0326 02/18/1897 5 03 A536 Andrews, S.L.; misc: Crete paper recommends his insurance business
0326 02/18/1897 5 03 E432 Eltze, Linda; marriage: Albert Kubicek is groom
0326 02/18/1897 5 03 K122 Kubicek, Albert; marriage: Linda Eltze is bride

0326 02/18/1897 5 04 H224 High School; misc: Crete survivors of Class of 1872
0326 02/25/1897 5 02 B612 Brabec, Joseph; misc: Crete making improvements to residence
0326 02/25/1897 5 03 D200 Dawes, James; death of mother: Ottumwa, IA
0326 03/04/1897 7 02 B530 Band, Dr.; misc: relocated in Oregon
0326 03/04/1897 7 02 M262 McCargar, Mr.; misc: Crete brought parents from Canada to live in Crete

0326 03/04/1897 7 03 M460 Miller, T.H.; anniversary: Crete 25th wedding anniversary
0326 03/04/1897 7 05 M650 Moran, Mrs.; misc: Crete
0326 03/11/1897 4 04 C635 Crete Nursery; misc: Crete
0326 03/11/1897 4 04 S315 Stephens, E.F.; misc: Crete
0326 03/11/1897 5 01 J632 Jiratka, Mrs.; misc: Crete

0326 03/11/1897 5 02 B632 Bridges, W.A.; misc: has the best flouring mill in Kansas
0326 03/18/1897 5 02 B560 Bahner, Jacob; misc: Crete running for councilman
0326 03/18/1897 5 02 B350 Bathen, J.H.; misc: Crete moving lumber stock to former Crete Lumber Co. site
0326 03/25/1897 5 03 M635 Martin, Arthur B.; obituary: Crete
0326 04/01/1897 4 01 B410 Bowlby, "Count" (C.J.); misc: Crete account of how he made his money

0326 04/01/1897 4 02 D540 Donnelley, James; obituary: Salt Lake City, UT former resident of Crete
0326 04/01/1897 5 01 B435 Baldwin, Mr.; misc: Crete building office for new lumberyard
0326 04/01/1897 5 02 H125 Hopkins, D.R.; misc: Crete
0326 04/15/1897 5 03 L520 Long, Sam; misc: South Bend missing person
0326 04/16/1897 5 02 J452 Jelinek, Joseph; marriage: Crete Mary Nedela is bride

0326 04/22/1897 5 01 B612 Brabec, Joseph; misc: Crete moved house, will add another story
0326 04/22/1897 5 01 C634 Crete Lumber Co.; misc: Crete
0326 04/22/1897 5 02 A536 Andrews, S.L.; misc: Crete cataract treatments, will take school & military census
0326 04/22/1897 5 02 D263 Daugherty, M.A.; misc: Crete
0326 04/22/1897 5 03 H235 Hastings, G.W.; misc: Crete

0326 04/29/1897 5 02 C560 Conner, Frank; misc: Crete
0326 04/29/1897 5 02 C635 Crete National Bank; misc: Crete
0326 04/29/1897 5 03 M521 Menke Block; misc: Crete
0326 05/06/1897 7 02 K514 Kimball, Chas.; misc: Crete
0326 05/07/1897 5 03 J525 Johnson, J.T.; misc: Crete

0326 05/13/1897 5 00 B410 Bowlby, Charles; misc: Crete
0326 05/13/1897 5 01 F652 Francel, Ernest; misc: Crete
0326 05/13/1897 5 01 H252 Hawkins, Dan; misc: Crete
0326 05/13/1897 5 01 M600 Meyer, Fred; misc: Crete
0326 05/13/1897 5 02 F265 Fougeron, Mrs.; death notice: Dorchester

0326 05/13/1897 5 04 D200 Dawes, J.W.; misc: Crete
0326 05/17/1897 5 02 F326 Fudicker, G.A.; misc: Crete
0326 05/17/1897 5 02 J523 Johnston, J.R.; misc: Crete
0326 05/17/1897 5 02 M460 Miller, T.H.; misc: Crete
0326 05/20/1897 5 01 M500 Mann, W.H.; misc: Crete

0326 05/20/1897 5 02 B300 Battey, Hattie; misc: Crete
0326 05/20/1897 5 02 B300 Battey, Mary; misc: Crete
0326 05/20/1897 5 02 D622 Drake house; misc: Crete
0326 05/20/1897 5 03 A536 Anderson, C.B. and family; misc: DeWitt soon to become residents of Crete
0326 05/20/1897 5 03 C410 Cowlby, "Count"; misc: Crete

0326 05/27/1897 5 01 A650 Aron, Charley; misc: Crete new awning on store
0326 05/27/1897 5 01 D200 Dick, Robert; misc: Crete
0326 05/27/1897 5 01 M262 McCargar, Hugh; misc: Crete
0326 05/27/1897 5 02 D634 Dredla, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond; birth of daughter: Crete
0326 05/27/1897 5 04 A536 Anderson, A.; misc: Crete

0326 05/27/1897 5 04 M460 Miller, T.H.; misc: Crete to open Crete State Bank
0326 05/27/1897 5 05 D524 Doane College; anniversary: Crete silver anniversary
0326 06/03/1897 4 04 J523 Johnston, J.R.; misc: Crete
0326 06/03/1897 4 05 M460 Miller, T.H.; misc: Crete
0326 06/03/1897 5 02 F632 Fritzmeier, Rev.; misc: Crete moving to Chicago

