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News Extraction
NSHS Newspaper Extractions: Code 0538 GRAND ISLAND INDEPENDENT
Code Date (m/d/y) Pg Col SNDX Extraction
0538 06/20/1885 8 02 V265 Vagrants: Grand Island Night policeman Mullen arrested two vagrants
0538 06/20/1885 8 02 M332 Methodist Church; Methodist: Grand Island Methodist Church postponed evening services
0538 06/20/1885 8 02 A450 Allan, J.S., (Rev.): Grand Island Rev. J.S. Allan returned from month's missionary work in Custer County
0538 06/20/1885 8 02 A450 Allan, J.S., (Rev.): Grand Island Rev. J.S. Allan attended county convention at Westerville
0538 06/20/1885 8 02 R525 Ranken, (Col.): Grand Island Col. Ranken drove out to farm
0538 06/20/1885 8 02 H630 Howard, (Mrs.): Illinois Mrs. Howard of Illinois to visit with son B. Howard in Grand Island
0538 06/20/1885 8 02 H630 Howard, B. : Grand Island Visited by his mother, from Illinois
0538 06/20/1885 8 02 W656 Warner, Joe: Grand Island Joe Warner in hand to hand combat with a mason
0538 06/20/1885 8 02 F631 Fire department: Grand Island Fire Department draped the engine room in honor of a deceased comrade
0538 06/20/1885 8 02 B623 Brogden, F.E.; Grocery: Grand Island F.E. Brogden behind the counter at grocery store
0538 06/20/1885 8 02 H400 Howell, (Mr.); Post Office: Grand Island Mr. Howell, postmaster
0538 06/20/1885 8 02 B655 Breninger, Charles: Grand Island Charles Breninger of U.S. Land Office spent Sunday at Central City
0538 06/20/1885 8 02 H641 Hurlburt: Grand Island
0538 06/20/1885 8 03 P261 Packer & Barr: Grand Island
0538 06/20/1885 8 03 S536 Sanders, (Dr.): Grand Island
0538 06/20/1885 8 03 Z560 Zimmer, Frank; Real estate: Grand Island Frank Zimmer purchased five lots
0538 06/20/1885 8 03 J525 Jameson, (Mr.): Grand Island Mr. Jameson having twelve foot sidewalk in front of business
0538 06/20/1885 8 03 N242 Nichols, P.J.: Grand Island P.J. Nichols of the Union Pacific visiting Grand Island friends
0538 06/20/1885 8 03 H300 Hyde, Fred, (Mrs.): Mrs. Fred Hyde visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank Watson
0538 06/20/1885 8 03 F455 Fleming, Nellie: Miss Nellie Fleming visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank Watson
0538 06/20/1885 8 03 W325 Watson, Frank, (Mrs.): Visited by sisters Mrs. Fred Hyde and Miss Nellie Fleming
0538 06/20/1885 8 03 C434 Caldwell, (Judge): Grand Island Judge Caldwell returned from St. Louis ready to dispense justice
0538 06/20/1885 8 03 G536 Guenther, Mary, (Mrs.): Grand Island Mrs. Guenther gives thanks to neighbors
0538 06/20/1885 8 03 S231 Sioux City & B & M; Railroads: Railroad connecting main line at Hastings
0538 06/20/1885 8 03 C562 Commercial House; Hotel: Grand Island Commercial House to have 22 additional rooms
0538 06/20/1885 8 03 A130 Abbott, Ottie : Grand Island Ottie Abbott given thanks for potatoes
0538 06/20/1885 8 03 L526 Lenker, J.N., (Rev.); Sunday School: Grand Island Rev. Lenker to take part in deliberations of State Sunday School convention at L
0538 06/20/1885 8 03 A450 Allan, J.S., (Rev.); Sunday School: Grand Island Rev. Allan member of executive committee for State Sunday School convention
0538 06/20/1885 8 03 B525 Benson, Frederick W.; Crime and criminals: Grand Island Frederick W. Benson arrested, found wanted for a number of things
0538 06/20/1885 8 03 A436 Alters, I.R.: Grand Island Mr. Alters returned from Chicago
0538 06/20/1885 8 03 B620 Bryas, L.M.; Business: Grand Island Mr. Bryas to move stock of goods into Delmonico Restaurant site
0538 06/20/1885 8 03 M242 Michelson, Fred; Business: Grand Island Fred Michelson to move stock of goods into room formerly occupied by Delmonico R
0538 06/20/1885 8 03 S163 Sports: Hastings Baseball tournament
0538 06/20/1885 8 03 P630 Pratt, (Mr.); State Firemens Association: Kearney Mr. Pratt, secretary of State Firemens Association, in Grand Island on business
0538 06/20/1885 8 03 W534 Windolph, Adam: Grand Island Adam Windolph recovering from a relapse of sickness
0538 06/20/1885 8 03 C514 Campbell, W.C.: Grand Island W.C. Campbell to be on committee at fair
0538 06/20/1885 8 03 M460 Moeller, J.R.: Grand Island J.R. Moeller to be on committee at fair
0538 06/20/1885 8 03 M652 Mohrenstecher, George: Grand Island George Mohrenstecher to be on committee at fair
0538 06/20/1885 8 04 S431 Schlotfeldt, Chris; Building: Grand Island Chris Schlotfeldt making improvements on residence
0538 06/20/1885 8 04 O462 Oelrichs, Harry; Anglo American Cattle Company: Grand Island Harry Oelrichs, manager of Anglo American Cattle Co., returned from New York
0538 06/20/1885 8 04 M212 McVey Stable: Grand Island Five hundred rats killed at McVey Stable
0538 06/20/1885 8 04 G463 Gaylord, (Mrs.): Grand Island Mrs. Gaylord returned from St. Joseph, Missouri
0538 06/20/1885 8 04 M246 McElroy, (Mrs.): Grand Island Mrs. McElroy returned from St. Joseph, Missouri
0538 06/20/1885 8 04 R452 Rawlins, Charles, (Mrs.): Grand Island Mrs. Rawlins returned from St. Joseph, Missouri
0538 06/20/1885 8 04 M263 McCarthy, Kate: Grand Island Miss McCarthy home from Wood River
0538 06/20/1885 8 04 M263 McCarthy, Kate: Grand Island Miss McCarthy, copyist in County Clerk's office
0538 06/20/1885 8 04 B252 Business: Grand Island Business boom predicted
0538 06/20/1885 8 04 H622 Horses: Grand Island Four carloads of ponies arrived over B & M
0538 06/20/1885 8 04 B400 Bell, George; Building: Grand Island George Bell's new residence being enclosed
0538 06/20/1885 8 04 C632 Courthouse: Grand Island Courthouse improved after being overhauled
0538 06/20/1885 8 04 W534 Windolph, (Mr.); Horses: Grand Island Horse stolen from Mr. Windolph being sought by Sheriff Cannon
0538 06/20/1885 8 04 B250 Bacon, Fred: Grand Island Fred Bacon stopped runaway
0538 06/27/1885 1 01 S460 Shaller, Cornelius R.; D: Omaha Cornelius R. Shaller, prominent citizen, dies
0538 06/27/1885 1 01 B320 Betz, Mathias; D Suicide: Omaha Suicide of Mathias Betz caused by dissipation
0538 06/27/1885 1 01 H641 Hurlburt: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 1 02 L524 Lincoln Journal; Newspaper: Lincoln
0538 06/27/1885 1 02 G653 Grand Island Independent; Newspaper: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 1 03 R463 Railroads: What the railroad commissioners consider their duty
0538 06/27/1885 1 03 G600 Gere, Charles: Charles Gere, editor and railroad commissioner
0538 06/27/1885 2 01 W215 Wyck Van, (Sen.)
