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News Extraction
NSHS Newspaper Extractions: Code 0326 CRETE VIDETTE, 0330 SALINE COUNTY NEWS,
Code Date (m/d/y) Pg Col SNDX Extraction
0326 11/16/1899 4 03 G350 Goodin, Isaac; obituary: Crete
0326 11/16/1899 5 02 G350 Goodin, Charlie; death of father: Crete
0326 11/16/1899 5 02 G350 Goodin, Isaac; funeral: Crete
0326 11/16/1899 5 02 T525 Townsend, Mr. & Mrs. John; death of father: Crete
0326 11/16/1899 5 03 B630 Beard, Charles T.; obituary: Crete
0326 11/16/1899 5 03 H452 Hollingshead, C.T.; obituary: Crete
0326 11/16/1899 5 04 L166 Library; misc: Crete
0326 11/23/1899 1 04 M460 Miller, Melvin; birth of son: Dorchester
0326 11/23/1899 1 06 B400 Ball, F.W.; misc: Crete county commissioners order warrants paid
0326 11/23/1899 1 06 B400 Ball, Jacob; misc: Crete county commissioners order warrants paid
0326 11/30/1899 1 05 C620 Crays, Charley; marriage: Tobias Mrs. Minnie Smith is bride
0326 11/30/1899 1 05 D350 Doudna, Miss Daisy; death notice: Omaha of Friend
0326 11/30/1899 1 05 D100 Duba, Wencil; death notice: Wilber
0326 11/30/1899 1 05 G613 Grafton, Eliza; death notice: Western mother of W.S. Grafton of Crete
0326 11/30/1899 1 05 K600 Kaura, Frank; death notice: formerly of Wilber
0326 11/30/1899 1 05 S530 Smith, Minnie; marriage: Tobias Charley Crays is groom
0326 11/30/1899 5 02 A536 Anderson, Mrs. C.B.; misc: Crete sick this week
0326 11/30/1899 5 02 A650 Aron, Charley; misc: Crete
0326 11/30/1899 5 02 B400 Ball, Mr.; misc: Crete preaching at school house near Mr. Ball's
0326 11/30/1899 5 02 B632 Bridges, Will; misc: has moved from South Omaha to Butte, Montana
0326 11/30/1899 5 02 G350 Goodin, Judge (Isaac); misc: Crete
0326 11/30/1899 5 02 J523 Johnston, Jas.; misc: Crete
0326 11/30/1899 5 03 I645 Ireland, Jesse V.; obituary: Crete son of J.A. Ireland
0326 11/30/1899 5 03 J523 Johnston, A.G.; death notice: Crete
0326 11/30/1899 5 04 M620 Morris, W.H.; misc: Crete moving to California
0326 12/07/1899 1 05 D500 Doane, J.R.; birth of daughter: Wilber
0326 12/07/1899 1 05 G652 Grimes, John L.; marriage: Lincoln Mrs. Mary Mathews is bride
0326 12/07/1899 1 05 H620 Horak, Vaclav; death of daughter: Wilber
0326 12/07/1899 1 05 M320 Mathews, Mrs. Mary; marriage: Lincoln John L. Grimes is groom
0326 12/07/1899 5 01 D452 Dolansky, Joseph; birth of daughter: Crete
0326 12/07/1899 5 01 J523 Johnston, Andrew; misc: Beatrice
0326 12/07/1899 5 02 F200 Fike, A.A.; marriage: Saltillo Etta Hartman is bride
0326 12/07/1899 5 02 H635 Hartman, Etta; marriage: Saltillo A.A. Fike is groom
0326 12/07/1899 5 02 H630 Hayward, M.L.; death notice: Nebraska City
0326 12/14/1899 1 05 B260 Baker, Mrs. Ross; obituary: DeWitt
0326 12/14/1899 5 01 H530 Hunt, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 12/14/1899 5 02 M635 Martin, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 12/21/1899 5 01 J523 Johnston, Jas.; misc: Crete
0326 12/21/1899 5 02 A130 Abbott, Ray; misc: Crete his history of the 1st Nebraska to be printed soon
0326 12/28/1899 1 02 B612 Brobst, J.C.; misc: Tobias returned from Staplehurst with new wife
0326 12/28/1899 1 02 H300 Hyde, Harvey N.; marriage: Tobias Susie Sweeney is bride
0326 12/28/1899 1 02 J600 Jury, Jacob A.; death notice: Tobias
0326 12/28/1899 1 02 S500 Sweeney, Susie; marriage: Tobias Harvey N. Hyde is groom
0326 12/28/1899 1 05 D620 Drake, Nellie J.; marriage: Friend Charles E. Hawkins is groom
0326 12/28/1899 1 05 H252 Hawkins, Charles E.; marriage: Friend Nellie J. Drake is bride
0326 12/28/1899 1 05 H641 Hurlburt, Al; birth of son: Friend
0326 12/28/1899 1 05 J232 Justice, Mel; birth of daughter: Friend
0326 12/28/1899 1 06 H300 Hayday, Mabel; marriage: Wilber Will S. McGintie is groom
0326 12/28/1899 1 06 M253 McGintie, Will S.; marriage: Wilber Mabel Hayday is bride
0326 12/28/1899 5 03 M620 Morris, Judge; misc: Riverside, CA
0326 01/04/1900 1 05 J232 Justice, Mel; death of child: Friend
0326 01/04/1900 1 05 M460 Miller, T.H.; misc: Crete
0326 01/04/1900 4 02 M620 Morris, W.H.; misc: Los Angeles, CA
0326 01/11/1900 1 02 A654 Arnold, Hanna; death: Friend mother of Mrs. Marion Hall
0326 01/11/1900 1 02 L520 Long, Maggie; death notice: Friend
0326 01/11/1900 1 05 B230 Best, Harriet; marriage: Lincoln G.L. Cruickshank is groom
0326 01/11/1900 1 05 C625 Cruickshank, G.L.; marriage: Lincoln Harriet Best is bride
