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WILLIAM H. HORTON.WILLIAM H. HORTON, member of the lower house from Cherry and Keya Paha counties, the fifty-second district, is a Republican and was born February 16, 1861, in Marion county, Iowa, coming from that state to Nebraska in the year 1883. He resides at Springview, Keya Paha county, where he is engaged in the real estate business. Was married to Emma E. Hymer, in 1872; has four children. Has held no public office before, and was admitted to practice law in the year 1887. |
W. B. HOUSEHOLDER.W. B. HOUSEHOLDER, elected from the counties of Webster and Adams, which is the forty-sixth representative district, is a Populist and was born September 10, 1851, in Fulton county, Pennsylvania, near Hagerstown, Md. He came from Illinois in the year 1878 and settled on a farm in Webster county, where he still resides. Mr. Householder has a wife and twelve children, two boys and ten girls, all at home. He never attended any other than a district school, has been a member of the school board for twenty years, was one of the founders of the Populist party, and one of its leaders ever since. |
C. H. HOY.C. H. HOY, from Polk county, represents the thirty-ninth district in the lower branch of the Legislature, and is a Populist. He was born in Guernsey county, Ohio, July 2, 1863, coming to Nebraska from Illinois in the year 1871. Mr. Hoy is a single man and engaged in farming and stockraising. His address is Silver Creek, Polk county. Has affiliated with the Peoples' Independent party since the year 1892, and is a firm believer in the principles of that party. |
GEORGE C. HUMPHREY.GEORGE C. HUMPHREY, from Doniphan, Hall county, represents the Republicans of the forty-seventh district in the lower house. He was born in Athens county, Ohio, January 28, 1846, and cast his first vote for Abraham Lincoln, coming from Ohio to Iowa in June, 1886, and locating in this state on a homestead in Hall county in the year 1874. He is married and the father of nine children, eight of whom are living. Mr. Humphrey is a farmer and stock-raiser; was a member of the board of supervisors in 1874-5 and chairman of the board in the latter year. He enlisted in the War of the Rebellion, November 14, 1861, in Co. B, 75th Ohio Vol. inf., and was honorably discharged May 19, 1865. |
CARY M. HUNT.CARY M. HUNT, Democratic member of the house of representatives from Douglas county, was born in Delaware county, Ohio, October 15, 1838, and came from Colorado to this state in the year 1879. Mr. Hunt is engaged in the real estate business and is in easy financial circumstances. His family consists of wife and four children, all grown, one son and three daughters. He resides in South Omaha and was for several years president of the Packers Savings Bank, and was city treasurer of the hustling packing center for one term. Mr. Hunt is a stalwart Democrat of the Jefferson-Bryan type. |
C. W. HUNTER.C. W. HUNTER, elected by the Fusion forces of the forty-eighth representative district, Howard county, was born in Washington county, Ohio, in September, 1851, and came to this state from Missouri in the year 1884. He was married to Ellen Jinkins in October, 1883, resides at St. Paul, Howard county, where he is engaged in farming and stock-raising. This is Mr. Hunter's first experience in public office. |
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