0538 06/27/1885 1 01 T512 Thompson, "Dick": McCook Dick Thompson, formerly of Hastings Democrat, candidate for U.S. Land Office at
0538 06/27/1885 1 01 H550 Hayman, (Mr.); Crime and criminals - assault: Attorney Hayman arrested for assault on Mr. Williamson on the street
0538 06/27/1885 1 01 W452 Williamson, (Mr.): Mr. Williamson attacked on street by Attorney Hayman
0538 06/27/1885 1 01 S526 Sangerfest: Lincoln Program and proceedings of Sangerfest
0538 06/27/1885 4 01 B362 Beatrice Express; Newspaper: Beatrice
0538 06/27/1885 4 01 B252 Business: Beatrice Good profits from the canning factory
0538 06/27/1885 4 01 C235 Cozad Messenger; Newspaper: Cozad
0538 06/27/1885 4 01 W420 Willis, H.; Cozad Messenger; Newspaper: Cozad H. Willis, editor of Cozad Messenger
0538 06/27/1885 4 01 P613 Prohibition: Lincoln State convention of Prohibitionists
0538 06/27/1885 4 01 W230 West, W.H.; Post Office: Forwarded postmastership to Washington
0538 06/27/1885 4 01 M460 Miller, (Dr.): Omaha Dr. Miller returned from Washington
0538 06/27/1885 4 01 B300 Boyd, (Mayor): Omaha Mayor Boyd returned from Washington
0538 06/27/1885 4 01 H641 Hurlburt
0538 06/27/1885 4 01 V525 Vincent, (Dr.)
0538 06/27/1885 4 02 U551 Union Pacific; Railroads: Bonds to aid railroads voted by Howard and Sherman Counties
0538 06/27/1885 4 02 U551 Union Pacific; Railroads: Howard County Howard County votes to aid Union Pacific RR by bond
0538 06/27/1885 4 02 U551 Union Pacific ; Railroads: Sherman County Sherman County votes to aid Union Pacific RR by bond
0538 06/27/1885 4 02 C320 Chautauqua; Organization: Crete Annual session of Chautauqua Circle
0538 06/27/1885 4 02 M633 Meredith, R.R., (Rev.); Sunday School: Crete Rev. R.R. Meredith of Boston will lecture at annual Sunday School meeting at Cre
0538 06/27/1885 4 02 T150 Tiffany, (Dr.); Sunday School: Crete Dr. Tiffany of New York will attend annual Sunday School session at Crete
0538 06/27/1885 4 02 N620 Nourse, (Dr.); Sunday School: Crete Dr. Nourse of Washington will attend annual Sunday School session at Crete
0538 06/27/1885 4 02 R360 Rider, (Miss); Sunday School: Crete Miss Rider of Chicago to teach at annual Sunday School session at Crete
0538 06/27/1885 4 03 E326 Edgar Times; Newspaper: Edgar From Edgar Times in regard to home paper
0538 06/27/1885 4 03 C535 Continental Railway Company; Railroads
0538 06/27/1885 4 04 A262 Agriculture: Nebraska Farmers' statistical statements
0538 06/27/1885 4 04 W360 Weather: Grand Island Cyclone destroys many crops
0538 06/27/1885 4 04 P654 Purnell, J.R.; Weather: Grand Island J.R. Purnell lost crops by cyclone
0538 06/27/1885 4 04 R525 Rankin, David; Weather: Grand Island David Rankin lost crops by cyclone
0538 06/27/1885 4 04 B564 B & M Railroad; Railroads: B & M Railroad rumored to extend line into Sherman and Greeley Counties
0538 06/27/1885 4 05 J561 John Robinson Circus; Circus: Hastings John Robinson Circus to be in Hastings
0538 06/27/1885 4 05 B620 Brock, Truman: Truman Brock in state penitentiary at Lincoln
0538 06/27/1885 4 05 M452 Mullins, J.H.; Bookstore
0538 06/27/1885 6 01 G653 Grand Island Independent; Newspaper: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 6 01 A652 Arriens, August: Oak Creek
0538 06/27/1885 6 01 H300 Hedde, Fred: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 6 02 G630 Garrett, Fannie ; M: Grand Island Groom: John Allan; Parents: Mr. and Mrs. James Garrett
0538 06/27/1885 6 02 G630 Garrett, James; M: Grand Island Mr. and Mrs. James Garrett host celebration at home in honor of daughter's weddi
0538 06/27/1885 6 02 A450 Allan, John; M: Hall County Bride: Fannie Garrett
0538 06/27/1885 6 02 A450 Allan, John: Hall County John Allan if Clerk of Circuit Court
0538 06/27/1885 6 02 H560 Henry, (Rev.); M: Grand Island Rev. Henry performs marriage of Fannie Garrett and John Allan
0538 06/27/1885 6 02 L516 Lambert, John: North Platte John Lambert had C.S. Currier arrested for beating Lambert's son; trial before J
0538 06/27/1885 6 02 C660 Currier, C.S.: North Platte C.S. Currier arrested for beating John Lambert's son; trial before Judge Wilson
0538 06/27/1885 6 02 C660 Currier, C.S.; North Platte Lumber Company: North Platte
0538 06/27/1885 6 02 A235 Accident: Grand Island Carriage of Mr. Dobson upset; no one injured seriously
0538 06/27/1885 6 02 W230 West ; Shoe store: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 6 02 H630 Howard, Clarence: Grand Island Clarence Howard completed three year course at Washington Mechanical University
0538 06/27/1885 6 02 H630 Howard, Clarence: Grand Island Foreman in Wabash shops, St. Louis
0538 06/27/1885 6 02 H630 Howard, George: Grand Island George Howard returned from St. Louis
0538 06/27/1885 6 02 H630 Howard, Maggie: Grand Island Miss Maggie Howard to remain in St. Louis for visit
0538 06/27/1885 6 02 F620 Fairs: Hall County Hall County Fair premium list soon to be published
0538 06/27/1885 6 02 P212 Pacific Hose Company: Grand Island Pacific Hose Company has running team for tournament
0538 06/27/1885 6 02 C462 Clark, R.H.: Grand Island R.H. Clark, insurance and collection agent, able to be about on crutches
0538 06/27/1885 6 02 C522 Census: Grand Island Results of census enumerator reports of North Side population
0538 06/27/1885 6 02 G340 Gettel, John; Real estate: Grand Island John Gettel purchased business lot
0538 06/27/1885 6 02 N200 Neusz, Frank: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 6 02 G324 Goodchild, Thomas; Barber shop: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 6 02 H641 Hurlburt: Grand Island Editor Hurlburt moved family into another residence
0538 06/27/1885 6 02 T600 Thayer, (Gen.); Independence Day: North Bend General Thayer to lecture at North Bend on July 4th
0538 06/27/1885 6 03 G653 Grand Island Business College; Business College: Grand Island Grand Island business school has good night school
0538 06/27/1885 6 03 V340 Voitel, John; Bakery: Grand Island Bakery receiving new coat of paint
0538 06/27/1885 6 03 G600 G.A.R.; Organization: Grand Island G.A.R. flag to be erected at cemetery again
0538 06/27/1885 6 03 C434 Caldwell, (Judge): Grand Island Judge Caldwell's courtroom soon to be completed
0538 06/27/1885 6 03 V620 Vieregg, Henry; Accident: Grand Island Henry Vieregg cut right hand
0538 06/27/1885 6 03 R463 Railroads: Rates over B & M and Union Pacific reduced for Fourth of July
0538 06/27/1885 6 03 P261 Packer & Barr; Real estate: Grand Island Packer & Barr selling number of lots
0538 06/27/1885 6 03 P625 Perkins, (Mr.): Grand Island Mr. Perkins, painter, doing work at Shelton
0538 06/27/1885 6 03 D510 Dunphy, Pat: Grand Island Pat Dunphy improving house
0538 06/27/1885 6 03 D000 Dee, Fred; Sign painter: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 6 03 V650 Varney, J.B.: Grand Island J.B. Varney and wife went East on G.A.R. Excursion
