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NSHS Newspaper Extractions: Code 0538  GRAND ISLAND INDEPENDENT

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Code Date (m/d/y) Pg Col SNDX Extraction

0538 07/04/1885 4 02 H641 Hurlburt
0538 07/04/1885 4 03 Z560 Zimmer, Frank: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 4 03 W300 White, (Capt.): Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 4 03 W330 Whitewood: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 4 03 N211 Newspaper: Loup City Statements about Grand Island in Loup City newspaper

0538 07/04/1885 4 03 S163 Sports: Grand Island North Platte-Grand Island baseball game to be played at Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 4 05 H235 Hastings Gazette Journal; Newspaper: Hastings Reported knocked down by drunken attorney
0538 07/04/1885 4 05 A262 Agriculture: Farmers report that weeds getting advantage
0538 07/04/1885 4 05 R463 Railroads: Fremont Fremont merchants organized to secure better rates on freight
0538 07/04/1885 6 01 W360 Weather: Ord Unusual storm

0538 07/04/1885 6 02 C535 Continental Co.; Railroads
0538 07/04/1885 6 02 G600 Gere, Charles H.; Railroad Commission
0538 07/04/1885 6 06 C654 Cornelius, George; Coal dealer: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 6 06 K613 Kraft, John; Coal dealer: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 6 06 C654 Cornelius & Kraft; Coal dealer: Grand Island

0538 07/04/1885 6 06 W422 Wallichs, John; Real estate: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 6 07 T512 Thompson, J.R. ; Attorney: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 6 07 T512 Thompson, W.H.; Attorney: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 6 07 T512 Thompson Brothers; Attorney: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 7 01 K520 Koenig, (Mr.): Grand Island

0538 07/04/1885 7 01 G500 Gahan, (Mrs.): Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 7 01 M242 McAllister, W.R.: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 7 01 N211 Newspaper : Columbus Talk of Fourth
0538 07/04/1885 7 01 M264 Meseraul, Ike: Grand Island Visiting home in Michigan
0538 07/04/1885 7 01 A540 Amell, S. (Mrs.): Grand Island Has sisters from Topeka, Kansas, visiting her

0538 07/04/1885 7 01 K660 Krier, Ed H.; Post office: Plum Creek New Plum Creek postmaster
0538 07/04/1885 7 01 K510 Knapp, E.P.: Grand Island E.P. Knapp gone to Loup country for vacation
0538 07/04/1885 7 01 W325 Watson, Joe: Webster County Joe Watson visiting brother John at Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 7 01 W325 Watson, John: Grand Island John Watson has brother Joe from Webster County visiting him
0538 07/04/1885 7 01 V320 Vieths, D.H.: Grand Island Son convalescing

0538 07/04/1885 7 01 M652 Merns, S.R.; Building: Grand Island Residence nearing completion
0538 07/04/1885 7 01 G536 Guenther, Charles; Contractor: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 7 01 P430 Platt, W.H.: Grand Island Applicant for receivership of U.S. Land Office
0538 07/04/1885 7 01 W230 West, J.O.; G.A.R.; Organization: Grand Island J.O. West writes that G.A.R. arrived in Maine
0538 07/04/1885 7 01 H600 Harre, Casper Heinrich; M : Merrick County Bride: Johanna Berg; marriage license secured

0538 07/04/1885 7 01 B620 Berg, Johanna; M: Hall County Groom: Casper Heinrich Harre; marriage license secured
0538 07/04/1885 7 01 E121 Episcopal Society: Grand Island Episcopal Society could not make arrangements for excursions to St. Paul on July
0538 07/04/1885 7 01 S322 St. Joseph and Western; Railroads: St. Joseph & Western changed to St. Joseph and Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 7 01 S322 St. Joseph and Grand Island; Railroads: St. Joseph & Western changed to St. Joseph and Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 7 01 N620 Norris, (Mrs.): Grand Island Nephew James Drinkwater of Utah visiting her

0538 07/04/1885 7 01 D652 Drinkwater, James; Business: Salt Lake City James Drinkwater of Utah going into business at Norfolk with Reuben Jenkins of O
0538 07/04/1885 7 01 J525 Jenkins, Reuben; Business: Omaha Reuben Jenkins of Omaha going into business with James Drinkwater of Utah at Nor
0538 07/04/1885 7 01 S163 Sports: Grand Island Grand Island baseball team played Prairie Creek
0538 07/04/1885 7 01 W320 Watts, Vina; Teachers: St. Paul Principal of public schools engaged to teach in Grand Island schools
0538 07/04/1885 7 01 P142 Peoples Mutual Aid Association; Organization: Grand Island Membership increasing

0538 07/04/1885 7 01 G430 Glade, (Mr.); Schaupps Mill; Mill: Grand Island Mills' output large
0538 07/04/1885 7 01 H425 Hall County Agricultural Society ; Organization: Hall County To have concert band from Ord play at fair
0538 07/04/1885 7 01 B252 Business: Grand Island Plans for building, loan and trust association
0538 07/04/1885 7 02 R260 Roeser, Oscar: Grand Island Oscar Roeser has brother from Michigan visiting him
0538 07/04/1885 7 02 P000 Pew, Lilly: Grand Island Miss Pew returned from vacation at Omaha

0538 07/04/1885 7 02 B625 Breckenridge, Martha: Omaha Miss Breckenridge of Omaha had Miss Lilly Pew of Grand Island visiting her
0538 07/04/1885 7 02 T415 Telephone: Grand Island Old telephone poles have been taken out of streets
0538 07/04/1885 7 02 R520 Rank, William: Grand Island Former bookkeeper of James Cleary to go to Denver to engage in business
0538 07/04/1885 7 02 B564 B & M Railroad; Railroads: Good freight and passenger traffic
0538 07/04/1885 7 02 P362 Peterson, Charles; Grist mill: Grand Island Mr. Peterson has new grist mill ready for action