0326 06/03/1897 5 02 K132 Kopetsky, Joseph; misc: Crete
0326 06/03/1897 5 02 K656 Kramer, Carl; death notice: Kramer father of Wm. Kramer
0326 06/03/1897 5 02 O165 Oberman, Mrs. Frank; death notice: Lincoln
0326 06/10/1897 5 02 M200 Muchow, Mr.; misc: Western
0326 06/10/1897 5 03 B532 Band's Opera House; misc: Crete graduation held there, list of graduates

0326 06/17/1897 4 02 D500 Doane, Capt.; misc: Crete
0326 06/17/1897 4 02 P400 Pauley, Wm.; misc: Crete
0326 06/17/1897 5 01 A536 Anderson, C.B.; misc: DeWitt house hunting, will move to Crete next month
0326 06/17/1897 5 02 B532 Band's Opera House; misc: Crete has new plank sidewalk
0326 06/17/1897 5 03 B400 Boll, Father Englehert; misc: Crete newly ordained priest to arrive at Sacred Heart Church

0326 06/21/1897 5 02 B623 Burkett, Mr. & Mrs. C.M.; birth of son: Crete
0326 06/28/1897 5 02 J523 Johnston, J.R.; misc: Crete
0326 06/28/1897 5 02 M160 Mooberry, H.E.; misc: Crete
0326 06/28/1897 5 03 F631 Fourth of July; misc: Crete
0326 07/01/1897 4 02 B410 Bowlby, Chas.; misc: Crete

0326 07/01/1897 5 01 A536 Anderson, C.B.; misc: DeWitt rented Mr. Code's residence, will move in July
0326 07/01/1897 5 01 H430 Holt, Mr. & Mrs. Bert; birth of son: Crete
0326 07/01/1897 5 02 C630 Crete; history: Crete
0326 07/08/1897 7 02 E240 Eisele, George; death notice: Crete
0326 07/08/1897 7 02 F631 Fourth of July; misc: Crete

0326 07/15/1897 5 01 C632 Crete State Bank; misc: Crete
0326 07/29/1897 5 01 F632 Fritz, Mrs.; death notice: Crete
0326 07/29/1897 5 02 D620 Drake, D.T.; misc: Crete
0326 07/29/1897 5 02 L000 Lee, Lawrence H.; obituary: Crete
0326 07/29/1897 5 03 A536 Anderson, C.B.; misc: Crete

0326 07/29/1897 5 03 C632 Crete State Bank; misc: Crete
0326 07/29/1897 5 03 D634 Dredla, Anton; misc: Crete
0326 07/29/1897 5 03 M460 Miller, T.H.; misc: Crete
0326 08/05/1897 7 01 B532 Band's Opera House; misc: Crete being painted
0326 08/05/1897 7 02 B612 Brabec, Mr.; misc: Crete building new building, Ernest Francel hung paper

0326 08/05/1897 7 02 C635 Crete Mills; misc: Crete
0326 08/05/1897 7 03 A160 Avery, Professor; marriage: Crete May B. Bennett is bride
0326 08/05/1897 7 03 B530 Bennett, May B.; marriage: Crete Professor Avery is groom
0326 08/05/1897 7 03 C630 Crete; misc: Crete
0326 08/05/1897 7 03 G640 Grewell, Myrtle; marriage: Crete John Meadville is groom, Robert Grewell is father

0326 08/05/1897 7 03 M314 Meadville, John; marriage: Crete Myrtle Grewell is bride
0326 08/05/1897 7 04 C632 Crete State Bank; articles of incorporation: Crete
0326 08/12/1897 5 02 F652 France, Charley; death notice: Seward
0326 08/12/1897 5 03 G615 Gruben, J.H.; misc: Crete
0326 08/13/1897 5 03 M100 Muff, Catherine; misc: Crete gravel tested for gold

0326 08/19/1897 5 01 H500 Hain, Wm.; death notice: Booneville, MO formerly of Crete, NE
0326 08/26/1897 5 03 A130 Abbott, E.S.; misc: Crete
0326 08/26/1897 5 03 C635 Crete Mutual Fire Insurance Co.; misc: Crete list of officers
0326 08/26/1897 5 03 D634 Dredla, Anton; misc: Crete
0326 08/26/1897 5 03 M460 Miller, T.H.; misc: Crete

0326 08/26/1897 5 03 P320 Patz, Thos.; misc: Crete
0326 09/02/1897 5 01 C540 Conneeley, Thomas; death notice: Dorchester
0326 09/02/1897 5 01 K420 Kolauch, Jacob; death notice: Crete
0326 09/09/1897 7 02 G615 Gruben, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 09/09/1897 7 02 K623 Kerst, Wm.; misc: Crete

0326 09/09/1897 7 02 M460 Miller, T.H.; misc: Crete
0326 09/09/1897 7 03 M261 Missouri Pacific Railroad; misc: Crete
0326 09/16/1897 5 01 F652 Francl, Earnest; misc: Crete
0326 09/16/1897 5 01 F652 Francl, Ernest; misc: Crete
0326 09/16/1897 5 01 M200 Muchow, Wm.; misc: Crete

0326 09/16/1897 5 02 A650 Aron, Charley; biographical sketch: Crete
0326 09/16/1897 5 02 B552 Bohemian Congregational Mission; misc: Crete has purchased Gamble property
0326 09/16/1897 5 02 M160 Mayberry, James B.; marriage: Houston, TX Ruth Richardson is bride
0326 09/16/1897 5 02 M200 Muchow, Wm.; misc: Crete
0326 09/16/1897 5 02 R263 Richardson, Ruth; marriage: Houston, TX James B. Mayberry is groom

