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News Extraction
NSHS Newspaper Extractions: Code 0538 GRAND ISLAND INDEPENDENT
Code Date (m/d/y) Pg Col SNDX Extraction
0538 06/06/1885 12 02 M262 McGeorge, (Mr.): Grand Island Painted ironing board in demand
0538 06/06/1885 12 02 H325 Hutchinson, Charles; Horses: Grand Island Charles Hutchinson purchased Kentucky mare for races
0538 06/06/1885 12 02 T262 Teachers: Grand Island All teachers engaged by Grand Island Board of Education required to have 1st gra
0538 06/06/1885 12 02 C656 Creamery Co.; Creamery: Grand Island Creamery Co. shipped 1600 pounds of butter to Denver City
0538 06/06/1885 12 02 C632 Courthouse: Grand Island Courthouse interior improved by painting
0538 06/06/1885 12 02 R152 Robinson, James; Building: Grand Island James Robinson to build new residence
0538 06/06/1885 12 02 D550 Dunham, (Mr.); Building: Grand Island Mr. Dunham to build new residence
0538 06/06/1885 12 02 C513 Compton, J.: Grand Island Mr. and Mrs. J. Compton returned from Aurora
0538 06/06/1885 12 02 C513 Compton, J.: Grand Island Mr. and Mrs. J. Compton to work at Jordan House
0538 06/06/1885 12 02 J635 Jordan, (Capt.): Grand Island Capt. Jordan is having Mr. and Mrs. J. Compton work for him
0538 06/06/1885 12 02 H426 Hilliker, (Mr.): Grand Island Mr. Hilliker received letter from D. Kennedy
0538 06/06/1885 12 02 K530 Kennedy, D.: Grand Island D. Kennedy, Union Pacific train dispatcher, on 60-day furlough
0538 06/06/1885 12 02 G342 Gettles, (Mrs.): Grand Island Inmates of resort took poison but still alive
0538 06/06/1885 12 02 O314 Odd Fellows; Organization: Grand Island Odd Fellows held regular meeting and election of officers
0538 06/06/1885 12 02 S420 Schools: Grand Island Board of Education meeting
0538 06/06/1885 12 02 M460 Miller, Los; Crime and criminals - stealing: Grand Island Los Miller charged with horse stealing; case before District Court
0538 06/06/1885 12 02 S420 Schools: Grand Island Examinations given and school closed
0538 06/06/1885 12 02 R263 Richardson, L.E.; Accident: Grand Island L.E. Richardson seriously injured when horses run away dragging him
0538 06/06/1885 12 02 G653 Grand Island Business College; College: Grand Island Giving special premiums for essays
0538 06/06/1885 12 02 H622 Hargis, A.M.; Grand Island Business College; College: Grand Island A.M. Hargis, Secretary of Grand Island Business College
0538 06/06/1885 12 02 R352 Reuting, Henry: Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 12 02 H200 Haux, Charles L.: Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 12 02 A425 Alexander, John: Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 12 02 A450 Allan, John: Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 12 02 B355 Bateman, S.J.: Grand Island
0538 06/06/1885 12 02 G362 Goodrich, Emma
0538 06/06/1885 12 02 G630 Garrett, Fannie
0538 06/06/1885 12 02 H145 Heffleman, Ida
0538 06/06/1885 12 02 L510 Lamb, May
0538 06/06/1885 12 02 J525 Jensen, (Prof.)
0538 06/06/1885 12 02 M640 Merrell, (Miss)
0538 06/13/1885 1 01 S633 Swartwood, W.O.; Crime and criminals - embezzlement: Silver Creek W.O. Swartwood, Silver Creek postmaster, arrested for embezzlement
0538 06/13/1885 1 01 I531 Independent; Newspaper: Grand Island Newspaper has 14 pages
0538 06/13/1885 1 01 F520 Finch; Post Office: Lincoln Finch appointed postmaster at Lincoln
0538 06/13/1885 1 02 K420 Kellog, Chester B.; D: Beatrice Chester B. Kellog found dead from heart disease
0538 06/13/1885 1 02 O561 Omaha & Republican Valley R.R.; Railroads: Howard Co. to hold election for consideration of $20,000 bond to aid Omaha & Rep
0538 06/13/1885 1 02 T220 Taxes: Hall County Tax levy
0538 06/13/1885 1 02 H160 Hooper, (Mr.); County government: Hall County Mr. Hooper, county treasurer
0538 06/13/1885 1 02 R463 Railroad Commission; Railroads: Railroad Commission in control of railroad companies
0538 06/13/1885 1 02 G600 Gere, C.H.; Railroad Commission; Railroads: Lincoln C.H. Gere, Railroad Commissioner
0538 06/13/1885 1 02 B200 Buschow, Charles; Railroad Commission; Railroads: Red Cloud Charles Buschow, Railroad Commissioner
0538 06/13/1885 1 02 C360 Cowdry, Ben; Railroad Commission; Railroads: Columbus Ben Cowdry, Railroad Commissioner
0538 06/13/1885 1 03 L160 Leubrie, D.: Grand Island D. Leubrie, staff correspondent of Chicago InterOcean, came to Grand Island to w
0538 06/13/1885 4 11 C655 Crime and criminals - burglary: Omaha Burglars prowling around and making raids
0538 06/13/1885 4 01 B163 Beveridge, C.C.; Crime and criminals: C.C. Beveridge, crook in Fremont, Omaha, and Wahoo, captured at Detroit
0538 06/13/1885 4 01 R236 Rosewater, E.: Omaha E. Rosewater, of Omaha Bee News, plaintiff for libel suit
0538 06/13/1885 4 01 O561 Omaha Republican; Newspaper: Omaha Omaha Republic newspaper wrestling with libel suit
0538 06/13/1885 4 01 B435 Building: Grand Island No other village, town or city has as much building as Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 4 01 P536 Paynter, John J.: Omaha John J. Paynter, proprietor of Occidental Hotel in Omaha, waylaid and slugged by
0538 06/13/1885 4 01 E423 Electric Light Co.; Electricity: Grand Island Electric Light Co. has invested large amount in plant
0538 06/13/1885 4 01 T220 Taxes: Grand Island Tax levy assessment for following year
0538 06/13/1885 4 01 000 : Grand Island Excursionists from Iowa visiting at Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 4 01 R463 Railroad House: Grand Island Railroad House served supper to Iowa excursionists
0538 06/13/1885 4 02 C535 Continental Railway Company; Railroads: Consideration of road by committee
0538 06/13/1885 4 02 R463 Railroads: St. Paul Railroad to St. Paul favored by Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 4 02 S400 Sohl, Conrad; Suicide: Douglas County Conrad Sohl, farmer and wife beater, attempted suicide by hanging but rescued by
0538 06/13/1885 4 02 S420 Schools: Grand Island Physiology and hygiene to be taught in Grand Island public schools
0538 06/13/1885 4 02 A262 Agriculture: Nebraska farmers jubilant over prospects for cereal crops
0538 06/13/1885 4 02 B564 B & M Railroad; Railroads: B & M Railroad soon to have an independent line from Chicago to Salt Lake City
0538 06/13/1885 4 06 P362 Peterson & Pederson: Grand Island Peterson & Pederson dissolving their business
0538 06/13/1885 4 06 P362 Peterson, M.J.; Peterson & Pederson: Grand Island M.J. Peterson dissolving business with J.C. Pederson
