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News Extraction
NSHS Newspaper Extractions: Code 1315 NEBRASKA SIGNAL, 1319 NEW ERA ,
Code Date (m/d/y) Pg Col SNDX Extraction
1315 01/25/1901 00 S360 STEYER, HENRY; BIRTH
1315 02/08/1901 00 D620 DIERS, F. C.; BIRTH
1315 02/15/1901 00 B260 BECKER, ANNA MARIE; MARRIAGE
1315 02/15/1901 00 E554 EMANUEL, JOHN; MARRIAGE
1315 02/15/1901 00 M620 MYERS, WILL; BIRTH
1315 02/22/1901 00 K400 KELLY, DENNIS; DEATH
1315 02/22/1901 00 T512 THOMPSON, DEBORIAH; DEATH
1315 03/01/1901 00 C515 CAMPION, HENRY; DEATH
1317 08/11/1942 00 S400 SIEL, MILO; WWII
1317 08/11/1942 00 S530 SUND, WALTER; WWII
1317 08/11/1942 00 W436 WALTERS, CHESTER; WWII
1317 10/07/1942 00 M620 MORRIS, EDWIN; WWII
1317 10/07/1942 00 O416 OLIVER, HORACE; WWII
1317 10/07/1942 00 O425 OLSON, ROBERT; WWII
1317 10/07/1942 00 P340 PODOLL, HARVEY; WWII
1317 10/07/1942 00 P623 PRESCOTT, EDWARD; WWII
1317 10/07/1942 00 Q500 QUINN, DONALD; WWII
1317 10/07/1942 00 R263 REICHERT, OLIVER; WWII
1317 10/21/1942 00 M435 MOULTON, CHARLES; WWII
1317 10/21/1942 00 N550 NIEMAN, FREDERICK; WWII
1317 10/21/1942 00 O123 OBST, LLOYD; WWII
1317 10/21/1942 00 P160 PFEIFFER, CLARENCE; WWII
1317 10/21/1942 00 P230 PUCKETT, DARRELL; WWII
1317 10/21/1942 00 S420 SOULES, ALBERT; WWII
1317 10/21/1942 00 S525 SWANSON, ELMER; WWII
1317 10/21/1942 00 T520 THOMAS, DEWEY; WWII
1317 10/21/1942 00 V512 VANFOSSEN, LYLE; WWII
1317 10/21/1942 00 W436 WALTERS, CHESTER; WWII
1317 11/04/1942 00 P625 PIERSON, SGT. KENNETH; WWII
1317 11/04/1942 00 P400 PILE, JAMES M.; WWII
1317 11/25/1942 00 P230 POST, JOHN; WWII
1319 02/15/1902 00 A130 ABBOT, A. C.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 A415 ALLPHIN, O. P.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 A520 AMES, DR.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 A520 AMES, DR. A. J.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 A520 AMES, MARIE A.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 A536 ANDERSON, ANDREW SR.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 A536 ANDERSON, OLIVER; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 B500 BEAN, W. J.; DEATH
1319 02/15/1902 00 B312 BOHEET POSTOFFICE; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 B250 BOOKNAU, LEWIS; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 C615 CARPENTER, ALMON W.; DEATH
1319 02/15/1902 00 C600 CARR, R. G.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 C462 CLARK, MR.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 C413 CLIFTON, D. J.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 C400 COLE, MAMIE; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 C500 CONWAY, WM.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 C400 COOLEY, JUDGE; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 C600 CURRIE, F. M.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 D250 DICKSON, A. J.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 F640 FARLEY, FRANCES; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 F523 FENSTERMACHER, C. H.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 G530 GANDY, J. P.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 G530 GANDY, L. J.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 G420 GLAZE, I. D.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 G650 GRAHAM, DR.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 H263 HAGERTY AND LAKEMAN; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 H620 HARRIS, CAP; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 H634 HARTLEY AND PULLIAM; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 H634 HARTLEY, A. B.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 H610 HARVEY, B. J.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 H426 HELSER, MRS. M. A.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 H426 HELSER, REV. J. H.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 H536 HENDRICKSON, WM.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 H300 HIATT, H. H.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 H253 HICKS AND TOBIAS; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 H425 HOLSON, J. C.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 J525 JOHNSON, P. C.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 K250 KAIGHIN, J. A.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 K656 KRAMER, POSTMASTER; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 L510 LAMB, FRED; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 L320 LEDWICH, JAMES; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 L552 LEININGER, P. H.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 L200 LEWIS, FREEMAN; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 L240 LISLE, REV.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 L165 LIVERMORE, GUY; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 L520 LYNCH, JAMES W.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 M600 MAIR, EDITOR; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 M235 MCDONALD, JOHN; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 M560 MONROE, R. H.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 M500 MOON, A. S.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 M600 MOORE, CLARK; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 M600 MOORE, MRS. A.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 M625 MORGAN, JOHN EDWARD; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 M621 MORRIS BROS.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 M534 MUNDELL, BEN; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 N151 NEBONVILLE POSTOFFICE; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 N126 NEWBECKER, G. W.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 N240 NICOLAI, CHAS.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 O435 OLDENBUSH POSTOFFICE; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 O235 OOSTENBROEK MDSE.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 O235 OOSTENBROEK, A. C.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 P362 PATRICK, JOHN; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 P650 PFREHM, WM.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 P265 PICKERING, JOSEPH; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 R316 ROOT FARM; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 S120 SAVAGE, NED; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 S426 SCHLASSER, JOHN; DEATH
1319 02/15/1902 00 S300 SCOTT, J. M.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 S300 SCOTT, J. W.; BIRTH
1319 02/15/1902 00 S546 SEMLER, JOB; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 S426 SHELL CREEK POSTMASTER; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 S415 SILLIVAN, GEO.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 S415 SILLIVAN, M. H.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 S426 SLAUCER, MRS.; DEATH
1319 02/15/1902 00 S543 SMALLWOOD, LIZZIE; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 S360 STORY, GEORGIA; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 S360 STORY, OMER; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 S365 STURMS, S.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 S415 SULLIVAN, MRS. M. H.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 S500 SWEENEY, H.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 T460 TAYLOR, JUDGE; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 T512 THOMPSON, MR.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 T416 TOLIVER, JOHN; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 T624 TROXELL AND JOHNSON; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 W536 WINTERS, THEODORE; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 W240 WISELY, J. C. L.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 W240 WISELY, MR.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 W410 WOLF, W. T.; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 W424 WOLSLEBEN, CHARLES; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 W424 WOLSLEBEN, EMILE; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 W424 WOLSLEBEN, GEORGE; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 W424 WOLSLEBEN, LENA; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 W424 WOLSLEBEN, MINNIE; OTHER
1319 02/15/1902 00 W300 WOOD, E. M.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 B236 BAXTER, THOS.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 B421 BLACKBURN, REV.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 B300 BOOTH, E. A.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 B260 BOWSER, L.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 B631 BRADFORD, WALTER M.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 B650 BRAIN, E. B.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 B650 BROWN,; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 B254 BUSHNELL, FRANK; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 B346 BUTTLER, D. J.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 C600 CAREY, W. B.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 C645 CARLIN, J. J.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 C234 CASTLE, J. C.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 C623 CREIGHTON, C. F.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 C621 CROSBY, A. J.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 D151 DAVENPORT, J. H.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 D652 DERRINGTON, ED.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 D300 DOTY, GEO. H.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 D242 DUGLAS, J. A.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 F200 FIKE, J. A.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 F200 FOX, S. CLAY; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 F622 FURGASON, J. A.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 G353 GOOD AND SMITH; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 G635 GORTON, FRANK JR.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 H400 HALL, RETTA; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 H620 HARRIS, S.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 H616 HARVARD, W. M.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 H616 HARVARD, WM.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 H651 HORNBY, G. C.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 H300 HOYT, E. W.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 K514 KEMPLE, J.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 K514 KEMPLE, JAMES; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 K520 KING, JOHN; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 K624 KIRKLAND, MRS. WM.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 K613 KRAFT, JACOB; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 K636 KROTTER, W. AND CO.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 L500 LAME, MRS. JOHN; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 L500 LANE, COMM.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 L500 LANE, W.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 L500 LAYNE, J. P.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 L500 LAYNE, LOYD; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 L000 LEE, T. J.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 L563 LEYNARD, MRS. FRANK; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 L252 LIKENS AND HORTON; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 L252 LIKENS, J. D.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 L000 LOWE, GEO.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 M232 MACDOUGAL, DOC; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 M625 MARKHAM, L.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 M362 MATHERS RESTAURANT; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 M243 MCCLOUD, ED.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 M242 MCCULLOUGH, J. H.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 M260 MCGUIRE, JOHN; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 M245 MCLOND, MRS. LOU; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 M500 MENUEY, MRS. HENRY; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 M300 MOODY, J. H.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 M625 MORGAN, F. N.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 M620 MYERS, E. L.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 N253 NUGENT, J. A.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 O100 OPP, E.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 P412 PHILLIPS, W. T.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 P400 POWELL, H.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 R200 ROSS, J.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 R200 ROSS, JOHN; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 R253 RUGG AND PUTNAM; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 R200 RUGG, WILL; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 S000 SHAW, THOS.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 S430 SLEETH, ELDER; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 S531 SMITH BROTHERS; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 S530 SMITH, MAUD; DEATH
