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News Extraction
NSHS Newspaper Extractions: Code 1321 WEEPING WATER REPUBLICAN
Code Date (m/d/y) Pg Col SNDX Extraction
1321 10/13/1892 7 04 B620 Bourke, John; M-LICENSE ISSUED: Weeping Water Future bride Mary Josephine Bates
1321 10/13/1892 7 04 B320 Bates, Mary Josephine; M-LICENSE ISSUED: Weeping Water Future groom John Bourke
1321 10/13/1892 7 04 M256 McNurlin, R. D. (Mr.); CRIME: Weeping Water Transporting Jean McClain (juvenile) to Plattsmouth reform school for stealing
1321 10/13/1892 7 04 M256 McNurlin, R. D. (Mr.); LEGAL: Weeping Water Judgment for Empire Hardware Co. against McNurlin
1321 10/13/1892 7 05 S230 Sackett, Walter, (Mr. and Mrs.); M-RECEPTION: Weeping Water Lengthy description of reception at Sackett home for newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Bry
1321 10/20/1892 2 07 R252 Rasmusser (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Alvo Struck head, fractured arm from recoil of windlass on well augur
1321 10/20/1892 2 07 M353 Maittand or Maitland, H. (Mr.) ; ACCIDENT: Alvo Finger bitten by tarantula
1321 10/20/1892 4 01 S340 Staley, W. E. (Mr.); D-ACCIDENT: McCook Fall between cars (parents reside in Townsend, Colorado)
1321 10/20/1892 4 01 C462 Clark, Elizabeth; D: Brownville Born in Charlotte, Virginia April 3, 1795
1321 10/20/1892 4 01 P535 Painting (Mrs.); LEGAL: Buffalo Co. Suing saloon keepers for death of husband
1321 10/20/1892 4 01 L200 Lewis, Joseph; CRIME: Harrisburg Jailed for horse stealing, released, no evidence
1321 10/20/1892 4 01 L200 Lewis, Henry; CRIME: Harrisburg Jailed for horse stealing, released, no evidence
1321 10/20/1892 4 01 T626 Thrasher, J. H. (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Plattsmouth Plattsmouth Herald employeeÕs sonÕs hand amputated after crushed in printing pre
1321 10/20/1892 4 01 A435 Altenfelt or Aultenfelt, Rudolph ; M-DESERTION: Norfolk Deserted wife of 6 wks, took bank savings and money
1321 10/20/1892 4 01 M610 Murphey, Charles (16 yrs); ACCIDENT: Crete Amputation of foot after fall from train
1321 10/20/1892 4 01 G626 Gregory, Light; FIRE: Polk Co. Severely injured in barn fire
1321 10/20/1892 4 01 S450 Sloan, Dan; ACCIDENT: Wilber Rope severs finger
1321 10/20/1892 4 01 S363 Stuart, Fred; LEGAL: Beatrice Guilty of forgery
1321 10/20/1892 4 01 C460 Collier, Guy (minor); LEGAL: Beatrice Guilty of forgery
1321 10/20/1892 4 01 U450 Ullum, S. B. (Mrs.); D: Gundy, Logan Precinct Death of mother (triplets born October 4th, 1 infant died)
1321 10/20/1892 4 01 M345 Maitland, H. W. (Mr.) (See also Maittand); ACCIDENT: Alvo Finger bitten by tarantula
1321 10/20/1892 4 02 T463 Taylor (Dr.); CRIME: Blair Home burglarized
1321 10/20/1892 4 02 K660 Karrer, Edward; FIRE: Osceola Legs burned by torch fire
1321 10/20/1892 4 02 H240 Heisell, Conrad; FIRE: Plattsmouth Flour mill destroyed by fire (operated since 1858)
1321 10/20/1892 4 02 A435 Aultenfelt or Altenfelt, Rudolph (Mrs.) nee Minnie Lis; M-DESERTION: Norfolk Deserted wife of 6 wks
1321 10/20/1892 4 02 C140 Chappell, W. H. (Attorney); MISSING: Randolph Last seen cashing checks, creditors attempting to locate
1321 10/20/1892 4 02 M610 Murphy, Frank (Son, Harry Murphy, 11 yrs); D-ACCIDENT: Beatrice Skull fracture from fall down school stairs, no treatment by Christian Science p
1321 10/20/1892 4 02 B630 Burt, Henry; MENTAL HEALTH: Fremont Jailed man (from Colon, Saunders Co.) became maniac, transported to Wahoo
1321 10/20/1892 4 05 I615 Irvine, W. H. (Mrs.); CRIME : Lincoln Trial for murder of Mr. C. E. Montgomery in 1889
1321 10/20/1892 7 02 M235 McDonald, A. J. (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, M); B: Weeping Water
1321 10/20/1892 7 02 W630 Ward, Eva; BD: Weeping Water
1321 10/20/1892 7 02 W425 Wilson, Ote (Mrs.); ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Knee injury
1321 10/20/1892 7 03 W524 Winchell (Mr. and Mrs.); D: Weeping Water Death of 1 twin baby
1321 10/20/1892 7 05 P400 Pool, Clarence; EPIDEMIC: Wabash Recovering from typhoid fever
1321 10/27/1892 3 02 W630 Ward, I. M. (Mr.); MOVING: Weeping Water Moving to Louisville
1321 10/27/1892 3 02 B650 Brown, E. A. (Colonel) ; M: Proprietor, Nebraska City Press Bride from Iowa, not named
1321 10/27/1892 3 02 O460 OÕLeary, John (Mr. and Mrs.); ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Buggy accident
1321 00/00/0000 00 000
1321 10/27/1892 3 03 H200 Hughey, Mat (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, M); B: Weeping Water
1321 10/27/1892 3 03 M320 Mutz, John; M: Lincoln Bride Flora Bull
1321 10/27/1892 3 03 B400 Bull, Flora; M: Lincoln Groom John Mutz, son of George Mutz
1321 10/27/1892 3 04 I615 Irvin (Mr.); CRIME: Lincoln Acquitted in trial for murder of Mr. Montgomery
1321 10/27/1892 3 04 C200 Cox, E. W. (Mr.); ILLNESS: Weeping Water Return from Banner Co., illness of mother
1321 10/27/1892 3 05 R256 Race (Mr.); ILLNESS: Weeping Water Not expected to survive
1321 10/27/1892 3 06 K465 Keller (Mr.); CRIME : Weeping Water Arrest of escapee from Kearney reform school
1321 10/27/1892 3 07 S630 Short, W. B. (Justice of the Peace); LEGAL: Plattsmouth Impeached as Justice of the Peace
1321 11/03/1892 3 02 H400 Hawley, Archie; EPIDEMIC: Weeping Water Children sick with typhoid fever
1321 11/03/1892 3 02 M263 McArthur, A. S. (Mr.); MOVING: Weeping Water Moved to Fremont
1321 11/03/1892 3 02 T512 Thompson, Amos; D: Union Train accident, brother-in-law to Conductor Dugay
1321 11/03/1892 3 02 S160 Sperry, Will (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, F); B: Weeping Water
1321 11/03/1892 3 02 M264 McCurlin, Mary (28 yrs); D: Mt. Pleasant Precinct Wife of John McNurlin dies October 31, 1892 in childbirth
1321 11/03/1892 3 03 C650 Crum, Charles (Mr. and Mrs.); MOVING: Creighton Moving to Norfolk
1321 11/03/1892 3 03 R140 Ripley, Guy ; M: Omaha Bee BrideÕs name not stated
1321 11/03/1892 3 03 J525 Johnson, D. M. (Mr.); MISC: Weeping Water Meeting father bringing dau.Õs body in Omaha
1321 11/03/1892 3 04 A536 Andrews, Thomas; CRIME : Weeping Water Jailed, shot Mr. G. D. Sitzer, father of Tila Sitzer, age 15, who he wanted to m
1321 11/17/1892 2 04 E420 Eells, Dan (Captain); MISC: Elmwood Placed on pension pay roll for the late war
1321 11/17/1892 2 04 M262 McCraig, Dave (Captain); MISC: Elmwood Placed on pension pay roll for the late war
1321 11/17/1892 4 01 B625 Brooks (Mrs.) (Infant); D: Omaha
1321 11/17/1892 4 01 A654 Arnold, Joseph; D: Ashland Area residence since 1869
1321 11/17/1892 4 01 C462 Clarkson, Joseph R. (Former Judge); MENTAL HEALTH: Omaha Return after losing identity, wandering for mths, allegedly drowned in Honey Cre
1321 11/17/1892 4 01 M242 McLaughlin, Peter; D-SUICIDE: Chadron
1321 11/17/1892 4 01 B600 Barry, T. S. (Mr. and Mrs. (Infant); MISC: Louham Drs. Walden and Bradley removed safety pin lodged in childÕs throat
1321 00/17/1892 4 01 S300 Scott, George R. ; FIRE: Beatrice Grain elevator damaged
1321 11/17/1892 4 02 M635 Martin, H. L. (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Elsie Threshing machine accident, arm amputated
1321 11/17/1892 4 02 H350 Hutton, James A. (Captain, 8th Infantry); CRIME: Fort Robinson Court marshal, conduct unbecoming an officer
1321 11/17/1892 4 02 S162 Sprague, Henry (2 sons); ACCIDENT: Cortland Wagon struck by train, 1 son named Ed Sprague