0538 07/04/1885 7 02 B630 Berth, (Prof.): Grand Island Prof. Berth has one room rented for oyster and ice cream parlor
0538 07/04/1885 7 02 B260 Baker, A.S.: Grand Island A.S. Baker has old school teacher, Mrs. Chandler of Moural, Wisconsin, visiting
0538 07/04/1885 7 02 N400 Neeley, (Mr.): Grand Island Resigned position at L.M. Bryans bookstore, to become special agent for Peoples
0538 07/04/1885 7 02 H352 Hottinger, Otto G., (Hon.): Chicago Former druggist at Grand Island back for visit
0538 07/04/1885 7 02 O632 Ord Quiz; Newspaper: Ord Remarks in Ord Quiz on U.S. Land Office

0538 07/04/1885 7 02 A262 Agriculture: Mira Valley Farmers complaining of hogs killed by cholera
0538 07/04/1885 7 02 J520 Janss, (Dr.); Physician: Grand Island Dr. Janss returned from Europe, to practice medicine in Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 7 02 L362 Liederkranz Association; Organization: Grand Island Returned from Sangerfest at Lincoln
0538 07/04/1885 7 02 O625 Organization: Grand Island Mr. Gluggeson's ragamuffin brigade
0538 07/04/1885 7 02 C655 Crime and criminals - theft: Grand Island Police found thief who stole watch

0538 07/04/1885 7 02 W452 Williams, George, (Rev.): Grand Island Rev. Williams gives surprise party for Miss Flo Smith
0538 07/04/1885 7 02 S530 Smith, Flo: Grand Island Miss Flo Smith given surprise party by Rev. Williams; she will take departure fo
0538 07/04/1885 7 02 C460 Cleary, James: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 7 02 B650 Bryan, L.M.: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 7 02 C514 Campbell, W.C.: Grand Island

0538 07/04/1885 7 02 W362 Wethers & Kolls: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 7 02 F420 Foley's; Saloon: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 7 03 W425 Wilson, (Judge): Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 7 03 W360 Weather: Custer County Spring cool and backward
0538 07/04/1885 7 03 A262 Agriculture: Custer County Crops never better

0538 07/04/1885 7 03 000 : Custer County Notes To Grand Island Independent
0538 07/04/1885 7 03 B620 Berick: Hall County Notes to Grand Island Independent
0538 07/04/1885 7 03 P525 Pensions: Number of pensions increased to Board of Pensioners
0538 07/04/1885 7 03 V500 Van Wie, Marshall; Crime and criminals: Grand Island Van Wie arrested several people
0538 07/04/1885 7 03 B630 Barrett, William; Crime and criminals: Grand Island Barrett arrested several people

0538 07/04/1885 7 03 C655 Crime and criminals: Grand Island Fifteen of the demimonde brought before Judge Wilson
0538 07/04/1885 8 01 K500 Kahn, F.: Leadville F. Kahn visiting in Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 8 01 C500 Cohn: Grand Island Cohn brothers have F. Kahn of Leadville visiting them
0538 07/04/1885 8 01 H521 Hanns Park; Independence Day: Grand Island Hanns Park to have fireworks July 4th
0538 07/04/1885 8 01 F612 Forepaughs; Circus: Fremont Forepaughs circus to be held at Fremont

0538 07/04/1885 8 01 D510 Dunphy, Jimmy: Grand Island J. Dunphy returned from Marysville, Kansas
0538 07/04/1885 8 01 U551 Union Pacific; Railroads: UP passenger traffic heavy
0538 07/04/1885 8 01 G430 Gillett; Building: Grand Island Gillett overhauling restaurant building
0538 07/04/1885 8 01 F400 Fall, Clifford P.; M: Hamilton County Bride: Anna Kemper
0538 07/04/1885 8 01 K516 Kemper, Anna; M: Hamilton County Groom: Clifford P. Fall

0538 07/04/1885 8 01 S163 Sports: Grand Island Grand Island baseball team to go to North Platte
0538 07/04/1885 8 01 C155 Chapman, Minnie: Grand Island Miss Chapman visiting Mrs. George Ecker at Osceola
0538 07/04/1885 8 01 E260 Ecker, George, (Mrs.): Osceola Mrs. Ecker has Miss Minnie Chapman visiting her
0538 07/04/1885 8 01 A436 Alter, I.R.; Livestock: Grand Island Mr. Alter has been in Oregon buying cattle for ranch
0538 07/04/1885 8 01 C625 Carson, J.C. : Grand Island J.C. Carson of H.J. Lee establishment in Fremont to go to Grand Island

0538 07/04/1885 8 01 H240 H.J. Lee; Business: Fremont
0538 07/04/1885 8 01 S552 Simmons, J.G.; Seward Reporter; Newspaper: Seward J.G. Simmons visiting in Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 8 01 C522 Census: Grand Island 6000 inhabitants
0538 07/04/1885 8 01 W300 White, Nellie: Grand Island Miss White visiting in Wood River
0538 07/04/1885 8 01 W300 White, Freddie: Grand Island Freddie White visiting in Wood River

0538 07/04/1885 8 01 S530 Smith, (Mr.); Accident: Grand Island Grocery runner injured by train soon to be out again
0538 07/04/1885 8 01 B630 Berth, (Prof.); Academy of Music; Music: Grand Island Work begun on Academy of Music
0538 07/04/1885 8 01 R520 Ring, (Dr.): Grand Island Dr. Ring improving residence
0538 07/04/1885 8 01 R463 Railroads: Grand Island Steam hand car attracted much attention
0538 07/04/1885 8 01 V620 Vieregg, Henry; Business: Grand Island Business good

0538 07/04/1885 8 01 R500 Rhone, (Rev.); M: Grand Island Rev. Rhone performed wedding of Ida Taylor and W.C. Berry
0538 07/04/1885 8 01 T460 Taylor, Ida M.; M: Grand Island Groom: W.C. Berry
0538 07/04/1885 8 01 B600 Berry, W.C.; M: Grand Island Bride: Ida M. Taylor
0538 07/04/1885 8 01 G655 Gorman, J.H.: Grand Island J.H. Gorman to commence overhauling skating rink
0538 07/04/1885 8 01 C434 Caldwell, (Judge): Grand Island Office improved

