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News Extraction
NSHS Newspaper Extractions: Code 1321 WEEPING WATER REPUBLICAN
Code Date (m/d/y) Pg Col SNDX Extraction
1321 03/23/1893 4 01 S615 Shervin, John E. ; MISC: Fremont Life insurance paid
1321 03/23/1893 4 01 S432 Schultz, John (Son, 4 yrs); ACCIDENT: Columbus Loss of fingers in corn sheller
1321 03/23/1893 4 01 B421 Blackburn (Miss); D: Weeping Water Milliner from St. Joseph, Missouri
1321 03/23/1893 4 01 F600 Feary, Martin; ACCIDENT: D Township, Seward Found by Daniel Topham severely injured alongside road
1321 03/23/1893 4 01 M412 Mulvcaney, Sherman; MISC: Mason City Future bride, Ida Brown, eloped with A. P. Ball of Loup City
1321 03/23/1893 4 02 H516 Humphrey (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Richardson Co. Painter shatters leg in Courthouse fall
1321 03/23/1893 4 02 T512 Thompson, James; CRIME : Pawnee City Thompson of New Mexico went to father-in-law, Joseph Creighton, demanding money,
1321 03/23/1893 4 02 S510 Shanahap, James (Mr. and Mrs.); CRIME: Syracuse Mother kidnaps dau. from legal guardians (grandparents); father, Henry Shanahan
1321 03/23/1893 7 02 Q535 Quinton, J. R. (Mr.); MOVING: Weeping Water Moving to Imperial
1321 03/23/1893 7 02 B635 Bridenstein (Mrs.); MOVING: Nebraska City Moving to Weeping Water
1321 03/23/1893 7 03 G416 Gilbert, M. A. (Mrs.); ILLNESS: Weeping Water Bells Palsey
1321 03/23/1893 7 03 G456 Gilmore, J. B. (Mr. and Mrs.); MOVING: Weeping Water Moving to Cozad
1321 03/23/1893 7 04 C316 Cutforth, Walter; D: Louisville
1321 03/23/1893 7 04 G162 Giberson, Lew; M - ANNOUNCE: Weeping Water Bride Grace Woods
1321 03/23/1893 7 04 W320 Woods, Grace; M - ANNOUNCE: Weeping Water Groom Lew Giberson
1321 03/23/1893 7 04 S360 Strow, Ralph W.; M: Stella Bride Lizzie Jones
1321 03/23/1893 7 04 J520 Jones, Lizzie; M: Stella Groom Ralph W. Strow
1321 03/30/1893 2 01 E162 Ebright, William; EMPLOYMENT: Beatrice Appointed Superintendent of Blind Asylum at Nebraska City
1321 03/30/1893 2 06 R556 Ryan (Mr.); CRIME: Weeping Water Possible arrests at Grundy Center, Iowa
1321 03/30/1893 2 06 A536 Andrews (Mr.); CRIME: Weeping Water Possible arrests at Grundy Center, Iowa
1321 03/30/1893 2 06 E363 Edwards, Al; MISC: Weeping Water Brother of A. R. Edwards of Weeping Water offered $10,000 to exhibit at Worlds
1321 03/30/1893 3 01 E363 Edwards, A. (Al) W. ; MISC: Elk Creek Only man scalped by Indians to survive is to exhibit at Worlds Fair
1321 03/30/1893 4 01 R360 Ritter, C.; MENTAL HEALTH : Beatrice Declared insane and taken to asylum
1321 03/30/1893 4 01 R160 Roper, J. W. ; CRIME : Plattsmouth Sentenced to 4 yrs for forgery
1321 03/30/1893 4 01 C613 Corbett (Mrs.); ACCIDENT: York Severe burns from upsetting lamp
1321 03/30/1893 4 01 W422 Wilcox (Mrs.); ACCIDENT: Aurora Broke leg in fall into ditch, suit expected
1321 03/30/1893 4 01 G620 Grace, Richard; ACCIDENT: North Platte Loss of eye
1321 03/30/1893 4 01 J525 Johnson, Johanna ; Legal: Omaha Damages awarded in suit against Charles E. Bates for defaming her character
1321 03/30/1893 4 01 D526 Damkroger, William; D-ACCIDENT: DeWitt Accidentally shot by brother
1321 03/30/1893 4 01 G363 Goedert, Nicholas; ACCIDENT: Juniata Broke neck in wagon accident
1321 03/30/1893 4 01 L340 Little, George; ACCIDENT: Plattsmouth Unconscious from fall
1321 03/30/1893 4 01 D525 Duncan, Ira A. ; CRIME : Hastings Harness maker deserts family
1321 03/30/1893 4 01 C200 Casey, Sr., Mike; CRIME: Shubert Fined for being noisy during religious meeting
1321 03/30/1893 4 02 B320 Bates, Henry; FIRE: Valpariso House burned
1321 03/30/1893 4 02 K420 Kelsey, Cyrus J.; CRIME: South Lincoln Church Deacon charged with criminal relations with dau., Mrs. Hanna Young
1321 03/30/1893 4 02 M320 Metz, Simon P.; CRIME: Louisville Arrested for gambling
1321 03/30/1893 4 02 M263 McCurdy, Dan; CRIME: Louisville Arrested for gambling
1321 03/30/1893 4 02 S655 Sherman, George; CRIME: Louisville Arrested for gambling
1321 03/30/1893 4 02 B300 Boyd, Will S.; CRIME: Louisville Arrested for gambling
1321 03/30/1893 2 03 R100 Ruby, Thomas; MOVING: Eight Mile Grove Farm sold to John Urwich, moving to Smith Co., Kansas
1321 03/30/1893 2 03 M362 Mothersead, C. D. (Mr.); MOVING: Stella Moving to Boyd Co. where parents live
1321 03/30/1893 2 03 B420 Bullis, J. W. (Mr. and Mrs.); MISC: Weeping Water Renting farm, Mrs. Bullis to visit parents in Wisconsin, Mr. Bullis to visit fat
1321 03/30/1893 2 03 D435 Dalton, F. M. (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, F); B: Wabash
1321 03/30/1893 2 03 M266 McCrory, A. N. (Mrs.); MISC: Weeping Water Baptized by Rev. Dyall
1321 03/30/1893 2 04 B600 Barry, Lena (Miss); ILLNESS: Wabash Rheumatism
1321 03/30/1893 2 04 E152 Evans, Fred; MISC: Wabash Son of Jake Evans, graduated from Canadian veterinary college
1321 03/30/1893 2 04 G162 Giberson, L. F. (Mr.); M: Weeping Water Bride Grace Woods
1321 03/30/1893 2 04 W320 Woods, Grace; M: Weeping Water Groom L. F. Giberson
1321 03/30/1893 2 04 B600 Barry, G. S. (Mr.); MISC: Weeping Water Purchased hardware store
1321 04/06/1893 2 01 C450 Calhoun, J. D. (Mr.); ILLNESS: Lincoln Lincoln Herald editor, erysipelas
1321 04/06/1893 2 02 S420 Skyles, Charles; EMPLOYMENT: Alvo Teaching school
1321 04/06/1893 2 02 H525 Henshaw (Mrs.); ILLNESS: Alvo Improving from erysipelas
1321 04/06/1893 2 02 C256 Cashner, Sherman; EMPLOYMENT: Alvo Candidate for Post Office
1321 04/06/1893 2 03 C600 Carr, Ed; CRIME: Eagle Arrested for shooting Mr. A. H. Hess
1321 04/06/1893 2 05 E363 Edwards. A. W. (Mr.); MISC: Elk Creek Account of survival after scalping by Indians as a youth
1321 04/06/1893 2 05 L535 Lindeman, J. C. (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Avoca Stepped on nail
1321 04/06/1893 3 02 T560 Tanner, R. J. (Mr.); MISC: Lincoln Riding around the world on horseback