1320 07/29/1892 00 S530 SMITH, MRS. NELLIE B.; DEATH
1320 07/29/1892 00 S530 SMITH, O. E.; DEATH
1320 07/29/1892 00 S530 SMITH, ULA; DEATH
1320 07/29/1892 00 S326 ST. GERMAINE, JOHN; DEATH
1320 07/29/1892 00 S330 STITT, W. R.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 T525 TOMKINS, JOSEPH; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 T460 TYLER, H. H.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 W300 WHITE, F. A.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 W300 WHITE, H. J.; OTHER
1320 07/29/1892 00 Y520 YOUNG, CHAS.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 A550 AMMON, CHAS. G.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 A550 AMMON, GEORGE R.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 A636 ARTER, CHAS.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 B210 BIXBY, A.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 B260 BOWSER, L.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 B631 BRADFORD, BOB; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 B652 BRAUNS, G. C.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 B652 BRINKERHOFF, A. M.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 B612 BRUBAKER, J. A.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 C200 CASH, ADDIE M.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 C400 COLE, A. J.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 C654 CORNELL, C. H.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 D151 DAVENPORT, J. H.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 E350 EATON, H. P.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 E350 EATON, MR & MRS. H. P.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 F200 FIKE, J. A.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 G540 GANLEY, JOHN; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 G416 GLOVER, C. R.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 G650 GRIMME, JOSEPH; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 H400 HALL, GEO. W.; DEATH
1320 11/18/1892 00 H645 HARLAN, JOHN; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 H620 HARRIS, SAMUEL S.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 H616 HARVARD, WM.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 H362 HEDERSON, J. W.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 H122 HOBESKOST, HENRY; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 H340 HUDLOW, WILL; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 H516 HUMPHREY, A. R.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 H362 HYTRECKS HALL; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 J500 JOHN, JULIUS; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 K514 KEMPLE, JAMES; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 K514 KEMPLE, MR AND MRS; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 K534 KENDALL, A. C.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 K520 KING, JOHN; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 K500 KINNEY, F. A.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 K636 KROTTER, WM.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 L500 LANE, A. M.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 L000 LEAHEY, MARTIN; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 L000 LEE, F. J.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 L000 LEE, GRANDMA; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 L000 LEE, T. J.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 L563 LEONARD, FRANK; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 L200 LEWIS, MRS. JENNIE; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 L252 LIKENS, J. D.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 L520 LINKE, CARL; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 L000 LOWE, GEO.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 M635 MARTIN, DR.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 M250 MASON, JOSEPH; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 M000 MAY, JOSEPH; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 M000 MAY, THOS.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 M216 MCBURNEY, J. E.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 M263 MCCARTNEY, JAMES; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 M250 MCKEOWN, ROBERT H.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 M460 MILLER, BARNHARDT; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 M460 MILLER, J. H.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 M425 MILLIGAN, HOMER; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 M620 MYERS, E. I.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 M620 MYERS, E. J.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 M620 MYERS, E. L.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 N635 NORTON, M. L.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 N253 NUGENT, SUPT.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 O100 OPP, E.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 O100 OPP, ERHARD; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 O100 OPP, JOHN; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 P362 PETERS, E. L.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 P412 PHELPPS, NANCY; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 P412 PHILLIPS, W. T.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 P400 POWELL, A. C.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 P355 PUTMAN, P. J.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 P355 PUTNAM, G. H.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 P355 PUTNAM, H. S.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 R543 REYNOLDS, CHAS.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 R200 RUGG, WILL H.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 R240 RUSSELL, DAVID B.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 S300 SCOTT, EVANS; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 S235 SEXTON AND PHILLIPS; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 S000 SHAW, THOS.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 S216 SIXBERY, HENRY; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 S150 SPANN, FRED; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 S630 SWART, J. C.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 T614 TARBELL, CAPT.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 W400 WEL, GUY L.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 W300 WHITE, H. J.; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 W425 WILSON, MERRITT; OTHER
1320 11/18/1892 00 W300 WOOD, AARON; DEATH
1320 11/18/1892 00 W300 WOOD, GEORG; OTHER
1321 05/05/1892 2 03 D600 Dwyer, D. O. (Mr.); GUARDIANSHIP: District Court Appointed guardian of minor children in Pearlman v. Weckback
1321 05/05/1892 4 01 K532 Kountze, Augustus; D: Omaha Died in New York
1321 05/05/1892 4 01 S420 Sleck, Henry ; D-EPIDEMIC: Halcolm Diphtheria
1321 05/05/1892 4 01 S342 Sedlacek, Joseph (Son, 10 yrs); D-ACCIDENT: Crete Drowning
1321 05/05/1892 4 01 B530 Bennett, Charles; BD: Utica 92nd birthday
1321 05/00/1892 4 01 V400 Valley, Peter; ACCIDENT: Plattsmouth Eye injury
1321 05/05/1892 4 01 R500 Ryan, John M.; MENTAL HEALTH: Gage Co. Committed to Lincoln
1321 05/05/1892 4 01 D500 Dunn, Tice (Son, 16 yrs); D-ACCIDENT: Polk Co. Gunshot
1321 05/05/1892 4 02 M525 Munson, C. C. (Mr.); DN: Lincoln Death of sister, Mrs. W. H. Holcomb
1321 05/05/1892 4 02 P620 Pierce, George (Infant); D-ACCIDENT: Ash Creek Scalding
1321 05/05/1892 4 02 S656 Shriner, H. P. (Mr.); D-ACCIDENT: Crete Train accident
1321 05/05/1892 4 02 B260 Baker, Fred; D-ACCIDENT: Crete Train accident, from Morris, Illinois
1321 05/05/1892 7 01 A255 Ashmun, W. B. (Mr. and Mrs.); ANNIV: Weeping Water 50th anniv., listing of attendees
1321 05/05/1892 7 02 H463 Hilliard, Perl (Mrs.); DN: Berlin References to funeral
1321 05/05/1892 7 02 E552 Emens (Mrs.); ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Fall, mother of Thomas Emers
1321 05/05/1892 7 02 W362 Waterhouse (Mr.) (Superintendent); BD: Weeping Water Guests listed
1321 05/05/1892 7 03 B452 Bellinger, Bert (Mrs.); DN: Death of mother
1321 05/05/1892 7 03 L155 Lebman, John; M: Lincoln Bride Louie Heebner
1321 05/05/1892 7 03 H156 Heebner, Louie (Ms.); M: Lincoln Groom John Lebman
1321 05/05/1892 7 03 H463 Hilliard, D. L. (Mrs. Perl); DN: Wisner Dau., Mr. H. J. Philips, attended by Mr. Hindley
1321 05/05/1892 7 04 A255 Ashmun, W. B. (Mr. and Mrs.); ANNIV: Weeping Water Lengthy autobiography
1321 05/05/1781 7 05 S656 Shriner, H. P. (Mr.); D: Crete Train accident
1321 05/12/1892 2 02 H530 Hunt, G. C. (Mr.); M: Omaha Bride Lester Palmer
1321 05/12/1892 2 02 P456 Palmer, Lester (Miss); M: Omaha Groom G. C. Hunt
1321 05/12/1892 4 01 B316 Bedford, Hezekiah; CRIMINAL: Douglas Co. Sentenced 7 yrs for robbery
1321 05/12/1892 4 01 R252 Rosengrantz, H. H. (Captain); D: Madrid
1321 05/12/1892 4 01 G230 Geist, Lillie (10 yrs); ACCIDENT: Struck by train, amputation of leg
1321 05/12/1892 4 01 R300 Reed, W. M. (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Peru Injured by horse
1321 05/12/1892 4 01 T512 Thompson, John; ACCIDENT: Fairmont Broken leg
1321 05/12/1892 4 01 H265 Hagermann (Mrs.); D: Omaha
1321 05/12/1892 4 01 A160 Aubrey, Flora; D-SUICIDE: Omaha
1321 05/12/1892 4 01 J525 Johnson, S. A. (Mrs.); ACCIDENT: Nebraska City Slip and fall
1321 05/12/1829 4 01 C462 Clark, Walter R. (14 yrs); MISC: Indianola Son of A. R. Clark, runs away from home
1321 05/12/1892 4 02 L165 Lieberman (Mr.); D: Beatrice Lightening
1321 05/12/1892 4 02 Q500 Quinn, L. W. (Son, 10 yrs) ; ACCIDENT: Nebraska City Broken leg
1321 05/12/1892 4 02 K530 Knuth, William; MENTAL HEALTH: Oxford Insanity Commissioners
1321 05/12/1892 4 02 E625 Ericksen, Anton; MENTAL HEALTH: Hampton Insanity Commissioners
1321 05/12/1892 4 02 H000 Howe, Patrik; CRIME: Beatrice Theft
1321 05/12/1892 4 02 K300 Kathau, Henry; MENTAL HEALTH: Olive Branch Insanity Commissioners
1321 05/12/1892 7 02 S145 Seabloom, John; MISC: Weeping Water Home struck by lightening
1321 05/12/1892 7 03 F653 Friend, Paul; D-SUICIDE: Syracuse
1321 05/12/1892 7 03 E552 Emens, Bob (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, F); B: Weeping Water
1321 06/01/1892 1 03 B320 Bates, B. W. (Mr.); BIO : Nehawka
1321 06/01/1892 1 04 S435 Sheldon, Lawson (Mr.); BIO : Nehawka
1321 06/01/1892 1 05 W452 Williams, P. (Mr.); BIO : Louisville
1321 06/01/1892 1 05 S365 Sturm, Andrew; BIO : Nehawka
1321 06/01/1892 1 05 R520 Ramsey, B. S. (Judge); BIO : Plattsmouth
1321 06/01/1892 2 03 B620 Brooks, J. W. (Mr.); DN: Avoca Death of brother in Missouri
1321 06/01/1892 2 03 A536 Andrus, Fred (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant); B: Manley
1321 06/01/1892 2 03 A536 Andrus, Dan D. (Mr.); BD: Manley 23rd birthday
1321 06/02/1892 2 05 R163 Robertson, James (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, F); B: Courier-Journal newspaper
1321 06/02/1892 2 05 M213 McFadden, Charles H.; M: Plattsmouth Bride Mary Christie
1321 06/02/1892 2 05 C623 Christie, Mary; M: Plattsmouth Groom Charles H. McFadden
1321 06/02/1892 2 05 M262 McCraig (Mr. and Mrs.); MISC: Weeping Water 26th anniv. of arrival in Weeping Water
1321 06/02/1892 2 05 W656 Weir (Mrs.); ACCIDENT: Nebraska City Fall into well
1321 06/02/1892 4 01 W425 Wilkins, Henry (Son, 2 yrs); D-ACCIDENT: Waco Swallowed carbolic acid
1321 06/02/1892 4 01 W620 Wares, John; FIRE: Cedar Rapids
1321 06/02/1892 4 01 K632 Kuritz (Mr.); MENTAL HEALTH: Beatrice Threatening people with gun
1321 06/02/1892 4 01 H426 Hillgreen, Peter; D: Shickley
1321 06/02/1892 4 01 C425 Clawson, R. (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Burr Thrown from horse
1321 06/02/1892 4 02 W363 Woodward (Mr.); D-ACCIDENT: Crete Drowning, body found
1321 06/02/1892 4 02 P263 Packard (Mr.); D-ACCIDENT: Crete Drowning, body not yet found
1321 06/02/1892 4 02 B200 Bauch, Michael; D: Madison Co.