0538 06/13/1885 4 06 P362 Pederson, J.C.; Peterson & Pederson: Grand Island J.C. Pederson dissolving business with M.J. Peterson, to continue business alone
0538 06/13/1885 5 01 H160 Hooper, (Mr.); County government: Hall County Hooper, Hall County Treasurer, busy closing books for year
0538 06/13/1885 5 01 H625 Harrison & Reef; Building: Grand Island Building brick blocks on their lots
0538 06/13/1885 5 01 M240 Michael, W.H.; Building: Grand Island Building brick blocks on his lots
0538 06/13/1885 5 01 H214 Hockafellow, J.G.; Meat market: Grand Island J.G. Hockafellow to start meat market in Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 5 01 W320 Watts, Vina; Teachers: St. Paul Miss Vina Watts closed school and visiting in Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 5 01 G500 Gahan, (Dr.): Grand Island Dr. and Mrs. Gahan have her sister, Miss Vina Watts, visiting them from St. Paul
0538 06/13/1885 5 01 W300 White, Jay, (Mrs.): Grand Island Mrs. Jay White has her sister, Miss Vina Watts, of St. Paul, visiting her
0538 06/13/1885 5 01 M460 Moeller, (Dr.); Veterinary: Grand Island Dr. Moeller had coat stolen
0538 06/13/1885 5 01 C655 Crime and criminals - stealing: Grand Island Dr. Moeller, veterinarian, had coat stolen
0538 06/13/1885 5 01 I531 Independent; Newspaper: Grand Island Grand Island Independent received new lot of job printing
0538 06/13/1885 5 01 M220 Music: Lincoln German Sangerfest to begin June 231
0538 06/13/1885 5 01 K655 Kernohan, J.P.: Grand Island J.P. Kernohan removed family to his farm for the summer
0538 06/13/1885 5 01 N632 North Side School; Schools: Grand Island School Board to provide drain for grounds on North Side School
0538 06/13/1885 5 01 F655 Firemen's Tournament: Grand Island Firemen's Tournament to be held at fairgrounds
0538 06/13/1885 5 01 G340 Gettle, (Mrs.): Grand Island Mrs. Gettle's inmate arrested and taken home by Lincoln attorney
0538 06/13/1885 5 01 S322 St. Cecillia Musicale; Music: Grand Island St. Cecillia Musicale has been organized
0538 06/13/1885 5 01 S125 Schaupp's Mills: Grand Island Schaupp's Mills closed for week for necessary repairs
0538 06/13/1885 5 01 E423 Electric Light Co.; Electricity: Grand Island Electric Light Co. running thirty-five 2000-candle power lights about city
0538 06/13/1885 5 01 I531 Independence Day: Aurora Aurora to celebrate Fourth of July
0538 06/13/1885 5 01 M200 Muzzy, (Mr.); Accident: Grand Island Mr. Muzzy's child improving from shock caused by kicking horse
0538 06/13/1885 5 01 K620 Kersh, John: Grand Island Mr. and Mrs. John Kersh return from extended visit in Iowa
0538 06/13/1885 5 02 H524 Hensley: Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 5 02 B600 Barr, (Prof.): Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 5 02 R500 Rhone, (Rev.): Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 5 01 R152 Robinson, W.E., (Mrs.): Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 5 01 H426 Hilliker, (Mrs.): Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 5 02 W400 Wooley, (Mrs.): Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 5 01 F260 Fisher, (Mrs.): Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 5 01 H630 Howard, Emma: Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 5 01 H630 Howard, Maggie: Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 5 01 H145 Heffleman, Ida: Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 5 02 V620 Vieregg, Melvina: Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 5 02 W452 Williams, George, (Rev.): Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 5 02 C434 Caldwell, (Mrs.): Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 5 02 J525 Jansen, (Prof.): Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 5 02 S536 Sanders, Lucy; Graduation: Grand Island Miss Lucy Sanders graduate of class of 1885
0538 06/13/1885 5 02 B534 Bentley, Arthur F.; Graduation: Grand Island Arthur F. Bentley graduate of class of 1885
0538 06/13/1885 5 02 M250 Maxon, Lura F.; Graduation: Grand Island Miss Lura F. Maxon graduate of class of 1885
0538 06/13/1885 5 02 S530 Smith, Maud E.; Graduation: Grand Island Miss Maud E. Smith graduate of class of 1885
0538 06/13/1885 5 02 W350 Whitney, Gertrude E.; Graduation: Grand Island Miss Gertrude E. Whitney is valedictorian of class of 1885
0538 06/13/1885 5 02 R452 Rawlins, Charles; Masons; Organization: Grand Island Masonic Banquet well attended; Charles Rawlins was master of ceremonies
0538 06/13/1885 5 02 G653 Grand Island High School; Graduation: Grand Island Commencement exercises of the class of 1885
0538 06/13/1885 5 02 M425 Melisen, Charlie; Graduation: Grand Island Charlie Melisen is salutatorian of the class of 1885
0538 06/13/1885 5 02 V620 Vieregg, Melvina; Graduation: Grand Island Miss Melvina Vieregg graduate of class of 1885
0538 06/13/1885 5 02 R563 Reynard, S.B.: Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 5 02 R563 Reynard, James: Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 5 02 B250 Bacon, Fred: Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 5 01 R563 Reynard, (Mrs.): Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 5 03 H241 H.H. Glover & Co.: Grand Island Going out of business advertisement by H.H. Glover & Co.
0538 06/13/1885 6 01 F623 First National Bank; Banks: Ord First National Bank opened June 1, 1885
0538 06/13/1885 6 01 W360 Weather: Hastings Storm causes much damage in Hastings and vicinity
0538 06/13/1885 6 01 U551 Union Pacific; Railroads: Fairbury Fairbury expects boom when Union Pacific extends branch to city
0538 06/13/1885 6 01 L365 Lutheran Church; Lutheran: Omaha Next session of general synod to be held
0538 06/13/1885 6 01 C535 Continental Railway Company; Railroads: Splendid equipment of road for freight only
0538 06/13/1885 6 02 M235 McDonald, Frank M.; D: Omaha Frank M. McDonald of Nebraska Watchman died of stomach cancer
0538 06/13/1885 7 01 I160 Iver, Charles; Saloon: Grand Island Charles Iver painted saloon red
0538 06/13/1885 7 01 S532 Sandkrog Park; Parks: Grand Island Sandkrog Park is an attractive pleasure resort
0538 06/13/1885 7 01 O632 Ord City Bank; Banks: Ord Ord City Bank changed to First National Bank
0538 06/13/1885 7 01 F623 First National Bank; Banks: Ord Ord City Bank changed to First National Bank
0538 06/13/1885 7 01 U551 Union Pacific; Railroads: Union Pacific rushing cattle over road
0538 06/13/1885 7 01 S530 Smith, Flo: Grand Island Miss Flo Smith recovered from severe attack of rheumatism
