SECTION 1: The Early Days | SECTION 2: More Early Days |
SECTION 3: Omaha in 1870 | SECTION 4: Present Day (1882) |
SECTION 5: Crimes | SECTION 6: Fires and Public Works |
SECTION 7: Health, Parks, Mail | SECTION 8: The Press in Omaha |
SECTION 9: Press Continued | SECTION 10: Religious |
SECTION 11: Religious (cont.) | SECTION 12: Cemetery and Schools |
SECTION 13: Legal and Medical | SECTION 14: Opera House-Hotels-Business |
SECTION 15: Societies |
Temperance Societies | Miscellaneous Societies
SECTION 17: Business | |
SECTION 18: Manufacturing | SECTION 19: Manufacturing (cont.) |
SECTIONS 20 - 46: |
Omaha Temple of Honor and Temperance, No. 26, was instituted October 24, 1878, by Adna H. Bowen, of Juniata, Nebraska, and D. H. Wheeler of Plattsmouth. Meetings are held in Clark's Hall, corner of Dodge and Fourteenth streets every Wednesday evening. The officers are: J. W. Willis, W. C. T.; G. T. Kennedy, W. V. S.; J. J. Points, W. R.; C. Jerome Browne, W. F. R.; O. S. Wood, D. W. T.; W. Kemp, W. M.; H. L. Kennedy, W. D. M.; Frank W. Hill, W. A. R.; N. G. Edwards, W. R. S.; F. M. Sparling, W. L. S.; C. Engle, W. I. S.; W. D. Jones, W. O. S. Omaha Red Ribbon Club was organized November 7, 1878. Meetings are held every alternate Sunday afternoon at Clark's Hall. The officers are W. L. Peabody, Pres.; W. F. Flynn, Thomas H. Latey, George W. Clemens, Vice-Presidents; C. Jerome Browne, Sec.; S. H. Rice, Treas.; W. E. Beckley, Chap. Omaha Lodge No. 141, I. O. G. T., was chartered in October, 1878. It has a membership of about one hundred, and meetings are held every Tuesday evening at 1211 Farnam street. The officers are: G. Stevenson, Lodge Deputy; C. P. Edwards, P. W. C. T.; George W. Beard, W. C. T.; Mollie Bonner, W. V. T.; Robert Wallace, W. R. S.; Lillie Willis, A. R. S.; D. Bowman, W. F. S.; Mrs. B. F. Baker, W. Treas.; Mrs. W. H. Bonner, W. Chap.; Abner Kohr, W. M.; Ellen Goodyear, W. I. G.; Evart Archibald, W. S.; Susie Bonner, R. H. S.; Emma Mores, L. H. S.; Lettie Charles, W. D. M. Rough Ashler Lodge, No. 74 (colored).--The first organization of Free-masons among the colored men of Nebraska, occurred in April, 1870, when the above named lodge was organized under authority of King Solomon's Grand Lodge of Kansas. It was then known as W. D. Mathews Lodge, No. 8, and its first officers under the dispensation were R. D. Curry, W. M.; Nelson Ockrey, S. W.; James H. Curry, J. W.; Jesse Bishop, Treas.; F. Duget, Sec.; David Smith, S. D.; George K. Hall, J. D.; David Beard, Tiler. This lodge received its warrant in October, 1871, under which its first officers were William B. Payton, W. M.; H. W. Cosley, S. W.; James H. Curry, J. W.; Frank Duget, Sec.; R. D. Curry, Treas.; David Beard, S. D.; George K. Hall, J. D.; Jesse Bishop. Tiler. In November, 1877, after receiving a dispensation from Moses Dixon, M. W. G. M., of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, the W. D. Mathews Lodge, by unanimous vote, surrendered her warrant and affix received from the Grand Lodge of Kansas, since which time it has been known as Rough Ashler Lodge No. 74. The officers of the lodge as newly constituted were E. R. Overall, W. M.; John Sly, S. W.; John H. Craig, J.. W.; James H. Curry, Sec.; William B. Payton, Treas.; Charles Butler, S. D.; Horace Kinney, J. D.; Michael Dance, Tiler. The Lodge received its warrant from the Grand Lodge of Missouri in August, 1878. Its present officers are E. R. Overall. W. M.; David H. Johnson, S. W.; Horace Kinney, J. W.; E. S. Clellans, Sec.; William B. Payton, Treas.; Jesse Newman, S. D.; Daniel Robinson, J. D.; William Morrison, Tiler. It now has a membership of twenty-four, and their meetings are