1321 06/02/1892 4 02 W300 White, James; CRIME: Lincoln Arrested
1321 06/02/1892 4 03 M532 Montgomery, C. E. (Mr.); D-HOMOCIDE: Lincoln Shooting by W. H. Irwin, lengthy account
1321 06/02/1892 7 02 L550 Lanham, W. G. (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, F); B: Weeping Water
1321 06/02/1892 7 02 K412 Klepser, A. (Mr.); M-ANNOUNCE: Nebraska City Future bride Luna Cassell
1321 06/02/1892 7 02 C240 Cassell, Luna (Ms); M-ANNOUNCE: Nebraska City Future groom A. Klepser
1321 06/02/1892 7 03 A514 Ambler, Herbert P. ; DN: Fairmont Names of family given, card of thanks
1321 06/02/1892 7 03 H000 Hay, Valentine; DN: Weeping Water Names of family given
1321 06/02/1892 7 04 M000 May, C. (Mrs.); VISITING: Weeping Water Visiting ill father, Valentine Hay
1321 06/02/1892 7 04 M000 May, Theodore; VISITING: Weeping Water Visiting ill father, Valentine Hay
1321 06/02/1892 7 05 B632 Beardsley, Nellie; MISC: Nebraska City Attending wedding of Klepser-Cassell
1321 06/02/1892 8 02 R520 Ramsey, B. S. (Judge) Contd; BIO, contd: Plattsmouth
1321 06/02/1892 8 02 S335 Stohtman, George; BIO : Louisville
1321 06/02/1892 8 02 H120 Hoback, R. O. (Mr.); BIO
1321 06/02/1892 8 02 R200 Rousch, Henry; BIO : Cass Co.
1321 06/02/1892 8 02 N400 Newell, W. H. (Judge); BIO : Plattsmouth
1321 06/02/1892 8 03 D400 Dill, A. (Mr.); BIO : Murray
1321 06/02/1892 8 03 P355 Pitman, Andrew; BIO : Nehawka
1321 06/02/1892 8 03 T500 Timm, H. H. (Mr.); BIO : Cass Co.
1321 06/02/1892 8 03 P463 Pollard, Lee; BIO : Nehawka
1321 06/02/1892 8 03 B652 Behrns, Henry; BIO: Avoca
1321 06/02/1892 8 03 C656 Cremer, J. M. (Captain); BIO: Tipton
1321 06/02/1892 8 03 W234 Westlake, William; BIO: Avoca
1321 06/02/1892 8 03 R240 Rockwell, Abram M.; BIO: Centre
1321 06/02/1892 8 03 J500 John, Theodore; BIO: Stove Creek
1321 06/02/1892 8 03 R525 Rankin, Thomas; BIO: Rocks Bluffs, Broken bow, Pottawattamie Co.
1321 06/02/1892 8 03 C500 Coon, Peter; BIO: Center PCT
1321 06/02/1892 8 04 V216 Vosburg, Zurah; BIO: Center PCT
1321 06/02/1892 8 04 S316 Stopher, Edgar A.; BIO: Tipton PCT
1321 06/02/1892 8 04 T630 Treat, Garry; BIO: Weeping Water
1321 06/02/1892 8 04 M624 Marshall, John T.; BIO: Weeping Water
1321 06/02/1892 8 04 R216 Rexford, F. F. (Mr.); BIO: Weeping Water
1321 06/02/1892 8 04 T632 Tritsch, Jacob; BIO: Eight Mile Grove Pct.
1321 06/16/1892 1 01 A514 Ambler, Herbert P.; D: Fairmont Young Mens Christian Association Resolution
1321 06/16/1892 4 01 M450 Moley (M, child); ACCIDENT: Weston
1321 06/16/1892 4 01 M326 Metzger, Harry; CRIME: Aurora Robbed by Sam Nolan
1321 06/16/1892 4 01 T500 Timme, George E.; D: Douglas Co.
1321 06/16/1892 4 01 H623 Hearst, John; D: Wahoo
1321 06/16/1892 4 01 S361 Strouble, B. (Mr.); ROBBERY: Brownville Charles Castille, Billy Castille and Jim McDonald charged
1321 06/16/1892 4 01 M610 Murphy, H. P. (Mr.); D : Litchfield Run over by train
1321 06/16/1892 4 02 L625 Larson, Andrew; ATTEMPTED SUICIDE: Omaha
1321 06/16/1892 4 02 U536 Underwood, Jesse; D : West Point Shot by Alex Sims (City Marshall)
1321 06/16/1892 4 02 H623 Hurst John; D: Waterloo Died in jail pending mental health examination
1321 06/16/1892 4 02 S361 Stroble, B. (Mr.); CRIME: Brownville Drops charges against Charles Castille, Billy Castille and Jim McDonald for retu
1321 06/16/1892 4 02 J520 James, M. T. (Mr.); CRIME: Butte City Shot by 2 men to drive from claim
1321 06/16/1892 7 01 B632 Beardsley, Abbie Isabella (Miss); DN: Weeping Water Several articles, names of funeral attendees given
1321 06/16/1892 7 02 P620 Pierce, Edith; M-ANNOUNCE: Weeping Water Groom Arthur Cross
1321 06/16/1892 7 02 C620 Cross, Arthur; M-ANNOUNCE: Weeping Water Bride Edith Pierce
1321 06/16/1892 7 04 G633 GRADUATION ANNOUNCE: Weeping Water Reception by 1891 Class for 1892 Class, attendees named
1321 06/16/1892 7 04 S656 Sawyer (Mr. and Mrs.); ANNIV: Weeping Water 59th wedding anniv.