0538 07/04/1885 8 01 T540 Thummel, George H.; Ashlar Lodge; Organization: Grand Island George Thummel representing Ashlar Lodge at session of Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M.
0538 07/04/1885 8 01 R452 Rawlins, Charles; Ashlar Lodge; Organization: Grand Island Charles Rawlins representing Ashlar Lodge at session of Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M.
0538 07/04/1885 8 01 S365 Stringfellow, (Dr.): Grand Island Dr. Stringfellow has acquarian [aquarium?] in office
0538 07/04/1885 8 01 T000 Touhey, Hal: Grand Island Out of danger and improving
0538 07/04/1885 8 01 A536 Anderson, (Mrs.): Mrs. Anderson, visiting at Burket home in Grand Island, now visiting in Greeley,

0538 07/04/1885 8 01 A536 Anderson, (Miss): Miss Anderson, visiting at Burket home in Grand Island, now visiting in Greeley,
0538 07/04/1885 8 01 B623 Burket, Julia: Grand Island Visiting in Greeley, Colorado
0538 07/04/1885 8 01 G500 Gahan, (Dr.): Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 8 01 B623 Burket, (Mr.): Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 8 01 G324 Goodchild : Grand Island

0538 07/04/1885 8 02 C655 Crime and criminals: Hamilton County Six members of Colby Gang sent to penitentiary
0538 07/04/1885 8 02 D654 Darnell, Thomas; Attorney: Hamilton County
0538 07/04/1885 8 02 V535 Vantine, (Supt.); Schools: Hall County Supt. Vantine visiting all schools in Hall County
0538 07/04/1885 8 02 G362 Goodrich, (Mr.); Railroad House; Business: Grand Island Work completed on Railroad House, owned by Mr. Goodrich
0538 07/04/1885 8 02 U551 Union Pacific; Railroads: UP putting air brakes on freight cars

0538 07/04/1885 8 02 B132 Baptist Church; Baptist: Grand Island Baptists held social and picnic
0538 07/04/1885 8 02 R463 Railroads: Grand Island Merchants to run branch stores along railroad extension lines
0538 07/04/1885 8 02 D450 Dolan, Jack; Union Pacific; Railroads: Omaha Jack Dolan, engineer on Union Pacific
0538 07/04/1885 8 02 U551 Union Pacific; Railroads: Up has fast train from Omaha to Columbus
0538 07/04/1885 8 02 R240 Russell, A.A., (Rev.); Baptist Church; Baptist: Exeter Rev. Russell to occupy pulpit of Baptist Church

0538 07/04/1885 8 02 R300 Reed, F.H., (Rev.); Baptist Church; Baptist: Grand Island Rev. Reed to give sermon at one Baptist service
0538 07/04/1885 8 02 W534 Windolph, Adolph; Building: Grand Island Building going up fast
0538 07/04/1885 8 02 V500 Van Wie: Grand Island City marshall found Denver men innocent
0538 07/04/1885 8 02 K400 Kelly, A.B., (Mr.); Contractor: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 8 02 P621 Presbyterian Church; Presbyterian: Grand Island Children's Day services to be interesting

0538 07/04/1885 8 02 U551 Union Pacific; Railroads: UP test of time for flight
0538 07/04/1885 8 02 F652 Farrington, Lou; Union Pacific; Railroads: Lou Farrington engineer on UP passenger train
0538 07/04/1885 8 03 S365 Strang, A.L., (Mr.): Omaha Mr. Strang in Grand Island on business
0538 07/04/1885 8 03 P142 Public utilities: Grand Island Council plans for improvement of water
0538 07/04/1885 8 03 U551 Union Pacific; Railroads: Grand Island UP schedule board placed at dispatchers offices

0538 07/04/1885 8 03 V265 Vagrants: Kearney Tramps attacked two policemen
0538 07/04/1885 8 03 I531 Independence Day: North Loup Celebration on July 4th
0538 07/04/1885 8 03 H630 Hart : Grand Island City engineer made survey
0538 07/04/1885 8 03 G324 Goodchild, Thomas; Barber shop: Grand Island Barber shop has to be moved
0538 07/04/1885 8 03 G340 Gettel, John; Building: Grand Island Gettel to erect brick block

0538 07/04/1885 8 04 C535 Continental; Railroads: Cost of running train per day
0538 07/04/1885 8 05 S526 Sangerfest: Lincoln Sangerfest enjoys Grand Island band
0538 07/04/1885 8 05 J212 Jacobs, Ed (Infant F); B: Grand Island Ed Jacobs is father of new daughter
0538 07/04/1885 8 05 B435 Building: Grand Island Several new buildings to be erected
0538 07/04/1885 8 05 M520 Means, (Mayor): Grand Island Plans for new house

0538 07/04/1885 8 05 F655 Feuhrman; Architect: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 8 05 J525 Jameson, D.; Hotel: Grand Island Mr. Jameson to build new three story hotel building
0538 07/04/1885 8 05 G340 Gettel, John; Building: Grand Island Gettel to erect two story building with basement
0538 07/04/1885 8 05 A130 Abbott, O.A.; Building: Grand Island Abbott to build residence house
0538 07/04/1885 8 05 W460 Wheeler, (Mr.); Building: Grand Island Twelve tenement houses to be erected

0538 07/04/1885 8 05 L346 Littler, L.Z.; Building: Grand Island Littler to erect three tenement houses
0538 07/04/1885 8 05 W256 Wasmer; Building: Grand Island Wasmer to build three tenement houses
0538 07/04/1885 8 05 B435 Building: Grand Island Many buildings to be built
0538 07/04/1885 9 01 M520 Means, (Mayor): Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 9 01 P430 Platt, W.H., (Hon.): Grand Island

0538 07/04/1885 9 01 T512 Thompson, J.R. : Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 9 01 H625 Harrison, T.O.C., (Hon.): Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 9 01 A130 Abbott, O.A., (Hon.): Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 9 01 I531 Independence Day: Doniphan Doniphan having attractions on July 4th
0538 07/04/1885 9 01 S363 Streets: Grand Island New globes on street lights