0326 01/11/1900 1 05 I645 Irelan, Jesse; marriage: Crete Julia Middleton is bride
0326 01/11/1900 1 05 M343 Middleton, Julia; marriage: Crete Jesse Irelan is groom
0326 01/11/1900 5 02 G640 Gourlay, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 01/11/1900 5 02 M521 Menke Building; misc: Crete
0326 01/11/1900 5 03 A536 Anderson, Mrs. C.B.; obituary: Crete
0326 01/11/1900 5 03 M300 Mead, Augustus; obituary: Crete
0326 01/11/1900 5 04 B162 Beavers, Emmett; obituary: Crete
0326 01/18/1900 1 05 F235 Fictum, Frank; marriage: Wilber Katie Pasek is bride
0326 01/18/1900 1 05 M426 Melichar, Charles; death notice: Wilber
0326 01/18/1900 1 05 P220 Pasek, Katie; marriage: Wilber Frank Fictum is groom
0326 01/18/1900 5 01 H300 Hoyt, H.W.; marriage of daughter
0326 01/18/1900 5 02 F460 Fuller, H.S.; misc: Crete
0326 01/18/1900 5 02 H235 Hastings, G.H.; misc: Crete
0326 01/18/1900 5 02 H530 Hunt, Mrs. Geo.; misc: Crete
0326 01/18/1900 5 02 J525 Johnson, A.L.; misc: Crete
0326 01/18/1900 5 02 M610 Murphy, G.M.; misc: Crete
0326 01/25/1900 1 05 B410 Belhovy, Mike; death of child: Wilber
0326 01/25/1900 1 05 M500 Main, Robert; birth of daughter: Western
0326 01/25/1900 4 03 J523 Johnston, J.R.; misc: Riverside, CA house burned
0326 01/25/1900 5 02 M620 Morris, Judge; misc: Los Angeles, CA
0326 01/25/1900 5 03 B200 Buck, Wilson R.; obituary: Crete
0326 02/01/1900 5 01 H235 Hastings & Hastings; misc: Crete
0326 02/01/1900 5 01 H235 Hastings & Sands; dissolution: Crete
0326 02/01/1900 5 01 S532 Sands & Hastings; dissolution: Crete
0326 02/01/1900 5 02 J523 Johnston, J.R.; misc
0326 02/08/1900 1 02 K450 Klein, Henry; birth of daughter: Friend
0326 02/08/1900 5 01 C524 Conklin, Nora; death notice: Franklin
0326 02/08/1900 5 02 B645 Burlington & Missouri Railroad; misc: Crete building of new brick depot
0326 02/15/1900 1 02 B355 Badman, John; death of daughter: Central City Jennie Kennedy is daughter
0326 02/15/1900 1 02 K530 Kennedy, Jennie; death notice: Central City daughter of John Badman of DeWitt
0326 02/15/1900 1 02 N656 Neirmeyer, Mrs. H.; death notice: DeWitt
0326 02/15/1900 7 03 J523 Johnston, J.R.; misc: Riverside, CA fire
0326 02/22/1900 1 02 N240 Nickle, Charles G.; marriage: Rosa Amelia Witt is bride, Henry Nickle is father
0326 02/22/1900 1 02 W300 Witt, Rosa Amelia; marriage: Charles G. Nickle is groom
0326 02/22/1900 1 05 M213 McFadden, Walter; birth of daughter: DeWitt
0326 02/22/1900 1 05 N242 Nicholas, Geo.; death of son: DeWitt
0326 02/22/1900 7 02 B400 Ball, F.W.; marriage: Crete Minnie E. Wild is bride
0326 02/22/1900 7 02 H525 Hengen, John G.; misc: Crete
0326 02/22/1900 7 02 M100 Muff, C.; misc: Crete
0326 02/22/1900 7 02 W430 Wild, Minnie E.; marriage: Crete Fred. W. Ball is groom
0326 03/01/1900 1 05 B623 Burkett, Mrs. Maud; death notice: DeWitt sister of Mrs. C.H. Culdice
0326 03/01/1900 1 05 H430 Howlett, Wm.; death of father: Avoca, IA
0326 03/01/1900 1 05 M600 Moore, Elmer W.; marriage: Wilber Emma W. Richtarik is bride
0326 03/01/1900 1 05 R236 Richtarik, Emma W.; marriage: Wilber Elmer W. Moore is groom
0326 03/01/1900 5 02 B620 Bross, Ernest; misc: manager of Portland Oregonian
0326 03/01/1900 5 03 J523 Johnston, J.R.; misc: Riverside, CA
0326 03/08/1900 1 02 E532 Endicott, G.D.; death notice: Dorchester
0326 03/08/1900 1 05 B663 Brouhard, Nettie; marriage: Wilber George Hurn is groom
0326 03/08/1900 1 05 H650 Hurn, George; marriage: Wilber Nettie Brouhard is bride
0326 03/08/1900 4 03 B400 Ball, Fred W.; marriage: Crete Minnie Wild is bride
0326 03/08/1900 4 03 M460 Miller, T.H.; misc: Crete 3 generations of Millers have married in Crete
0326 03/08/1900 4 03 W430 Wild, Minnie; marriage: Crete Fred. W. Ball is groom
0326 03/08/1900 5 02 B400 Ball, Fred W.; marriage: Crete Minnie E. Wild is bride
0326 03/08/1900 5 02 G260 Gasser, May; marriage: Crete Henry Miller is groom
0326 03/08/1900 5 02 H235 Hastings, Carlisle; misc: Illinois father of G.H. and W.G. Hastings of Crete
0326 03/08/1900 5 02 M460 Miller, Henry; marriage: Crete May Gasser is bride
0326 03/08/1900 5 02 W430 Wild, Minnie E.; marriage: Crete Fred W. Ball is groom
0326 03/08/1900 5 03 E532 Endicott, G.D.; death notice: Monroe Precinct, Saline County
0326 03/08/1900 5 04 L550 Lanham, John; obituary: Crete
0326 03/15/1900 1 05 B622 Bergquist, Clara; marriage: Wilber Charles F. Brust is groom