held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month, at their hall, No. 222 N. Sixteenth street. Queen Ester's Court No. 31 (colored), was organized February 3, 1877. Its first officers were Mrs. Margaret L. Overall, M. A. M.; E. R. Overall, M. W. J.; Mrs. Mary Stephenson, Sec.; Mrs. H. R. Hill, Treas.; Mrs. Mary Jane Kinney, I. G. K.; Mrs. Hannah J. Butler, O. G. K.; I. W. Cook, William H. Butler and John S. Craig, Directors. The present officers are Mrs. Mary E. Porter, M. A. M.; E. S. Clellans, M. W. J.; Mrs. Eliza Williams, Sec.; Mrs. Ophelia Clellans, Treas.; Mrs. Gabriel Young, I. G. K.; Mrs.. J. M. Watt, O. G. K.; Frank Nott, Alvin Duval and John Watt, Directors. The court has a membership of eighteen and their meetings are held on the second and fourth Thursday of each month at 222 N. Sixteenth street. The Omaha Chess Club was organized in 1879, with Julius Meyer, Pres.; Henry Hickman, Vice-Pres.; Alfred Sorenson, Sec.; Charles Huntington, Treas.; George Baker, Referee. The club consists of twenty-five of the leading citizens of Omaha. Their tournaments last from December 1, to April 1, of each year. The present officers are the same as those named above. The Philomathean Club was organized October 15, 1881. Its object is the promotion of classic music. The officers are Julius Meyer, Manager; George F. Sauer, Musical Director. The members of the club are Julius Meyer, George F. Sauer, G. Shulz, Martin Cahn, and George F. Mayer. The Musical Union Orchestra was organized in April 1881. It now has twenty-seven members with Julius Meyer, Pres. and Manager; E. Schneider, Secretary; S. Hoffman, Director; George F. Sauer, Concert Master. The Terpsichorean Club (social) was organized in December, 1881. Its officers are: T. H. Cotter, Pres.; Joseph McCaffrey, V. Pres.; Henry Bushman, Treas.; Ed. Shelby, Sec. The Hebrew Benevolent Society was organized March 6, 1881. The object of the association is to furnish aid to worthy resident Israelites, and to those who may need assistance in passing through the city, and to provide a poor and sick fund. It has a membership of about fifty persons. Its officers are: P. Gottheimer, Pres.; Mrs. A. Cahn, V. Pres.; A. Heller, Sec.; A. Cahn, Treas. The Society meets the first Sunday of every third month at Standard Hall. Trustees -- M. Goldsmith, C. Schlank, Julius Meyer, Mrs. A. Heller, Mrs. M. Goldsmith, Mrs. M. Hellman. The Omaha Zither Club (musical) was organized October 21, 1880. It is composed of twelve active members, and its meetings are held every Thursday evening. The officers are: J. T. Festner, Pres.; H. Lehmann, Sec. And Treas.; Prof. August Walther, Director. The Imperial Club (social) was organized in 1877. Its officers are A. Traynor, Pres.; J. C. Wilkinson, first V. Pres.; W. O. Saunders, Second V. Pres.; Ed. Haney, Treas. The Executive Committee consists of A. McKenzie, D. E. Hume, A. Hospe, A. Rosewater, J. C. Wilkinson, J. T. Festner, Ed. Haney and A. Traynor. Their meetings are held at Hospe's Hall on the first Wednesday of each month. The Omaha Mænnerchor was organized February, 1, 1872 with Phillip Metz, Pres.; John Flag, Sec.; John Feller, Treas. It now has fifty members. Their meetings are held twice a week for exercises in singing. The present officers are Ed. Wirth, Pres.; H. Rosenzweig, V. Pres.; John Boekhoff, Sec.; H. Hoessli, Librarian, William Aust, Treas.; George Linde, Ed. Maurer and John Baumer, Trustees. Meet first Monday in each month. A hall has been furnished at a cost of $900. It is located over Elguetters, on Farnam street. The Omaha Turnverein was instituted January 26, 1873. Regular meetings are held monthly and for gymnastic exercises semi-weekly. the present officers are: H. F. Wilrodt, Pres.; C. Rosacker, V. Pres.; H. Kessler, Recording Sec.; C. Metz, Cor. Sec.; Herman Besselin, first Turnwart; Robert Rosenzweig, second Turnwart. It has a membership of sixty-five. The Omaha Glee Club was organized November 20, 1880. It was then known as the "Garfield and Arthur Glee Club," but after the presidential campaign the name was changed to the Omaha Glee Club. It now has a membership of twenty. Many of the members of this club were originally members of the "Arion Club," now defunct. Their meetings are held on every Tuesday evening. The officers are: L. S. Reed, Pres.; J. L. Smith, V. Pres.; John R. Manchester, Treas.; A. D. Morris, Sec.; F. S. Smith, Music Director. The Standard Club (social) was instituted in October, 1876, with Julius Meyer, Pres.; A. Cahn, V. Pres.; A. Pollack, Treas.; George Rau, Sec. They have fitted up a hall in the third story of Barker's Block, on Fifteenth street, at a cost of about $1,000. Each member at its organization contributed $30 for this purpose. The club has a membership of fifty, and their meetings are held monthly. The present officers are: A. Heller, Pres.; Julius Meyer, V. Pres.; henry Baswitz, Sec.; Henry Pundt, Treas.; Max Meyer, M. Goldsmith, J. R. Manchester, Trustees. The Concordia Singing Society was organized September 20, 1868. The officers are: Henry Schwabe, Pres.; Henry Pundt, V. Pres.; Louis Raapke, Sec.; John Erck, Treas.; Warner Boehl, Librarian; William Sievers, Standard Bearer. The society now numbers about forty members and their meetings for business transactions are held monthly; for singing exercises semi-weekly. They have a rented hall in Max Meyer's building on Farnam street. The Belles Lettres Club was organized February 1, 1879. The first officers were: John I. Redick, Pres.; Mrs. John I. Redick, V. Pres.; Mrs. J. J. Dickey, Treas.; Mrs. James Van Ostrand, Sec.; Gustavus Stevenson, Director, and Critic of vocal and physical elocution. Mr. Stevenson was subsequently elected Secretary and has officiated in that capacity since. The club was instituted with about twenty members, and the present membership numbers thirty. The object of the establishment of this club was the view to the attainment of superiority and excellence of elocution, by educating the harmony of expression, both vocal and physical. Their meetings are held at the private residences of its members on each Tuesday evening. The present officers are: John L. Webster, Pres. Mrs. George Thrall, V. Pres.; Mrs. Howard B. Smith, Treas.; Gustavus Stevenson, Sec. and Critic; Nathan Shelton, Cor. Sec.; Mrs. John L. Webster, Mrs. H. Shelton, Mrs. W. H. Burns, Frank Shelton, Warren Switzler and George Thrall, Executive Committee. The North Star Society was organized April 1, 1872. Meetings are held every Wednesday evening at 214 South Twelfth street. The present membership numbers about fifteen. The object of the society is to procure a poor and sick fund for the benefit to its members. The officers are: S. J. Bergstrom, Pres.; E. G. Lundquest, V. Pres.; E. M. Stenburg, Sec.; G. A. Lindquest, Treas. Cigarmakers' Union No. 93 was granted a charter by the International Union October 20, 1881. All the officers of the union act as the executive board. The union now numbers forty-five members. The officers are: F. W. Schneider, Pres.; J. F. Johnson, V. Pres.; N. Philbrick, Rec. Sec.; T. H. Hoester, Fin. Sec.; A. T. Sigwart, Cor. Sec.; A. H. L. Schroeder, Treas.; George Mylhausen, Sergeant-at-arms. The Burns Club was organized March 20, 1872, with David Knox, Pres.; A. D. McAusland, V. Pres.; William Fleming, Sec.; James Bell, Treas.; Charles E. Tennent, Mitchell Fleming, Robert Adamson, councilmen. The object of this club is to