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News Extraction
NSHS Newspaper Extractions: Code 0520 FLORENCE TRIBUNE, 0522 GOTHENBURG TIMES,
Code Date (m/d/y) Pg Col SNDX Extraction
0520 08/06/1909 00 B630 BARRAT, JAMES; MARRIAGE
0520 08/06/1909 00 G656 GARNER, MINERVA; MARRIAGE
0520 08/06/1909 00 H543 HAMILTON, MARSHALL C.; DEATH
0520 08/06/1909 00 M600 MOORE, JOHN; BIRTH
0520 08/13/1909 00 J525 JOHNSON, MRS.; DEATH
0520 08/13/1909 00 R226 ROSACKER, CARL; DEATH
0520 08/20/1909 00 L500 LANE, HARRY C.; BIRTH
0520 08/20/1909 00 M325 METZINGER, MR AND MRS; BIRTH
0520 08/20/1909 00 N425 NELSON, GEORGE; DEATH
0520 08/27/1909 00 D542 DANIELS, MICHAEL; BIRTH
0520 08/27/1909 00 T413 TALBOT, PERRY; BIRTH
0520 08/27/1909 00 W425 WILSON, ROY; MARRIAGE
0520 09/10/1909 00 B634 BRADLEY, JOHN; MARRIAGE
0520 09/10/1909 00 G650 GREEN, MARY; MARRIAGE
0520 09/10/1909 00 L153 LEPANTI, MARY; MARRIAGE
0520 09/10/1909 00 R460 ROLLER, DOMENICK; MARRIAGE
0520 09/17/1909 00 P350 PUTNEY, LORENZO EDWARD; DEATH
0520 09/17/1909 00 V522 VANZAGO, LENA; MARRIAGE
0520 09/24/1909 00 T512 THOMPSON, EDWARD; MARRIAGE
0520 10/01/1909 00 M242 MICHAELS, HENRY; BIRTH
0520 10/01/1909 00 N425 NELSON, LUCILLE V.; DEATH
0520 10/01/1909 00 W330 WHITTED, CORNELIUS; DEATH
0520 10/15/1909 00 K536 KINDRED, CECIL; DEATH
0520 10/22/1909 00 W300 WHITE, FRED; BIRTH
0520 10/29/1909 00 C425 CLASON, LOUIS; DEATH
0520 10/29/1909 00 N213 NESBIT, ORIN; BIRTH
0520 10/29/1909 00 R263 RICHARDS, ELLA M.; MARRIAGE
0520 10/29/1909 00 V520 VAN NESS, WALTER C.; MARRIAGE
0520 11/05/1909 00 D540 DANIELL, MILDRED RUTH; MARRIAGE
0520 11/05/1909 00 R300 ROTH, JOSEPH; BIRTH
0520 11/05/1909 00 T325 TEITZEN, EMIL; BIRTH
0520 11/05/1909 00 W330 WHITTED, BENJAMIN; MARRIAGE
0520 11/12/1909 00 B655 BRENEMAN, MARGARET; MARRIAGE
0520 11/12/1909 00 H622 HERZIG, OSWARD; MARRIAGE
0520 11/12/1909 00 H426 HILKERMAN, EDITH; MARRIAGE
0520 11/12/1909 00 S356 SIDENER, FRED; MARRIAGE
0520 11/19/1909 00 C652 CORNISH, GEORGE; DEATH
0520 11/19/1909 00 E420 ELLIS, WILBETH; DEATH
0520 11/19/1909 00 W425 WILSON, THOMAS; DEATH
0520 11/19/1909 00 W300 WOOD, ALEXANDER; DEATH
0520 11/26/1909 00 B636 BROTHERS, JOHN M.; BIRTH
0520 12/03/1909 00 B423 BLACKWOOD, WILLIAM; DEATH
0520 12/03/1909 00 S530 SMITH, DR. H. C.; MARRIAGE
0520 12/03/1909 00 W425 WILSON, BERTIE; MARRIAGE
0520 12/03/1909 00 W425 WILSON, JAMES; OTHER
0520 12/17/1909 00 M320 MATTOX, WALTER; MARRIAGE
0520 12/17/1909 00 S000 SKOW, HILDA; MARRIAGE
0520 12/31/1909 00 S630 SCHROTH, EMIL; MARRIAGE
0520 12/31/1909 00 S340 STULL, HATTIE; MARRIAGE
0520 12/31/1909 00 S340 STULL, J. J.; OTHER
0520 01/07/1910 00 G430 GOULD, GEORGE; MARRIAGE
0520 01/07/1910 00 R263 RICHARDSON, FANNIE; MARRIAGE
0520 01/07/1910 00 R263 RICHARDSON, GEORGE; OTHER
0520 01/07/1910 00 S152 SPENCER, C. A.; BIRTH
0520 01/07/1910 00 T423 TOOELSTRUP, N. H.; BIRTH
0520 01/14/1910 00 C615 CARPENTER, CHARLES M.; DEATH
0520 01/21/1910 00 B650 BROWN, I. W.; DEATH
0520 01/28/1910 00 M253 MCCANDLISH, ROBERT; OTHER
0520 01/28/1910 00 M253 MCCANDLISH, THEODORE; OTHER
0520 01/28/1910 00 W160 WEBER, J. JR.; OTHER
0520 01/28/1910 00 W160 WEBER, JOHN JACOB; BIRTH
0520 01/28/1910 00 W320 WOODS, JAMES; BIRTH
0520 02/04/1910 00 W426 WALKER, T. H.; BIRTH
0520 02/11/1910 00 B523 BANNISTER, LUTHER; OTHER
0520 02/11/1910 00 B432 BLODGETT, W. A.; MARRIAGE
0520 02/11/1910 00 M460 MILLER, JACOB; DEATH
0520 02/18/1910 00 G631 GARDAPE, BUENA; MARRIAGE
0520 02/18/1910 00 P400 POWELL, M. F.; BIRTH
0520 02/18/1910 00 R152 ROBINSON, L. L.; MARRIAGE
0520 03/04/1910 00 B660 BREWER, CHARLES; OTHER
0520 03/04/1910 00 B660 BREWER, ESTHER; MARRIAGE
0520 03/04/1910 00 C150 CABANNE, ANTOINE; BIRTH
0520 03/04/1910 00 W425 WILSON, OREN H.; MARRIAGE
0520 03/11/1910 00 B650 BROWN, ROY; BIRTH
0520 03/11/1910 00 C416 COLBURN, MR AND MRS; OTHER
0520 03/11/1910 00 C600 COREY, HAZEL MAUDE; OTHER
0520 03/11/1910 00 C600 COREY, RUTH M.; MARRIAGE
0520 03/11/1910 00 C600 COREY, SYLVANUS; OTHER
0520 03/11/1910 00 I636 IRDRKE, BERTHA; MARRIAGE
0520 03/11/1910 00 J425 JELLISON, ADDISON; MARRIAGE
0520 03/11/1910 00 M460 MOELLER, FRED; BIRTH
0520 03/11/1910 00 N425 NELSON, ALICE; MARRIAGE
0520 03/11/1910 00 T634 THIRTLE, THOMAS; MARRIAGE
0520 03/11/1910 00 W420 WILLIS, WILLIAM J.; MARRIAGE
0520 03/18/1910 00 M600 MOORE, MRS. MELTON; BIRTH
0520 03/18/1910 00 P400 POOLE, LAURIE; OTHER
0520 03/18/1910 00 V250 VAUGHN, LOU; OTHER
0520 03/18/1910 00 V640 VERRELL, HENRY H.; DEATH
0520 03/25/1910 00 W160 WEBER, MRS. EMIL; DEATH
0520 04/02/1910 00 S140 SHIPLEY, ARTHUR; OTHER
0520 04/02/1910 00 S140 SHIPLEY, BENJAMIN; DEATH
0520 04/02/1910 00 S140 SHIPLEY, DAVID; OTHER
0520 04/02/1910 00 S140 SHIPLEY, THOMAS; OTHER
0520 04/15/1910 00 F652 FRAENKLE, WILLIAM F.; MARRIAGE
0520 04/15/1910 00 V160 VAPOR, EDITH; MARRIAGE
0520 04/22/1910 00 B430 BELT, JERRY; OTHER
0520 04/22/1910 00 B430 BELT, WILLIAM; DEATH
0520 04/22/1910 00 B535 BOYNTON, CHARLES; DEATH
0520 04/29/1910 00 G400 GAIL, POSTMASTER; BIRTH
0520 04/29/1910 00 H530 HUNT, A. B.; OTHER
0520 04/29/1910 00 M245 MCLEAN, MARGRET ROSE; MARRIAGE
0520 04/29/1910 00 N256 NEWCOMER, MORRIS; MARRIAGE
0520 05/06/1910 00 L200 LEASCH, F. D.; OTHER
0520 05/13/1910 00 S140 SHIPLEY, WILLIAM; DEATH
0520 05/13/1910 00 T525 TOWNSEND, CHARLES; MARRIAGE
0520 05/13/1910 00 W420 WOOLSEY, RICHARD M.; DEATH
0520 06/17/1910 00 N152 NEVINS, ALBERT; MARRIAGE
0520 06/17/1910 00 S450 SLOAN, REV.; OTHER
0520 06/17/1910 00 W426 WALKER, ALICE; MARRIAGE
0520 06/17/1910 00 W426 WALKER, EDWARD; OTHER
0520 06/17/1910 00 W650 WARREN, LOUISE; MARRIAGE
0520 06/17/1910 00 W425 WILSON, ERNEST; MARRIAGE
0520 06/24/1910 00 N320 NOTISCH, EDNA; DEATH
0520 06/24/1910 00 N320 NOTISCH, GEORGE; OTHER
0520 06/24/1910 00 W425 WILSON, ROY; BIRTH
0520 07/01/1910 00 D400 DIAL, ARTHUR; OTHER
0520 07/01/1910 00 D400 DIAL, MRS. ACCIE; DEATH
0520 07/01/1910 00 P425 PAULSON, HANS J.; DEATH
0520 07/01/1910 00 R500 RYAN, DANIEL; DEATH
0520 07/01/1910 00 R500 RYAN, GRACE; OTHER
0520 07/01/1910 00 R500 RYAN, JOHN; OTHER
0520 07/01/1910 00 R500 RYAN, WILLIAM; OTHER
0520 07/01/1910 00 S652 SORENSEN, DR. C. A.; BIRTH
0520 07/01/1910 00 S340 STOLL, MRS.; OTHER
0520 07/01/1910 00 W330 WHITTED, J. M.; OTHER
0520 07/08/1910 00 B655 BRENNAMAN, JAMES; BIRTH
0520 07/08/1910 00 L530 LINDE, THEODORE; DEATH
0520 07/08/1910 00 R236 ROYSTER, AMOS; DEATH
0520 07/08/1910 00 R236 ROYSTER, KATE; OTHER
0520 07/15/1910 00 M525 MANCINNI, G.; BIRTH
0520 07/22/1910 00 T460 TAYLOR, CHARLES; DEATH
0520 07/29/1910 00 B630 BARADA, ANTOINE; OTHER
0520 07/29/1910 00 B623 BRIGHT EYES; OTHER
0520 07/29/1910 00 L142 LAFLESHE, CHIEF JOSEPH; OTHER
0520 07/29/1910 00 L142 LAFLESHE, MARY; BIRTH
0520 07/29/1910 00 N250 NACOMI; OTHER
0520 07/29/1910 00 P230 PICOTTE, DR. SUSAN; OTHER
0520 07/30/1910 00 R200 RIX, NICHOLAS; OTHER
0520 08/05/1910 00 C636 CARTER, RAYMOND; DEATH
0520 08/12/1910 00 A653 ARNDT, MINNIE; MARRIAGE
0520 08/12/1910 00 M254 MCMILLIAN, WALLIE; BIRTH
0520 08/12/1910 00 O425 OLSEN, CHARLES; MARRIAGE
0520 08/12/1910 00 W300 WOOD, E. H.; BIRTH
0520 08/26/1910 00 B600 BEYER, ALVIN; BIRTH
0520 09/02/1910 00 A536 ANDERSON, MAYME; MARRIAGE
0520 09/02/1910 00 A536 ANDERSON, ROSE; OTHER
0520 09/02/1910 00 S343 STOLTENBERG, OTTO L.; OTHER
0520 09/02/1910 00 S343 STOLTENBERG, WILLIAM; MARRIAGE
0520 09/09/1910 00 G164 GABRIELSON, MR AND MRS; BIRTH
0520 09/09/1910 00 G635 GORDON, CHRISTINE ROSE; MARRIAGE
0520 09/09/1910 00 G635 GORDON, MARGARET; OTHER
0520 09/09/1910 00 G635 GORDON, WILLIAM; OTHER
0520 09/09/1910 00 P425 PAULSEN, LARS; BIRTH
0520 09/16/1910 00 G300 GADWAY, SYLVIA; MARRIAGE
0520 09/16/1910 00 S340 STULL, J. H.; MARRIAGE