1321 04/06/1893 4 01 S525 Swanson, Emma; MENTAL HEALTH : West Point Judged insane, sent to Norfolk Asylum
1321 04/06/1893 4 01 T460 Taylor, Robert W. ; ACCIDENT: Table Rock Broke arm in fall from wagon
1321 04/06/1893 4 01 T512 Thompson/Tompkins, George (Rev.); EMPLOYMENT: Broken Bow New York preacher now at First Baptist Church
1321 04/06/1893 4 01 L652 Lawrence (Mr.); D-ACCIDENT: Stockville Overcome by heat of prairie fire
1321 04/06/1893 4 01 C620 Criss, Dennis; ACCIDENT: Petersburg Burned face starting fire with kerosene
1321 04/06/1893 4 01 A356 Attmyer, Henry; CRIME: Wayne Cattle stolen
1321 04/06/1893 4 01 L630 Lord, Joseph; ACCIDENT: Kearney Shot in hip
1321 04/06/1893 4 01 C642 Carlson, S. (Mr.); LEGAL: Fremont City settled accident claim without suit
1321 04/06/1893 4 01 C400 Calloway, Charles; CRIME: Omaha Sentenced 5 yrs for arson
1321 04/06/1893 4 01 W425 Wilson, C. W. (Mr.); D: Pawnee City Died in Illinois
1321 04/06/1893 4 01 M250 Maxson, Will; ACCIDENT: North Loup Legs broken
1321 04/06/1893 4 01 J520 Jones, W. D. ; ACCIDENT: Plattsmouth Falling glass nearly severs hand
1321 04/06/1893 4 01 C234 Casteel, Samuel; LEGAL: Kearney City settled suit for death of horse
1321 04/06/1893 4 01 E524 English, Herman (Mr. and Mrs.) (child); ACCIDENT: Omaha Small child scalded
1321 04/06/1893 4 02 P626 Parker, H. W. (Judge); ILLNESS: Beatrice
1321 04/06/1893 4 02 W320 Woods, John; CRIME: Lincoln Barber accused to theft
1321 04/06/1893 4 02 F620 Freece, Jacob; CRIME: Dubois Attempted wreck of train
1321 04/06/1893 4 02 H630 Howard, John; LEGAL: Hastings Personal injury award granted against B & M Railroad
1321 04/06/1893 4 02 T621 Trosper, Robert; LEGAL: Hastings Personal injury suit against B & M Railroad
1321 04/06/1893 4 02 P224 Psikal, F. B. (Mr.); MISC: Dorchester Bohemian blacksmiths exhibit at Worlds Fair
1321 04/06/1893 3 02 B600 Barry, Blanch (9 yrs); BD: Weeping Water
1321 04/06/1893 3 02 D550 Dunham, S. L. (Mr. and Mrs.); MOVING: Weeping Water Moved back from Lincoln
1321 04/06/1893 3 02 N000 Neu, F. L. (Mr. and Mrs.); MOVING: Weeping Water Visiting wifes family in Eagle then moving West
1321 04/06/1893 3 03 G162 Giberson (Attorney); ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Hand injured loading gun
1321 04/06/1893 3 03 M320 Mutz, Walter (children); ILLNESS: Weeping Water Colds and lung fever
1321 04/06/1893 3 03 K530 Kennedy, Michael; LEGAL: Weeping Water Will filed for probate
1321 04/06/1893 4 04 S435 Shelton, John; MOVING: Weeping Water Moving to Avoca
1321 04/06/1893 4 04 C453 Clinton, F. S. (Mr.); MOVING: Weeping Water Moving to Lincoln
1321 04/06/1893 4 04 G162 Giberson, L. F. (Attorney and Mrs.) ; MOVING: Weeping Water Moving to Lincoln
1321 04/06/1893 4 04 M620 Morse, I. D. (Mr.); EMPLOYMENT/ MOVING: Resigned as Deputy Post Master, accepted position at State Bank of Crofton
1321 04/06/1893 4 04 R256 Rose (Mrs.); MISC: Weeping Water Returned from New York and New Hampshire after death of sister
1321 04/13/1893 2 03 D552 Domingo, Jacob; FIRE: Weeping Water Barn fire
1321 04/13/1893 2 03 L300 Ladd, J. G. (Mr.); MISC: Beatrice Lobasco, famous trotting stallion, dies
1321 04/13/1893 4 01 B630 Brady, James; D: Omaha Automobile accident
1321 04/13/1893 4 01 S516 Sanford, Herbert (Mr. and Mrs.); FIRE: Carlton Prairie fire destroys home
1321 04/13/1893 4 01 B400 Beal, Nicholas (Mr. and Mrs.) (26th {sic}child ); B: North Platte
1321 04/13/1893 4 01 C425 Calkins, Cornelius; ACCIDENT: McCool Junction Accidental shooting of hired hand, Andrew Metz
1321 04/13/1893 4 01 S450 Skillen, Jim; CRIME: North Bend Charged with stealing hogs
1321 04/13/1893 4 01 D120 Davis, George; CRIME: North Bend Charged with stealing hogs
1321 04/13/1893 4 01 W436 Waldron, Cal; CRIME: North Bend Charged with stealing hogs
1321 04/13/1893 4 02 M262 McCrosky, Charles; D: Tecumsch
1321 04/13/1893 4 02 B325 Budke (Mrs.); CRIME: Plattsmouth Mr. Lee, a tramp, arrested for stealing rings after being served breakfast
1321 04/13/1893 4 02 E452 Ellington (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Neligh Plow injured abdomen
1321 04/13/1893 4 02 S320 Stock, Richard; FIRE: Eddyville Stock lost new home, Hauchins lost horses, and Baker lost timber and hay
1321 04/13/1893 4 02 H252 Hauchins, Larry; FIRE: Eddyville Stock lost new home, Hauchins lost horses, and Baker lost timber and hay
1321 04/13/1893 4 02 B260 Baker, John; FIRE: Eddyville Stock lost new home, Hauchins lost horses, and Baker lost timber and hay
1321 04/13/1893 4 02 O265 Ogier (Mrs.) ; D: Wallace Mother killed by prairie fire, 2 sons burned but will recover
1321 04/13/1893 4 02 R552 Ryan (Miss); FIRE: Prairie fire destroys property
1321 04/13/1893 4 02 L525 Lynch (Mr.); FIRE: Prairie fire destroys property
1321 04/13/1893 4 02 M245 McLean (Mr.); FIRE: Prairie fire destroys property
1321 04/13/1893 4 02 N125 Neeves (Mr.); FIRE: Prairie fire destroys property
1321 04/13/1893 4 02 H525 Hansen (Mr.); FIRE: Prairie fire destroys property
1321 04/13/1893 4 02 S362 Starkey (Mr.); FIRE: Custer Co. Prairie fire destroys property
1321 04/13/1893 4 02 B165 Bayhaufer (Mr.); FIRE: Custer Co. Prairie fire destroys property
1321 04/13/1893 4 02 S432 Shultz, Charley; FIRE: Custer Co. Prairie fire destroys property
1321 04/13/1893 2 02 B650 Brown, T. M. (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, M); B: Weeping Water
1321 04/13/1893 2 02 B652 Barnes, Frank (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, M); B: Weeping Water
1321 04/13/1893 2 02 F460 Flower, Perl; ILLNESS: Weeping Water Lung fever
1321 04/13/1893 2 02 M235 McDonald, Laura (Miss); BD: Weeping Water 9th birthday party
1321 04/13/1893 2 03 F460 Flower, Charles (Mrs.); ILLNESS: Weeping Water Kidney trouble
1321 00/13/1893 2 03 M240 Magill, J. M. (Mrs.); ILLNESS: Weeping Water Mother seriously ill
1321 04/13/1893 2 03 D552 Domingo, Jacob (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, F); B: Weeping Water