0538 07/04/1885 9 01 W362 Wethers & Kolls: Grand Island Sale on summer goods
0538 07/04/1885 9 01 P142 Public utilities: Grand Island Waterworks to cost $30,000 if Omaha plan accepted
0538 07/04/1885 9 01 J400 Jail: Grand Island Grand Island jail contains only four now
0538 07/04/1885 9 01 C233 Castidy, (Mrs.): Grand Island Mrs. Castidy expected home from visit
0538 07/04/1885 9 01 M610 Murphy, (Mr.); Photography: Grand Island Photographer improving gallery

0538 07/04/1885 9 01 M255 McMean, (Mr.): Grand Island McMean receives word from family
0538 07/04/1885 9 01 C321 City government: Grand Island City council meeting postponed
0538 07/04/1885 9 01 C550 Cannon, (Sheriff): Grand Island Sheriff Cannon left for Lincoln with Mrs. Bertha Hermann, thought insane
0538 07/04/1885 9 01 H655 Hermann, Bertha, (Mrs.); Insanity: Grand Island Mrs. Hermann thought insane, taken to Lincoln by Sheriff Cannon
0538 07/04/1885 9 01 F655 Firemen's Tournament: Grand Island Results of tournament committee

0538 07/04/1885 9 01 B132 Baptist Church; Baptist: Grand Island Baptist ladies making preparations for July 4th
0538 07/04/1885 9 01 H625 Harrison & Rief: Grand Island Transferred goods to new building
0538 07/04/1885 9 01 M460 Miller, Los.; Crime and criminals - theft: Grand Island Miller under bond for horse stealing, has suit brought against him by Mr. Brown,
0538 07/04/1885 9 01 F655 Firemen's Tournament: Grand Island Firemen anxious to raise money for tournament
0538 07/04/1885 9 02 E121 Episcopal Church; Episcopalian: Grand Island Episcopal Church to hold regular services

0538 07/04/1885 9 02 F620 Fairs: Grand Island Agricultural Hall nearly complete
0538 07/04/1885 9 02 I531 Independence Day: Grand Island Hanns Park headquarters for celebration
0538 07/04/1885 9 02 S342 Stalk, (Rev.): North Loup Rev. Stalk from North Loup to preach at Presbyterian Church
0538 07/04/1885 9 02 P621 Presbyterian Church; Presbyterian: Grand Island Rev. Stalk of North Loup to preach at Presbyterian Church
0538 07/04/1885 9 02 G655 Germania Band; Music: Grand Island Germania Band to furnish music at Hanns Park on July 4th

0538 07/04/1885 9 02 M240 Makely, (Mr.); Inventor: Grand Island Mr. Makely to apply for patent for rat trap
0538 07/04/1885 9 02 J400 Jail: Grand Island Amount paid out for prisoners
0538 07/04/1885 9 02 E163 Evarts, George: Grand Island George Evarts has raspberries in garden
0538 07/04/1885 9 02 T220 Taxes: Grand Island Amount of tax levy
0538 07/04/1885 9 02 F631 Fire Department: Grand Island Returned hose cart to get new one

0538 07/04/1885 9 02 P231 Post Office: Grand Island Mailboxes placed for convenience
0538 07/04/1885 9 02 H365 Hawthorne, Grace: Grand Island Grace Hawthorne of Chicago to appear at Opera House
0538 07/04/1885 9 02 H625 Harrison, (Judge): Judge Harrison arguing timber claim before Judge Caldwell
0538 07/04/1885 9 02 T512 Thompson, W.W.: Thompson arguing timber claim before Judge Caldwell
0538 07/04/1885 9 02 C434 Caldwell, (Judge): Case of timber claim argued before Judge Caldwell

0538 07/04/1885 9 03 I531 Independence Day: Hastings Scrub races July 4th
0538 07/04/1885 9 03 S530 Smith, (Mr.): Grand Island Smith now able to be about on crutches
0538 07/04/1885 9 03 T415 Telephone: Grand Island Telephone exchange improved by decorations
0538 07/04/1885 9 03 S125 Schaupps Mill; Mill: Grand Island To have picnic on grounds
0538 07/04/1885 9 03 R200 Royce, George: Grand Island Mr. Royce has sisters and brother-in-law from Sutton visiting him

0538 07/04/1885 9 03 T514 Templeton, A.B.; M : Wood River Bride: Pluma D. Hungerford
0538 07/04/1885 9 03 H526 Hungerford, Pluma D.; M: Wood River Groom: A.B. Templeton
0538 07/04/1885 9 03 W360 Weather: Grand Island Rain twice a week
0538 07/04/1885 9 03 P362 Petrick; Crime and criminals - theft: Horse thief to have preliminary examination
0538 07/04/1885 9 03 C550 Cannon, (Sheriff): Greeley County Sheriff Cannon up to Grand Island summoning witnesses

0538 07/04/1885 9 03 W534 Windolph, (Mr.): Grand Island Thief who stole Mr. Windolph's horse is up for examination
0538 07/04/1885 9 03 S431 Schlotfeldt, Christian: Grand Island Mr. Schlotfeldt attends church and Sabbath school at Council Bluffs
0538 07/04/1885 9 03 T426 Telegraph: Grand Island Mention of telegraph office uptown
0538 07/04/1885 9 03 H655 Hermann, Bertha, (Mrs.); Insanity: Grand Island Mrs. Bertha Hermann adjudged insane, taken to State Infirmary
0538 07/04/1885 9 03 M240 Maxwell, Albert; Business: Dixon, Illinois Mr. Maxwell of Illinois looking over Grand Island for prospects of business vent