1321 11/17/1892 4 02 F655 Freeman, Charles; CRIME : Florence Arrested and released, resembled diamond thief
1321 11/17/1892 4 02 S530 Smith, Sidney; CRIME: Omaha Arrested in Toronto, Canada for forgery, alias Henry S. Thomas, married a Miss P
1321 11/17/1892 4 02 T400 Thilo, W. E. (Mr.); CRIME: Ong Arrested for fraud
1321 11/17/1892 4 05 C462 Clarkson, Joseph R. (Former Judge); MENTAL HEALTH: Omaha Home after allegedly losing identity, wandering for mths, allegedly drowned in H
1321 11/17/1892 7 03 C200 Chase, J. (Mr.) (Infant); EPIDEMIC: Weeping Water Diphtheria
1321 11/17/1892 7 03 C644 Carlyle, William (Mrs.); MISC: Weeping Water Received pension plus 1 yr back pay
1321 11/17/1892 7 03 R300 Reed, Helen; FIRE: Weeping Water Stovepipe ignited lath and rafters
1321 11/24/1892 6 01 D525 Duncanson (Mr.); D: Aurora
1321 11/24/1892 6 01 C620 Church, G. W. (Mrs.); D: Crete
1321 11/24/1892 6 01 P620 Parks, Ed; CRIME : Nebraska City While fighting cut each other with razors
1321 11/24/1892 6 01 P620 Price, Lou; CRIME : Nebraska City While fighting cut each other with razors
1321 11/24/1892 6 01 C562 Conners, John; CRIME : Beatrice Jailed for stealing clothing
1321 11/24/1892 6 01 P626 Parker, Al; ACCIDENT: Nebraska City Crushed by train
1321 11/24/1892 6 01 C462 Clarkson, J. R. ; MOVING: Omaha Moving to Cheyenne Co.
1321 11/24/1892 6 01 M460 Mallory, G. H. (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Pierce Kicked by horse, splintered pitchfork into hand and face
1321 11/24/1892 6 01 B650 Brown, George; MENTAL HEALTH: Omaha Attempted suicide
1321 11/24/1892 6 01 M624 Marshall, C. A. (Mrs.); FIRE: Herman Burned hands and face
1321 11/24/1892 6 02 T540 Tyemmel, A. T. (Mr.) (Dau., 8 yrs); D-ACCIDENT: Cody Brothers, 11 and 8 yrs, accidentally kill sister while playing with guns
1321 11/24/1892 6 02 L352 Lettinger, Henry; D-CRIMINAL: Wallace Drunken men ignite straw, altercation, Jokel stabs Lettinger
1321 11/24/1892 6 02 J240 Jokel, Christ; D-CRIMINAL: Wallace Drunken men ignite straw, altercation, Jokel stabs Lettinger
1321 11/24/1892 6 02 H155 Hoffman, Bianen (Miss); D: Omaha Drank seeped heads of sulphur matches
1321 11/24/1892 6 02 S250 Sisson, W. J. (Dr.); D: Beatrice Apoplexy
1321 11/24/1892 6 02 K500 Koen, Ed A.; CRIME: Omaha Reversal of Supreme Court for prison time on libel suit
1321 11/24/1892 7 02 M200 Massie, F. M. (Mr. and Mrs.); ANNIV: Weeping Water November 18th
1321 11/24/1892 7 02 R563 Rhinehart, Theodore; MENTAL HEALTH: Nehawka Declared insane, sent money to girlfriend in Germany who came over and married a
1321 11/24/1892 7 03 L200 Lagow, W. H. (Mr.); CRIME: Cass Co. Visited Tom Andrews in Co. Jail for shooting
1321 11/24/1892 7 03 M263 McCarty, Dan; MOVING: Weeping Water Going with sister, Annie, to Syracuse to take charge of Syracuse Hotel
1321 11/24/1892 7 04 R600 Royer, Arthur; EMPLOY: Elmwood Hired as an apprentice with The Republican
1321 11/24/1892 7 04 L456 Lowell (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Struck by hand spike
1321 11/24/1892 7 05 L550 Lehman, John (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, M); B: Weeping Water Born November 20
1321 11/24/1892 7 05 S363 Street, A. G. (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, M); B: Weeping Water Born November 20
1321 11/24/1892 7 05 H461 Hull (Rev. and Mrs.) (Infant, M); B: Weeping Water Born November 19
1321 12/01/1892 2 03 G125 Gibson, A. B. (Mr.); DOG BITE: Wabash Bitten by his dog
1321 12/01/1892 2 03 K543 Knowlton (Mr. and Mrs.); MOVING: Weeping Water Moving to Ironton, Ohio
1321 12/01/1892 2 03 S415 Sullivan, John; CRIME: Weeping Water Tramp arrested at Jeff HemphillÕs house for misconduct
1321 12/01/1892 4 01 P412 Phillips, Frank; ACCIDENT: Steel Creek Gored in groin by cow
1321 12/01/1892 4 01 P230 Psotta, Anton; MISC: West Point Received patent on rear end lifter
1321 12/01/1892 4 01 C616 Crawford, Lorin (M, 4 yrs); ACCIDENT: Loup City
1321 12/01/1892 4 01 S140 Scheible, Leonard; D-ACCIDENT: Omaha Crushed by shaft
1321 12/01/1892 4 01 Y550 Youman, Sam; ACCIDENT: Osceola Crushed by safe
1321 12/01/1892 4 01 F326 Fitzgerald, John; D-ACCIDENT: Crookston Thrown from runaway wagon
1321 12/01/1892 4 01 O425 Oleson, Ole; D-ACCIDENT: Omaha Brain concussion while inspecting train air brakes
1321 12/01/1892 4 02 M421 Millspaugh, Daniel; ACCIDENT: Gochner or Goohner Arm caught in machinery amputated below elbow
1321 12/01/1892 4 02 W300 White, Mary C. (Mrs.): Lincoln Red Oak, Iowa mother searching for dau., 4 yrs, stolen by husband 2 yrs ago
1321 12/01/1892 4 02 P456 Palmer, Perry; CRIME: Seward Pled guilty to assault and battery
1321 12/01/1892 4 02 E562 Emerich, Minnie (Mrs.); D-HOMOIDE: Waterloo Found hung from tree
1321 12/01/1892 4 02 S542 Smeals, Kate (Mrs.); DN: Norfolk
1321 12/01/1892 4 02 S530 Smith, James; CRIME: Friend Caught for stealing from home of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Fischer
1321 12/01/1892 4 02 W643 Worldmover, Tommy; D-HOMOCIDE: Genoa Indian youths run away from Genoa School for Yankton Reservation home, killed en
1321 12/01/1892 4 02 S512 Sampson, Lucy E. ; DIVORCE: Lincoln Plaintiff granted divorce
1321 12/01/1892 4 02 S512 Sampson, Noah; DIVORCE: Lincoln Defendant
1321 12/01/1892 7 01 K523 Kennicut, Allen;; DN: Nebraska City Engaged couple drown while ice skating on Thanksgiving
1321 12/01/1892 7 01 B653 Burnett, Lola (Miss); DN: Nebraska City Engaged couple drown while ice skating on Thanksgiving
1321 12/01/1892 7 05 W452 Williams, Ed and Laura; ACCIDENT: Weeping Wagon Buggy struck by train
1321 12/01/1892 7 05 T200 Tighe, Josieh (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, F); B: Weeping Water Born November 29
1321 12/08/1892 4 01 H155 Huffman, Sammy; ACCIDENT: Plattsmouth Lost thumb in gearing of Gordon jobber
1321 12/08/1892 4 01 B630 Bardoy, Sr., Frank; MISC: Beatrice Received letters patent for fuel-saving, smoke-consuming device
1321 12/08/1892 4 01 M450 Malone, Ambrose; D-ACCIDENT: Madison Boys drowned in Taylor Creek
1321 12/08/1892 4 01 W256 Wagner, Richard; D-ACCIDENT: Madison Boys drowned in Taylor Creek
1321 12/08/1892 4 01 C400 Cawley, Dave; CRIME: Nebraska City Burke struck Cawley with iron rendering him unconscious
1321 12/08/1892 4 01 B620 Burke, Tom; CRIME: Nebraska City Burke struck Cawley with iron rendering him unconscious
1321 12/08/1892 4 01 N242 Nichols, L. S. (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Kearney Wagon struck by train
1321 12/08/1892 4 01 C413 Clifton, Charles Y. (Mrs.); CRIME: Genoa Douglas Co. Sheriff Bennett retrieving kidnapped children from father, mother aw
1321 12/08/1892 4 01 B432 Blodgett, G. S. (Mr.); CRIME: Ashland Attempted robbery of his hardware store
1321 12/08/1892 4 01 C656 Corneer, Rudolph; D-ACCIDENT: South Omaha Run over by his own wagon
1321 12/08/1892 4 02 S353 Stanton, James (Mrs.); D-ACCIDENT: Valparaiso Gasoline catches clothing on fire
1321 12/08/1892 4 02 C452 Collings, W. T. (Mr., Professor); MISC: Beaver City Shot his vicious horse, "the man-eating stallion"
1321 12/08/1892 8 02 H156 Heebner (Mrs.); DN: Nehawka 2 obituary articles
1321 12/08/1892 8 02 W355 Whitney (Mr. and Mrs.); ATTEMPTED SUICIDE: Union Wife attempted to shoot herself, bullet also struck husband
1321 12/08/1892 8 02 C200 Cox, F. W. (Mr. and Mrs.); MOVING: Weeping Water Moving to Banner Co.
