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News Extraction
NSHS Newspaper Extractions: Code 0538 GRAND ISLAND INDEPENDENT
Code Date (m/d/y) Pg Col SNDX Extraction
0538 04/18/1885 8 03 D140 Duval, Emily; M: Adams County Groom: George Johnson
0538 04/18/1885 8 03 B252 Business: Juniata Business is excellent
0538 04/18/1885 8 03 000 : Doniphan Doniphan grows rapidly
0538 04/18/1885 8 03 A262 Agriculture: Adams County Corn planting to start soon
0538 04/18/1885 8 03 E423 Elections: Juniata Juniata city election won by Citizens ticket
0538 04/18/1885 8 03 B653 Brand, (Mr.); Accident: Hall County Mr. Brand seriously gored by a bull
0538 04/25/1885 1 01 P142 Public utilities: Blair Agitation for waterworks in Blair
0538 04/25/1885 1 01 B132 Baptist: St. Paul Baptists plan new church building in St. Paul
0538 04/25/1885 1 01 B461 Blair Pilot; Newspaper: Washington County
0538 04/25/1885 1 01 B435 Building: Grand Island Unusual amount of building planned
0538 04/25/1885 1 01 S364 Sterling Press; Newspaper: Johnson County Moore & Cassell buy Sterling Press from D.T. Sherman
0538 04/25/1885 1 01 M622 Moore & Cassell; Newspaper: Johnson County Moore & Cassell buy Sterling Press from D.T. Sherman
0538 04/25/1885 1 01 S655 Sherman, D.T.; Newspaper: Johnson County D.T. Sherman sells Sterling Press to Moore & Cassell
0538 04/25/1885 1 01 M535 Mountain, J.H.; Railroads: Omaha J.H. Mountain appointed passenger agent of Chicago & N.W. Railroad
0538 04/25/1885 1 01 D526 Democrat; Newspaper: Grand Island Newspaper criticism of the Democrat
0538 04/25/1885 1 02 G513 Geneva Tribune; Newspaper: Fillmore County Scott & Scott retire as owners of Geneva Tribune
0538 04/25/1885 1 02 W236 Western Wave; Newspaper: Saline County Western Wave newspaper established in Saline County
0538 04/25/1885 1 02 000 : Central City Comment on the size of Central Society
0538 04/25/1885 1 02 I531 Independent; Newspaper: Grand Island Newspaper criticism of the Independent by the Democrat
0538 04/25/1885 1 03 B514 Binfield, Stephen; Crime and criminals: Grand Island Petition presented to governor for pardon of Stephen Binfield
0538 04/25/1885 1 04 I531 Independent; Newspaper: Grand Island "Board of Health" report of the Independent
0538 04/25/1885 1 04 N611 New Republic; Newspaper: Lincoln New Republic fights for prohibition
0538 04/25/1885 1 04 N611 New Republic; Prohibition: Lincoln New Republic fights for prohibition
0538 04/25/1885 1 04 B461 Blair Pilot; Newspaper: Washington County
0538 04/25/1885 1 05 H235 Hastings Journal; Newspaper: Adams County
0538 04/25/1885 1 06 U551 Union Pacific; Railroads: Extension of Union Pacific's indebtedness discussed
0538 04/25/1885 1 06 B500 B & M; Railroads: Construction costs of B & M Railroad
0538 04/25/1885 1 07 P613 Prohibition: Results of prohibition movement in Nebraska towns
0538 04/25/1885 1 07 O632 Ord Quiz; Newspaper: Valley County
0538 04/25/1885 1 07 I526 Immigration: Loup County Loup County being settled by immigrants
0538 04/25/1885 1 07 I526 Immigration: Immigration pours into state
0538 04/25/1885 4 01 000 : Grand Island City growth to be great
0538 04/25/1885 4 01 N634 North Loup Mirror; Newspaper: Valley County
0538 04/25/1885 4 01 C623 Creighton Pioneer; Newspaper: Knox County
0538 04/25/1885 4 01 V520 Van Wyck, (Sen.): Creighton Senator Van Wyck supported for re-election
0538 04/25/1885 4 01 F655 Firemen's Tournament: Grand Island Success of Firemen's Tournament predicted
0538 04/25/1885 4 01 U551 Union Pacific; Railroads: Howard County Union Pacific branch to St. Paul rumored
0538 04/25/1885 4 02 I526 Immigration: Grand Island Immigrants continue to come
0538 04/25/1885 4 02 J212 Jacobs, (Mr.); D Suicide: Boone County Mr. Jacobs commits suicide
0538 04/25/1885 4 02 000 : North Platte North Platte votes bonds for jail
0538 04/25/1885 4 02 T620 Trees: St. Paul Much tree planting being done in St. Paul
0538 04/25/1885 4 02 F652 Franklin Echo; Newspaper: Franklin County
0538 04/25/1885 4 02 N162 Nebraska Breeze; Newspaper: Nebraska Breeze criticized
0538 04/25/1885 4 02 O632 Ord Quiz; Newspaper: Valley County
0538 04/25/1885 4 05 N645 New Orleans Exposition: Description of Nebraska exhibit at New Orleans Exposition
0538 04/25/1885 5 01 000 : Grand Island Oyster season about over
0538 04/25/1885 5 01 M623 Market reports : Grand Island Markets move upward
0538 04/25/1885 5 01 A262 Agriculture: Hall County Good prospects for crops
0538 04/25/1885 5 01 S363 Streets: Grand Island Streets to be improved
0538 04/25/1885 5 01 E423 Electricity: Grand Island Electric light machinery works well
0538 04/25/1885 5 01 R563 Reynard Drug Store; Pharmacy: Omaha Reynard Drug Store installs electric light
0538 04/25/1885 5 01 R563 Reynard Drug Store; Electricity: Omaha Reynard Drug Store installs electric light
0538 04/25/1885 5 01 W412 Wolbach Brothers: St. Paul Wolbach Brothers erect building in St. Paul
0538 04/25/1885 5 01 000 : Grand Island Housecleaning in progress
0538 04/25/1885 5 01 P212 Pacific House; Hotel: Grand Island Addition to Pacific House nearly completed
0538 04/25/1885 5 01 W360 Weather: Hall County Rains cause damage
0538 04/25/1885 5 01 S365 Stringfellow, (Dr.); Real estate: Grand Island Dr. Stringfellow purchases Justice property
0538 04/25/1885 5 01 S620 Squires, Johnny; M: Grand Island Bride: Emma Wingert
0538 04/25/1885 5 01 W526 Wingert, Emma; M: Grand Island Groom: Johnny Squires
0538 04/25/1885 5 01 S363 Streets: Grand Island Street lights put up
0538 04/25/1885 5 01 M450 Mullin, John; Police: Grand Island John Mullin joins police force
0538 04/25/1885 5 01 P420 Police: Grand Island Police force enlarged
0538 04/25/1885 5 01 H340 Hotel: Grand Island Hotel facilities to be doubled
0538 04/25/1885 5 01 R236 Restaurant: Grand Island Restaurant opens for business
0538 04/25/1885 5 01 J525 Jameson, D.; Real estate: Grand Island D. Jameson purchases Sass property
0538 04/25/1885 5 01 B500 B & M; Railroads: Grand Island B & M lowers freight rates from Chicago
0538 04/25/1885 5 01 C655 Crime and criminals - stealing: Doniphan Hall brothers fined for wheat stealing
0538 04/25/1885 5 01 H400 Hall, Alonzo: Doniphan Fined for wheat stealing