0538 06/13/1885 7 01 B435 Building: Grand Island Several new residences going up
0538 06/13/1885 7 01 H160 Hooper, Will ; Building: Grand Island Will Hooper erected new windmill and tower or residence
0538 06/13/1885 7 01 B564 B & M Railroad; Railroads: B & M Railroad runs refrigerator car on Wednesday for fruit shippers
0538 06/13/1885 7 01 F631 Fire Department: Grand Island North Side fire house fixed up
0538 06/13/1885 7 01 G342 Gettles, (Mrs.): Grand Island Inmate recovering from convulsions
0538 06/13/1885 7 01 S363 Streets : Grand Island Street supervisor has improved streets
0538 06/13/1885 7 01 B564 B & M Railroad; Railroads: Grand Island B & M Railroad surfacing yards
0538 06/13/1885 7 01 A450 Allwine, H.W.: Chicago Mr. H.W. Allwine, Chicago, shipped household goods over B & M Railroad to make G
0538 06/13/1885 7 01 S163 Sports: Platte Center Sparring match, purse given
0538 06/13/1885 7 01 M260 Mosier, Walter; Sports: Lincoln Walter Mosier to box in sparring match
0538 06/13/1885 7 01 C600 Corey, S.D.; Sports: Platte Center S.D. Corey to box in sparring match
0538 06/13/1885 7 01 A235 Austin, James; Sports: Platte Center James Austin a second for sparring match
0538 06/13/1885 7 01 L512 Lyon Post No. 11; Organization: Grand Island G.A.R. Lyon Post extends thanks to Womens Relief Corps, Fire Department and citi
0538 06/13/1885 7 01 W552 Womens Relief Corps; Organization: Grand Island G.A.R. Lyon Post extends thanks to Womens Relief Corps for interest and aid on M
0538 06/13/1885 7 01 F631 Fire Department: Grand Island G.A.R. Lyon Post extends thanks to Fire Department for interest and aid on Memor
0538 06/13/1885 7 01 V535 Vantine, (Supt.): Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 7 01 B600 Barr, (Prof.): Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 7 01 P516 Pemberton, W.D.: Grand Island W.D. Pemberton, Post Adjutant
0538 06/13/1885 7 01 T262 Teachers: Hall County Hall County Teachers Institute to be held in Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 7 01 D655 Drummond, (Prof.); Teachers: Plattsmouth Prof. Drummond instructor for following year
0538 06/13/1885 7 01 U551 Union Pacific; Railroads: Grand Island Enormous amount of freight handled by Union Pacific
0538 06/13/1885 7 02 C632 Courthouse: Grand Island Courthouse having wood floor placed there
0538 06/13/1885 7 02 A262 Agriculture: Grand Island Crops in most promising condition
0538 06/13/1885 7 02 A262 Agriculture: Grand Island Tons and tons of grapes
0538 06/13/1885 7 02 T612 Tarbox, (Mr.); Building: Grand Island Mr. Tarbox building addition to residence
0538 06/13/1885 7 02 G653 Grand Island Business College; Business College: Grand Island Grand Island Business College already has sixty scholars
0538 06/13/1885 7 02 S610 Scarf, C.F.: Grand Island Mr. and Mrs. C.F. Scarf to join G.A.R. excursion
0538 06/13/1885 7 03 H500 Hann, J.: Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 7 03 V620 Vieregg, Hy: Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 7 02 M460 Miller, (Dr.); Dentist: Grand Island Dr. Miller returned from trip home to New York
0538 06/13/1885 7 02 B660 Brewery: Grand Island Brewery having new delivery truck made
0538 06/13/1885 7 02 S363 Stratmann, Henry; Brewery: Grand Island Henry Stratmann building new delivery truck for brewery
0538 06/13/1885 7 02 W230 West, J.O.: Grand Island Mr. J.O. West to leave on National Encampment G.A.R. Excursion
0538 06/13/1885 7 02 G600 G.A.R.; Organization: Grand Island Announcement to those wishing to give money for National Encampment Excursion
0538 06/13/1885 7 02 E200 Eich, John; Crime and criminals - stealing: Grand Island John Eich fined and put in jail for stealing watch from Foley's saloon
0538 06/13/1885 7 02 B400 Bell, Clarence: Wood River Clarence Bell, cashier at Wood River Bank, visiting brother George at Grand Isla
0538 06/13/1885 7 02 B400 Bell, George; Building: Grand Island George Bell building new residence
0538 06/13/1885 7 02 S324 St. Clair, (Mr.); B & M Railroad; Railroads: Mr. St. Clair is newly appointed Democrat to handle U.S. mail on B & M between G
0538 06/13/1885 7 02 L512 Lyon Post No. 11 Auxilliary Corps; Organization: Grand Island Ladies in the Auxilliary Corp of Lyon Post No. 11 give thanks to Mr. J.H. Woolle
0538 06/13/1885 7 02 W400 Woolley, J.H.: Grand Island J. W. Woolley given thanks by Ladies Auxilliary Corps for use of skating rink
0538 06/13/1885 7 02 B564 B & M Railroad; Railroads: B & M Railroad putting air brakes on stock cars
0538 06/13/1885 7 02 T415 Telephone: Grand Island Warning about use of telephone during electrical storm
0538 06/13/1885 7 02 D520 Dings, (Mr.); Telephone: Grand Island Mr. Dings, manager of telephone exchange
0538 06/13/1885 7 02 L160 Leubrie, D.; Business: Grand Island D. Leubrie, staff correspondent of Chicago InterOcean, visiting Grand Island con
0538 06/13/1885 7 03 C622 Circus: Grand Island Interesting announcements of circus coming
0538 06/13/1885 7 03 H521 Hanns Park; Parks: Grand Island Old Settlers hold picnic at Hanns Park
0538 06/13/1885 7 03 O432 Old Settlers; Organization: Grand Island Large attendance, enjoyable time for Old Settlers at picnic in Hanns Park
0538 06/13/1885 7 03 H300 Hedde, Fred: Grand Island Fred Hedde entertained old settlers at picnic
0538 06/13/1885 7 03 D512 Dunphy's New Sample Room: Grand Island Dunphy's New Sample Room opened to public
0538 06/13/1885 9 01 S163 Sports: Grand Island Fishing is all the rage
0538 06/13/1885 9 01 C364 Cothrell: Grand Island Cothrell has new show case
0538 06/13/1885 9 01 G623 Grist mill: Grand Island Grist mill to commence operations soon
0538 06/13/1885 9 01 B564 B & M Railroad; Railroads: Grand Island B & M Railroad doing good business
0538 06/13/1885 9 01 H200 Hawk, (Dr.): Grand Island Dr. Hawk and family occupying house vacated by Rev. F.D. Reed
0538 06/13/1885 9 01 R300 Reed, F.D., (Rev.): Grand Island Rev. Reed vacated residence, now occupied by Dr. Hawk and family
0538 06/13/1885 9 01 S420 Schools: Grand Island Schoolyards being fixed by janitors
0538 06/13/1885 9 01 G600 G.A.R.; Organization: Grand Island Union Pacific rates for G.A.R. Excursion announced
0538 06/13/1885 9 01 C632 Courts : Grand jury system gone out in Nebraska
0538 06/13/1885 9 01 T540 Thummel, George H.: Grand Island George Thummel has good single seat top carriage for sale
0538 06/13/1885 9 01 E121 Episcopal Church; Episcopalian: Grand Island Episcopal Church to hold services Sunday
