Andreas' History of the State of Nebraska

Otoe County Names
Produced by Ted & Carole Miller and Connie Snyder.
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Sackley, Albert North Branch Precinct
Sackley, Etta North Branch Precinct
Sackley, H. E. North Branch Precinct
Sackley, Robert North Branch Precinct
Sanborn, John B. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Sanford, Byron Nebr. City: Incorporation
Sanford, Gen. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Sapp, W. F. War Record
Sargeant, D. A. Nebr. City: Mfg. Interests
Sargent, D. A. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Sargent, Emma Dunbar: Education
Sargent, Ida E. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Sarpy, Peter A. (Col.) Early Settlement
Satory, Louis Nebr. City: Fire Department
Satterly, Phoebe Jane Berlin Precinct
Satterly, Robert Berlin Precinct
Satterly, Robert Scott Berlin Precinct
Saunders, George Unadilla: Biographical Sketches
Saunders, Gov. War Record
Saunders, J. M. Unadilla: Societies
Saunders, Samuel Nebr. City: Early Settlement
Saunders, W. Unadilla
Saunders, William Unadilla: Biographical Sketches
Saunders, William Unadilla: Societies
Schmidt, Carrie Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Schmidt, H. K. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Schmidt, H. K. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Schmidt, Henry Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Schmidt, Willie Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Schminke, Augusta Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Schminke, Charles Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Schminke, Dora A. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Schminke, Dr. Nebr. City: Education
Schminke, Emma M. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Schminke, J. C. Nebr. City: Societies
Schminke, J. C. (M.D.) Otoe County Medical Society
Schminke, Josephina Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Schminke, Kate Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Schminke, Louisa Paulina Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Schminke, Paul County Representation
Schminke, Paul Nebr. City: Education
Schminke, Paul Nebr. City: Official Roster
Schminke, Paul Nebr. City: Government Offices
Schminke, Paul Nebr. City: Societies
Schminke, Paul Nebr. City: Public Buildings
Schminke, Paul Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Schminke, William Nebr. City: Mfg. Interests
Schminke, William D. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Schmitz, Annie R. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Schmitz, Henry Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Schonheim, Miss Anna Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Schrider, Anna Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Schubert, Cornelius Nebr. City: Early Settlement
Schumaker, F. (Rev.) Nebr. City: Religion
Scott, Bishop Nebr. City: Religion
Scott, C. W. Nebr. City: Education
Scoville, Miss Mary Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Seeley, Miss Ida Palmyra: Biographical Sketches
Seeley, Mrs. M. Palmyra: Societies
Seeley, S. S. Palmyra: Societies
Seigel, David Nebr. City: Official Roster
Seitz, Casimer (Rev.) Nebr. City: Religion
Sellhorn, F. Nebr. City: Societies
Sessions, H. M. Nebr. City: Education
Severe, Conway Palmyra
Seymour, Annie Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Seymour, C. W. County Representation
Seymour, C. W. Nebr. City: Religion
Seymour, C. W. Nebr. City: Societies
Seymour, Charles W. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Seymour, E. Nebr. City: Hotels
Seymour, E. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Seymour, John Nebr. City: Hotels
Seymour, Lillie M. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Seymour, Miss Nebr. City: Education
Seymour, Otto L. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Shack (slave) Nebr. City: Early Settlement
Shackelford, W. J. Nebr. City: Societies
Shackman, David Nebr. City: Societies
Shade (slave) Nebr. City: Early Settlement
Shadsey, Frank Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Shanahan, J. H. Syracuse: Societies
Shaw, H. C. (Rev.) Nebr. City: Education
Sheckler, Ann (Mrs.) Old Settlers' Association
Sheckler, Mrs. Ann Old Settlers' Association
Sheer, Joseph Nebr. City: Societies
Sheldon, E. H. Nebr. City: Education
Sheldon, Edward Nebr. City: Official Roster
Sheldon, Henrietta Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Sheldon, Jane M. Otoe Precinct
Sheldon, Mrs. H. Nebr. City: Societies
Shepherd, John Osage Precinct
Sherfey, C. W. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Sherfey, Charles Emory Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Sherfey, Eulalia Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Sherfey, Irene Belle Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Sherfy, C. W. Nebr. City: The Press
Sherfy, Carrie Rand Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Sherman, C. A. (Rev.) Nebr. City: Religion
Sherman, Gen. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Shewell, H. N. Nebr. City: Banks
Shewell, H. N. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Shewell, Hattie T. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Shewell, James T. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Shoemaker, B. H. Syracuse: Societies
Shoemaker, Burton H. Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Shoff, Jacob Nebr. City: Fires
Shoff, Jacob Nebr. City: Hotels
Shoff, Mr. Nebr. City: Fires
Shores, J. F. (Rev.) Nebr. City: Religion