0326 03/15/1900 1 05 B623 Brust, Charles F.; marriage: Wilber Clara Bergquist is bride
0326 03/22/1900 1 05 D520 Deines, Conrade; marriage: Friend Mable Rhineheimer is bride
0326 03/22/1900 1 05 G152 Gibbons, Joseph; death of daughter: Friend
0326 03/22/1900 1 05 J520 Jimek, Joseph; marriage: Wilber Caroline Marik is bride
0326 03/22/1900 1 05 M620 Marik, Caroline; marriage: Wilber Joseph Jimek is groom
0326 03/22/1900 1 05 R556 Rhineheimer, Mable; marriage: Friend Conrade Deines is groom
0326 03/22/1900 5 02 A536 Anderson, C.B.; misc: Crete selected as city Republican chairman
0326 03/22/1900 5 03 M460 Miller, T.H.; misc: Crete
0326 03/22/1900 5 03 M620 Morris, W.H.; misc: Los Angeles, CA
0326 03/29/1900 1 05 K540 Kimmel, Glen; marriage: Wilber Madge Richard is bride
0326 03/29/1900 1 05 M246 McElroy, Ed.; birth of son: Wilber
0326 03/29/1900 1 05 R263 Richard, Madge; marriage: Wilber Glen Kimmel is groom
0326 03/29/1900 5 01 B262 Baker & Johnson; misc: Crete dissolution of partnership
0326 03/29/1900 5 02 B650 Brown, Alonson; obituary: Crete father of Hiram Brown of Crete
0326 03/29/1900 5 03 B560 Bahner, Jacob; misc: Crete
0326 03/29/1900 5 03 H235 Hastings, G.H.; biographical sketch: Crete
0326 04/05/1900 1 02 M160 Mooberry, Grant; birth of son: Riverton, IA
0326 04/05/1900 5 04 E236 Eyster, W.F.; anniversary: Crete golden anniversary
0326 04/12/1900 5 02 H553 Hammond, Georgie; birth of son: Crete
0326 04/12/1900 5 02 J525 Johnson, Jimmie; birth of son: West Blue
0326 04/12/1900 8 05 J260 Jiskra, Joseph; birth of daughter: Wilber
0326 04/19/1900 1 05 F432 Fletcher, Albert; marriage: Friend Carrie Johnson is bride
0326 04/19/1900 1 05 J525 Johnson, Carrie; marriage: Friend Albert Fletcher is groom
0326 04/19/1900 5 01 H200 Hayek, Frank J.; death of daughter: Crete
0326 04/26/1900 1 06 G613 Griffiths, John W.; death notice: Tobias
0326 04/26/1900 5 01 H525 Hengen, John G.; advertisement: Crete
0326 04/26/1900 5 02 A650 Aron, Rosie L.; marriage: Anton Belka, Jr. is groom, Thomas Aron is father
0326 04/26/1900 5 02 B420 Belka, Anton, Jr.; marriage: Rosie L. Aron is bride, Thomas Aron is bride's father
0326 05/03/1900 1 05 E255 Essman, Miss; marriage: DeWitt Wm. Koch is groom, Henry Essman is father
0326 05/03/1900 1 05 K200 Koch, Wm.; marriage: DeWitt Miss Essman is bride
0326 05/17/1900 5 01 A536 Andrews, S.L.; misc: Crete appointed census enumerator for Crete
0326 05/17/1900 5 01 C251 Cosmopolitan Hotel; misc: Crete Jas. Robertson leased to Thomas Spence
0326 05/17/1900 5 01 F640 Farley, Mrs. W.W.; death of mother: Harper, IA
0326 05/17/1900 5 01 G416 Gilbert, Chas.; death of mother: Harper, IA
0326 05/17/1900 5 04 P350 Patton, J.H.; death notice
0326 05/17/1900 5 04 T314 Tidball, J.L.; death of nephew: J.H. Patton is nephew
0326 05/24/1900 1 04 H635 Hartman, J.W.; birth of son: DeWitt
0326 05/24/1900 1 04 H145 Hobelman, Fred; birth of daughter: DeWitt
0326 05/24/1900 1 04 M251 Meisenbach, Dan; birth of daughter: Wilber
0326 05/31/1900 1 04 D162 Dvorak, Lumir; birth of son: Wilber
0326 05/31/1900 5 02 A536 Anderson, C.B.; misc: Crete selected chairman of Republican central committee
0326 05/31/1900 5 02 M262 McCarger, Henry; death notice: Aurora
0326 06/07/1900 5 01 K524 Kuncl, Frank; misc: Crete
0326 06/21/1900 4 03 D200 Dick, Margaret; obituary: Crete wife of Robert Dick
0326 06/21/1900 5 01 A536 Anderson, C.B.; misc: Crete Crete Investment Co. opening branch house in Oklahoma
0326 07/05/1900 1 05 A536 Anderson, C.B. (Pres.); misc: incorporated The Conservative Investment Co.
0326 07/12/1900 1 06 H200 Hicks, W.A.; marriage: Tobias Gusta Krusnick is bride
0326 07/12/1900 1 06 K625 Krusnick, Gusta; marriage: Tobias W.A. Hicks is groom
0326 07/12/1900 1 06 M324 Mitchell, Harry; birth of son: Tobias
0326 07/12/1900 5 02 A336 Atwater, J.J.; misc: Crete home advertisement
0326 07/12/1900 5 03 A536 Anderson, C.B.; misc: article about new company in Blackwell, OK
0326 07/19/1900 1 05 B600 Bor, Charles; birth of daughter: Wilber
0326 07/19/1900 1 05 F321 Fitzgibbons, Patsey; birth of daughter: Tobias
0326 07/19/1900 1 05 K650 Krum, August; marriage: Wilber Mrs. Annie Prucha is bride
0326 07/19/1900 1 05 P620 Prucha, Miss Annie; marriage: Wilber August Krum is groom
0326 07/26/1900 1 06 D250 Duggan, Beatrice; death notice: Tobias mother of Mrs. W.P. Metcalf
0326 08/09/1900 1 04 H200 Hayek, Sr., John; death notice: Brush Creek, Saline Co.