1321 06/16/1892 7 05 C622 Chriswisser, Park (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, M); B: Weeping Water
1321 06/16/1892 7 05 C623 Christenson, Max (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, F); B: Weeping Water
1321 06/23/1892 3 04 A652 Armstrong, George; D: Lebanon Struck by lightening
1321 06/23/1892 3 04 Z565 Zimmerman, Fred; D: Omaha
1321 06/23/1892 4 01 J525 Johnson, John L. (Dau.); ACCIDENT: West Union Dau. playing with hatchet chops off brothers fingers
1321 06/23/1892 4 01 P160 Piper, Ralph (5 yrs); ACCIDENT: Butte City Son of B. N. Piper loses toes from left foot
1321 06/23/1892 4 02 M600 Moore, Lon; CRIME: Otoe Co. Stealing chickens
1321 06/23/1892 4 02 C200 Cook, James; CRIME: Otoe Co. Stealing chickens
1321 06/23/1892 4 02 J520 Jones, Charles; CRIME: Otoe Co. Stealing chickens
1321 06/23/1892 4 02 F630 Ford, Ben; D: Glenover Accidental shooting
1321 06/23/1892 7 03 C616 Carper, J. L. (Mr.); M: Union Bride Cora E. Hargus
1321 06/23/1892 7 03 H622 Hargus, Cora E.; M: Cass Co. Groom J. L. Carper
1321 06/23/1892 7 03 C416 Colbert, John (Infant, M); B: Weeping Water
1321 06/23/1892 7 03 F321 Fitzpatrick, John (Infant, M); B: Weeping Water Born June 17, 1892
1321 06/23/1892 7 03 C620 Cross, Arthur E; M: Victoria Bride Edith L. Pierce
1321 06/23/1892 7 03 P620 Pierce, Edith L. ; M: Victoria Groom Arthur E. Cross
1321 06/23/1892 7 04 H200 Hess, John (Mrs.); ACCIDENT: Wabash Buggy accident
1321 06/23/1892 7 04 B632 Beardsley, Abbie; DN: Weeping Water Further funeral notice, card of thanks
1321 06/23/1892 7 04 P653 Peironet, Tom; ACCIDENT: Lincoln Omaha man falls from train
1321 06/30/1892 2 01 D250 Dixon, Mr.; CRIME: Omaha Hung for murder
1321 06/30/1892 3 02 N300 Nethaway, I. F. (Mr.); D: Republican City
1321 06/30/1892 3 02 C636 Carter, John M. ; CRIME: Weeping Water Charge against Mr. J. H. Bellows for embezzlement
1321 06/30/1892 3 02 R300 Reed, Will E.; M: Weeping Water Bride Mamie Slade, visiting husbands parents, married in Cleveland, Ohio, to li
1321 06/30/1892 3 02 S430 Slade, Mamie; M: Weeping Water Groom Will E. Reed, visiting parents, married in Cleveland, Ohio, to live in Avo
1321 07/14/1892 4 01 T520 Thomas, Frankie (Miss); CRIME: Lincoln Ordered to reform school
1321 07/14/1892 4 01 H630 Howard, Nettie; CRIME: Lincoln Ordered to reform school
1321 07/14/1892 4 01 S450 Sloan, Reuben; CRIME: Albion Mail carrier charged with rifling mails
1321 07/14/1892 4 01 B230 Boquet, J. E. (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Ord Kicked in stomach and groin by horse
1321 07/14/1892 4 01 B600 Bauer, Mike; EMPLOY: Nebraska City Honored as veteran fireman
1321 07/14/1892 4 01 C425 Callagan, Jack; EMPLOY: Omaha Honored as veteran fireman
1321 07/14/1892 6 01 W422 Wilcox, Elmer; MISC: Weeping Water Struck in face by John Bourke
1321 07/14/1892 6 02 K253 Kikendall (Mrs.); ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Not improving from unknown accident
1321 07/14/1892 6 02 K645 Krahl (Mrs.); MISC: Weeping Water While visiting in Iowa erroneous reports of her death
1321 07/14/1892 6 02 S322 Stackhouse, Ed; ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Runaway team destroys new cultivator
1321 07/14/1892 6 03 B324 Badgely, John; ILLNESS: Weeping Water Inflammatory rheumatism
1321 07/14/1892 6 03 F460 Flower, Charles; ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Injured by horse
1321 07/14/1892 6 04 M245 Mickle (Mrs.); ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Runaway team
1321 07/14/1892 6 04 H200 Hess, John (Mrs.); INJURY: Weeping Water Severe broken ankle healing
1321 07/14/1892 6 05 W230 West, D. C. (Mrs.); MISC: Nehawka Returned from Western Nebraska after death of husbands sister, Mrs. Martin
1321 07/21/1892 2 03 H625 Harshman, George W.; BIO: Avoca
1321 07/21/1892 2 05 B200 Beach, Addison (Mr. and Mrs.); ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Called to Salem, Oregon; son, Charley Beach, struck in head by axe suffering rel
1321 07/21/1892 4 01 F430 Flood, William; D: Omaha Horse fell upon him
1321 07/21/1892 4 01 W356 Whitmore, Maggie; CRIME: Omaha Jailed for stealing money from landlady
1321 07/21/1892 4 01 K532 Kemnitz, August (Mrs.); MENTAL HEALTH: Seribner Violently insane
1321 07/21/1892 4 01 B650 Bruen, Willie (11 yrs) ; D: Oakland Son of A. A. Bruen drowns
1321 07/21/1892 4 01 G125 Gibson, Elmer; CRIME: Wedford Charged with larceny
1321 07/21/1892 4 01 K340 Kidwell, Samuel (Mrs.); D: Wallace Blood poisoning
1321 07/21/1892 4 01 N425 Neilson, N. (Mr.); D: Turtle Precinct
1321 07/21/1892 4 01 M325 Matson, Simson; CRIME: Fairbury Convicted of whipping wife and children, broken from jail, taken to woods by mob
1321 07/21/1892 4 01 L536 Lendrum, John R.; D: Tabor Precinct Drowning
1321 07/21/1892 4 01 W420 Wells, A. D. (Mr.); MISC: Steele City Bitten by mad dog
1321 07/21/1892 4 01 J520 Jones, Seth; MISC: Steele City Bitten by mad dog
1321 07/21/1892 4 01 P240 Pagel, Albert; MENTAL HEALTH: Elkhorn Taken to poor farm
1321 07/21/1892 4 02 S162 Seivers, Henry (Son, 12 yrs); D: Webster Township Plowing accident
1321 07/21/1892 4 02 V320 Vetesky, Joseph; CRIME: Omaha Fined for demonstration of affection
1321 07/21/1892 4 02 H560 Henry, Martin; D, CRIME: Valley Co. Allegations of neglect/abuse by children
1321 07/21/1892 4 02 H536 Hunter, M. (Mr.); CRIME: Beatrice Fraud
1321 07/21/1892 4 02 B456 Bailey (Mrs.); MENTAL HEALTH: Lincoln Jailed for safekeeping
1321 07/21/1892 4 02 B620 Brock, C. E. (Mr.) (Son, 4 yrs); D-ACCIDENT: Dorchester
1321 07/21/1892 7 03 B632 Beardsley, Nellie; EPIDEMIC: Weeping Water Typhoid fever
1321 07/21/1892 7 04 G456 Gilmore (Mr.); DN: Weeping Water
1321 07/21/1892 7 04 E520 Ewing, Ben (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, F); B: Weeping Water
1321 07/28/1892 2 05 B200 Boyce, James (Mrs.); D: Wabash
1321 07/28/1892 4 01 S334 Stotler, Arthur W.; D: Union Death by sunstroke
1321 07/28/1892 4 01 E162 Ebright, Ida; D: Omaha
1321 07/28/1892 4 01 C462 Clark, Jim; CRIME: Lincoln Petty thieving
1321 07/28/1892 4 01 B620 Berg, Ole; D: Oakland Struck by lightening
1321 07/28/1892 4 01 R400 Ruhl, Cal. D. ; D, CRIME: Valley Co. Giles Cook acquitted by jury
1321 07/28/1892 4 01 Y520 Young, Elmer; INJURY: Superior Boy threatened with lock-jaw
1321 07/28/1892 4 01 R560 Reiner, Peter ; D: Valentine Runaway team, 1 son killed, l son injured
1321 07/28/1892 4 01 H400 Hill, James; MENTAL HEALTH: Douglas Co.
1321 07/28/1892 4 01 P614 Proplect, Sammy (age 4); ACCIDENT: Springfield
1321 07/28/1892 4 02 P425 Paulson, Jorgen; D: Dane Heat stroke
1321 07/28/1892 4 02 O162 Overstreet, Thomas J. ; INHERITANCE: Beatrice Inheritance
1321 07/28/1892 4 02 M460 Miller, Matthias (Mr. and Mrs.); ACCIDENT: Hooper Struck by lightening
1321 07/28/1892 4 02 R200 Rice, Al; CRIME: McCook Escaped jail and burglarizing cars
1321 07/28/1892 4 02 K400 Kelly, Earl; CRIME: McCook Escaped jail and burglarizing cars
1321 07/28/1892 4 02 S415 Sullivan, Cornelius; CRIME: Omaha Court verdicts
1321 07/28/1892 4 02 S415 Sullivan, John; CRIME: Omaha Court verdicts
1321 07/28/1892 4 02 M200 Mays, Levi; CRIME: Memphis/Ashland Robbed
1321 07/28/1892 4 02 L165 Law Firm of Jeffrey and Rich; CRIME: Omaha Jeffrey shot Rich
