Andreas' History of the State of Nebraska

Otoe County Names
Produced by Ted & Carole Miller and Connie Snyder.
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Aaron, Caroline Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Abbe, Joshua G. County Roster
Abbey, J. G. County Representation
Abbott, Syracuse
Abbott, I. F. Unadilla: Societies
Abbott, J. F. Unadilla
Abbott, John Unadilla: Religion
Abney, J. A. Nebr. City: Societies
Acken, Rev. Mr. Syracuse: Religion
Acord, Mrs. (Mrs.) Old Settlers' Association
Acott, J. T. Palmyra: Societies
Adams, Eli (Rev.) Nebr. City: Religion
Adams, George Old Settlers' Association
Adams, T. H. County Representation
Adams, Thomas Nebr. City: Mfg. Interests
Adkins, James Nebr. City: Trans. & Telegraphs
Adle, Charles Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Adle, John County Roster
Adle, John (Judge) Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Adle, John H. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Adle, Judge Nebr. City: Societies
Adsit, Elisha P. Delaware Precinct
Adsit, Hiram Delaware Precinct
Aird, H. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Aird, Hugh Nebr. City: Societies
Aird, Hugh Woodruff Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Aird, Jean Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Aird, Mary Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Albright, A. Nebr. City: Official Roster
Aldrich, Mrs. M. J. Nebr. City: Religion
Alexander, J. C. Old Settlers' Association
Alexander, Rev. Mr. Nebr. City: Religion
Alfred, Deacon Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Allan, Dr. P. H. Palmyra: Biographical Sketches
Allen, Nebr. City: Fires
Allen, Albert Old Settlers' Association
Allen, Captain Early Settlement
Allen, Clark Old Settlers' Association
Allen, George Old Settlers' Association
Allen, George Nebr. City: Incorporation
Allen, George Nebr. City: Official Roster
Allen, George Dunbar: Events and Items
Allen, Martha Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Allison, Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Ames, Bishop Nebr. City: Religion
Anderson, Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Anderson, D. M. County Representation
Anderson, J. W. Nebr. City: Official Roster
Anderson, Jesse W. Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Anderson, John W. Nebr. City: Official Roster
Anderson, Mrs. Harriet Nebr. City: Religion
Anderson, N. Nebr. City: Societies
Anderson, Nancy M. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Anderson, W. (Mrs.) Old Settlers' Association
Anderson, W. C. Syracuse: Societies
Anderson, William Old Settlers' Association
Anderson, William Nebr. City: Societies
Andrews, Albert E. North Branch Precinct
Andrews, Bishop Nebr. City: Religion
Andrews, Charles C. North Branch Precinct
Andrews, Edwin Delaware Precinct
Andrews, Edwin North Branch Precinct
Andrews, Evagene North Branch Precinct
Andrews, Genave North Branch Precinct
Andrews, George North Branch Precinct
Andrews, Hannah North Branch Precinct
Andrews, Irving R. Delaware Precinct
Andrews, Mary P. North Branch Precinct
Andrews, Miss Amelia Syracuse: Education
Andrews, Noah Delaware Precinct
Andrews, Warren North Branch Precinct
Annable, Miss Louisa North Branch Precinct
Arends, J. H. Syracuse: Religion
Arends, J. H. Syracuse: Societies
Arends, J. H. Syracuse
Arends, Maggie Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Armstrong, A. Syracuse: Societies
Armstrong, Albert Osage Precinct
Armstrong, Ella S. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Armstrong, George War Record
Armstrong, J. L. Nebr. City: Official Roster
Armstrong, John L. County Roster
Armstrong, John L. Nebr. City: Early Settlement
Armstrong, John L. Nebr. City: Hotels
Armstrong, Melville Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Armstrong, Miss Mary Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Armstrong, Rhoda S. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Armstrong, Thomas J. Nebr. City: Hotels
Arnold, Mrs. Nebr. City: Education
Arnold, Mrs. E. E. Nebr. City: Education
Ashby, Mr. Nebr. City: Education
Ashton Nebr. City: Trans. & Telegraphs
Ashton, Ferry & Transfer Companies
Ashton, Benjamin D. Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Ashton, Eliza Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Ashton, Elizabeth F. Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Ashton, Jennie E. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Ashton, P. L. T. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Ashton, Rachel Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Ashton, Samuel Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Ashton, T. County Representation
Ashton, T. Nebr. City: Board of Trade
Ashton, Talbot Nebr. City: Banks
Ashton, Talbot Nebr. City: Elevators