0326 09/16/1897 5 04 B260 Becker, J.H.; misc: Crete wife, Louise M., left him
0326 09/16/1897 5 04 B260 Becker, Louise M.; misc: Crete left husband J.H. Becker
0326 09/16/1897 5 04 C500 Cohn, Henry; misc: Crete
0326 09/16/1897 5 04 F640 Farley, Leonard; death notice: Crete son of W.W. and Katherine Farley
0326 09/23/1897 5 01 M262 McCargar's Store; misc: Crete

0326 09/23/1897 5 02 H525 Hengen, John; marriage: Crete Mary Muff is bride
0326 09/23/1897 5 02 M100 Muff, Joseph; misc: Crete
0326 09/23/1897 5 02 M100 Muff, Mary; marriage: Crete John Hengen is groom
0326 09/23/1897 5 02 R352 Rademacher, Josephine; misc: Crete
0326 09/30/1897 4 03 B635 Barton, John; biographical sketch: Crete

0326 09/30/1897 4 03 G340 Goodell, C.B.; biographical sketch: Crete
0326 09/30/1897 4 03 H530 Hendee, Hosmer H.; biographical sketch: Crete
0326 09/30/1897 4 04 D663 Dorwart, Frank L.; biographical sketch: Crete
0326 09/30/1897 4 04 H160 Hoover, C.H.; misc: Dorchester
0326 09/30/1897 4 04 J552 Jennings, Prof. H.; biographical sketch: Crete

0326 09/30/1897 5 01 H142 Havlicek, Charley; misc: Crete
0326 09/30/1897 5 02 K530 Kind, John; misc: Crete
0326 09/30/1897 5 03 B632 Bridges, G.W.; obituary: Riverside, CA
0326 09/30/1897 5 03 B625 Bryson, John; misc: Crete chairman of sidewalk committee
0326 09/30/1897 5 03 K162 Kovarik, Mike; biographical sketch: Crete

0326 10/07/1897 7 01 B400 Ball, Jacob; misc: selected road overseer
0326 10/07/1897 7 01 D500 Doane, H.F.; birth of son: Crete
0326 10/07/1897 7 01 J525 Johnson, Elisha; misc: Crete
0326 10/07/1897 7 03 A620 Ayres, Mrs. Clinton; death notice: Crete
0326 10/07/1897 7 03 N600 Neher, Mrs. M.; death notice: Crete

0326 10/07/1897 7 03 O216 Osborne, Frank; misc: Crete
0326 10/07/1897 7 04 G615 Gruben, J.H.; misc: Crete
0326 10/16/1897 5 01 M600 Meyer, Fred; misc: Crete
0326 10/16/1897 5 02 B400 Ball, Jacob; misc: Crete account of corn farming
0326 10/16/1897 5 03 B632 Bridges, Geo. W.; obituary: Crete

0326 10/16/1897 5 03 M460 Miller, Jas. M.; biographical sketch: Crete
0326 10/21/1897 5 02 G640 Grewell, Margie; marriage: Crete C.W. Kunzman is groom, John Grewell is father
0326 10/21/1897 5 02 K525 Kunzman, C.W.; marriage: Margie Grewell is bride
0326 10/21/1897 5 03 G240 Gaekle, Mr. & Mrs. Jacob; anniversary: Crete golden anniversary
0326 10/28/1897 7 01 F455 Flemming, M.H.; birth of daughter: Crete

0326 11/00/1897 01 D500 Doane, Thos.; obituary: Crete
0326 11/04/1897 03 B650 Brown, Emily; obituary: Crete daughter of J.S. Brown
0326 11/04/1897 7 01 A650 Aron, Chas.; misc: Crete sold 1/2 interest of business to W.H. Sestak
0326 11/04/1897 7 01 B650 Beran, Vaclav; death of daughter: Western
0326 11/04/1897 7 02 H620 Horky, Anton; marriage: Mary Marcelino is bride

0326 11/04/1897 7 02 M624 Marcelino, Mary; marriage: Anton Horky is groom
0326 11/04/1897 7 03 D500 Doane, Thomas; obituary: Crete
0326 11/08/1897 5 02 H216 Hosford, H.H.; birth of son: Crete
0326 11/11/1897 7 02 B650 Brown, Mrs. J.S. (Prof.); misc: went to Maine to visit dying father
0326 11/11/1897 7 03 M265 McCarn, Henry; obituary: Crete

0326 11/11/1897 7 04 G430 Gold; misc: Crete
0326 11/18/1897 5 02 C632 Crete Creamery; misc: Crete
0326 11/18/1897 5 02 D512 Dempsey, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 11/18/1897 5 03 M262 McCargar, Hugh; misc: Crete visiting Black Earth, WI
0326 11/25/1897 5 01 H620 Horky, Frances; marriage: Crete

0326 11/25/1897 5 01 M236 McDermott, James; misc: Crete
0326 11/25/1897 5 03 F452 Flanagan, D.C.; misc: Crete
0326 11/25/1897 5 03 H242 Hazels, Jr., David; misc: Crete
0326 12/02/1897 5 02 F200 Fike, B.R.; death notice: Crete
0326 12/09/1897 5 01 J425 Jilson, Prof. & Mrs. W.E.; birth of daughter: Crete

