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NSHS Newspaper Extractions: Code 0326  CRETE VIDETTE

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Code Date (m/d/y) Pg Col SNDX Extraction

0326 11/17/1898 1 05 D420 Dulaigh, B.F.; death of father-in-law: Dorchester
0326 11/17/1898 1 05 M245 McIlnay, Jr., Ed; birth of daughter: Dorchester
0326 11/17/1898 5 01 K216 Kaspar, Joseph; birth of son: Pleasant Hill
0326 11/17/1898 5 02 G615 Gruben, J.H.; misc: Crete
0326 11/24/1898 1 03 M655 Merryman, Wm.; birth of twin sons: Lincoln

0326 11/24/1898 1 04 B645 Borland, F.F.; birth of daughter: Tobias
0326 11/24/1898 1 05 A240 Aisel, Conrad; death: brother of Mrs. John Irish of Friend
0326 11/24/1898 1 05 H252 Hawkins, John; death of daughter: Friend
0326 11/24/1898 5 03 D452 Dolansky, Jr., Jos.; marriage: Wilber Miss Ternesky is bride
0326 11/24/1898 5 03 T652 Ternesky, Miss; marriage: Wilber Joseph Dolansky, Jr. is groom

0326 11/24/1898 5 04 J523 Johnston, Margarete Maria; obituary: Crete mother of J.R. Johnston, wife of Alex Johnston
0326 12/08/1898 1 04 C660 Creery, W.H.; birth of daughter: Wilber
0326 12/08/1898 1 04 M263 McCurdy; birth of son: Tobias
0326 12/08/1898 5 02 K122 Kubicek, John; death notice: Crete
0326 12/15/1898 1 04 F655 Fairman, Mrs. Ada; marriage: DeWitt Charles Harns is groom

0326 12/15/1898 1 04 H652 Harns, Charles; marriage: DeWitt Mrs. Ada Fairman is bride
0326 12/15/1898 1 04 H655 Herman, J.W.; death of mother: Western mother is Barbara Herremann
0326 12/15/1898 1 04 H655 Herremann, Mrs. Barbara; death notice: Western mother of J.W. Herman
0326 12/15/1898 1 05 F652 Frankforter, Harry; birth of son: Tobias
0326 12/15/1898 1 05 J525 Johnson, James; birth of son: Dorchester

0326 12/15/1898 1 05 M655 Merryman, Wm.; death of son: Dorchester
0326 12/15/1898 4 02 B622 Burgess, Wm.; misc: Crete
0326 12/15/1898 4 02 J523 Johnston, J.R.; misc: Crete
0326 12/15/1898 4 02 M460 Miller, T.H.; misc: Crete
0326 12/15/1898 4 02 S315 Stevens, Geo. D.; misc: Crete

0326 12/22/1898 1 04 A526 Ainsworth, Frank; marriage: formerly of Tobias, married woman from DeWitt
0326 12/22/1898 1 04 L524 Langley, George; death of son: Friend
0326 12/22/1898 1 04 W416 Wilber Hotel; misc: Wilber Wilber hotel has telephone exchange
0326 12/22/1898 1 05 D500 Doane, J.R.; marriage: Wilber Lizzie Harvey is bride
0326 12/22/1898 1 05 H610 Harvey, Lizzie; marriage: Wilber J.R. Doane is groom

0326 12/22/1898 4 03 D263 Daugherty, M.A.; misc: Crete
0326 12/22/1898 4 03 D200 Desh, Louise; marriage: Colorado Springs, CO E.A. Stetson is groom, J.A. Desh is father
0326 12/22/1898 4 03 S332 Stetson, E.A.; marriage: Colorado Springs, CO Louise Desh is bride, J.A. Desh is father-in-law
0326 12/22/1898 5 01 B200 Beck, T.G.; birth of son: Crete
0326 12/22/1898 5 02 H252 Husenstein, Franciska; death notice: Crete

0326 12/22/1898 5 02 P320 Patz, Mrs. Thomas; death of mother: Crete
0326 12/22/1898 5 03 C630 Crete; misc: Crete
0326 12/29/1898 1 04 D120 Dubois, Otis; birth of son: Western
0326 12/29/1898 1 04 E520 Emeigh, Peter; birth of daughter: Friend
0326 12/29/1898 1 04 G125 Gibson, John and Dora; death of son: Friend Wesley Gibson was son

0326 12/29/1898 1 04 G125 Gibson, Wesley; death notice: Friend son of John & Dora Gibson, fiance of Bessie Hawkins
0326 12/29/1898 1 04 H252 Hawkins, Bessie; death of fiance: Friend Wesley Gibson was fiance
0326 12/29/1898 4 06 A536 Anderson, Chas. B.; misc: Crete
0326 12/29/1898 4 06 A536 Anderson, Mary L.; misc: Crete
0326 12/29/1898 4 06 C526 Conservation Investment Co.; articles of incorporation: Crete

0326 12/29/1898 4 06 D634 Dredla, Anton; misc: Crete
0326 12/29/1898 4 06 M460 Miller, Mary; misc: Crete
0326 12/29/1898 4 06 M460 Miller, T.H.; misc: Crete
0326 12/29/1898 5 01 F652 French, Dr.; misc: Crete moving to Illinois
0326 12/29/1898 5 01 G340 Goodell, Charley; misc: Crete

0326 12/29/1898 5 03 C526 Conservative Investment Co.; misc: Crete description
0326 01/05/1899 1 04 A130 Abbott, Mrs. John; death: Friend
0326 01/05/1899 1 04 C540 Conelley, F.H.; birth of daughter: Dorchester
0326 01/05/1899 1 04 H160 Hooper, Jean Cecil; death notice: Friend
0326 01/05/1899 1 04 K530 Kennedy, Wm.; death notice: Friend

0326 01/05/1899 1 04 M435 Moulding, Thos.; birth of son: Dorchester
0326 01/05/1899 5 03 D500 Doane, J. Reginald; marriage: Wilber Elizabeth Harvey is bride
0326 01/05/1899 5 03 H610 Harvey, Elizabeth; marriage: Wilber J. Reginald Doane is groom
0326 01/12/1899 1 05 B600 Bayer, George W.; death notice: DeWitt
0326 01/19/1899 1 04 D132 Davidson, C.B.; birth of daughter: Dorchester