1321 12/08/1892 8 03 B263 Bogard, W. H. (Mr.); MOVING: Weeping Water Moving to Cozad
1321 12/08/1892 8 03 A142 Applegrath, C. M. (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, F); B: Weeping Water Born December 6, 1892
1321 12/08/1892 8 03 O452 Olmstead, H. M. (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, M); B: Weeping Water Born December 6, 1892
1321 12/08/1892 8 04 H120 Hobbs, Gustave; D-EPIDEMIC: Weeping Water Typhoid, survivors listed
1321 12/08/1892 8 04 P362 Peterson, Clyde; D-EPIDEMIC: Weeping Water Typhoid, survivors listed
1321 12/08/1892 8 04 O465 OÕLeary (Mr.) (85 yrs); D: Weeping Water Died December 6, 1892
1321 12/08/1892 8 05 L516 Lambert, James; MENTAL HEALTH: Rock Bluffs Admitted to state feeble minded institute at Beatrice
1321 12/08/1892 8 05 L516 Lambert, Joseph; MENTAL HEALTH: Rock Bluffs Admitted to state feeble minded institute at Beatrice
1321 12/15/1892 2 06 F525 Finegan, Sumner (M, 13 yrs); MISC: Schuyler Ran away from home
1321 12/15/1892 6 01 W560 Wehmer, Henry; ACCIDENT: Sterling Run away team, broke leg
1321 12/15/1892 6 01 M534 Mundel, J. S. (Mr.) ; ACCIDENT: Hayes Co. Son bitten by rabid dog
1321 12/15/1892 6 01 W425 Wilson, James; ACCIDENT: Saunders Co. Fall from hay mower into wagon
1321 12/15/1892 6 01 R152 Robinson, E. J. (Rev.); ACCIDENT: Grant Fall from ladder
1321 12/15/1892 6 02 E425 Ellison, Daniel; D-ACCIDENT: Trenton Kicked by horse, family in Beatrice
1321 12/15/1892 6 02 R456 Rowell (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Hastings Fall from ladder
1321 12/15/1892 6 02 C453 Clinton, W. M. (Mr.).; LEGAL: Lincoln Trial commencing against Burlington Railroad for loss of both legs
1321 12/15/1892 6 02 B435 Baldwin, D. A. (Superintendent); LEGAL: Hall Co. Innocent in impeachment trial
1321 12/15/1892 6 02 W200 Wise, Sallie; ACCIDENT: South Omaha Hotel dishwasher fell into boiling water
1321 12/15/1892 7 02 C563 Conrad, John; ACCIDENT: Cedar Creek Gun accident, amputation of index finger
1321 12/15/1892 7 02 L120 Lobaugh, H. G. (Mr.); MISC: Weeping Water Former Weeping Water resident residing in Tulare, South Dakota returns to bury w
1321 12/15/1892 7 03 P355 Pitman (Dentist); MISC: Weeping Water Monthly visit by Nebraska City dentist
1321 12/15/1892 7 03 B652 Barnes, P. S. (Mr.); CRIME: Weeping Water Theft of corn
1321 12/15/1892 7 03 H120 Hobbs, Gustave; D: Weeping Water Card of thanks
1321 12/15/1892 7 03 C431 Clyde Peterson; D: Weeping Water Card of thanks
1321 12/15/1892 7 03 H156 Heebner, Louisa (Mrs.) ; DN: Weeping Water Wife of Edward Heebner, list of survivors, life history
1321 12/22/1892 2 02 M235 McDonald, R. D. (Mr.); CRIME: Alvo Burglarized
1321 12/22/1892 2 02 C400 Cooley, A. S. (Honorable); D: Alvo Death of brother in Wisconsin
1321 12/22/1892 4 01 C623 Caristein, C. J. (Mr.); CRIME : Oakland Arrested for forgery of fatherÕs name
1321 12/22/1892 4 01 Y320 Yates, Horace (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Central City Injured in train accident at Alda, able now to walk
1321 12/22/1892 4 01 R263 Richards, J. H. (Mr.); D: Friend Lumber merchant died of BrightÕs disease
1321 12/22/1892 4 01 W200 Wise, George W.; CRIME : South Omaha Departed with Sunday school funds
1321 12/22/1892 4 01 R320 Rhodes, Fred W. ; MISC : Dodge Co. Sheriff Millikin removed paint from hardware store for taxes due
1321 12/22/1892 4 01 M460 Miller, Nancy (Mrs.) (72 yrs); D: Polk Co. Co. Commissioner MillerÕs mother
1321 12/22/1892 4 01 C620 Crouse, Seward; MISC: Kearney Million dollar inheritance left by Daniel Edgar Crouse of New York
1321 12/22/1892 4 01 B620 Brooks, H. E. (Mr.); CRIME : Dakota Co. Arrested for stealing from Tom Fischer and Joe Spreg at Sioux City, Iowa
1321 12/22/1892 4 02 H536 Hunter, William H. ; D: Dodge Co. Dodge Co. Judge
1321 12/22/1892 4 02 B652 Bihrens, S. G. (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Omaha Overcome by gas
1321 12/22/1892 4 02 J612 Jarvis (Mrs.); D-FIRE: Albion Overturned lamp caught clothing on fire
1321 12/22/1892 4 02 W650 Warren, Warren W. ; CRIME : Falls City Found guilty of burglary
1321 12/22/1892 4 02 C452 Collingham, Philander (Mr.); D-SUICIDE: York
1321 12/22/1892 4 02 D400 Dale, Florence (Miss); LEGAL: Lincoln Red Willow Co. school teacher, verdict against a Mr. Stratton for seduction und
1321 12/22/1892 7 02 W530 Wendt, Ella (Mrs.); DIVORCE: Manley To use maiden name of Ella Silverton
1321 12/22/1892 7 02 D435 Dalton, John; MENTAL HEALTH: Wabash Readmitted to Plattsmouth insane asylum
1321 12/22/1892 7 02 W356 Widmeier, John; ILLNESS: Weeping Water Consumption
1321 12/22/1892 7 03 H000 Hay, C. V. (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, M); B: Weeping Water Born December 16, 1892
1321 12/22/1892 7 03 W425 Wilson, J. C. (Mr.); D: Weeping Water Des Moines, Iowa man dies while visiting nephew, Mr. E. Gritton
1321 12/29/1892 2 01 S552 Schminke, Paul ; D: Nebraska City Mayor of Nebraska City
1321 12/29/1892 2 06 G652 Grimes, Charley; MISC: Plattsmouth Amusing story re lost train ticket
1321 12/29/1892 4 01 H320 Huetts, Heil G.; FIRE: Syracuse Fire destroyed saloon
1321 12/29/1892 4 01 M246 McClary, W. L. (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Stockville Injured by runaway
1321 12/29/1892 4 01 S552 Schminke, Paul (Honorable); ILLNESS: Nebraska City Dangerously ill
1321 12/29/1892 4 01 W260 Weeker, Hugo (15 yrs) ; MISC : South Branch, Pierce Co. Son of Nick Weeker killed a bobcat
1321 12/29/1892 4 01 Y230 Yost, Frank; Misc: Ough Coyotes trapped, along with his son
1321 12/29/1892 4 01 M425 Millisen, Charles H. (49 yrs); D: Grand Island Served during war with Pennsylvania "Buck Trains"
1321 12/29/1892 4 01 K410 Kulp, A. E. (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Omaha Railway postal clerk falls under motor, leg amputated
1321 12/29/1892 4 01 C453 Clinton, Billy; LEGAL: Lancaster Co. Verdict for losing both limbs in train accident 2 yrs ago at Ravenna
1321 12/29/1892 4 01 B346 Butler, J. H. (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Octavo Shipper injured by bull
1321 12/29/1892 4 01 W526 Winnegaar, William; CRIME : Lincoln Arrested for grand larceny for stealing Farmer SpeltzÕ turkeys
1321 12/29/1892 4 01 P362 Patterson, John; CRIME : Lincoln Arrested for grand larceny for stealing Farmer SpeltzÕ turkeys
1321 12/29/1892 4 02 V360 Vedder, A. (Mr. and Mrs.) (Son, 2 yrs); ACCIDENT: Bennett Son swallowed glass