0538 04/25/1885 5 01 H400 Hall, Henry: Doniphan Fined for wheat stealing
0538 04/25/1885 5 01 S363 Streets: Grand Island Street cleaning improves city appearance
0538 04/25/1885 5 01 T460 Taylor, T.A.; Dance: Shelton T.A. Taylor gives free dance
0538 04/25/1885 5 01 M234 Magdalena, (Sister); Hospital: Grand Island Sister Magdalena in charge of building Catholic hospital
0538 04/25/1885 5 01 A436 Alter, I.R.; Fires: Grand Island Fire insurance paid promptly to I.R. Alter
0538 04/25/1885 5 02 C655 Crime and criminals - stealing: Grand Island Sneak thief jailed
0538 04/25/1885 5 02 H213 Hospital: Grand Island Notice for submission of bids for hospital construction
0538 04/25/1885 5 02 L365 Lutheran: Grand Island Church building to be erected by Lutherans
0538 04/25/1885 5 02 C541 Conley & Brewster; Business: Grand Island Notice of dissolution of Conley & Brewster
0538 04/25/1885 5 02 F620 Fairs: Grand Island Fair premium list being printed
0538 04/25/1885 5 02 V265 Vagrants: Grand Island Vagrants are plentiful
0538 04/25/1885 5 03 L200 Laws: Harrison Township Sanitation law to be enforced
0538 04/25/1885 5 03 C632 Curtis, E.L.: Harrison Township E.L. Curtis, township clerk
0538 04/25/1885 5 03 H300 Hedde, Fred: Grand Island Fred Hedde vs. Ernest Wichman, notice of sheriff's sale
0538 04/25/1885 5 03 W255 Wichman, Ernest: Grand Island Fred Hedde vs. Ernest Wichman, notice of sheriff's sale
0538 04/25/1885 5 04 M623 Market reports : Grand Island Market reports, local quotations
0538 04/25/1885 5 05 M623 Market reports : Market quotations of leading markets
0538 04/25/1885 8 01 000 : Grand Island Grand Island grows rapidly
0538 04/25/1885 8 01 S352 Shooting gallery: Grand Island Shooting gallery opened
0538 04/25/1885 8 01 000 : Hall County Fairgrounds and racetrack being put into condition
0538 04/25/1885 8 01 B435 Building: Grand Island Houses being built
0538 04/25/1885 8 01 B400 Bailie, (Mr.): Grand Island Mr. Bailie, paperhanger
0538 04/25/1885 8 01 B252 Business: Hall County Much nursery stock shipped in
0538 04/25/1885 8 01 D526 Democrat; Newspaper: Grand Island Discontinuation of Democrat seems apparent
0538 04/25/1885 8 01 R200 Riss, John: Grand Island John Riss sells saloon fixtures
0538 04/25/1885 8 01 B653 Brandt, Louis: Grand Island Louis Brandt removes to Omaha
0538 04/25/1885 8 01 D450 Dolan, (Mr.); Grocery: Grand Island Mr. Dolan receives grocery stock
0538 04/25/1885 8 01 C200 Cash, J.J.; Real estate: Grand Island J.J. Cash purchases lots of Mr. Scarff
0538 04/25/1885 8 01 S610 Scarff, (Mr.); Real estate: Grand Island Mr. Scarff sells lots to J.J. Cash
0538 04/25/1885 8 01 N211 Newspaper: Grand Island Establishment of democratic newspaper rumored
0538 04/25/1885 8 01 W256 Wasmer, Christian; Real estate: Grand Island Christian Wasmer buys Guenther property
0538 04/25/1885 8 01 S532 Sunday School: Hall County Sunday School organized in Spencer schoolhouse
0538 04/25/1885 8 01 F655 Firemen's Tournament: Grand Island City improvement urged for Firemen's Tournament
0538 04/25/1885 8 01 G320 Geddes, (Mr.): Grand Island Mr. Geddes to return to Grand Island
0538 04/25/1885 8 01 I526 Immigration: Northwest Nebraska attracts immigrants
0538 04/25/1885 8 01 W452 Williams & Kerr; Agriculture: Grand Island Williams & Kerr sell beans to government on contract
0538 04/25/1885 8 01 000 : Hall County Race premiums being raised
0538 04/25/1885 8 01 M242 Michelson, James; Building: Grand Island James Michelson to erect building
0538 04/25/1885 8 01 R200 Riss, John; Saloon: Ellersick & Rottmann purchase saloon of John Riss
0538 04/25/1885 8 01 E462 Ellersick & Rottmann; Saloon: Ellersick & Rottmann purchase saloon of John Riss
0538 04/25/1885 8 01 S450 Saloon: Grand Island Disturbance of peace frequent at saloon
0538 04/25/1885 8 01 W534 Windolph, Adam; Building: Grand Island Adam Windolph to erect building
0538 04/25/1885 8 01 B252 Business: Grand Island Construction begins on erection of business block
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 S420 Schools: Hall County Report of Hall County Superintendent of Schools
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 S456 School enrollment: Hall County Enrollment of different school districts in Hall County
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 T262 Teachers: Hall County List of school teachers in Hall County
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 T400 Tilley, A.D.; Teachers: Hall County A.D. Tilley teacher of District 1, Hall County
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 B260 Baker, S.S.; Teachers: Hall County S.S. Baker teacher of District 38, Hall County
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 M620 Morris, F.L.; Teachers: Wood River F. L. Morris principal of District 8, Wood River
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 W632 Worts, Frank; Teachers: Wood River Frank Worts teacher in District 8, Wood River
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 B636 Brodrick, Nettie ; Teachers: Wood River Nettie Brodrick teacher in District 8, Wood River
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 B351 Buddenberg, Anna; Teachers: Wood River Anna Buddenberg teacher in District 8, Wood River
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 K656 Kramer, G.E.; Teachers: Hall County G.E. Kramer teacher in District 3, Hall County
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 S300 Scott, Sarah; Teachers: Hall County Sarah Scott teacher in District 17, Hall County
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 H625 Harrison, John; Teachers: Hall County John Harrison teacher in District 42, Hall County
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 H452 Holmes, A.; Teachers: Hall County A. Holmes teacher in District 42, Hall County
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 S650 Sirrine, F.A.; Teachers: Hall County F.A. Sirrine teacher in District 58, Hall County
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 O540 O'Neil, Mary; Teachers: Hall County Mary O'Neil teacher in District 24, Hall County
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 H550 Hayman, S.S.; Teachers: Hall County S.S. Hayman teacher in District 16, Hall County