1321 07/28/1892 4 02 H452 Holmes, B. E.; MISC: Lincoln Holmes saved Blair from drowning
1321 07/28/1892 4 02 146 Blair, C. W. ; MISC: Lincoln Holmes saved Blair from drowning
1321 07/28/1892 4 02 U520 Uhing, (Rev.) ; D: Bow Valley
1321 07/28/1892 4 02 H616 Harberly, Charles; CRIME: Beatrice Jailed for horse theft
1321 07/28/1892 4 02 M260 McGuire, Alvin; CRIME: Wichita Arrest for horse theft
1321 07/28/1892 4 02 S326 St. Germaine, John; D-HOMOCIDE : Chadron King killed St. Germaine for possibly killing MacDougal
1321 07/28/1892 4 02 K520 King, John; D-HOMOCIDE : Chadron King killed St. Germaine for possibly killing MacDougal
1321 07/28/1892 4 02 M232 MacDougal, Doc; D-HOMOCIDE : Chadron King killed St. Germaine for possibly killing MacDougal
1321 07/28/1892 7 01 S346 Stolers Arthur; D: Union Sunstroke
1321 07/28/1892 7 01 L130 Levda, Elmer; EMPLOY: Creighton Assistant Principal
1321 07/28/1892 7 01 B632 Beardsley, Nellie; ILLNESS: Weeping Water Resting comfortably
1321 07/28/1892 7 01 H000 Hay, L. A. (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Broken ankle in runaway buggy
1321 07/28/1892 7 01 S363 Stroud, Lew; ILLNESS: Weeping Water Omaha man suffers sunstroke
1321 07/28/1892 7 03 H514 Hemphill, Jeff (Mrs.) (Infant); B: Weeping Water
1321 07/28/1892 7 03 L516 Linberg ,Olaf ; M: Weeping Water Bride Hilder Nelson
1321 07/28/1892 7 03 N425 Nelson, Hilder; M: Weeping Water Groom Olaf Linberg
1321 07/28/1892 7 03 H163 Hubbard, Annie (Miss); MISC: Weeping Water Finger amputated
1321 07/28/1892 7 03 F225 Foguson, Gus; CRIME: Weeping Water Intoxication
1321 08/04/1892 2 05 G456 Gilmore, James R.; DN: Names of family given
1321 08/04/1892 4 01 K500 Koen, Ed; CRIME: Omaha Release from penitentiary
1321 08/04/1892 4 01 A450 Allen, Mary B.; CRIME : Nebraska City Incorrigible girl placed in industrial school at Geneva
1321 08/04/1892 4 01 J556 Jeune (Mrs.); ACCIDENT: Fairfield Struck over eye with ball
1321 08/04/1892 4 01 K626 Kroser, John; FIRES: Nelson Home destroyed
1321 08/04/1892 4 01 L550 Lemon, George; FIRES: Cozad Barn fire
1321 08/04/1892 4 01 M325 Mattson, Andrew; LIGHTENING: Oakland Men struck by lightening, Borg killed
1321 08/04/1892 4 01 B620 Borg, Ole; LIGHTENING: Oakland Men struck by lightening, Borg killed
1321 08/04/1892 4 01 K620 Kersey, William C.; CRIME: Fremont Arrested for desertion from Company H. 14th Infantry
1321 08/04/1892 4 01 W600 Ware, Henry (Mrs.); DN: Nebraska City Rescued from fall into well 3 wks ago, became insane
1321 08/04/1892 4 02 K245 Kesling, Jonn; D-ACCIDENT: Lancaster Co. Train accident
1321 08/04/1892 4 02 M620 Morris, L. K. (Mr.); FIRE: Holdrege House fire
1321 08/04/1892 4 02 N425 Nelson, Otoe; D-ACCIDENT: Turtle Kicked by horse
1321 08/04/1892 4 02 R216 Rexford, W. H. (Mr.) (Veterinary Surg.); CRIME: Fremont Knife fight with Jack Cranny
1321 08/04/1892 4 02 M500 Mann, J. S. (Mr.); D: Woodlawn Struck by lightening
1321 08/04/1892 4 02 L165 Lovrens, Fred; ACCIDENT: Fremont Arm amputated
1321 08/04/1892 4 02 D560 Downer, J. A. (Mr.) (Son, 11 yrs); D-ACCIDENT: Ashland Drowning
1321 08/04/1892 4 02 W342 Whitlock, Guy (Son, 11 yrs); D-ACCIDENT: Ashland Drowning
1321 08/04/1892 4 02 H562 Howe (Mr.) (2 sons); D-ACCIDENT: Blair Drownings
1321 08/04/1892 7 02 C260 Cozier, Tom (Son); EPIDEMIC: Weeping Water Ill with typhoid malaria
1321 08/04/1892 7 02 M263 McCarty, Henry (13 yrs); D-ACCIDENT: Plattsmouth Son of Con McCarty drowns
1321 08/05/1892 7 03 H256 Hassemeier, Bessie J. (widow of Charles Hassemeier); LEGAL: Plattsmouth Death settlement
1321 08/05/1892 7 05 J525 Johnson, J. H. and Mrs. (Infant, M); B: Weeping Water
1321 08/11/1892 4 01 A425 Alexanderson, Olaf; MISC: Waco Walked from New York, arrived in Waco
1321 08/11/1892 4 01 K400 Keily, Michael; CRIME: Lincoln Robbed
1321 08/11/1892 4 01 S500 Schamm, Hans; MENTAL HEALTH: Sarpy Co. Sheriff Liddiard escorts to asylum
1321 08/11/1892 4 01 C430 Cloud, Jesse (Mr.); DIVORCE: Lincoln Spouse not named
1321 08/11/1892 4 01 E350 Eaton, Edward; ACCIDENT: Council Bluffs Train accident
1321 08/11/1892 4 02 H256 Hassemeir, Bessie; LEGAL: Louisville Settlement for death of husband
1321 08/11/1892 4 02 D236 Dexter, George; DN: Atkinson
1321 08/11/1892 4 02 W436 Walters, Henry (Dau., Eva, 2 yrs); ACCIDENT: Omaha Poisoning
1321 08/11/1892 4 02 P250 Peckham, D. L. (Mr.); DN: Lincoln
1321 08/11/1892 4 02 M343 Middleton, Jesse; D-ACCIDENT: Salt Creek Drowning
1321 08/11/1892 4 02 G432 Goldgraber, Jacob (Pauline, 7 yrs); D-ACCIDENT: Fremont Drowning, rescue of other family members by Henry Singer
1321 08/11/1892 4 02 W200 Weeks, Nicholas; ACCIDENT: Omaha Accidentally shot by son, George Weeks
1321 08/11/1892 4 02 B653 Brandle, Mr. (Son, 8 yrs); ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Kicked by horse
1321 08/11/1892 4 02 M500 Mahoney, Tom; D-ACCIDENT: Blue River near Beatrice Drowning
1321 08/11/1892 7 02 S415 Selby (M, Infant); ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Run over by wagon
1321 08/11/1892 7 04 U650 Urwin, (Mr.and Mrs. (Infant); D-ACCIDENT: Louisville Runaway teams, a Mrs. Drake and parents injured
1321 08/11/1892 7 05 S534 Swindle, John (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, F); B: Weeping Water
1321 08/18/1892 2 03 H400 Hall, George; M: Alvo Bride Emily McFall
1321 08/18/1892 2 03 M214 McFall, Emily; M: Alvo Groom George Hall
1321 08/18/1892 4 01 M460 Miller, Bob; ACCIDENT: Peru Fractured rib in fall
1321 08/18/1892 4 01 H310 Hotovy, Leopold ; ACCIDENT: Dwight Son bitten by rattlesnake
1321 08/18/1892 4 01 G650 Green, W. J. (Mr.) (Son); ACCIDENT: David City Site lost in 1 eye
1321 08/18/1892 4 01 J525 Jensen, Mary (Mrs.); LEGAL: Omaha Suit against railroad over death of husband
1321 08/18/1892 4 01 B630 Barrett, I. N. (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant); B: Banner Co. Child weighed 20-1/4 pounds at birth
1321 08/18/1892 4 01 S512 Sampson, Lucy ; DIVORCE: Lincoln Plaintiff
1321 08/18/1892 4 01 S512 Sampson, Noah A.; DIVORCE: Lincoln Defendant
1321 08/18/1882 4 01 R520 Rank, Peter; D: Schuyler Died from burns from explosion
1321 08/18/1882 4 01 B620 Burke, George (Dau. 4 yrs); FIRE: Friend Set clothing on fire playing with matches
1321 08/18/1882 4 01 B630 Barta, Joseph (Mrs.); D: Omaha Burned in kerosene explosion
1321 08/18/1882 4 01 B250 Bogan, F. (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Ashland Train accident
1321 08/18/1882 4 02 G650 Graham, W. R. (Mr.); D: Baker Township
1321 08/18/1882 4 02 O216 Osborne, George; D: Baker Township
1321 08/18/1882 4 02 F435 Fulton, Fred (2 yrs); D: Red Cloud Son of Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Fulton, drank gasoline
1321 08/18/1882 4 02 J520 Jones, W. H. (Mr.); CRIME: Ord Omaha man arrested, killing wild game
1321 08/18/1882 4 02 M245 McLean, John; CRIME: Brainard Arrested for embezzling
1321 08/18/1882 4 02 C552 Cunningham (Mr.); D: Elwood Train accident
1321 08/18/1882 4 02 C462 Clarkson (Judge); MISC: Weeping Water Reward for recovery of drowning victim in Honey Creek Lake
1321 08/18/1882 4 02 B240 Bissel, James; LEGAL: Ashland Charges of bastardy by Miss Mails
1321 08/18/1882 4 02 C400 Cole, D. S. (Mr.); D-HOMOCIDE: Hastings Dispatch newspaper Coroners jury results