0520 09/30/1910 00 D120 DAVIS, ED; BIRTH
0520 10/07/1910 00 D260 DUGHER, MAE; MARRIAGE
0520 10/07/1910 00 K350 KEATON, KATHERINE; MARRIAGE
0520 10/07/1910 00 L250 LOGAN, CHARLES C.; MARRIAGE
0520 10/07/1910 00 M255 MCNAMARA, GEORGE; MARRIAGE
0520 10/07/1910 00 O452 OLMSTED, FLORENCE; MARRIAGE
0520 10/07/1910 00 O452 OLMSTED, ROBERT; OTHER
0520 10/07/1910 00 P360 POTTER, FRANCIS; MARRIAGE
0520 10/07/1910 00 P360 POTTER, O. R.; OTHER
0520 10/07/1910 00 T520 TOMASSO, DANIEL; MARRIAGE
0520 10/14/1910 00 B600 BEYER, ANNA; OTHER
0520 10/14/1910 00 B600 BEYER, OLGA; MARRIAGE
0520 10/14/1910 00 M600 MARR, IVAN; MARRIAGE
0520 10/14/1910 00 S536 SCHNEIDER, HENRY; DEATH
0520 10/14/1910 00 T460 TAYLOR, CHARLES; OTHER
0520 10/14/1910 00 T460 TAYLOR, CLARA; MARRIAGE
0520 10/14/1910 00 W320 WOODS, W. H.; OTHER
0520 10/14/1910 00 W620 WRASSE, GEORGE; MARRIAGE
0520 10/21/1910 00 A536 ANDREWS, MRS. BERT; OTHER
0520 10/21/1910 00 B650 BROWN, MRS. JAMES; OTHER
0520 10/21/1910 00 G340 GOODELL, ABBUE; OTHER
0520 10/21/1910 00 G340 GOODELL, FRANK; OTHER
0520 10/21/1910 00 G340 GOODELL, STEPHEN; DEATH
0520 10/21/1910 00 G340 GOODELL, STEPHEN; OTHER
0520 10/28/1910 00 C200 CASE, GRANDFATHER; OTHER
0520 10/28/1910 00 C452 COLLINGWOOD, ROBERT; MARRIAGE
0520 10/28/1910 00 D000 DAY, J. U.; OTHER
0520 10/28/1910 00 H220 HUGHES, MRS. HARRIET DAY; MARRIAGE
0520 10/28/1910 00 L620 LORSCH, LOUIS; OTHER
0520 10/28/1910 00 L200 LUCY, MARY; OTHER
0520 10/28/1910 00 M600 MOORE, ESTHER BELLE; OTHER
0520 10/28/1910 00 P162 PEPPERKORN, WILLIAM; MARRIAGE
0520 10/28/1910 00 P362 PETERSON, JOHN; OTHER
0520 10/28/1910 00 R200 RASCH, KATHERINE E.; MARRIAGE
0520 10/28/1910 00 R200 RICH, ELLA MAY; DEATH
0520 10/28/1910 00 R200 RICH, ROLLIE; OTHER
0520 10/28/1910 00 T460 TAYLOR, WILLIAM; DEATH
0520 11/04/1910 00 F540 FINLEY, JOHN P.; DEATH
0520 11/04/1910 00 G660 GREER, MRS. MARY; DEATH
0520 11/04/1910 00 S140 SHIPLEY, DORSEY D.; MARRIAGE
0520 11/04/1910 00 S140 SHIPLEY, LAFAYETTE; OTHER
0520 11/04/1910 00 S530 SMITH, HAZEL; OTHER
0520 11/04/1910 00 S530 SMITH, J. E.; OTHER
0520 11/04/1910 00 S530 SMITH, MABEL; MARRIAGE
0520 11/04/1910 00 T325 TEITZEN, DIETRICK; OTHER
0520 11/11/1910 00 C462 CLARK, EDWARD; MARRIAGE
0520 11/11/1910 00 M600 MARR, I. W.; MARRIAGE
0520 11/11/1910 00 M425 MULLIGAN, ETHEL; MARRIAGE
0520 11/11/1910 00 P300 PETTIE, KATHERINE; MARRIAGE
0520 11/25/1910 00 K325 KETCHMARK, GRANDMA; OTHER
0520 12/02/1910 00 A645 ARLEN, MRS. CHARLES; OTHER
0520 12/02/1910 00 A653 ARNDT, WILFRED; MARRIAGE
0520 12/02/1910 00 B500 BENA, JAMES; MARRIAGE
0520 12/02/1910 00 F425 FOLSOME, LEN J.; OTHER
0520 12/02/1910 00 F425 FOLSOME, MRS. MARY; DEATH
0520 12/02/1910 00 G612 GRAVES, LOTTIE F.; OTHER
0520 12/02/1910 00 H460 HALLER, HELEN; MARRIAGE
0520 12/02/1910 00 L555 LINNEMAN, ANTON; DEATH
0520 12/02/1910 00 L555 LINNEMAN, FRANK; OTHER
0520 12/02/1910 00 P623 PRESCOTT, JAMES D.; OTHER
0520 12/02/1910 00 P623 PRESCOTT, SAMUEL; OTHER
0520 12/02/1910 00 R120 RYBIEKA, EMMA; MARRIAGE
0520 12/16/1910 00 N425 NELSON, GEORGE R.; OTHER
0520 12/16/1910 00 P620 PRIES, FREDERICK; DEATH
0520 12/23/1910 00 V420 VLECK, HELEN; DEATH
0520 12/23/1910 00 V420 VLECK, JAMES; OTHER
0520 12/30/1910 00 M240 MICHEL, MRS. LIZZIE; OTHER
0520 12/30/1910 00 P400 POWLL, MRS. GEORGE A.; OTHER
0520 12/30/1910 00 S300 SCOTT, FRANK E.; OTHER
0520 12/30/1910 00 S300 SCOTT, GEORGE M.; OTHER
0520 12/30/1910 00 S300 SCOTT, JOHN F.; OTHER
0520 12/30/1910 00 S300 SCOTT, JULIUS; OTHER
0520 12/30/1910 00 S300 SCOTT, MRS. DIANAH; DEATH
0520 12/30/1910 00 V216 VOSBERG, MRS. JOHANNA; OTHER
0522 09/24/1942 00 S362 STURGEON, HOWARD L.; WWII
0522 10/01/1942 00 O450 OLINE, ROLAND O.; WWII
0522 10/22/1942 00 M600 MURRAY, RAY; WWII
0522 11/05/1942 00 P253 POGGENDORF, RICH; WWII
0525 06/05/1903 00 A262 AKERS, DR. W. O.; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 A536 ANDERSON & HOLLINSWORTH; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 A625 ARGENSINGER, FLORA; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 B520 BANKS, WILLIAM; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 B622 BARCUS, MRS J. C.; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 B652 BARNES, H.; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 B450 BOLIN, MRS. E.; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 B532 BONDESSON, JOHN; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 B621 BRISBIN, J. B.; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 C630 CARDY, REV.; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 C455 COLEMAN, J. C.; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 C500 COWAN, IRENE; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 C621 CROSBY, WILLIE; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 D625 DRESEN, HENRY; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 F236 FOSTER, DR. E. W.; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 F200 FOUKE, NETTA; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 G625 GARRISON, MAUDE; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 G120 GIBBS, DR. W. S.; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 G456 GILMORE, MRS. ROBERT; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 H535 HUNTINGTON, C. S.; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 I500 IMM, L. F.; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 J525 JOHANSEN, MRS. FERDINAND; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 K460 KELLEHER, JOSEPHINE; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 K520 KING, EMMA; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 K520 KING, MRS. WILEY; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 L200 LEACH, SCOT; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 L240 LESLIE, FLOYD; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 M143 MAYFIELD, O. W.; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 M251 MCNABB, J. W.; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 M620 MEYERS, NETTIE; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 M620 MORRIS, LULU; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 N400 NEAL, MISS M.; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 N242 NICHOLS, F. B.; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 N242 NICHOLS, FREDERICK B.; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 P620 PARKS, W. B.; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 P362 PATTERSON, ESTHER; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 R543 REYNOLDS, CAPTAIN; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 S530 SMITH, IDA; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 S530 SMITH, JASPER; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 S530 SMITH, MRS. A. J.; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 T460 TAYLOR, MRS. FRANK; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 T320 TIETZ, MRS. CHARLES; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 T260 TUCKER, BLANCHE; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 T260 TUCKER, MATTIE; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 W646 WARLIER, L. N.; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 W160 WEBER, MR. JR.; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 W425 WILSON, FRANK; OTHER
0525 06/05/1903 00 W410 WULF, MRS.; OTHER
0532 07/31/1963 7 02 M615 MARFIN, EDWARD; DEATH
0532 06/29/1970 5 02 M615 MARFIN, CLARA (MRS. EDWARD); DEATH
0538 03/28/1885 5 01 A536 Anderson, Henry H.; D: Gibbon
0538 03/28/1885 5 01 P430 Platt, (Mrs.): Grand Island Improves in health
0538 03/28/1885 5 01 U551 Union Pacific; Railroads: Grand Island U.P. Railroad shops to build cars