Ashton, Thomas H. Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Ashton, William W. Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Atkinson, Dr. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Atkinson, William B. (M.D.) Nebr. City: Education
August, N. T. Nebr. City: Religion
Austin, Ella Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Axtel, Mrs. Unadilla
Babbitt, W. H. Nebr. City: Mfg. Interests
Babcock, Miss Celestia Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Bachler, H. Nebr. City: Societies
Bacon, Samuel Nebr. City: Education
Bacon, Samuel Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Bacon, Sarah L. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Bail, W. H. Palmyra: Biographical Sketches
Bailey, G. W. County Roster
Bailey, George W. County Roster
Bailey, Miss Eliza Jane Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Baily, Dr. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Bain, Alexander County Representation
Bain, Mrs. E. A. Camp Creek
Baird, A. Camp Creek
Baird, T. (Rev.) Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Baker, W. W. (Capt.) Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Balderston, Nebr. City: Fires
Baldwin, Mary A. K. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Baldwin, S. Palmyra: Societies
Baldwin, Victor Palmyra
Ball, Franklin Palmyra: Biographical Sketches
Ballentine, Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Ballentine, Ella Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Ballman, Z. Delaware Precinct
Banks, John Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Barnes Bros. Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Barnes, Nebr. City: Hotels
Barnes, Barnum Nebr. City: Early Settlement
Barnes, C. A. Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Barnes, H. A. Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Barnes, H. A. Syracuse: Railroad Interests
Barnes, S. C. Osage Precinct
Barney, A. B. Syracuse: Societies
Barney, W. W. Syracuse: Societies
Barnum, Nebr. City: Hotels
Barr, David Nebr. City: Religion
Barr, David (Rev.) Nebr. City: Education
Barr, Miss Nebr. City: Education
Barringer, J. V. (Col.) Nebr. City: Gaslight Company
Barrowman, R. Lee Nebr. City: The Press
Bartl, Thomas (Rev.) Nebr. City: Religion
Bartling, H. H. Nebr. City: Official Roster
Bartling, H. H. Nebr. City: Religion
Bartling, H. H. Nebr. City: Mfg. Interests
Bartling, H. H. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Bartling, Henry Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Bartling, Nellie Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Bartling, Willie Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Barwick, J. J. Nebr. City: Religion
Bassett, Miss Mary J. Unadilla: Biographical Sketches
Bauer, M. Nebr. City: Fire Department
Bauer, Michael Nebr. City: Official Roster
Bauer, Michael Nebr. City: Fire Department
Baxter, Charles A. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Baxter, Dr. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Baxter, Frederick R. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Baxter, Robert Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Baxter, Thomas Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Beach, G. M. Palmyra: Societies
Beans, Lorenzo Wesley Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Beans, W. K. Nebr. City: Religion
Beans, W. K. (Rev.) Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Beans, Wilson Nebr. City: Religion
Beard, Miss Mary E. Berlin Precinct
Beasley, George Syracuse: Societies
Beatrix, M. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Beauford, Gen. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Beauvis, B. V. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Beauvis, Mr. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Beckard, Miss Wilhelmina Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Beebout, William Ferry & Transfer Companies
Beeten, Thomas Palmyra: Societies
Behan, Henrietta H. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Belcher, B. B. Nebr. City: Religion
Belcher, Mary Ann Nebr. City: Religion
Belcher, Mrs. Old Settlers' Association
Bell Bros Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Bell, Francis County Roster
Bell, Francis Nebr. City: Official Roster
Bell, Frank Nebr. City: Official Roster
Bell, L. G. (Rev.) Nebr. City: Religion
Bell, Miss Lizzie Palmyra: Education
Bell, Thomas Palmyra: Biographical Sketches
Bell, Thomas Palmyra
Bell, Thomas Palmyra: Societies
Bell, Thomas (Rev.) Palmyra: Religion
Bell, Viola Berlin Precinct
Bell, W. W. Nebr. City: Banks
Bennet, Elisha County Roster
Bennett, Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Bennett, Celia Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Bennett, Gideon County Organization
Bennett, Gideon County Representation
Bennett, Gideon Ferry & Transfer Companies
Bennett, Gideon Old Settlers' Association