0538 06/13/1885 9 01 N320 Nitsch, August: Grand Island August Nitsch presented with silver baritone by Max Hoffman and Ferdinand Duehrs
0538 06/13/1885 9 01 H155 Hoffman, Max: Grand Island Max Hoffman and Ferdinand Duehrsen presented August Nitsch with silver baritone
0538 06/13/1885 9 01 D625 Duehrsen, Ferdinand: Grand Island Ferdinand Duehrsen and Max Hoffman presented August Nitsch with silver baritone
0538 06/13/1885 9 01 V265 Vagrants: Grand Island Tramps have practically all deserted town
0538 06/13/1885 9 01 J650 Jerome: Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 9 02 A130 Abbott, O.A., (Mrs.): Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 9 02 M520 Means : Grand Island Mayor has been out of town for a week
0538 06/13/1885 9 02 S163 Sports: Piscatorial pastime being indulged in along the Platte
0538 06/13/1885 9 02 H521 Hanns Park; Parks: Grand Island Hanns Park should be purchased by city
0538 06/13/1885 9 02 A652 Ahrns, (Mr.); D Accident: Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 9 03 H200 Hawk, (Dr.): Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 9 02 H625 Harrison, (Judge); Building: Grand Island Judge Harrison begins on building of farm residence
0538 06/13/1885 9 01 H200 Hake, Theodore: Grand Island Theodore Hake, manager of new D.H.McDaneld's Chicago Hyde House
0538 06/13/1885 9 01 S163 Sports: Grand Island Grand Island baseball club expects strong team
0538 06/13/1885 9 01 H425 Hall County Agricultural Society ; Organization: Hall County Hall County Agricultural Society to hold meeting soon; Eli A. Barnes, president
0538 06/13/1885 9 01 B652 Barnes, Eli A.: Grand Island Eli A. Barnes, president of Hall County Agricultural Society
0538 06/13/1885 9 01 T516 Temperance: Grand Island Iowa temperance delegation passed through Grand Island and erected monument
0538 06/13/1885 9 01 S530 Smith, (Mr.); O & RV Railroad; Railroads: Omaha Smith, president of O & RV Railroad, passed through Grand Island on U.P. lines a
0538 06/13/1885 9 01 W342 Whitelock, (Mr.); O & RV Railroad; Railroads: Omaha Whitelock, engineer for O & RV Railroad
0538 06/13/1885 9 01 G600 G.A.R.; Organization: Grand Island J.O. West says about twenty from Grand Island to go on G.A.R. Excursion
0538 06/13/1885 9 01 R452 Rawlins, Charles; Building: Grand Island Charles Rawlins making improvements on residence
0538 06/13/1885 9 01 T520 Thomas, Carrie: Grand Island Carrie Thomas to visit grandparents in Michigan
0538 06/13/1885 9 01 C540 Conlee, Fannie: Grand Island Fannie Conlee returning to Michigan after visit in Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 9 01 U551 Union Pacific; Railroads: Grand Island Union Pacific expecting to order new cars
0538 06/13/1885 9 01 W452 Williams & Kerr: Grand Island Williams & Kerr to give away carving knife and fork with each can of baking powd
0538 06/13/1885 9 01 A536 Andrews, (Mr.): Grand Island Mr. Andrews, new train master of Union Pacific, to move family to Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 9 01 M235 McDaneld, H.; Chicago Hyde House: Grand Island Chicago Hyde House opened recently with Theodore Hake, manager
0538 06/13/1885 9 02 B132 Baptist Church; Baptist: Grand Island Baptist Church to hold services Sunday
0538 06/13/1885 9 02 C536 Cemetery: Grand Island Cemetery lots in need of care
0538 06/13/1885 9 02 B652 Bryan's: Grand Island New kind of lead pencil
0538 06/13/1885 9 02 H162 Hooper & Son; Farm implements: Grand Island Hooper & Son manufacturing new plow
0538 06/13/1885 9 02 P142 Public utilities: Grand Island Erection of gas company being talked about
0538 06/13/1885 9 02 L166 Library: Grand Island Public library to obtain new books
0538 06/13/1885 9 02 H523 Homesteads: Grand Island U.S. Land Office kept busy with homestead suits
0538 06/13/1885 9 02 H233 Hastetter: Grand Island Hastetter, Register of U.S. Land Office
0538 06/13/1885 9 02 M526 Manger, Elizabeth; Homesteads: Greeley County Homestead suit on trial
0538 06/13/1885 9 03 W412 Wolbach Brothers: Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 9 03 R260 Roeser, Oscar: Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 9 03 V362 Veit & Roeser : Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 9 03 V535 Vantine, (Supt.); Schools: Grand Island Supt. Vantine calling on schools
0538 06/13/1885 9 03 M610 Murphy, Eva ; Teachers: Hall County Miss Eva Murphy, teacher of Shoemaker district
0538 06/13/1885 9 03 C445 Cleland, J.C.: Grand Island J.C. Cleland, president of State Firemens Association, to visit in Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 9 03 P621 Presbyterian Church; Presbyterian: Grand Island Presbyterian Church to postpone Sabbath school's floral service for week
0538 06/13/1885 9 03 B650 Brown, Nellie: Grand Island Miss Nellie Brown, elocutionist and impersonator, to appear at Presbyterian Chur
0538 06/13/1885 9 03 P621 Presbyterian Church; Presbyterian: Grand Island Miss Nellie Brown, elocutionist and impersonator, to appear at Presbyterian Chur
0538 06/13/1885 9 03 L362 Liederkranz Hall: Grand Island Liederkranz Hall to hold concert to raise money
0538 06/13/1885 9 03 M220 Music: Grand Island Liederkranz Hall to hold concert to raise money
0538 06/13/1885 9 03 M220 Music: Lincoln Announcement to all wishing to attend Sangerfest at Lincoln
0538 06/13/1885 9 03 W360 Weather: Grand Island Thunder and lightning storm struck several buildings but no serious damage
0538 06/13/1885 9 03 S561 Schnoor & Fuehrman; Skating rink: Grand Island Schnoor & Fuehrman have to sell skating rink
0538 06/13/1885 9 03 G362 Goodrich, (Mr.); Railroad House: Grand Island Mr. Goodrich to open Railroad House with grand ball and banquet
0538 06/13/1885 9 03 F620 Fairs: Grand Island Announcement to those wishing to award premiums for fair
0538 06/13/1885 9 03 H431 Hildebrant, Loney: Grand Island Loney Hildebrant of O.K. Saloon getting along with cane now
0538 06/13/1885 9 03 F653 Friends, Henry (Infant F); B: St. Paul Henry Friends have baby girl
0538 06/13/1885 9 03 M220 Music: Lincoln Union Pacific to run special train to Sangerfest at Lincoln
0538 06/13/1885 9 03 S163 Sports: Grand Island Amphitheatre at fairgrounds to be used by spectators of baseball games
0538 06/13/1885 9 03 S163 Sports: Grand Island Baseball game between Grand Island and Hastings
0538 06/13/1885 9 02 P620 Pierce, Walter; Homesteads: Greeley County Homestead suit on trial
0538 06/13/1885 9 02 C632 Courthouse: Grand Island Iron bolts advisable in vaults of County Clerk and County Treasurer offices in c