0538 03/28/1885 5 01 K613 Kraft, John; Business: Grand Island John Kraft remodels business house
0538 03/28/1885 5 01 H425 Hall County: Grand Island Grand Island to become commercial metropolis
0538 03/28/1885 5 01 H623 Horstman, A.; Book bindery: Grand Island A. Horstman starts book bindery
0538 03/28/1885 5 01 J635 Jordan, Gwyn T.: Grand Island Gwyn T. Jordan to remove to Paola, Kansas
0538 03/28/1885 5 01 C425 Colgan, John B.: Alma John Colgan of Illinois to locate on farm
0538 03/28/1885 5 01 T520 Times; Newspaper: Grand Island Newspaper editor of Times criticized
0538 03/28/1885 5 02 C314 City politics: Grand Island Report from ward caucuses
0538 03/28/1885 5 02 C314 City politics: Grand Island City politics ward caucuses held
0538 03/28/1885 5 03 S360 Scudder, B.F.; M: Doniphan Bride: Flora Burger
0538 03/28/1885 5 03 B626 Burger, Flora; M: Doniphan Groom: B.F. Scudder
0538 03/28/1885 5 03 D515 Doniphan Leader; Newspaper : Hall County
0538 03/28/1885 5 03 P662 Prairie Creek: Hall County Correspondence re Prairie Creek letter
0538 03/28/1885 5 03 P662 Prairie Creek School; School closing: Prairie Creek Prairie Creek School soon to close
0538 03/28/1885 5 03 S363 Stroud, L.; Agriculture: Prairie Creek L. Stroud sows spring wheat
0538 03/28/1885 5 03 C462 Clark, Viola; Prairie Creek School: Prairie Creek Viola Clark closes Prairie Creek school term
0538 03/28/1885 5 03 S600 Sier, George (Infant); B: Prairie Creek Birth of child to Mr. and Mrs. George Sier
0538 03/28/1885 5 03 A524 Anglo-American Cattle Co.; Agriculture: Prairie Creek Anglo-American Cattle Co. buys hay
0538 03/28/1885 5 02 C314 City politics: Grand Island City politics report from mass convention
0538 03/28/1885 5 02 G320 Geddes, (Mr.): Grand Island Mr. Geddes removes to Illinois
0538 03/28/1885 5 02 000 : Grand Island Reform movement criticized
0538 03/28/1885 5 03 H416 Hillibrandt's Saloon; Crime and criminals - robbery: Grand Island Hillibrandt's Saloon robbed
0538 03/28/1885 5 03 F652 Franz, Peter; D Accident: Hall County Peter Franz accidentally shot and killed
0538 03/28/1885 5 03 P362 Peterson & Pederson; Crime and criminals - robbery: Grand Island Peterson & Pederson store robbed
0538 03/28/1885 5 03 S600 Squire, John; Dance: Prairie Creek Amusement, dance at John Squire's home
0538 03/28/1885 5 03 R524 Rangler, (Mr.): Hall County Mr. Rangler moves from county
0538 03/28/1885 5 03 L366 Literary Society; Organization: Prairie Creek Literary Society closes season
0538 03/28/1885 5 03 H525 Hengen, Charles W.; Liquor: Doniphan Charles W. Hengen applies for liquor license
0538 03/28/1885 5 04 S431 Schlotfeldt, Chris; Life insurance: Grand Island Illustration of C. Schlotfeldt's life insurance policy
0538 03/28/1885 5 04 M623 Market reports : Grand Island Market reports, local quotations
0538 03/28/1885 7 03 M623 Market reports : Market reports from leading markets
0538 03/28/1885 8 01 E200 Eggs: Grand Island Lively trade in eggs
0538 03/28/1885 8 01 C321 City government: Grand Island City officers' term of office
0538 03/28/1885 8 01 F652 Franz, Peter; D: Alda Funeral
0538 03/28/1885 8 01 F631 Fire Department: Grand Island Fire Department meets
0538 03/28/1885 8 01 H251 Hockenberger, (Mr.); City government: Grand Island Mr. Hockenberger appointed city engineer
0538 03/28/1885 8 01 C654 Cornelius, Willie; City government: Grand Island Willie Cornelius appointed assistant city engineer
0538 03/28/1885 8 01 P625 Parkin, (Mr.); Saloon: Grand Island Mr. Parkin redecorates saloon
0538 03/28/1885 8 01 I526 Immigration: Hall County Immigrants pass through county
0538 03/28/1885 8 01 P420 Pollock, Sylvester; M: Grand Island Bride: Sarah Connel
0538 03/28/1885 8 01 C540 Connel, Sarah; M: Grand Island Groom: Sylvester Pollock
0538 03/28/1885 8 01 J525 Jameson, D.; Real estate: Grand Island D. Jameson purchases Jordan property
0538 03/28/1885 8 01 G362 Goodrich, O.D.; Pacific Hotel; Hotel: Grand Island O.D. Goodrich commences improvement of Pacific Hotel
0538 03/28/1885 8 01 W230 West, W.H.: Grand Island Petition for appointment as postmaster circulated
0538 03/28/1885 8 01 D000 Dee, Fred H.; Sign painter: Grand Island Fred H. Dee, sign painter, locates in city
0538 03/28/1885 8 01 F655 Fuehrmann, (Mr.); Hotel: Grand Island Mr. Fuehrmann draws plans for large hotel
0538 03/28/1885 8 02 S335 Students: Hall County School reports accomplishments of students
0538 04/04/1885 1 01 G653 Grand Island Independent; City politics: Grand Island Political opponents criticized by Independent editor
0538 04/04/1885 1 01 C533 County attorney: Lincoln Method of election of county attorney changed
0538 04/04/1885 1 01 P432 Politics: Grand Island Reform ticket criticized
0538 04/04/1885 1 01 G653 Grand Island Times; Newspaper: Hall County
0538 04/04/1885 1 01 W230 West, J.; Gambling: Grand Island J. West proclaims against gambling
0538 04/04/1885 1 01 C314 City politics: Grand Island Corruption fund rumored in city election
0538 04/04/1885 1 01 R500 Rhone, Z.F. (Rev.): Grand Island Rev. Z.F. Rhone criticized
0538 04/04/1885 1 02 G643 Greeley Tribune; Newspaper: Greeley, CO
0538 04/04/1885 1 02 H543 Hamilton News; Newspaper: Hamilton County
0538 04/04/1885 1 02 C323 City history: Grand Island Grand Island defended as orderly town
0538 04/04/1885 1 01 G653 Grand Island Times; State history: Hall County State history reprinted by Grand Island Times
0538 04/04/1885 1 02 H641 Hurlbut, (Mr.): Grand Island Mr. Hurlbut criticized
0538 04/04/1885 1 02 M520 Means, John L.; City politics: Grand Island John L. Means commended as mayorial candidate
0538 04/04/1885 1 03 W230 West, (Mr.); Temperance: Grand Island Mr. West gives stand on temperance question
0538 04/04/1885 1 03 P613 Prohibition Party; Organization: Grand Island Prohibition party criticized
0538 04/04/1885 1 03 H641 Hurlbut, (Mr.): Grand Island Mr. Hurlbut criticized
0538 04/04/1885 1 05 N645 New Orleans Exposition: Account of Nebraska Day at New Orleans Exposition
0538 04/04/1885 1 07 O510 Omaha Bee; Newspaper: Douglas County
0538 04/04/1885 3 01 S334 State Legislature: Lincoln Digest of measures passed by Nebraska legislature
0538 04/04/1885 3 01 A262 Agriculture: Lincoln Copy of law concerning bee husbandry
0538 04/04/1885 3 01 L123 Livestock: Lincoln Law concerning disposal of animal carcasses
0538 04/04/1885 3 01 L123 Livestock: Lincoln Amendment to herd law
0538 04/04/1885 3 01 S536 Sanitary Commission; State government: Lincoln Sanitary Commission created by law
0538 04/04/1885 3 01 S332 State government : Lincoln State Veterinarian office created by law
0538 04/04/1885 3 01 S334 State Legislature: Lincoln List of legislative appropriations
0538 04/04/1885 3 01 C430 Child, E.P.: Claim of E.P.Child allowed by state legislature
0538 04/04/1885 3 01 B640 Barlow, Milton T.: Claim of Milton T. Barlow allowed by state legislature
0538 04/04/1885 3 01 S536 Saunders, Alvin: Claim of Alvin Saunders allowed by state legislature
0538 04/04/1885 3 01 W635 Worden, John: Claim of John Worden allowed by state legislature
0538 04/04/1885 3 01 H200 Hawes, Patrick O.: Claim of Patrick O. Hawes allowed by state legislature
0538 04/04/1885 3 01 U516 University of Nebraska; University fees: Lincoln Matriculation fees appropriated
0538 04/04/1885 3 01 N645 New Orleans Exposition: Lincoln Legislative appropriations for New Orleans Exposition
0538 04/04/1885 3 02 P614 Prebile, Peter: Claim of Peter Prebile allowed by state legislature
0538 04/04/1885 3 02 R165 Reform School; State Institution: Lincoln Appropriation for reform school