0326 12/09/1897 5 02 N620 Norris, Mr. & Mrs. Lu; anniversary: Crete 30th wedding anniversary
0326 12/16/1897 5 01 B620 Brock, W.E.; misc: California
0326 12/16/1897 5 01 J523 Johnston, Alex; misc: Crete
0326 12/16/1897 5 01 J523 Johnston, J.R.; misc: California
0326 12/16/1897 5 03 G240 Gaekle, Elenora; obituary: Crete

0326 12/23/1897 1 04 D500 Doane, Thomas; obituary: Crete
0326 12/23/1897 5 03 J452 Jelinek, Frank; obituary: Crete
0326 12/30/1897 2 04 B653 Bryant, Lucy; marriage: Crete George Hammond is groom
0326 12/30/1897 2 04 H553 Hammond, George; marriage: Crete Lucy Bryant is bride
0326 12/30/1897 3 01 E560 Emery, Charley; death notice: Beatrice

0326 12/30/1897 5 02 C540 Comley, J.A.; misc: visiting Crete
0326 01/06/1898 5 03 F653 Franta, Emma; marriage: Crete A.H. Parker is groom
0326 01/06/1898 5 03 P626 Parker, A.H.; marriage: Crete Emma Franta is bride
0326 01/06/1898 5 04 B620 Brick, Mrs. Sidney; death notice: Crete daughter of Vencil Kubicek
0326 01/13/1898 5 02 I200 Ice; misc: Crete

0326 01/13/1898 5 03 D120 Davis, J.B.; marriage: Whitewater, KS Jessie Neal is bride
0326 01/13/1898 5 03 N400 Neal, Jessie; marriage: Whitewater, KS J.B. Davis is groom
0326 01/20/1898 5 01 D634 Dredla, L.C.; birth of daughter: Crete
0326 01/20/1898 5 01 K523 Knight, P.L.; death of mother: Chicago
0326 01/20/1898 5 02 M262 McCargar, Mabel; misc: Crete

0326 01/27/1898 5 03 K216 Kaspar, Frank; misc: Omaha
0326 01/27/1898 5 04 N200 Neiss, Peter; obituary: Crete
0326 02/03/1898 4 03 B425 Blackmore, Robert; birth of daughter: Friend
0326 02/03/1898 5 02 J523 Johnston, J.R.; misc: Riverside, CA
0326 02/03/1898 5 04 A652 Aron & Shestak; misc: Crete partnership dissolution

0326 02/10/1898 1 05 B652 Barnes, Mrs.; death notice: Dorchester mother of Edward and John Barnes
0326 02/10/1898 1 05 G626 Gregory, Mrs.; death notice: Pleasant Hill
0326 02/10/1898 1 05 J232 Justice, C.H.; birth of daughter: Friend
0326 02/10/1898 5 02 J452 Jelinek, Frank; will: Crete
0326 02/10/1898 5 03 B350 Bathen, John; obituary: Crete

0326 02/17/1898 1 05 M250 McKinney, James; death notice: Pleasant Hill
0326 02/17/1898 5 01 A536 Andrews, Mrs. S.L.; misc: mother, of Alexis, IL, seriously ill
0326 02/17/1898 5 01 D263 Daugherty, M.A.; misc: Ogallala
0326 02/17/1898 5 01 H160 Hooper, Mrs.; death of father: Illinois
0326 02/17/1898 5 01 H300 Hyatt, Maud; marriage: John Mooberry is groom

0326 02/17/1898 5 01 M160 Mooberry, John; marriage: Maud Hyatt is bride
0326 02/17/1898 5 02 E236 Easterbrooks, Mr.; misc: Crete son-in-law of J.A. Grosscup of Crete
0326 02/17/1898 5 02 G621 Grosscup, J.A.; misc: Crete
0326 02/17/1898 5 03 H232 Hackstock, Mathias; marriage: Crete Mary Mundt is bride, Mathias Hackstock is father
0326 02/17/1898 5 03 M530 Mundt, Mary; marriage: Crete Mathias Hackstock is groom, Henry Mundt is father

0326 03/03/1898 1 01 H656 Horner, Wm.; death of daughter: Friend
0326 03/03/1898 1 01 K146 Kepler, Murray; misc: Dorchester
0326 03/03/1898 1 03 J212 Jacobs, Andy; birth of son: Wilber
0326 03/10/1898 1 04 G420 Giles, Oden; marriage: Friend Minnie Henchneider is bride
0326 03/10/1898 1 04 H525 Henchneider, Minnie; marriage: Friend Oden Giles is groom

0326 03/10/1898 1 04 K610 Krupp, George; marriage: Friend Minnie Schmidt is bride
0326 03/10/1898 1 04 S530 Schmidt, Minnie; marriage: Friend George Krupp is groom
0326 03/10/1898 4 02 B246 Bigler, Jacob; obituary: Crete
0326 03/10/1898 5 02 K514 Kimball, Chas.; birth of daughter: Crete
0326 03/10/1898 5 03 G240 Gaekle, Mr.; death notice: Crete

0326 03/17/1898 1 05 H425 Holcomb, Frank; birth of daughter: Western
0326 03/17/1898 5 02 J525 Johnson, Dr. M.O.; misc: Crete
0326 03/17/1898 5 03 J252 Jicinsky, Dr. R.; misc: Crete
0326 03/17/1898 5 03 J523 Johnston, Mrs. J.R.; obituary: Crete
0326 03/24/1898 1 06 H645 Harling, Miss; marriage: Friend Frank Murray is groom