1321 04/13/1893 2 03 M256 McHenry (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Teacher slips on sidewalk, tears muscles in leg, sprains ankle
1321 04/13/1893 2 03 N000 Neu, F. L. (Mr.); MISC: Weeping Water Moving to Amherst, satchel with money left at train station recovered
1321 04/13/1893 2 04 T200 Tighe, Josia; MISC: Falls City To file lawsuit
1321 04/13/1893 2 04 W655 Worman, Emma; EMPLOYMENT: Weeping Water Opening dress shop
1321 04/13/1893 2 04 C560 Connor, J. A.; MISC: Cedar Creek Property destroyed by wind
1321 04/13/1893 2 04 W300 White, F. E. (Honorable); MISC: Cedar Creek Property destroyed by wind
1321 04/13/1893 2 05 S652 Swearingen, Dora (Miss); ILLNESS: Weeping Water Abscess on face, cold
1321 04/13/1893 2 05 W300 Wood, Elmer E. ; MISC: Auburn Omaha Eye treatments for poor man, citizens petition railroad for mileage book
1321 04/13/1893 2 05 R163 Robertson, J. M. (Mr.); MISC: Weeping Water Contract to furnish sand to Omaha for roads
1321 04/27/1893 2 06 G162 Giberson, Lou (Mr.); MISC: Weeping Water, Eagle Newlywed lawyer rides train from Eagle to Lincoln on blind baggage carrier
1321 04/27/1893 4 01 S265 Siggrins, E. L. (Dr.); EMPLOYMENT: Plattsmouth Microscopist of South Omaha
1321 04/27/1893 4 01 N240 Negley, Jack (Son); ACCIDENT: Franklin Hands and face burned by lye
1321 04/27/1893 4 01 K650 Kerwin, John (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infants 2 M, 1F); B: Emerson Mother of 13, birth to triplets
1321 04/27/1893 4 01 D500 Dean, Ed; CRIME : Douglas Co. Prison for 2 yrs for burglary
1321 04/27/1893 4 01 B530 Bennett, Jim; CRIME : Douglas Co. Prison for 2 yrs for burglary
1321 04/27/1893 4 01 C350 Cowdin, R. J. (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Lodge Pole Sheep killed by train
1321 04/27/1893 4 01 C216 Casper (Mr.); ILLNESS: Chadron 11 children with scarletina and whooping cough
1321 04/27/1893 4 01 O330 Outhwaite, Christopher; D: Lincoln Dead at 81 yrs
1321 04/27/1893 4 01 S536 Schneider, Sam; ACCIDENT: Belden Horses die in accident
1321 04/27/1893 4 01 L500 Lane, A. W. (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Aurora Injured falling from roof
1321 04/27/1893 4 01 H450 Holm, John; ACCIDENT: Hartington Fell from roof with ax in hand, almost severs arm
1321 04/27/1893 4 01 S530 Smith, G. O. (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Lincoln Blown off feet by gale, striking head
1321 04/27/1893 4 01 S530 Smith, H. E. (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Ponca Seriously injured by sidewalk board
1321 04/27/1893 4 01 R100 Robb, P. P. (Mr.); D: Beatrice
1321 04/27/1893 4 01 M650 Merriam, E. (Mr.); FIRE: ONeill Prairie fire destroys barn
1321 04/27/1893 4 01 H320 Hitz, August; D-ACCIDENT: Norfolk Caught in belt of roller mill
1321 04/27/1893 4 02 B650 Barron, Jennie (Miss, 13 yrs); ACCIDENT: Chadron Shot in cheek by brother
1321 04/27/1893 4 02 J200 Jack, George B.; ACCIDENT: Rushville Struck on head by baseball
1321 04/27/1893 4 02 R452 Rawlings, While; ACCIDENT: Neligh Head injury
1321 04/27/1893 4 02 H246 Hisler, John; CRIME : Lincoln Pardoned by Governor
1321 04/27/1893 4 02 B600 Berry, (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Nichols Buggy accident injures family
1321 04/27/1893 4 02 F361 Fetterby, Harry L. ; CRIME: Ashland Pled guilty to forging a pass
1321 04/27/1893 4 02 R163 Roberts, S. D. (Rev.); MISC: Lincoln Lost man found, did not recognize family
1321 04/27/1893 4 02 R320 Rhodes, Myres (Mr.); CRIME: Seward Charged with seduction of dau. of Robert Fees of Utica
1321 04/27/1893 4 02 F420 Falk, Sr., Michael; D-ACCIDENT: Flenover, Beatrice Accident kills Falk, injures Soenke
1321 04/27/1893 4 02 S520 Soenke, Frank; D-ACCIDENT: Flenover, Beatrice Accident kills Falk, injures Soenke
1321 04/27/1893 4 02 F460 Flory, B. F. (Rev.); CRIME: Pawnee City Found not guilty for forgery
1321 04/27/1893 7 02 W363 Woodard, Maynard; BD: Weeping Water 20th birthday
1321 04/27/1893 7 03 C242 Coglizer, Sam; MOVING: Weeping Water Opening hotel and confectionery in Greenwood
1321 04/27/1893 7 03 S363 Street, A. G. (Mr. and Mrs.); MOVING: Weeping Water Moving to Kansas City to work with brother-in-law, Herman Johnson
1321 04/27/1893 7 03 M460 Miller, T. F. (Rev.); M: Burg Hill, Ohio Bride Lizzie Strain, moving to DeWitt, Arkansas
1321 04/27/1893 7 03 S365 Strain, Lizzie; M: Burg Hill, Ohio Groom Rev. T. F. Miller, moving to De Witt, Arkansas
1321 04/27/1893 7 04 A240 Ashley, Henry; MOVING: Weeping Water Moving to Toledo, Ohio to work with brother
1321 04/27/1893 7 04 N635 Norton, G. W. (Mr.); D: Weeping Water Brother dies in Kansas City
1321 04/27/1893 7 04 G426 Gilchrist, John; M: Nebraska City Bride Anna Boydston
1321 04/27/1893 7 04 B323 Boydston, Anna; M: Nebraska City Groom John Gilchrist
1321 05/04/1893 2 07 C156 Cavey (Mrs.); ILLNESS: Wabash Little hopes of recovery
1321 05/04/1893 2 07 K460 Kaliher, Mike; D: Avoca
1321 05/04/1893 5 01 M624 Marshall, Joe (12 yrs); ACCIDENT: Fremont Wagon fall breaks arm
1321 05/04/1893 5 01 G100 Goff, John W.; MISC: Dodge Co. War veteran granted pension with back pay
1321 05/04/1893 5 01 R520 Reams, Bart (Mrs.); ACCIDENT: Franklin Bruised by team of horses
1321 05/04/1893 5 01 B653 Bryant, J. F. (Mr.) (Son, 10 yrs); D: Holmesville Poisoned by herb
1321 05/04/1893 5 01 G416 Glover, J. F. (Mrs. And Mrs.); MISC: Aurora Husband 83 and wife 82 to visit Worlds Fair
1321 05/04/1893 5 01 M254 McNeil, John; ACCIDENT: Wahoo Cyclers frighten team, wagon destroyed
1321 05/04/1893 5 01 M620 Morris, John; FIRE: Utica Fire destroys barn, corn crib and tool house
1321 05/04/1893 5 01 K145 Koplin, John A.; LEGAL: Fremont Files suit against Moses Jerome regarding Fremont Binder Twine Co.
1321 05/04/1893 5 01 M600 Murray, Pat (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, F); B: Platte Co.