0538 06/13/1885 9 02 U551 Union Pacific; Railroads: Grand Island Union Pacific had special train of eight Pullman cars pass through Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 9 02 L230 Lockwood, Belva A., (Hon.): Grand Island Belva Lockwood gave speech at Opera House
0538 06/13/1885 9 03 B650 Brown, Lot: Grand Island Lot Brown of CB & Q Railroad visited in Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 9 03 F636 Frater, (Mr.): Grand Island Mr. Frater of Grinnell, Iowa, in Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 9 03 R563 Reynard: Grand Island Reynard has automatic wheel in office
0538 06/13/1885 9 03 B650 Bryan, L.M.: Grand Island L.M. Bryan's residence appears fine with new coat of paint
0538 06/13/1885 9 03 L523 Lenstein, (Mr.) (Infant M); B: Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 9 03 F246 Fezler's; Grocery: Grand Island Fezler's grocery store struck by lightning
0538 06/13/1885 9 03 F246 Fezler, Mel; Accident: Grand Island Mel Fezler shocked by lightning
0538 06/13/1885 9 04 A652 Ahrns, Henry; D Accident: Grand Island Henry Ahrns fatally injured by runaway horses
0538 06/13/1885 9 04 U551 Union Pacific; Railroads: Train on Union Pacific averaged 51 mph on run from Omaha to Cheyenne
0538 06/13/1885 9 04 J400 Jail: Grand Island Prisoners attempt jail escape but fail
0538 06/13/1885 9 04 O540 O'Neill, Dan: Grand Island Dan O'Neill, deputy
0538 06/13/1885 9 04 B635 Bartenbach, (Mr.); Opera House: Grand Island Mr. Bartenbach contemplating closing of Opera House
0538 06/13/1885 9 04 B616 Bierbower, Ellis L.: Ellis L. Bierbower, U.S. Marshal for the district of Nebraska
0538 06/13/1885 9 04 B616 Bierbower, Ellis L.; M: Bride: Elenora Boyd
0538 06/13/1885 9 04 B300 Boyd, Elenora; M: Omaha Groom: Ellis L. Bierbower; Father: Mayor Boyd of Omaha
0538 06/13/1885 9 04 B300 Boyd, Elenora: Omaha Miss Elenora Boyd was first girl born in Hall County
0538 06/13/1885 9 04 K534 Kendall & Davis; Accident: Hall County One of Kendall & Davis pump wagons floundered in Prairie Creek; almost all drow
0538 06/13/1885 9 04 H213 Hospital: Grand Island Hospital to be built soon
0538 06/13/1885 9 05 K400 Kelly, (Mr.); Hospital: Grand Island Mr. Kelly awarded for closing contract for building hospital
0538 06/13/1885 9 05 H630 Howard, Clarence: Grand Island Clarence Howard awarded gold medal for highest standing in class of forty
0538 06/13/1885 9 05 R152 Robinson & Ross; Real estate: Grand Island Real estate and insurance agents offer premiums
0538 06/13/1885 9 05 M600 Moore, J.D.; Fairs: Grand Island J.D. Moore offers bridle to best lady rider as premium
0538 06/13/1885 9 05 C622 Circus: Grand Island Circus coming to Grand Island has room for 30,000 people
0538 06/13/1885 9 05 W256 Wasmer, Charles: Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 9 05 C434 Caldwell, George: Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 9 06 U165 Upperman, Louis; City government: Grand Island Louis Upperman, town clerk
0538 06/13/1885 9 06 B632 Bridges: Hall County Proposals for bridge across Prairie Creek
0538 06/13/1885 9 06 M623 Market reports : Local markets
0538 06/13/1885 9 06 W422 Wallichs, John; Real estate: Grand Island Real estate and insurance agent
0538 06/13/1885 9 07 W412 Wolbach Brothers: Grand Island Have special sale
0538 06/13/1885 12 01 J625 Juergens, Henry; Business: Grand Island Henry Juergens running peddling wagon for Thomas & Co. and Wolbach Brothers
0538 06/13/1885 12 01 T522 Thomas & Co.: Grand Island Henry Juergens running peddling wagon for Thomas & Co.
0538 06/13/1885 12 01 W412 Wolbach Brothers: Grand Island Henry Juergens running peddling wagon for Wolbach Brothers
0538 06/13/1885 12 01 J525 Jameson; Building: Grand Island Jameson building nearing completion
0538 06/13/1885 12 01 V362 Veit & Roeser : Grand Island Viet & Roeser have new awnings
0538 06/13/1885 12 01 F632 Freitag, Robert: Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 9 01 B452 Ballinger, Ed: Grand Island Ed Ballinger drives one of West's buses
0538 06/13/1885 12 01 B452 Ballinger, Ed; Accident: Grand Island Ed Ballinger cut arteries in wrist
0538 06/13/1885 12 01 J250 Jackson, (Mrs.): Grand Island Mrs. Jackson, wife of County Treasurer, is seriously ill
0538 06/13/1885 12 01 S365 Stringfellow, (Dr.); Physician: Grand Island Dr. Stringfellow called to St. Paul to perform difficult operation
0538 06/13/1885 12 01 L362 Liederkranz Association; Music: Grand Island One hundred members of Liederkranz Association to attend Sangerfest at Lincoln
0538 06/13/1885 12 01 B435 Building: Grand Island Amount of new brick block improving city
0538 06/13/1885 12 01 L536 Loan & trust company: Grand Island Plans to organize loan and trust company
0538 06/13/1885 12 01 H630 Howard, B.C.: Grand Island Mr. B.C. Howard to bring mother home from Illinois
0538 06/13/1885 11 05 C455 Clemmons, McGinness; Insurance: Rock Bluffs Fire loss, insurance adjustment
0538 06/13/1885 12 01 H430 Held, H.C.: Grand Island H.C. Held has new awning up
0538 06/13/1885 12 01 B625 Breckenridge, Lizzie: Omaha Miss Lizzie Breckenridge, Omaha, visiting Miss Nellie White in Grand Island
0538 06/13/1885 12 01 W300 White, Nellie: Grand Island Miss Nellie White, Grand Island, has Miss Lizzie Breckenridge of Omaha as her gu
0538 06/13/1885 12 01 F552 Fanning, (Mr.): St. Joseph, Missouri Mr. Fanning, chief engineer, visiting and helping Mr. Hart
0538 06/13/1885 12 01 H630 Hart, (Mr.): Grand Island Mr. Hart has Chief Engineer Fanning of St. Joseph, Missouri, visiting him
0538 06/13/1885 12 01 V362 Veit & Roeser: Grand Island Veit & Roeser's show windows are neat and inviting
0538 06/13/1885 12 01 P430 Platt, W.H.: Grand Island W. H. Platt will accompany niece to Michigan
0538 06/13/1885 12 01 C540 Conlee, (Miss): Miss Conlee, who had been visiting in Grand Island, returned to Michigan
0538 06/13/1885 12 01 C155 Chapman, H.C.: Grand Island Formerly of the Times, H.C. Chapman will write up trip over B & M
0538 06/13/1885 12 01 C255 Cushman; Furniture: Grand Island Cushman's has law price on furniture
0538 06/13/1885 12 02 W452 Williams, (Rev.): Grand Island Rev. Williams left for Niobrara to hold down claim; family to follow
0538 06/13/1885 12 02 U551 Union Pacific; Railroads: Union Pacific reduces rate for round-trip ticket to Sangerfest at Lincoln
0538 06/13/1885 12 02 000 : Grand Island Reward offered for lost gold breast pin with Masonic and Odd Fellows emblems