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 E363 Edwards, H.A.; Teachers: Doniphan H.A. Edwards principal in District 16, Doniphan
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 B623 Burket, Clara; Teachers: Doniphan Clara Burket teacher in District 16, Doniphan
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 K400 Kell, Alice; Teachers: Doniphan Alice Kell teacher in District 16, Doniphan
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 B665 Brarinder, Minnie; Teachers: Hall County Minnie Brarinder teacher in District 15, Hall County
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 W524 Winchell, H.; Teachers: Hall County H. Winchell teacher in District 46, Hall County
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 H240 Hassel, M.M. (Mrs.); Teachers: Hall County Mrs. M.M. Hassel teacher in District 70, Hall County
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 K360 Kidder, M.C. (Mrs.); Teachers: Hall County Mrs. M.C. Kidder teacher in District 12, Hall County
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 S530 Smith, Emma; Teachers: Hall County Emma Smith teacher in District 29, Hall County
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 P625 Perkins, Mamie; Teachers: Hall County Mamie Perkins teacher in District 55, Hall County
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 B453 Balmat, Stella; Teachers: Hall County Stella Balmat teacher in District 19, Hall County
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 K422 Kolschewsky, G.; Teachers: Hall County G. Kolschewsky teacher in District 25, Hall County
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 M620 Marsh, Jennie; Teachers: Hall County Jennie Marsh teacher in District 47, Hall County
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 H300 Hyatt, Addie; Teachers: Hall County Addie Hyatt teacher in District 49, Hall County
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 S152 Spangler, Samuel; Teachers: Hall County Samuel Spangler teacher in District 69, Hall County
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 N242 Nichols, Charles; Teachers: Hall County Charles Nichols teacher in District 66, Hall County
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 G410 Gallup, H.; Teachers: Hall County H. Gallup teacher in District 6, Hall County
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 M252 Makinson, J.; Teachers: Hall County J. Makinson teacher in District 29, Hall County
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 A165 Avarne, J.M.; Teachers: Hall County J.M. Avarne teacher in District 4, Hall County
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 H543 Honnold, J.; Teachers: Hall County J. Honnold teacher in District 27, Hall County
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 S300 Scott, Lydia; Teachers: Hall County Lydia Scott teacher in District 22, Hall County
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 W420 Welsh, Mollie; Teachers: Hall County Mollie Welsh teacher in District 25, Hall County
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 M452 Mihaling, Mark; Teachers: Hall County Mark Mihaling teacher in District 3, Hall County
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 G451 Glanville, R.C.; Teachers: Hall County R.C. Glanville teacher in District 7, Hall County
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 T362 Teeters, C.A.; Teachers: Hall County C.A. Teeters teacher in District 56, Hall County
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 C462 Clark, Viola; Teachers: Hall County Viola Clark teacher in District 18, Hall County
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 E430 Elliott, John; Teachers: Hall County John Elliott teacher in District 39, Hall County
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 R200 Reaugh, Ella ; Teachers: Hall County Ella Reaugh teacher in District 33, Hall County
0538 04/25/1885 8 02 F520 Funk, H.E.; Teachers: Hall County H.E. Funk teacher in District 52, Hall County 0538 04/25/1885 8 02 A425 Allison, Homer; Teachers: Hall County Homer Allison teacher in District 25, Hall County 0538 04/25/1885 8 02 H530 Hunt, Fannie; Teachers: Hall County Fannie Hunt teacher in District 13, Hall County 0538 04/25/1885 8 02 W200 Weeks, Anna; Teachers: Hall County Anna Weeks teacher in District 51, Hall County 0538 04/25/1885 8 02 G430 Gillett, Ida; Teachers: Hall County Ida Gillett teacher in District 54, Hall County 0538 04/25/1885 8 02 G362 Goodrich, H.A.; Teachers: Hall County H.A. Goodrich teacher in District 14, Hall County 0538 04/25/1885 8 02 R520 Ring, Elsie; Teachers: Hall County Elsie Ring teacher in District 9, Hall County 0538 04/25/1885 8 02 R152 Robbins, Mary; Teachers: Hall County Mary Robbins teacher in District 32, Hall County 0538 04/25/1885 8 02 C200 Cook, May; Teachers: Hall County May Cook teacher in District 10, Hall County 0538 04/25/1885 8 02 H630 Hurd, Agnes; Teachers: Hall County Agnes Hurd teacher in District 63, Hall County 0538 04/25/1885 8 02 W300 White, Jennie S.; Teachers: Hall County Jennie S. White teacher in District 37, Hall County 0538 04/25/1885 8 02 P612 Probasco, Annie; Teachers: Hall County Annie Probasco teacher in District 62, Hall County 0538 04/25/1885 8 02 B600 Baer, Ella ; Teachers: Hall County Ella Baer teacher in District 68, Hall County 0538 04/25/1885 8 02 T512 Thompson, J.H.; Teachers: Hall County J.H. Thompson teacher in District 53, Hall County 0538 04/25/1885 8 02 C655 Crime and criminals - fraud: Hall County Man arrested for selling mortgaged property 0538 04/25/1885 8 03 F655 Firemen's Tournament: Grand Island Subscriptions being raised for Firemen's Tournament 0538 04/25/1885 8 03 000 : Juniata Juniata items in newspaper correspondence 0538 04/25/1885 8 03 S420 Schools: Juniata School term begins, schoolhouse being repaired 0538 04/25/1885 8 03 L525 Langjahn, A.H.; Harness shop: Juniata A.H. Langjahn starts up harness shop 0538 04/25/1885 8 03 A262 Agriculture: Juniata Price of corn 0538 04/25/1885 8 03 B624 Brick kiln: Juniata Establishment of brick kiln rumored 0538 04/25/1885 8 03 C462 