0538 06/27/1885 6 03 V650 Varney, J.B.: Grand Island J.B. Varney and wife to visit old home at Saratoga County, New York
0538 06/27/1885 6 03 V650 Varney, Edgar: Grand Island Edgar Varney and wife went East on G.A.R. Excursion
0538 06/27/1885 6 03 V650 Varney, Edgar: Grand Island Edgar Varney and wife to visit old home at Saratoga County, New York
0538 06/27/1885 6 03 V650 Varney, R.: Grand Island R. Varney went East on G.A.R. Excursion
0538 06/27/1885 6 03 V650 Varney, R.: Grand Island R. Varney to visit old home at Saratoga County, New York
0538 06/27/1885 6 03 H635 Hartman, Sandford, (Mrs.): Grand Island Mrs. Hartman went East on G.A.R. Excursion
0538 06/27/1885 6 03 H635 Hartman, Sandford, (Mrs.): Grand Island Mrs. Hartman to visit old home at Saratoga County, New York
0538 06/27/1885 6 03 S363 Streets: Grand Island Improvement of grade on East Third Street
0538 06/27/1885 6 03 M254 McConnell, "Little Joe"; Union Pacific; Railroads: Joe McConnell , general master mechanic of Union Pacific on all lines between Om
0538 06/27/1885 7 01 F620 Fairs: Hall County Hall County Fair programme, speed, and special premiums
0538 06/27/1885 7 01 F652 Furnas; Fairs: Hall County Ex-Governor Furnas gave address at Hall County Fair
0538 06/27/1885 7 01 V520 Van Wyck, Charles; Fairs: Hall County Senator Van Wyck to give address at Hall County Fair
0538 06/27/1885 7 01 G655 Germania Band; Fairs: Hall County Germania Band to play at Hall County Fair
0538 06/27/1885 7 02 V620 Vieregg, Henry; Fairs : Hall County Henry Vieregg to give premium at fair
0538 06/27/1885 7 01 S315 Stevenson, A.L.: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 7 02 S530 Smith, Fayette: Hall County
0538 06/27/1885 7 02 S354 Stanley, Frank: Hall County
0538 06/27/1885 7 02 W420 Welch, F.P.: Hall County
0538 06/27/1885 7 02 G650 Green, Philo: Hall County
0538 06/27/1885 7 02 F300 Foote, O.F.: Hall County
0538 06/27/1885 7 02 H523 Hanchett, L.J.: Hall County
0538 06/27/1885 7 02 H400 Hall, Josiah: Hall County
0538 06/27/1885 7 02 K520 Koenig, H.; Fairs: Grand Island H. Koenig to give special premiums
0538 06/27/1885 7 02 M600 Moore, J.D.; Fairs: Hall County J.D. Moore to give special premium at fair
0538 06/27/1885 7 02 E520 Ewing, James; Fairs: Wood River James Ewing of Wood River Gazette to give special premium at fair
0538 06/27/1885 7 02 P456 Palmer, H.J.; Fairs: Hall County H.J. Palmer to give special premium at fair
0538 06/27/1885 7 03 V535 Vantine, D.H.; Fairs: Hall County D.H. Vantine to give special premium at fair
0538 06/27/1885 7 03 R152 Robinson & Ross; Fairs: Hall County Robinson & Ross, real estate agents, to give special premium at fair
0538 06/27/1885 7 03 W256 Wasmer, C.; Fairs: Hall County C. Wasmer to give premium at fair
0538 06/27/1885 7 03 E425 Elsner & Heesch; Fairs: Grand Island Elsner & Heesch grocers to give premium at fair
0538 06/27/1885 7 03 V362 Veit & Roeser; Fairs: Grand Island Veit & Roeser grocers to offer premium at fair
0538 06/27/1885 7 03 R500 Raine, J.G. & Co.; Fairs: Grand Island J. G. Raine & Co., jewelers and music dealers, offers premium at fair
0538 06/27/1885 7 03 M610 Murphy, M.; Fairs: Grand Island M. Murphy, photographer, offers premium at fair
0538 06/27/1885 7 04 G653 Grand Island Business College; Fairs: Grand Island Grand Island Business College offers premium for fair
0538 06/27/1885 7 04 H622 Hargis, A.M.: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 7 04 H630 Hayward, (Mr.); Weather: Easton Mr. Hayward's windmill victim of windstorm
0538 06/27/1885 7 04 A262 Agriculture: Easton Crops look good
0538 06/27/1885 7 04 E235 Easton School; Schools: Easton Easton school to close soon for summer
0538 06/27/1885 7 04 R240 Russel, J.W.: Easton J.W. Russel moved to Sutton to operate mill
0538 06/27/1885 7 04 D220 Disease: Easton Several cases of chicken pox
0538 06/27/1885 7 04 T460 Taylor, Effie; Disease: Easton Effie Taylor quite sick with chicken pox
0538 06/27/1885 7 03 S343 Stoltenburg, Claus; Fairs: Grand Island Claus Stoltenburg, harnessmaker, to give premium at fair
0538 06/27/1885 7 03 B560 Beymer, J.W.; Fairs: Grand Island J.W. Beymer, harness dealer, to give premium at fair
0538 06/27/1885 7 03 C514 Campbell, Will; Fairs: Hall County Will Campbell, painter, to give premium at fair
0538 06/27/1885 7 03 G653 Grand Island Democrat; Fairs: Grand Island Newspaper offers premium at fair
0538 06/27/1885 7 03 B635 Bartenbach, George; Fairs: Hall County George Bartenbach, paper hanger and painter, offers premium at fair
0538 06/27/1885 7 03 J522 John G. Schaupp & Son; Fairs: Hall County Proprietors of Planet Roller Mills offer premium at fair
0538 06/27/1885 7 03 B650 Bryan, L.M.; Fairs: Grand Island Bookseller L.M. Bryan offers premium at fair
0538 06/27/1885 7 03 C460 Cleary, James; Fairs: Grand Island James Cleary, hardware dealer, offers premium at fair
0538 06/27/1885 7 03 M460 Moeller, J.R.; Fairs: Grand Island J.R. Moeller, photographer, offers premium at fair
0538 06/27/1885 7 04 W325 Watson, Mary: Easton Miss Mary Watson returned from visit in Buffalo County
0538 06/27/1885 7 04 T651 Trumbull, Albert: Easton Albert Trumbull returned home from attending school at Gibbon
0538 06/27/1885 7 04 H630 Hayward, H.: Easton H. Hayward to make permanent home in California
0538 06/27/1885 7 04 W360 Weather: Easton Storm does quite a bit of damage at Loup forks
0538 06/27/1885 9 01 E260 Ecker, George, (Mrs.): Grand Island Mrs. George Ecker went to Osceola
0538 06/27/1885 9 01 R525 Rankin, (Col.): Bellaire, Ohio Col. Rankin and son of Ohio to return after visit in Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 9 01 L160 Labor: Grand Island Advertisement for pastry cook
0538 06/27/1885 9 01 L160 Labor: Grand Island Advertisement for girl to do kitchen work
0538 06/27/1885 9 01 H324 Hetzel, Frank; Post Office: Grand Island Frank Hetzel began duties at post office
0538 06/27/1885 9 01 M242 Michelson Block; Building: Grand Island Excavation begun on Michelson Block
0538 06/27/1885 9 01 S432 Schultz, Charles: Central City Charles Schultz visited family at Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 9 01 P252 Picnic: Grand Island Large number enjoyed picnic at Sandkrog park
0538 06/27/1885 9 01 S350 Stone, V.H.: North Loup V. H. Stone visited friends in Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 9 01 B600 Berry, William C.; M: Grand Island Bride: Della M. Taylor
0538 06/27/1885 9 01 T460 Taylor, Della M.; M: Grand Island Groom: William C. Berry
0538 06/27/1885 9 01 C655 Crime and criminals: Grand Island Two arrested for drunk and disorderly conduct
0538 06/27/1885 9 01 C641 Crow & Leftwich: Grand Island Crow & Leftwich making improvements on flour store
0538 06/27/1885 9 01 W362 Wethers, (Mrs.): Grand Island Mrs. Wethers and baby returned from visit at Omaha
