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DAVID BROWN.DAVID BROWN was elected by the Republicans of Cass and Otoe counties, which constitute the eighth representative district. He was born in the state of Pennsylvania and located in Nebraska in May, 1859. His family consists of a wife and one son, now grown. He resides in Nebraska City, is engaged in the real estate business and farming; was postmaster of his home town five years, member of the city council, and is now serving his third term as member of the Republican state central committee. He was elected state senator in 1870.. |
C. M. BROWN.C. M. BROWN from Cambridge, Furnas county, is the Republican representative in the lower house from the sixty-fourth district. He was born in Steuben county, Indiana, February 2, 1859, and came from that state to Nebraska in the month of September, 1881. He was married to Miss Clara Cone, and they have four children. Mr. Brown is engaged in the banking business in his home town, Cambridge, and has never before held any public office. He is a graduate of Hillsdale College, Michigan, class of 1881. |
VACLAV BURESH.VACLAV BURESH, one of the Republican representatives from Douglas county, was born in Bohemia, November 28, 1859, and came to Nebraska from Iowa in the year 1886. He married Jennie B. Letorsky, and they have one boy and one girl. Mr. Buresh is secretary and treasurer of the Pokrok Publishing Company, and resides in the city of Omaha. His company publishes a weekly newspaper in the Bohemian language, which has a large circulation with that nationality in Nebraska, and especially in Douglas county. Mr. Buresh has been an active worker in the ranks of the Republican party for a number of years. |
J. R. CAIN, JR.J. R. CAIN, Jr., Republican member of the lower house, from the first district, Richardson county, was born at Falls City, Neb., August 4, 1876. He was married August 24, 1898, to Minnie Haggard and has one child, a girl. Mr. Cain is assistant cashier of the State Bank at Stella, was mayor, and is at present city treasurer. is a Knight Templar and master of the Masonic lodge at Stella. His district was carried by the Bryan electors by thirty-eight majority, and Mr. Cain's majority was one hundred fifty-six. |
J. T. CALKINS.J. T. CALKINS, Populist member of the house of representatives from Saline county, the thirty-first district, was born March 28, 1869, and came from Wisconsin to this state in the year 1879. He married Mollie Hoschouer, December 28, 1892, is engaged in farming and stock-raising, and has never before held public office, until elected to serve his district in the twenty-seventh session of the Nebraska Legislature. His present post-office address is Friend, Saline county. |
C. F. COFFEE.C. F. COFFEE, Democratic member of the lower house, hails from Chadron, Dawes county. He represents the counties of Sheridan, Dawes, Box Butte, and Sioux, which comprise the fifty-third district. He was born in the state of Missouri, March 22, 1847, and came to Nebraska from Wyoming in 1879, having gone from Missouri to Texas in the year 1865 and from there to Wyoming in the year 1871. He is engaged in the stock business, and has a wife, two boys, and one girl. This is his first experience in public office. Mr. Coffee received the unanimous vote for the long term for United States Senator cast by the fusion members. |
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