Showalter, Ferdinand Unadilla: Biographical Sketches
Showalter, Mr. Unadilla: Biographical Sketches
Showalter, S. G. Unadilla: Biographical Sketches
Showalter, S. G. Unadilla: Societies
Showalter, Silas G. Unadilla: Biographical Sketches
Showers, M. A. Dunbar: Events and Items
Shurfey, J. Nebr. City: Education
Shurfey, Mr. Nebr. City: Education
Sibley, S. P. County Representation
Sibley, S. P. Nebr. City: Official Roster
Sibley, S. P. Nebr. City: Religion
Sibley, S. P. (Mrs.) Old Settlers' Association
Sichl, M. Nebr. City: Public Buildings
Siegel, Mr. Nebr. City: Fires
Sigourney, Mrs. L. H. Nebr. City: Religion
Silsby, H. C. Nebr. City: Fire Department
Sim, Francis County Representation
Sim, Frank Old Settlers' Association
Sim, Mr. Old Settlers' Association
Sim, Mrs. Frances Old Settlers' Association
Simon, C. A. Nebr. City: Religion
Simons, J. Nebr. City: Societies
Simpson, Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Simpson, C. M. Unadilla: Societies
Simpson, Duke W. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Simpson, Miss Nebr. City: Education
Simpson, Miss Bettie J. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Simpson, N. L. Nebr. City: Official Roster
Simpson, N. L. Nebr. City: Trans. & Telegraphs
Simpson, N. L. Unadilla: Biographical Sketches
Simpson, N. S. County Roster
Simpson, N. S. Nebr. City: Societies
Simpson, R. D. Nebr. City: Trans. & Telegraphs
Sinsabaugh, L. E. Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Sinsabaugh, L. E. Syracuse: Societies
Sinsabaugh, L. E. Syracuse
Sinsabaugh, L. E. North Branch Precinct
Sinsabaugh, William Syracuse
Skaggs, H. H. Palmyra: Religion
Skinkle, Miss Belle Syracuse
Slade, George E. Palmyra: Business
Slawson, E. B. Palmyra: Societies
Sloan, James R. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Sloan, W. T. County Roster
Sloan, W. T. Nebr. City: Religion
Sloan, W. T. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Sloan, William B. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Sloan, William T. Nebr. City: Official Roster
Sloan, William T. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Sloan, Willie Maud Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Slocumb, Charles Nebr. City: Criminal
Slocumb, Mrs. Nebr. City: Criminal
Slosson, Cora Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Slosson, E. B. Palmyra: Biographical Sketches
Slosson, Fred Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Slosson, Harry Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Slosson, T. D. Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Slosson, T. D. Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Slosson, W. C. Syracuse: Societies
Slosson, W. C. Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Smith, A. M. Nebr. City: Societies
Smith, Bartlett Dunbar
Smith, Byron L. Nebr. City: Mfg. Interests
Smith, C. H. Nebr. City: Societies
Smith, Delazon Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Smith, George S. Nebr. City: Criminal
Smith, Hiram Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Smith, Hiram Chester Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Smith, J. S. (Rev.) Nebr. City: Religion
Smith, J. T. (Rev.) Nebr. City: Religion
Smith, Jared Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Smith, Joseph Nebr. City: Religion
Smith, Joseph Wilson Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Smith, M. D. Dunbar: Societies
Smith, Milton North Branch Precinct
Smith, Miss Ellen A. Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Smith, Miss Jennie Dunbar: Societies
Smith, Miss Ruth McWilliams Precinct
Smith, Pamella G. Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Smith, Peter Nebr. City: Fire Department
Smith, R. L. Palmyra: Business
Smith, R. L. Palmyra
Smith, Rev. Mr. Nebr. City: Religion
Smith, S. E. County Roster
Smith, W. B. Palmyra
Smith, W. W. Nebr. City: Religion
Snyder, John Syracuse: Societies
Soaper, William W. Nebr. City: Incorporation
Sollenberger, Jacob County Representation
Sollonberger, Jacob Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Sousley, Belle Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Sousley, Gertrude Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Sousley, J. R. Ferry & Transfer Companies
Sousley, J. R. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Sousley, Mattie Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Spangler, August Nebr. City: Fire Department
Specht, F. M. Syracuse: Religion
Spencer, Miss Ella Nebr. City: Societies
Spengler, Line Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Spotted Tail Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Spry, W. J. Old Settlers' Association
Spurlock, Miss Irene Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Sroat, Alice Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Sroat, Bertha E. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Sroat, Edith Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Sroat, G. W. Old Settlers' Association
Sroat, George Nebr. City: Education
Sroat, George N. Nebr. City: The Press
Sroat, George N. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Sroat, George W. County Roster
Sroat, George W. Old Settlers' Association
Sroat, George W. Nebr. City: Incident of the Panic
Sroat, George W. Nebr. City: Early Settlement
Sroat, George W. Nebr. City: Official Roster
Sroat, George W. Nebr. City: Mfg. Interests