0538 06/27/1885 9 01 B400 Bell, J.R.: Grand Island J.R. Bell in Omaha visiting friends
0538 06/27/1885 9 01 J400 Jail: Grand Island County jail contains eight prisoners
0538 06/27/1885 9 01 R563 Reynard : Grand Island Reynard having soda fountain put in store
0538 06/27/1885 9 01 L630 Laird, James, (Hon.): Grand Island Hon. James Laird to be at Hastings celebration
0538 06/27/1885 9 01 L362 Liederkranz Association; Organization: Grand Island Funds for concert and theatre
0538 06/27/1885 9 01 B122 Babcock, Evan: Grand Island State Auditor Evan Babcock visited in Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 9 01 M332 Methodist Church; Methodist: Scotia Scotia Methodist Church dedicated
0538 06/27/1885 9 01 A634 Artley, Sylvester: Saint Louis Sylvester Artley of St. Louis visiting in Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 9 01 M140 Mobley, (Mrs.): Grand Island Mrs. Mobley has brother-in-law visiting her
0538 06/27/1885 9 01 H625 Harrison & Rief: Grand Island Harrison & Rief having excavations made
0538 06/27/1885 9 01 C655 Crime and criminals: Grand Island Four brought before the judge
0538 06/27/1885 9 01 M242 Michelson Block; Building: Grand Island Michelson Block being excavated
0538 06/27/1885 9 01 B350 Boyden: Grand Island Masons progressing rapidly on brick
0538 06/27/1885 9 01 R200 Roach, Joseph: Alda Joseph Roach visited in Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 9 01 W534 Windolph; Building: Grand Island Work progressing in block
0538 06/27/1885 9 01 W534 Windolph, Adam: Grand Island Convalescing after illness
0538 06/27/1885 9 01 C400 Coyle, J.P., (Capt.): Grand Island Capt. Coyle returned from eastern trip
0538 06/27/1885 9 01 W350 Whitney, (Mrs.): Grand Island Mrs. Whitney went to Scotia for short visit
0538 06/27/1885 9 01 R452 Rawlins, Mel: North Loup Mel Rawlins visited in Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 9 01 S520 Sink, (Rev.): Scotia Rev. Sink visited in Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 9 01 B400 Bell, J.R.: Grand Island J.R. Bell of Dexter & Shanstrom clearing house
0538 06/27/1885 9 01 F520 Finch, J.C.: Camden, New York J.C. Finch visiting Dr. Miller at Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 9 01 M460 Miller, (Dr.): Grand Island Dr. Miller has J.C. Finch of New York visiting him
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 D616 Draper, (Mrs.) ; Disease: Grand Island Mrs. Draper very ill with cancer
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 C622 Circus: Grand Island Forepaughs circus to visit city this summer
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 K600 Kerr, L.L., (Mrs.): Grand Island Mrs. Kerr returned from visit with friends in west
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 S163 Sports: Hastings Baseball team defeated by St. Joseph
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 P456 Palmer ; Livery Stable: Grand Island Livery stable breaking broncos
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 S262 Segers, John: Grand Island John Segers returned from visiting relatives in Michigan
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 B520 Banks, W.F.: Grand Island W.F. Banks, livery man, left for home in Indiana for visit
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 I531 Independence Day: Grand Island City to celebrate July 4th at Hanns Park
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 H521 Hanns Park; Parks: Grand Island Hanns Park to have July 4th celebration
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 B400 Bell, George: Grand Island George Bell erecting windmill tower
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 H160 Hooper, Will: Grand Island Will Hooper erecting windmill tower
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 J525 Jansen, (Prof.): Grand Island Prof. Jansen teaching summer class in German
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 H536 Hentrich, R.; B & M Railroad; Railroads: Grand Island Mr. R. Hentrich, assistant auditor of B & M RR, visited Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 B132 Baptist Church; Baptist: Grand Island Baptist Church having St. John's services
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 M252 Masons; Organization: Grand Island All masons to attend St. John's services
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 U551 Union Pacific; Railroads: Howard County Howard County to vote on issuing bonds to extend UP railroad
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 U551 Union Pacific ; Railroads: Sherman County Sherman County to vote on issuing bonds to extend UP railroad
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 M255 McMean, (Mrs.): Grand Island Mrs. McMean and sons to spend summer in Ohio
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 K300 Keith, Charles: Grand Island Charles Keith taking summer vacation
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 D320 Dodge, Mamie: St. Joseph, Missouri Miss Dodge of St. Joe visiting in Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 N620 Norris, Anne: St. Joseph, Missouri Miss Norris of St. Joe visiting in Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 M242 Michelson, (Mr.): Grand Island Mr. Michelson has people from St. Joe visiting his family
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 U551 Union Pacific; Railroads: Union Pacific passenger train delayed because of washout
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 S450 Saloon: Grand Island Saloon to open soon
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 L526 Lenker, J.N., (Rev.); Lutheran Church; Lutheran: Grand Island Rev. Lenker to take part in State Sunday School convention
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 S532 Sunday School: Lincoln State Sunday School convention
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 C460 Cleary, James: Grand Island James Cleary has new improvements on residence
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 V300 Veith, D.H.: Grand Island D.H. Veith's son sick with rheumatism
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 E121 Episcopal Church; Episcopalian: Grand Island Episcopal church to hold services Sunday
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 H560 Henry, (Rev.): Grand Island Rev. Henry will return from visit to Denver in time for services
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 A130 Abbott, (Gov.): Grand Island Has fine lot
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 V620 Vieregg, Henry; Building: Grand Island Henry Vieregg to build new residence
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 K460 Koehler, Gus; Saloon: Grand Island Gus Koehler repainting interior of saloon