1321 12/29/1892 4 02 G653 Grant, William; CRIME : Harrington Iowa carpenter jailed for kidnapping feeble-minded dau. of J. C. Oliver
1321 12/29/1892 4 02 L246 Legler, Fred; ACCIDENT: Dundy Co. Buried by irrigation ditch cave in
1321 12/29/1892 4 02 F236 Foster, Minnie (Mr.); CRIME: Fairmont Taken to Omaha for illegal selling of liquor
1321 12/29/1892 4 02 C256 Casey (Mr.); CRIME : Borada, near Falls City Severely injured in fight at dance
1321 12/29/1892 4 02 R512 Rhombaugh (Mr.); CRIME : Borada, near Falls City Severely injured in fight at dance
1321 12/29/1892 4 02 P200 Page, Ida (Mrs.); SUICIDE-ATTEMPTED: Omaha Distraught, dau. working in house of ill fame, son 10 yrs is a horse thief
1321 12/29/1892 4 02 M625 Morrison, Edwin (15 yrs); D: Beatrice Lengthy article, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Morrison, gunshot to head
1321 12/29/1892 7 03 R200 Race, Joseph; DN: Weeping Water Died December 28, 1892
1321 12/29/1892 7 03 B452 Blanchard, Delia (12 yrs); D-EPIDEMIC: Weeping Water Dau. of John Blanchard dies December 22, 1892 of typhoid fever
1321 12/29/1892 7 03 W655 Worman (Mr. and Mrs) (Infant); D: Weeping Water
1321 12/29/1892 7 04 M610 Murphy, J. Harold; M: Weeping Water Bride Louisa Torrence, dau. of Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Torrence
1321 12/29/1892 7 04 T652 Torrence, Louisa; M: Weeping Water Groom J. Harold Murphy
1321 12/29/1892 7 04 M143 Mayfield, Jr., George; M: Louisville Employee of Louisville Courier-Journal newspaper weds unknown Springfield lady
1321 01/12/1893 7 04 C124 Chief Slow Walker; MISC: Weeping Water Omaha Tribe Indian visits
1321 01/12/1893 7 05 S363 Street, W. L. (Mr. and Mrs.); ANNIV: Weeping Water 25th anniv., listing of family
1321 00/12/1893 00 D340 Dudley, Fred; M: Weeping Water Bride Estella Traver
1321 01/12/1893 7 05 T616 Traver, Estella; M: Weeping Water Groom Fred Dudley
1321 01/19/1893 2 01 S365 Strong (Mr.); D-SUICIDE: Lincoln Otoe Co. resident, suicide in Lincoln Insane Asylum
1321 01/19/1893 5 04 A620 Ayers, C. O. (Miss); D-HOMOCIDE: Brighton Station George B. Jefferies indicted in Sacramento, California
1321 01/19/1893 6 01 A316 Attbury (Mrs.) (2 children); D-EPIDEMIC: Ulyses Typhoid fever
1321 01/19/1893 6 01 P400 Pyle, Matt; FIRE: Julian Destroyed store, barber shop, meat market and post office
1321 01/19/1893 6 01 W623 Wright, Joe; FIRE: Julian Destroyed store, barber shop, meat market and post office
1321 01/19/1893 6 01 B625 Burson (Mr.); FIRE: Julian Destroyed store, barber shop, meat market and post office
1321 01/19/1893 6 01 K610 Karp, William; MISC: Indianola Leg broken by Ed Fitzgerald in fight
1321 01/19/1893 6 01 M624 Marshall, Charles; D: Ashland Fall from scaffolding
1321 01/19/1893 6 01 P624 Pearsall, Ira (M); ACCIDENT: Hastings Shot by son of Jacob Fisher while target practicing
1321 01/19/1893 6 01 M252 McKinsey, Ed. (Mrs.) (Infant, 5 wks) ; D: Omaha Accidentally smothered
1321 01/19/1893 6 02 E263 Eckert, Frank; D-ACCIDENT: Wakefield Well cave in
1321 01/19/1893 6 02 M253 McIntyre, John; CRIME: Beatrice Route agent jailed for robbing mails, tries to forge release papers
1321 01/19/1893 7 01 R140 Ripley, Jap (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant); D: Weeping Water
1321 01/19/1893 7 01 G635 Gardner, Charles (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant); D: Lincoln Child brought to Weeping Water for burial
1321 01/19/1893 7 01 O252 Ossenkop, Henry (M, 13 wks); D: Eagle Child brought to Weeping Water for burial
1321 01/19/1893 7 02 S600 Sawyer, George (M, infant); ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Fell off sofa, dislocated arm
1321 01/19/1893 7 02 M516 Minford, William (Mrs.); MISC: Elmwood Visiting mother, Mrs. Jas. Hall, in Plattsmouth recovering from second cancer su
1321 01/19/1893 7 02 S162 Seebers, (Mr.); MISC: Weeping Water European Hotel landlord condemns drunken patrons
1321 01/19/1893 7 03 G663 Girardet, S. F. (Mr.); MISC: Weeping Water Quit smoking
1321 01/19/1893 7 03 R140 Ripley, Jap (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Elmwood Hunting accident
1321 01/19/1893 7 03 M610 Murphy, J. H. (Mr. and Mrs.) (nee Torrence); MOVING: Weeping Water Moving to Boulder, Colorado
1321 01/19/1893 7 03 T652 Torrence, B. S. (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Severe injuries, overturned sleigh
1321 01/19/1893 7 04 S552 Simons, Ben (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, F); B: Weeping Water Born January 13, 1893
1321 01/19/1893 7 04 P400 Pool, Laycon (Mr.); EPIDEMIC: Wabash Taken to Wabash home from Weeping Water with Typhoid fever
1321 01/19/1893 7 04 B200 Beach, Ad (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Wabash Ladder fall
1321 01/19/1893 7 04 B200 Beach, Charles; ACCIDENT: Wabash Cut foot with axe
1321 01/19/1893 7 04 C616 Carper, John (Infant, M); B: Wabash
1321 01/19/1893 7 04 B600 Bauer, Al (Infant, F); B: Wabash
1321 01/26/1893 2 03 T520 Thomas, James W. (Dr.); MISC: Weeping Water Testament given as gift lost in battle of Shiloh in 1862, found and kept by oppo
1321 01/26/1893 6 01 D260 Dogger, D. C. (Mrs.); D: Liberty
1321 01/26/1893 6 01 A652 Armagost, Mary A. ; MISC: Ulysses Inheritance from mother in Ohio
1321 01/26/1893 6 01 S530 Smith, H. P. (Mrs.); ACCIDENT: Superior Stepped on wire nail
1321 01/26/1893 6 01 M460 Miller, Charles; MENTAL HEALTH: Hartington Subject to epileptic fits for yrs, taken to asylum in Norfolk,
1321 01/26/1893 6 01 D250 Dawson, E. G. (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Severely injured when thrown to ice, horse rolled over him
1321 01/26/1893 6 01 K510 Knapp, Clara ; LEGAL: Fremont Compromise reached with saloon keeper over death of husband
1321 01/26/1893 6 02 K520 King, Tom; CRIME: Fairbury Arrested for stealing cloak
1321 01/26/1893 6 02 H400 Hall, Henry; CRIME : Seward Arrested, stealing and selling hogs of Allen McLain
1321 01/26/1893 6 02 M200 Mick, John C.; CRIME : Seward Arrested, stealing and selling hogs of Allen McLain
1321 01/26/1893 6 02 M250 Mason, Anna B. ; CRIME: Hastings Confession made in Cole murder case
1321 01/26/1893 6 02 E163 Everett, Albert; FIRE: Lyons Home owned by Banker Walter Everett and occupied by 2 Everett families destroyed
1321 01/26/1893 6 02 E163 Everett, Eugene; FIRE: Lyons Home owned by Banker Walter Everett and occupied by 2 Everett families destroyed