0326 01/19/1899 1 04 E436 Eldred, H.D.; birth of son: Wilber
0326 01/19/1899 1 05 F630 Freude, William; marriage: Wilber Minnie Newton is bride
0326 01/19/1899 1 05 N350 Newton, Minnie; marriage: Wilber William Freude is groom
0326 01/19/1899 1 06 H200 Houck, Mr. & Mrs.; birth of daughter: DeWitt
0326 01/19/1899 1 06 M320 Meadows, Marsh; death of child: DeWitt

0326 01/26/1899 1 04 B622 Brookhouser, Mr. & Mrs.; birth of son: Dorchester
0326 01/26/1899 1 04 H324 Hadsell, Hattie; marriage: Tobias Harry Mitchell is groom
0326 01/26/1899 1 04 M324 Mitchell, Harry; marriage: Tobias Hattie Hadsell is bride
0326 01/26/1899 1 05 D600 Dwyer, M.M.; marriage: Andover, MA Anna Willamson is bride
0326 01/26/1899 1 05 W452 Williamson, Anna; marriage: Andover, MA M.M. Dwyer is groom

0326 01/26/1899 5 01 A536 Anderson, C.B.; misc: Crete attend funeral of Mrs. Anderson's father in New York
0326 02/02/1899 1 04 D520 Damke, Albert W.; marriage: Western Daisy M. Royse is bride, A.B. Royse is father-in-law
0326 02/02/1899 1 04 R200 Royse, Daisy M.; marriage: Western Albert W. Damke is groom, A.B. Royse is father
0326 02/02/1899 5 01 B516 Bainbridge, Mr. & Mrs.; misc: Council Bluffs, IA visited Crete
0326 02/02/1899 5 01 M262 McCarger, Hugh; misc: Crete

0326 02/02/1899 5 01 M262 McCarger, John; misc: Bellville, Canada visited Crete
0326 02/02/1899 5 01 M160 Mooberry, Alec; death of mother: Peoria, IL
0326 02/02/1899 5 01 M160 Mooberry, H.E.; death of mother: Peoria, IL
0326 02/02/1899 5 02 G621 Grosscup, J.A.; misc: Crete
0326 02/09/1899 1 04 C616 Crawford, Mary; obituary: Wilber

0326 02/09/1899 1 04 H410 Helvey, Arthur; marriage: Western Mertie Mead is bride
0326 02/09/1899 1 04 K400 Kohel, Mrs. Catherine; death notice: Wilber
0326 02/09/1899 1 04 M200 Magee, Ira; obituary: Western
0326 02/09/1899 1 04 M635 Martin, J.C.; birth of son: Western
0326 02/09/1899 1 04 M300 Mead, Mertie; marriage: Western Arthur Helvey is groom

0326 02/09/1899 1 05 B620 Byers, J.W.; birth of son: Dorchester
0326 02/09/1899 1 05 D200 Deeke, Mr. & Mrs.; death of daughter: DeWitt
0326 02/09/1899 1 05 F420 Flagg, H.H.; birth of daughter: Dorchester
0326 02/09/1899 6 02 M500 Mann, W.H.; misc: Wilber
0326 02/09/1899 7 02 A650 Aron, Chas.; misc: Crete is taking Electrical Course at the State University

0326 02/09/1899 7 02 F460 Fuller, Jr., Horace S.; marriage: York Ida May Harrison is bride
0326 02/09/1899 7 02 H625 Harrison, Ida May; marriage: York Horace S. Fuller, Jr. is groom, Geo. Harrison is father
0326 02/09/1899 7 03 K625 Krajnek, Mrs. Mary; death notice: Crete
0326 02/16/1899 1 04 B200 Bosche, Geo.; death notice: DeWitt
0326 02/16/1899 1 05 H560 Henry, Elijia; death notice: Tobias son of David Henry

0326 02/16/1899 7 01 J252 Jicinsky, Mrs.; misc: Crete moving to Cedar Rapids, IA
0326 02/16/1899 7 01 M460 Miller, T.H.; misc: Crete
0326 02/16/1899 7 03 G620 George, Fritz; misc: Crete farm for sale
0326 02/16/1899 7 03 M460 Miller, T.H.; misc: Crete
0326 02/23/1899 1 04 C200 Cook, Louis; birth of son: DeWitt

0326 02/23/1899 1 04 G125 Gibson, Joseph; birth of son: Friend
0326 02/23/1899 1 04 H100 Huff, N.H.; birth of son: Dorchester
0326 02/23/1899 1 04 J232 Justice, J. Melvin; marriage: Friend Ella Shea is bride
0326 02/23/1899 1 04 S000 Shea, Ella; marriage: Friend J. Melvin Justice is groom
0326 02/23/1899 5 01 D663 Dorwart, Sheriff; misc: Omaha

0326 02/23/1899 5 02 D200 Desh, Mrs. John; misc: Colorado Springs, CO
0326 02/23/1899 5 02 J252 Jicinsky, Dr.; misc: Cedar Rapids, IA
0326 02/23/1899 5 03 G620 George, Fritz; misc: Crete
0326 02/23/1899 5 03 M624 Marcelino, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 03/00/1899 1 04 G630 Garrett, Lida; Marriage: Minden Married to John Widick Feb.16

0326 03/02/1899 1 04 B355 Badman, Jennie; marriage: DeWitt Ira Kenedy is groom
0326 03/02/1899 1 04 C650 Corn, Matt; death notice: Sedalia, MO brother-in-law of C. Sarnes
0326 03/02/1899 1 04 D626 Drescher, Mrs. August; death notice: Bladen mother of Mrs. Geo. Snyder of Western
0326 03/02/1899 1 04 F321 Fitzgibbons, John; death notice: DeWitt
0326 03/02/1899 1 04 K530 Kenedy, Ira; marriage: DeWitt Jennie Badman is bride

0326 03/02/1899 1 04 W320 Widick, John; Marraige: Minden Married to Lida Garrett Feb. 16
0326 03/02/1899 1 05 F634 Friedell, Wm.; birth of daughter: Dorchester
0326 03/02/1899 5 01 J523 Johnston, William J.; marriage: Crete Mary I. Vance is bride
0326 03/02/1899 5 01 V520 Vance, Mary I.; marriage: Crete William J. Johnston is groom
0326 03/02/1899 5 02 A400 Alley, John; death: California formerly of Dorchester, son of Sol Alley