0538 07/04/1885 9 03 M520 Means, (Mayor): Grand Island Mayor Means has nephew from Illinois visiting him
0538 07/04/1885 9 03 M240 Maxwell, Albert; Business: Grand Island Mr. Maxwell of Illinois submitted proposition of putting in gas works at Grand I
0538 07/04/1885 9 04 I531 Independence Day: Grand Island Ball to be given by Hook & Ladder company on July 44th
0538 07/04/1885 9 04 H213 Hospital: Grand Island Hospital for Sisters to commence at once
0538 07/04/1885 9 04 F640 Ferrell, (Mr.); Hospital: Grand Island Mr. Ferrell to do stone work on new hospital

0538 07/04/1885 9 04 F455 Fleming, (Mr.); Hospital: Grand Island Mr. Fleming to do brick work on new hospital
0538 07/04/1885 9 04 P630 Purdy, J.; Hospital: Grand Island Mr. Purdy to do woodwork on new hospital
0538 07/04/1885 9 04 C321 City government: Grand Island Police and officials receive pay
0538 07/04/1885 9 04 H655 Hermann, Bertha, (Mrs.): Grand Island Mrs. Hermann escaped from attendants while being taken to train
0538 07/04/1885 9 04 B435 Building & Loan Association: Grand Island Building & Loan Association held second meeting to issue stocks

0538 07/04/1885 9 04 B435 Building & Loan Association: Grand Island Peoples Building & Loan Association held meeting in Thompson Brothers law office
0538 07/04/1885 9 04 E425 Elsner & Heesch: Grand Island Has genuine millet for sale
0538 07/04/1885 9 04 P545 Penland, A.J.: Grand Island A.J. Penland's wife leaves him
0538 07/04/1885 9 04 J520 Jones, (Dr.); Physician: Grand Island Dr. Jones, gynecologist
0538 07/04/1885 12 01 G462 Geylers, Albert; Pharmacy: Grand Island

0538 07/04/1885 12 01 A436 Alter, I.R.: Grand Island Mr. Alter returned from Oregon
0538 07/04/1885 12 01 A550 Anyan, Bessie: Grand Island Miss Anyan visiting Col. Roe's family at Kearney
0538 07/04/1885 12 01 R000 Roe, (Col.): Kearney Col. Roe has Miss Bessie Anyan of Grand Island visiting family
0538 07/04/1885 12 01 B452 Behling, Henry: York Mr. Behling of York visiting in Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 01 S526 Sangerfest: Lincoln Sangerfest was great success

0538 07/04/1885 12 01 W350 Whitney, F., (Mrs.): Grand Island Mrs. Whitney visiting father and mother, Rev. and Mrs. Smith, at Scotia
0538 07/04/1885 12 01 S530 Smith, (Ref.): Scotia Rev. and Mrs. Smith have daughter, Mrs. F. Whitney of Grand Island, visiting the
0538 07/04/1885 12 01 M332 Methodist Episcopal Church; Methodist Episcopal: Grand Island Bible class to have picnic on July 4th at Rousch's grove
0538 07/04/1885 12 01 R226 Rousch's grove: Grand Island To have Methodist Episcopal Sunday School Bible class picnic there on July 4th
0538 07/04/1885 12 01 K236 Koester, Edward: Kansas Edward Koester, painter, to spend summer with cousin J.R. Moeller

0538 07/04/1885 12 01 M460 Moeller, J.R.: Grand Island Mr. Moeller has cousin Edward Koester of Kansas visiting him
0538 07/04/1885 12 01 A160 Aubury, A.W.: Grand Island Mr. Aubury carries away prize at shooting gallery
0538 07/04/1885 12 01 W412 Wolbach, M.: New York City M. Wolbach, buyer of Wolbach goods at Grand Island, here visiting
0538 07/04/1885 12 01 W422 Wallichs, John: Grand Island Received brooded stock over B & M
0538 07/04/1885 12 01 R463 Railroads: Rates reduced for July 4th between Grand Island and North Platte

0538 07/04/1885 12 01 D510 Dunphy, Pat: Grand Island To spend summer vacation at New York and Washington, D.C.
0538 07/04/1885 12 01 B654 Burnell, David: Ottumwa, Iowa Barber shop artist secured by Thomas Goodchild
0538 07/04/1885 12 01 G324 Goodchild, Thomas: Grand Island Secured David Burnell of Iowa to help him
0538 07/04/1885 12 01 H365 Hawthorne, Grace: Grand Island Grace Hawthorne to be great sensation
0538 07/04/1885 12 01 M425 Mullisen, Grace Viola; D: Grand Island Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mullisen died of flypaper poison

0538 07/04/1885 12 01 S336 Scotia Tribune; Newspaper: Scotia
0538 07/04/1885 12 02 L365 Lederman, A.C.: Grand Island A.C. Lederman visited at Beatrice
0538 07/04/1885 12 02 T520 Thomas, C.W.: Grand Island C.W. Thomas and family left for Michigan to spend summer
0538 07/04/1885 12 02 W434 Wildlife: Loup County Resident brought in antelope
0538 07/04/1885 12 02 W300 Watt, Minnie; Teachers: Grand Island Miss Watt of Scotia accepted position of teaching in Grand Island High School

0538 07/04/1885 12 02 S500 Schwyne, John: Grand Island Mr. Schwyne not to occupy Judge Harrison's residence until later
0538 07/04/1885 12 02 R240 Russell, (Col.); Disease: Omaha Col. Russell convalescing from malaria fever
0538 07/04/1885 12 02 S431 Schlotfeldt, Christian: Grand Island Mr. Schlotfeldt visiting in Omaha
0538 07/04/1885 12 02 H521 Heinsberger, (Mr.): Grand Island Mr. Heinsberger has friend from West Virginia visiting him
0538 07/04/1885 12 02 W452 Williams, George, (Rev.): Grand Island Rev. Williams and family left for Niobrara country for summer

0538 07/04/1885 12 02 G655 Gorman ; Crime and criminals - larceny: Grand Island Constable Gorman arrested for petty larceny
0538 07/04/1885 12 02 P621 Presbyterian Church; Presbyterian: Grand Island Throng attends Children's Day exercises
0538 07/04/1885 9 01 C434 Caldwell, (Judge): Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 9 01 N614 Norval, (Judge)
0538 07/04/1885 12 01 S536 Saunders, (Dr.): Grand Island