1321 01/26/1893 6 02 W452 Williams, Joe; CRIME : Omaha Reward in poisoning of Ewing Family living at 1313 Franklin Street, Omaha
1321 01/26/1893 6 02 S363 Stewart, Charles; CRIME : South Omaha Reward for killing of James Dougherty with butcher knife on January 10, 1893
1321 01/26/1893 6 02 T521 Tiensvold, Magnus E. (22 yrs); D-SUICIDE: Rushville
1321 01/26/1893 6 02 M253 McIntyre, John; CRIME: Lincoln Beatrice postal clerk pleads not guilty by reason on insanity
1321 01/26/1893 7 01 F462 Flowers, Charles (Mrs.); ILLNESS: Weeping Water Ill with rheumatic fever
1321 01/26/1893 7 02 G423 Gail Stabler (Mr.; M: Nehawka Bride Sallie Pollard
1321 01/26/1893 7 02 P463 Pollard, Sallie; M: Nehawka Groom Mr. Gail Stabler
1321 01/26/1893 7 02 F425 Falkenthal, William F.; M: Cass Co. Bride Bettie Johnson
1321 01/26/1893 7 02 J525 Johnson, Bettie; M: Cass Co. Groom William F. Falkenthal
1321 01/26/1893 7 02 H325 Hitchman, George (Son, 8 yrs) ; ACCIDENT: Plattsmouth Gash on chin from fall
1321 01/26/1893 7 03 G651 Greenfield, Edward; M: Weeping Water Bride Flora Hoskins, lengthy article on January 19, 1893 wedding
1321 01/26/1893 7 03 H252 Hoskins, Flora; M: Weeping Water Groom Edward Greenfield, lengthy article on January 19, 1893 wedding
1321 01/26/1893 7 03 C654 Cromwell, O. K. (Mr. and Mrs.); MISC: Weeping Water Party for niece, Grace Maloney, of Baltimore, listing of attendees and details
1321 01/26/1893 7 03 S316 Stopforth, William; DN: Mt. Pleasant
1321 01/26/1893 7 04 T520 Thomas, James; MISC: Weeping Water Lengthy article and biography, lost testament during battle of Shiloh
1321 02/02/1893 2 02 B530 Banta, Andy; M: Lincoln Bride Otte Dimmitt
1321 02/02/1893 2 02 D530 Dimmitt, Otte (Miss); M: Lincoln Groom Andy Banta
1321 02/02/1893 2 02 C100 Cavey, Mike; MISC: Wabash Cavey new Barbershop proprietor and Murlin general manager
1321 02/02/1893 2 02 M645 Murlin, Charley; MISC: Wabash Cavey new Barbershop proprietor and Murlin general manager
1321 02/02/1893 3 03 M260 Mosher, C. W. (Mr.); CRIME: Lincoln 5 grand jury indictments for embezzlement of Capitol National Bank
1321 02/02/1893 4 01 R560 Rue (Mr.); D: Brock
1321 02/02/1893 4 01 M635 Martin (Judge and Mrs.); ANNIV: Wayne Golden wedding anniv.
1321 02/02/1893 4 01 T400 Tolle, Thomas (Mrs.); D: Nebraska City
1321 02/02/1893 4 01 W452 Williams, George; LEGAL: Crawford Soldier fell into excavation and broke leg
1321 02/02/1893 4 01 H160 Huber, Frank; SUICIDE - ATTEMPTED: Lancaster Co. After courtship and engagement Carrie Todd refused to marry
1321 02/02/1893 4 01 M324 Mitchell; ACCIDENT: Table Rock Hog bit foot
1321 02/02/1893 4 01 W320 Woods, W. J. (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Broken Bow Runaway team of horses
1321 02/02/1893 4 01 F260 Fisher, Charles; CRIME: Seward Preliminary hearing for breaking into KimmellÕs saloon
1321 02/02/1893 4 01 R140 Rappalee, Charles; CRIME: Seward Preliminary hearing for breaking into KimmellÕs saloon
1321 02/02/1893 4 01 G456 Gilmore (Mr.); CRIME: Seward Preliminary hearing for breaking into KimmellÕs saloon
1321 02/02/1893 4 01 F640 Farrell, John (Judge); DN: Dodge Co. Buried Pleasant Valley Cemetery
1321 02/02/1893 4 01 F460 Flora, B. F. (Rev.); CRIME: Imperial Preacher arrested for abandoning family and creditors
1321 02/02/1893 4 02 R200 Rich, John; CRIME : Ashland Omaha man suspected of robbing Fred Johnson, boarder at Clifton House
1321 02/02/1893 4 02 P200 Peck, O. K. (Mr.); MISC: North Platte Former Gandy Pioneer newspaper owner gets marriage license, future bride did not
1321 02/02/1893 4 02 W123 Webster, Charles; CRIME: Waverly Jailed, shooting with intent to kill, claims money locked up in failed Capital N
1321 02/02/1893 4 02 P500 Payne, Lizzie; ACCIDENT: Lincoln James Payne returns home, finds wifeÕs old lover, John B. Ellis, fight ensues, o
1321 02/02/1893 4 02 M635 Martin, A. B. (Mr.); CRIME: Elgin Arrested for forgery
1321 02/02/1893 7 01 M610 Murphy, J. H. (Mr. and Mrs.); MISC: Weeping Water Card sent to newspaper of safe arrival in Boulder, Montana
1321 02/02/1893 7 02 C644 Carlyle, Robert; MOVING: Elmwood Purchased residence in Plattsmouth
1321 02/02/1893 7 02 L200 Lacy, Clyde (M, child); ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Head injury
1321 02/02/1893 7 02 T652 Torrence (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Fall by elderly man
1321 02/09/1893 4 01 H630 Hurd, Charles; CRIME: Lincoln Fined, barber shop open on Sunday
1321 02/09/1893 4 01 M250 McCann, Mike; CRIME: Lincoln Bound over to District court for shooting Daniel Haney
1321 02/09/1893 4 01 H452 Hollingsworth, Emma; MISC: Nelson Representing high school in Grand Island oratorical contest
1321 02/09/1893 4 01 A536 Andrews, John A.; ACCIDENT: Milford Fall through ice at Crete
1321 02/09/1893 4 01 A630 Aird, Hugh; ACCIDENT: Nebraska City Fall on ice, shattered kneecap
1321 02/09/1893 4 01 B426 Blasier, Nancy M.; LEGAL: Lincoln Sued for personal injuries from defective sidewalk
1321 02/09/1893 4 01 C455 Callen (Mr.); CRIME: Madison Reward for person setting fire to barns and outbuildings
1321 02/09/1893 4 01 B623 Bright, Lester (18 yrs); SUICIDE: Ord Son of William R. Bright hung self
1321 02/09/1893 4 01 M253 McIntyre, John; CRIME : Beatrice
1321 02/09/1893 4 01 V536 Vanderveer, W. R. ; MISC: McCool Junction Wolf hunt
1321 02/09/1893 4 01 W450 Wallin, George; MISC: McCool Junction Wolf hunt
1321 02/09/1893 4 02 C623 Creighton, Robert (Mrs.); D: Beatrice
1321 02/09/1893 4 02 G650 Green, Charles A.; DN: Lincoln Funeral for train engineer who died in Fairmont wreck
1321 02/09/1893 4 02 C462 Clark (Mr. and Mrs.); MISC: Hubbell Wife caught with Schuyler Codham, husband divides property; wife and 2 children
1321 02/09/1893 4 02 D200 Dech, W. H. (Mr.); SUICIDE - ATTEMPTED: Waco Possible attempted suicide
1321 02/09/1893 7 01 W420 Wiles, Thomas; ILLNESS: Weeping Water Pneumonia
1321 02/09/1893 7 02 B400 Bull, Frank; ILLNESS: Weeping Water Lung fever, nursed by sister, Mrs. Woodard
1321 02/09/1893 7 02 C565 Cameron, Charles; SUICIDE: Hastings City Council President and merchant, failed business
1321 02/09/1893 7 03 A520 Amick, Ira (17 yrs); D-EPIDEMIC: Weeping Water Son of Isaac Amick died of Typhoid fever
1321 02/09/1893 7 03 M324 Mitchell, B. (Mr.); MOVING: Weeping Water Returning after 11 yrs in Wheeler Co.