Sroat, George W. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Sroat, Grace E. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Sroat, Irving H. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Sroat, Paul H. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Stahlhut, C. W. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Stahlhut, Clara Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Stahlhut, Emily Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Stahlhut, Fred Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Stanbro, William Syracuse: Societies
Stanbro, William Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Stanley, Miss Aurilla Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Staples, Miss Maggie A. Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Stebbins, Miss Mary Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Stebbins, Mr. Dunbar: Events and Items
Steele, J. T. Palmyra: Societies
Steele, Miss S. E. Nebr. City: Education
Steele, Miss Sarah E. Nebr. City: Education
Steele, William Palmyra: Societies
Steinhart, Anna Virginia Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Steinhart, J. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Steinhart, John Nebr. City: Societies
Steinhart, John W. Nebr. City: Banks
Steinhart, John W. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Steinhart, Mary Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Steinhart, Robert E. Lee Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Stephens, Julia F. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Stephenson, Josephine Osage Precinct
Steptoe, Edward (Col.) Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Sterling, Emeline Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Stevens, Thaddeus Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Stevenson, Emma Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Stevenson, Fannie Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Stevenson, Granville L. Nebr. City: Societies
Stevenson, Harry Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Stevenson, John Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Stevenson, Nellie Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Stevenson, O. County Roster
Stevenson, Oliver County Representation
Stevenson, Oliver Nebr. City: Elevators
Stevenson, Olla Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Stevenson, S. J. Nebr. City: Societies
Stevenson, S. J. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Stevenson, Samuel Nebr. City: Societies
Stevenson, T. B. County Representation
Stevenson, Thomas Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Stevenson, Thomas B. Nebr. City: Official Roster
Stevenson, Thomas B. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Stewart, Robert W. (Capt.) Early Settlement
Stickle, Miss E. B. Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Still, Miss Sarah Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Stoll, James W. Nebr. City: Incorporation
Stolz, Dennis (Rev.) Nebr. City: Religion
Stone, B. F. Unadilla: Biographical Sketches
Stone, C. J. Delaware Precinct
Stone, Miss Eliza Palmyra: Biographical Sketches
Stone, W. B. Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Stone, W. B. Syracuse
Stone, William H. Palmyra: Biographical Sketches
Stoner, Eli Unadilla: Societies
Stooker, F. J. Nebr. City: Official Roster
Stooker, Mr. Nebr. City: Mfg. Interests
Stoughton, Ethel A. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Stoughton, J. C. (Rev.) Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Stout, A. County Roster
Strain, R. Syracuse: Societies
Strater, Rienzi County Roster
Stratton, Robert Old Settlers' Association
Straub, V. Nebr. City: Public Buildings
Street, A. W. Nebr. City: Trans. & Telegraphs
Street, Alexander Nebr. City: Official Roster
Street, Mr. Nebr. City: Education
Street, V. M. Nebr. City: Education
Strine, Jonathan Unadilla: Biographical Sketches
Stuckenholz, F. Nebr. City: Religion
Sugden, Jonas Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Sully, Alfred (Gen.) Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Survey, L. L. Nebr. City: The Press
Suter, Miss Carrie Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Sutton, Hannibal Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Sutton, Miss Sarah Jane Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Swanson, Miss Nebr. City: Education
Swanson, Miss Sophia North Branch Precinct
Sweet, Dunbar: Events and Items
Sweet, A. C. Nebr. City: Banks
Sweet, Arthur C. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Sweet, Carlos E. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Sweet, Everett W. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Sweet, J. Nebr. City: Banks
Sweet, James Nebr. City: Education
Sweet, James Nebr. City: Official Roster
Sweet, James Nebr. City: Religion
Sweet, James Nebr. City: Banks
Sweet, James Nebr. City: Board of Trade
Sweet, James Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Sweet, James Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Sweet, James Delaware Precinct
Sweet, James Jr. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Sweet, Stella Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Sweet, Will F. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Swift, Albert Bird Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Swift, Albert O. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Swift, Amos H. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Swift, John Richard Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Swift, Mary A. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Swisher, Miss O. Unadilla
Swisher, W. B. Unadilla: Societies
Swisher, W. B. (Dr.) Unadilla
Swisher, W. B. (M.D.) Otoe County Medical Society
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