0538 07/04/1885 12 02 H641 Hurlburt: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 02 H625 Harrison, (Judge): Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 02 J635 Jordan House: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 02 M640 Merrill, (Supt.): Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 02 M460 Miller, (Dr.): Grand Island

0538 07/04/1885 12 03 S100 Schaupp, (Mr.): Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 03 L510 Lamb, (Mr.): Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 03 M620 Myers, L.: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 03 H300 Haywood, (Miss): Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 03 F430 Field, (Miss): Grand Island

0538 07/04/1885 12 03 H616 Hurford, (Miss): Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 03 C233 Castidy, (Miss): Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 03 B652 Briennger, (Mr.): Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 03 E325 Edson, (Mr.): Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 03 R360 Ritter, (Mr.): Grand Island

0538 07/04/1885 12 03 C600 Carey, (Mr.): Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 03 S536 Sanders, (Dr.): Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 03 L365 Lederman, A.C.: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 03 B250 Bacon, Fred, (Capt.): Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 03 T512 Thompson, W.W.: Grand Island

0538 07/04/1885 12 03 F632 Freitag. Robert: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 03 G400 Gauley, Thomas: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 03 C462 Clark, George: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 03 S100 Schaupp, John: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 03 G514 Gambel, Horace: Grand Island

0538 07/04/1885 12 03 C500 Cohn, Martin: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 03 H200 Haux, Charles: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 03 B400 Bailie, Fred: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 03 W350 Whitney, Frank: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 03 W300 White, W.W.: Grand Island

0538 07/04/1885 12 03 W300 White, Nellie: Grand Island Miss Nellie White returned from visit with friends at Wood River
0538 07/04/1885 12 03 L200 Lewis, S.G.: Custer County Mr. Lewis visited in Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 03 E520 Ewing, James; Wood River Gazette; Newspaper: Mr. Ewing of Wood River Gazette returning from New York
0538 07/04/1885 12 03 B655 Brennan, (Mr.); Building: Grand Island Mr. Brennan building new residence
0538 07/04/1885 12 03 C364 Cotherell, L.W.: Grand Island Mr. Cotherell's dog went mad

0538 07/04/1885 12 03 T000 Touhey, (Mrs.): Grand Island Mrs. Touhey moving into another house
0538 07/04/1885 12 03 B650 Brown, L.C., (Mrs.): Grand Island Mrs. Brown returned from Michigan, health improved
0538 07/04/1885 12 03 S530 Smith, E.B., (Mrs.): Grand Island Mrs. Smith to visit friends in Iowa for a few days
0538 07/04/1885 12 03 G430 Gillett; Restaurant: Grand Island Restaurant has new front
0538 07/04/1885 12 03 B250 Bacon, Walter ((Infant M); B: Grand Island

0538 07/04/1885 12 03 C616 Crawford, (Mr.): Grand Island Mr. Crawford of Merrick County moving to Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 03 M220 Music: Grand Island Glee Club of double quartette
0538 07/04/1885 12 01 M425 Mullisen, Grace Viola; D: Grand Island Rev. F.H. Reed performed funeral services for Miss Mullisen, who died of drinkin
0538 07/04/1885 12 02 C200 Cox, Levi: Hampton Levi Cox of Hampton visited in Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 02 A436 Alter, J.R.: Grand Island Has Mr. Kirkpatrick of Denver visiting his family

0538 07/04/1885 12 02 M255 McMeans, (Mr.); Circus: Grand Island Went to Hastings to attend Robinson's Circus
0538 07/04/1885 12 02 E325 Edson, (Mr.); Circus: Grand Island Went to Hastings to attend Robinson's Circus
0538 07/04/1885 12 02 H616 Harper, Abe; Barber shop: Shelton Abe Harper to open barber shop at Shelton
0538 07/04/1885 12 02 S435 Shelton Clipper; Newspaper
0538 07/04/1885 12 03 B600 Barr, (Prof.): Grand Island Prof. Barr working in Grand Island Bank

0538 07/04/1885 12 03 C600 Carey, W.B.: Grand Island W.B. Carey, assistant cashier of Grand Island Bank
0538 07/04/1885 12 03 C600 Carey, W.B.: Grand Island Called to bedside of mother in Ohio
0538 07/04/1885 12 03 P621 Presbyterian Church; Presbyterian: Grand Island Overcrowded church
0538 07/04/1885 12 03 H430 Holliday, W.L.: Grand Island Insurance agent arrested but immediately released
0538 07/04/1885 12 03 F631 Fire Department: Grand Island New hose cart arrived

0538 07/04/1885 12 03 V265 Vagrants: Grand Island Another bunch of tramps in vicinity of UP shops
0538 07/04/1885 12 03 G655 Germaine; Police: Grand Island St. Germaine, night policeman
0538 07/04/1885 12 04 H630 Hayward, L.N., (Mrs.): Grand Island Mrs. Hayward went to Clarks for visit
0538 07/04/1885 12 04 L166 Library: Grand Island Library has new books on shelf
0538 07/04/1885 12 04 J525 Johnson, Belle; Teachers: Grand Island Miss Belle Johnson of St. Paul to teach in Grand Island, spending vacation in Ne

0538 07/04/1885 12 04 B132 Baptist Church; Baptist: Grand Island Baptist Church to celebrate festival
0538 07/04/1885 12 04 D510 Dunphy, Mary: Grand Island Completed four years at Sisters of Sacred Heart School at Omaha with honors
0538 07/04/1885 12 04 V320 Vieths, D.H.: Grand Island Son recovering from rheumatism
0538 07/04/1885 12 04 H630 Howard: Grand Island Master Mechanic has great trade
0538 07/04/1885 12 04 J520 Janss, P., (Dr.); Physician: Grand Island Dr. Janss returned from Europe to practice