1321 02/09/1893 7 03 G635 Gardner, Charles; MISC: Weeping Water Lincoln resident visiting relatives, returned from Chicago from burial of wife
1321 02/09/1893 7 04 M620 Morse, Will; MOVING: Avoco Moved to Manley
1321 02/09/1893 7 04 H325 Hadkinson (Mr.); TRAVEL: Avoco Traveling with son, Joe of Lincoln, to England to view property left by death of
1321 02/09/1893 7 04 M320 Metz, George; INJURY: Louisville Saloon owner stabbed
1321 02/16/1893 4 01 H325 Hadkinson (Mr.); TRAVEL: Weeping Water Traveling with son, Joe of Lincoln, to England to view property left by death of
1321 02/16/1893 4 01 W420 Wallace, Frank; ACCIDENT: Superior Injured by bull
1321 02/16/1893 4 01 B200 Buck, Fannie (Mrs.); MENTAL HEALTH: Gibbon 4th admission to asylum, attacked sister
1321 02/16/1893 4 01 R163 Rafferty, Tim; ACCIDENT: York Accident claim against city
1321 02/16/1893 4 01 H200 Heck, John; CRIME : Oakdale Jailed for stealing oats from rail car
1321 02/16/1893 4 01 C625 Carson, Jr. (Mr.); FIRE: Harrington Loss of barn, cribs and horses
1321 02/16/1893 4 01 F653 Front, J. W. (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Wauneta Manager of Kendall & Smith grain dealers loses finger when door slams
1321 02/16/1893 4 01 S350 Seaton, Jessie (Miss); MISC: Grant Charles Keyes of Grant discovers missing 19 yr old girl
1321 02/16/1893 4 01 G656 Garmer, J. D (Mr.); CRIME: Hebron Tramps set barn afire
1321 02/16/1893 4 01 B650 Brown, Charles; CRIME: Sentenced 1 yr for forging name of Richard Murphy (of Lincoln) on checks
1321 02/16/1893 4 02 F000 Fye, Elmer; ACCIDENT: Wauneta Broken collar bone, thrown from wagon
1321 02/16/1893 4 02 E625 Erickson, Erasmus W.; CRIME: Howard Co. In Dodge Co. Jail, forgery of names of brother and E. Mantz on notes
1321 02/16/1893 4 02 G613 Griffith, George (Mrs.); MISC: Nebraska City 2 week baby girl found on doorstep
1321 02/16/1893 4 02 E562 Enright, Patrick ; D: Nebraska City Lincoln farmer killed by train while following brother (John)
1321 02/16/1893 4 02 B346 Butler, Lydia (Mrs.); LEGAL: Lincoln Favorable opinion in suit filed to recover dower interest in property conveyed f
1321 02/16/1893 4 02 N242 Nicholls, Will; CRIME: Beatrice Whereabouts unknown after forging fatherÕs signature (J. B. Nichols) on notes
1321 02/16/1893 7 01 W450 Wallen, W. C. (Mrs.); ILLNESS: Avoco Ill with erysipelas
1321 02/16/1893 7 01 J230 Jaquette, Frank (Mrs.); D: Plattsmouth Funeral attended by uncle J. A. Magee of Weeping Water
1321 02/16/1893 7 02 N000 Neu, Hazel (child); ILLNESS: Weeping Water Mouth cancer sores, brother Karl now sick
1321 02/16/1893 7 02 C242 Coglizer, Bert; BD: Weeping Water 23rd birthday party
1321 02/16/1893 7 02 S362 Streight, Will; ILLNESS: Plattsmouth Deputy Postmaster ill with hemorrhage of lungs
1321 02/16/1893 7 02 S162 Seebers, Henry; M: Weeping Water Bride Mrs. A. J. Duchey
1321 02/16/1893 7 02 D200 Douchey, A. J. (Mrs.); M: Weeping Water Groom Henry Seebers
1321 02/16/1893 7 02 B655 Berryman, Felix M. ; M: Cozad Bride Sadie Hulthous of Weeping Water
1321 02/16/1893 7 02 H432 Hulthous, Sadie; M: Cozad Groom Felix M. Berryman of Weeping Water
1321 02/16/1893 7 03 C622 Chriswisser, Parker (Son, 9 mths) ; D: Weeping Water Undertakers, Ratnour & Campbell
1321 02/16/1893 7 03 M143 Mayfield, E. O. (Mr.); ILLNESS: South Omaha Editor of The World-Herald in South Omaha
1321 02/16/1893 7 03 R140 Ripley, N. E. (Mrs.); MOVING: Weeping Water Moving with daus. to Omaha
1321 02/16/1893 7 03 M200 Muck, D. (Mr.); MOVING: Weeping Water Moving with family to Louisville to work in Rock Island quarries
1321 02/16/1893 7 03 O412 Olive Jaquette (Mrs.) (nee Fisher); D: Plattsmouth Wife of Frank Jaquette dies from consumption, leaving 11 day old baby
1321 02/16/1893 7 03 W420 Wiles, Isaac; BD: Grand View 28th birthday party
1321 02/16/1893 7 03 H435 Hilton, Samuel; BD: Grand View 29th birthday party
1321 02/16/1893 7 04 Q535 Quinton, C. D. (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Avoco Severed finger with steak knife
1321 02/16/1893 7 04 C636 Carter, L. H. (Mr. and Mrs. (Dau., Daisy, 2 yrs l mth); D: Avoco Died February 8, 1893
1321 02/23/1893 2 02 S362 Strickland, Squire; FIRE: Wabash
1321 02/23/1893 2 02 E452 Ellington, John; MOVING: Wabash Moving to Fairmont
1321 02/23/1893 2 06 G612 Groves, Jemmy (Mr.); MENTAL HEALTH: Alvo Ill then became insane
1321 02/23/1893 2 07 B130 Bobbitt, Charles; EMPLOYMENT: Clear Creek TeacherÕs term extended
1321 02/23/1893 2 07 H520 Henshaw, A. J. (Mrs.); ILLNESS: Alvo Critically ill
1321 02/23/1893 3 01 M635 Morton, J. Sterling (Mr.); POLITICAL: Nebraska City Appointed Secretary of Agriculture
1321 02/23/1893 4 01 S530 Smith, Karl (Mr.); D-SUICIDE: Lancaster Lancaster Co. Poor House inmate, 41 yrs
1321 02/23/1893 4 01 F200 Fisk, I. L. (Mr.); MISC: Beatrice Nebraska Bank, W. M. Laselle, and L. F. Laselle close grocery store under chatte
1321 02/23/1893 4 01 F626 Frazier, W. H. (Mr.); CRIME : Sheridan Co. Arrested, selling whisky to Indians
1321 02/23/1893 4 01 J520 Jones, F. E. (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Coleridge Fell from roof while clearing snow on Gray Bros. Lumber Shed
1321 02/23/1893 4 01 B530 Bennett, Billy; CRIME: Ansley Arrested for shooting George Gress over a woman
1321 02/23/1893 4 01 P450 Palin, James P.; CRIME : Lancaster Co. Petition filed re conviction for assault with intent to rape 6 yr old Maude Shaf
1321 02/23/1893 4 02 C425 Calkins, David (Mr. and Mrs.); ILLNESS: Bradshaw Family stricken with food poisoning
1321 02/23/1893 4 02 F630 Ford, Michael; ACCIDENT: Wymore
1321 02/23/1893 4 02 E150 Evana, C. F. (child); ACCIDENT: Red Cloud Drank kerosene
1321 02/23/1893 4 02 H650 Herron, Nathaniel (Captain); D: Beatrice Chief of Fire Department, member of council and served in the late war
1321 02/23/1893 4 02 R360 Rider, Michael; D-SUICIDE: McCook Living with brother-in-law, L. A. Hulbert
1321 02/23/1893 4 02 B240 Boswell, E. M. (Rev.); CRIME : Gage Co. Christian Science faith healer indicted by grand jury, practicing medicine with
1321 02/23/1893 7 02 S322 Stackhouse, Ed; MOVING: Weeping Water Moving to Boone Co.