1321 05/04/1893 5 01 B652 Brunson, W. N. (Mr.); LEGAL: Lincoln Suit filed against railroad for depreciation of land
1321 05/04/1893 5 01 B631 Bradbury, Charles; CRIME: Douglas Co. Poor Farm Employee accused by inmate of fathering child
1321 05/04/1893 5 02 A200 Agee, Horace; CRIME: Waterloo, Valley Warrant, theft, assault
1321 05/04/1893 5 02 L000 Law, Alonzo J. ; CRIME: Pierce Physician sentenced 5 yrs hard labor for fathering 2 step-daus. children
1321 05/04/1893 6 02 Z520 Zink, Fred L.; MISC: Wabash Caught 6 wolves
1321 05/04/1893 6 02 S326 Stucker, J. K. (Mr.) (children); ILLNESS: Weeping Water Whooping cough
1321 05/04/1893 6 02 M240 Mickel, W. M. (Mr.); MISC: Weeping Water Co. Clerk paid $30 for 10 wolf scalps
1321 05/04/1893 6 02 D362 Deitrich, Frank; D-ACCIDENT: Louisville Accident at sand pits
1321 05/04/1893 6 03 W363 Woodard, Ed.; MISC: Weeping Water From Omaha to attend grandfathers funeral
1321 05/04/1893 6 03 A255 Ashmun, Ernest; MOVING: Weeping Water Moving to Toledo, Ohio
1321 05/04/1893 6 03 W363 Woodard, Hattie; MISC: Weeping Water School teacher absent due to death of grandfather
1321 05/04/1893 6 03 T630 Treat, S. E. (Mrs.); MOVING: Weeping Water Moving to Ohio with dau., Minnie
1321 05/04/1893 6 04 L000 Lee, J. C. (Mr. and Mrs.); MOVING: Weeping Water Moving to Chicago
1321 05/04/1893 6 04 N142 Noble (Co. Superintendent and Mrs.) (Infant, M); B: Plattsmouth Named William Findley Noble
1321 05/04/1893 6 04 N625 Norris (Mr. and Mrs.); MISC: Avoca Returned from cancer treatment in Wisconsin, Mrs. Norris pronounced cured
1321 05/04/1893 6 04 C514 Campbell, Charles; D: Palmvra
1321 05/04/1893 6 04 G125 Gibson, B. A. (Mr.; MISC: Elmwood Bicycles nearly struck by train
1321 05/04/1893 6 04 E162 Epperson, Wood (Mr.); MISC: Elmwood Bicycles nearly struck by train
1321 05/04/1893 6 04 P412 Phillips, A. E. (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, F); B: Weeping Water
1321 05/04/1893 6 04 Y520 Young, Lew (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, M); B: Weeping Water
1321 05/04/1893 6 04 C453 Challand, Fred; BD: Weeping Water 17th birthday
1321 05/04/1893 6 05 B400 Bull, Thomas; DN: Weeping Water
1321 05/11/1893 2 02 B200 Buss, Gustave; MOVING: Avoca Moved to Syracuse
1321 05/11/1893 2 06 B130 Bobbitt, T. N. (Honorable and Mrs.); MISC: Alvo Repairing farm
1321 05/11/1893 2 06 T453 Toland, Isaac; MISC: Alvo Painting house
1321 05/11/1893 6 01 P200 Peak, Charles; CRIME: Fort Omaha Soldier deserted
1321 05/11/1893 6 01 F525 Fink (Mr.); D-ACCIDENT: Waco Thrown from wagon
1321 05/11/1893 6 01 K455 Kloman, Charles (Son); ILLNESS: Mason City Hand poisoned by cat bite
1321 05/11/1893 6 01 D620 Drake, Frank; ILLNESS: York Poisoned by canned beans
1321 05/11/1893 6 01 W623 Wright, F. E. (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Wanneta Horse injured by plow
1321 05/11/1893 6 01 J520 Jones, Harry; CRIME: Nebraska City Wanted for disposing of mortgaged property
1321 05/11/1893 6 01 S536 Sanderson, J. B. (Superintendent Of Clay Co. Poor Farm); ACCIDENT: Clay Co. Finger amputated in corn sheller
1321 05/11/1893 6 01 R213 Rosebud, Minnie; MISC: Norfolk Attempted suicide with morphine pills
1321 05/11/1893 6 01 B650 Brown, William (Mrs.); MISC: Hastings Eloped with man to Omaha to escape abusive husband
1321 05/11/1893 6 01 C540 Conley, Mike; ACCIDENT: Nebraska City Ex-ball player escapes train by falling between ties into creek
1321 05/11/1893 6 01 S340 Stoll, Jr., Charles; D: Beatrice New York business man dies at sons home
1321 05/11/1893 6 01 R563 Reinhert, Jennie; ACCIDENT: Tecumseh Boat accident
1321 05/11/1893 6 01 S516 Sanford, Minnie; ACCIDENT: Tecumseh Boat accident
1321 05/11/1893 6 01 C300 Cody, James; ACCIDENT: Hastings Photographer breaks arm jumping from buggy
1321 05/11/1893 6 01 F532 Founts, Henry; CRIME: Syracuse Arrested by Constable J. E. Case for burglary
1321 05/11/1893 6 01 H322 Hutchison, Edward (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infants, F, twins); B: Crofton Town lot given for first baby born in new town
1321 05/11/1893 6 02 H553 Hammond, Will (23 yrs); D: Pawnee City May have died from fits
1321 05/11/1893 6 02 M255 McKennan (Mrs.); CRIME: Lincoln Wife follows husband, secures his arrest for visiting house of prostitution
1321 05/11/1893 6 02 B460 Blair, Mary ; LEGAL: Beatrice Brings another suit against saloons for death of husband
1321 05/11/1893 6 02 B650 Brown, A. D. (Mr.); CRIME: Omaha Druggist abandons wife and creditors due to gambling losses
1321 05/11/1893 6 02 D200 Dasey, Charles; CRIME: Edgar Family feud results in shooting of Ranes
1321 05/11/1893 6 02 R520 Ranes, C. C. (Mr.); CRIME: Edgar Family feud results in shooting of Ranes
1321 05/11/1893 6 02 W423 Wolcott (Postmaster); MISC: Fremont Erroneous news of his death
1321 05/11/1893 7 02 W426 Walker, Dan (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, F); B: Weeping Water
1321 05/11/1893 7 02 O635 Orton, Mary ; ILLNESS: Weeping Water Fainted
1321 05/11/1893 7 03 C200 Cheek, Joseph; MISC: Weeping Water Granted valve patent
1321 05/11/1893 7 03 A352 Adams, George; MISC: Weeping Water German carp for sale
1321 05/11/1893 7 03 M235 McDonald, R. D. (Mr.); MISC: Alvo Editor to leave employment with Alvo Advance
1321 05/11/1893 7 04 C400 Cole, S. E. (Mrs.); INJURY: Weeping Water May have ruptured stomach
1321 05/11/1893 7 04 C200 Cook, John (Infant, 9 mths); D-EPIDEMIC: Weeping Water Infant dies from whooping cough buried, sibling sick
1321 05/11/1893 7 05 A536 Andrews, Tom; CRIME: Plattsmouth Arrested in Oklahoma City for breaking out of Plattsmouth jail
1321 05/18/1893 2 01 W452 Williams, Jack; D-SUICIDE: Nebraska City Shoemaker and former City Marshall
1321 05/18/1893 2 02 C425 Calkin, Friend E. (Mr.) (20 yrs); DN: Manley Son of Newton J. and Margret Calkin
1321 05/18/1893 2 03 Q262 Qucharst, John; MISC: Alvo Building barn
1321 05/18/1893 2 03 S350 Stone, Elder; MISC: Alvo Building new home
1321 05/18/1893 2 04 M216 McBride (Mr. and Mrs.); MOVING: Belleville Moving to Alvo to live with dau., Mrs. M. V. Wood
1321 05/18/1893 4 01 R520 Ramsey, Frank; ACCIDENT: Banner Co. Broke or dislocated shoulder breaking horse
1321 05/18/1893 4 01 G620 Gregg, William; MISC: Washington Co. Lost 28 pounds, still weighs 325 ponds
1321 05/18/1893 4 01 Y520 Young, Joe (Indian); CRIME : Knox Co. Acquitted in brothers murder at Santee Agency
1321 05/18/1893 4 01 L235 Lichtenberg, Louis; ACCIDENT: Cedar Bluffs Fractured collar bone while dehorning cattle
1321 05/18/1893 4 01 B420 Black, Helen (Miss); ACCIDENT: West Point Unconscious after fall down stairs
1321 05/18/1893 4 01 S320 Sitz, Jacob (Infant, M); D: Kearney Swallowed concentrated lye in August, 1892
1321 05/18/1893 4 01 P330 Pettit, D. C. (Mr.); CRIME: Seward Robbed
1321 05/18/1893 4 01 B620 Briggs, Zeno E.; MISC: Norfolk Top test scores for cadetship at West Point
1321 05/18/1893 4 01 W452 Williams, J. E. (Mr.); MISC: Norfolk Top test scores for cadetship at West Point
1321 05/18/1893 4 01 N550 Newman, W. R. (Mr.); MISC: Norfolk Top test scores for cadetship at West Point