0538 06/13/1885 12 02 W452 Williams, Lafe: Grand Island Lafe Williams returned from Colfax Springs, Iowa
0538 06/13/1885 12 02 S363 Streets: Grand Island Considerable garbage should be removed from Grand Island streets
0538 06/13/1885 12 02 B252 Business: Wood River A number of Shelton people seen on streets
0538 06/13/1885 12 02 C522 Census: Grand Island Census enumerator to be pitied
0538 06/13/1885 12 02 P430 Platt, W.H., (Hon.): Grand Island Enjoyable gathering at residence of W.H. Platt
0538 06/13/1885 12 02 C540 Conley, (Miss): Grand Island Niece of Mr. Platt had party given in her favor
0538 06/13/1885 12 02 Y520 Young, Susan; D : Hall County Susan Young, Negro, died of lung congestion
0538 06/13/1885 12 02 G600 G.A.R.; Organization: Grand Island Large amount raised for relief fund at G.A.R. dinner
0538 06/13/1885 12 02 F552 Fanning, Gertrude: St. Joseph, Missouri Miss Gertrude Fanning of St. Joseph, Missouri, visiting Mrs. Walter Bacon in Gra
0538 06/13/1885 12 02 B250 Bacon, Walter, (Mrs.): Grand Island Mrs. Walter Bacon has guest, Gertrude Fanning, from St. Joseph, Missouri, visiti
0538 06/13/1885 12 02 G536 Guenther, Charles: Grand Island Charles Guenther received a couple carloads of bricks
0538 06/13/1885 12 02 P621 Presbyterian Church; Presbyterian: Grand Island Presbyterian Church not to have services
0538 06/13/1885 12 02 S363 Streets: Grand Island Grading on Third Street should be leveled
0538 06/13/1885 12 02 B564 B & M Railroad; Railroads: Grand Island Not to move stockyards
0538 06/13/1885 11 05 B626 Berger, J.W.; Carpenter: Rock Bluffs
0538 06/13/1885 11 05 F320 Fitch, R.H.; Carpenter: Rock Bluffs
0538 06/13/1885 11 05 G612 Graves, Charles L.; Mason: Rock Bluffs
0538 06/13/1885 11 05 M320 Matthews, James S.; Notary Public: Cass County
0538 06/13/1885 11 05 J520 Jones, D.M.; Insurance: Cass County
0538 06/13/1885 12 05 M242 McLaughlin, A.W.; First National Bank; Bank: Plattsmouth A.W. McLaughlin, cashier at First National Bank
0538 06/13/1885 12 05 B420 Black, John; Citizens Bank; Bank : Plattsmouth John Black, President of Citizens Bank
0538 06/13/1885 12 02 G650 Green, (Mr.); Sperry Electric Co.: Chicago Mr. Green, manager of Sperry Electric Co. of Chicago, in Grand Island looking ov
0538 06/13/1885 12 02 H145 Heffleman, Ida: Grand Island Miss Ida Heffleman left for California to spend the summer
0538 06/13/1885 12 02 C514 Campbell, W.C.: Grand Island W.C. Campbell made sign for Withers & Koll's store
0538 06/13/1885 12 02 W362 Withers & Koll's: Grand Island New sign made for store
0538 06/13/1885 12 02 P360 Potter, Lou C., (Miss); Teachers: Grand Island Miss Lou C. Potter, teacher of South Side School, had party given in her favor
0538 06/13/1885 12 02 P430 Platt, W.H., (Mrs.): Grand Island Wife of Hon. H.W. Platt
0538 06/20/1885 1 01 B623 Brighton Ranch: Custer County U.S. Circuit Court for Nebraska held at Omaha for Brighton Ranch case
0538 06/20/1885 1 01 L516 Lambertson, G.M.; District Attorney: Lambertson, District Attorney, defended United States
0538 06/20/1885 1 01 W463 Woolworth, (Judge): Judge Woolworth defendent for Brighton case
0538 06/20/1885 1 01 C655 Crime and criminals - domestic violence: Omaha Two wife beaters brought before police court and fined
0538 06/20/1885 1 01 B632 Bridges: Nance County Bridge over the Loup River
0538 06/20/1885 1 01 M532 Mentes, Peter; Accident: Omaha Peter Mentes struck by freight train and seriously wounded
0538 06/20/1885 1 01 S332 State Sunday School Association of Nebraska; Sunday School: Lincoln State Sunday School Association of Nebraska to hold annual session at Lincoln
0538 06/20/1885 1 01 F635 Fort Omaha: Omaha Fort Omaha to be relocated for more ground
0538 06/20/1885 1 02 W360 Weather: Storm brings wind, water, hail to central Nebraska
0538 06/20/1885 1 02 S415 Sullivan, (Mr.); D Accident: Columbus Brakeman Sullivan killed by bad storm
0538 06/20/1885 1 02 A262 Agriculture: Prairie Creek Crops at Prairie Creek and Platte damaged by storm
0538 06/20/1885 1 02 W360 Weather: Grand Island Hail damagemany windows broken
0538 06/20/1885 1 02 H226 Hakes Harness Shop: Grand Island Front of Hakes Harness Shop blown out by storm
0538 06/20/1885 1 02 E430 Ewaldt, Kai; Agriculture: Hall County Kai Ewaldt loses nearly all crop by storm
0538 06/20/1885 1 02 G432 Gilletts, W.N.; Agriculture: Hall County W.N. Gilletts' rye crop destroyed by storm
0538 06/20/1885 1 02 F626 Fairgrounds: Grand Island Agricultural Hall at fairgrounds a total wreck from storm
0538 06/20/1885 1 02 W360 Weather: Grand Island 300 telegraph poles between Grand Island and Shelton blown down by storm
0538 06/20/1885 1 02 S560 Schimmer, Martin; Agriculture: Grand Island Crops suffered terribly from storm
0538 06/20/1885 1 02 M460 Moeller, (Dr.); Weather: Grand Island Dr. Moeller hade out twenty policies on crops
0538 06/20/1885 1 03 W360 Weather: Alda Train passengers stopped at Alda for storm to subside
0538 06/20/1885 1 03 T426 Telegraph: Grand Island Men from Omaha out to fix telegraph lines
0538 06/20/1885 1 03 W360 Weather: St. Paul Small residences at St. Paul overturned by storm
0538 06/20/1885 1 03 P362 Peterson, S.B.; Accident: Hall County S.B. Peterson's hand cut by glass during storm
0538 06/20/1885 1 03 B626 Barker & Hart; Pharmacy: Grand Island Barker & Hart's North Side Drug had part of glass front blown in by storm
0538 06/20/1885 1 03 F622 Furguson, S.H.; Agriculture: Grand Island S.H. Furguson lost all crops in hailstorm
0538 06/20/1885 4 01 S363 Streets: Omaha People criticizing sidewalks in Omaha
0538 06/20/1885 4 01 W360 Weather : Columbus Storm in Columbus more severe than in Grand Island
0538 06/20/1885 4 01 A262 Agriculture: Hall County Farmers are plucky, no timid tenderfeet
0538 06/20/1885 4 01 W360 Weather: Omaha Another storm in Omaha on Sunday
0538 06/20/1885 4 01 P231 Post Office: Postmasters suspended for being Republicans
0538 06/20/1885 4 01 R326 Ritcher, John H.; D Suicide: North Platte John H. Ritcher's attempted suicide liable to prove fatal; cause unknown
0538 06/20/1885 4 01 D220 Disease: Nebraska Investigation of cholera in Nebraska ordered
0538 06/20/1885 4 01 W360 Weather: North Platte Destructive storm in North Platte
0538 06/20/1885 4 01 O561 Omaha Republic ; Newspaper: Omaha Omaha Republic sues Mr. Creighton
0538 06/20/1885 4 01 P630 Pratt, Warren: Kearney
0538 06/20/1885 4 01 C445 Cleland, J.C.: Fremont
0538 06/20/1885 4 01 C623 Creighton, (Mr.): Omaha Mr. Creighton sued by Omaha Republic