0538 04/04/1885 3 02 U516 University of Nebraska; University buildings: Lincoln Appropriation for state university buildings
0538 04/04/1885 3 02 B532 Bonds: Lincoln Laws concerning bonds passed by legislature
0538 04/04/1885 3 02 C436 Children: Lincoln Laws concerning children passed by legislature
0538 04/04/1885 3 03 T120 Tobacco: Lincoln Law concerning sale of tobacco to minors
0538 04/04/1885 3 03 C321 City government: Lincoln Laws passed concerning city affairs
0538 04/04/1885 3 03 C532 County history: Blaine County Act creating Blaine County
0538 04/04/1885 3 03 C532 County history: Dawes County Act creating Dawes County
0538 04/04/1885 3 04 C532 County history: Logan County Act creating Logan County
0538 04/04/1885 3 04 C532 County history: Sheridan County Act creating Sheridan County
0538 04/04/1885 3 04 C532 County history: Sioux County Act creating Sioux County
0538 04/04/1885 3 04 C532 County government: Copy of acts passed concerning county officials
0538 04/04/1885 1 01 N211 Newspapers: Democratic newspapers spring up over state
0538 04/04/1885 4 01 T516 Temperance: Temperance advocated by Democratic papers
0538 04/04/1885 4 01 C655 Crime and criminals - lynching: Spring Ranch Lynchers to be tried by grand jury
0538 04/04/1885 4 01 G653 Grand Island Times; Newspaper: Hall County Newspaper criticism of Grand Island Times
0538 04/04/1885 4 01 M520 Means, (Mr.); City politics : Grand Island Charges made against Mr. Means regarding city election
0538 04/04/1885 4 01 M520 Means, (Mr.); City politics: Grand Island Answers to newspaper attacks upon Mr. Means
0538 04/04/1885 4 02 M520 Means, (Mr.); City politics : Grand Island Support urged for Mr. Means
0538 04/04/1885 4 02 R100 Rief, Charles; City politics: Grand Island Charles Rief withdraws as council candidate
0538 04/04/1885 4 02 P613 Prohibition Party; Organization: Grand Island Prohibition Party in city election
0538 04/04/1885 4 03 O561 Omaha Republican; Newspaper: Douglas County
0538 04/04/1885 4 03 R423 Real estate: Valentine Big demand for public lands
0538 04/04/1885 4 03 I526 Immigration: Valentine Immigrants visit land office
0538 04/04/1885 4 04 G653 Grand Island Independent; Newspaper: Grand Island Newspaper's political activity sets up "Board of Health"
0538 04/04/1885 4 04 T516 Temperance: Grand Island Prohibition activity discussed
0538 04/04/1885 4 04 H641 Hurlbut, (Mr.): Grand Island Mr. Hurlbut criticized
0538 04/04/1885 4 05 G653 Grant, (Gen.): Report on condition of General Grant
0538 04/04/1885 4 05 D655 Dairymen's Association; Organization: Dairymen's Association organized
0538 04/04/1885 4 07 P432 Plattsmouth Herald; Newspaper: Cass County
0538 04/04/1885 5 01 N645 New Orleans Exposition: Nebraska exhibit foremost at New Orleans Exposition
0538 04/04/1885 5 01 C655 Crime and criminals - lynching: Spring Creek Lynchers likely to be hanged
0538 04/04/1885 5 01 P420 Police: Hastings Hastings police force insufficient
0538 04/04/1885 5 02 I526 Immigration: Beatrice Immigration begins early
0538 04/04/1885 5 02 B362 Beatrice Express; Newspaper: Gage County
0538 04/04/1885 5 02 S332 State government: Omaha Civil service reform begun in state
0538 04/04/1885 5 02 O510 Omaha Bee; Newspaper: Douglas County
0538 04/04/1885 5 03 H543 Hamilton County News; Newspaper: Aurora
0538 04/04/1885 5 03 H610 Harvey, (Mr.); D Accident: Hastings Mr. Harvey's son shot and killed
0538 04/04/1885 5 03 J552 Jennings, D.E.; Accident: Aurora Son of D.E. Jennings injured by gunshot
0538 04/04/1885 5 03 D400 Dahl, (Mr.); Accident : Aurora Son of Mr. Dahl accidentally shoots boy
0538 04/04/1885 5 03 H235 Hastings Gazette Journal; Newspaper: Adams County
0538 04/04/1885 5 03 M000 M: Hastings Elopement fails to materialize
0538 04/04/1885 5 08 N630 North, Frank, (Maj.); D: Columbus
0538 04/04/1885 5 04 N645 New Orleans Exposition: Letter from correspondent regarding the New Orleans Exposition
0538 04/04/1885 5 08 F655 Fremont Journal; Newspaper: Fremont
0538 04/04/1885 5 08 L200 Locke, Ross: Sutton Ross Locke rotten-egged by group
0538 04/04/1885 5 08 C425 Clay County Democrat; Newspaper: Sutton
0538 04/04/1885 5 08 O510 Omaha Bee; Newspaper: Douglas County
0538 04/04/1885 9 01 T614 Travel: Hall County Travel increases
0538 04/04/1885 9 01 A262 Agriculture: Grand Island Gardening being done
0538 04/04/1885 9 01 A262 Agriculture: Hall County Farmers busy
0538 04/04/1885 9 01 W434 Wildlife: Hall County Wild geese fly
0538 04/04/1885 9 01 S163 Sports: Grand Island Bicycle riding indulged in
0538 04/04/1885 9 01 P142 Public utilities: Grand Island Water mains being laid
0538 04/04/1885 9 01 C655 Crime and criminals: Grand Island Little business for police court
0538 04/04/1885 9 01 N611 New Republic; Newspaper: Lincoln Establishment of New Republic newspaper
0538 04/04/1885 9 01 B252 Business: Grand Island Business improves
0538 04/04/1885 9 01 K500 Keene, (Mr.): Hastings Mr. Keene speaks at Hastings
0538 04/04/1885 9 01 D520 Dance: Grand Island Amusement, dance to be given
0538 04/04/1885 9 01 B252 Business: Grand Island Good prospects for building
0538 04/04/1885 9 01 C323 City history: Grand Island Street sprinkler in operation
0538 04/04/1885 9 01 C314 City politics: Beatrice Democrats try to obtain office
0538 04/04/1885 9 01 S163 Sports: Grand Island Baseball rule book issued
0538 04/04/1885 9 01 000 : Grand Island Sidewalks need repair
0538 04/04/1885 9 01 B526 Banker & Hart; Pharmacy: Grand Island Banker & Hart to open new drug store
0538 04/04/1885 9 01 G653 Grand Island Independent; Newspaper: Grand Island Printing rates cut
0538 04/04/1885 9 01 P212 Pacific House; Hotel: Grand Island Hotel improvements
0538 04/04/1885 9 01 000 : Grand Island Jokes pulled on April 1st
0538 04/04/1885 9 01 D510 Dunphy, P.; Liquor store: Grand Island P. Dunphy remodels liquor store
0538 04/04/1885 9 01 J525 Jameson, D.; Real estate: Grand Island D. Jameson purchases Renneberg property
0538 04/04/1885 9 01 R516 Renneberg, (Mr.); Real estate: Grand Island Mr. Renneberg sells property to D. Jameson
0538 04/04/1885 9 01 R516 Renneberg, (Mr.): Grand Island Debt default by Mr. Renneberg
0538 04/04/1885 9 01 U551 Union Pacific; Railroads: Grand Island Building of Union Pacific Railroad obstructs street
0538 04/04/1885 9 02 C321 City government: Grand Island Account of city council proceedings
0538 04/04/1885 9 02 S420 Schools: Grand Island Changes in school laws
0538 04/04/1885 9 02 B623 Brewster, Sardi H.; M: Grand Island Bride: Emma E. Watson
0538 04/04/1885 9 02 W325 Watson, Emma E.; M: Grand Island Groom: Sardi H. Brewster
0538 04/04/1885 9 02 M251 McCombs, N.; D: Grand Island Daughter of N. and Augusta McCombs dies
0538 04/04/1885 9 02 R516 Renneberg Bakery; Real estate: Grand Island Sheriff's sale of bakery to take place
0538 04/04/1885 9 02 H622 Horses: Grand Island Horses for sale
0538 04/04/1885 9 03 D515 Doniphan Leader; Newspaper: Hall County
0538 04/04/1885 9 03 G350 Gideon, (Mr.); Business: Doniphan Mr. Gideon builds new store
0538 04/04/1885 9 03 S420 Schools: Doniphan Notice of Doniphan school meeting
0538 04/04/1885 9 03 B520 Bank: Doniphan Prospect for establishment of bank in Doniphan
0538 04/04/1885 9 03 K500 Keene, Tom: Hastings Tragedy presented as entertainment by Tom Keene
0538 04/04/1885 9 03 M625 Morrison, Robert: Doniphan Robert Morrison acts to recover shotgun
0538 04/04/1885 9 03 W140 Whipple, W. H.: Doniphan W.H. Whipple and family move to California
0538 04/04/1885 9 03 W300 Wood, (Mr.): Doniphan Mr. Wood and family move to California
0538 04/04/1885 9 03 P200 Pugh, (Mr.): Doniphan Mr. Pugh and family move to California