1321 05/18/1893 4 01 D242 Douglas, L. H. (Mrs.); MISC: Broken Bow Citizens pay off foreclosure debt on widows home
1321 05/18/1893 4 01 B361 Butterfield, M. E. (Mr.); ACCDENT: Coleridge Breaks arm while moving house
1321 05/18/1893 4 02 D525 Dinsmore, John B. (Mrs.); ACCIDENT: Sutton Runaway horses
1321 05/18/1893 4 02 H620 Hairhouse, J. H. (Mr.); CRIME: Fremont Tray of jewelry stolen
1321 05/18/1893 4 02 S524 Sinclair, Donald; CRIME: Nebraska City Burglary
1321 05/18/1893 4 02 S660 Schroer, Mary (Miss); ACCIDENT: New Castle Superintendent of Public Instruction severely injured in carriage accident
1321 05/18/1893 4 02 B452 Billings, George; ACCIDENT: Frenchtown Son of William Billings, kicked in face by horse
1321 05/18/1893 4 02 W452 Williams, Jack; D-SUICIDE: Nebraska City Drank strychnine
1321 05/18/1893 7 02 R300 Reed, Miles; MOVING: Weeping Water Moved to Louisville
1321 05/18/1893 7 02 J520 Jones, Dave (Mrs.); MOVING: Weeping Water Moved to Alvo to join husband
1321 05/18/1893 7 02 N635 Norton, G. W. (Mr.); INJURY: Weeping Water Blood poisoning in hand
1321 05/18/1893 7 03 C624 Churchill, E. P. (Mr.); MISC: Weeping Water Awaiting brick machine
1321 05/18/1893 7 04 B420 Bellows, Fred (Mrs.); ILLNESS: Weeping Water Boil, pneumonia
1321 05/18/1893 7 04 A260 Asher, Joe; MISC: Weeping Water Congregational and Methodist Church Societies to purchase tombstone
1321 05/18/1893 7 04 S600 Sawyer, George; MISC: Weeping Water Home improvements
1321 05/18/1893 7 02 J212 Jacobs, G. L. (Mr.); DN: Council Bluffs Burial in Weeping Water
1321 05/18/1893 7 05 T200 Tighe, Pat (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, F); B: Weeping Water
1321 05/25/1893 2 01 V522 Van Wyck (General); ILLNESS: Nebraska City Paralytic stroke
1321 05/25/1893 2 05 W425 Wilkinson, Robert (Mrs.); ILLNESS: Avoca
1321 05/25/1893 2 05 K155 Kaufman, J. F. (Mr.); MOVING: Avoca Moving to Lincoln
1321 05/25/1893 2 05 H230 Haight, Mat; INJURY: Avoca Fall
1321 05/25/1893 4 01 W426 Walker, Henry; ACCIDENT: Columbus Foot crushed coupling train
1321 05/25/1893 4 01 T615 Turpin, Newton; D-CRIME: Newport Shot by Louis Gouchey on May 11th
1321 05/25/1893 4 01 B630 Brett, Patrick F.; MENTAL HEALTH : South Omaha Attempted suicide
1321 05/25/1893 4 01 B525 Bingham, Margaret; D: Niobrara
1321 05/25/1893 4 01 B236 Baxter, L. E. (Mr.); MISC: Coleridge Drug store auction
1321 05/25/1893 4 01 J525 Jansen, John; FIRE: Jansen Horses and barn destroyed
1321 05/25/1893 4 01 P625 Pierson, Charles; FIRE: Pender Residence owned by D. N. Wheeler destroyed
1321 05/25/1893 4 01 S165 Spearman, J. P. (Mr.); CRIME: Papillion Store safe robbed
1321 05/25/1893 4 01 H630 Howard, John; CRIME: Fairmont Hired team stolen
1321 05/25/1893 4 01 A536 Anderson, Caroline (Mrs.); LEGAL: Omaha Suit against Louisville saloon owners, Metz Bros., for selling liquor to husband
1321 05/25/1893 4 01 E363 Edwards, Albert; CRIME: Beatrice Arrested, breaking into store
1321 05/25/1893 4 01 J525 Johnson, Charles; CRIME: Beatrice Arrested, breaking into store
1321 05/25/1893 4 01 M255 McManigal, Daniel; CRIME: Wisner Robbed
1321 05/25/1893 4 01 H512 Hambeck (Mr. and Mrs.) (Dau., 3 yrs.); D-ACCIDENT: Omaha Fractured skull in fall into well
1321 05/25/1893 4 01 N140 Noble, Samuel ; LEGAL: Lincoln Suit filed against dog of John Gund Brewing Co. for sons injuries
1321 05/25/1893 4 02 P425 Paulson, Peter; ACCIDENT: Harrington Struck in chest by broken hammer iron
1321 05/25/1893 4 02 K500 Kuene, G. C. (Mr.); D-SUICIDE: Omaha Jilted by lady
1321 05/25/1893 4 02 B536 Bender, Harvey; D-DROWNING: Fairmont Son of Mr. T. J. Bender
1321 05/25/1893 4 02 M560 Monroe, Margarette; MISC: Hastings Teacher charged, severe punishment of student, Bert Brown, 12 yrs
1321 05/25/1893 4 02 W256 Wagner, Jahn W.; ACCIDENT: Beatrice Badly injured in fall
1321 05/25/1893 4 02 S356 Stanner, Benjamin; CRIME: Hastings Team stolen
1321 05/25/1893 4 02 S355 Shademan, Minnie (Miss); D-SUICIDE: West Point Body found
1321 05/25/1893 7 02 S230 Sackett, Stella; MISC: Weeping Water Wedding of sister, Kittie Sackett, in Tallmadge, Ohio
1321 05/25/1893 7 02 C453 Clinton, Dexter; INJURY: Weeping Water Struck in eye by ball
1321 05/25/1893 7 02 C514 Campbell, A. B. (Mr.); MISC: Cass and Otoe Co. Bee business
1321 05/25/1893 7 03 G663 Girardet, Jr., Sterling; INJURY: Weeping Water Ball breaks nose
1321 05/25/1893 7 04 S640 Shirley, Alf (Mr.); MISC: Weeping Water Party and birthday of dau.
1321 05/25/1893 7 05 A536 Andrews, Tommy; CRIME: Weeping Water Sentenced 14 mths for breaking jail
1321 05/25/1893 7 05 C453 Clinton, F. S. (Mr.); MOVING: Weeping Water Moving to Lincoln
1321 05/25/1893 7 05 B420 Bellows, Florence J.; DN: Weeping Water Survivors listed
1321 05/25/1893 7 05 S320 Stookey, William (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, M); B: Weeping Water
1321 05/25/1893 7 05 T260 Tucker, W. O. (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, F); B: Mt. Pleasant Precinct
1321 06/08/1893 2 03 H635 Horton, Willis; BD: Wabash 62nd birthday
1321 06/08/1893 2 04 C465 Clarance, Peter; MISC: Avoca Runaway team
1321 06/08/1893 5 03 S625 Sargent, Fred (Mrs.); D-HOMOCIDE: Battle Creek Shot by husband
1321 06/08/1893 6 01 M635 Morton, O. J. (Mr.); D: Bennett
1321 06/08/1893 6 01 C624 Churchill, George O. (9 yrs); ACCIDENT: Hastings Horse fell on child
1321 06/08/1893 6 01 H350 Heaton, Park (Mrs.); D: Formerly of Nebraska City Died in Texas, married l yr
1321 06/08/1893 6 01 L521 Lunsford, August (Infant, 2 yrs) ; INJURY: Elsie Expected to die from rattlesnake bite
1321 06/08/1893 6 01 B650 Brown, Maurice; CRIME: Pawnee City Awaiting trial for stealing trunk
1321 06/08/1893 6 01 M610 Murphy, John; CRIME: Pawnee City Awaiting trial for stealing trunk
1321 06/08/1893 6 01 W430 Wilde, Albert; ACCIDENT: Humphrey Fall from wagon, breaks arm
1321 06/08/1893 6 01 W415 Wolph (Mr.); MISC: Nehawka Bees taken from barn
1321 06/08/1893 6 01 H000 Huah, A. B. (Mr.); MISC: North Platte Drug store closed on mortgage
1321 06/08/1893 6 01 G655 Gorman, Jack; CRIME: Lincoln Boxing match stopped by police
1321 06/08/1893 6 01 K625 Kerrigan, Jimmy; CRIME: Lincoln Boxing match stopped by police
1321 06/08/1893 6 01 B625 Bryson, W. E. (Mr.) (Dau., 2 yrs); D-ACCIDENT: Adams Drowned in water tank
1321 06/08/1893 6 01 O165 OByrne, Rosanna; D-ACCIDENT: Omaha Killed by train
1321 06/08/1893 6 01 S300 Shatto, Ed; CRIME: Omaha Deaf and near blind prisoner up for possible pardon
1321 06/08/1893 6 01 B530 Band, George (12 yrs); CRIME: Louisville Caught taking money from railroad depot
1321 06/08/1893 6 01 T140 Tepoel, Theo.; FIRE: Tekamah Barn and horses destroyed
1321 06/08/1893 6 01 H200 Hayes, C. S. (Mrs.); FIRE: Norfolk Dress catches fire while decorating graves
1321 06/08/1893 6 02 H543 Hamilton, Elmer; D-ACCIDENT: Train accident
1321 06/08/1893 6 02 F321 Fitzpatrick, Eddie; ACCIDENT: Columbus Bicycle-buggy accident
1321 06/08/1893 6 02 S363 Stewart, Frank (10 yrs) ; ACCIDENT: York Brain fever from striking head