0538 07/04/1885 12 04 G653 Grand Island Independent; Newspaper: Grand Island Has best respects for job printing on UP road west of Omaha
0538 07/04/1885 12 04 S163 Sports: Grand Island Lawn tennis being played
0538 07/04/1885 12 04 B630 Barrett, W., (Mrs.): Grand Island Mrs. Barrett visiting parents at Shelton
0538 07/04/1885 12 04 V655 Vroman, Mattie : Grand Island Miss Vroman visiting in western Nebraska and Colorado
0538 07/04/1885 12 04 M610 Murphy, Eva: Grand Island Miss Murphy closes school

0538 07/04/1885 12 04 M240 Michael, W.H.: Grand Island College
0538 07/04/1885 12 04 T460 Tyler, (Mr.): Grand Island Family left for Pennsylvania to spend summer
0538 07/04/1885 12 04 T460 Tyler, (Mr.): Grand Island Mr. Tyler to work at Kearney
0538 07/04/1885 12 04 D550 Denman, Zene; Agriculture: Alda Has finest crop prospect ever had
0538 07/04/1885 12 04 L200 Lykke, C.E.; Blacksmith: Grand Island Blacksmith purchased new residence

0538 07/04/1885 12 04 M610 Murphy, M.: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 04 P430 Platt, (Judge): Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 05 L365 Ledermen, A.C.: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 05 B635 Bartenbach, (Mr.): Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 05 C514 Campbell, (Mr.): Grand Island

0538 07/04/1885 12 05 H152 Havens, (Mr.): Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 05 W600 Wear, James: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 05 C514 Campbell, W.C.: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 05 M242 McAllister, R.H., (Mrs.): Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 05 H400 Howell, C.L.: Grand Island

0538 07/04/1885 12 05 H152 Havens, George R.: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 05 L365 Lederman, Bertha: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 05 B650 Brown, H.O.: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 05 M242 McLaughlin, W.F.: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 05 W350 Whitney, Frank L.: Grand Island

0538 07/04/1885 12 05 H520 Hank, C.H.: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 05 L365 Lederman, E.P.: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 05 N140 Nabel, F.: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 05 B400 Baillie, F.: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 05 H160 Hooper, William: Grand Island

0538 07/04/1885 12 05 R200 Riss, John: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 05 C654 Cornelius, William: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 05 J555 Janneman, Joe: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 05 Z565 Zimmerman, Theo.: Grand Island
0538 07/04/1885 12 05 V340 Voetle, John: Grand Island

0538 07/04/1885 12 05 F655 Firemen's Tournament: Grand Island Tournament results
0538 07/11/1885 1 01 B252 Business: Beatrice Canning factory a grand success
0538 07/11/1885 1 01 T560 Tanner, C.H.: Hastings Brute needs to be gotten rid of
0538 07/11/1885 1 01 M620 Morris, James: Valentine Register of Land Office
0538 07/11/1885 1 01 M620 Morris, James: Valentine Once private secretary to Senator Saunders

0538 07/11/1885 1 01 M620 Morris, James; Crime and criminals - domestic violence: Valentine Charged with committing assault to wife
0538 07/11/1885 1 02 C452 Clancy, John; D Accident: Lincoln Switchman Clancy killed by train
0538 07/11/1885 1 02 R463 Railroads: Dannebrog Railroad to locate station at Dannebrog
0538 07/11/1885 1 02 G600 Gere, (Mr.); Lincoln Journal; Newspaper: Lincoln Mr. Gere, editor of Lincoln Journal and Railroad Commissioner
0538 07/11/1885 1 02 M460 Miller, (Dr.); Omaha Herald; Newspaper: Omaha Dr. Miller, editor of Omaha Herald

0538 07/11/1885 1 02 R463 Railroads: Railroads discussed by newspapers
0538 07/11/1885 1 02 000 : Grand Island Town's outlook on view to an Iowa excursion
0538 07/11/1885 1 02 M520 Means, (Mayor): Grand Island
0538 07/11/1885 1 02 G500 Gahan, N.J., (Dr.): Grand Island
0538 07/11/1885 1 03 G653 Grand Island Independent; Newspaper: Grand Island Independent pronounced a B & M organ by Loup City and St. Paul, denies allegatio

0538 07/11/1885 1 04 G653 Grand Island Loan & Savings Association: Grand Island Articles of incorporation filed
0538 07/11/1885 1 04 C321 City government: Grand Island City Council proceedings
0538 07/11/1885 1 04 C654 Cornelius, William; Fire Department: Grand Island William Cornelius appointed Chief of Fire Department
0538 07/11/1885 1 04 A130 Abbott, O.A., (Hon.): Grand Island
0538 07/11/1885 1 04 T512 Thompson, O.B.: Grand Island

0538 07/11/1885 1 04 G451 Glanville, R.C.: Grand Island
0538 07/11/1885 1 04 C654 Cornelius, George, (Hon.): Grand Island
0538 07/11/1885 1 04 B635 Bartenbach, George: Grand Island
0538 07/11/1885 1 04 W350 Whitney, W.W.: Grand Island
0538 07/11/1885 1 04 H200 Hagge, William A.: Grand Island

0538 07/11/1885 1 04 V320 Vieths, D.H.: Grand Island
0538 07/11/1885 1 04 P362 Patrick, A.S.: Grand Island
0538 07/11/1885 1 04 J325 Judson, Frank: Grand Island
0538 07/11/1885 1 04 M520 Means, (Mayor): Grand Island
0538 07/11/1885 1 04 H251 Hockenberger : Grand Island

0538 07/11/1885 1 04 B534 Bentley, C.F.: Grand Island
0538 07/11/1885 1 04 P430 Platt, Nathan: Grand Island
0538 07/11/1885 4 01 R423 Real estate: Omaha Omaha has more real estate than any other town in Nebraska
0538 07/11/1885 4 01 O561 Omaha Republic; Newspaper: Omaha
0538 07/11/1885 4 01 W360 Weather: Gibbon Hail and thunderstorm, crops damaged considerably