1321 02/23/1893 7 02 B626 Barker, Ida; M: Weeping Water Groom William Franklin (from Jefferson City, Iowa)
1321 02/23/1893 7 02 F652 Franklin, William; M: Weeping Water Bride Ida Barker
1321 02/23/1893 7 03 E452 Ellington, John; MOVING: Weeping Water Moving to Fairmont
1321 02/23/1893 7 04 M240 McHale, R. A. (Mr.); ILLNESS: Weeping Water Scarlet fever
1321 02/23/1893 7 04 (100 (F, child); ILLNESS: Weeping Water Scarlet fever
1321 02/23/1893 7 04 T652 Torrence, B. S. (Mr.); MISC: Weeping Water In town first time since accident, some dizziness still
1321 02/23/1893 7 04 L200 Leach, J. A. (Mr.); MISC: Weeping Water Marble monument placed on J. M. BeardsleyÕs family plot in Oak Wood Cemetery
1321 02/23/1893 7 04 S340 Stall, Henry (Mrs.); DN: Weeping Water
1321 02/23/1893 7 04 K530 Kennedy, Michael; DN: Weeping Water
1321 02/23/1893 7 04 V536 Vandoren, Charles; M: Union Bride Lulu Carey Peck
1321 02/23/1893 7 04 P200 Peck, Lulu Carey; M: Union Groom Charles Vandoren
1321 02/23/1893 7 04 S230 Sackett, Frank; M: Weeping Water Bride Margaret McNely (married February 14, 1893, Tallmadge, Ohio)
1321 02/23/1893 7 04 M254 McNely, Margaret; M: Weeping Water Groom Frank Sackett (married February 14, 1893, Tallmadge, Ohio)
1321 02/23/1893 7 05 M610 Murphy, J. H. (Mr.); MISC: Weeping Water Former Weeping Water residentsÕ account of trip to Boulder, Montana
1321 02/23/1893 7 07 C536 Countryman, R. E. (Mr.); ANNIV: Weeping Water Purchased land for 25th wedding anniv.
1321 03/02/1893 2 02 B655 Brunning, Henry; MOVING: Avoca Moving to Minnesota
1321 03/02/1893 2 02 A536 Andrews, Tommy; LEGAL: Plattsmouth Mr. J. F. Brendel and Mr. Robert Wilkinson, Jr. called as trial witnesses
1321 03/02/1893 2 02 B320 Butts, H. D. (Mr.); MOVING: Avoca Bought land near Agnew, renting Avoca farm
1321 03/02/1893 2 02 B631 Bredehoft, Joachim ; FIRE: Avoca Home destroyed
1321 03/02/1893 2 02 B625 Brockman Bros. Saloon; FIRE: Avoca Saloon and post office destroyed, F. W. RuhgeÕs saloon and furniture of C.B. Hoc
1321 03/02/1893 4 01 T620 Tracey, John; ACCIDENT: Elwood Fall into cellar
1321 03/02/1893 4 01 B600 Burr, Robert; ACCIDENT: Stanton Leg broken by log
1321 03/02/1893 4 01 R214 Rockafellow, Henry (Mrs.); MISC: Dodge Co. Widow granted pension
1321 03/02/1893 4 01 B632 Bradstone, Evaline; MISC: Superior Stolen bicycle found
1321 03/02/1893 4 01 C416 Culbertson, Charles; CRIME: South Omaha In court for theft of overcoat
1321 03/02/1893 4 01 W320 Watts, Hester (Miss); MENTAL HEALTH: Weeping Water Attempted jump from train platform near Wichita, Kansas, related to Honorable W.
1321 03/02/1893 4 02 E610 Erb, Robert (14 yrs); MISC: Plattsmouth Threatened with reform school, attempted to poison self
1321 03/02/1893 4 02 D541 Dunlap, John; ACCIDENT: Schuyler While target shooting, horse used by son of Edward Graf killed
1321 03/02/1893 4 02 M242 McLeish, James; ACCIDENT: Schuyler While target shooting, horse used by son of Edward Graf killed
1321 03/02/1893 4 02 H435 Holden, Winfield J. (Mrs.); MISC: Burr Missing dog found lying on grave since burial
1321 03/02/1893 7 02 G150 Gappen, Oscar; M: Manley Bride Grace Dean of Elmwood
1321 03/02/1893 7 02 D500 Dean, Grace; M: Manley Groom Oscar Gappen of Plattsmouth
1321 03/02/1893 7 02 F336 Fate (Dr.); ILLNESS: Weeping Water Abscess lanced by Dr. Humphrey of Plattsmouth, sister visiting
1321 03/02/1893 7 02 F460 Flower, Perl (Mr.); MISC: Weeping Water Auction
1321 03/02/1893 7 03 G355 Gitton (Mr.); MOVING: Weeping Water Moving to Oconto
1321 03/02/1893 7 03 M325 Madsen, Nelson (Son, 3 mths); DN: Manley Buried on the 24th
1321 03/02/1893 7 03 C242 Coglizer, Charles; MISC: Weeping Water From McCook for motherÕs funeral
1321 03/02/1893 7 03 R423 Ralston, Alston (Mr. and Mrs.); MISC: Weeping Water Reception given by Epworth League
1321 03/02/1893 7 03 621 Race (Bro.); MISC: Weeping Water Humorous mishaps at party
1321 03/02/1893 7 03 A536 Andrews, Tommy (Mr.); CRIME : Plattsmouth Trial set, intent to kill G. D. Sitzer
1321 03/02/1893 7 03 L550 Lanham, W. G. (Mr.); MOVING: Weeping Water Moving to Cozad
1321 03/02/1893 7 04 J625 Jorgenson, Peter; ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Lost finger shelling corn
1321 03/02/1893 7 04 L200 Lacey, Mamie (Miss); BD: Weeping Water Party given
1321 03/02/1893 7 04 C240 Cassell, W. H. H. (Mr.); MISC: Weeping Water Face tumor removed, son, Wayland Cassel, caring for
1321 03/02/1893 7 04 N620 Norris, E. H. (Mr.); MISC: Avoca In Wisconsin for wifeÕs cancer treatment
1321 03/02/1893 7 04 P532 Pentico, Matthew; LEGAL: Weeping Water Files suit for wages against Chase Mfg. Co.
1321 03/02/1893 7 04 C242 Coglizer, Margaret R. ; DN: Weeping Water Summary of life
1321 03/02/1893 7 04 B630 Barrett, W. L. (Mr. and Mrs.); MOVING: Weeping Water Moving to Walker section
1321 03/02/1893 7 05 S230 Sackett, Frank (Mr. and Mrs.); MISC: Weeping Water Bridal reception
1321 03/02/1893 7 05 E326 Edger, J. M. (Mr. and Mrs.); MISC: Weeping Water Party, listing of attendees
1321 03/02/1893 7 05 W231 Westfall (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, M); B: Weeping Water Born February 23, 1893
1321 03/02/1893 7 05 R423 Ralston, Alfred; M: Weeping Water Bride Mary Young, married at brideÕs parents in Monterey, Illinois, February 22,
1321 03/02/1893 7 05 Y520 Young, Mary; M: Weeping Water Groom Alfred Ralston, married at brideÕs parents in Monterey, Illinois, February
1321 03/09/1893 2 03 R300 Reid, Carl W. ; MOVING: Avoca Moving to St. Louis
1321 03/09/1893 2 03 H535 Huntemann, Henry; LEGAL: Avoca Suit filed by Shrader
1321 03/09/1893 2 03 S636 Shrader, Henry; LEGAL: Avoca Suit filed by Shrader
1321 03/09/1893 2 03 B600 Barry, Thomas S. ; DN: Avoca Wife to live with dau. in Nehawka
1321 03/09/1893 2 03 H655 Harmon, Albert; DN: Avoca
1321 03/09/1893 2 03 S362 Strickland, Hank; ILLNESS: Wabash Measles
1321 03/09/1893 2 04 F460 Fowler, Cora; EPIDEMIC: Wabash Typhoid fever
1321 03/09/1893 2 04 N450 Newlon, C. S. (Mr.); MISC: Wabash Eye surgery
1321 03/09/1893 2 04 W400 Willey, T. C. (Mr.); MOVING: Wabash Moving to Fairmont
1321 03/09/1893 2 04 M460 Miller, J. J. (Mr.); MOVING: Wabash Moving to Republican City
1321 03/09/1893 2 04 E452 Ellington, John; MOVING: Murdock Moving to Fremont
1321 03/09/1893 6 01 G514 Gamble, Less; CRIME: Lincoln One yr in prison for stealing bicycle
1321 03/09/1893 6 01 O540 OÕNeill, Thomas; CRIME AND CRIMIALS: Two yrs in prison for robbing insane man, Korl Schmidt, who committed suicide at
1321 03/09/1893 6 01 S530 Schmidt, Korl; CRIME AND CRIMIALS: Two yrs in prison for robbing insane man, Korl Schmidt, who committed suicide at
1321 03/09/1893 6 01 P420 Polk, L. F. (Mr.) (Dr.); ACCIDENT: Raymond Thrown from buggy, breaking leg
1321 03/09/1893 6 01 D230 Doughty, Louis; CRIME: North Platte Bound over to District Court, Kansas arrest for stealing stallion owned by M. C.