1321 06/08/1893 6 02 H140 Hubbell, George W.; CRIME: Raymond Thieves broke into home
1321 06/08/1893 6 02 H356 Heath (Mrs.); ACCIDENT: Lincoln Mother and 3 daus. in buggy accident
1321 06/08/1893 6 02 S300 Shatto, Edward; CRIME: Omaha Pardoned
1321 06/08/1893 6 02 B361 Butterbough, Abram; D-ACCIDENT: Nebraska City Scalded
1321 06/08/1893 6 02 C520 Cumnock, W. W. (Mr.); CRIME: Kearney Catches thief robbing home
1321 06/08/1893 6 02 G600 Grow, M. (Mr.); MISC: Adams Horse gives birth to twins (colt and mule)
1321 06/08/1893 6 02 S552 Simmons, John; CRIME: Waverly Arrested for robbing and burning buildings of Clay Vanoy, set jail on fire
1321 06/08/1893 6 02 B656 Bruner, Uriah (Honorable); ACCIDENT: West Point Buggy accident injures Revs. Lipe, S. Pearson and Miss Louise Rhodabeck
1321 06/08/1893 7 02 W536 Wunder, Mattie (Miss); MOVING: Weeping Water Moving to South Omaha
1321 06/08/1893 7 03 J520 Jones, D. E. (Mr.); MOVING: Alvo Moving back to Weeping Water
1321 06/08/1893 7 04 W423 Wolcott, Creda (Miss); ILLNESS: Weeping Water Poisoned at fishing party
1321 06/08/1893 7 04 S125 Savage (Mrs.); ILLNESS: Weeping Water Mother of Mrs. Will Marshall, lung and liver trouble
1321 06/08/1893 7 04 W316 Wiedeberg, Albert A.; M: Weeping Water Bride Matilda A. Spohn
1321 06/08/1893 7 04 S150 Spohn, Matilda ; M: Weeping Water Groom Albert A. Wiedeberg
1321 06/08/1893 7 05 B320 Bates, I. F. (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, 8 days); D: Weeping Water Burial of baby
1321 06/08/1893 7 05 T525 Thomas (Miss); ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Buggy runaway
1321 06/08/1893 7 05 J525 Jameson, Bert; ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Buggy runaway
1321 06/22/1893 6 01 C200 Cook, J. A. (Mr.); EMPLOYMENT: David City Appointed Postmaster
1321 06/22/1893 6 01 A635 Artinan, W. R. (Mr.); MISC: West Point Best stand of bees
1321 06/22/1893 6 01 D600 Derry, O. H. (Rev.); EMPLOYMENT: Pawnee City Accepted at Christian Church at Ashland
1321 06/22/1893 6 01 P362 Peters, R. C. (Mr.); CRIME: West Point House ransacked
1321 06/22/1893 6 01 S512 Simpson, E. (Rev.); EMPLOYMENT: York Accepted at Council Bluffs
1321 06/22/1893 6 01 C455 Coleman, Harrison; FIRE: Knox Co. Home destroyed
1321 06/22/1893 6 01 M300 Mahood, Robert; D: Monroe Fall from horse
1321 06/22/1893 6 01 N425 Nelson, Charles (Son); ACCIDENT: Bloomfield Finger torn in feed chain of seeder
1321 06/22/1893 6 01 T520 Thomas, A. M. (Mrs.); D: York Heart rheumatism, birth to surviving twins week prior
1321 06/22/1893 6 01 F600 Frey, William; MISC: Broken Bow Gamblers rebuffed for insulting ladies
1321 06/22/1893 6 01 K600 Kerr, Ralph; ACCIDENT: Falls City Fractured collar bone scuffling with brother
1321 06/22/1893 6 01 J520 Jaynes, Ella B. (Mrs.); D-SUICIDE: Omaha Shot self due to ill health
1321 06/22/1893 6 01 S315 Stevenson, T. B. (Mr.) (Ex-Mayor); ACCIDENT: Nebraska City Carbuncle and broken arm falling from tree
1321 06/22/1893 6 01 P625 Parsons, Jane ; MISC-M: Waverly Groom William Holt (bride Jane Parsons issues warrant against William Holt for f
1321 06/22/1893 6 01 H430 Holt, William; MISC-M: Waverly Bride Jane Parsons (Issues warrant against William Holt for fathering child, mar
1321 06/22/1893 6 01 T560 Tyner, George; CRIME: Kearney Co. Deserted family, arrested, charged with adultery for living with Miss Whitaker
1321 06/22/1893 6 01 M242 McElskee, F. M. (Dr.); CRIME: Macon Charges dropped for shooting at I. H. Behrens for attempted rape of his dau., 7
1321 06/22/1893 6 01 H536 Hendrick, Alencel (Mr.) (20 yrs); D-SUICIDE: Barnston Shoots self, believed insane due to heat
1321 06/22/1893 6 01 M623 Morsden, Hattie (Mrs.); ACCIDENT: Osceola Serious injuries, overturned buggy
1321 06/22/1893 6 01 P130 Peabody, Morton; CRIME: Omaha Arrested by U.S. Marshall Ryan for selling liquor to Indians
1321 06/22/1893 6 02 G300 Gadd, Eva; ACCIDENT: Broken Bow Dau. of N. T. Gadd, breaks arm falling down stairs
1321 06/22/1893 6 02 L152 Livingston, T. P. (Dr.); M: Plattsmouth Bride Margaret Vallery
1321 06/22/1893 6 02 V460 Vallery, Margaret; M: Plattsmouth Groom Dr. T. P. Livingston
1321 06/22/1893 6 02 G536 Gunderson, Nelson; MENTAL HEALTH : Sunshine Removed from train, threw pocketbook from train believing robbers after him
1321 06/22/1893 6 02 B652 Brunken, D. (Mrs.); ACCIDENT: Columbus Mother and son injured in throw from wagon
1321 06/22/1893 6 02 S460 Swiller, A. H. (Mrs.); CRIME: Beatrice Burglars scared away
1321 06/22/1893 6 02 C200 Cooke, John; MENTAL HEALTH: Omaha Engraver judged insane
1321 06/22/1893 6 02 S600 Shur, John (Mr.) (Son, 13 yrs) ; ACCIDENT: Hooper Impaled thigh on oil can spout
1321 06/22/1893 6 02 D520 Dennis, B. A. (Sheriff); D: Hitchcock Co. Died in Council Bluffs while attending Sheriffs convention
1321 06/22/1893 6 02 T460 Taylor, Winston; MENTAL HEALTH: Omaha Served 1yr for writing indecent letters to lady, released, repeated, now adjudge
1321 06/22/1893 6 02 W363 Woodward, James E.; MISC: Omaha Assistant Postmasters son earns grade of 100% for 1 yr
1321 06/22/1893 6 02 L625 Lersmeyer, Fritz; CRIME: Boyd Co., Baker Post Office Vigilance band drags from bed, he admits burglaries, ordered to leave county
1321 06/22/1893 6 02 S360 Str, S. D. (Mr.); D-ACCIDENT: Hartington Accidental discharge of gun in cart
1321 06/22/1893 7 02 W363 Woodard, Ed; ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Fall breaks shoulder
1321 06/22/1893 7 03 M624 Marshall, Art; MISC: Weeping Water Losing hair on top of head (humorous article)
1321 06/22/1893 7 04 S330 Stutt, L. O. (Mr.); MISC: Syracuse Newly married, purchases household items in Weeping Water
1321 06/22/1893 7 04 S656 Sawyer (Mr. and Mrs.); ANNIV: Weeping Water 60th wedding anniv. party given by dau., Mrs. G. W. Norton (list of attendees)
1321 06/22/1893 7 06 F523 Fahnestock, L. W. (Mr.); MISC: Avoca
1321 06/29/1893 3 02 R534 Randall, Frank W. (Mr. and Mrs.); MISC: Weeping Water Traveling to East
1321 06/29/1893 3 03 M420 Mills, F. D. (Mr. and Mrs.); MOVING: Weeping Water Moving to Amherst
1321 06/29/1893 4 01 N630 North, Bert; EMPLOYMENT: Imperial New Postmaster, printer by trade
1321 06/29/1893 4 01 T520 Thomas, Tim; EMPLOYMENT: Nebraska City Barber appointed to a position in Washington
1321 06/29/1893 4 01 R210 Rigby, A. J. (Mr.); CRIME: Otoe Co. Sentenced 1 yr for embezzlement
1321 06/29/1893 4 01 K530 Kennedy, Steve; EMPLOYMENT: Nebraska City Contract for installing water works at Gordon
1321 06/29/1893 4 01 H400 Hall, John; CRIME: Beatrice Sentenced 5 yrs for highway robbery
1321 06/29/1893 4 01 H536 Henderson, Jimmy (child); D-ACCIDENT: Sheridan Co. Crushed by caving sand bank
1321 06/29/1893 4 01 H230 Hasty, Charles (10 yrs) ; ACCIDENT: Arapahoe Son of D. S. Hasty, kicked in face by horse
1321 06/29/1893 4 01 M530 Minto, John; CRIME: Beatrice Man from Mahaska, Kansas robbed
1321 06/29/1893 4 01 L516 Lanfer, Christian; D-SUICIDE: Haigler Man 65 yrs hangs self due to domestic troubles
1321 06/29/1893 4 01 M324 Mitchell, Eugene (Mrs.); D: Julian One of oldest settlers of Otoe Co.