0538 06/20/1885 4 01 B252 Business: Omaha One Omaha store adopted parcel and cash railway system
0538 06/20/1885 4 01 C514 Campbell, (Mr.); Union Pacific; Railroads: Omaha Mr. Campbell of Union Pacific headquarters in Grand Island on business
0538 06/20/1885 4 01 U551 Union Pacific ; Railroads: Union Pacific has control of St. Joe & Western
0538 06/20/1885 4 01 S331 State Firemens Association; Organization: Grand Island Meeting of tournament executive committee of State Firemens Association
0538 06/20/1885 4 02 U551 Union Pacific; Railroads: Union Pacific ordered twelve new engines
0538 06/20/1885 4 02 B300 Boyd, (Mayor): Omaha Mayor Boyd of Omaha gone to Washington to claim spoils for Democrats
0538 06/20/1885 4 02 M460 Miller, (Dr.): Omaha Dr. Miller gone to Washington with Mayor Boyd
0538 06/20/1885 4 03 E416 Elfers, (Mr.): Hall County
0538 06/20/1885 4 03 S343 Stoltenberg, (Mr.): Hall County
0538 06/20/1885 4 03 V520 Van Wyck, (Sen.): Report of Nebraska senior Senator Van Wyck's enemies
0538 06/20/1885 4 03 B631 Board of Supervisors; County government: Hall County Proceedings of Hall County Board of Supervisors to be kept a secret
0538 06/20/1885 4 03 E423 Electricity : Grand Island All citizens sign petition to city council for lighting the city
0538 06/20/1885 4 03 H625 Harrison, (Mr.): Hall County
0538 06/20/1885 4 03 C635 Crittenden, (Mr.): Hall County
0538 06/20/1885 4 03 A160 Avery, (Mr.): Hall County
0538 06/20/1885 5 01 W412 Wolbach Brothers: Grand Island
0538 06/20/1885 5 01 B600 Barr, (Prof.): Grand Island
0538 06/20/1885 5 01 H426 Hilliker, (Mr.): Grand Island
0538 06/20/1885 5 01 W400 Woolley, J.H.: Grand Island
0538 06/20/1885 5 01 H426 Hilliker, (Mrs.): Grand Island
0538 06/20/1885 5 01 B250 Bacon, (Mr.): Grand Island
0538 06/20/1885 5 01 S310 Steve, (Mr.): Grand Island
0538 06/20/1885 5 01 R563 Reynard, James: Grand Island
0538 06/20/1885 5 01 H300 Haywood, (Miss): Grand Island
0538 06/20/1885 5 01 F430 Field, (Miss): Grand Island
0538 06/20/1885 5 01 G653 Grand Island Business College; Business College: Grand Island Grand Island Business College flourishing
0538 06/20/1885 5 01 I531 Independence Day: Grand Island Fourth of July picnic to be held at Hanns Park
0538 06/20/1885 5 01 T415 Telephone: Grand Island Telephone poles being put in on Third Street
0538 06/20/1885 5 01 B132 Baptist Church; Baptist: Grand Island Baptist parsonage being surrounded by picket fence
0538 06/20/1885 5 01 V362 Veit & Roeser: Grand Island Increasing trade creates need for two delivery wagons
0538 06/20/1885 5 01 S363 Stratmann, (Mrs.): Grand Island Mrs. Stratmann visiting her brother, Mr. Spethmann, in North Loup
0538 06/20/1885 5 01 S135 Spethmann, (Mr.): North Loup Visited by his sister, Mrs. Stratmann, of Grand Island
0538 06/20/1885 5 01 M600 Mohr, Peter; Agriculture: Grand Island Peter Mohr had calves killed by storm
0538 06/20/1885 5 01 000 : Grand Island Announcement of garnet ring lost on street
0538 06/20/1885 5 01 B525 Bensen, Frederick W.; Crime and criminals - forgery): Grand Island Frederick W. Bensen's trial for forgery bound over to District Court
0538 06/20/1885 5 01 A524 Anglo American Cattle Ranch; Horses: Grand Island Announcement of dun pony strayed from Anglo American Cattle Ranch
0538 06/20/1885 5 01 S163 Sports: Hastings Baseball professionals good
0538 06/20/1885 5 01 L200 Lewis, (Mr.): Grand Island Old time railroad boy, Mr. Lewis, renewing acquaintances at Grand Island
0538 06/20/1885 5 01 W360 Weather: St. Paul Considerable storm damage at St. Paul
0538 06/20/1885 5 01 C641 Crow & Leftwich; Flour mill: St. Paul Crow & Leftwich flour mills moved from foundations by storm
0538 06/20/1885 5 01 B550 Beman, A.P.; Horses: Grand Island Reward offered for bay pony strayed from A.P. Beman
0538 06/20/1885 5 01 S163 Sports: Grand Island Grand Island baseball team to play at North Platte on July 4th
0538 06/20/1885 5 01 S351 Steinbaugh, (Mr. and Mrs.): Indiana Steinbaughs from Indiana visiting with relatives near St. Libory for health
0538 06/20/1885 5 01 B650 Brown, Nellie; Presbyterian Church; Presbyterian: Grand Island Miss Nellie Brown's entertainment at Presbyterian Church worthy of the price
0538 06/20/1885 5 02 E423 Electricity : Grand Island Liederkranz has another electric light
0538 06/20/1885 5 02 M240 Michael, W.H.; Independence Day: Grand Island W.H. Michael to soar with his eagle the 4th at Doniphan
0538 06/20/1885 5 02 I531 Independence Day: Doniphan Fourth of July celebration
0538 06/20/1885 1 03 S625 Searson, E.; Weather: Hall County E. Searson in hail belt of storm
0538 06/20/1885 1 03 F653 Friend, Myer; Weather: Grand Island Myer Friend believed he had seen burglars during storm, but it was only clothing
0538 06/20/1885 1 03 P362 Petrick, August; Crime and criminals - horse stealing: Hall County Sheriff arrested August Petrick for stealing horse from Mr. Windolph
0538 06/20/1885 1 03 W534 Windolph, (Mr.); Horses: Hall County Sheriff arrested August Petrick for stealing horse from Mr. Windolph
0538 06/20/1885 5 02 B630 Berth, (Prof.); Academy of Music); Music: Grand Island Foundation begins on Academy of Music
0538 06/20/1885 5 02 H625 Harrison & Reef: Grand Island Harrison & Reef doing business just east of Wolbachs until erection of new brick
0538 06/20/1885 5 02 M220 Music: Grand Island German band practicing nightly for Sangerfest
0538 06/20/1885 5 02 L165 Liveringhouse, J.W.: Grand Island J. W. Liveringhouse left for a month's visit with relatives at Goshen, Indiana
0538 06/20/1885 5 02 V620 Vieregg, Henry; Building: Grand Island Henry Vieregg to build new residence
0538 06/20/1885 5 02 A450 Allan, Henry: St. Joseph Henry Allan of St. Joseph visiting in Grand Island with friends for a few days
0538 06/20/1885 5 02 F622 Ferguson, Bell: Grand Island Miss Bell Ferguson to spend vacation in Kansas and Denver
0538 06/20/1885 5 02 S620 Squires, Hattie: Grand Island Miss Hattie Squires to spend vacation in Kansas and Denver
0538 06/20/1885 5 02 H324 Hetzel, Frank; Post Office: Grand Island Frank Hetzel to commence work at post office
0538 06/20/1885 5 02 H251 Hackenberger, (Mr.); Post Office: Grand Island Hackenberger, asst. postmaster at Grand Island, to leave for Wood River
0538 06/20/1885 5 02 H200 Houck, John; Accident: Grand Island John Houck had finger pinched quite badly at Union Pacific shops; wound dressed
0538 06/20/1885 5 02 W360 Weather: Hamilton County Hamilton County caught worst in storm