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 B400 Ball, (Mr.): Grand Island Mr. Ball returned from visit at Ainsworth; Mrs. Ball to remain at Ainsworth for
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 W120 Wiebes, Charles: Grand Island Improvements on Wiebes residence nearly complete
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 S420 Slack, C.S.: North Loup Visited in Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 S420 Slack, C.S.; Real estate: Grand Island Mr. C.S. Slack of North Loup purchased block in Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 R560 Riner, Bro.: Grand Island Mr. Riner expecting visit from brother from Cheyenne
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 L500 Loan, George, (Mrs.): Grand Island Mrs. George Loan received word of death of mother at Belford, England
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 S160 Schafer, (Mrs.): Valley County Mrs. Schafer, wife of County Clerk, visited in Grand Island at O.U. Westcott's h
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 W232 Westcott, O.U.: Grand Island Mrs. Schafer of Valley County visiting in Westcott home
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 A536 Andrews, (Mr.); Union Pacific; Railroads: Grand Island Mr. Andrews, train master of Union Pacific, has Mr. Warner of Missouri visiting
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 W656 Warner, (Mr.): Missouri Mr. Warner of Missouri visiting at Mr. Andrews' home
0538 06/27/1885 9 02 P620 Pew & Rice; Painters: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 9 03 H235 Hastings, George: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 9 03 L500 Loan, George : Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 9 03 E256 Eisner & Heesch; Grocery: Grand Island Having delivery wagon painted
0538 06/27/1885 9 03 D510 Dunphy, James: Grand Island James Dunphy to return to Grand Island after attending Catholic School at Marysv
0538 06/27/1885 9 03 J250 Jackson, Ed; Wolbachs: Grand Island Ed Jackson, clerk at Wolbachs
0538 06/27/1885 9 03 J250 Jackson, Ed, (Infant F); B: Grand Island Daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jackson
0538 06/27/1885 9 03 B652 Barnes, Eli A.; Census: Grand Island Census enumerator sworn into secrecy
0538 06/27/1885 9 03 F655 Firemen's Tournament: Grand Island Firemen's Tournament committee meets
0538 06/27/1885 9 03 B255 Buchanan & Co.; Restaurant: Grand Island Restaurant to be improved by painters
0538 06/27/1885 9 03 T000 Touhey, P., (Mr.); Accident: Grand Island Touhey returns home from Denver; his son fell and fractured skull
0538 06/27/1885 9 03 W256 Wasmer, C.A.; Agriculture: Grand Island C.A. Wasmer sold farm to Mr. Peterson
0538 06/27/1885 9 03 P362 Peterson, (Mr.); Agriculture: Grand Island Mr. Peterson buys Wasmer farm and moves there
0538 06/27/1885 9 03 P362 Peterson, Charles; Building: Grand Island Charles Peterson has foundation laid for residence
0538 06/27/1885 9 03 W200 Weeks, W.H.: Grand Island Boy arrested for covering W.H. Weeks office with rotten eggs
0538 06/27/1885 9 03 H251 Hockenberger, E.C.: Grand Island E.C. Hockenberger to resume duties as cashier of Wood River Bank
0538 06/27/1885 9 03 L500 Loan, Libbey: Grand Island Libbey Loan, daughter of George Loan, to return from Colorado because of illness
0538 06/27/1885 9 03 T000 Touhey, P., (Mr.): Grand Island Son improving from skull fracture
0538 06/27/1885 9 03 P623 Preston, (Mr.): Omaha Insurance agent of fifteen years in Grand Island on business
0538 06/27/1885 9 03 I531 Independence Day: Excursion trains to run on July 4th to accommodate for Hastings and Doniphan cel
0538 06/27/1885 9 03 I531 Independence Day: Hastings Hastings to celebrate July 44th
0538 06/27/1885 9 03 I531 Independence Day: Doniphan Doniphan to celebrate July 4th
0538 06/27/1885 9 03 F560 Fonner, John; Agriculture: Grand Island John Fonner sold one of Howard County farms
0538 06/27/1885 9 03 U551 Union Pacific; Railroads: Trains on UP line delayed because of weather
0538 06/27/1885 9 03 R525 Rankin, (Co.): Bellaire, Ohio Col. Rankin talking of buying residence at Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 9 03 R463 Railroads: Deed for piece between Hastings and Grand Island filed
0538 06/27/1885 9 03 B532 Benedict, (Mr.) ; Niagara Insurance Company: Grand Island Mr. Benedict, special agent of Niagara insurance company, visiting in Grand Isla
0538 06/27/1885 9 03 G500 Gahan, M.J., (Dr.): Grand Island Dr. Gahan called to Central City to assist in surgical operation
0538 06/27/1885 9 03 W162 Weber Comedy Co.: Grand Island Weber comedy Co. spent past week in car on UP lines at Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 9 03 D510 Dunphy, (Mrs.): Grand Island Mrs. Dunphy went to Omaha for daughter Mary, who was attending Convent of Sister
0538 06/27/1885 9 03 D510 Dunphy, Mary: Grand Island Returned home to Grand Island after attending Convent of Sisters of Sacred Heart
0538 06/27/1885 9 04 S536 Sanders, (Dr.): Grand Island Dr. Sanders to improve residence
0538 06/27/1885 9 04 L516 Lambert, John; M : Grand Island Wedding held at John Lambert's home
0538 06/27/1885 9 04 B200 Beck, Chris S.; M: Grand Island Bride: Charlotte Baik; married by Rev. J.C.H. Reed; couple to live in Omaha
0538 06/27/1885 9 04 B200 Baik, Charlotte; M: Grand Island Groom: Chris S. Beck; married by Rev. J.C.H. Reed; couple to live in Omaha
0538 06/27/1885 9 04 R300 Reed, J.C.H., (Rev.); M: Grand Island Rev. Reed of Baptist Church performs Baik-Beck wedding ceremony
0538 06/27/1885 9 04 W325 Watson, Kittie: Grand Island Miss Watson, formerly of Grand Island, graduated from Parkersburg, Virginia scho
0538 06/27/1885 9 04 A160 Aubrey, A.W.: Grand Island Won prize for marksmanship at shooting gallery
0538 06/27/1885 9 04 V500 Van Wie, John: Grand Island Won prize for marksmanship at shooting gallery
0538 06/27/1885 9 04 P621 Presbyterian Church; Presbyterian: Grand Island Postponement of Presbyterian services announced
0538 06/27/1885 9 04 G645 G.A.R. Lyons Post No. 11; Organization: Grand Island G.A.R. Lyons Post No. 11 to hold adjourned meeting
0538 06/27/1885 9 04 E121 Episcopal Church; Episcopalian: Grand Island Episcopal Church to run special train to St. Paul on July 4th for picnic
0538 06/27/1885 9 04 R240 Russell, (Col.): Omaha Col. Russell, formerly of Grand Island Independent, now reporter for Omaha Bee,
0538 06/27/1885 9 04 R120 Riefs, Charles; Crime and criminals - vandalism: Grand Island Charles Riefs' yard robbed of cherries and trees broken
0538 06/27/1885 9 04 R300 Reed, J.H., (Rev.); Masons; Organization: Grand Island Rev. Reed gave sermon to members of Masonic group
0538 06/27/1885 9 04 M252 Masons; Organization: Grand Island Masonic services attended by a number from Ashlar Lodge No. 33