1321 06/29/1893 4 01 W630 Wride, William; D-ACCIDENT: East Omaha Bridge Superintendent of work on East Omaha Bridge drowned when boat capsizes, leaves f
1321 06/29/1893 4 01 C410 Colby, L. W. (General); ACCIDENT: Fairbury Train accident
1321 06/29/1893 4 02 W256 Wagner, Albert; ACCIDENT: Scribner Falling plate glass breaks spine of Wagner, Hortons ribs broken
1321 06/29/1893 4 02 H635 Horton, C. T. (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Scribner Falling plate glass breaks spine of Wagner, Hortons ribs broken
1321 06/29/1893 4 02 M263 McCarthy, John; D-ACCIDENT: Fremont Run over by train at Chaunteau, brother, E. R. McCarthy, picking up body
1321 06/29/1893 4 02 B526 Bancroft (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Crete Secretary of Crete Y.M.C.A. has bike accident
1321 06/29/1893 4 02 R325 Redskin, Joe; D: Winnebago Indian goes on drinking binge
1321 06/29/1893 4 02 S350 Stein, Edmund (Mrs.); FIRE: Clay Center Oil lamp explodes
1321 06/29/1893 4 02 L630 Lord, Carl (7 yrs); D/ACCIDENT: Barley Phosphorus sticks shaped like candy catches fire in childrens pockets, Harry an
1321 06/29/1893 4 02 R160 Roper, Harry (7 yrs) ; D/ACCIDENT: Barley Phosphorus sticks shaped like candy catches fire in childrens pockets, Harry an
1321 06/29/1893 4 02 R160 Roper, Ray (5 yrs) ; D/ACCIDENT: Barley Phosphorus sticks shaped like candy catches fire in childrens pockets, Harry an
1321 06/29/1893 4 02 K523 Kingston, Thomas; CRIME: Stanton Robbed
1321 06/29/1893 4 02 V522 Van Wyck (General); ILLNESS: LLodge Reports denied of possible death
1321 06/29/1893 4 02 B430 Boilot, Peter (Mr. and Mrs.); ACCIDENT: Beatrice Elderly couple severely injured in throw from carriage
1321 06/29/1893 4 04 V522 Van Wyck (General); ILLNESS: Nebraska City Very ill, recent stroke of paralysis
1321 06/29/1893 7 01 J525 Johnson, Hans; EMPLOYMENT: Weeping Water Moving to Lincoln where work secured, family remaining behind
1321 06/29/1893 7 02 S230 Sackett, Kate; M: Family in Weeping Water, married in Tallmadge, Ohio Groom Mr. Talmage
1321 06/29/1893 7 02 T452 Talmage (Mr.); M: Bride has family in Weeping Water, married in Tallmadge Bride Kate Sackett
1321 06/29/1893 7 02 H534 Hindley, Pearl (Son) ; ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Father saves son from drowning
1321 07/06/1893 2 01 B320 Betts, Gorman; CRIME: Weeping Water Sentenced to 2 yrs in prison
1321 07/06/1893 2 02 B452 Blanchard (Colonel); M: Plattsmouth Plattsmouth Herald owner prints newspaper in red for occasion
1321 07/06/1893 2 05 R341 Rudolph, Frank; CRIME: Lincoln Former Utica farmer robbed
1321 07/06/1893 2 07 W452 Williams, Ed; ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Son of brother, Jerry Williams, of Percival, Iowa, injured from attack of jack
1321 07/06/1893 3 02 B632 Beardsley, Mabel; BD: Weeping Water 8th birthday
1321 07/06/1893 3 02 F636 Fredrickson, Andrew; MISC: Weeping Water Home from honeymoon
1321 07/06/1893 3 02 W623 Wright (Mr.); D: Union Body of man drowned at Omaha found in river
1321 07/06/1893 3 03 U135 Upton (Mrs.); CRIME: Liberty Precinct Son, Joe Upton, finds home burglarized, thief caught Mr. Smith
1321 07/06/1893 3 03 B420 Bullis, J. W. (Mr. and Mrs.); MISC: Weeping Water Return from 2 mths visiting
1321 07/06/1893 4 01 R200 Rice, Jim; ACCIDENT: Hebron Injured, thrown from buggy
1321 07/06/1893 4 01 R200 Rice, Charley; ACCIDENT: Hebron Injured, thrown from buggy
1321 07/06/1893 4 01 C512 Combs (Mr.) (Dau., 16 yrs); ACCIDENT: Tecumseh Dau. struck by lightening
1321 07/06/1893 4 01 S620 Shreak, G. W. (Mr.); MENTAL HEALTH : York Admitted to insane asylum
1321 07/06/1893 4 01 W240 Wessel, Charles; CRIME: Humbolt Refused to pay fine for choking grown dau., consigned to sweat box
1321 07/06/1893 4 01 B653 Bryant (Mr.); CRIME: Plainview Poured boiling coffee on wife
1321 07/06/1893 4 01 J525 Jenkins (Mr.); CRIME: Stratton and Lincoln Moved from Stratton to Lincoln on charges of setting fire to St. James Hotel of
1321 07/06/1893 4 01 S364 Sutherland (Mr.); CRIME: Stratton and Lincoln Moved from Stratton to Lincoln on charges of setting fire to St. James Hotel of
1321 07/06/1893 4 01 M253 McIntire (Mr.); CRIME: Stratton and Lincoln Moved from Stratton to Lincoln on charges of setting fire to St. James Hotel of
1321 07/06/1893 4 01 W255 Wickman, Joel; CRIME: Wilburn Prisoners overpower jailer, Wickman, jailer, and Hon. J. N. Van Duyne recapture
1321 07/06/1893 4 01 T416 Tolbert, Ed; CRIME: Bancroft Jailed for stealing harness from J. H. Lovering, escapes, recaptured
1321 07/06/1893 4 01 C516 Chambers, George W.; MISC: Niobrara Street altercation
1321 07/06/1893 4 01 F600 Fry, Ed. A. ; MISC: Niobrara Street altercation
1321 07/06/1893 4 02 B620 Bruch, C. S. (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Holdrege Arm crushed while boarding moving train at David City
1321 07/06/1893 4 02 B400 Belle, T. M. (Rev.); EMPLOYMENT: Beatrice Louisville, Kentucky pastor accepts position at United Brethren Church
1321 07/06/1893 4 02 C514 Campbell (District Clerk); CRIME: Nebraska City Arrests his own 40 yr old dau.