0538 04/04/1885 9 03 A235 Accident : Doniphan Small girls ill from eating nutmegs
0538 04/04/1885 9 03 G350 Gideon, W. H.; Accident: Doniphan W. H. Gideon's daughter poisoned
0538 04/04/1885 9 03 B636 Broderick, Ike; Accident: Doniphan Ike Broderick's daughter poisoned
0538 04/04/1885 9 03 O266 O.S.W.R.R.; Railroads: Hastings Injunction against issuance of O.S.W.R.R. railroad bonds
0538 04/04/1885 9 03 S531 Smith Brothers Loan & Trust Co.: Hastings Smith Brothers Loan & Trust enjoined from issuing O.S.W.R.R. bonds
0538 04/04/1885 9 03 P412 Phillips, O.H.; Railroads: Hastings O.H. Phillips enjoins issuance of O.S.W.R.R. bonds
0538 04/04/1885 9 03 H235 Hastings Gazette Journal; Newspaper: Adams County
0538 04/04/1885 9 04 N162 Nebraska City News; Newspaper: Otoe County
0538 04/04/1885 9 04 L521 Long Pine Journal; Newspaper: Brown County
0538 04/04/1885 9 04 L214 Louisville Observer; Newspaper: Cass County
0538 04/04/1885 9 04 D622 Dorchester Star; Newspaper: Saline County
0538 04/04/1885 9 04 C236 Chester Tribune; Newspaper: Jefferson County
0538 04/04/1885 9 04 C632 Crete Globe; Newspaper: Saline County
0538 04/04/1885 9 04 B436 Bellwood Reporter; Newspaper: Butler County
0538 04/04/1885 9 04 H436 Holdrege Republican; Newspaper: Phelps County
0538 04/04/1885 9 04 B564 B & M Railroad; Railroads: Fillmore County Branch line of B & M Railroad to be built
0538 04/04/1885 9 04 H165 Hebron Register; Newspaper: Thayer County
0538 04/04/1885 9 04 M623 Market reports : Grand Island Market reports, local quotations
0538 04/04/1885 9 04 M623 Market reports : Market receipts of leading markets
0538 04/04/1885 9 02 R500 Rhone, (Rev.); Accident: Grand Island Son of Rev. Rhone shoots himself
0538 04/04/1885 12 01 E423 Electricity: Kearney City of Kearney desires electric lights
0538 04/04/1885 12 01 H324 Hetzel, (Mr.); Business: Grand Island Mr. Hetzel moves store
0538 04/04/1885 12 01 T360 Theatre: Grand Island Theatre companies are scarce
0538 04/04/1885 12 01 D600 Darr, George B.; Bank: Plum Creek George B. Darr opens banking business
0538 04/04/1885 12 01 W630 Ward, John: Grand Island John Ward removes to Howard County
0538 04/04/1885 12 01 H252 Housing: Grand Island Housing grows scarce
0538 04/04/1885 12 01 C523 Construction: Grand Island Building construction in progress
0538 04/04/1885 12 01 D662 Drear & Co.; Bakery: Grand Island Drear & Co. opens new bakery
0538 04/04/1885 12 01 L160 Labor: Grand Island Little unemployment
0538 04/04/1885 12 01 S512 Simpson, (Miss); Music: Grand Island Miss Simpson conducts music store
0538 04/04/1885 12 01 O561 Omaha Republican; Newspaper: Grand Island Delivery of Omaha Republican speeded up
0538 04/04/1885 12 01 C314 City politics: Grand Island Corruption fund in city election criticized
0538 04/04/1885 12 01 F655 Farm implements: Hall County Agricultural implements sold at higher rate of interest by agent
0538 04/04/1885 12 02 J525 Johnson, (Mr.): Grand Island Mr. and Mrs. Johnson leave on long visit
0538 04/04/1885 12 02 L365 Lutheran Church; Lutheran: Grand Island Lutheran church receives new members
0538 04/04/1885 12 02 R500 Rhone, (Rev.): Grand Island Rev. Rhone criticized
0538 04/04/1885 12 02 J525 Jameson, (Mr.); Real estate: Grand Island Mr. Jameson fails to conclude purchase of Jordan property
0538 04/04/1885 12 02 J525 Jansen, J.P.; M: Grand Island Bride: Elsie M. Pederson
0538 04/04/1885 12 02 P362 Pederson, Elsie M.; M: Grand Island Groom: J.P. Jansen
0538 04/04/1885 12 02 R500 Rhone, (Rev.); City politics: Grand Island Rev. Rhone makes peace gesture in election fight
0538 04/04/1885 12 03 000 : Adams County Correspondence, South Side items
0538 04/04/1885 12 03 S640 Shirley, (Mr.); Real estate: Juniata Mr. Shirley erects building
0538 04/04/1885 12 03 I526 Immigration: Adams County Prairie schooners numerous
0538 04/04/1885 12 03 M632 Marts, Jack: Juniata Jack Marts moves to Furnas County
0538 04/04/1885 12 03 C440 Coal oil: Juniata Price of coal oil
0538 04/04/1885 12 03 B000 B: Adams County Numerous births
0538 04/04/1885 12 03 C626 Crager, Edward: Adams County Edward Crager builds new barn
0538 04/04/1885 12 03 L160 Labor: Adams County Wages of farm hands
0538 04/04/1885 12 03 A262 Agriculture: Adams County Wages of farm hands
0538 04/04/1885 12 03 A262 Agriculture: Juniata Heavy receipts of corn
0538 04/04/1885 12 03 A262 Agriculture: Juniata Price of cabbage
0538 04/04/1885 12 03 M632 Marts, Samuel; Bakery: Juniata Samuel Marts opens bakery
0538 04/04/1885 12 03 I526 Immigration: Juniata Goods shipped in by train
0538 04/04/1885 12 03 F652 Franz, (Mr.) (Infant F); B: Juniata Birth of daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Franz
0538 04/04/1885 12 03 P412 Phillips, (Mr.); Horses: Adams County Stallion brought by Mr. Phillips, who owns fine horses
0538 04/04/1885 12 03 E536 Entertainment: Hall County Young men use schoolhouses for presenting shows
0538 04/11/1885 1 01 N211 Newspaper: Grand Island Democratic newspaper criticized
0538 04/11/1885 1 01 H641 Hurlbut, (Mr.): Grand Island Mr. Hurlbut criticized
0538 04/11/1885 1 01 O510 Omaha Bee; Newspaper: Douglas County
0538 04/11/1885 1 01 T460 Taylor, Charles J.; Crime and criminals - seduction: Omaha Charles J. Taylor arrested for seduction
0538 04/11/1885 1 01 S560 Schimmer, Martin; Liquor: Hall County Martin Schimmer refused liquor license
0538 04/11/1885 1 01 P613 Prohibition: Hall County Prohibition sentiment prevalent in Washington Township
0538 04/11/1885 1 01 H641 Hurlbut, (Mr.); Prohibition: Hall County Mr. Hurlbut joins prohibition faction
0538 04/11/1885 1 01 V520 Van Wyck, (Sen.): Senator Van Wyck attacked by Lincoln and Omaha papers
0538 04/11/1885 1 01 O510 Omaha Bee; Newspaper: Douglas County
0538 04/11/1885 1 01 L524 Lincoln Journal; Newspaper: Lancaster County
0538 04/11/1885 1 01 O561 Omaha Republican; Newspaper: Douglas County
0538 04/11/1885 1 01 N211 Newspaper: Newspaper criticism of Democrat
0538 04/11/1885 1 01 S334 State Legislature: Lincoln Serious errors made by state legislative clerks in wording of laws
0538 04/11/1885 1 01 S334 State Legislature: Lincoln Error made in compilation of state appropriation bill
0538 04/11/1885 1 01 S334 State Legislature: Lincoln Error made in wording of law concerning office of Register of Deeds
0538 04/11/1885 1 02 G653 Grand Island Independent; Newspaper: Grand Island Criticism of the Independent by the Democrat
0538 04/11/1885 1 01 S560 Schimmer, Martin; Liquor: Hall County Martin Schimmer refused liquor license through actions of Captain Larabee
0538 04/11/1885 1 02 L610 Larabee, (Capt.); Liquor: Hall County Captain Larabee responsible for denial of liquor license to Martin Schimmer
0538 04/11/1885 1 03 W400 Woolley, Deacon: Grand Island Deacon Woolley victim of joke in card game
0538 04/11/1885 1 03 T460 Taylor, T. A.: Shelton T.A. Taylor tells how Deacon Woolley was victim of joke
0538 04/11/1885 1 03 W230 West, (Mr.): Grand Island Mr. West loses support of the Times
0538 04/11/1885 1 03 T520 Times; Newspaper: Grand Island Criticism of the Times
0538 04/11/1885 1 05 O561 Omaha Republican; Newspaper: Douglas County
0538 04/11/1885 4 01 L260 Liquor: Neligh Neligh votes against liquor license
0538 04/11/1885 4 01 C321 City government: Kenesaw Kenesaw, Adams County, elects anti-license board
0538 04/11/1885 4 01 T235 Taxation: Hall County Tax notices to be published
0538 04/11/1885 4 01 S450 Saloon: Hall County Hampton, in Hall County, to have a saloon
0538 04/11/1885 4 01 E423 Elections: Hastings Total vote cast in Hastings city election
0538 04/11/1885 4 01 P613 Prohibition : Aurora Prohibition ticket wins in Aurora