0326 03/24/1898 1 06 M600 Murray, Frank; marriage: Friend Miss Harling is bride
0326 03/24/1898 1 06 O452 Olmstead, Alex; death notice: Friend
0326 03/31/1898 1 04 B650 Brown, Rev. O.H.; death notice: Dorchester
0326 03/31/1898 1 04 M245 McIlnay, Geo.; death of child: Dorchester
0326 04/07/1898 1 04 B320 Baatz, August; birth of son: Western

0326 04/07/1898 1 04 M245 Macklin, H.B.; death notice: Wilber
0326 04/07/1898 1 05 M450 Millen, Harvey; marriage: Friend
0326 04/07/1898 5 02 B410 Bowlby, Henry L.; misc: Crete appointed to West Point, son of C.J. Bowlby
0326 04/07/1898 5 02 D500 Dean, Rev. Amos N.; death notice: Crete
0326 04/07/1898 5 02 M521 Menke Building; misc: Crete

0326 04/07/1898 5 04 B400 Ball, J.; misc: Crete contributed rye to Cuban Relief Fund
0326 04/07/1898 5 04 W430 Wild, J.; misc: Crete
0326 04/14/1898 1 04 B630 Barrott, Robert; marriage: DeWitt Nettie Wolf is bride, F.R. Wolfe is father of bride
0326 04/14/1898 1 04 H252 Higgins, Artie; death notice: DeWitt son of J.R. Higgins
0326 04/14/1898 1 04 O220 Oakes, W.A.; birth of son: Tobias

0326 04/14/1898 1 04 W410 Wolfe, Nettie; marriage: DeWitt Robert Barrott is groom, F.R. Wolfe is father of bride
0326 04/14/1898 4 04 H200 Hass, Vaclav; death notice: Monroe Precinct, Saline Co. killed wife and children before committing suicide
0326 04/14/1898 5 01 M520 Menke, John; death of mother: Crete
0326 04/14/1898 5 03 A536 Anderson, C.B.; misc: Crete
0326 04/14/1898 5 03 M620 Morris, Judge & Mrs.; misc: Crete farewell reception

0326 04/14/1898 5 03 M620 Morris, W.H.; misc: Crete moving to PA for the summer
0326 04/21/1898 1 04 C540 Conelley, John; misc: Dorchester building addition on home
0326 04/21/1898 1 04 E532 Endicott, G.D.; misc: Dorchester
0326 04/21/1898 1 05 B620 Brooks, Daisy; marriage: Ed Patchen is groom
0326 04/21/1898 1 05 H252 Hawkins, Roy; birth of daughter: DeWitt

0326 04/21/1898 1 05 J250 Jackson, C.E.; birth of daughter: DeWitt
0326 04/21/1898 1 05 K526 Kinser, Charles; death notice: Western son of D.A. Kinser
0326 04/21/1898 1 05 O460 Oyler, Mr. & Mrs.; marriage of granddaughter: Daisy Brooks is granddaughter
0326 04/21/1898 1 05 P325 Patchen, Ed; marriage: Daisy Brooks is bride
0326 04/21/1898 4 03 H600 Hier, Mary A.; marriage: Crete Henry J. McCarn is groom

0326 04/21/1898 4 03 M265 McCarn, Henry J.; marriage: Crete Mary A. Hier is bride
0326 04/27/1898 1 06 A200 Agee, E.H.; marriage: Friend Mrs. Anna Clark is bride
0326 04/27/1898 1 06 C462 Clark, Mrs. Anna; marriage: Friend E.H. Agee is groom
0326 04/28/1898 5 01 B255 Buchanan, W.T.; death of mother: Otoe Co.
0326 04/28/1898 5 01 G642 Gerlach, Mrs.; death notice: Crete

0326 04/28/1898 5 01 H400 Halle, Wm.; death notice: Crete
0326 04/28/1898 5 02 C635 Crete Mills; misc: Crete
0326 04/28/1898 8 01 B630 Brt, John; misc: Wilber building new residence
0326 04/28/1898 8 01 F326 Fitzgerald, Pat; death notice: Swan Creek
0326 04/28/1898 8 01 G465 Gielerman, Mr. & Mrs. Fred; birth of daughter: Tobias

0326 04/28/1898 8 01 H350 Heaton, Anna B.; marriage: Tobias C.W. Jones is groom
0326 04/28/1898 8 01 J520 Jones, C.W.; marriage: Tobias Anna B. Heaton is bride
0326 04/28/1898 8 01 M200 Mass, Peter; death of wife: Atlanta Precinct, Saline County
0326 04/28/1898 8 02 B200 Buck, Chas. Wallace; birth of daughter: DeWitt
0326 04/28/1898 8 02 F326 Fitzgerald, Patrick; death notice: Western

0326 05/05/1898 5 02 M620 Morris, Judge; misc: Crete taking trip to NY, PA and WV
0326 05/05/1898 5 03 H400 Hallie, William; obituary: Crete
0326 05/12/1898 1 04 B623 Broughton, W.W.; marriage: Friend Hallie Sheridan is bride
0326 05/12/1898 1 04 M550 Munyan, G.W.; birth of son: Western
0326 05/12/1898 1 04 S635 Sheridan, Hallie; marriage: Friend W.W. Broughton is groom

0326 05/12/1898 1 04 W252 Wiggins, Mrs. Rosaline M.; death notice: DeWitt wife of Dr. Wiggins
0326 05/12/1898 1 05 H400 Hall, W.W.; birth of son: Tobias
0326 05/12/1898 5 02 B236 Beschieder, Mrs. Paul; death notice: Crete
0326 05/12/1898 5 02 K162 Kovarik, Joe; misc: Omaha
0326 05/19/1898 1 04 C462 Clark, Minnie; marriage: Gage County Don Joyce is groom