1321 07/06/1893 4 02 M263 McCarthy, George E. ; D-ACCIDENT: Callaway Kicked in stomach by blind horse
1321 07/06/1893 4 02 F400 Foley, T. J. (Mr.); MOVING: Lincoln Co. Moving business Sioux Falls, South Dakota
1321 07/06/1893 4 02 B320 Betts, Gorham F. ; CRIME: Lincoln Sentenced 2 yrs for robbing asylum
1321 07/06/1893 4 02 D320 Diets, A. D. (Mr.) (Dau., 5 yrs.); ILLNESS: Nebraska City Dau. swallows medicine
1321 07/06/1893 4 02 L532 Lundquist, Ganford; CRIME: Agnew Awoke to find man in room, pair struggles, man escapes and arrested by posse
1321 07/06/1893 7 01 F636 Fredrickson, Andrew; M: Weeping Water Married by judge on June 30, 1893 (bride unknown)
1321 07/06/1893 7 01 C624 Churchill, E. P. (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Injured fingers in brickyard machinery
1321 07/06/1893 7 02 B632 Beardsley, T. C. (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Weeping Water Torn ligaments and broken thumb playing baseball
1321 07/06/1893 7 02 T455 Tillman, Joseph (17 yrs); D-DROWNING: Near Weeping Water From McPaul, Iowa
1321 07/06/1893 7 02 N425 Nelson, F. M. (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, F); B: Weeping Water Born July 2, 1893
1321 07/06/1893 7 02 O300 Otte, Fritz (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infant, M); B: Weeping Water Born June 24, 1893
1321 07/06/1893 7 03 160 Baier, Oswald; LEGAL: Nehawka Awarded damages against M. P. Railway for death of wife on December 26, 1889
1321 07/20/1893 3 01 N242 Nichols (Mr. and Mrs.); MOVING: Weeping Water Moving to Nebraska City
1321 07/20/1893 3 01 Y525 Young (Mr. and Mrs.); MOVING: Weeping Water Moving to Nebraska City
1321 07/20/1893 3 01 T645 Thrall (Mr. and Mrs.); MOVING: Weeping Water Moving to Nebraska City
1321 07/20/1893 3 01 C652 Cornish (Mr. and Mrs.); MOVING: Weeping Water Moving to Nebraska City
1321 07/20/1893 3 01 A345 Atwell (Mr. and Mrs.); MOVING: Weeping Water Moving to Nebraska City
1321 07/20/1893 3 01 C220 Cusick, Tom (Mr. and Mrs.); MOVING: Weeping Water Moving to Nebraska City
1321 07/20/1893 3 03 B450 Blume, Harry; MOVING: Weeping Water Clerk and band member moving to Bertrand
1321 07/20/1893 4 01 H135 Hauptman, Anna C.; D: Otoe Co. Resident since 1856 died last week
1321 07/20/1893 4 01 S536 Snyder, Charles; CRIME: Colon Theft of mules, buggy and equipment
1321 07/20/1893 4 01 G600 Gray, Vesta (Miss); EMPLOYMENT: Fremont Notary Public
1321 07/20/1893 4 01 S312 Stubbs, S. C. & Co.; FIRE: Bradshaw Store destroyed by fire
1321 07/20/1893 4 01 B530 Bennett, Oscaar (Son, 9 yrs); D: North Platte Foot caught in stirrup, dragged
1321 07/20/1893 4 01 U361 Utterback (Mr.); EMPLOYMENT: Plattsmouth Principal of Bradshaw School Board
1321 07/20/1893 4 01 S363 Stewart, Albert A.; LEGAL: Omaha Sues Omaha World-Herald for describing him as grave robber
1321 07/20/1893 4 01 S140 Shively, Herbert (19 yrs); D-ACCIDENT: Ames, Dodge Co. Body found after boat sinks on Barnards Lake, Robert Voight survived
1321 07/20/1893 4 01 P362 Peterson, James (Mrs.); MENTAL HEALTH : Aurora Bride of 10 days attempts suicide, nee Nellie Herst of McCook
1321 07/20/1893 4 01 F520 Finck, Fred; D-ACCIDENT: Falls City Killed by falling uprights used in stacking hay
1321 07/20/1893 4 01 T514 Temple (Mr. and Mrs.) (Infants, M, triplets); B: Seneca
1321 07/20/1893 4 01 H634 Hartley, William; CRIME: Nebraska City Foreman of construction of Nebraska Citys big bridge death sentence for killing
1321 07/20/1893 4 01 S512 Simpson, Moses (Son, 16 yrs); D: Hebron Drowned in river, family unable to rescue
1321 07/20/1893 4 01 B650 Brown, Lena ; MENTAL HEALTH: Lincoln Taken to asylum for insane, husband recently sentenced to 1 yr in prison for for
1321 07/20/1893 4 01 B630 Burritt, Reuben ; ACCIDENT: Osceola Stable struck by lightening, father, son and dau. knocked senseless
1321 07/20/1893 4 01 W422 Wilcoxen, W. P. (Mr.) (63 yrs); D-ACCIDENT: Fall from roof while shingling
1321 07/20/1893 4 02 M255 Messman, William; ACCIDENT: Strang Lightening frightens horse, throws son under harvesting sickle, serious cuts
1321 07/20/1893 4 02 G610 Garvey, Sr., Peter; D-ACCIDENT: Hubbard Man 80 yrs from Woodbury Co. found dead along railroad tracks
1321 07/20/1893 4 02 P362 Patterson, Henry; ACCIDENT: Harrison Well digger falls into 200 foot well owned by William Ramsbottom
1321 07/20/1893 4 02 J525 Jameson, W. H. (Mrs.); CRIME: Fremont Tramp knocks wife down, steals food and money
1321 07/20/1893 4 02 H152 Havens, Abbie (15 yrs); D-ACCIENT: Fremont Dau. of W. H. Havens of Fremont dies in Danbury, Iowa after team scares, dress c
1321 07/20/1893 4 02 L652 Lawrence, William; D: Raymond, Lancaster Co. Farm hand of Edward Hollenback struck by lightening
1321 07/20/1893 7 03 624 Rockwell O. T. (Mr. and Mrs.); MOVING: Manley Moving to Weeping Water
1321 07/20/1893 7 03 G416 Gilbert, E. S. (Mrs.); MISC: Weeping Water Varicose vein bursts
1321 07/20/1893 7 03 C615 Crippin, Adaline Palmer; DN: University Place
1321 07/20/1893 7 04 R200 Race, Fred (Mr. and Mrs.); MOVING: Lincoln Moving to Omaha
1321 07/20/1893 7 07 R130 Rivett, Charles; MISC: Elmwood Father and son visiting birthplaces in England
1321 07/20/1893 7 07 R130 Rivett, Albert ; MISC: Elmwood Father and son visiting birthplaces in England
1321 07/20/1893 7 07 R130 Rivett, James; MISC: Lincoln Father visiting
1321 07/27/1893 2 07 A352 Adams, Robert; ACCIDENT: Wabash Fall from scaffold
1321 07/27/1893 2 07 W452 Williams, Fred (Mr. and Mrs.); MOVING: Wabash Moving from Valley Co.
1321 07/27/1893 2 07 C616 Crawford, Jimmy; MISC: Wabash Band played at their home
1321 07/27/1893 3 01 B632 Beardsley, T. C. (Mr.); MISC: Weeping Water Thumb improving
1321 07/27/1893 3 01 M143 Mayfield, E. O. (Gene) (Mr.); MISC: Omaha Son of former newspaper employee bitten by rabid dog
1321 07/27/1893 3 02 K412 Klepser, Andrew (Mr. and Mrs.); B : Weeping Water Steps high these days behind his new baby buggy
1321 07/27/1893 3 02 K645 Karling, Charles; MISC: Weeping Water Awarded prize for jug whittling at party of Myrtle Barnes
1321 07/27/1893 4 01 G650 Green, Mary; MENTAL HEALTH: Douglas Co. Committed to Lincoln insane asylum
1321 07/27/1893 4 01 B634 Bardwell, Herman C. ; ACCIDENT: Lincoln Elevator accident
1321 07/27/1893 4 01 C156 Copenharve, Taylor; ACCIDENT: Violet Lightening kills horses
1321 07/27/1893 4 01 F620 Ferris, John (Son); ACCIDENT: Superior Swallows lye
1321 07/27/1893 4 01 F432 Fields, C. H. (Mr.); ACCIDENT: Taylor Catfish horn injures hand
1321 07/27/1893 4 01 F655 Freeman, Daniel; MISC: Gage Co. Descendent of Christopher Columbus
1321 07/27/1893 4 01 B650 Brown, George; ACCIDENT: Waterloo May lose eyesight from kick in eye by bronco
1321 07/27/1893 4 01 W425 Wilson, Herbert; FIRE: Burchard House and $700 lost in fire
1321 07/27/1893 4 01 S325 Stache (Mr.); MISC: York Business reopened, solvency established
1321 07/27/1893 4 01 H236 Hastret, Nick; LEGAL: Bellwood Order to show cause against Jacob Dennuth for slander of good name
1321 07/27/1893 4 01 L326 Letcher, Nellie; CRIME: Douglas Co. Colored lady released from prison for larceny
1321 07/27/1893 4 01 D120 Dufek, Venzel (Mr.); LEGAL: Dodge Co. Wants to "untie knot" with wife, Barbara Venzel, married 1689 (sic) due to cruel