0538 04/11/1885 4 01 E423 Elections: Grand Island Total vote cast in Grand Island city election
0538 04/11/1885 4 01 M242 McCloskey, (Mr.); D: Minden Mr. McCloskey drops dead
0538 04/11/1885 4 01 E423 Elections: Grand Island City bonds pass in Grand Island election
0538 04/11/1885 4 01 C321 City government: Grand Island Amount of Grand Island city debt
0538 04/11/1885 4 01 S300 Shedd, (Mr.); Elections: Hastings Mr. Shedd elected mayor of Hastings
0538 04/11/1885 4 01 E423 Elections: Fremont Results of Fremont city election
0538 04/11/1885 4 01 E423 Elections: Columbus Total vote cast in Columbus election
0538 04/11/1885 4 01 O561 Omaha Republican; Newspaper: Douglas County Criticism of Omaha Republican
0538 04/11/1885 4 01 H560 Henry, R.H.; Elections: Columbus R.H. Henry elected mayor of Columbus
0538 04/11/1885 4 01 E423 Elections: Grand Island Candidates of Reform ticket all defeated
0538 04/11/1885 4 02 C416 Clifford, H.E.; Elections: Grand Island H.E. Clifford's majority in city election
0538 04/11/1885 4 02 W425 Wilson, H.B.; Elections: Grand Island H.B. Wilson elected police judge
0538 04/11/1885 4 02 E423 Elections: Grand Island City bonds carried easily in election
0538 04/11/1885 4 02 H200 Heesch, (Mr.); Elections: Grand Island Mr. Heesch elected to city council
0538 04/11/1885 4 02 E423 Elections: Grand Island No disturbances occur on city election day
0538 04/11/1885 4 02 V320 Vieths, D.H.; Elections: Grand Island D.H. Vieths elected to city council
0538 04/11/1885 4 02 L260 Louchry, (Mr.); D: Buffalo County Mr. Louchry drops dead in field
0538 04/11/1885 4 02 L365 Lederman, A.C.; Elections: Grand Island A.C. Lederman elected city treasurer
0538 04/11/1885 4 02 F560 Fonner, John; Elections: Grand Island John Fonner elected to city council
0538 04/11/1885 4 02 M635 Martin, James; Elections: Grand Island James Martin elected to Board of Education
0538 04/11/1885 4 02 E423 Elections: Grand Island Majorities of various candidates in city election
0538 04/11/1885 4 02 E423 Elections: St. Paul Election results of Prohibition ticket
0538 04/11/1885 4 02 P613 Prohibition: St. Paul Elections results of Prohibition ticket in St. Paul
0538 04/11/1885 4 02 P613 Prohibition: Shelton Shelton, in Buffalo County, votes dry
0538 04/11/1885 4 02 P613 Prohibition: Central City Central City, in Merrick County, votes dry
0538 04/11/1885 4 02 O561 Omaha Republican; Newspaper: Treasury of Omaha Republican
0538 04/11/1885 4 03 E423 Elections: Grand Island Comment on city election
0538 04/11/1885 4 03 P142 Peoples Party; Elections: Grand Island Peoples Party wins city election
0538 04/11/1885 4 03 E423 Elections: Grand Island Reform ticket loses in city election
0538 04/11/1885 4 03 C314 City politics: Grand Island Another city ward needed for equal division of city
0538 04/11/1885 4 04 C522 Census: Lincoln Preparations being made for state census
0538 04/11/1885 4 04 L500 Lane, (Mr.); Census: Lincoln Mr. Lane is superintendent of census
0538 04/11/1885 4 04 O510 Omaha Bee; Newspaper: Douglas County
0538 04/11/1885 4 05 N631 North Platte Nebraskan; Newspaper: Lincoln County
0538 04/11/1885 4 05 B251 Bascombe, (Mr. & Mrs.); D Fire: Lincoln County Mr. and Mrs. H.R. Bascombe found burned to death in burned home; murder suspecte
0538 04/11/1885 4 05 B251 Bascombe, (Mr. & Mrs.); D Fire: Lincoln County Coroners jury empanelled in death of Bascombes
0538 04/11/1885 4 05 G653 Grant, (Gen.): Report on condition of General Grant
0538 04/11/1885 5 01 P430 Platt, W.H.: Grand Island W.H. Platt sick in bed
0538 04/11/1885 5 01 T512 Thompson, William (Mrs.): Grand Island Mrs. Wm. Thompson visits in Iowa
0538 04/11/1885 5 01 W360 Weather: Grand Island Weather becomes warmer
0538 04/11/1885 5 01 K652 Kranz, Phillip; Real estate: Hall County Phillip Kranz of Wisconsin inspects land holding in Hall County
0538 04/11/1885 5 01 B435 Building: Grand Island Dee Building nears completion
0538 04/11/1885 5 01 H240 Hackley, (Mrs.); Business: Grand Island Mrs. Hackley moves her store
0538 04/11/1885 5 01 S615 Sherbondy, (Mr. and Mrs.): Grand Island Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Sherbondy go to Arkansas for a visit
0538 04/11/1885 5 01 M600 Moore, C.A.; Agriculture: Hall County C.A. Moore has hay for sale
0538 04/11/1885 5 01 C562 Commercial Hotel; Hotel: Grand Island Commercial Hotel advertises for waitresses
0538 04/11/1885 5 01 C562 Commercial Hotel; Labor: Grand Island Girls wanted as waitresses at Commercial Hotel
0538 04/11/1885 5 01 M520 Means, John L.: Grand Island Mr. and Mrs. John L. Means leave for New Orleans
0538 04/11/1885 5 01 M251 Macombs, T.; Accident: Grand Island T. Macombs kicked by pony
0538 04/11/1885 5 01 000 : Grand Island Sign attracts attention
0538 04/11/1885 5 01 J525 Jameson Block; Building: Grand Island Construction progresses on Jameson block
0538 04/11/1885 5 01 P363 Petereit, Christoph; D: Grand Island
0538 04/11/1885 5 01 E423 Electricity: Grand Island Electric dynamo breaks
0538 04/11/1885 5 01 S530 Smith, (Mrs.): Grand Island Mrs. Smith goes to California
0538 04/11/1885 5 01 L365 Lutheran Church; Lutheran: Grand Island Lutheran congregation gains new members
0538 04/11/1885 5 01 P212 Pacific House; Hotel: Grand Island Remodelling of Pacific House progresses
0538 04/11/1885 5 02 E423 Elections: Grand Island City election results, unofficial returns
0538 04/11/1885 5 02 M520 Means, (Mr.); Elections: Grand Island Mr. Means elected mayor of Grand Island
0538 04/11/1885 5 02 M251 McCombs, Augusta; D: Grand Island Parents: Mr. and Mrs. N. McCombs
0538 04/11/1885 5 02 G536 Guenther, Margaret, (Mrs.); D: Grand Island
0538 04/11/1885 5 02 L365 Lutheran Church; Lutheran: Grand Island Lutheran church's membership grows
0538 04/11/1885 5 02 W452 Williams & Kerr; Seed dealers: Grand Island Williams & Kerr ship in seed potatoes for sale
0538 04/11/1885 5 04 M600 Moore, C.A.; Crime and criminals - stealing: Hall County C.A. Moore offers reward for return of cattle stolen from him
0538 04/11/1885 5 04 M623 Market reports : Grand Island Market reports, local quotations
0538 04/11/1885 5 05 M623 Market reports : Market quotations of leading markets
0538 04/11/1885 5 05 L300 Lloyd, Warren; Real estate: Grand Island Warren Lloyd's notice to George E. Wilson of claim to lots by tax purchase
0538 04/11/1885 5 05 W425 Wilson, George E.; Real estate: Grand Island George E. Wilson receives notice by Warren Lloyd of claim to lots by tax purchas
0538 04/11/1885 5 05 O300 Ott, Andrew; Liquor: Grand Island Andrew Ott applies for liquor license
0538 04/11/1885 6 01 S334 State Legislature: Lincoln Digest of laws passed by State Legislature
0538 04/11/1885 6 01 L200 Laws: Lincoln Digest of laws passed by State Legislature
0538 04/11/1885 6 01 C632 Courts: Lincoln News laws concerning courts and practice
0538 04/11/1885 6 02 C655 Crime and criminals: Lincoln New laws concerning criminal code
0538 04/11/1885 6 02 B252 Business: Lincoln New laws passed concerning incorporation
0538 04/11/1885 6 02 R423 Real estate: Lincoln Digest of laws passed concerning donation, sale, and lease of lands
0538 04/11/1885 6 03 S334 State Legislature: Lincoln Memorials and joint resolutions passed by State Legislature
0538 04/11/1885 6 04 R463 Railroads: Lincoln Laws passed concerning railroads
0538 04/11/1885 04 R150 Revenue: Lincoln Laws passed concerning revenue
0538 04/11/1885 8 01 C323 City history: Grand Island Transients appear
0538 04/11/1885 8 01 W360 Weather: Hall County Showers fall
0538 04/11/1885 8 01 B255 Buchanan & Co.: Grand Island Buchanan & Co. move to new quarters