0326 03/02/1899 5 02 J525 Johnson, Lydia; marriage: Wm. Kemper is groom, Mrs. J.O. Johnson is mother
0326 03/02/1899 5 02 K516 Kemper, Wm.; marriage: Lydia Johnson is bride
0326 03/02/1899 5 03 N620 Norris, Lu; obituary: Crete
0326 03/02/1899 5 04 J250 Jackson, Durval; misc: Crete
0326 03/06/1899 1 04 L250 Lawson, Joseph; marriage: Dorchester Eva Pate is bride

0326 03/09/1899 1 04 H655 Herman, Ellie Boyse; obituary: Western wife of Frank Herman
0326 03/09/1899 1 04 J520 Jones, Clara R.; marriage: Dorchester George Mooberry is groom, W.R. Jones is father
0326 03/09/1899 1 04 K450 Klein, W.C.; marriage: Dorchester Meta Semler is bride
0326 03/09/1899 1 04 M460 Miller, William; death notice: Steele City formerly of Friend
0326 03/09/1899 1 04 M160 Mooberry, George; marriage: Dorchester Clara R. Jones is bride

0326 03/09/1899 1 04 P300 Pate, Eva; marriage: Dorchester Joseph Lawson is groom
0326 03/09/1899 1 04 S546 Semler, Meta; marriage: Dorchester W.C. Klein is groom
0326 03/09/1899 1 05 A526 Ainsworth, Anna; marriage: DeWitt Dr. V.S. Wiggins is groom
0326 03/09/1899 1 05 B200 Beck, Frank; birth of son: Wilber
0326 03/09/1899 1 05 C650 Crom, Rosa; marriage: DeWitt James Lidgard is groom, David Crom is father

0326 03/09/1899 1 05 L326 Lidgard, James; marriage: DeWitt Rosa Crom is bride
0326 03/09/1899 1 05 W252 Wiggins, Dr. V.S.; Marraige: DeWitt Married to Anna Ainsworth
0326 03/09/1899 5 01 M460 Miller, Dr. Geo. L.; misc: Crete mansion destroyed by fire
0326 03/09/1899 5 02 B410 Bowlby, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 03/09/1899 5 02 B255 Buchanan, Mr.; misc: Crete

0326 03/09/1899 5 02 K132 Kopetzky, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 03/09/1899 5 02 M460 Miller, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 03/09/1899 5 02 N340 Nedela, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 03/09/1899 5 02 N620 Norris, Lu; death notice: Crete
0326 03/09/1899 5 02 R352 Rademacher, Mr.; misc: Crete

0326 03/09/1899 5 02 S130 Swoboda, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 03/09/1899 5 02 T130 Thibodeau, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 03/09/1899 5 02 T314 Tidball, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 03/09/1899 5 04 K523 Knight, P.L.; misc: Crete
0326 03/23/1899 1 02 A536 Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. D.; birth of son: Friend

0326 03/23/1899 1 02 F652 Franck, A.H.; birth of daughter: Tobias
0326 03/23/1899 1 02 H200 Hoxey, Robert; birth of daughter: Friend
0326 03/23/1899 1 03 K320 Kottas, Louis; death notice: Milligan
0326 03/23/1899 1 05 G650 Greene, Congressman; death notice: Omaha
0326 03/23/1899 5 01 B255 Buchanan, Harry; misc: visiting parents in Crete

0326 03/23/1899 5 01 N620 Norris, N.M.; misc: Crete
0326 03/23/1899 5 02 B260 Baker, D.B.; misc: Crete
0326 03/23/1899 5 02 H240 Hazel, Jr., David; misc: Crete
0326 03/23/1899 5 02 J254 Jackson Lumber Co.; misc: Crete
0326 03/23/1899 5 02 J525 Johnson, A.H.; misc: Crete

0326 03/31/1899 1 04 J552 Jennings, A.D.; misc: Friend
0326 03/31/1899 1 04 M100 Muff, Joseph L.; lawsuit: Crete
0326 03/31/1899 1 04 M100 Muff, Mrs. Catherine; lawsuit: Crete
0326 03/31/1899 4 02 B625 Bryson, John; misc: Crete running for city council, 2nd ward
0326 03/31/1899 4 02 D634 Dredla, Lum; misc: Crete

0326 03/31/1899 4 02 G621 Grosscup, J.A.; misc: Crete
0326 03/31/1899 4 02 H235 Hastings, G.H.; misc: Crete
0326 03/31/1899 4 03 K530 Kind, John L.; misc: Lincoln
0326 03/31/1899 5 01 G426 Gallagher, Jas.; misc: Crete
0326 03/31/1899 5 01 O162 Overcash, Frank; misc: Crete

0326 03/31/1899 5 02 C360 Cotter, R.F.; misc: moving to Furnas County
0326 03/31/1899 5 02 M100 Muff, Catherine; misc: Crete lawsuit postponed
0326 03/31/1899 5 03 F660 Ferrier, Wm.; misc: Portland, OR visiting Crete
0326 03/31/1899 5 03 H525 Hengen, John G.; misc: Crete
0326 03/31/1899 5 03 H525 Hengen, Nicholas; misc: Crete

0326 03/31/1899 5 03 J452 Jelinek, Anna; obituary: Crete
0326 03/31/1899 5 03 L140 Leffel, David; obituary: Crete
0326 03/31/1899 5 03 L320 Lutz, Chas.; obituary: Crete
0326 04/06/1899 1 04 F655 Fairman, Richard; marriage: DeWitt Sadie Farrens is bride
0326 04/06/1899 1 04 F652 Farrens, Sadie; marriage: DeWitt Richard Fairman is groom

0326 04/06/1899 6 02 K130 Kubot, Frank; obituary: Crete
0326 04/06/1899 6 03 E423 Election; results: Crete
0326 04/06/1899 7 01 C500 Conway, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 04/06/1899 7 01 G640 Grewell, R.J.; misc: Crete
0326 04/06/1899 7 01 M265 McCarn, Henry; birth of daughter: Lincoln

0326 04/06/1899 7 01 N620 Norris, Nim; misc: Crete
0326 04/06/1899 7 02 D263 Dysart, Dr.; misc: Crete leaving for Mexico
0326 04/06/1899 7 03 M514 Manville, Mahlon J.; obituary: Crete
0326 04/06/1899 7 03 M200 Muchow, Leonard; death notice: Crete son of Herman Muchow
0326 04/13/1899 1 04 J400 Jewell, Mr.; death notice: Santiago buried in DeWitt