Clark, (Mr.); Mill : Juniata Mr. Clark leases Hastings mill instead of purchasing it 0538 04/25/1885 8 03 D120 Davis, M.C.: Juniata M.C. Davis to hold auction sale 0538 04/25/1885 8 03 A262 Agriculture: Adams County Plowing for corn in progress 0538 04/25/1885 8 03 W434 Wildlife: Juniata Barn swallows come 0538 04/25/1885 8 03 C620 Church: Juniata Donation supper at church for benefit of preacher 0538 04/25/1885 8 03 B252 Business: Juniata Business very good 0538 04/25/1885 8 03 I526 Immigration: Juniata Prairie schooners continue to come 0538 04/25/1885 8 03 S615 Sherbondy, G.W.: Alda G.W. Sherbondy, former resident of Alda, writes letter to editor 0538 05/02/1885 1 01 D220 Disease: Kearney Case of smallpox 0538 05/02/1885 1 01 F655 Firemen's Tournament: Grand Island Success of Firemen's Tournament predicted 0538 05/02/1885 1 01 O150 Opium: Douglas County Omaha passes ordinance forbidding opium dens 0538 05/02/1885 1 01 U551 Union Pacific; Railroads: Loup City Union Pacific proposition regarding railroad bonds likely to be submitted 0538 05/02/1885 1 01 L524 Lincoln Cynosure; Newspaper: Lancaster County 0538 05/02/1885 1 01 G600 G.A.R.; Newspaper: Grand Island Partisan paper's support of the G.A.R. criticized 0538 05/02/1885 1 02 H235 Hastings Gazette Journal; Newspaper: Grand Island Criticism of Hastings Gazette Journal 0538 05/02/1885 1 02 000 : Grand Island Population ranking of Grand Island 0538 05/02/1885 1 03 K656 Kearney Era; Newspaper: Buffalo County 0538 05/02/1885 1 03 H622 Horses: Grand Island Horse races to attract good horses 0538 05/02/1885 1 05 N645 New Orleans Exposition: Letter from correspondent about New Orleans Exposition
0538 05/02/1885 4 01 R463 Railroads: Grand Island Freight rates reduced
0538 05/02/1885 4 01 D515 Doniphan Leader; Newspaper: Hall County
0538 05/02/1885 4 01 I526 Immigration: Grand Island Number of immigrant wagons increases
0538 05/02/1885 4 01 F652 Furnas, R.W.: Grand Island R.W. Furnas to speak at fair
0538 05/02/1885 4 01 R423 Real estate: Grand Island Real estate business increases in activity
0538 05/02/1885 4 01 O632 Ord Quiz; Newspaper: Valley County Enlargement of Ord Quiz
0538 05/02/1885 4 01 I526 Immigration: Immigration heavy into northwestern Nebraska
0538 05/02/1885 4 01 A262 Agriculture: Nebraska gains reputation for agriculture
0538 05/02/1885 4 01 E423 Electric Light; Newspaper: North Platte Establishment of The Electric Light newspaper in North Platte
0538 05/02/1885 4 01 W360 Weather: Hall County Hailstorm in Plum Creek
0538 05/02/1885 4 01 M460 Miller, (Dr.); Politics: Omaha Dr. Miller to distribute Democratic offices
0538 05/02/1885 4 01 O561 Omaha Republican; Newspaper: Douglas County
0538 05/02/1885 4 02 O615 Orphanage: Grand Island Orphans Home desired by the city of Grand Island
0538 05/02/1885 4 03 P526 Phonograph; Newspaper: St. Paul
0538 05/02/1885 5 01 000 : St. Paul St. Paul improves
0538 05/02/1885 5 01 C321 City government : Grand Island Grand Island is well governed
0538 05/02/1885 5 01 000 : Elba Elba grows in prominence
0538 05/02/1885 5 01 C321 City government: Omaha City debt of Omaha
0538 05/02/1885 5 01 N614 Norfolk News; Newspaper: Madison County
0538 05/02/1885 5 01 C655 Crime and criminals - domestic violence: Omaha Man sentenced for wife beating in Omaha
0538 05/02/1885 5 01 O632 Ord Journal; Newspaper: Valley County
0538 05/02/1885 5 02 P432 Politics: Wilber Republican postmaster appointed by Cleveland
0538 05/02/1885 5 03 K655 Kearney New Era; Newspaper: Buffalo County Kearney New Era, railroad newspaper, criticized
0538 05/02/1885 5 03 T610 Trapp, William L.G.: Wood River Wm. L.G. Trapp criticized for attacking Independent
0538 05/02/1885 5 03 V520 Van Wyck, (Sen.): Comment on Senator Van Wyck by Minnesota paper
0538 05/02/1885 5 04 T560 Tanner, C.H.; M: Hastings C.H. Tanner elopes with young woman
0538 05/02/1885 9 01 A262 Agriculture: Hall County Crops do well
0538 05/02/1885 9 01 T620 Trees: Hall County Trees do well
0538 05/02/1885 9 01 I225 Ice wagon: Grand Island Ice wagon makes regular trips
0538 05/02/1885 9 01 W412 Wolbach Brothers: Central City Wolbach Brothers establish branch store at Central City
0538 05/02/1885 9 01 M564 Memorial Day: Grand Island Plans made for Memorial Day observance
0538 05/02/1885 9 04 C526 Congregational Church; Congregational: Doniphan Congregational Church to have new pastor
0538 05/02/1885 9 04 B626 Burger, George (Infant M); B: Doniphan Son born to George Burger
0538 05/02/1885 9 04 B252 Business: Hansen Business conditions
0538 05/02/1885 9 04 A262 Agriculture: Hansen Corn rises in price
0538 05/02/1885 9 04 C212 Cheese factory: Hansen Hansen cheese factory to resume work
0538 05/02/1885 9 04 T620 Trees: Underwood Trees planted
0538 05/02/1885 9 04 B620 Bruce, Squire: Underwood Squire Bruce ill
0538 05/02/1885 9 04 H523 Homesteading: Hitchcock County
0538 05/02/1885 9 05 M623 Market reports : Grand Island
0538 05/02/1885 12 01 B435 Building: Grand Island
0538 05/02/1885 9 03 L260 Liquor: Juniata Barber shop to be used for saloon
0538 05/02/1885 9 03 A262 Agriculture: Juniata Truck gardens
0538 05/02/1885 9 03 L123 Livestock: Juniata
0538 05/02/1885 9 03 R463 Railroads: Juniata Iron rails being replaced by steel ones
0538 05/02/1885 9 03 A262 Agriculture: Juniata Corn planters
0538 05/02/1885 9 04 A262 Agriculture: Juniata Price high for potatoes
0538 05/02/1885 9 04 P326 Photography: Juniata Photograph tent in town
0538 05/02/1885 9 04 A262 Agriculture: Doniphan Condition of wheat
0538 05/02/1885 9 04 D220 Disease: Doniphan Mel Biedelman sick with scarlet fever
0538 05/02/1885 9 04 M220 Music: Doniphan Professional harp player
0538 05/02/1885 9 04 W360 Weather: Doniphan Storm damages
0538 05/02/1885 9 02 H213 Hospital: Grand Island New hospital to be built
0538 05/02/1885 9 02 J525 Jameson Block: Grand Island Elevator arrived
0538 05/02/1885 9 03 T620 Trees: Juniata Trees being set out
0538 05/02/1885 9 03 V265 Vagrants: Juniata Numerous tramps
0538 05/02/1885 9 03 B435 Building: Juniata New residences
0538 05/02/1885 9 03 C516 Campfire supper: Juniata Campfire supper
0538 05/02/1885 9 03 G600 G.A.R.; Organization: Juniata G.A.R. funds