0538 06/20/1885 5 02 P142 Peoples Mutual Aid Association; Organization: Grand Island Results of meeting of Peoples Mutual Aid Association; J. W. Bartholomew resigned
0538 06/20/1885 5 02 B634 Bartholomew, J.W.; Peoples Mutual Aid Association; Organization: Grand Island J. W. Bartholomew resigned office of attorney and counselor for Peoples Mutual A
0538 06/20/1885 5 02 S125 Schaupp's Mills: Grand Island Schaupp's Mill to reopen after two weeks' idleness
0538 06/20/1885 5 02 C155 Chapman, H.C.: Grand Island H.C. Chapman, formerly of the Times, returned from tour of western part of state
0538 06/20/1885 5 02 C155 Chapman, H.C.; Newspaper: Alma H.C. Chapman to locate at Alma in Harlan County and resurrect newspaper
0538 06/20/1885 5 02 M254 McConnell, "Little Joe"; Union Pacific ; Railroads: North Platte Little Joe McConnell appointed general master mechanic of Union Pacific between
0538 06/20/1885 5 02 B564 B & M Railroad; Railroads: B & M passenger traffic more than doubled
0538 06/20/1885 5 02 H251 Hockenberger, E.C.; Fire department: Grand Island E.C. Hockenberger resigned from being chief of fire department
0538 06/20/1885 5 02 G536 Guenther, Frank; D: Grand Island Funeral at family residence
0538 06/20/1885 5 02 H500 Hann, C.A.; Guenther Saloon; Saloon: Grand Island C.A.Hann to be manager of Guenther Saloon
0538 06/20/1885 5 02 G536 Guenther, Mary, (Mrs.); Guenther Saloon; Saloon: Grand Island Mrs. Guenther to continue husband's saloon business
0538 06/20/1885 5 02 I525 Insanity: Grand Island Commissioners had two insanity cases for hearing
0538 06/20/1885 5 02 H625 Harrison, T.O.C. ; Insanity: Grand Island Commissioner of Insanity
0538 06/20/1885 5 02 A450 Allan, John; Insanity: Grand Island Commissioner of Insanity
0538 06/20/1885 5 02 S315 Stevenson, (Dr.); Insanity: Grand Island Commissioner of Insanity
0538 06/20/1885 5 02 C534 Cantwell, Jeremiah; Insanity: Grand Island Jeremiah Cantwell adjudged insane, sent to state infirmary
0538 06/20/1885 5 02 D255 Dickman, Wilhilmina, (Mrs.); Insanity: Grand Island Wilhilmina Dickman charged with insaneness but proved opposite
0538 06/20/1885 5 03 J525 Jameson; Building: Grand Island Jameson to put concrete floor in basement of building
0538 06/20/1885 5 03 S163 Sports: Grand Island Kite flying
0538 06/20/1885 5 03 B252 Business; Dry goods: Grand Island Dry goods merchants compelled to buy goods at reduction
0538 06/20/1885 5 03 C532 County government: Grand Island County Clerk's office a busy place
0538 06/20/1885 5 03 M240 Michael, (Mr.); Building: Grand Island Mr. Michael to fix buildings up for tenements
0538 06/20/1885 5 03 F626 Fairgrounds: Grand Island Fairground buildings blown down by storm to be used for cattle purposes; new agr
0538 06/20/1885 5 03 C255 Cushman; Furniture: Grand Island Cushman's furniture store window worthy of inspection
0538 06/20/1885 5 03 P200 Paugh, (Mrs.); Cushman; Furniture: Grand Island Mrs. Paugh decorated Cushman's store windows
0538 06/20/1885 5 03 G653 Grand Island Independent; Newspaper: Grand Island Grand Island Independent's ad for job printing and stationery
0538 06/20/1885 5 03 T415 Telephone: Grand Island Telephone exchange being remodeled for greater capacity
0538 06/20/1885 5 03 B435 Building: Grand Island Houses should be protected obstructing appearances
0538 06/20/1885 5 04 S163 Sports: Grand Island Results of Hastings-Grand Island baseball game
0538 06/20/1885 5 04 C321 City government: Grand Island City Council proceedings
0538 06/20/1885 5 04 H630 Hart, (Mr.): Grand Island Mr. Hart, city engineer
0538 06/20/1885 5 04 R200 Reise, Henry: Grand Island Henry Reise going out of business
0538 06/20/1885 5 03 D520 Dengs, (Mr.): Grand Island
0538 06/20/1885 5 04 E152 Evans, Grif: Hastings
0538 06/20/1885 5 04 C500 Cohn, Mart
0538 06/20/1885 5 04 C400 Cole, H.W.
0538 06/20/1885 5 04 H400 Howell, (Mr.): Grand Island
0538 06/20/1885 5 04 W300 White, (Mr.): Grand Island
0538 06/20/1885 5 04 C532 Candish, (Mr.): Grand Island
0538 06/20/1885 5 04 K450 Killian, (Mr.): Grand Island
0538 06/20/1885 5 04 M326 Metzger, (Mr.): Grand Island
0538 06/20/1885 5 04 C150 Cabama, (Mr.): Grand Island
0538 06/20/1885 5 04 L200 Lake, (Mr.): Grand Island
0538 06/20/1885 5 04 B360 Bauder, (Mr.): Grand Island
0538 06/20/1885 5 04 H251 Hockenberger, (Mr.): Grand Island
0538 06/20/1885 5 04 G120 Gibbs: Hastings
0538 06/20/1885 5 04 S530 Smith : Hastings
0538 06/20/1885 5 04 C152 Cavanaugh: Hastings
0538 06/20/1885 5 04 R220 Rookes: Hastings
0538 06/20/1885 5 04 K520 King: Hastings
0538 06/20/1885 5 04 L534 Lindley: Hastings
0538 06/20/1885 5 04 M460 Miller : Hastings
0538 06/20/1885 5 04 M250 McKinney: Hastings
0538 06/20/1885 5 04 H164 Haverly: Hastings
0538 06/20/1885 5 04 V320 Vieths, Ald.: Grand Island
0538 06/20/1885 5 04 B623 Brogden, (Mr.): Grand Island
0538 06/20/1885 5 04 M425 Milisen, (Mr.): Grand Island
0538 06/20/1885 5 05 M623 Market reports: Grand Island Local markets
0538 06/20/1885 5 06 M251 Macomb, (Mr.); Horses: Grand Island Mr. Macomb lost sorrel horse
0538 06/20/1885 8 01 D455 Delmonico; Restaurant: Grand Island Delmonico restaurant closed
0538 06/20/1885 8 01 T360 Theater: Grand Island Dramatic entertainment at Liederkranz
0538 06/20/1885 8 01 B425 Blickensderfer, (Mrs.): Chicago Mrs. Blickensderfer of Chicago visiting her daughter, Mrs. H.B. Willson, at Gran
0538 06/20/1885 8 01 W425 Willson, H.B., (Mrs.): Grand Island Mrs. H.B. Willson visited by her mother, Mrs. Blickensderfer, of Chicago
0538 06/20/1885 8 01 C434 Caldwell, (Judge): Grand Island Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell compelled by the judge's illness to return from St. Louis
0538 06/20/1885 8 01 P620 Pew & Rice; Painters: Grand Island
0538 06/20/1885 8 01 S363 Stratman, Henry; Wagons: Grand Island Henry Stratman, builder of wagons
0538 06/20/1885 8 01 B662 Brewery Co.; Brewery: Grand Island Brewery's new truck wagon a handsome vehicle
0538 06/20/1885 8 01 M242 Michelson, (Mr.): Grand Island Mr. Michelson had monument at cemetery blown down
0538 06/20/1885 8 01 L362 Liederkranz Association; Organization: Grand Island Liederkranz Association accompanied German band for Sangerfest at Lincoln
0538 06/20/1885 8 02 R320 Roads: Hall County Roads between Grand Island and Platte bridges in terrible condition
0538 06/20/1885 8 02 F636 Frater, James J.; M: Fremont Bride: Lillie Kennedy; married at Episcopal Church in Grand Island
0538 06/20/1885 8 02 K530 Kennedy, Lillie; M: Grinnell, Iowa Groom: James J. Frater of Fremont; Miss Kennedy taught the past year at Grand Is