1321 08/18/1892 7 01 R300 Rutt, S. L. (Mr. and Mrs.); MOVING: Weeping Water Moving to Casey, Iowa
1321 08/18/1892 7 02 B632 Birdsall (Mr. and Mrs.); MOVING: Weeping Water Moving to Kearney
1321 08/18/1892 7 02 L350 Layton, Judd; M: Weeping Water Bride Clara Hoskins
1321 08/18/1892 7 02 H252 Hoskins, Clara; M: Weeping Water Groom Judd Layton
1321 08/18/1892 7 03 G361 Gothorp, Moss; ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Injured by bull horns
1321 08/18/1892 7 04 J525 Johnson, John (Mrs.); ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Fall off porch
1321 08/18/1892 7 04 B632 Beardsley, Nellie; HEALTH: Weeping Water Gravely ill
1321 08/18/1892 7 04 H526 Hunger, Alfred; ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Train accident on property owned by John Lehman
1321 08/18/1892 7 05 H452 Holmes, C. E. (Mr.); EMPLOY: Weeping Water To be Quartermaster at Worthington Military Academy in Lincoln
1321 08/18/1892 7 05 C600 Crew, Charles (Infant, M); B: Weeping Water
1321 08/25/1892 3 02 F430 Floth, Paul; CRIME: Omaha Assault of Sarah White (F, 14 yrs)
1321 08/25/1892 4 01 M220 Masek, Joseph; ACCIDENT: Rushville Loss of right arm
1321 08/25/1892 4 01 B260 Baker, Fannie; EMPLOY: Lincoln Elected to position at Grand Island Baptist College
1321 08/25/1892 4 01 R163 Roberts, L. A. (Mrs., wife of Colonel Roberts); DN: Rising City
1321 08/25/1892 4 02 R253 Roggenthein, Henry; D: Bitten by horse showing symptoms of madness
1321 08/25/1892 4 02 G600 Grey, Joseph W. ; MENTAL HEALTH: Lincoln Escape from insane asylum
1321 08/25/1892 4 02 C455 Cullen (Mr.); CRIME: Hubbard Robbed in Omaha
1321 08/25/1892 4 02 C462 Clark, A. C. (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Cozad Buggy accident
1321 08/25/1892 4 02 N425 Nelson, A. K. (Mr.); CRIME: Elgin Theft of $3,000
1321 08/25/1892 4 02 R300 Reed, Henry; CRIME: Ashland Shooting of Mr. Hall
1321 08/25/1892 4 02 G235 Gasteineau, Levi; D-ACCIDENTAL: Grant Killed by lightening, John Saxton and Mr. Ford injured
1321 08/25/1892 4 02 J525 James McHugh; D-ACCIDENTAL: Grant Killed by lightening, John Saxton and Mr. Ford injured
1321 08/25/1892 7 01 B632 Beardsley, Nellie; DN: Weeping Water Arrivals for funeral
1321 08/25/1892 7 01 I510 Imhoff, Joe (Dr.); DN: Weeping Water Brief listing of attendees
1321 08/25/1892 7 01 J525 Johnson, J. (Mrs.); ILLNESS: Weeping Water Arrival of family
1321 08/25/1892 7 02 B632 Beardsley, Nellie; DN: Weeping Water Arrivals for funeral
1321 08/25/1892 7 02 M240 Maxwell, William (Mrs.); DN: Dunbar
1321 08/25/1892 7 03 O165 OBrien, Henry; CRIME : Weeping Water Fist fight with Ben Ewing
1321 08/25/1892 7 04 B632 Beardsley, Nellie; DN: Weeping Water Death from typhoid, large listing of attendees
1321 08/25/1892 7 04 M610 Murphy, Margaret (Dau., 12 yrs, ; DN: Weeping Water Child of Mrs. William Murphy
1321 08/25/1892 7 04 T263 Teegarden, J. M. (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, F); B: Weeping Water
1321 08/25/1892 7 05 J255 Jackson (Mrs.) (Infant, F); B: Weeping Water Grandfather is Henry Streight
1321 09/01/1892 4 01 H520 Homes, J. F (Mr.) (Son); ACCIDENT: Dunbar Dog bite
1321 09/01/1892 4 01 S530 Smith, Charles; CRIME: Otoe Co. Shooting
1321 09/01/1892 4 01 L625 Larsen, Carrie; D-ACCIDENTAL: Omaha Train accident
1321 09/01/1892 4 01 B245 Buckland, J. W. (Mr.) (Son, 10 yrs); D-ACCIDENTAL: Valparaiso Drowning
1321 09/01/1892 4 01 E235 Easton, Robert; ACCIDENT: Maywood Broke leg
1321 09/01/1892 4 01 N000 New, Albert D. (Mr.) (Dau., 4 yrs); D-ACCIDENTAL: Rushville Binder accident
1321 09/01/1892 4 01 R163 Roberts, Dewey (Mrs.); ACCIDENT: Kenesaw Bride of 4 days breaks leg
1321 09/01/1892 4 01 R523 Ramsden, Samuel (Son); ACCIDENT: Plattsmouth Fall with near drowning
1321 09/01/1892 4 01 S364 Straley, George M.; ACCIDENT: Omaha Train accident, hips crushed
1321 09/01/1892 4 01 V200 Vesce, Tom; D-HOMOCIDE: Omaha Altercation with Mr. K. Scalese
1321 09/01/1892 4 01 I550 Inman, George (Son, 13 yrs); ACCIDENT: Petersburg Horse accident
1321 09/01/1892 4 02 H250 Hajan, Ed.; CRIME : Omaha Theft of all contents of home
1321 09/01/1892 4 02 H550 Homan, John H. ; ACCIDENT: Nolfolk Train accident, loss of foot
1321 09/01/1892 4 02 C155 Chapman, A. M. ; ACCIDENT: Fremont Fall from train
1321 09/01/1892 4 02 N142 Neville (Judge); ILLNESS: Omaha Son living in Hamburg ill with cholera
1321 09/01/1892 7 01 B130 Bobbitt, Ed; D: Eagle
1321 09/01/1892 7 01 C242 Coglizer, Sanford; MISC: Weeping Water Receipt of $260 pension for 6 mths in rebel prison
1321 09/01/1892 7 02 C462 Clark, John; DN: Omaha Son of Mr. C. M. Clark
1321 09/01/1892 7 04 F300 Fate, Ella; DN: Weeping Water Wife of Dr. J. C. Fate
1321 09/01/1892 7 05 C242 Coglizer, Bert; EPIDEMIC: Weeping Water Typhoid fever
1321 09/01/1892 7 05 C242 Coglizer, Willi; EPIDEMIC: Weeping Water Typhoid fever
1321 09/01/1892 7 05 C242 Coglizer, Lena; EPIDEMIC: Weeping Water Typhoid fever
1321 09/01/1892 7 05 M256 McMurray, L. C. (Mr.); DN: Elmwood
1321 09/01/1892 7 05 P400 Pool, John (Mrs.; DN: Murdock Mother of William Pool
1321 09/08/1892 2 04 P400 Pool, Ella ; DN: Wabash Mother of William H. Pool, sister of Hon. Samuel Richardson
1321 09/08/1892 2 04 B625 Barsch (Mrs.); ILLNESS: Wabash Typhoid
1321 09/08/1892 2 04 M216 McBride, J. D. (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, F); B: Nehawka
1321 09/08/1892 4 01 S532 Shanatskl, Anton; MENTAL ILLNESS: Douglas Co.
1321 09/08/1892 4 01 B620 Bruce, John; CRIME : Lincoln Obtaining money on false pretenses
1321 09/08/1892 4 01 W536 Wonder, John; MISC: South Omaha Missing
1321 09/08/1892 4 01 M256 Mackenroy, Frank; D-ACCIDENT: Callaway Train Accident
1321 09/08/1892 4 01 L500 Linn, J. L. (Honorable); D: Humbolt
1321 09/08/1892 4 02 C620 Church, Anna; EMPLOY: Otoe Co. Teacher transferred to Eureka Springs, Arkansas
1321 09/08/1892 4 02 C256 Casmer, John; MISC: Beatrice Fight, John Casmer badly hurt
1321 09/08/1892 4 02 B530 Bennett, Jim; MISC: Beatrice Fight, John Casmer badly hurt
1321 09/08/1892 4 02 B656 Brunner, W. H. (Mr.); FIRE: Nickerson Store burns to ground
1321 09/08/1892 4 02 K460 Koler, Henry; D: Lincoln
1321 09/08/1892 4 02 B346 Butler, Lydia (widow of Governor David Butler); LEGAL: Lincoln Property rights to be established
1321 09/08/1892 7 03 F300 Fate, J. C. (Mrs.); DN: Weeping Water Wife of Dr. J. C. Fate, dau. of John Palmer, lengthy biography
1321 09/08/1892 7 03 J525 Johnson, Anna ; DN: Weeping Water Wife of John Johnson, Jr., nee Anna Sawyer, lengthy biography
1321 09/08/1892 7 04 C600 Corie, C. (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant); B: Weeping Water
1321 09/08/1892 7 04 H655 Herron (Mr. and Mrs.) (Dau., 2-1/2 yrs); DN: Weeping Water
1321 09/08/1892 7 04 W350 Wheaton, Code; M: Plattsmouth Groom Auf. Batton
1321 09/08/1892 7 04 A113 Auf. Batton; M: Plattsmouth Bride Code Wheaton
1321 09/08/1892 7 04 J525 Johnson, John; MISC: Weeping Water Card of thanks re death of wife
1321 09/08/1892 7 05 J400 Jewell, Ed. (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, F); B: Weeping Water
1321 09/15/1892 4 01 M615 Murphy (Mr. and Mrs.); MISC: Fremont State Fair prize of triplets