0538 05/02/1885 9 03 W400 Wahl, T. (Mrs.): Juniata Mrs. T. Wahl seriously ill
0538 05/02/1885 9 03 E265 Egerman, John; D : Juniata
0538 05/02/1885 9 03 N645 New Orleans Exposition: Juniata Juniata people to attend Worlds Fair in New Orleans
0538 05/02/1885 9 02 J520 Joehnks, Henry; Bd: Grand Island Henry Joehnks celebrated 50th birthday
0538 05/02/1885 9 02 H622 Horses: Prairie Creek Perchan Norman Stallion, Folenbray imported
0538 05/02/1885 9 02 I531 Independent; Newspaper: Newspaper to put in new boiler
0538 05/02/1885 9 02 G514 Gamble, Horace: Grand Island Horace Gamble, paper hanger
0538 05/02/1885 9 02 B616 Barber shop: Grand Island Howells, barber shop
0538 05/02/1885 9 02 H622 Horses: Grand Island Horses for sale
0538 05/02/1885 9 02 B232 Boquet's Barn: Grand Island
0538 05/02/1885 9 02 N142 Nevills, P.; Liquor: Wood River P. Nevills granted liquor license
0538 05/02/1885 9 02 B260 Baker, (Mr.); Hotel: Grand Island Hotel business good
0538 05/02/1885 9 01 P362 Peterson, C.A.; Grist mill: Grand Island Grist mill owned by C.A. Peterson
0538 05/02/1885 9 01 P362 Peterson, C.A.; Sorghum refinery: Grand Island Sorghum refinery owned by C.A. Peterson
0538 05/02/1885 9 02 000 : Grand Island Human remains found
0538 05/02/1885 9 02 J400 Jail: Grand Island Jail break attempted
0538 05/02/1885 9 02 F620 Fairs: Hall County Premiums
0538 05/02/1885 9 02 P453 Planet Reller Mills: Grand Island John C. Schaupp and Son proprietors of Planet Reller Mills
0538 05/02/1885 9 02 S100 Schaupp, John C.: Grand Island John C. Schaupp & Son proprietors of Planet Reller Mills
0538 05/02/1885 9 02 C460 Cleary, James; Hardware: Grand Island James Cleary dealer in hardware
0538 05/02/1885 9 02 000 : North Loup Trunk weighing 800 pounds shipped in from Germany
0538 05/02/1885 9 02 L512 Lyon Post No. 11; Organization: Orders by G.A.R. Commander of Lyon Post No. 11
0538 05/02/1885 9 02 G600 G.A.R.; Organization: Orders by G.A.R. Commander of Lyon Post No. 11
0538 05/02/1885 9 01 B435 Building: Grand Island Building being removed on Front Street
0538 05/02/1885 9 01 S526 Shoemaker, Albert E. ; M: Grand Island Bride: Allie Reed
0538 05/02/1885 9 01 R300 Reed, Allie ; M: Grand Island Groom: Albert E. Shoemaker
0538 05/02/1885 9 01 C434 Caldwell, G.H.: Grand Island G.H. Caldwell, County Judge
0538 05/02/1885 9 01 K534 Kendall & Davis; Windmills: Grand Island Kendall & Davis, dealers in pumps and windmills
0538 05/02/1885 9 01 D510 Dunphy, P.; Saloon: Grand Island P. Dunphy putting in new bar
0538 05/02/1885 9 01 F655 Firemen's Tournament: Grand Island Funds being raised for Firemen's Tournament
0538 05/02/1885 9 01 B435 Building: Grand Island Houses being built
0538 05/02/1885 9 01 000 : Grand Island Price of flour
0538 05/02/1885 9 01 A262 Agriculture: Grand Island Plentiful supply of vegetables
0538 05/02/1885 9 01 A262 Agriculture: Hall County Corn being planted
0538 05/02/1885 9 01 W360 Weather: Hall County Storm occurs
0538 05/02/1885 9 01 H500 Hann, Henry; Music: Grand Island Open air concerts planned by Henry Hann
0538 05/02/1885 9 01 V265 Vagrants: Grand Island Vagrants put to work on streets
0538 05/02/1885 9 01 F620 Fairs: Fair premium list, an advertising medium
0538 05/02/1885 9 01 A262 Agriculture: Grand Island Potatoes high in price
0538 05/02/1885 12 02 L565 Lenerant, (Mr.); D: Juniata
0538 05/02/1885 12 02 S436 Slater, Gilbert; Ann: Alda Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Slater celebrate silver wedding anniversary
0538 05/02/1885 12 03 C541 Conley & Brewster: Grand Island Dissolution of Conley & Brewster firm
0538 05/02/1885 12 03 L123 Livestock: Hastings Cattle sale
0538 05/02/1885 12 03 L123 Livestock: Beatrice
0538 05/02/1885 12 01 V453 Valentine, Mr.: Grand Island Mr. Valentine is secretary of state fair
0538 05/02/1885 12 01 P142 Public utilities: Grand Island Grand Island city council meets to consider proposed new waterworks
0538 05/02/1885 12 02 J536 Juniata Herald; Newspaper: Juniata
0538 05/02/1885 12 02 B435 Building : Juniata Building of town having sideboards put on
0538 05/02/1885 12 02 B435 Building: Juniata Building booming
0538 05/02/1885 12 02 S420 Schools: Juniata Prospects of a writing school
0538 05/02/1885 12 02 W360 Weather: Juniata Rain
0538 05/02/1885 12 02 L123 Livestock: Juniata Ordinance prohibiting holding of hogs in town
0538 05/02/1885 12 02 A262 Agriculture: Juniata Corn planting
0538 05/02/1885 12 02 T620 Trees: Juniata Trees being set out
0538 05/02/1885 12 01 R423 Real estate: Jerome property for sale
0538 05/02/1885 12 01 R463 Railroads: North Loup North Loup to have new freight depot
0538 05/02/1885 12 01 A262 Agriculture: Grand Island Vegetables plentiful
0538 05/02/1885 12 01 E423 Electricity: Grand Island
0538 05/02/1885 12 01 M632 Murdock, Thomas W.; M: Grand Island Bride: Louise Lamkin
0538 05/02/1885 12 01 L525 Lamkin, Louise; M: Grand Island Groom: Thomas W. Murdock
0538 05/02/1885 12 01 E260 Ecker, George: Osceola Employed by Union Pacific
0538 05/02/1885 12 01 U551 Union Pacific; Railroads: Osceola Employee George Ecker
0538 05/02/1885 12 01 000 : Grand Island Beautification of town
0538 05/02/1885 12 01 V525 Von Wasmer Family; Organization: Grand Island Family reunion
0538 05/30/1885 11 04 H516 Humphrey, (Mr.): Doniphan
0538 05/30/1885 11 04 G362 Goodrich
0538 05/30/1885 11 04 G500 Gahan, M.J. (Dr.): Grand Island
0538 05/30/1885 11 04 D520 Denise, (Dr.): Omaha
0538 05/30/1885 11 04 M650 Merriam, (Dr.): Omaha
0538 05/30/1885 11 04 A130 Abbott, (Dr.): Fremont
0538 05/30/1885 11 04 M140 Mobley, Seth P.: Grand Island
0538 05/30/1885 11 04 K155 Kauffman, (Dr.): Omaha
0538 05/30/1885 11 04 L520 Link, (Dr.): Omaha
0538 05/30/1885 11 04 C636 Carter, (Dr.): Omaha
0538 05/30/1885 11 04 C623 Christensen, (Dr.): Grand Island
0538 05/30/1885 11 04 S536 Sanders, (Dr.): Grand Island
0538 05/30/1885 11 04 S315 Stevenson, (Dr.): Grand Island
0538 05/30/1885 11 04 B260 Baker, (Dr.): Grand Island
0538 05/30/1885 14 01 J525 Jamison, (Mr.): Grand Island
0538 05/30/1885 14 01 W256 Wasmer, Charles: Grand Island
0538 05/30/1885 14 01 C233 Castiday, (Mr.): Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 4 01 M460 Miller, (Dr.)