0326 08/09/1900 5 02 B361 Botorff, Mr.; misc: Crete building new livery stable
0326 08/09/1900 5 03 B240 Boekel, Fred; misc: Crete sold meat market to Thos. Marek
0326 08/16/1900 5 01 B361 Bottorff, Jake; misc: Crete took possession of Bonner Stable
0326 08/16/1900 5 02 M253 McGintie, Mrs. E.E.; divorce: Crete
0326 08/16/1900 5 04 B200 Beck, Wencil; obituary
0326 08/16/1900 5 06 M100 Muff, Catherine; advertisement: Crete selling farmland
0326 08/23/1900 1 04 G524 Gonzales, Silas; obituary: Crete
0326 08/23/1900 1 06 M220 Misek, John; birth of son: Wilber
0326 08/23/1900 1 06 T200 Tike, Nora L.; marriage: Colby, KS E. Wilcox is groom
0326 08/23/1900 1 06 W422 Wilcox, E.; marriage: Colby, KS Nora L. Tike is bride
0326 08/23/1900 5 06 B625 Bryson, John; misc: Crete
0326 08/30/1900 1 06 C250 Chesney, Lelia; marriage: Roy Moxon is groom
0326 08/30/1900 1 06 M250 Moxon, Roy; marriage: Lelia Chesney is bride
0326 08/30/1900 5 01 H350 Haden, Mrs.; misc: Crete
0326 08/30/1900 5 02 K625 Kersenbrock, Herman; misc: Crete
0326 08/30/1900 5 03 C623 Croston, Mr.; death notice: Iowa former partner of E.D. Fay of Crete
0326 08/30/1900 5 03 G635 Gardner, Eleanor Whitten; death notice: Edgar daughter of Rev. Whitten of Crete
0326 08/30/1900 5 03 M160 Mooberry, Alex; obituary: Dorchester
0326 08/30/1900 5 04 A562 American Home Circle; misc: Crete officers listed
0326 09/06/1900 4 02 K540 Knoll, August L.; biographical sketch: Crete
0326 09/06/1900 4 02 W430 Wild, Jacob; misc: Crete
0326 09/13/1900 4 04 F200 Foss, J.B.; misc: Crete
0326 09/13/1900 5 02 D645 Darling, Tyler; misc: Crete
0326 09/13/1900 5 02 H350 Haden, Mrs.; misc: Crete
0326 09/13/1900 5 03 B560 Bahner, Jacob; misc: Crete moving into Mr. Roley's house
0326 09/20/1900 5 02 C635 Crete Mills; misc: Crete fire
0326 09/27/1900 7 01 D645 Darling, T.; misc: Crete
0326 09/27/1900 7 01 H350 Hayden; misc: Crete
0326 09/27/1900 7 01 K400 Kahle, Mrs.; death notice: Dorchester
0326 09/27/1900 7 02 L360 Lader, Mrs.; misc: Crete
0326 10/11/1900 1 06 L500 Lynn, E.B.; birth of daughter: Wilber
0326 11/08/1900 04 B532 Band's Opera House; misc: Crete telephone and telegraph installed to hear election news
0326 11/08/1900 1 06 B600 Boyer, Ellen; death notice: DeWitt
0326 11/08/1900 1 06 H140 Havel, Jacob H.; marriage: Wilber Katie Turinsky is bride
0326 11/08/1900 1 06 T652 Turinsky, Katie; marriage: Wilber Jacob H. Havel is groom
0326 11/08/1900 5 04 E152 Evans, Mrs. Harry; obituary: Crete
0326 11/15/1900 5 03 B240 Bickle, Mrs. Elizabeth; obituary: Crete
0326 11/22/1900 4 04 J523 Johnston, J.R.; misc: Riverside, CA
0326 12/06/1900 1 06 C552 Cunningham, Janet Stevenson; death notice: Western
0326 12/20/1900 1 06 M600 Meyer, Court; death notice: Wilber
0326 12/27/1900 1 06 D420 Dallas, S.P.; birth of son: Tobias
0326 12/27/1900 5 02 H525 Hengen, John; misc: Crete
0326 12/27/1900 5 02 H600 Hier, Herman; misc: Crete
0326 12/27/1900 5 02 M460 Miller, T.H.; misc: Crete $10,000 donation to library
0326 12/27/1900 5 04 K652 Krainik, George; obituary: Crete
0326 01/03/1901 5 06 L166 Library; misc: Crete
0326 01/03/1901 5 06 M460 Miller, T.H.; misc: Crete
0326 01/10/1901 1 06 G610 Grebe, Lizzie; marriage: DeWitt Harrey Linley is groom, Justus Grebe is father
0326 01/10/1901 1 06 L540 Linley, Harrey; marriage: DeWitt Lizzie Grebe is bride
0326 05/02/1901 5 04 C500 Conway, D.B.; misc: Crete
0326 05/02/1901 5 04 H525 Hengen, John; misc: Crete
0326 05/23/1901 5 03 B632 Bridges, Will; misc: pleaded guilty to embezzlement
0326 06/06/1901 4 04 H530 Hunt, Mary A.; obituary: Crete wife of George Hunt, daughter of J.C. Bickle
0326 06/13/1901 7 03 M100 Muff, Mrs.; misc: Crete
0326 06/20/1901 5 03 J523 Johnston, J.R.; marriage: Washington
0326 07/04/1901 5 01 J523 Johnston, J.R.; misc: Washington
0326 07/11/1901 5 03 B620 Brock, W.E.; misc: a discussion of his California property
0326 07/18/1901 5 02 J523 Johnston, J.R.; misc: Crete
0326 09/05/1901 3 00 M100 Muff, Mrs.; misc: Crete went to Atchison, KS
0326 09/19/1901 5 05 L550 Lanham, Nellie; marriage: Crete Arthur Speedlin is groom, John Lanham is father
0326 09/19/1901 5 05 S134 Speedlin, Arthur; marriage: Crete Nellie Lanham is bride
0326 09/26/1901 5 05 G340 Goodell, Charley; misc: Crete
0326 10/03/1901 5 06 A536 Anderson, C.B.; misc: Crete honored at farewell reception