0538 07/11/1885 4 01 W360 Weather: Kearney Hail and thunderstorm, crops damaged considerably
0538 07/11/1885 4 01 B362 Beatrice Republic; Newspaper: Beatrice Newspaper boasts of singer
0538 07/11/1885 4 01 O510 Omaha Bee; Newspaper: Omaha
0538 07/11/1885 4 01 F612 Forbes; Free Press; Newspaper: Lincoln Forbes, editor of Free Press
0538 07/11/1885 4 01 F612 Forbes; Post Office: Lincoln Forbes, postmaster at St. Paul

0538 07/11/1885 4 01 D235 D Accident: Omaha Tramp run over and killed by B & M construction train
0538 07/11/1885 4 01 N211 Newspaper: Nebraska Newspapers in Nebraska that dare defend railroad scheme
0538 07/11/1885 4 02 S163 Sports: Hastings Hastings Reds baseball team
0538 07/11/1885 4 02 S420 Schools: Omaha No discrimination on account of sex
0538 07/11/1885 4 03 H235 Hastings Gazette Journal; Newspaper: Hastings

0538 07/11/1885 4 03 B362 Beatrice Express; Newspaper: Beatrice
0538 07/11/1885 4 06 S420 Schools: Grand Island Criticism of schools given by Times
0538 07/11/1885 4 06 M436 Military: Fremont Notice to candidates for Military Academy
0538 07/11/1885 4 06 D620 Dorsey, George W.E.; Military: Fremont Committee for candidates for Military Academy

0538 08/29/1942 00 P350 PAYTON, LEWIS; WWII
0538 08/29/1942 00 S345 STELLMAN, VERNON H.; WWII
0538 08/31/1942 00 M460 MILLER, RAYMOND E.; WWII
0538 08/31/1942 00 P362 PETERSON, PAUL; WWII
0538 08/31/1942 00 P636 PORTER, LAWRENCE J.; WWII

0538 08/31/1942 00 R562 REIMERS, WESLEY B.; WWII
0538 08/31/1942 00 S356 STONER, RAY; WWII
0538 08/31/1942 00 W460 WELLER, FRANK HOWARD, JR.; WWII
0538 08/31/1942 00 W656 WERNER, LEROY; WWII
0538 09/02/1942 00 M625 MORRISON, JULIUS; WWII

0538 09/02/1942 00 P600 PEHER, EARL JOHN; WWII
0538 09/02/1942 00 S000 SKOW, DARRYL D.; WWII
0538 09/03/1942 00 O254 O'CONNELL, JAMES; WWII
0538 09/03/1942 00 S162 SPURGIN, PALMER; WWII
0538 09/03/1942 00 W425 WILSON, KENNETH G.; WWII

0538 09/04/1942 00 M324 MITCHELL, DALE R.; WWII
0538 09/04/1942 00 N420 NOLLES, LT. PAULA J.; WWII
0538 09/04/1942 00 R256 REISNER, SGT. DELMAR; WWII
0538 09/05/1942 00 N200 NEOWIG, ED; WWII
0538 09/05/1942 00 O265 O'GORMAN, PATRICK; WWII

0538 09/05/1942 00 R600 REHER, BERNHARDT; WWII
0538 09/05/1942 00 W452 WALLING, DONALD E.; WWII
0538 09/08/1942 00 W524 WINSLADE, BARBARA; WWII
0538 09/10/1942 00 P520 PANOWICZ, ST. SGT. ANTON; WWII
0538 09/10/1942 00 S530 SMITH, CECIL; WWII

0538 09/10/1942 00 S530 SMITH, ELWIN; WWII
0538 09/11/1942 00 R200 RICE, RALPH V., JR.; WWII
0538 09/12/1942 00 R100 RIEF, SGT. CLARENCE J.; WWII
0538 09/14/1942 00 S320 SKAATS, C. D.; WWII
0538 09/17/1942 00 P456 PALMER, CPL. ROGER D.; WWII

0538 09/17/1942 00 P362 PETERSON, FORREST; WWII
0538 09/19/1942 00 S200 SKOOG, ROBERT; WWII
0538 09/19/1942 00 S363 STRATMAN, IRVIN; WWII
0538 09/20/1942 00 S340 STEELE, DONALD; WWII
0538 09/22/1942 00 N324 NITZEL, PAUL; WWII

0538 09/22/1942 00 P362 PETERSON, SGT. RUSSELL N.; WWII
0538 09/26/1942 00 S536 SNYDER, CECIL C.; WWII
0538 09/28/1942 00 S152 SPENCER, DAVID A.; WWII
0538 09/28/1942 00 S315 STEPHENS, JOSEPH W.; WWII
0538 09/29/1942 00 M600 MOHR, DONALD; WWII

0538 09/29/1942 00 P230 POST, EDWARD A.; WWII
0538 09/29/1942 00 S530 SMITH, FLOYD E.; WWII
0538 09/30/1942 00 S536 SNYDER, CHARLES F.; WWII
0538 10/01/1942 00 S340 STILL, RAYMOND; WWII
0538 10/02/1942 00 P226 POESSIGER, HERBERT; WWII

0538 10/03/1942 00 P521 PANAGOPLOS, JAMES; WWII
0538 10/03/1942 00 S352 STANISLAV, JOE, JR.; WWII
0538 10/03/1942 00 S364 STROHL, LAWRENCE A.; WWII
0538 10/05/1942 00 N314 NIETFELDT, MAYNARD H.; WWII
0538 10/08/1942 00 M324 MITCHELL, MILTON; WWII

0538 10/09/1942 00 N000 NAY, HAROLD W.; WWII
0538 10/16/1942 00 P454 PLYMALE, JOHN B.; WWII
0538 10/19/1942 00 R543 REYNOLDS, LT. LEONARD; WWII
0538 10/22/1942 00 P620 PRICE, RICHARD H.; WWII
0538 10/29/1942 00 M460 MUELLER, ROBERT F.; WWII

0538 11/02/1942 00 R543 REYNOLDS, LT. LEONARD; WWII
0538 11/04/1942 00 P412 PHELPS, JOHN; WWII
0538 11/30/1942 00 R346 REDLER, SGT. FRANK D.; WWII


Newspaper Extraction Project

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