0538 06/06/1885 6 02 M140 Mobley
0538 06/06/1885 7 01 P430 Platt, (Judge): Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 7 01 P432 Politics: Notice of county political conventions to soon be in order
0538 06/06/1885 7 01 A450 Allan, John: Hall County John Allan, Clerk of Hall County Court
0538 06/06/1885 7 01 T415 Telephone: Grand Island Men from Omaha to raise telephone wires
0538 06/06/1885 7 01 F246 Fezler, (Mr.); Accident: Grand Island Mr. Fezler hurt when horses run away
0538 06/06/1885 7 01 F655 Fuehrman; Architect: Grand Island Architect Fuehrman in fight with contractor Guenther
0538 06/06/1885 7 01 G536 Guenther; Contractor: Grand Island Contractor Guenther in fight with architect Fuehrman
0538 06/06/1885 7 01 S315 Stebbins, G.P.; Real estate: Grand Island G.P. Stebbins bought lots while visiting in Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 7 01 000 : Grand Island Maniac on streets of Grand Island selling papers
0538 06/06/1885 7 01 E121 Episcopal Church; Episcopalian: Grand lsland Episcopal ladies to run an excursion to New York for benefit of church
0538 06/06/1885 7 02 M564 Memorial Day: Grand Island Grand Island resumes Decoration Day exercises
0538 06/06/1885 7 02 H400 Howell, C.L.: Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 7 02 C434 Caldwell, (Judge): Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 7 02 W452 Williams, George, (Rev.): Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 7 02 P516 Pemberton, (Mr.): Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 7 02 R500 Rhone, (Mrs.) : Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 7 02 P000 Pew, Lilly: Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 7 02 I615 Irving, (Mrs.): Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 7 02 L165 Liveringhouse, J.W.: Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 7 02 I615 Irving, F.: Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 7 02 H630 Hart, (Mr.): Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 7 02 R563 Reynard, (Mr.): Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 7 02 A130 Abbott, O.A., (Gov.)
0538 06/06/1885 7 02 L512 Lyon Post No. 11; Organization: Grand Island G.A.R. Lyon Post No. 11 headed procession on Memorial Day
0538 06/06/1885 7 02 V340 Voitle, Joseph; D: Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 7 02 H526 Huhinger, A.; D: Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 7 03 J400 Jail: Grand Island Tramps attempt to burn county jail
0538 06/06/1885 7 03 O540 O'Neil, Dave: Grand Island Dave O'Neil, deputy sheriff
0538 06/06/1885 9 01 E423 Electric Light Co.; Electricity: Grand Island Electric Light Co. has an excellent patronage
0538 06/06/1885 9 01 G626 Grocery: Grand Island New grocery store to be started
0538 06/06/1885 9 01 K656 Kramer, (Mrs.): Grand Island Sisters Mrs. Kramer and Mrs. S.N. Wolbach visiting
0538 06/06/1885 9 01 W412 Wolbach, S.N., (Mrs.): Grand Island Sisters Mrs. Kramer and Mrs. S.N. Wolbach visiting
0538 06/06/1885 9 01 W452 Williams, Flo; Disease: Grand Island Flo Williams, daughter of Rev. Williams, ill with rheumatism
0538 06/06/1885 9 01 C350 Cauton, William: Grand Island Mr. William Cauton lost dress coat between Grand Island and Varney schoolhouse
0538 06/06/1885 9 01 B623 Brogden, F.E.: Grand Island Grocery man F.E. Brogden called to bedside of his father at Waukegan, Illinois
0538 06/06/1885 9 01 G200 Giese, Henry: Grand Island Henry Giese had tumor removed, is getting along fine
0538 06/06/1885 9 01 B132 Baptist Church; Baptist: Grand Island Baptist Church to not hold services
0538 06/06/1885 9 01 R300 Reed, (Rev.): Grand Island Rev. Reed to preach sermon at Gibbon for graduating class
0538 06/06/1885 9 01 B355 Bateman, S.J.; County government: Grand Island Assessor S.J. Bateman returned books to county clerk
0538 06/06/1885 9 01 B630 Berth, (Prof.); Music: Grand Island Prof. Berth to erect Academy of Music
0538 06/06/1885 9 01 S363 Streets: Grand Island Grade being raised on east Third Street
0538 06/06/1885 9 01 W400 Woolley, Hattie: Grand Island Miss Hattie Wooley, New York City, teacher at Red Cloud, visited brother J.H. Wo
0538 06/06/1885 9 01 W400 Woolley, J.H.: Grand Island Miss Hattie Wooley, New York City, teacher at Red Cloud, visited brother J.H. Wo
0538 06/06/1885 9 01 G600 G.A.R.; Organization: Grand Island G.A.R. members of far west pass through Grand Island on Union Pacific on way to
0538 06/06/1885 9 01 J232 Justice & Peterson; Real estate: Grand Island Justice & Peterson sold lots
0538 06/06/1885 9 01 B620 Berg, Oloff R.; Real estate: Boone County Oloff R. Berg bought two lots
0538 06/06/1885 9 01 W452 Williams, (Rev.): Grand Island Rev. Williams and family to spend summer in Knox County
0538 06/06/1885 9 01 S352 Shooting gallery: Grand Island Shooting gallery attracting attention
0538 06/06/1885 9 01 H426 Hiliker, (Mrs.): Grand Island Mrs. Hiliker returned from two weeks visit at Des Moines, Iowa
0538 06/06/1885 9 01 M635 Martendale, Lafe; Pawn shop: Grand Island Lafe Martendale moved into pawn shop
0538 06/06/1885 9 01 W412 Wolbach, M.S.: Grand Island Wolbach purchased business property in Beatrice
0538 06/06/1885 9 01 R263 Richardson, S.S.: Grand Island S.S. Richardson returned from eastern tour of state
0538 06/06/1885 9 01 G362 Goodrich, Emma: Grand Island Miss Emma Goodrich to spend vacation with father and brother in Custer, Colorado
0538 06/06/1885 9 01 G536 Guenthers, Charley: Grand Island Charley Guenthers receives belt and medal
0538 06/06/1885 9 01 F655 Fuehrman, (Prof.): Grand Island Prof. Fuehrman put to flight
0538 06/06/1885 9 01 M341 Mutual Benefit Association; Organization: Grand Island Mutual Benefit Association receiving a number of applications