0326 10/24/1901 5 04 A536 Anderson, C.B.; biographical sketch: Crete
0326 11/21/1901 5 02 K530 Kind, John; misc: Omaha
0326 11/28/1901 4 03 L500 Lane, Rebecca; obituary: Pleasant Hill wife of James K. Lane
0326 12/05/1901 5 06 B361 Bottorff, Mr.; misc: Crete completed new livery stable
0326 01/02/1902 5 04 M314 Meadville, Ann; obituary: Crete wife of James Meadville
0326 01/30/1902 5 05 C500 Cone, Chas. G.; death of son: Lincoln
0326 01/30/1902 5 05 J452 Jelinek, Wenzel; obituary: Crete
0326 02/13/1902 5 04 F653 Frundell, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 02/13/1902 5 05 F000 Fay, Councilman; misc: Crete
0326 02/20/1902 4 03 A536 Anderson, C.B.; misc: moving back to Crete
0326 02/20/1902 4 03 A536 Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. C.B.; misc: returning from Omaha to live in Crete
0326 02/27/1902 5 02 G340 Goodell, C.B.; misc: Crete
0326 02/27/1902 5 04 D200 Dick, Robert; misc: Crete visited California
0326 02/27/1902 5 04 K523 Knight, P.L.; misc: Crete
0326 02/27/1902 5 04 M460 Miller, John; misc: Riverside, CA son-in-law of Robert Dick of Crete
0326 02/27/1902 5 05 B255 Buchanan, Harry; misc: Crete
0326 03/06/1902 5 04 B652 Burianek, Frank; death notice: Leavenworth, KS suicide
0326 03/06/1902 5 05 B410 Bowlby, Chas. J.; misc: Crete son, Henry, dismissed from West Point Academy
0326 03/27/1902 5 00 F000 Fay, E.D.; misc: Crete
0326 04/03/1902 5 00 F000 Fay, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 04/03/1902 5 04 F000 Fay, E.D.; misc: Crete
0326 04/10/1902 5 05 N620 Norris, Grover; misc: Crete
0326 04/10/1902 5 05 N620 Norris, Lu; misc: Crete
0326 04/10/1902 5 06 M460 Miller, T.H.; biographical sketch: Crete
0326 05/08/1902 7 02 A536 Anderson, C.B.; birth of daughter: Crete
0326 05/27/1902 5 03 F000 Fay, Mr.; misc: Crete
0326 07/31/1902 5 05 B662 Brewers, Crete; misc: Crete brewery sold
0326 10/23/1902 4 02 F655 Fairmont Creamery; description: Crete
0326 10/23/1902 5 06 J523 Johnston, A.D.; misc: Crete
0326 10/23/1902 5 06 T314 Tidball, John L.; misc: Crete
0326 01/01/1903 4 01 C630 Crete; history: Crete Old Settlers Banquet
0326 01/15/1903 5 03 M500 Mann, W.H.; obituary: Wilber
0326 01/29/1903 5 05 A536 Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. C.B.; misc: Crete
0326 01/29/1903 5 05 C526 Congregational Church; misc: Crete some members listed
0326 01/29/1903 5 05 T314 Tidball, J.L.; misc: Crete
0326 03/19/1903 5 02 H525 Hengen, John; misc: Crete
0326 04/28/1904 4 04 B255 Buchanan, Harry M.; marriage: Riverside, CA Myrtella Johnston is bride
0326 04/28/1904 4 04 J523 Johnston, Myrtella; marriage: Riverside, CA Harry M. Buchanan is groom
0326 05/26/1904 4 03 A253 Aksamit, Wencil; obituary: Crete
0326 12/29/1904 5 04 H525 Hengen, John G.; marriage: Crete Catherine Muff is bride
0326 12/29/1904 5 04 M100 Muff, Catherine; marriage: Crete John G. Hengen is groom
0326 04/06/1905 5 04 J520 Jones, J.E.; death notice: Dorchester
0326 04/06/1905 5 04 S242 Segelke, August; death of son-in-law: Dorchester J.E. Jones is son-in-law
0326 04/20/1905 4 05 E350 Eaton, William; marriage: Crete Myra B. Fay is bride
0326 04/20/1905 4 05 F000 Fay, Myra B.; marriage: Crete William Eaton is groom, E.D. Fay is father
0326 04/27/1905 4 01 M460 Miller, James M.; obituary: Crete
0326 09/28/1905 5 03 M460 Miller, T.H.; misc: Crete
0326 11/02/1905 10 04 D520 Deems, Elmira; obituary: Crete wife of Reason Deems
0326 11/09/1905 1 03 B645 Burlington & Missouri Railroad; misc: Crete lengthy descripton of new depot
0326 11/23/1905 1 01 B435 Baldwin, George; birth of son: Crete
0326 12/07/1905 5 05 C631 Crete Butter Tub Factory; misc: Crete
0326 12/28/1905 1 01 B560 Bahner, J.H.; misc: Crete new home nearing completion
0326 02/22/1906 1 02 B660 Breuer, Dr. C.H.; misc: Crete
0326 02/22/1906 1 02 C632 Crete Hospital; misc: Crete
0326 09/19/1907 5 02 A650 Aron, Chas.; misc: Crete building new home
0326 09/26/1907 5 05 B532 Band's Opera House; misc: Crete being remodeled
0326 12/12/1907 5 01 C452 Collingsworth, Walter; misc: Crete new home nearing completion
0326 12/12/1907 5 01 R200 Rogge, Henry; misc: Crete
0326 12/12/1907 5 06 K623 Kerst, John; misc: Crete
0326 01/30/1908 5 01 J523 Johnston, J.R.; misc: Los Angeles, CA serious illness
0326 01/30/1908 5 02 H525 Hengen, Mrs. J.; death of mother: Crete