0326 04/13/1899 1 04 J632 Jirotka, Wencil; death notice: Wilber
0326 04/13/1899 1 04 M600 Moore, C.E.; death of grandmother: Lafayette, IN
0326 04/13/1899 1 04 M600 Moore, Elizabeth; death notice: Lafayette, IN
0326 04/13/1899 1 05 F432 Fletcher, Walt; birth of daughter: Friend
0326 04/13/1899 1 05 J525 Johnson, George; marriage: Dorchester Ethel Mooberry is bride

0326 04/13/1899 1 05 L200 Loose, G.H.; birth of son: Tobias
0326 04/13/1899 1 05 M160 Mooberry, Ethel; marriage: Dorchester George Johnson is groom
0326 04/13/1899 5 01 P320 Patz, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 04/13/1899 5 02 M200 Muchow, W.; misc: Crete
0326 04/13/1899 5 03 B450 Blume, Henry C.; obituary: Crete uncle of T.H. Miller

0326 04/13/1899 5 03 B200 Boice, Dr.; death of daughter: Oklahoma Mary Lee was daughter
0326 04/13/1899 5 03 L000 Lee, Mary; burial: Crete wife of John Lee, daughter of Dr. Boice
0326 04/13/1899 5 05 M514 Manville, Mahlon J.; obituary: Crete
0326 04/20/1899 1 04 B400 Ball, Mrs. Albert; death notice: DeWitt died at home of sister Mrs. W.J. Wild
0326 04/20/1899 1 04 H200 Hawes, Thomas; death notice: New Kirk, OK remains brought to DeWitt

0326 04/20/1899 1 05 D450 Dillon, Rosalia; death notice: Beatrice buried in Pleasant Hill
0326 04/20/1899 1 05 M262 McCargar, Senator; misc: Dorchester
0326 04/20/1899 1 06 K100 Kouba, A.V.; birth of daughter: Milligan
0326 04/20/1899 5 01 C635 Crete Nurseries; misc: Crete
0326 04/20/1899 5 03 B262 Baker & Johnson; misc: Crete opening of new drug store

0326 04/20/1899 5 03 C635 Crete Mills; misc: Crete
0326 04/20/1899 5 03 D452 Dolansky, Sr., Jos.; obituary: Crete
0326 04/20/1899 5 03 J525 Johnson, Elisha; misc: Crete
0326 04/20/1899 5 03 W364 Weatherold, Frank; misc: Crete
0326 04/20/1899 5 04 B100 Boweby, C.J.; misc: Crete an "interesting poll book"

0326 04/27/1899 1 05 B400 Ball, Mrs. Annie; death notice: daughter of John Ceinnock, sister of Mr. W.J. Wild
0326 04/27/1899 1 05 D634 Dredla, Anton; misc: Crete
0326 04/27/1899 1 05 H453 Holland Estate; misc: Crete
0326 04/27/1899 1 05 M250 Mason, A.W.; misc: Crete
0326 04/27/1899 1 06 E520 Emeigh, Frank; marriage: Friend Miss Hockings is bride

0326 04/27/1899 1 06 H230 Hastie, Mrs.; death notice: Friend burial in Hinckley, IL
0326 04/27/1899 1 06 H252 Hockings, Miss; marriage: Friend Frank Emeigh is groom
0326 04/27/1899 1 06 M245 McLennan, Omer Jiles; death notice: Friend son of Frank McLennan
0326 04/27/1899 1 06 T450 Thielan, Mrs.; death of mother: Friend
0326 04/27/1899 5 01 N620 Norris, Mrs. Lu; misc: Crete

0326 04/27/1899 5 01 P430 Pallett, Dr.; misc: Crete
0326 04/27/1899 5 02 D452 Dolansky, Joseph; misc: Crete funeral note
0326 04/27/1899 5 03 B623 Burket, C.M.; misc: moving to Riverside, CA
0326 04/27/1899 5 05 M640 Merrill, Miss M.W.; obituary: Crete
0326 05/04/1899 1 04 A163 Aubert, George A.; death notice: Western

0326 05/04/1899 1 04 B620 Beers, Mrs. C.B. (Martha); death notice: Wilber
0326 05/04/1899 1 05 G325 Gutzmer, Sr., Wm.; death notice: Swan Creek, Saline Co.
0326 05/04/1899 1 06 F653 Friend, C.E.; misc: Crete
0326 05/04/1899 1 06 K535 Kentner, John; death of brother: Dixon, IL
0326 05/04/1899 1 06 P234 Page & Taylor; misc: Friend

0326 05/04/1899 1 06 T461 Taylor & Page; misc: Friend
0326 05/04/1899 4 01 B240 Bickle, Mrs.; misc: Crete
0326 05/04/1899 5 01 D151 Deffenback, Mrs. Louis; death notice: Crete
0326 05/04/1899 5 01 O162 Opera House Building; misc: Crete
0326 05/04/1899 5 02 D634 Dredla, Anton; misc: Crete

0326 05/04/1899 5 03 N162 Nebraska; misc
0326 05/11/1899 1 04 G613 Griffith, Nora L.; marriage: Tobias John Otto is groom
0326 05/11/1899 1 04 M332 Methodist Church; misc: Crete
0326 05/11/1899 1 04 N552 Nunemaker, S.F.; misc: Tobias
0326 05/11/1899 1 04 O300 Otto, John; marriage: Tobias Nora L. Griffith is bride

0326 05/11/1899 1 05 G650 Grimm, J.H.; misc: Wilber
0326 05/11/1899 1 05 L100 Love, Dr.; misc: Wilber
0326 05/11/1899 1 05 M252 Magnuson, Edgar; death notice: Wilber son of H.F. Magnusen
0326 05/11/1899 1 05 M460 Miller, Ollie; marriage: Lincoln Cerelia Tuff is bride
0326 05/11/1899 1 05 T100 Tuff, Cerelia; marriage: Lincoln Ollie Miller is groom

0326 05/11/1899 5 02 H200 Houck, W.D. & W.V.; misc: Crete
0326 05/11/1899 5 02 K530 Kennedy, George; misc: Crete
0326 05/11/1899 5 03 F200 Foss, S.R.; misc
0326 05/11/1899 5 03 L000 Lee, Mary Boice; obituary: Crete wife of John Lee
0326 05/18/1899 5 02 B560 Bahner, Jake; misc: Crete