cultivate feelings of mutual friendship and respect among Scotchmen in Nebraska generally; for the preservation of the ancient literature and the encouragement and practice of the ancient games of Scotland; for the establishment of a library and the employment of lecturers before the club; and also to commemorate historical and national events. The club has a membership of thirty-seven, and their meetings are held at Hospe's Hall, on Dodge street, on the second Wednesday evening of each month. The officers are Thomas Falconer, Pres.; John Wilson, V. Pres.; A. C. Troup, Sec.; Thomas Meldrun, Treas.; David Knox, John C. Moodie, William Fleming, Councilmen. Chosen Friends Excelsior Council No. 1.--This Society was organized May 3, 1881. Its first officers were: Charles H. Godfrey, P. G. C.; Edgar P. Davis, C. C.; Robert H. Baliman, Chief Councillor; Charles H. Klopp, Recorder; H. Jacobson, Financier; Joseph B. West, Treas.; William Neve, Prelate; George B. Swartz, Marshal; William Armstrong, Warden; John Wessberg, Sentry; J. R. Crigler, Guide. The society has a fair membership and is in a prosperous condition. Knights of Honor--Omaha Lodge, No. 829, was organized in December, 1877. Meetings are held every Thursday evening at Central Hall, 1321 Douglas street. Its present officers are: Thomas Falconer, D.; Samuel Rees, P. D.; D. S. M. Fretwell, V. D.; Nicholas Ittner, A. D.; J. O. Corby, C.; W. E. Armstrong, G.; Thomas G. Magrane, R.; Lorin D. Keyes, F. R.; Charles Landrock, C. P.; T. Bertelsen, G.; Cyrus Kimmell, S.; Dr. Joseph Neville, M. E.; Thomas G. Magrane, G. L. R.; C. J. Menter, A. L. R.; Dr. J. R. Conkling, W. J. Kennedy, J. S. Gibson, T. Royal Arcanum Pioneer Council, No. 118, was chartered in July, 1878. Its officers are: G. W. Gray, R.; D. S. M. Fretwell, V. R.; L. A. Groff, O.; Thomas J. Magrane, Sec.; H. Jacobson, C.; A. H. Sander, jr., Treas.; Edward A. Parmlee, C.; J. U. Gridley, Guide; John Heneille, W.; C. L. Fritchie, S.; C. S. Goodrich, P. R. K. S. B. Association, Star of the West Lodge No. 146, was chartered in 1874. The meetings are held on the second and fourth Sundays in each month. The officers are: E. Simon, Pres.; L. Levi, V.-Pres.; H. Baswitz, Condr.; S. Trostler, Sec.; F. Adler, Asst. Sec.; S. Richenburg, Treas.; S. Brown, G.; H. Baswitz, S. Jacobs, I. Reuben, T. Order of Railway Conductors--Omaha Division, No. 35, was organized in June, 1875. Their meetings are held on the first Sunday of each month at 1211 Farnam street. The officers are: Harry Gilmore, C. C.; Benjamin Lebourveau, A. C. C.; E. J. Stoul, Sr., C. C.; John S. Weisman, Jr., C. C.; J. H. O'Brien, P. C. C.; C. E. Mackabee, I. S.; George H. Ransom, O. S.; W. W. Hinkley, Sec. And Treas. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers--Omaha Division, No. 183, was chartered in 1874. Their meetings are held on Saturdays, at 1211 Farnam Street. The officers are: T C. Livingstone, C. E.; N. Weeks, F. E.; W. H. Van Noy, F. A. E.; B. C. Howard, of Grand Island, Sec. of Ins. Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen--Missouri River Lodge, No. 84, was chartered in 1878. Their meetings are held on the first and third Saturdays of each month, at 1211 Farnam street. The officers are: D. B. Hines, M.; William Atkinson, R. S.; Thomas Barry, F. S. and T.; J. W. Lowry, M. A. The Omaha Timber and Homestead Colony was established in March, 1878. The object of the organization of the Colony is for the purpose of facilitating the locating and entering, within the State of Nebraska, Government and timber homesteads, and to procure for and protect its members in the enjoyment of all the benefits under the homestead laws. The first officers were; John W. Nichols, Pres.; M. T. Murphy, V. Pres.; George Brown, Cor. Sec.; L. A. Steele, Finl. Sec.; Joseph Redman, Treas.; A. F. Wilgoski, S. The present officers are: M. T. Murphy, Pres.; H. A. Moe, V.