0326 01/30/1908 5 02 H600 Hier, Benjamen; death of mother: Crete
0326 01/30/1908 5 02 H600 Hier, Bernard; obituary: Crete
0326 01/30/1908 5 02 H600 Hier, Herman; death of mother: Crete
0326 01/30/1908 5 02 M265 McCarn, Mrs.; death of mother: Crete
0326 01/30/1908 5 20 H600 Hier, Herman; death of mother: Crete
0326 02/20/1908 3 02 J523 Johnston, J.R.; misc: Los Angeles, CA serious illness
0326 03/12/1908 00 D200 Dawes, Mrs. James; obituary: Crete
0326 03/12/1908 5 03 J523 Johnston, J.R.; death notice: Los Angeles, CA
0326 03/12/1908 8 03 D200 Dawes, Frances A.; obituary: Crete wife of J.W. Dawes 0326 03/19/1908 4 04 J523 Johnston, John R.; obituary: Crete 0326 03/26/1908 00 C630 Crete; history: Crete 0326 09/03/1908 4 02 H525 Hengen, Catherine Muff; divorce: Crete John G. Hengen is husband 0326 09/03/1908 4 02 H525 Hengen, John G.; divorce: Crete Catherine Muff Hengen is wife 0326 09/03/1908 4 03 M520 Menke, John; obituary: Crete 0326 09/10/1908 1 03 M520 Menke, John; obituary: Crete 0326 12/10/1908 10 04 C452 Collinsworth, Susan Alice; obituary: Crete wife of B.F. Collinsworth 0326 12/24/1908 5 05 J523 Johnston, James; birth of son: Crete 0326 12/31/1908 4 03 G340 Goodell, C.B.; misc: Crete moving to Waurika, OK 0326 01/14/1909 7 03 A536 Anderson, C.B.; misc: to be in Chickasha, OK to establish investment company 0326 01/14/1909 7 03 D200 Dawes, Maj. J.W.; misc: Crete 0326 01/21/1909 1 04 O262 Ojers, John A.; obituary: Crete 0326 01/28/1909 5 01 A536 Anderson, C.B.; misc: will locate business in El Reno, OK 0326 02/11/1909 4 02 B200 Boice, Dr. J.S.; death notice: Crete 0326 02/18/1909 5 02 M620 Morris, Mrs. W.H.; death notice: Los Angeles, CA 0326 02/18/1909 5 03 C600 Corey, George L.; obituary: brother of James K. and Stephen T. Corey 0326 02/18/1909 5 03 R300 Root, A.D.; misc: Crete 0326 01/20/1910 1 03 D200 Dick, Robert; obituary: Crete 0326 02/03/1910 1 06 D200 Dick, Robert; will: Crete 0326 02/10/1910 5 02 K625 Kersenbrock, Wm.; obituary: Crete 0326 07/07/1910 1 06 B255 Buchanan, Mr. & Mrs. Harry; misc: will live in Los Angeles 0326 01/19/1911 4 03 G650 Grimm, J.H.; obituary: Crete 0326 02/02/1911 5 05 M200 Muchow, W.F.; obituary: Crete 0326 02/16/1911 1 01 M600 Meier, F.W.; obituary: Crete 0326 04/04/1912 1 01 F200 Foss, Dr. John B.; obituary: Crete 0326 04/18/1912 1 02 D634 Dredla, Catherine; obituary: Crete wife of Thomas Dredla 0326 09/12/1912 1 05 A426 Algermissen, Chas.; misc: Crete description of Universal Auto Co's Garage 0326 02/27/1913 1 05 M500 Mann, Wm. H.; obituary: Wilber 0326 03/20/1913 5 04 B200 Buck, John; obituary: Crete 0326 06/25/1914 1 06 H416 Holbrook, Florence Grace; marriage: Oscar G. Miller is groom 0326 06/25/1914 1 06 M460 Miller, Oscar G.; marriage: Florence Grace Holbrook is bride 0326 07/16/1914 3 05 J452 Jelinek, Adolph; misc: Crete 0326 11/05/1914 1 01 M514 Manville, Emily Kent; obituary: Crete 0326 05/13/1915 6 06 C634 Crete Library; misc: Crete 0326 01/27/1916 1 05 H235 Hastings, Mrs. A.G.; obituary: Lincoln 0326 06/07/1917 4 05 A536 Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. C.B.; misc: Crete photo of home 0326 06/21/1917 7 01 D524 Doane College; misc: Crete photo 0326 08/09/1917 1 01 B650 Brown, John Sewall; obituary: Crete 0326 08/16/1917 1 01 A336 Atwater, Mr. & Mrs. J.J.; anniversary: Crete 50th anniversary 0326 10/18/1917 1 03 I524 Ingles, John W.; obituary: Pleasant Hill 0326 01/24/1918 1 04 A650 Aron, Ed.; misc: Crete 0326 01/24/1918 1 04 B400 Ball, Jacob; misc: Crete 0326 01/24/1918 1 04 C632 Crete Grain & Livestock Assoc.; misc: Crete election of officers 0326 01/24/1918 1 04 W420 Welsch, John; misc: Crete 0326 01/31/1918 4 02 C632 Courthouse; misc: copy of State Journal articles about fight 0326 02/21/1918 1 01 M460 Miller, T.H.; misc: Crete 0326 03/21/1918 1 04 D524 Doane College; misc: Crete construction of Men's Hall 0326 09/25/1918 4 04 D263 Daugherty, Matt; misc: Keith Co., NE 0326 06/19/1919 1 03 C635 Crete Mills; misc: Crete 0326 07/10/1919 1 06 H530 Hunt, George A.; obituary: Crete 0326 07/31/1919 6 02 J523 Johnston, Mrs. Mary Vance; misc: Crete 0326 02/00/1920 1 01 F460 Fuller, Robert S.; obituary: Crete 0326 04/29/1920 1 06 B500 Benne, Mr.; misc: Crete 0326 04/29/1920 1 06 M521 Menke Building; misc: Crete 0326 05/06/1920 1 06 C160 Cooper, I.A.; obituary: Crete
0326 05/06/1920 1 06 N620 Norris, Mrs. Lu; obituary: Crete