0326 05/18/1899 5 02 J250 Jackson, Durval; misc: Crete
0326 05/18/1899 5 02 M262 McCargar, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 05/18/1899 5 02 M262 McCarger, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 05/18/1899 5 03 M262 McCarger, Hugh; advertisement: Crete
0326 05/18/1899 5 04 C630 Crete; misc: Crete

0326 05/18/1899 5 04 M460 Miller, T.H.; misc: Crete
0326 05/18/1899 8 01 C620 Crouch, Tillford; death notice: Tobias son of J.O. Crouch
0326 05/18/1899 8 01 D140 Dipple, D.; birth of twin sons: DeWitt
0326 05/18/1899 8 06 E242 Eckles, C.M.; birth of son: Friend
0326 05/18/1899 8 06 H560 Haner, Cyrus; marriage: York Maggie M. Thompson is bride, G.T. Haner is father

0326 05/18/1899 8 06 T512 Thompson, Maggie M.; marriage: York Cyrus Haner is groom, Wm. Thompson is father
0326 05/25/1899 1 04 J525 Johnson, Chas.; misc: Dorchester
0326 05/25/1899 1 04 J525 Johnson, Mrs. M.O.; misc: Dorchester
0326 05/25/1899 1 04 M332 Methodist Church; misc: Dorchester
0326 05/25/1899 1 05 B200 Bouska, Mrs.; death notice: Wilber

0326 05/25/1899 5 03 G640 Grewell, John; misc: Pleasant Hill
0326 05/25/1899 5 03 G640 Grewell, Mrs.; birthday: Pleasant Hill
0326 05/25/1899 5 04 A536 Andrews, S.L.; misc: Crete O.D. Atwood family resides in former Andrews residence
0326 06/01/1899 1 04 B630 Brt, John; birth of son: Wilber
0326 06/01/1899 1 04 H530 Hunt, Ed; birth of son: Friend

0326 06/01/1899 1 04 M246 McClarren, L.P.; birth of daughter: Friend
0326 06/01/1899 1 05 A416 Albrecht, Rev.; death of wife: Dorchester burial at Pleasant Hill
0326 06/01/1899 5 05 C500 Conway, Mary A.; obituary: Crete daughter of D.B. Conway
0326 06/01/1899 5 05 F600 Farr, Doane Root; birth: Crete son of Leon N. and Addie Root Farr
0326 06/01/1899 5 05 F600 Farr, Leon N.; birth of son: Crete son named Doane Root Farr, Addie Root is wife

0326 06/01/1899 5 05 R300 Root, Addie; birth of son: Crete son named Doane Root Farr, husband is Leon N. Farr
0326 06/08/1899 1 05 H200 Hicks, John; marriage: Nett Mallory is bride
0326 06/08/1899 1 05 H155 Hoffmann, Mr. & Mrs.; birth of son: Brush Creek, Saline County
0326 06/08/1899 1 05 M460 Mallory, Nett; marriage: John Hicks is groom
0326 06/08/1899 1 06 C455 Clements, T.A.; misc: Wilber

0326 06/08/1899 1 06 H610 Hruby, Geo.; misc: Wilber
0326 06/08/1899 1 06 O162 Opera House; misc: Wilber
0326 06/08/1899 1 06 W536 Wondra, J.W.; misc: Wilber
0326 06/08/1899 5 01 H125 Hopkins, R.A.; misc: Crete
0326 06/08/1899 5 01 M262 McCarger's Implement Shop; misc: Crete

0326 06/08/1899 5 02 P430 Pallett, W.H.; misc: Dorchester
0326 06/08/1899 5 03 A336 Atwater, J.J.; death of father: Newberry, Ohio
0326 06/17/1899 1 01 B500 Bowen, Volney; marriage: Elizabeth Brower is bride, Dr. A. Bowen is father
0326 06/17/1899 1 01 B660 Brower, Elizabeth; marriage: Volney Bowen is groom, Sheriff Wm. Brower is father
0326 06/17/1899 1 01 D263 Dezort, Fannie; marriage: Tobias Joseph Oswald is groom

0326 06/17/1899 1 01 H163 Hubbard, Henry; birth of son: Dorchester
0326 06/17/1899 1 01 O243 Oswald, Joseph; marriage: Tobias Fannie Dezort is bride
0326 06/17/1899 1 06 G410 Gallap, A.; birth of son: Friend
0326 06/17/1899 1 06 M460 Miller, Miss Mabel; death notice: Friend
0326 06/17/1899 5 01 G640 Grewell, J.W.; misc: Crete

0326 06/17/1899 5 01 H142 Havlicek, Charley; misc: Crete
0326 06/22/1899 1 02 B645 Borland, J.H.; birth of daughter: Tobias
0326 06/22/1899 1 02 J200 Jack, James; birth of daughter: Dorchester
0326 06/22/1899 1 02 M160 Mooberry, Jessie; birth of son: Dorchester
0326 06/22/1899 1 03 B525 Bingamon, Henry; marriage: Jennie Hickey is bride

0326 06/22/1899 1 03 H200 Hickey, Jennie; marriage: Henry Bingamon is groom
0326 06/22/1899 1 05 B200 Bouska, Mrs. Josephine; misc: Wilber will and list of heirs
0326 06/22/1899 1 05 H200 Hayek, Emma; death notice: Wilber wife of Vaclav Hayek
0326 06/22/1899 5 01 H325 Hudson, Ike; misc: Crete
0326 06/22/1899 5 01 J523 Johnston, A.D.; marriage: Crete Katherine Tidball is bride

0326 06/22/1899 5 01 O162 Opera House; misc: Crete
0326 06/22/1899 5 01 T314 Tidball, Katherine; marriage: Crete A.D. Johnston is groom
0326 06/29/1899 1 03 J525 Johnson, Bryant D.; death notice: Friend
0326 06/29/1899 1 04 F346 Feidler, Frank J.W.; marriage: Wilber Josephine Safarik is bride
0326 06/29/1899 1 04 K200 Kouci, Vaclav; marriage: Wilber Emma Vnocek is bride