0326 05/19/1898 1 04 D450 Dolan, Ed; misc: Gage County
0326 05/19/1898 1 04 J200 Joyce, Don; marriage: Gage County Minnie Clark is bride
0326 05/19/1898 1 05 H260 Hoschour, Albert; birth of daughter: Friend
0326 05/19/1898 1 05 L000 Lee, J.C.; birth of daughter: Friend
0326 05/19/1898 1 05 O460 Oyler, Grant; birth of daughter: Wilber

0326 05/19/1898 5 02 M260 McGrew, Dr.; misc: Crete
0326 05/26/1898 1 04 H240 Huegel, Martin; death of father: Dorchester
0326 05/26/1898 1 05 C652 Curneys, Clara; marriage: Highland Clarence C. Harless is groom
0326 05/26/1898 1 05 H642 Harless, Clarence C.; marriage: Highland Clara Curneys is bride
0326 05/26/1898 1 06 H634 Hrdlicka, Vac; death of twin sons: Wilber

0326 05/26/1898 4 05 B350 Bathen, John; advertisement: Crete sheriff's sale of personal property and lumber stock
0326 05/26/1898 5 01 J632 Jiratka, Ed; death notice: Crete
0326 05/26/1898 5 02 D200 Dawes, Gov.; misc: Crete
0326 05/26/1898 5 02 D652 Dr. McGrew; misc: Crete
0326 05/26/1898 5 02 D263 Dysart, Dr.; misc: Crete

0326 05/26/1898 5 02 H210 Higbee, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 05/26/1898 5 03 O635 Orthmann, Charles; death of son: Kramer Willie Orthmann is son
0326 05/26/1898 5 03 O635 Orthmann, Willie; death notice: Kramer son of Charles Orthmann
0326 06/02/1898 5 01 D200 Dawes, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 06/02/1898 5 01 H551 Haaman Brothers; misc: Crete

0326 06/02/1898 5 02 D200 Dawes, Gov.; misc: Crete
0326 06/02/1898 5 02 M260 McGrew, Dr.; misc: Michigan formerly of Crete
0326 06/09/1898 1 04 A650 Aron, Chas.; biographical sketch: Crete
0326 06/09/1898 1 04 H400 Hill, C.A.; biographical sketch: Crete
0326 06/09/1898 1 04 H000 Howe, E.I.; biographical sketch: Crete

0326 06/09/1898 1 05 C635 Crete Nurseries; description: Crete
0326 06/09/1898 1 05 F260 Feisher, Frank; biographical sketch: Crete
0326 06/09/1898 1 06 J525 Johnson, M.O.; biographical sketch: Crete
0326 06/09/1898 1 06 M262 McCargar, Hugh; biographical sketch: Crete
0326 06/09/1898 4 02 F623 First National Bank; history: Crete

0326 06/09/1898 4 02 F200 Foss, J.B.; biographical sketch: Crete
0326 06/09/1898 4 02 H230 Haight, M.E.; biographical sketch: Crete
0326 06/09/1898 4 02 K524 Kuncl, Frank; biographical sketch: Crete
0326 06/09/1898 4 02 M600 Meyer, Fred; biographical sketch: Crete
0326 06/09/1898 4 03 C634 Crete Lumber Co.; description: Crete

0326 06/09/1898 4 03 D620 Drasky, Dr. J.J.; biographical sketch: Crete
0326 06/09/1898 4 03 J252 Jicinsky, Dr. J.; biographical sketch: Crete
0326 06/09/1898 4 04 C635 Crete Mills; history: Crete
0326 06/09/1898 4 04 F455 Fleming, Wm.; biographical sketch: Crete
0326 06/09/1898 4 04 M200 Muchow, Wm.; misc: Crete

0326 06/09/1898 4 05 D500 Doane, John A.; biographical sketch: Crete
0326 06/09/1898 4 05 G416 Gilbert, C.F.; biographical sketch: Crete
0326 06/09/1898 4 05 H142 Havlicek, C.W.; biographical sketch: Crete
0326 06/09/1898 4 05 J525 Johnson, J.T.; biograhpical sketch: Crete
0326 06/09/1898 4 06 B625 Bryson, John; biographical sketch: Crete

0326 06/09/1898 4 06 C400 Cole, H.M.; biographical sketch: Crete
0326 06/09/1898 4 06 I526 Insurance Companies; misc: Crete
0326 06/09/1898 4 06 O162 Overcash, Frank; biographical sketch: Crete
0326 06/09/1898 5 03 C632 Crete State Bank; description: Crete
0326 06/09/1898 5 04 A416 Alford, M.M.; biographical sketch: Crete

0326 06/09/1898 5 04 F652 Francl, Ernest; biographical sketch: Crete
0326 06/09/1898 8 01 B463 Ballard & Cramer; business sketch: Crete painters
0326 06/09/1898 8 01 I342 Ideal Carriage Works; description: Crete
0326 06/09/1898 8 02 B260 Baker, C.F.; biographical sketch: Crete
0326 06/09/1898 8 02 B240 Bokel, Fred; biographical sketch: Crete

0326 06/09/1898 8 02 D263 Dysart, Dr. Louis; biographical sketch: Crete
0326 06/09/1898 8 02 F652 French, A.D.; biographical sketch: Crete
0326 06/09/1898 8 02 H242 Hazels, L.J.; biographical sketch: Crete
0326 06/09/1898 8 02 P430 Pallett, Wm.; biographical sketch: Crete
0326 06/09/1898 8 05 L250 Lewis John; birth of daughter: Western