0326 05/13/1920 1 01 L500 Lane, John T.; obituary: Crete
0326 06/10/1920 5 01 W430 Wild, J.R.; misc: Crete left for California vacation
0326 07/15/1920 1 05 H622 Horky's Park; misc: Crete
0326 09/02/1920 4 01 C632 Courthouse, Saline County; misc: fight over
0326 09/09/1920 4 00 C632 Courthouse, Saline County; misc: Wilber fight over
0326 11/18/1920 1 01 M460 Miller, Mrs. T.H.; obituary: Crete
0326 11/25/1920 1 06 M460 Miller, Mrs. T.H.; obituary: Crete
0326 12/16/1920 1 02 M620 Morris, W.H.; obituary
0326 06/23/1921 1 01 E236 Eyster, Rev. Wm.F.; obituary: Crete
0326 02/09/1922 1 02 K625 Kersenbrock, Arnold; obituary: Crete
0326 04/00/1926 00 L524 Lincoln; Lincoln businesses: Lincoln
0326 05/00/1926 00 L524 Lincoln; Lincoln businesses: Lincoln
0326 09/02/1926 00 C630 Crete; history: Crete
0326 09/02/1926 00 N600 Neher, Melchoir; misc: Crete father of Mrs. A. Segelke
0326 09/02/1926 00 S242 Segelke, Mrs. A.; misc: Crete daughter of Melchoir Neher
0326 01/27/1927 1 03 H325 Hudson, Isaac; obituary: Crete
0326 03/03/1927 1 02 K625 Kersenbrock, August; misc: Crete
0326 06/16/1927 1 04 A536 Anderson, C.B.; marriage of daughter: Marion married Lloyd H. Hobson of Kensington, KS
0326 06/16/1927 1 04 A536 Anderson, Marion; marriage: Lloyd H. Hobson of Kensington, KS is groom
0326 06/16/1927 1 04 H125 Hobson, Lloyd H.; marriage: Marion Anderson is bride
0326 06/23/1927 1 06 B200 Buck, Mrs. J.; death notice: Crete
0326 06/30/1927 1 05 B200 Buck, Mrs. J.; obituary: Crete
0330 09/16/1876 1 01 L523 Limestone Quarries; mis: Saline County
0331 08/12/1881 00 C635 Crete Windmill Co.; misc: Crete
0332 07/14/1871 3 02 B634 Bertwell's Mill; misc: Crete
0332 07/14/1871 3 02 U420 Ulsh, James; misc: Crete
0332 08/18/1871 3 02 A235 Academy Building; description: Crete
0332 09/08/1871 3 01 C630 Crete; census: Crete
0332 09/08/1871 3 01 D216 Dawes Bros.; misc: Crete
0332 09/15/1871 3 05 B632 Bridges & Baltzley; advertisement: Crete
0332 09/15/1871 3 05 J523 Johnston, J.R.; advertisement: Crete
0332 09/22/1871 3 01 B255 Buchanan, Mr.; misc: Crete
0332 10/06/1871 2 06 C630 Crete; description: Crete
0332 10/13/1871 3 01 J523 Johnston, J.R.; misc: Crete land sale
0332 10/20/1871 3 01 A235 Academey Building; misc: Crete
0332 10/20/1871 3 01 E233 East 13th Street; misc: Crete
0332 10/20/1871 3 01 N163 Nave & Rademacher; misc: Crete
0332 10/20/1871 3 01 N340 Nedla, Mr.; misc: Crete
0332 10/27/1871 2 01 C600 Corey, S.T.; misc: Crete
0332 10/27/1871 2 01 J523 Johnston, J.R.; misc: Crete appointed postmaster
0332 11/03/1871 3 02 B255 Buchanan, W.T.; misc: Crete
0332 11/03/1871 3 02 E233 East 13th Street; misc: Crete
0332 12/08/1871 2 01 J520 Jones, Lord; misc: Crete
0332 12/15/1871 3 01 B632 Bridges & Baltzley; misc: Crete
0332 12/15/1871 3 01 M460 Miller, J.G.; misc: Crete
0332 12/15/1871 3 01 M460 Miller, T.H.; misc: Crete
0332 12/15/1871 3 02 N163 Nave & Rademacher; misc: Crete
0332 05/03/1872 3 02 B240 Bickle, J.C.; misc: Crete
0332 05/10/1872 3 02 B240 Bickle, J.C.; misc: Crete
0332 06/14/1872 3 01 A235 Academy Building; misc: Crete
0332 06/14/1872 3 02 B632 Bridges, Miss G.; misc: Boston
0332 07/05/1872 3 01 M460 Miller, J.G.; misc: Crete moving to Lincoln
0332 07/12/1872 3 03 B632 Bridges & Baltzley's Mill; misc: Crete
0332 07/19/1872 3 01 B240 Bickle, J.C.; misc: Crete
0332 07/25/1872 3 02 E121 Episcopal Parsonage; misc: Crete
0332 07/25/1872 3 03 M620 Morris, Judge W.H.; misc: Crete new in town
0332 08/01/1872 3 01 E121 Episcopal Parsonage; misc: Crete
0332 08/08/1872 3 01 B240 Bickle, Mr.; misc: Crete
0332 09/05/1872 3 02 D200 Dawes, J.W.; misc: Crete
0332 09/12/1872 3 02 K132 Kopetzky, Joseph; misc: Crete
0332 09/19/1872 3 01 A253 Aksamit, Mr.; misc: Crete misspelled Aximet in article
0332 09/19/1872 3 01 B425 Blacksmith Shop; misc: Crete
0332 09/19/1872 3 02 E121 Episcopal Church; misc: Crete
0332 09/19/1872 3 03 E121 Episcopal Church; misc: Crete
0332 09/26/1872 3 01 B255 Buchanan, Mr.; misc: Crete
0332 10/10/1872 3 01 M142 Maple Grove Cemetery; misc: Crete
0332 10/17/1872 3 01 B432 Baltzley, Esq., O.W.; marriage: Michigan Roxie E. Lee is bride
0332 10/17/1872 3 01 L000 Lee, Roxie E.; marriage: Michigan O.W. Baltzley, Esq. is groom
0332 11/28/1872 3 02 J520 Jones, J.E.; misc: Crete
0332 03/06/1873 3 02 E121 Episcopal Church; misc: Crete consecrated by Bishop Clarkson