0538 04/11/1885 8 01 R423 Real estate: Grand Island City lots for sale
0538 04/11/1885 8 01 P453 Planet Roller Mills; Real estate: Grand Island Planet Roller Mills have lots for sale
0538 04/11/1885 8 01 M252 Masons; Organization: Grand Island Masons hold Easter ceremonies
0538 04/11/1885 8 01 B232 Boquet's Barn; Horses: Grand Island Bouquet's Barn has horses for sale
0538 04/11/1885 8 01 N140 Nabel, Fred; Bakery: Grand Island Fred Nabel to open a bakery business
0538 04/11/1885 8 01 O561 Omaha Republican; Newspaper: Grand Island Newspaper delivery of Omaha Republican speeded up
0538 04/11/1885 8 01 U551 Union Pacific; Railroads: Grand Island Union Pacific changes names of emigrant railroad coaches
0538 04/11/1885 8 01 S100 Schaupp, (Mr.); Electricity: Grand Island Mr. Schaupp installs electric lights in mill and home
0538 04/11/1885 8 01 C641 Crow & Leftwich; Electricity: St. Paul Crow & Leftwich plan to install electric lights
0538 04/11/1885 8 01 C613 Croffut, George A.; Gripsack and Tourists Guide: Grand Island George A. Croffut, editor of Gripsack and Tourists Guide, visits city
0538 04/11/1885 8 01 M200 Muzzy, (Mr. and Mrs.): Grand Island Farewell party held for Mr. and Mrs. Muzzy
0538 04/11/1885 8 01 C460 Cleary, James; Hardware: Grand Island James Cleary carries full line of hardware
0538 04/11/1885 8 02 H425 Hall County Agricultural Society ; Organization: Grand Island Account of executive meeting of Hall County Agricultural Society
0538 04/11/1885 8 02 000 : Adams County South Side items
0538 04/11/1885 8 02 S363 Streets: Juniata Streets being cleaned up
0538 04/11/1885 8 02 A262 Agriculture: Adams County Wheat sowing being completed
0538 04/11/1885 8 02 S424 School closing: Juniata School closes in Juniata
0538 04/11/1885 8 02 A352 Adams, Toney: Juniata Toney Adams moves to Furnas County
0538 04/11/1885 8 02 H235 Hastings Gazette Journal; Newspaper: Adams County Criticism of Hastings Gazette Journal editor
0538 04/11/1885 8 02 B252 Business: Juniata Business competition keen among merchants
0538 04/11/1885 8 02 W360 Weather: Juniata Light shower falls
0538 04/11/1885 8 02 A262 Agriculture: Juniata Heavy grain receipts
0538 04/11/1885 8 02 H622 Horses: Adams County Case of glanders (horse disease)
0538 04/11/1885 8 02 A262 Agriculture: Adams County Corn picking not yet completed
0538 04/11/1885 8 02 B252 Business: Juniata Flour prices are lower
0538 04/11/1885 8 02 G600 G.A.R.; Organization: Juniata G.A.R. meeting held
0538 04/11/1885 8 02 R423 Real estate: Juniata Good demand for rental houses
0538 04/11/1885 8 02 A262 Agriculture: Adams County Corn stalks pastured but little
0538 04/11/1885 8 02 I526 Immigration: Juniata Many prairie schooners pass through
0538 04/11/1885 8 02 W434 Wildlife: Juniata Goose hunters pass through town
0538 04/11/1885 8 02 L160 Labor: Juniata Good opening for laundress
0538 04/11/1885 8 02 B624 Brick kiln: Juniata Brick kiln being closed down
0538 04/11/1885 8 02 S165 Sheffern, B.; Accident: Adams County B. Sheffern injured in runaway
0538 04/11/1885 8 02 S520 Schimes, F.; D Accident: Adams County F. Schimes dies as result of accident
0538 04/11/1885 8 02 A262 Agriculture: Juniata Gardening begun
0538 04/11/1885 8 02 A262 Agriculture: Adams County Plowing in progress
0538 04/11/1885 8 02 S352 Skating rink: Juniata Skating rink repainted
0538 04/11/1885 8 03 N645 New Orleans Exposition: Letter from correspondent about New Orleans Exposition
0538 04/11/1885 8 03 F652 Furnas, R.W.; New Orleans Exposition: R.W. Furnas advertises Nebraska at New Orleans Exposition
0538 04/11/1885 8 06 O553 Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute; Medical institution: Douglas County Ad
0538 04/18/1885 1 01 B632 Bridges: Douglas County Agitation for wagon bridge over Missouri at Omaha
0538 04/18/1885 1 03 U551 Union Pacific; Railroads: Union Pacific grants discussed in letter
0538 04/18/1885 1 01 E423 Elections: Grand Island One-sided city election
0538 04/18/1885 4 01 E423 Elections: Ashland License ticket wins
0538 04/18/1885 4 01 C321 City government: Hastings City officers assume duties
0538 04/18/1885 4 01 F655 Fremont Herald; Newspaper: Dodge County
0538 04/18/1885 4 01 B616 Bierbower, Marshall: Fremont Marshall Bierbower accused of dishonesty by the Herald
0538 04/18/1885 4 01 T520 Times; Newspaper: Lodgepole Establishment of the Times at Lodgepole
0538 04/18/1885 4 01 L260 Liquor: Hastings Number of liquor licenses granted
0538 04/18/1885 4 01 R463 Railroads: Douglas County Freight derailed in railroad accident
0538 04/18/1885 4 02 P142 Public utilities: Grand Island Waterworks inadequate for city
0538 04/18/1885 4 03 O510 Omaha Bee; Newspaper: Douglas County
0538 04/18/1885 4 03 I526 Immigration: Omaha Discussion and report concerning immigration
0538 04/18/1885 4 04 G653 Grant, (Gen.): General Grant passes a quiet night
0538 04/18/1885 4 05 E462 Ellersick & Rottmann; Liquor: Grand Island Ellersick & Rottmann apply for liquor license
0538 04/18/1885 4 05 M623 Market reports : Grand Island Market report, local prices
0538 04/18/1885 4 05 M623 Market reports : Market quotations of leading markets
0538 04/18/1885 5 01 B252 Business: Grand Island Business improves
0538 04/18/1885 5 01 G536 Guenther, Frank: Grand Island Frank Guenther is quite sick
0538 04/18/1885 5 01 C321 City government: Grand Island Assessor begins work
0538 04/18/1885 5 01 K400 Kelley, S.D.; Agricultural Society; Building: Grand Island S.D. Kelley to build Agricultural Society buildings
0538 04/18/1885 5 01 000 : Grand Island Fences being put up
0538 04/18/1885 5 01 H251 Hockenburger, E.C.; Wildlife: Grand Island E.C. Hockenburger shoots geese
0538 04/18/1885 5 01 F620 Fairs: Grand Island Fair to be large
0538 04/18/1885 5 01 C632 Courts: Grand Island District Court session to be held
0538 04/18/1885 5 01 S420 Schools: Grand Island School treasurer's books found to be in order
0538 04/18/1885 5 01 O500 Omey, Ed: Grand Island Ed Omey fined for carrying revolver
0538 04/18/1885 5 01 A616 Arbor Day: Grand Island Observance of Arbor Day urged
0538 04/18/1885 5 01 J525 Jameson, (Mr.); Building: Grand Island Mr. Jameson builds addition to building
0538 04/18/1885 5 01 T512 Thompson, O.B.; Real estate: Grand Island Real estate loans offered by O.B. Thompson
0538 04/18/1885 5 01 T512 Thompson, O.B.; Business: Grand Island O.B. Thompson has money to loan
0538 04/18/1885 5 01 H622 Horses: Hall County Premiums being raised for horse races
0538 04/18/1885 5 01 W552 Womens Relief Corps; Organization: Grand Island Notice of meeting of Womens Relief Corps
0538 04/18/1885 5 01 A436 Alters, I.R.; Fire Department: Grand Island I.R. Alters gives donation to Fire Department
0538 04/18/1885 5 01 C522 Census: Grand Island School census completed
0538 04/18/1885 5 01 P362 Peterson, C.A.; Business: Grand Island C.A. Peterson's grist mill nearly completed
0538 04/18/1885 5 02 C321 City government: Grand Island Account of city council meeting
0538 04/18/1885 5 02 C321 City government: Grand Island City officials sworn in at council meeting
0538 04/18/1885 5 02 E423 Elections: Grand Island Election returns, official canvass
0538 04/18/1885 5 04 W300 White, (Mayor); City government: Grand Island Mayor White presented with token of appreciation
0538 04/18/1885 5 02 000 : Grand Island Petition for laying of sidewalk allowed
0538 04/18/1885 5 02 H251 Hockenburger, E.C.: Grand Island C.E. Hockenburger appointed chief engineer of Fire Department
0538 04/18/1885 5 02 000 : Grand Island Burial of carcasses ordered
0538 04/18/1885 5 02 C321 City government: Grand Island List of claims allowed for city expenditures