0326 06/09/1898 8 05 N552 Nunemaker, S.E.; birth of son: Tobias
0326 06/09/1898 c 03 B652 Behrens, H.C.; biographical sketch: Crete
0326 06/16/1898 1 04 H160 Hooper, J.N.; birth of son: Friend
0326 06/16/1898 5 01 D200 Dawes, Major J.W.; misc: Crete
0326 06/16/1898 5 02 G626 Gregory, G.A.; misc: Council Bluffs, IA

0326 06/16/1898 5 02 H100 Huff, Leo; misc: Crete
0326 06/16/1898 5 03 F623 First Nebraska Infantry; misc
0326 06/23/1898 1 04 D325 Dodson, A.N.; birth of son: Wilber
0326 06/23/1898 1 04 K614 Korbel, John; death notice: Wilber father of Mike Korbel
0326 06/23/1898 4 02 M620 Morris, Emma; misc: Elkins, WV writes from WV

0326 06/23/1898 4 05 H632 Hertzstein, Mark M.; misc: Crete
0326 06/23/1898 4 05 K132 Kopetzkey, Joseph; misc: Crete
0326 06/23/1898 5 02 C600 Cory, Lute; burial of granddaughter: Crete
0326 06/23/1898 5 02 J523 Johnston, Mrs. Alex; misc: Crete
0326 06/23/1898 5 02 M635 Martin, Will; burial of daughter: Crete

0326 06/23/1898 5 02 W350 Whitten, Rev.; misc: Crete
0326 06/23/1898 5 03 B634 Bertwell, Wm.; marriage: Crete Francis Moran is bride
0326 06/23/1898 5 03 M650 Moran, Francis; marriage: Crete Wm. Bertwell is groom
0326 06/30/1898 1 04 B200 Bohac, Adolph; marriage: Crete Agnes Jirotka is bride
0326 06/30/1898 1 04 H420 Halsey, Mr.; marriage: Dorchester Emma Weller is bride

0326 06/30/1898 1 04 J632 Jirotka, Agnes; marriage: Crete Adolph Bohac is groom
0326 06/30/1898 1 04 W460 Weller, Emma; marriage: Dorchester Mr. Halsey is groom
0326 06/30/1898 5 01 D200 Dawes, Mrs. J.W.; misc: Crete
0326 07/07/1898 1 04 B650 Barney, Gus; birth of son: Friend
0326 07/07/1898 1 04 K146 Kepler, Fred; marriage: Dorchester Hattie Parker is bride

0326 07/07/1898 1 04 P626 Parker, Hattie; marriage: Dorchester Fred Kepler is groom, Mr. & Mrs. W.C. Parker are parent
0326 07/07/1898 1 05 B630 Brt, John; misc: Wilber new home is finished
0326 07/07/1898 1 05 D552 Dunning, Mrs. Mary; death notice: DeWitt
0326 07/07/1898 1 05 M460 Miller, T.H.; misc: DeWitt
0326 07/07/1898 5 01 H500 Hahn, Mrs. Benj.; death notice: Crete

0326 07/07/1898 5 02 D200 Dawes, Gov.; misc: Crete
0326 07/14/1898 1 04 C540 Connell, Mrs.; death notice: Denver, CO
0326 07/14/1898 1 04 D620 Druse, C.M.; birth of son: Friend
0326 07/14/1898 1 04 J200 Jack, Mrs. John; death of mother: Denver, CO
0326 07/14/1898 1 05 C450 Callahan, Mabel; marriage: Friend Frank Locke is groom

0326 07/14/1898 1 05 L200 Locke, Frank; marriage: Friend Mabel Callahan is bride
0326 07/14/1898 1 06 C630 Crete; misc: Crete
0326 07/21/1898 1 05 H520 Hynek, Agnes; death notice: Wilber wife of George Hynek
0326 07/21/1898 5 03 E263 Eckert, Margarete; marriage: Lincoln Dr. Myron O. Johnson is groom
0326 07/21/1898 5 03 J525 Johnson, Dr. Myron O.; marriage: Lincoln Margarete Eckert is bride

0326 07/28/1898 1 04 B642 Burleigh, Fred N.; birth of son: Friend
0326 07/28/1898 1 04 H530 Hunt, Richard; birth of daughter: Tobias
0326 07/28/1898 1 04 J200 Joyce, J.C.; birth of son: Friend
0326 07/28/1898 5 03 D620 Duras, Cenek; misc: Crete campaign advertisement
0326 07/28/1898 5 04 G621 Grosscup, J.A.; history: Crete

0326 07/28/1898 5 04 K263 Kokrda, Frank; death notice: Crete
0326 08/04/1898 1 04 B200 Boggs, B.A.; birth of daughter: DeWitt
0326 08/04/1898 1 04 H635 Hartman, J.W.; birth of son: DeWitt
0326 08/04/1898 1 04 K620 Krieg, Milton; birth of daughter: DeWitt
0326 08/04/1898 1 04 L520 Linch, A.H.; birth of daughter: DeWitt

0326 08/04/1898 1 05 G626 Gresser, Mrs. Kate; marriage: Dorchester John T. Hulick is groom
0326 08/04/1898 1 05 H420 Hulick, John T.; marriage: Dorchester Mrs. Kate Gresser is bride
0326 08/04/1898 5 01 J523 Johnston, J.R.; misc: Crete
0326 08/04/1898 5 01 O130 Offutt, Chas.; misc: Omaha
0326 08/04/1898 5 01 O130 Offutt, Chas.; misc: Crete