0326 06/29/1899 1 04 S162 Safarik, Josephine; marriage: Wilber Frank J.W. Feidler is groom
0326 06/29/1899 1 04 S162 Safarik, P.S.; misc: Wilber
0326 06/29/1899 1 04 V522 Vnocek, Emma; marriage: Wilber Vaclav Kouci is groom
0326 06/29/1899 1 05 B645 Borland, H.M.; birth of son: Tobias
0326 06/29/1899 4 03 A536 Andrews, Maud; marriage: Crete Fayette T. Owen is groom, S.L. Andrews is father

0326 06/29/1899 4 03 O500 Owen, Fayette T.; marriage: Crete Maud Andrews is bride
0326 06/29/1899 5 01 D634 Dredla, Anton; misc: Crete
0326 06/29/1899 5 01 M263 McCreedy, James; death notice: Tobias
0326 06/29/1899 5 01 M460 Miller, T.H.; misc: Crete
0326 06/29/1899 5 02 B620 Brick, Albert; marriage: Mary C. Gruben is bride

0326 06/29/1899 5 02 G615 Gruben, Mary C.; marriage: Albert Brick is groom
0326 06/29/1899 5 02 H100 Huff, Lee; misc: Grand Island
0326 06/29/1899 5 02 O416 Oliver, Richard; death of son: Santa Rosa, CA
0326 06/29/1899 5 04 J523 Johnston, A.D.; marriage: Crete Katherine Tidball is bride
0326 06/29/1899 5 04 T314 Tidball, Katherine; marriage: Crete A.D. Johnston is groom

0326 07/06/1899 1 02 C200 Cook, Ida B.; marriage: Atlanta Precinct John R. Loos is groom
0326 07/06/1899 1 02 L200 Loos, John R.; marriage: Atlanta Precinct Ida B. Cook is bride
0326 07/06/1899 1 02 L200 Loos, Wm.; marriage of son: Atlanta Precinct John R. Loos is son
0326 07/06/1899 1 02 M263 McCreedy, James; obituary: Tobias
0326 07/06/1899 1 02 M300 Mead, Rais B.; death notice: Tobias brother of Giles H. Mead

0326 07/06/1899 1 03 B463 Ballard, B.E.; marriage: Emma Kolarik is bride
0326 07/06/1899 1 03 K462 Kolarik, Emma; marriage: B.E. Ballard is groom
0326 07/06/1899 1 04 H246 Hesler, W.W.; birth of son: Friend
0326 07/06/1899 1 05 A436 Aldritt, Ben; marriage: Friend Mamie Burk is bride
0326 07/06/1899 1 05 B620 Burk, Mamie; marriage: Friend Ben Aldritt is groom

0326 07/06/1899 5 01 M262 McCarger, Hugh; misc: Crete
0326 07/06/1899 5 02 J525 Johnson, Mr. & Mrs.; misc: Crete
0326 07/06/1899 5 04 A536 Anderson, C.B.; misc: Crete C.B.'s 34th birthday reception at home
0326 07/13/1899 1 03 B360 Bodr, Mrs. Terezie; death notice: Wilber mother of Mrs. A.J. Hanys
0326 07/13/1899 1 03 K300 Kidd, Mrs. J.R.; death notice: Lincoln wife of Capt. J.R. Kidd

0326 07/13/1899 5 01 H500 Hahn, Perry; misc: Crete
0326 07/13/1899 5 01 J520 James, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 07/13/1899 5 01 M461 Miller Building; misc: Crete
0326 07/13/1899 5 02 D132 Davidson, Geo. B.; death notice: Wilber
0326 07/20/1899 1 02 H656 Horner, James; misc: Dorchester

0326 07/20/1899 1 03 N200 Newhouse, Jacob; death notice
0326 07/20/1899 1 04 M460 Miller, Mrs. Mabel; death notice: Friend
0326 07/20/1899 1 05 D132 Davidson, Geo. B.; obituary: Wilber
0326 07/20/1899 1 05 F340 Fittl, Cyril; marriage: Mary Stastny is bride
0326 07/20/1899 1 05 K216 Kasparek, Mrs. Joseph; death notice: Swanton

0326 07/20/1899 1 05 K320 Kotouch, Mrs.; death notice: Pleasant Hill mother of John Kotouch
0326 07/20/1899 1 05 S323 Stastny, Mary; marriage: Cyril Fittl is groom
0326 07/20/1899 4 02 O416 Oliver, Ford; obituary: California formerly of Crete
0326 07/20/1899 5 02 F652 French, Dr.; misc: Illinois
0326 07/20/1899 5 02 M260 McGrew, Dr.; misc: Detroit formerly of Crete

0326 07/20/1899 5 03 B420 Boyles, Mrs. Joseph; death of father: Melrose, IA father was J.F. Woob
0326 07/20/1899 5 03 F200 Foss, S.R. & F.I.; misc: Crete
0326 07/20/1899 5 03 H325 Hudson, Ike; misc: Crete
0326 07/20/1899 5 04 K452 Kulhanek, Mrs. Jno.; death notice: Crete
0326 07/25/1899 5 02 M262 McCarger, Hugh; misc: Crete

0326 07/27/1899 1 02 B652 Brunk, Fred; birth of son: Western
0326 07/27/1899 1 03 B625 Bryson, Bertha; marriage: Adams Wallace Dixon is groom
0326 07/27/1899 1 03 D250 Dixon, Wallace; marriage: Adams Bertha Bryson is bride
0326 07/27/1899 1 04 B346 Butler, Ben; marriage: Friend Bertha Murray is bride
0326 07/27/1899 1 04 F653 Friend, C.E.; misc: Friend

0326 07/27/1899 1 04 M600 Murray, Bertha; marriage: Friend Ben Butler is groom
0326 07/27/1899 5 01 H325 Hudson, Ike; misc: Crete
0326 07/27/1899 5 01 O162 Opera House Building; misc: Crete
0326 07/27/1899 5 02 L550 Lanham, David; marriage: Dorchester Alma Raworth is bride
0326 07/27/1899 5 02 R630 Raworth, Alma; marriage: Dorchester David Lanham is groom

0326 07/27/1899 5 04 A130 Abbott, Mrs. E.S.; misc: Crete
0326 07/27/1899 5 04 M262 McCargar, Hugh; misc: Crete
0326 08/03/1899 1 02 B520 Banks, Mr. & Mrs. Phil; death of child: DeWitt
0326 08/03/1899 1 02 D656 Dornaur, Mr. & Mrs.; death of son: DeWitt
0326 08/03/1899 1 03 M600 Moore, May; marriage: Lincoln Charles Nelson is groom