0538 06/27/1885 9 04 S530 Smith, (Sheriff); Crime and criminals: Kansas Sheriff Smith of Kansas returned home without taking prisoner Thurman with him
0538 06/27/1885 9 04 T655 Thurman; Crime and criminals: Prisoner held in bonds
0538 06/27/1885 9 04 U551 Union Pacific; Railroads: Grand Island Union Pacific offices repainted and overhauled
0538 06/27/1885 9 04 G324 Goodchild, Thomas; Real estate: Grand Island Lot in dispute
0538 06/27/1885 9 04 G340 Gettel, John; Real estate: Grand Island Lot in dispute
0538 06/27/1885 9 04 H630 Hart, (Mr.); Real estate: Grand Island City Engineer Hart to survey lots in dispute
0538 06/27/1885 9 04 M460 Moeller, (Dr.): Grand Island Estimates loss of Marine Hail Insurance Co. at St. Paul
0538 06/27/1885 9 04 M654 Marine Hail Insurance Co.; Insurance: St. Paul Dr. Moeller estimates loss of Marine Hail Insurance Co.
0538 06/27/1885 9 04 C540 Conley, S.A.; Real estate: Grand Island S.A. Conley, formerly of Conley & Brewster, in lawsuit against H.C. Beard over l
0538 06/27/1885 9 04 B630 Beard, H.C.; Real estate: H.C. Beard in lawsuit against S.A. Conley over land in Howard County
0538 06/27/1885 9 05 C500 Cohn, Henry: Grand Island Henry Cohn went to Omaha for a visit
0538 06/27/1885 9 05 L365 Lederman, A.C.: Grand Island A.C. Lederman in Lincoln for a week
0538 06/27/1885 9 05 J625 Jargens, Henry; H.H. Glover & Co.: Grand Island Henry Jargens again behind counter at Glover & Co.
0538 06/27/1885 9 05 H241 H.H. Glover & Co.: Grand Island H.H. Glover & Co. having bargain sale
0538 06/27/1885 9 05 J525 Johnson (Infant M); B: Grand Island Son born to Mr. and Mrs. Johnson
0538 06/27/1885 9 05 C652 Cairnes, (Mr.); Anglo American Cattle Co.: Cheyenne Mr. Cairnes of Cheyenne, secretary of Anglo American Cattle Co., visiting in Gra
0538 06/27/1885 9 05 B600 Barr, (Prof.): Grand Island Prof. Barr visiting schools in country
0538 06/27/1885 9 05 H300 Hedde, Fred; Sangerfest: Grand Island Fred Hedde, editor of Independent, and wife went to Lincoln for Sangerfest
0538 06/27/1885 9 05 M450 Mullen, (Officer); Police: Grand Island Officer Mullen wears first badge worn by policemen here
0538 06/27/1885 9 05 M255 McMeans, (Mrs.): Grand Island Mrs. McMeans and sons left for visit in Ohio
0538 06/27/1885 9 05 A524 Anschling, Gus; Grand Island Independent; Newspaper: Grand Island Gus Anschling, pressman for Independent, took boys to Lincoln for convention
0538 06/27/1885 9 05 000 : Grand Island Grand Island citizens express criticisms, both good and bad
0538 06/27/1885 9 05 D200 Dogs: Grand Island Necessary to muzzle dogs
0538 06/27/1885 9 05 T415 Telephone: Grand Island Setting in new and larger poles
0538 06/27/1885 9 05 I526 Immigration: West has no earthly desire for pioneers
0538 06/27/1885 9 05 W625 Workmen A.O.U.W.; Organization: Grand Island Workmen A.O.U.W. in session
0538 06/27/1885 9 05 W623 Wright, Ferd: Grand Island Ferd Wright has horse and light wagon for sale
0538 06/27/1885 9 06 S530 Smith, C.W.; Accident: Grand Island C.W. Smith thrown from train, badly bruised
0538 06/27/1885 9 06 S530 Smith, C.W.; Steele, Johnson & Co.: Grand Island C.W. Smith, runner for Steele, Johnson & Co. grocery house, visits in Doniphan
0538 06/27/1885 9 06 M300 Meth, J. Ed.; Furniture: Grand Island J. Ed. Meth, pioneer furniture man, reopened business
0538 06/27/1885 9 06 S365 Stringfellow, (Dr.): Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 9 06 G500 Gahan, M.J., (Dr.): Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 9 06 T000 Touhey, P., (Mr.); Accident: Grand Island Son of P. Touhey fell from boxcar, skull fractured
0538 06/27/1885 9 06 W360 Weather: Grand Island Weather very beneficial
0538 06/27/1885 9 06 000 : Hall County Legal notice of state hearing
0538 06/27/1885 11 05 A222 A.J. Guston & Co.; Whip dealer: Lincoln
0538 06/27/1885 11 05 C535 C.M. Eaton & Co.; Utilities: Omaha Water, gas, fuel
0538 06/27/1885 11 05 R612 Rohrbaugh, M.G.; Omaha Commercial College; Business College: Omaha M.G. Rohrbaugh, principal of Omaha Commercial College
0538 06/27/1885 11 07 A210 A. Hospe; Art materials: Omaha
0538 06/27/1885 11 07 G651 Green & Burke; Livestock: Omaha Livestock and commission merchants
0538 06/27/1885 11 07 M625 Merchants National Bank; Bank: David City
0538 06/27/1885 11 07 O553 Omaha National Bank; Bank: Omaha
0538 06/27/1885 11 07 K655 Kearney National Bank; Bank: Kearney
0538 06/27/1885 11 07 C451 Columbus State Bank; Bank: Columbus
0538 06/27/1885 11 07 M235 McDonalds Bank; Bank: North Platte
0538 06/27/1885 12 01 R452 Rawlins, Charles : Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 01 S431 Schlotfeldt, Chris: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 01 L550 Layman, E.L.: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 01 H160 Hooper, E. : Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 01 W420 Wills, Oscar: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 01 H251 Hockenberger, Ed: Grand Island To run mail route on North Loup branch
0538 06/27/1885 12 01 W422 Wallichs, John: Grand Island John Wallichs moved to Grand Island from Omaha
0538 06/27/1885 12 01 R263 Richardson, E.S.: Seward E.S. Richardson visited in Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 01 M263 McCarthy, D.J.: York D.J. McCarthy visited in Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 01 W100 Webb, (Mr.): Grand Island Friends visiting him
0538 06/27/1885 12 01 S125 Schaupps Mill: Grand Island Schaupps Mill commenced running again
0538 06/27/1885 12 01 W360 Weather: Grand Island Warm weather
0538 06/27/1885 12 01 E232 Estes, Auburn: Michigan Auburn Estes and niece Nellie Estes to spend summer vacation in Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 01 E232 Estes, Nellie: Michigan Nellie Estes and uncle Auburn Estes to spend summer vacation in Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 01 G416 Glover, (Mr.); Horses: Grand Island Mr. Glover bought Kentucky mares
0538 06/27/1885 12 01 P456 Palmer, (Mr.); Horses: Grand Island Mr. Palmer bought Kentucky mares
0538 06/27/1885 12 01 S315 Stevenson, (Mr.); Horses: Grand Island Mr. Stevenson bought Kentucky mares
0538 06/27/1885 12 01 F655 Fehrman, Adolph: Pekin, Illinois Adolph Fehrman from Illinois visiting in Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 01 L365 Lederman, A.C.: Grand Island Old schoolmate from Illinois visiting A.C. Lederman
0538 06/27/1885 12 01 M242 McAllister, (Mrs.); D : Hall County
0538 06/27/1885 12 01 H560 Henry, F.W., (Rev.): Grand Island Rev. Henry went to Denver for visit
0538 06/27/1885 12 01 A450 Allan, Jessie: Scotland Miss Allan to return home to Scotland after visiting brother John Allan in Grand
0538 06/27/1885 12 01 A450 Allan, John: Grand Island Sister Jessie from Scotland visiting him