0326 08/04/1898 5 03 N340 Nedela, Mrs. Frank; death of father: Crete
0326 08/04/1898 5 03 P120 Papik, Frank; obituary: Crete
0326 08/07/1898 1 05 M255 McNemes, Emeline; marriage: W.L. Miller is groom
0326 08/07/1898 1 05 M460 Miller, W.L.; marriage: Emeline McNemes is bride
0326 08/08/1898 5 03 A130 Abbott, Lyle; misc: Crete formed law partnership with Gen. J.C.Cowin of Omaha

0326 08/11/1898 1 05 J400 Jewell, Mr.; death notice: Dorchester
0326 08/11/1898 5 01 M620 Morris, Judge; misc: Crete home from Eastern trip
0326 08/18/1898 1 04 J000 Joy, Lon; birth of son: Dorchester
0326 08/18/1898 1 04 L155 Laufman, Ferdinand; birth of son: Western
0326 08/18/1898 1 05 H125 Hopkins, John; death of child: DeWitt

0326 08/18/1898 5 03 B560 Bahner, Jake; misc: Crete has become quite a farmer
0326 08/18/1898 5 03 B653 Bryant, David Z.; obituary: Crete
0326 08/18/1898 5 03 D663 Dorwart, Sheriff; misc: Wilber
0326 08/25/1898 1 04 B623 Borket, Rebecca; death notice: Swan Creek
0326 09/01/1898 4 05 M262 McCarger, Hugh; misc: Crete

0326 09/01/1898 5 01 C416 Culver, Harry; death notice: Chickamauga son of Capt. Culver of Crete
0326 09/01/1898 5 01 J523 Johnston, George; misc: Spanish-American War service
0326 09/01/1898 5 02 C560 Conner, Frank; death of twin sons: Crete
0326 09/01/1898 5 02 J400 Jewell, Roe; death notice: Cuba son of S.V. Jewell of DeWitt
0326 09/01/1898 5 03 C636 Carruther, Annie E.; marriage: Seward County Berthold W. Manville is groom

0326 09/01/1898 5 03 M514 Manville, Berthold W.; marriage: Seward County Annie E. Carruthers is bride
0326 09/08/1898 1 04 E352 Eddington, Chas.; death of child: DeWitt
0326 09/08/1898 1 04 O540 O'Neill, Miles; death of child: Friend
0326 09/15/1898 1 04 B200 Buss, Jess; birth of daughter: DeWitt
0326 09/15/1898 1 05 N240 Nickel, Mrs. Henry; death notice: Western

0326 09/15/1898 5 01 G621 Grosscup, J.A.; misc: Crete
0326 09/15/1898 5 03 B300 Bode, Mrs. Henry; obituary: Crete
0326 09/22/1898 1 04 B646 Brolliar, Sam; death of son: Wilber
0326 09/22/1898 1 05 B550 Beman, M.R.; death notice: Dorchester residence now occupied by W.H. Pallett
0326 09/22/1898 1 05 H100 Huff, John; birth of son: Dorchester

0326 09/22/1898 5 01 M460 Miller, T.H.; misc: Salt Lake City, UT visiting Utah
0326 09/22/1898 5 02 E236 Easterday, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 09/22/1898 5 02 H525 Hengen, John; misc: Crete
0326 09/22/1898 5 02 K512 Kompost, Joseph; death notice: Pleasant Hill
0326 09/22/1898 5 02 L230 Lockwood, Mrs.; death notice: Portland, OR

0326 09/22/1898 5 04 G600 Gray, M.C.; misc: Omaha son-in-law of G.D. Streeter of Crete
0326 10/06/1898 5 01 E456 Elmore, Mr. & Mrs.; birth of daughter: Crete
0326 10/13/1898 5 02 B652 Behrens, Henry; obituary: Crete
0326 10/13/1898 5 02 F600 Frew, John; misc: Crete returned from Scotland
0326 10/13/1898 5 02 N620 Norris, Ray; misc: Crete

0326 11/03/1898 1 04 E536 Endorf, Henry; birth of son: Tobias
0326 11/03/1898 1 04 L550 Laymon, William C.; marrige: Plymouth Mary E. Ware is bride
0326 11/03/1898 1 04 W600 Ware, Mary E.; marriage: Plymouth William C. Laymon is groom
0326 11/03/1898 5 03 C220 Cookus, Mr. & Mrs.; death of daughter: Cowles, NE
0326 11/10/1898 7 03 B626 Barker, Wallace; marriage: Pleasant Hill Saide Bittner is bride, daughter of Rev. Bittner

0326 11/10/1898 7 03 B356 Bittner, Saide; marriage: Beatrice Wallace Barker is groom
0326 11/10/1898 7 03 M245 McIlnay, Oscar; marriage: Pleasant Hill Clara Newburn is bride
0326 11/10/1898 7 03 N165 Newburn, Clara; marriage: Pleasant Hill Oscar McIlnay is groom
0326 11/17/1898 1 00 M600 Meyer, Fred; advertisement: Crete 20 years in business
0326 11/17/1898 1 02 H525 Hansen, Celia; death of child: Friend

0326 11/17/1898 1 05 D535 Denton, Isaac; death notice: Dorchester father of Mrs. Dulaigh and Mrs. Williams


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