Bennett, H. P. County Representation
Bennett, H. P. Nebr. City: Early Settlement
Bennett, Hiram P. County Organization
Bennett, Hiram P. County Representation
Bennett, J. B. County Representation
Bennett, John Otoe County Fair Association
Bennett, John Nebr. City: Education
Bennett, John B. Old Settlers' Association
Benter, Herman Nebr. City: Official Roster
Bentler, Mr. Nebr. City: The Press
Benton, G. (Mrs.) Old Settlers' Association
Benton, George H. Nebr. City: Early Settlement
Berkley, Martha Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Berry, Emma C. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Beuter, John County Representation
Bevans, J. Dunbar: Societies
Bevans, John Dunbar: Societies
Bevele, Mrs. Marien Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Beyschlag, Emma Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Beyschlag, F. Nebr. City: Societies
Beyschlag, Fred Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Beyschlag, Frederick Nebr. City: Mfg. Interests
Beyschlag, Theodore Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Beyschlag, Z. Nebr. City: Public Buildings
Bickel, C. B. Nebr. City: Mfg. Interests
Bickle, C. D. Nebr. City: Official Roster
Big Soldier Joe (Otoe) Old Settlers' Association
Bingham, W. B. Nebr. City: Religion
Birchfield, Mrs. W. P. Old Settlers' Association
Birchfield, W. P. County Representation
Birchfield, W. P. County Roster
Birchfield, W. P. War Record
Birchfield, W. P. Old Settlers' Association
Birchfield, W. P. (Mrs.) Old Settlers' Association
Bird, Jessie (Rev.) Nebr. City: Religion
Bird, L. D. Nebr. City: Early Settlement
Bisbee, C. G. (Rev.) Syracuse: Religion
Bischof, Arthur A. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Bischof, Eda Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Bischof, J. Nebr. City: Religion
Bischof, Lillie Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Bischof, Louisa Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Bischof, Mr. Nebr. City: Education
Bischof, Mr. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Bischof, Ollie Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Bischof, Otto A. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Bischof, William Old Settlers' Association
Bischof, William Nebr. City: Education
Bischof, William Nebr. City: Education
Bischof, William Nebr. City: Education
Bischof, William Nebr. City: Official Roster
Bischof, William Nebr. City: Societies
Bischof, William Nebr. City: Board of Trade
Bischof, William Nebr. City: Public Buildings
Bischof, William Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Bischof, William G. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Biseley, Miss Eliza Ann Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Black, Gov. War Record
Blacker, Allen County Roster
Blacker, Allen (Capt.) War Record
Blacker, Captain War Record
Blackers, Allen (Capt.) War Record
Blackman, Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Blaine, Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Blair, Lewis (Capt.) War Record
Blair, Miss Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Blue, John (Dr.) Nebr. City: Education
Blum, J. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Blum, Jacob Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Blum, S. Nebr. City: Societies
Blunt, G. (Mrs.) Old Settlers' Association
Bond, Eliza Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Bonner, Miss E. Nebr. City: Education
Botsford, E. W. County Roster
Botsford, William H. Palmyra: Biographical Sketches
Bottsford, A. D. (Dr.) Nebr. City: Religion
Bottsford, W. H. Palmyra: Societies
Boughton, George (Mrs.) Old Settlers' Association
Boulware, Col. John (Col.) Nebr. City: Early Settlement
Boulware, E. (Mrs.) Old Settlers' Association
Boulware, G. W. (Mrs.) Old Settlers' Association
Boulware, George Ferry & Transfer Companies
Boulware, George Nebr. City: Official Roster
Boulware, George (Mrs.) Old Settlers' Association
Boulware, George W. Early Settlement
Boulware, J. (Mrs.) Old Settlers' Association
Boulware, John County Representation
Boulware, John Ferry & Transfer Companies
Boulware, John Nebr. City: Incident of the Panic
Boulware, John Nebr. City: Incorporation
Boulware, John Nebr. City: Official Roster
Boulware, John Nebr. City: Government Offices
Boulware, John (Capt.) Early Settlement
Boulware, John (Col.) County Organization
Boulware, John (Col.) Nebr. City: Early Settlement
Boulware, John B. Nebr. City: Early Settlement
Boulware, John B. Nebr. City: Official Roster
Boulware, John B.(Col.) Early Settlement
Boulware, Miss Parmelea Old Settlers' Association
Boulware, Mrs. C. Old Settlers' Association
Bounds, John Old Settlers' Association
Bounds, Nancy (Mrs.) Old Settlers' Association
Bowen, A. (Dr.) Nebr. City: Official Roster
Bowen, A. (M.D.) Otoe County Medical Society
Bowen, Aurelius County Roster