0538 06/06/1885 9 01 H426 Hilliker: Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 9 01 C623 Christiansen, (Dr.): Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 9 01 H430 Held, H.C.: Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 9 01 P430 Platt, (Mr.): Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 9 01 B400 Ball, (Mr.): Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 9 01 M635 Martin, (Mr.): Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 9 01 M610 Murphy, (Mr.): Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 9 01 T220 Taxes: Grand Island Assessed valuation of real estate
0538 06/06/1885 9 01 B520 Banks; Livery barn: Grand Island Banks treated livery barn to paint
0538 06/06/1885 9 02 H145 Heffleman, Ida: Grand Island Miss Ida Heffleman to leave for California to spend summer
0538 06/06/1885 9 02 P360 Potter, Lou C., (Miss): Grand Island Miss Lou C. Potter to spend vacation in Michigan
0538 06/06/1885 9 02 E232 Estes, Bert; Barker & Hart; Pharmacy: Grand Island Bert Estes to have charge of Barker & Hart drug store
0538 06/06/1885 9 02 H625 Harrison, (Judge); Real estate: Grand Island Judge Harrison sold resident property; to build suburban residence
0538 06/06/1885 9 02 B650 Brown, L.C., (Mrs.): Grand Island Mrs. L.C. Brown to go to old home in Michigan to improve health
0538 06/06/1885 9 02 C462 Clark, (Mr.); Clark & Hayden: Grand Island Mr. Clark of Clark & Hayden Collection Agents returned from Omaha
0538 06/06/1885 9 02 C462 Clark, (Mr.): Grand Island Mr. Clark laid up with broken leg
0538 06/06/1885 9 02 M231 McTivrin, Eva; Teachers: Grand Island Miss Eva McTivrin, Nebraska City, elected teacher at Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 9 02 W300 Watt, Minnie; Teachers: Grand Island Miss Minnie Watt, Lima, Ohio, elected teacher at Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 9 02 S612 Serviss, Cly, (Miss); Teachers: Grand Island Miss Cly Serviss elected teacher at Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 9 02 B615 Bravinder, Minnie; Teachers: Grand Island Miss Minnie Bravinder elected teacher at Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 9 02 G451 Glanville, Elizabeth; Teachers: Grand Island Miss Elizabeth Glanville, Normal, Illinois, elected teacher at Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 9 02 J525 Johnson, Ella M.; Teachers: Grand Island Miss Ella M. Johnson, St. Paul, elected teacher at Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 9 02 W426 Walker, Jas; North Side School: Grand Island Jas Walker janitor of North Side School
0538 06/06/1885 9 02 C622 Churches: Grand Island Churches are poorest public buildings
0538 06/06/1885 9 02 L365 Lutheran Church; Lutheran: Grand Island Lutheran congregation needs new church
0538 06/06/1885 9 02 C342 Catholic Church; Catholic: Grand Island Catholics have inadequate quarters for congregation
0538 06/06/1885 9 02 A262 Agriculture: Nebraska boasting of excellent cereal crop
0538 06/06/1885 9 02 B600 Barr, (Mrs.): Grand Island Mrs. Barr lost purse containing five dollars
0538 06/06/1885 9 02 B630 Berth, (Prof.); Music: Grand Island Prof. Berth to have charge of singers going to Lincoln to attend Sa+N1050ngerfes
0538 06/06/1885 9 02 I162 Iowa Press Association; Organization: Grand Island Iowa Press Assn. to spend one hour in Grand Island on tour west
0538 06/06/1885 9 02 L200 Laws: New law abolishing grand jury went into effect
0538 06/06/1885 9 02 B252 Business: Grand Island Business quiet; farmers busy
0538 06/06/1885 9 02 E121 Episcopal Church; Episcopalian: Grand Island Episcopal Church fair successful
0538 06/06/1885 9 02 T262 Teachers: Grand Island School Board held election of teachers
0538 06/06/1885 9 02 M242 McLaughlin, Wm., (Mrs.); Teachers : Grand Island Mrs. Wm. McLaughlin elected by school board as a teacher
0538 06/06/1885 9 02 W320 Watts, Vina; Teachers: Grand Island Miss Vina Watts, St. Paul, elected teacher at Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 9 03 W420 Wells, Lizzie; Accident: Grand Island Domestic, Miss Lizzie Wells, cut arteries in wrist by glass; wound dressed by Dr
0538 06/06/1885 9 03 G500 Gahan, (Dr.): Grand Island Domestic, Miss Lizzie Wells, cut arteries in wrist by glass; wound dressed by Dr
0538 06/06/1885 9 03 S315 Stevenson, (Dr.): Grand Island Domestic, Miss Lizzie Wells, cut arteries in wrist by glass; wound dressed by Dr
0538 06/06/1885 9 03 D200 Dogs: Grand Island Warning to owners of worthless curs
0538 06/06/1885 9 03 S500 Schwynn, John; Bookkeeper: Grand Island John Schwynn, bookkeeper for Wolbach Brothers, purchases new residence
0538 06/06/1885 9 03 H625 Harrison, (Judge); Real estate: Grand Island Judge Harrison sold residence to John Schwynn
0538 06/06/1885 9 03 H160 Hooper, Will (Infant M); B: Grand Island Will Hooper is father of ten pound son
0538 06/06/1885 9 03 H630 Howard, "Grandpa": Grand Island Mr.Howard becomes grandfather
0538 06/06/1885 9 02 E121 Episcopal Church; Episcopalian: Grand Island Episcopalians need new church
0538 06/06/1885 9 03 K450 Killan, (Mr.); Accident: Grand Island Mr. Killan, manager of electric light works, received bad shock
0538 06/06/1885 9 03 M200 Muzzy, (Mr.); Accident: Grand Island Mr. Muzzy's four-year-old daughter kicked by horse, badly injured
0538 06/06/1885 9 03 C654 Cornelius, (Mr.); Accident: Grand Island Mr. Cornelius's son was leading horse that kicked four-year-old girl
0538 06/06/1885 9 03 S365 Stringfellow, (Dr.); Physician: Grand Island Dr. Stringfellow attended to care of Mr. Muzzy's daughter kicked by horse
0538 06/06/1885 9 03 A536 Anderson, Jack; Disease: Grand Island Very sick boy afflicted with inflammation of bowels to be taken to Council Bluff