0326 08/03/1899 1 03 N425 Nelson, Charles; marriage: Lincoln May Moore is bride
0326 08/03/1899 1 04 M600 Moore, C.E.; birth of daughter: Crete
0326 08/03/1899 1 04 P220 Pasek, Fanny; death notice: Wilber daughter of Mike Pasek
0326 08/03/1899 1 04 S360 Suiter, Mrs. F.M.; birth of granddaughter: Crete
0326 08/03/1899 1 05 M245 McClun, Sarah E.; obituary: Wilber wife of Nate McClun, nee Rutter

0326 08/03/1899 4 03 F200 Foss, Mary A.; obituary: Crete wife of S.R. Foss
0326 08/03/1899 5 01 H242 Hazels, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 08/03/1899 5 02 F652 Frank Tessar; death of brother-in-law: Anton Panenka is brother-in-law
0326 08/03/1899 5 02 H242 Hazels, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 08/03/1899 5 02 J525 Johnson, Albert; death of uncle: California uncle is Mr. Lytle

0326 08/03/1899 5 02 L340 Lytle, Mr.; death notice: California
0326 08/03/1899 5 02 P552 Panenka, Anton; death notice
0326 08/03/1899 5 02 W300 White, Mrs. C.C.; death of uncle: California uncle is Mr. Lytle
0326 08/03/1899 5 03 C350 Cotton, John; death notice: father-in-law of Robert Vance
0326 08/03/1899 5 04 H125 Hopkins, D.R.; misc: Crete

0326 08/10/1899 1 02 K514 Knapple, J.O.; death of child: Tobias
0326 08/10/1899 1 03 P430 Pallett, Mrs. W.H.; death notice: Dorchester
0326 08/10/1899 1 04 H430 Howlett, Fred; birth of daughter: DeWitt
0326 08/10/1899 1 05 B524 Bonsall, Ralph; marriage: Emma Timm is bride
0326 08/10/1899 1 05 H325 Hudson, I.D.; misc: Crete

0326 08/10/1899 1 05 J162 Javorsky, Joseph; birth of son: Wilber
0326 08/10/1899 1 05 T500 Timm, Emma; marriage: Ralph Bonsall is groom
0326 08/10/1899 4 03 M635 Martin, A.W.; death notice: DeWeese
0326 08/10/1899 5 02 D616 Draper, Julia; marriage: Oswego, KS Mahlon F. "Fritz" Manville is groom
0326 08/10/1899 5 02 M514 Manville, Mahlon F. "Fritz"; marriage: Oswego, KS Julia Draper is bride

0326 08/17/1899 1 02 K523 Knight, P.L.; advertisement: Crete
0326 08/17/1899 5 01 D151 Deafenbach, Louis; death of child: Crete
0326 08/17/1899 8 01 M460 Miller, George; death notice: Blue Springs
0326 08/17/1899 8 01 Y520 Young, John; death of brother-in-law: Blue Springs George Miller is brother-in-law
0326 09/07/1899 1 02 F362 Featherston, Charles; marriage: Swanton Nora Lindquist is bride

0326 09/07/1899 1 02 H125 Hopkins, John; birth of daughter: DeWitt
0326 09/07/1899 1 02 L532 Lindquist, Nora; marriage: Swanton Charles Featherston is groom
0326 09/07/1899 1 03 B634 Bartels, John; marriage: Tobias Miss Endorf is bride, Wm. Endorf is father of bride
0326 09/07/1899 1 03 E536 Endorf, Miss; marriage: Tobias John Bartels is groom, Wm. Endorf is father
0326 09/07/1899 1 04 O165 Overman, Charles; misc: Western 80th birthday

0326 09/07/1899 5 02 M100 Muff, Mrs.; misc: Crete
0326 09/14/1899 1 02 E352 Eddington, Ida; death notice: DeWitt daughter of Chas. Eddington
0326 09/14/1899 1 02 J100 Job, Ira; marriage: Tobias Celia "Minnie" Sweeney is bride
0326 09/14/1899 1 02 N242 Nicholas, Mrs. F.F.; death notice: DeWitt
0326 09/14/1899 1 02 S500 Sweeney, Celia "Minnie"; marriage: Tobias Ira Job is groom

0326 09/14/1899 1 04 A654 Arnold, Howard; marriage: Mae Kellough is bride
0326 09/14/1899 1 04 D620 Drake, Edward; death of child: Dorchester
0326 09/14/1899 1 04 K420 Kellough, Mae; marriage: Howard Arnold is groom
0326 09/14/1899 1 04 K246 Kesler, Adolphus; death notice: Friend son of Elias Kesler
0326 09/14/1899 1 04 K246 Kesler, Elias; death of son: Friend Adolphus Kesler is son

0326 09/14/1899 4 03 H500 Hahn, Benjamen; obituary: Crete
0326 09/14/1899 5 02 C251 Cosmopolitan Hotel; misc: Crete
0326 09/14/1899 5 02 M332 Methodist Church; misc: Crete
0326 09/14/1899 5 02 O216 Osborne, Frank; misc: Crete
0326 09/21/1899 1 03 C220 Cookus, C.J.; birth of son: Dorchester

0326 09/21/1899 1 03 F435 Folden, J.R.C.; marriage: DeWitt Belle Kinzie is bride
0326 09/21/1899 1 03 K416 Klipper, John; death notice: Clatonia
0326 09/21/1899 1 04 B654 Bromley, J.W.; misc: Crete
0326 09/21/1899 1 04 B215 Bushboom, Minnie; divorce: Crete Oltman Bushboom is husband
0326 09/21/1899 1 04 H200 Hayek, Vaclav; death notice: Wilber

0326 09/21/1899 1 04 J525 Jansen, Justus E.; marriage: Rebecca Shaw is bride
0326 09/21/1899 1 04 S000 Shaw, Rebecca; marriage: Justus E. Jansen is groom
0326 09/22/1899 1 03 K520 Kinzie, Belle; marriage: DeWitt J.R.C. Folden is groom, James Kinzie is father
0326 09/28/1899 1 03 A620 Ayers, Tillie; marriage: DeWitt Lucian Edwards is groom
0326 09/28/1899 1 03 E363 Edwards, Lucian; marriage: DeWitt Tillie Ayers is bride