Bowen, Aurelius (M.D.) Otoe County Medical Society
Bowen, Aurelius (M.D.) Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Bowen, Dr. County Roster
Bowen, Dr. War Record
Bowen, Dr. Old Settlers' Association
Bowen, Dr. Nebr. City: Education
Bowen, Dr. Nebr. City: Education
Bowen, Dr. A. Old Settlers' Association
Bowen, M. Old Settlers' Association
Bowen, Miss Nebr. City: Education
Bowen, Miss Nebr. City: Education
Bowen, Miss Nebr. City: Religion
Bowen, Miss Lucy Nebr. City: Education
Bowen, Miss Lucy Nebr. City: Religion
Bowen, Miss Lucy N. Nebr. City: Education
Bowen, Silas (Dr.) Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Bower, Forbes Nebr. City: Education
Bowers, D. W. North Branch Precinct
Bowman, Mary A. H. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Bowman, Nancy Old Settlers' Association
Boyd, Albert Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Boyd, Charles F. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Boyd, Edward L. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Boyd, Emma E. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Boyd, J. C. County Roster
Boyd, J. C. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Boyd, J. C. Dunbar: Education
Boyd, John W. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Boyd, Laura L. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Boyd, Mary E. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Boydston, Captain War Record
Boydston, Cornelia Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Boydston, H. M. Nebr. City: Official Roster
Boydston, Harry M. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Boydston, Mr. Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Boydston, W. L. Nebr. City: Religion
Boydston, W. L. (Capt.) War Record
Boydston, William L. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Boyer, J. W. Nebr. City: Education
Braddock, D. Syracuse: Societies
Bradford, A. A. County Representation
Bradford, A. A. Old Settlers' Association
Bradford, A. A. Nebr. City: Criminal
Bradford, A. A. Nebr. City: Religion
Bradford, A. A. Nebr. City: The Press
Bradford, Allen A. Nebr. City: A Judicial Joke
Bradford, Allen A. Nebr. City: Early Settlement
Bradford, Henry County Representation
Bradford, Henry Nebr. City: Early Settlement
Bradford, Henry Nebr. City: Incorporation
Bradford, Henry (Dr.) Nebr. City: Incorporation
Bradford, Henry (Dr.) Nebr. City: The Press
Bradhoft, P. Nebr. City: Religion
Bradley, Eugene Nebr. City: Education
Bradley, Graham Nebr. City: Education
Bradley, T. K. Ferry & Transfer Companies
Bradley, T. K. Nebr. City: Official Roster
Bradsford, Henry County Organization
Brainerd, Frederick Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Brainerd, Gerden Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Bramblutt, Miss Marretta Unadilla: Biographical Sketches
Brandhofer, L. A. Syracuse: Societies
Brauer, Fred Nebr. City: Societies
Brieckerhoff, Miss Susan Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Briggs, Ansel (Gov.) Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Brigham, A. Palmyra: Religion
Brinker, Anna V. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Brinker, Arthur W. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Brinker, Ella R. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Brinker, G. W. Nebr. City: Societies
Brinker, George I. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Brinker, George M. Nebr. City: Religion
Brinker, George M. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Brinker, George W. (M.D.) Otoe County Medical Society
Brinker, Joseph Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Brinker, Lucy B. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Brinker, Mary E. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Brinkman, H. Syracuse: Religion
Brion, David Unadilla: Biographical Sketches
Brion, David Unadilla: Societies
Brion, S. M. Unadilla: Societies
Brion, S. W. Unadilla: Biographical Sketches
Bro, Jennie Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Bro, Lydia Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Bro, Marsell Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Bro, William Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Brockway, Abby Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Brockway, Charles L. Palmyra: Religion
Brockway, D. (Rev.) Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Brockway, Miss Abby Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Brodhead, W. H. County Representation
Brookfield, A. A. Nebr. City: Official Roster
Brooks, Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Brown Bros Nebr. City: The Press
Brown, George W. Minersville
Brown, A. Nebr. City: Incorporation
Brown, A. Nebr. City: Religion
Brown, Albert Allyn Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Brown, Aurelius County Representation
Brown, David County Representation