1321 09/15/1892 4 01 C300 Caywood, Cal; ACCIDENT: Nebraska City Stunned by lightening
1321 09/15/1892 4 01 B654 Burnell (Mr. and Mrs.) (Son); D: Beatrice
1321 09/15/1892 4 01 S315 Stevens, George D.; CRIME : Crete Bank cashier missing
1321 09/15/1892 4 01 B260 Baker, Hardy; ACCCIDENT: Nebraska City Burned by shellac
1321 09/15/1892 4 01 H460 Hillery, John (Mrs.) (Dau., 11 yrs); CRIME: Unknown Attempted rape by Joseph Woods
1321 09/15/1892 4 02 H516 Humphrey, J. M. (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Lincoln Fall of building, spinal injuries
1321 09/15/1892 4 02 P200 Pace, Asa; D: Lincoln Death in Wyoming
1321 09/15/1892 4 02 B400 Boley, John
1321 09/15/1892 4 02 W416 Wilburn, Ed; ACCIDENT: Nebraska City Workers buried by dirt
1321 09/15/1892 4 05 F620 Farrish, J. C. (Mr.); CRIME: Omaha Robbed in Washington State
1321 09/15/1892 4 05 C600 Croy, Bina (Mrs.); D: Burlington Beach Toboggan slide fall
1321 09/15/1892 7 01 B320 Bates, Peter; ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Fall
1321 09/15/1892 7 02 F425 Fleshman, T. W. (Mrs.) ; D: Avoca
1321 09/15/1892 7 02 W524 Winchell, Albert (Mr. and Mrs. (Infants, twins); B: Weeping Water
1321 09/15/1892 7 02 B452 Bellinger (Mr. and Mrs.); MOVING: Weeping Water Moving to Chicago
1321 09/15/1892 7 03 R263 Richardson, Samuel (Mr. and Mrs.); ANNIV: Eagle 50th anniv. attended by Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Girardet
1321 09/15/1892 7 03 B652 Brincely (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Union Discharge of rifle, lost 2 toes
1321 09/15/1892 7 04 W362 Waterhouse, Henrietta; EPIDEMIC: Weeping Water Typhoid
1321 09/15/1892 7 05 B632 Beardsley, Abbie; MISC: Weeping Water Tribute to their lives
1321 09/15/1892 7 05 B632 Beardsley, Nellie; MISC: Weeping Water Tribute to their lives
1321 09/22/1892 2 03 W362 Waterhouse, Henrietta; DN: Weeping Water Death from typhoid, wife of Prof. A. H. Waterhouse, lengthy funeral notice
1321 09/22/1892 2 05 R200 Richey, J. T. (Mrs.); ACCIDENT: Wabash Fall on pitchfork
1321 09/22/1892 4 01 C636 Carter (Mrs.); ACCIDENT: Ionia Dislocation of hip by cow
1321 09/22/1892 4 01 M635 Martin, Hattie; CRIME : Lincoln Sent to Geneva reform school
1321 09/22/1892 4 01 C563 Conrad, Amasa; CRIME: Lincoln Seriously injured in fight with Henry Harrison
1321 09/22/1892 4 01 D651 Dierenfield, E. (Mrs.) (Infant); ACCIDENT: Ponca Mother and baby injured in buggy accident
1321 09/22/1892 4 01 P362 Peterson, Adolph; ACCIDENT: Papillion Fair Grounds Eye injury
1321 09/22/1892 4 01 P300 Petty, Jerome; CRIME : Weeping Water Father and son guilty of stealing horse of Charles Altschuler
1321 09/22/1892 4 01 P300 Petty, Theodore; CRIME : Weeping Water Father and son guilty of stealing horse of Charles Altschuler
1321 09/22/1892 4 01 F626 Fricker, William; ACCIDENT: Omaha Train accident
1321 09/22/1892 4 02 W223 Waysight, George; CRIME: Weeping Water Indicted for burglary, escaped jail
1321 09/22/1892 4 02 Q500 Quinn, Alfred; CRIME: Weeping Water Indicted for burglary, escaped jail
1321 09/22/1892 4 02 F230 Faust, George; CRIME: Omaha Killer of Laura Day attempts suicide in jail
1321 09/22/1892 4 02 M532 Mundachenk, Peter (Infant, Dau.); ACCIDENT: Fairview Fall off fence breaking arm and dislocating shoulder
1321 09/22/1892 4 02 L563 Leonard, James; ACCIDENT: Wood River Train accident west of Gibbon
1321 09/22/1892 4 02 F632 Fritzson, Simon; CRIME: Dakota Co. Book examiner to charge ex-Treasurer Wilkinson with embezzlement
1321 09/22/1892 7 02 W362 Waterhouse (Mrs.); D: Weeping Water Mrs. Krahl to keep Waterhouse children, numerous arrivals for funeral listed
1321 09/22/1892 7 02 W423 Wolcott, Lucy; M: Weeping Water Groom Isaac Teegarden
1321 09/22/1892 7 02 T263 Teegarden, Isaac; M: Weeping Water Bride Lucy Wolcott
1321 09/22/1892 7 03 S562 Somers, Isaac; DIVORCE: Avoco Plaintiff granted divorce
1321 09/22/1892 7 03 S562 Somers, Henrietta; DIVORCE: Avoco Defendant residing in Indiana
1321 09/22/1892 7 03 S165 Schaffer (Mrs. Theo); ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Slip off buggy step
1321 09/22/1892 7 03 H336 Hathaway (Dr.); EMPLOY: Nebraska City Doctors to open Weeping Water medical office
1321 09/22/1892 7 03 P355 Pittman (Dr.); EMPLOY: Nebraska City Doctors to open Weeping Water medical office
1321 09/22/1892 7 04 M460 Miller, Willie (8 yrs); BD: Weeping Water
1321 09/22/1892 7 04 J625 Jorgenson (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, F); B: Weeping Water
1321 09/22/1892 7 04 R300 Reed, George (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, M); B: Weeping Water
1321 09/22/1892 7 04 C623 Christman, Philip (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, F); B: Weeping Water
1321 09/22/1892 7 04 W355 Whiteman, John (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, M); B: Weeping Water
1321 09/29/1892 4 01 H200 Hoge, Ernest; INJURY: Beatrice Severe dog bite
1321 09/29/1892 4 01 R200 Rice, Sutton; ACCIDENT: York Runaway accident
1321 09/29/1892 4 01 R416 Railford, Baldwin; CRIME: South Omaha 60 days in jail for stealing overcoat
1321 09/29/1892 4 01 C460 Clair, August; FIRES: Delta Elevator fire
1321 09/29/1892 4 01 M243 McClathey, William; FIRES: Oakdale Fire destroyed home
1321 09/29/1892 4 01 J520 Jones, Ezra (Mr.) (Charlotte, 5 yrs); D-ACCIDENT: Nebraska City Dress caught on fire
1321 09/29/1892 4 01 H525 Hansen, John; MENTAL HEALTH: Omaha Immanuel Hospital inmate jumps 3 stories
1321 09/29/1892 4 01 J525 Johnson, Mont; ACCIDENT: Ashland Accidentally shot Mr. Harvey
1321 09/29/1892 4 01 C462 Clark, Henry T. (Mrs.); D: Omaha
1321 09/29/1892 4 01 C656 Carr (Mr.); MENTAL HEALTH: Lancaster Co. Pardoned for murder, examined in Lancaster Co., sent to incurable asylum in Hast
1321 09/29/1892 4 01 M655 Merriman, G. W. (Mr.); CRIME: Omaha Married Mrs. Gebhard, took her money, left her stranded
1321 09/29/1892 4 01 T622 Truxes, Julia (Miss); MENTAL HEALTH: South Sioux City Dakota Co. Board of Insanity adjudged insane
1321 09/29/1892 4 01 C600 Carey, Leo; ACCIDENT: York Undertakers wagon accident
1321 09/29/1892 4 01 B432 Blodgett, Fred; ACCIDENT: Ohiowa Broke arm in home circus
1321 09/29/1892 4 01 S340 Stull, John F.; LEGAL: Plattsmouth Verdict against Omaha Southern Railroad
1321 09/29/1892 4 02 C416 Culver, John; ACCIDENT: Beatrice
1321 09/29/1892 4 02 J525 Johnson, C. H. (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Fairmont Loss of fingers
1321 09/29/1892 4 02 H553 Hammond, Ross (Mr. and Mrs.); CRIME: Fremont Burglary
1321 09/29/1892 4 02 D120 Davis, Nellie (Mrs.); CRIME : Nebraska City Attempted robbery by highwayman
1321 09/29/1892 4 02 H220 Hughes, John (Mrs.); ACCIDENT: Talmage Runaway accident
1321 09/29/1892 4 02 C462 Clark (Mrs.); ACCIDENT: Talmage Runaway accident
1321 09/29/1892 4 02 E350 Eaton, Mabel; ACCIDENT: Plattsmouth Broken wrist
1321 09/29/1892 4 02 D523 Demster, Fleming; M: Lincoln Bride Catherine Demster (no maiden name, remarriage, divorced 10 yrs ago)
1321 09/29/1892 4 02 D523 Demster, Catherine; M: Lincoln Groom Fleming Demster (remarriage, divorced 10 yrs ago)
1321 09/29/1892 4 07 A652 Armagost, Mary Ann (Mrs. J. M. Amagost) ; CRIME : David City Poisoning deaths of family: mother-in-law, Mary Ann Amagost, J. M. Amagost, A.