0326 09/28/1899 1 03 F652 Farrens, J.B.; death of daughter: DeWitt
0326 09/28/1899 1 03 H350 Hedden, D.R.; birth of daughter: DeWitt
0326 09/28/1899 5 02 F200 Foss, F.I.; misc: Crete
0326 09/28/1899 5 02 O162 Opera House Building; misc: Crete
0326 09/28/1899 5 03 B660 Brauer, Matilda; marriage: Crete Thomas Mennenga is groom

0326 09/28/1899 5 03 J525 Johnson, J.T.; obituary: Crete
0326 09/28/1899 5 03 M552 Mennenga, Thomas; marriage: Crete Matilda Brauer is bride
0326 10/05/1899 1 00 K523 Knight, P.L.; advertisement: Crete
0326 10/05/1899 5 01 M520 Menke, John; misc: Crete
0326 10/05/1899 5 02 H230 Haight, M.E.; misc: Crete

0326 10/05/1899 5 02 N620 Norris, Mrs. Lu; misc: Crete
0326 10/05/1899 5 03 M450 Mullin, Daniel; obituary: Crete
0326 10/05/1899 8 06 A330 Atwood, Ruby Louise; marriage: W.E. Hitchcock is groom
0326 10/05/1899 8 06 G612 Graves, Benjamin; death notice: Friend
0326 10/05/1899 8 06 H322 Hitchcock, W.E.; marriage: Ruby Louise Atwood is bride

0326 10/12/1899 1 04 C132 Coe Baatz, Bertha F.; death notice: Western
0326 10/12/1899 1 04 M246 McElroy, James Edward; marriage: Wilber Emma Shimonek is bride
0326 10/12/1899 1 04 S552 Shimonek, Emma; marriage: Wilber James Edward McElroy
0326 10/12/1899 5 02 B240 Bickle, Mrs.; misc: Crete
0326 10/12/1899 5 04 M520 Menke, John; misc: Crete

0326 10/12/1899 8 01 A200 Agee, E.H.; misc: Friend building new residence
0326 10/12/1899 8 01 C132 Coe Baatz, Bertha F.; death notice: Western
0326 10/12/1899 8 01 E152 Evans, Frank E.; marriage: Tobias Laura M. Starr is bride, C.M & Mary E. Evans = parents
0326 10/12/1899 8 01 M263 McCreedy, C.W.; misc: Tobias
0326 10/12/1899 8 01 S360 Starr, Laura M.; marriage: Tobias Frank E. Evans is groom, A.L. Starr is father

0326 10/19/1899 1 04 N242 Nicholas, Frank; death of child: DeWitt
0326 10/19/1899 1 05 B620 Brick, Syd H.; marriage: Crete Theresa Kersenbrock is bride
0326 10/19/1899 1 05 H325 Hudson, Ike; misc: Crete
0326 10/19/1899 1 05 J452 Jelinek, Albert; death of son: Wilber
0326 10/19/1899 1 05 K625 Kersenbrock, Theresa; marriage: Crete Syd H. Brick is groom

0326 10/19/1899 5 02 B625 Bryson, John; misc: Crete
0326 10/19/1899 5 02 B255 Buchanan, Harry; misc: visiting parents in Crete
0326 10/19/1899 5 03 M652 Mary Innocentia, Sister; obituary: Crete
0326 10/23/1899 1 04 S514 Snavely, Mrs.; death notice: Friend shipped to Ansonia, OH for burial
0326 10/26/1899 1 03 H652 Harnes, Charles; birth of daughter: DeWitt

0326 10/26/1899 1 04 G416 Gilbert, J.W.; death of sister: Friend
0326 10/26/1899 1 04 M635 Martin, Elizabeth Jane; death notice: Crete wife of Dr. J.E. Martin
0326 10/26/1899 1 04 M250 Mason, Mrs. B.W.; misc: Dorchester
0326 10/26/1899 1 05 B234 Beghtol, Dr. J.V.; marriage: Friend Lillian Richards is bride
0326 10/26/1899 1 05 R263 Richards, Lillian; marriage: Friend Dr. J.V. Beghtol is groom

0326 10/26/1899 5 02 M262 McCargar, Hugh; death of mother: Aurora
0326 10/26/1899 5 04 C635 Crittenden, A.E.; obituary: Crete
0326 10/26/1899 8 06 K614 Korbel, J.H.; death of son: Wilber
0326 11/02/1899 1 01 K620 Kriss, Charles; marriage: Saline County Mrs. Anna Polanka is bride
0326 11/02/1899 1 01 P452 Polanka, Mrs. Ann; marriage: Saline County Charles Kriss is groom

0326 11/02/1899 5 02 B630 Beard, Charley; death notice: Louisiana buried in Dallas, TX
0326 11/02/1899 5 05 I645 Ireland, Geo.; biographical sketch: Crete
0326 11/02/1899 5 06 A336 Atwater, May; obituary: Crete
0326 11/02/1899 5 06 C552 Cummings, J.A.; biographical sketch: Crete
0326 11/02/1899 5 06 D500 Doane, J.R.; misc: Crete candidate for sheriff

0326 11/02/1899 5 06 H530 Hendee, H.H.; misc: Crete
0326 11/02/1899 5 06 L100 Love, Dr.; misc: Wilber
0326 11/02/1899 5 06 M635 Martin, S.H.; biographical sketch: Crete
0326 11/09/1899 1 02 H436 Holderness, Edwin Alvin; death notice: Western
0326 11/09/1899 1 02 M320 Matzka, Emil; birth of daughter: Western

0326 11/09/1899 1 04 H432 Huletz, Katie; death notice: Wilber wife of Edward Huletz
0326 11/09/1899 4 02 B400 Ball, J.; misc: Crete won road overseer election
0326 11/09/1899 5 02 H452 Hollingshead, C.T.; death notice: Crete
0326 11/16/1899 1 06 G445 Gillilan, Viola Elizabeth; marriage: Jackson, OH Eugene B. Lynn is groom
0326 11/16/1899 1 06 H530 Hunt, George A.; misc: Crete

0326 11/16/1899 1 06 L500 Lynn, Eugene B.; marriage: Jackson, OH Viola Elizabeth Gillilan is bride


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