0538 06/27/1885 12 01 M640 Merrill, (Supt.); Sunday School: Grand Island Supt. Merrill to represent Presbyterian Sabbath School at state convention in Li
0538 06/27/1885 12 01 C514 Canfield, Charlie: New Mexico Charlie Canfield of New Mexico visited O.U. Westcotts, in-laws, at Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 01 W232 Westcott, O.U.: Grand Island Visited by son-in-law Charlie Canfield of New Mexico
0538 06/27/1885 12 01 A450 Allan, John: Grand Island John Allan received postal card from Henry Mayer
0538 06/27/1885 12 01 M600 Mayer, Henry: Grand Island Henry Mayer arrived safely in Germany
0538 06/27/1885 12 01 W436 Waldron, Ike: Grand Island Ike Waldron to enclose section with barb wire
0538 06/27/1885 12 01 T415 Telephone: Grand Island Putting up new telephone poles
0538 06/27/1885 12 01 A246 Ashlar Lodge; Organization: Grand Island Ashlar Lodge A.F.& A.M. election of officers
0538 06/27/1885 12 01 S530 Smith, Eli, (Mrs.); D Accident: Wood River Died from electric shock; Mr. Smith given sympathy of neighbors and friends
0538 06/27/1885 12 01 V365 Veterans: Grand Island Wounds from war becoming noticeable
0538 06/27/1885 12 02 C654 Cornelius, William: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 02 W200 Weeks, W.H.: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 02 M242 McAllister, W.R.: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 02 H152 Havens, George R.: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 02 A143 Appledon, John M.: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 02 F631 Fire Department: Grand Island Resolutions of meeting
0538 06/27/1885 12 02 G536 Guenther, Frank; D: Colfax Springs, Iowa F. Guenther, former fireman at Grand Island, died in Iowa
0538 06/27/1885 12 02 000 : Grand Island Two runaways at B & M Depot
0538 06/27/1885 12 02 E425 Elsner & Heesch; Horses: Grand Island Runaway delivery horse
0538 06/27/1885 12 02 H200 Hagge, (Mr.); Horses: Grand Island Mr. Hagge's family carriage horses runaway
0538 06/27/1885 12 02 A525 Ancient Order of United Workmen; Organization: Grand Island State convention of Ancient Order of United Workmen to be held at Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 02 C625 Carson; Crime and criminals: Kansas Sheriff Carson of Smith County, Kansas, came to Grand Island for two arrested me
0538 06/27/1885 12 02 T655 Thurman, W.H.; Crime and criminals: Thurman arrested and taken to Kansas by Sheriff Carson
0538 06/27/1885 12 02 B525 Benson, Frederick W.; Crime and criminals: Benson arrested and taken to Kansas by Sheriff Carson
0538 06/27/1885 12 02 I525 Insanity: Grand Island Arrest of man from Aurora, supposed insane
0538 06/27/1885 12 02 K523 Knights of Labor; Organization: Grand Island Large membership in Knights of Labor
0538 06/27/1885 12 02 M600 Moore, J.D.; Crime and criminals: Grand Island Arrest of two men named Moore for counterfeit draft
0538 06/27/1885 12 02 G600 G.A.R. ; Organization: Grand Island Invalid wife of G.A.R. member Draper given aid
0538 06/27/1885 12 02 D616 Draper, (Mrs.) ; G.A.R.; Organization: Grand Island Invalid wife of G.A.R. member Draper given aid
0538 06/27/1885 12 03 M332 Methodist Church; Methodist: Grand Island Methodist Church has Children's Day
0538 06/27/1885 12 03 G653 Grand Island Schools; Teachers: Grand Island Precedent of all teachers having 1st grade certificate
0538 06/27/1885 12 03 W360 Weather: Grand Island Windstorm
0538 06/27/1885 12 03 000 : Grand Island Council ordered new opening
0538 06/27/1885 12 03 R500 Rhone, (Rev.): Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 03 M216 McBride, Master: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 03 R500 Rhone, Belle: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 03 R500 Rhone, (Mrs.): Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 03 N620 Norris, Sophia: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 03 W325 Watson, Dixie: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 03 L500 Lane, (Miss): Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 03 M423 Millgate, (Miss): Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 03 P362 Peterson, (Miss): Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 03 N620 Norris, (Miss): Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 03 P612 Probasco, (Miss): Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 03 P516 Pemberton, (Miss): Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 03 B300 Body, Tommie: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 03 R200 Rouse, Eddie: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 03 H536 Henderson, Eddie: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 03 S536 Sanders, Lucy: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 03 F455 Fleming, Maud: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 03 B534 Bentley, Freddie: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 03 B300 Body, Carrie: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 03 F260 Fisher, (Mrs.): Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 03 V342 Voetels; Bakery: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 03 E232 Estes House: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 04 R525 Rankin, (Col.): Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 04 M242 McGlug: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 04 B623 Burket, H.L.: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 04 M600 Moore, J.D.: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 04 P621 Presbyterian Church; Presbyterian: Grand Island Meeting of McGluggeson class
0538 06/27/1885 12 04 H425 Hall County Agricultural Society ; Organization: Hall County Meeting
0538 06/27/1885 12 04 L326 Ladies Cornet Band; Music: Ord Ladies Cornet Band to play at fair
0538 06/27/1885 12 04 T360 Theatre: Six towns joined in theatrical circuit
0538 06/27/1885 12 04 S536 Sanders, A.J.: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 04 C434 Caldwell, G.H.: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 04 Z562 Zimmers, F.P.: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 04 C224 Coggeshall, W.B.: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 04 H516 Heimberger, W.A.: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 04 H400 Howell, C.L.: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 04 B623 Brewster, S.H.: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 04 W350 Whitney, L.M.: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 04 H324 Hetzel, George D.: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 04 H235 Hastings, E.C.: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 04 G655 Gorman, J.H.: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 04 L100 Leib, C.H.: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 04 G500 Gohan, M.J.: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 04 H435 Haldeman, (Dr.)