0332 01/23/1877 3 05 L520 Loomis, Theren & Julia Anderson; birth of daughter: Crete
0332 12/06/1877 00 M142 Maple Grove Cemetery; misc: Crete
0332 04/04/1878 00 M142 Maple Grove Cemetery; misc: Crete
0332 04/18/1878 00 M142 Maple Grove Cemetery; misc: Crete
0332 04/18/1879 1 06 C630 Crete; misc: Crete
0332 04/18/1879 2 01 C632 Courthouse; misc
0332 04/18/1879 2 01 H224 High School; misc: Crete
0332 04/18/1879 2 01 M460 Miller, T.H.; misc: Crete
0332 04/18/1879 3 01 B632 Bridges & Johnston Mill; misc: Crete shipping flour all over
0332 04/18/1879 3 01 G426 Gallagher's Shop; misc: Crete
0332 04/18/1879 3 03 C552 Cunningham, Mr.; misc: Crete
0332 04/18/1879 3 03 D120 Davis, John; misc: Crete
0332 04/18/1879 3 03 F655 Foreman, Thos.; misc: Crete
0332 04/18/1879 3 03 H200 Hawk, Mr.; misc: Crete
0332 04/18/1879 3 03 H453 Holland, J.T.; misc: Crete
0332 04/18/1879 3 03 H220 Houses; misc: Crete
0332 04/18/1879 3 03 J523 Johnston, J.R.; misc: Crete
0332 04/18/1879 3 03 K534 Kendall, Em.; misc: Crete
0332 04/18/1879 3 03 M644 Merrill Hall; misc: Crete
0332 04/18/1879 3 04 D520 Dennis, W.W.; misc: Crete
0332 04/18/1879 3 04 M600 Moore, J.J.; misc: Dorchester
0332 10/10/1879 3 01 A160 Avery, Mr.; misc: Crete
0332 10/10/1879 3 01 D500 Doane, Capt.; misc: Crete
0332 10/10/1879 3 03 F200 Foss, F.I.; misc: Crete from St. Johnsbury, VT
0332 10/10/1879 3 03 L320 Ledwich, James; biographical sketch: Wilber
0332 10/10/1879 3 04 L563 Lenard, Abraham; death notice: Crete
0332 10/10/1879 3 04 M214 Maxfield, R.I.; marriage: Dorchester Elinora Willson is bride
0332 10/10/1879 3 04 W425 Willson, Elinora; marriage: Dorchester R.I. Maxfield is groom
0332 10/17/1879 3 01 G260 Gasser, Henry; misc: Crete
0332 10/17/1879 3 01 K530 Kind, Mr.; misc: Crete
0332 10/17/1879 3 05 K534 Kendall, E.; birth of daughter: Crete
0332 10/24/1879 3 01 J525 Johnson, J.O.; misc: Crete
0332 10/24/1879 3 01 S160 Schaffer, Mr.; misc: Crete
0332 10/24/1879 3 02 D200 Dawes, J.W.; misc: Crete
0332 10/24/1879 3 02 D620 Duras, Cenek; misc: Crete
0332 10/24/1879 3 03 D524 Doane College; misc: Crete construction of Merrill Hall
0332 11/07/1879 5 03 C100 Covey, Warren Spencer; marriage: Friend Anna Whitcomb is bride
0332 11/07/1879 5 03 H200 Hawk, Maggie; death notice: Crete daughter of Jno. & Elizabeth Hawk
0332 11/07/1879 5 03 L550 Lyman, Frankie; death notice: Crete daughter of E.S. and N.A. Lyman
0332 11/07/1879 5 03 O342 Odwalker, Charles; misc: Crete
0332 11/07/1879 5 03 W325 Whitcomb, Anna; marriage: Friend Warren Spencer Covey is groom
0332 11/14/1879 5 01 G426 Gallagher, James; misc: Crete
0332 11/14/1879 5 03 J520 Jones, J.E.; misc: Crete
0332 11/21/1879 1 07 M332 Methodist Episcopal Church; misc: Friend
0332 11/21/1879 5 02 H200 Hawk, Maggie; tribute: Crete
0332 11/21/1879 5 03 D200 Dawes, J.W.; misc: Crete
0332 11/21/1879 5 03 F200 Foss, F.I.; misc: Crete
0332 11/28/1879 1 07 F200 Foss, S.R.; misc: Crete
0332 11/28/1879 1 07 G626 Gregory, George; misc: Crete
0332 11/28/1879 1 07 H340 Hotel; misc: Crete
0332 11/28/1879 4 04 C251 Cosmopolitan Hotel; misc: Crete
0332 11/28/1879 5 01 F460 Fuller, C.H.; marriage: Miss Spencer is bride
0332 11/28/1879 5 01 S152 Spencer, Miss; marriage: C.H. Fuller is groom
0332 11/28/1879 5 02 H656 Hoerner, Mel; misc: Crete
0332 11/28/1879 5 02 K616 Kerr & Burket; misc: Crete
0332 11/28/1879 5 02 M635 Martin, James; misc: Crete
0332 11/28/1879 5 04 H453 Holland, J.T.; misc: Crete
0332 11/28/1879 5 05 A352 Adams, Mary E.; marriage: Birmingham, Michigan Fayette I. Foss is groom, Elizabeth Adams is mother
0332 11/28/1879 5 05 D460 Diller, Matilda; death notice: Crete wife of John Diller
0332 11/28/1879 5 05 F200 Foss, Fayette I.; marriage: Birmingham, Michigan Mary E. Adams is bride
0332 11/28/1879 5 05 H630 Harrod, Mrs. Sam'l; misc: Wilber
0332 11/28/1879 5 05 H560 Henry, Jenny; marriage: Wilber Ed. C. Kellogg is groom
0332 11/28/1879 5 05 K420 Kellogg, Ed. C.; marriage: Wilber Jenny Henry is bride
0332 11/28/1879 5 05 L550 Lyman, Addie; death notice: Crete daughter of E.F. Lyman
0332 12/05/1879 5 01 C251 Cosmopolitan Hotel; misc: Crete Mr. Code is owner
0332 12/05/1879 5 03 D136 Diptheria; epidemic: Beatrice
0332 12/05/1879 5 03 L524 Lincoln Telephone Exchange; misc
0332 12/05/1879 5 05 A450 Allen, Mr. H.H.; marriage: Exana Cochran is bride