Brown, David Nebr. City: Fires
Brown, David Nebr. City: Government Offices
Brown, David Nebr. City: Societies
Brown, David Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Brown, E. M. Palmyra: Education
Brown, F. E. Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Brown, F. E. Syracuse: Societies
Brown, Frank Old Settlers' Association
Brown, Frank E. Syracuse
Brown, Gay A. Nebr. City: Societies
Brown, George A. Palmyra: Biographical Sketches
Brown, Guy A. County Roster
Brown, Henry Old Settlers' Association
Brown, Henry Nebr. City: Incorporation
Brown, Henry Nebr. City: Societies
Brown, Henry Nebr. City: Hotels
Brown, John Nebr. City: Education
Brown, John H. Nebr. City: Societies
Brown, M. W. Nebr. City: Incorporation
Brown, Miles W. County Roster
Brown, Miles W. Nebr. City: Government Offices
Brown, Mr. Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Brown, Mr. Palmyra: Biographical Sketches
Brown, Mrs. M. Old Settlers' Association
Brown, Sylvanus Palmyra
Brown, Thomas (Rev.) Syracuse: Religion
Brown, W. A. Nebr. City: Government Offices
Brown, W. A. Nebr. City: The Press
Brown, W.A. Nebr. City: The Press
Brown, William Nebr. City: Societies
Brown, William A. Nebr. City: Official Roster
Brown, William M. Berlin Precinct
Brownell, I. F. Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Brownell, Miss Elizabeth Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Brownell, Miss Martha J. Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Brownell, Soloman (Dr.) Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Brownell, Solomon D. Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Brownlee, R. D. County Representation
Broyer, P. F. (Rev.) Nebr. City: Religion
Bryant, A. A. Unadilla: Biographical Sketches
Bryant, Carrie E. Unadilla: Biographical Sketches
Buchanan, James Nebr. City: A Judicial Joke
Buchanan, Mr. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Buchanan, W. County Representation
Buchanan, W. Nebr. City: Religion
Buchanan, William Old Settlers' Association
Buchanan, William Nebr. City: Religion
Buchannan, William War Record
Buck, Ira A. W. Nebr. City: Societies
Buck, Royal Nebr. City: Religion
Buck, Royal Nebr. City: The Press
Buckman, William Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Buford, N. B. (Gen.) Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Buhler, Mr. Old Settlers' Association
Bullock, Miss Susan L. Palmyra: Biographical Sketches
Burch, Rev. Mr. Nebr. City: Religion
Burdett, Miss Helen Unadilla: Biographical Sketches
Burdett, Miss Lizzie Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Burgert, Celia May Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Burgert, G. W. Nebr. City: Official Roster
Burgert, George Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Burgert, George H. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Burgert, Lucinda Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Burgert, Minnie Elizabeth Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Burgert, Susie Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Burgert, Vida Eleanor Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Burgess, H. B. (Rev.) Nebr. City: Education
Burks, J. B. Nebr. City: Societies
Burleigh, J. Q. Syracuse: Religion
Burnett, Addie M. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Burnett, Lewis C. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Burnett, Lewis C. Jr Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Burnett, Lola H. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Burnett, Octavia Maud Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Burrus, Luella Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Burt, Francis (Gov.) County Organization
Buse, John C. Nebr. City: Mfg. Interests
Bushnell, W. P. Old Settlers' Association
Butchard, Miss Jessie Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Butler, David Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Butt, Bonnie Dundee Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Butt, Capitola Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Butt, George Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Butt, O. (Capt.) Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Butt, Oliver F. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Butt, Pomeroy Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Butt, William Nebr. City: Societies
Butt, William H. Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Butzerin, Joseph Nebr. City: Biographical Sketches
Buxton, Abby G. Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Buxton, Lyman L. Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Buxton, William B. Syracuse: Biographical Sketches
Byers, Mrs. Nebr. City: Education
Byram, A. Nebr. City: Trans. & Telegraphs
Byram, P. Nebr. City: Trans. & Telegraphs
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