0538 06/27/1885 12 04 A143 Appledon, John M.
0538 06/27/1885 12 04 A536 Andrews, Joel H.: Alda
0538 06/27/1885 12 04 K400 Kelly, S.D.: Grand Island
0538 06/27/1885 12 04 F631 Fire Department: Grand Island Meeting
0538 06/27/1885 12 04 C654 Cornelius, William; Fire Department: Grand Island Wm. Cornelius selected Fire Chief
0538 06/27/1885 12 04 L365 Lederman, A.C.; Fire Department: Grand Island A.C. Lederman , Assistant Fire Chief
0538 06/27/1885 12 05 L516 Lambert, John: Engineer did some running between Grand Island and North Platte
0538 06/27/1885 12 05 B252 Business: Grand Island Ten new brick business blocks under construction
0538 06/27/1885 12 05 R200 Reese, Henry; Grocery: Grand Island Henry Reese going out of business, has groceries at cost
0538 06/27/1885 12 05 M251 Macomber, T.; Horses: Grand Island Mr. Macomber has sorrel horse lost
0538 07/04/1885 1 01 C655 Crime and criminals - burglary: Omaha Continued burglarizing in Omaha
0538 07/04/1885 1 01 M260 McGuire; Crime and criminals - robbery: Lincoln Verdict not guilty in McGuire robbery case
0538 07/04/1885 1 03 P165 Paper mill: Grand Island Prospects for location of paper mill in Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 1 03 C632 Courthouse: Greeley County Greeley County issues bonds for building of courthouse
0538 07/04/1885 1 03 U551 Union Pacific ; Railroads: Grand Island New round house to be built
0538 07/04/1885 1 03 R463 Railroad Commission; Railroads: Lincoln Lincoln Journal is defender of Railroad Commission
0538 07/04/1885 1 05 R463 Railroads: Effect of engineers who run fast trains
0538 07/04/1885 1 01 H641 Hurlburt
0538 07/04/1885 1 01 V520 Van Wyck
0538 07/04/1885 1 01 N611 New Republic; Newspaper: Lincoln New Republic, temperance paper
0538 07/04/1885 1 01 G600 Gere; Railroad Commission; Railroads
0538 07/04/1885 1 01 U551 Union Pacific; Railroads: Columbus Columbus inhabitants excited about UP lines
0538 07/04/1885 1 02 F620 Fairs: Cass County Date set for Cass County Fair
0538 07/04/1885 1 02 U551 Union Pacific; Railroads: Howard County Outlook of how they will feel
0538 07/04/1885 1 02 P231 Post office: Postage rates to go into effect soon
0538 07/04/1885 1 02 000 : Buffalo County Contest for possessionships
0538 07/04/1885 1 02 F636 Frederick, (Mr.): Buffalo County Mr. Frederick filed preemptions
0538 07/04/1885 1 02 W460 Wheeler, (Mr.): Buffalo County Mr. Wheeler filed for preemption
0538 07/04/1885 1 03 000 : Sherman County Result of vote on bonds
0538 07/04/1885 4 01 B620 Brach, Samuel L.; Post office: Juniata Samuel Brach new postmaster
0538 07/04/1885 4 01 B463 Ballard; Crime and criminals - murder: Omaha Ballard murder trial in Omaha
0538 07/04/1885 4 01 P231 Post office: Plum Creek New Democratic postmaster
0538 07/04/1885 4 01 P231 Post office: North Platte New Democratic postmaster
0538 07/04/1885 4 01 P231 Post office: Beaver City New Democratic postmaster
0538 07/04/1885 4 01 P231 Post office: Juniata New Democratic postmaster
0538 07/04/1885 4 01 P231 Post office: Bloomington New Democratic postmaster
0538 07/04/1885 4 01 W300 White, Gertie; Accident: Omaha Gertie White accidentally shot in thigh by Freiss
0538 07/04/1885 4 01 F620 Freiss; Accident: Omaha Gertie White accidentally shot in thigh by Freiss
0538 07/04/1885 4 01 S530 Smith: Omaha Smith skipped with many debts left behind
0538 07/04/1885 4 01 G600 Gere; Omaha Bee; Newspaper: Omaha Omaha Bee prints criticisms of Mr. Gere
0538 07/04/1885 4 01 M460 Miller, (Dr.); Railroads: Omaha Omaha Herald investigation of railroad matters
0538 07/04/1885 4 01 S322 St. Joe & Western; Railroads: Rumors
0538 07/04/1885 4 02 F620 Fairs: Lincoln Date set for State Fair
0538 07/04/1885 4 02 A262 Agriculture: Hall County Crops promising
0538 07/04/1885 4 02 P142 Public utilities: West Point West Point voted waterworks bonds
0538 07/04/1885 4 02 R463 Railroad Commission; Railroads: Violations of provisions of the Nebraska State Constitution
0538 07/04/1885 4 02 F656 Farmers Alliance; Organization: Adams County Adams County Farmers Alliance for Van Wyck