-Pres.; E. R. Overall, Cor. Sec. P. J. Johnson, Finl. Sec.; Charles E. Bruner, Treas.; G. H. McGee, S. The colony has a membership of fifty-two and they hold meetings the first Wednesday of each month. In 1881 the colony planted upwards of 300,000 trees in Antelope County, where most of their claims are made. The Omaha Electric Company was organized in May, 1879. This company furnishes electrical supplies throughout Nebraska and Wyoming Territory. It was organized for the express purpose of constructing and operating a telephone exchange. Its officers are the same as are the officers of THE TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, which was established by the Electric Company in June, 1879. The general office at present, as well as at its organization, is in the Union Pacific Railroad Block, corner of Farnam and Nineteenth streets. Soon after its organization, poles were put up on most of the principal streets of the city. The first subscribers were Max Meyer & Brother, dealers in Jewelry and musical instruments at 1024 Farnam street. The first number of subscribers was seventy-five, and the number at present is about 400. This exchange also operates the Telephone Exchange at Council Bluffs, the two offices being in direct connection. At present the exchange owns and operates 260 miles of wire in the city of Omaha. Thirteen persons are employed at a daily compensation of about $25. The capital stock amounts to $25,000. The present officers of the exchange are: C. W. Mead, President; J. J. Dickey, Vice President and General Manager; L. H. Korty, Secretary and Treasurer; S. H. H. Clark, A. E. Touzalin, Directors; John G. Morse, Superintendent. The Child's Hospital Association was organized on the 19th of October, 1881. The constitution and by-laws were prepared by Bishop Clarkson, and provided for incorporation under the laws of Nebraska, "so as to enable this institution to acquire and hold property and receive bequests and legacies," looking to the permanent organization of a charity which must commend itself to all classes of people. It is not within the management of any single church, but the officers and board of managers consist of representatives from all denominations present at the organization, and are as follows: President, Mrs. Bishop Clarkson; Vice-PresidentS, Mrs. M. B. Barr, Mrs. J. W. Savage, Mrs. J. B. Jardine, Secretary, Mrs. A. J. Poppleton; Treasurer, Mrs. J. M. Thurston. Board of Directors--Mrs. John Williams, Miss France, Mrs. G. W. Doane, Mrs. J. M. Woolworth, Mrs. M. E. Backus, Mrs. Charles Powell, Mrs. F. H. Davis, Mrs. C. H. Frederick, Mrs. J. N. H. Patrick, Mrs. M. E. Hayden, Mrs. C. S. Montgomery, Mrs. A. Patterson, Mrs. Webster Snyder, Mrs. G. E. Pritchett, Miss Childs. The building to be used, temporarily, as a hospital, occupies a portion of the Episcopal Church property, on Dodge street, between Seventeenth and Eighteenth, and has been tendered for the use of the association until the 1st of April, 1882, and possibly longer, should the ground not be needed for other purposes. Through the generosity of a few persons, it has been put in thorough repair and partially furnished. The rent and matron's salary have also been provided for, and six memorial beds have been donated, complete in all their appointments, to be kept up by their donors. This hospital will be opened for patients as soon as it can be made ready, and will be supported by voluntary offerings of money or articles of subsistence necessary to carry it on from day to day. |