1321 09/29/1892 7 01 T300 Todd, A. B. (Honorable); M: Weeping Water Bride Mrs. Lydia B. Foster (married in Denver, Colorado)
1321 09/29/1892 7 01 F236 Foster, Lydia B. (Mrs.); M: Weeping Water Groom Honorable A. B. Todd (married in Denver, Colorado)
1321 09/29/1892 7 02 K530 Kennedy, Michael, (Mrs.); ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Runaway team
1321 09/29/1892 7 02 G663 Girardet (Mrs.) (Son, Max); ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Visiting Isaac Pollard in Nehawaka, child bit by dog
1321 09/29/1892 7 03 J525 Jameson, Tom; EPIDEMIC: Weeping Water Possible typhoid
1321 09/29/1892 7 03 B632 Birdsall, I. W. (Mr.); MOVING: Weeping Water Moving to Lincoln
1321 09/29/1892 7 05 B346 Butler (Dr. and Mrs.) (Infant, F); B: Weeping Water
1321 09/29/1892 7 05 M532 Muntz, John R.; M: Weeping Water Marriage application, to return with parental permission
1321 09/29/1892 7 06 C500 Conn, Frank B. ; M: Nehawaka Bride Sallie A. Lindsey
1321 09/29/1892 7 06 L532 Lindsey, Sallie A.; M: Nehawaka Groom Frank B. Conn
1321 10/06/1892 3 02 B650 Brown, George Everett; M: Lincoln Bride Marion Antonette Dean married in New York
1321 10/06/1892 3 02 D500 Dean, Marion Antonette; M: Lincoln Groom George Everett Brown married in New York
1321 10/06/1892 4 01 K520 King, J. H. (Mr.); D: Blue Springs Died in Omaha
1321 10/06/1892 4 01 O425 Olsen, Chris (M, child); D-ACCIDENT: Lincoln Drowned, body found
1321 10/06/1892 4 01 M150 Maben, Chester (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infants, F, 2) (M, 1); B: Dodge Co. Triplets
1321 10/06/1892 4 01 F200 Fox, Thomas; D: Albright, South Omaha Train accident
1321 10/06/1892 4 01 H416 Holliburton (Mrs.); ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Loss of toes due to ax
1321 10/06/1892 4 01 (250 (Son); ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Loss of toes due to ax
1321 10/06/1892 4 01 B240 Buzzell, Anna; EMPLOY: Juniata Leaving October 17th for Japan, Baptist missionary work
1321 10/06/1892 4 01 M500 Moon, George G. (Mrs.); ACCIDENT: Nebraska City Broke leg in fall
1321 10/06/1892 4 01 M560 Miner, Minnie (Mr.) (15 yrs); D: Omaha Automobile accident
1321 10/06/1892 4 01 R262 Rogers, Jerry (Mrs.); D: Beatrice
1321 10/06/1892 4 01 B650 Barney, J. M. (Mr.); FIRE: Arcadia Home owned by J. H. Garner destroyed by fire
1321 10/06/1892 4 01 S512 Simpson, J. R. (Mr.); CRIME : Omaha Jailed for obtaining money under false pretenses in Utah
1321 10/06/1892 4 01 K530 Kennedy, Ida (Dau., 15 mths.); D: Lincoln Burned by hot apple sauce
1321 10/06/1892 4 01 H200 Hesse, William; MENTAL HEALTH: Knoxville Adjudged insane, sent to Norfolk asylum
1321 10/06/1892 4 01 M254 McNally, J. P. (Mr.); ACCIDENT: South Omaha Severed femoral artery by broken seltzer bottle
1321 10/06/1892 4 02 P360 Potter, Charles F.; D: Omaha Heart failure induced by pneumonia
1321 10/06/1892 4 02 J500 Jean, Nelson; LEGAL: Plattsmouth Malpractice verdict for Nelson against Dr. A. C. Sabin of Beatrice
1321 10/06/1892 4 02 O256 OConnor, Charles; LEGAL: ONeill Jury verdict for defendant, F. E. & M. V. Railroad Company
1321 10/06/1892 7 01 T216 Tewksbury, J. S. (Mrs.); VISITING: Weeping Water Former resident visiting from Lonoke, Arkansas, been in Omaha all summer
1321 10/06/1892 7 01 K543 Knowlton (Mr.) (Dau., 9 yrs); ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Fall down steps at school with head injury
1321 10/06/1892 7 02 J525 Johnson, Hans (Mrs.); EPIDEMIC: Weeping Water Typhoid fever
1321 10/06/1892 7 02 W423 Wolcott, Frank (Mrs.); ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Scalded by broken tea pot
1321 10/06/1892 7 02 W320 Woods, Elmer; ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Broken finger
1321 10/06/1892 7 02 B200 Beach, Charles; ILLNESS: Weeping Water Blood poisoning of hand
1321 10/06/1892 7 03 H416 Hulburd, F. M. (Mrs.); D: Weeping Water Mrs. Helen H. Brown of Cincinnati, Ohio, sister, looking after interests
1321 10/06/1892 7 03 W432 Waltz, W. M. (Mr.) (Son, 15 yrs, Alfred Waltz); ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Team accident with head injury
1321 10/06/1892 7 04 T263 Teegarden, I. W. (Mr.); M: Weeping Water Bride Lucy Wolcott, lengthy description
1321 10/06/1892 7 04 W423 Wolcott, Lucy; M: Weeping Water Groom I. W. Teegarden, lengthy description
1321 10/06/1892 7 04 W362 Waterhouse, Henrietta (wife of A. H. Waterhouse); D: Lincoln Resolution of Respect from State Superintendents and Principals Association
1321 10/06/1892 7 04 S600 Sawyer, George (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, F); B: Weeping Water Born October 4, 1892
1321 10/13/1892 2 02 W000 Wo, C. Gee (Dr.); M: Omaha Bride Miss De Witt, to be married in Chicago, Illinois
1321 10/13/1892 2 02 D352 De Witt (Miss); M: Omaha Groom Dr. C. Gee Wo, to be married in Chicago, Illinois
1321 10/13/1892 4 01 M460 Miller, Mayor (Mr.); D-SUICIDE: South Omaha Shot self in Omaha
1321 10/13/1892 4 01 G320 Gates, Charles; CRIME : Plainview Jailed for being father of "stray child"
1321 10/13/1892 4 01 A425 Alexander, William (Son, Gilbert Alexander); ACCIDENT: Plainview Thrown from horse fracturing forearm
1321 10/13/1892 4 01 P355 Putman, Thomas; D-ACCIDENT: Dodge Train accident
1321 10/13/1892 4 01 S143 Suffold, Jacob; D-ACCIDENT: Dodge Train accident
1321 10/13/1892 4 01 H200 Hesse, William; MENTAL HEALTH: Niobrara Painter committed to Norfolk asylum due to exposure to paint
1321 10/13/1892 4 01 G635 Gordon, Sam ; CRIME: Wakefield Injured in saloon fight
1321 10/13/1892 4 01 S363 Stewart, William; CRIME: Wakefield Injured in saloon fight
1321 10/13/1892 4 01 H260 Houser, John (14 yrs); CRIME: Hastings Sent to Kearney reform school
1321 10/13/1892 4 01 A325 Adkins, Nor (Miss); MENTAL HEALTH: Anselmo Declared insane (Anselmo school teacher)
1321 10/13/1892 4 01 E152 Evans, Dora ; CRIME: Ainsley Jailed for setting barns on fire when asked to leave town
1321 10/13/1892 4 01 A450 Allen, John; CRIME: Plattsmouth Jailed farm hand unsuccessfully tries to remove his head by saw
1321 10/13/1892 4 01 Z565 Zanner (Mr. and Mrs.); D-ACCIDENT: Sparks, Cherry Co. Buggy accident, husband dies, wife broke arm
1321 10/13/1892 4 01 V645 Vreeland, G. G. (Mr.); CRIME: Juniata Breaking into safe
1321 10/13/1892 4 02 M246 McClure (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Adams Collarbone broke by runaway team
1321 10/13/1892 4 02 S432 Schieldknecht (Dr.); FIRE: Plattsmouth Incendiary house fire
1321 10/13/1892 4 02 G200 Gess, John; CRIME: Otoe Co. Son-in-law, Henry Klur, threatened wifes father
1321 10/13/1892 4 02 C450 Callahan, J. (Mrs.); ACCIDENT: Shelton Broken arm from fall
1321 10/13/1892 4 02 D256 Dawes (Mr.) (former Governor); FIRE: Crete Barn destroyed by fire
1321 10/13/1892 4 02 H640 Hurley, Ed; ACCIDENT: Beatrice Conductors legs crushed in train accident
1321 10/13/1892 4 02 B626 Barker, B. M. (Mrs.) (Dau., 18 mths); ACCIDENT: Fairmont Infant scalded by water
1321 10/13/1892 4 02 F630 Ford, Sarah E. (teacher); CRIME: Brickton, near Hastings Mrs. Poore and student-son jailed for attacking teacher
1321 10/13/1892 4 02 R000 Roway, George; D-CRIME: Covington Arrests in prize fight between Roway and Jack Keefe, Roway died
1321 10/13/1892 4 02 K100 Keefe, Jack; D-CRIME: Covington Arrests in prize fight between Roway and Jack Keefe, Roway died
1321 10/13/1892 7 01 H516 Humphrey, William; MOVING: Weeping Water Moving to Guthrie
1321 10/13/1892 7 02 C632 Critchfield, Bird (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, F); B: Echo newspaper
1321 10/13/1892 7 02 W362 Waterhouse (Professor); MISC: Weeping Water Relocated children to sister of deceased wife in Chicago
1321 10/13/1892 7 02 M630 Murtey, Thomas; M: Weeping Water Bride Miss N. Olive Hill, married at Stockton, Kansas, October 5, 1892
1321 10/13/1892 7 02 H400 Hill, N. Olive; M: Weeping Water Groom Thomas Murtey, married at Stockton, Kansas, October 5, 1892
1321 10/13/1892 7 02 E552 Emens, Robert (Mr. and Mrs.); MISC: Weeping Water Wagon broke down returning from Elmwood fair, humorous account of repair
1321 10/13/1892 7 03 J525 Johnson, Jr., J. (Mr.); BURIAL: Weeping Water To visit son in Chicago, then to Wisconsin to return body of dau. for burial