0538 04/18/1885 5 01 L365 Lederman, A.C.; City government: Grand Island A.C. Lederman declines to be sworn in as city treasurer until salary is readjust
0538 04/18/1885 5 03 C416 Clifford, H.C.; City government: Grand Island H.C. Clifford sworn in as city clerk
0538 04/18/1885 5 03 W425 Wilson, H.B.; City government: Grand Island H.B. Wilson sworn in as police judge
0538 04/18/1885 5 03 H630 Hart, C.E.; City government: Grand Island C.E. Hart appointed city engineer
0538 04/18/1885 5 03 V500 Van Wie, John; City government: Grand Island John Van Wie appointed chief of police
0538 04/18/1885 5 03 T512 Thompson, W.H; City government: Grand Island W.H. Thompson appointed city attorney
0538 04/18/1885 5 03 B635 Bartenbach, George; Opera House: Grand Island George Bartenbach granted license for Opera House
0538 04/18/1885 5 03 L260 Liquor: Grand Island List of liquor licenses granted
0538 04/18/1885 5 03 P652 Pharmacy: Grand Island List of druggist permits granted
0538 04/18/1885 5 03 C321 City government: Grand Island City Council committee members listed
0538 04/18/1885 5 03 M625 Morgan, D.; City government: Grand Island D. Morgan reappointed weighmaster
0538 04/18/1885 5 04 W300 White, Jay E.: Grand Island Jay E. White presented with a cane at banquet held for him
0538 04/18/1885 5 04 L520 Lynch, (Father); Catholic: Wood River Catholics present Father Lynch with horse and buggy
0538 04/18/1885 5 04 P362 Peterson, C.A.; Business: Grand Island C.A. Peterson plans sorghum refinery
0538 04/18/1885 5 04 G350 Gideon, W.H.; Gambling: Doniphan Lottery promoted by W.H. Gideon
0538 04/18/1885 5 04 H400 Hall, Henry; Crime and criminals - stealing: Hall County Alonzo and Henry Hall arrested for wheat stealing
0538 04/18/1885 5 04 H400 Hall, Alonzo; Crime and criminals - stealing: Hall County Alonzo and Henry Hall arrested for wheat stealing
0538 04/18/1885 5 04 W514 Wampel & Messeraull: Doniphan Wheat stolen by Alonzo and Henry Hall
0538 04/18/1885 5 05 H425 Hall County Agricultural Society ; Organization: Hall County Account of Hall County Agricultural Society executive committee meeting
0538 04/18/1885 5 05 H425 Hall County Agricultural Society ; Organization: Hall County Specifications of new building for Hall County Agricultural Society
0538 04/18/1885 5 05 K400 Kelley, S.D.; Building: Hall County S.D. Kelley awarded contract for fairgrounds building
0538 04/18/1885 5 05 L123 Livestock: Hastings Purebred shorthorns to be sold at auction by Iowa breeder
0538 04/18/1885 5 05 C541 Conley & Brewster: Grand Island Notice to settle accounts with Conley & Brewster
0538 04/18/1885 5 05 B623 Brewster, S.H.; Conley & Brewster: Grand Island S.H. Brewster settles accounts of Conley & Brewster
0538 04/18/1885 8 01 A262 Agriculture: Hall County Farmers very busy
0538 04/18/1885 5 01 B252 Business: Grand Island Business improves
0538 04/18/1885 8 01 B252 Business: Grand Island Printing stock received
0538 04/18/1885 8 01 J525 Jameson Block; Building: Grand Island Brick masons at work on Jameson Block
0538 04/18/1885 8 01 S363 Streets: Grand Island Streets need improvement
0538 04/18/1885 8 01 G653 Grand Island Schools; Schools: Grand Island City schools are very good
0538 04/18/1885 8 01 S450 Saloon: Grand Island Pool table installed in saloon
0538 04/18/1885 8 01 D510 Dunphy, (Mr.); Poolroom: Grand Island Mr. Dunphy remodels poolroom
0538 04/18/1885 8 01 E423 Electricity: Grand Island Electric light plant of company to resume operation
0538 04/18/1885 8 01 B435 Building: Grand Island Fonner buildings being improved
0538 04/18/1885 8 01 C334 City Hotel; Hotel: Grand Island Business hours of City Hotel changed
0538 04/18/1885 8 01 H160 Hooper, Ed: Grand Island Ed Hooper returns to city
0538 04/18/1885 8 01 M120 Meves, C.D.; D : Grand Island Large attendance at funeral of C.D. Meves
0538 04/18/1885 8 01 A265 Ackerman, J.F.; M: Buffalo County Bride: Amanda M. Aaleker
0538 04/18/1885 8 01 A426 Aaleker, Amanda M.; M: Buffalo County Groom: J.F. Ackerman
0538 04/18/1885 8 01 M610 Murphy, Evan: Hall County Miss Evan Murphy teaches school
0538 04/18/1885 8 01 I162 Ivers, Charlie: Grand Island Charlie Ivers works in Heesch & Elsner's store
0538 04/18/1885 8 01 G653 Grand Island Hospital; Hospital: Grand Island Sister Magdalen arranges for hospital to be built by Catholics
0538 04/18/1885 8 01 M234 Magdalen, (Sister); Hospital: Grand Island Sister Magdalen arranges for hospital to be built by Catholics
0538 04/18/1885 8 01 H242 Heesch & Elsner: Grand Island Heesch & Elsner buy out Conley & Brewster
0538 04/18/1885 8 01 C541 Conley & Brewster: Grand Island Conley & Brewster sell out to Heesch & Elsner
0538 04/18/1885 8 01 C200 Cash, J.J.: Hall County J.J. Cash returns from the South
0538 04/18/1885 8 01 F620 Fires: Grand Island Fires emphasize need for fire protection
0538 04/18/1885 8 01 W255 Wiseman, (Mrs.); Fires: Grand Island Mrs. Wiseman's barn damaged by fire
0538 04/18/1885 8 01 H500 Hann, (Mr.); Fires: Grand Island Mr. Hann's house damaged by fire
0538 04/18/1885 8 01 S200 Sass, D.; Fires: Hall County D. Sass's haystack burns
0538 04/18/1885 8 02 A550 Anyan, William H.; Fires: Grand Island William H. Anyan's stable destroyed by fire
0538 04/18/1885 8 02 A436 Alter, I.R.; Fires: Grand Island I.R. Alter's house damaged by fire
0538 04/18/1885 8 02 C514 Campbell Brothers; Fires: Grand Island Fire destroys Campbell Brothers' barn
0538 04/18/1885 8 02 O564 Omaha Herald; Newspaper: Douglas County
0538 04/18/1885 8 02 U551 Union Pacific; Railroads: Omaha Union Pacific freight makes fast time
0538 04/18/1885 8 02 A436 Alter, I.R.; Fires: Grand Island Mr. and Mrs. I.R. Alter's card of thanks for assistance in fire
0538 04/18/1885 8 02 A550 Anyan, William H.; Fires: Grand Island W. H. Anyan's card of thanks for assistance in fire
0538 04/18/1885 8 03 000 : Juniata News items from Juniata
0538 04/18/1885 8 03 000 : Adams County South Side items
0538 04/18/1885 8 03 S420 Schools: Juniata Schoolhouse to be built in Juniata
0538 04/18/1885 8 03 S420 Schools: Adams County Old school building to be remodelled
0538 04/18/1885 8 03 S420 Schools: Juniata School bonds to be re-funded
0538 04/18/1885 8 03 B435 Building: Juniata Many new houses built
0538 04/18/1885 8 03 H620 Haris, (Mr. and Mrs.); D : Adams County Child of Mr. and Mrs. Haris dies
0538 04/18/1885 8 03 A262 Agriculture: Juniata Gardening in progress
0538 04/18/1885 8 03 W360 Weather: Adams County Rain falls
0538 04/18/1885 8 03 C462 Clark, (Mr.); Business: Juniata Mr. Clark purchases mill at Hastings
0538 04/18/1885 8 03 A262 Agriculture: Juniata Grain receipts continue heavy
0538 04/18/1885 8 03 A262 Agriculture: Juniata Agricultural laborers at a premium
0538 04/18/1885 8 03 L160 Labor: Juniata Agricultural laborers at a premium
0538 04/18/1885 8 03 M620 Morris, (Mrs.); D : Juniata Mrs. Morris dies
0538 04/18/1885 8 03 L260 Liquor: Juniata Liquor dealers granted licenses
0538 04/18/1885 8 03 000 : Juniata Sidewalks being laid
0538 04/18/1885 8 03 S640 Shirley, (Miss); Millinery: Juniata Miss Shirley opens millinery shop
0538 04/18/1885 8 03 A262 Agriculture: Juniata Price of garden products
0538 04/18/1885 8 03 W434 Wildlife: Juniata Goosehunters fail to get geese
0538 04/18/1885 8 03 I526 Immigration: Juniata Prairie schooners pass daily
0538 04/18/1885 8 03 S354 Stanley, Charles; M: Hall County Charles Stanley arrested for perjury in elopement with Miss Mott
0538 04/18/1885 8 03 M300 Mott, (Miss); M: Hall County Miss Mott elopes with Charles Stanley
0538 04/18/1885 8 03 J525 Johnson, George; M: Adams County Bride: Emily Duval, of Pennsylvania