1321 03/09/1893 6 01 H200 Hock, B. (Mr.); FIRE: Avoca Fire destroys post office, furniture of Mr. Hock, and Brockman Bros. Saloon
1321 03/09/1893 6 01 B240 Buswell, Ezra M. (Rev.); CRIME : Beatrice Found not guilty of practicing medicine without a license
1321 03/09/1893 6 01 N420 Niles, George B.; MISC: Peru New York uncle leaves $8,500,000 (sic) inheritance
1321 03/09/1893 6 01 B626 Berger, J. H. (Mr.); CRIME : Kearney Fined for running gambling house
1321 03/09/1893 6 02 M245 Maxwell (Mr.); D-CORONERÕS JURY: Gage Co. Death ruled heart failure
1321 03/09/1893 6 02 K460 Kohler, Henry (12 yrs) ; D-ACCIDENT: Albion Son of A. Kohler, killed by cannon explosion during ratification of Cleveland in
1321 03/09/1893 6 02 P432 Platz, John H.; CRIME : Omaha Superintendent of mail carriers arrested for fraud
1321 03/09/1893 6 02 D610 Derby, G. A. (Hon. and Mrs.); ANNIV: Utica 15th wedding anniv. party
1321 03/09/1893 6 02 B245 Bosselman, Carsten (Mr.); CRIME: Chapman Shot while herding cattle by hunters
1321 03/09/1893 6 02 C200 Casey, Fred; ACCIDENT: David City Broke leg in fall from horse
1321 03/09/1893 6 02 D600 Dyer, Jack; CRIME: Norfolk Paid $350 for selling liquor without license
1321 03/09/1893 6 02 B326 Betzer, May; MISC: Seward Wins prize for needlework
1321 03/09/1893 6 02 Y520 Young, E. L. (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Benedict Fairfield man injures foot in train accident
1321 03/09/1893 7 02 B625 Brossmer, Frank; ILLNESS: Weeping Water To spend winter in El Paso, Texas due to ill health
1321 03/09/1893 7 03 A536 Anderson, Tom; CRIME : Found guilty of shooting, showing signs of insanity
1321 03/09/1893 7 03 M624 Marshall, N. E. (Mr.); MISC: Weeping Water Describes eating with new teeth
1321 03/09/1893 7 04 W350 Wheaton, Willie; ILLNESS: Weeping Water Pneumonia
1321 03/09/1893 7 04 S365 Strain, Lizzie (Miss); MOVING: Weeping Water Child living 8 yrs with uncle, John Hutchins, moves to Burghill, Ohio
1321 03/09/1893 7 04 G635 Gordon, Frank.; BD: Weeping Water 19th birthday party given by mother, Mrs. W. L. Gordon
1321 03/09/1893 7 04 J520 Jones, D. (Mr.); MOVING: Weeping Water Moving to Alvo
1321 03/09/1893 7 04 H655 Harmon, Albert; DN: Avoca
1321 03/09/1893 7 04 F460 Fowler, Frank; FIRE: Weeping Water Suspicious barn fire
1321 03/09/1893 7 04 R423 Ralston, A. (Mr. and Mrs.); M-RECEPTION: Weeping Water Wedding reception
1321 03/09/1893 7 05 C425 Clausen, James; M: Weeping Water Bride Amelia Mikkelson
1321 03/09/1893 7 05 M242 Mikkelson, Amelia; M: Weeping Water Groom James Clausen
1321 03/09/1893 7 05 L550 Lehman, Jack (Mrs.); INHERITANCE: Weeping Water $6,000 inheritance left by German aunt
1321 03/16/1893 2 03 S362 Strickland, Hank; ILLNESS: Wabash Measles
1321 03/16/1893 2 03 M262 McCraig, Joe; ACCIDENT: Wabash Broke bone in left hand
1321 03/16/1893 2 03 B252 Buckingham (Mr.); D: Wabash Father of John Buckingham
1321 03/16/1893 2 03 M600 Moore, Leslie (Mr.); D: Alvo Living with uncle, J. S. Strickland
1321 03/16/1893 2 03 J520 Jones, Dave; MOVING: Weeping Water Moved blacksmith shop to Alvo
1321 03/16/1893 2 03 W412 Wolph (Judge and Mrs.); MOVING: Alvo Moving to sonÕs home in Nehawk
1321 03/16/1893 2 04 F425 Fleshman, Anna; ACCIDENT: Avoca Dislocated arm playing on school grounds
1321 03/16/1893 2 06 B600 Bury, Ed
1321 03/16/1893 2 06 B463 Bolard, Andrew; D-ACCIDENT: LaPlatte Drownings
1321 03/16/1893 4 01 F432 Fields, Arthur J.; D: Nebraska City
1321 03/16/1893 4 01 B652 Brinker, G. W. (Dr. and Mrs.); ANNIV: Nebraska City 54th wedding anniv.
1321 03/16/1893 4 01 G431 Goldberg, Samuel; CRIME: Nebraska City Given forged check
1321 03/16/1893 4 01 W623 Wright, Isaac W.; CRIME: Beatrice Sentenced to penitentiary for five yrs
1321 03/16/1893 4 01 D350 Ditton, Frank; ACCIDENT: Waunetta Crushed hand, amputated due to blood poisoning
1321 03/16/1893 4 01 R163 Rafferty, Tom; MISC: York $19.45 tax levied for calling neighbor hard names paid by friends
1321 03/16/1893 4 01 A160 Avery, J. D. (Professor); MISC: Broken Bow Resigns as teacher
1321 03/16/1893 4 01 M415 Mulvany, Sherman; CRIME: Mason City Enroute to preacher, future bride, Ida Brown, carried off by a Mr. Ball of Loup
1321 03/16/1893 4 01 K651 Krayenbull, Ida L.; LEGAL: Nebraska City Verdict for railroad death of husband, John Krayenbull
1321 03/16/1893 4 02 H553 Hammond, Mark (91 yrs); D: York Died at home of dau., Mrs. Durham
1321 03/16/1893 4 02 C230 Cossat, C. G. (Mr.) ; ACCIDENT: Saunders Co. Severe facial injuries in railroad accident
1321 03/16/1893 4 02 F300 Foote, H. H. (Mr.); D-ACCIDENT: Nebraska Railroad accident, buried beside mother in Boone, Iowa
1321 03/16/1893 4 02 M240 Maeckel, Charles; D-SUICIDE: Valley Co. Mentally unstable, shoots self
1321 03/16/1893 7 02 B252 Buckingham, John; D: Weeping Water Father buried
1321 03/16/1893 7 03 S600 Sawyer, J. B. (Mrs.); ILLNESS: Weeping Water Ill at home of dau., Mrs. Morton
1321 03/16/1893 7 03 M320 Mathews, M. G. (Mrs.); MOVING: Weeping Water Moving home and dressmaking shop to Louisville, Kentucky
1321 03/16/1893 7 04 L500 Lane, John; MISC: Weeping Water Completed citizenship
1321 03/16/1893 7 04 P362 Peters, George (Mrs.); D, ILLNESS: Weeping Water Death of mother, illness of father, children with lung fever
1321 03/16/1893 7 04 V524 Vancleave, John (Infant, M); B: Weeping Water Born March 12, 1893
1321 03/16/1893 7 05 A536 Andrews, Thomas K.; CRIME: Weeping Water Escape from jail
1321 03/23/1893 2 02 T630 Trudeau, Nelson; ILLNESS: Avoca
1321 03/23/1893 4 01 L532 Landkamer (Mr.); CRIME: Alexandria Robbed
1321 03/23/1893 4 01 C316 Cutforth, Walter; D: Louisville
1321 03/23/1893 4 01 G600 Gray, James; CRIME: Lincoln Theft by hired hand, Charles Leonard
1321 03/23/1893 4 01 M260 McGrew, C. F. (Mr., State Bank Examiner); FIRE: Hastings Home fire