0538 06/06/1885 9 03 D655 Drening, M.S.; Crime and criminals - robbery: Grand Island Plow stolen from M.S. Drening
0538 06/06/1885 9 03 R463 Railroads: Railroad rates from Grand Island to Omaha reduced
0538 06/06/1885 9 03 J400 Jail: Grand Island Board of Supervisors to make improvements about county jail building
0538 06/06/1885 9 03 M242 Michelson, James; Building: Grand Island Michelson received carload of pressed brick for new building
0538 06/06/1885 9 04 M610 Murphy, M.; Photography: Grand Island M. Murphy, photographer
0538 06/06/1885 9 04 N140 Nabel, Fred; Baker & confectioner: Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 9 04 C654 Cornelius & Kraft; Coal dealers: Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 9 04 W362 Wethers & Kolls; Dry goods: Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 9 04 D400 Dell, J. Elmer; Confectioner: Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 9 04 C255 Cushman, A.J.; Furniture: Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 9 04 E425 Elsner & Heesch; Grocery: Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 9 04 L365 Lederman, A.C.; Hardware: Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 9 04 T512 Thompson, O.B.; Insurance: Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 9 04 V545 Van Allen, F.M.; Jewelry: Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 9 04 D236 Dexter & Shanstrom; Clothing: Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 9 04 G355 Goodman, Boque & Sherwood Co.; Lumber: Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 9 04 B260 Baker, H.H.; Commercial House: Grand Island H.H. Baker, proprietor of Commercial House
0538 06/06/1885 9 04 K534 Kendall & Davis; Marble: Grand Island Kendall & Davis, agent for Hastings Marble Works
0538 06/06/1885 9 04 S431 Schlotfeldt; Cigars: Grand Island Schlotfeldt, cigar dealer
0538 06/06/1885 9 04 T522 Thomas & Co.; Grocery: Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 9 04 M450 Mullen, J.H.; Books & paper: Grand Island Paper, book and decorative store
0538 06/06/1885 9 04 H240 Hackley, (Mrs.); Hairdresser: Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 9 04 H514 Hahn & Boehl; Farm implements: Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 9 04 C536 C.A. Anderson & Co.; Clothing: Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 9 04 C255 Cushman, A.J.; Mortician: Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 9 04 L200 Lykke, C.E.; Stables: Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 9 05 J525 Johnson, Doc; Barber : Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 9 05 B350 Bayden, Henry; Pharmacy: Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 9 05 W230 West, W.H.; Shoes: Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 9 05 S361 Stuhr Brothers; Meat market: Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 9 05 R423 Real estate: Grand Island Legal notice to non-resident owners of Lot 8, Block 2
0538 06/06/1885 9 05 P400 Powell, L.S.: Grand Island L.S. Powell serves legal notice
0538 06/06/1885 9 05 T541 Thummel & Platte; Attorneys: Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 9 05 H550 Hyman, Cornelia J.: Hyman has legal notice brought against her and other non-residents of lots
0538 06/06/1885 9 05 W422 Wilgocki, A.F.: Wilgocki has legal notice brought against him and other non-residents of lots
0538 06/06/1885 9 05 K426 Killiker, Thomas: Killiker has legal notice brought against him and other non-residents of lots
0538 06/06/1885 9 05 R423 Real estate: Bloomington Final Proof Notice of Land Office
0538 06/06/1885 12 01 C514 Campbell, Frank: Grand Island Frank Campbell returned from trip through Kansas
0538 06/06/1885 12 01 W360 Weather: Grand Island June came in red hot and heat is strengthening
0538 06/06/1885 12 01 T516 Temperance: Grand Island Temperance meeting held at Methodist Church
0538 06/06/1885 12 01 M332 Methodist Church; Methodist: Grand Island Temperance meeting held at Methodist Church
0538 06/06/1885 12 01 S315 Stevenson, (Dr.): Grand Island Dr. and Mrs. Stevenson returned from visit with friends at Des Moines
0538 06/06/1885 12 01 C522 Census: Grand Island Census enumerator began
0538 06/06/1885 12 01 B652 Barnes, Eli A.; Census: Grand Island Eli A. Barnes, census enumerator
0538 06/06/1885 12 01 S363 Streets: Grand Island Grand Island streets will be in bad shape because of so much construction
0538 06/06/1885 12 01 L165 Liveringhouse, J.W.: Grand Island J.W. Liveringhouse and wife will go on G.A.R. excursion to Portland, Maine
0538 06/06/1885 12 01 A262 Agriculture: Grand Island Unprecedented fruit crop
0538 06/06/1885 12 02 W500 Winn, (Mr.): Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 12 01 B350 Bayden, Henry: Grand Island Henry Bayden presented with specimens from New Mexico
0538 06/06/1885 12 01 S163 Sports: Grand Island Baseball club to be organized
0538 06/06/1885 12 01 C321 City government: Grand Island Board of town editors results
0538 06/06/1885 12 01 B355 Bateman, S.J.: Grand Island Mr. S.J. Bateman, assessor
0538 06/06/1885 12 01 C655 Crime and criminals - vandalism: Grand Island Scoundrels who destroyed Mr. Michelson's trees should be found out
0538 06/06/1885 12 01 000 : Grand Island Board of Supervisors in session
0538 06/06/1885 12 01 B650 Bryan, L.M.; Books : Grand Island L.M. Bryan, bookseller
0538 06/06/1885 12 02 C321 City government: Grand Island City council held special meeting concerning taxes
0538 06/06/1885 12 02 T220 Taxes: Grand Island City council held special meeting concerning taxes
0538 06/06/1885 12 02 R452 Rawlings, C.L.; Building: Grand Island C.L. Rawlins building addition to residence
0538 06/06/1885 12 02 C155 Chapman, H.C.: Grand Island H.C. Chapman at Sidney on business