George Washington Westmoreland Co, Va 1732 Virginia 1789 Federal Mt Vernon, Va 1790
John Adams Quincy, Mass 1735 Massachusetts 1797 Federal Quincy, Mass 1826
Thomas Jefferson Shadwell, Va 1743 Virginia 1801 +Republican Monticello, Va 1826
James Madison Port Conway, Va 1751 Virginia 1809 +Republican Montpelier, Va 1836
James Monroe Westmoreland Co, Va 1758 Virginia 1817 +Republican New York City 1831
John Quincy Adams Quincy, Mass 1767 Massachusetts 1825 ^Republican Washington, DC 1848
Andrew Jackson *Union Co, NC 1767 Tennessee 1829 Democrat Hermitage, Tenn 1845
Martin Van Buren Kinderhook, NY 1782 New York 1837 Democrat Lindenwold, NY 1862
William H Harrison Berkeley, Va 1773 Ohio 1841 Whig Washington, DC 1841
John Tyler Greenway, Va 1790 Virginia 1841 Democrat Richmond, Va 1862
James K Polk Mecklenberg Co, NC 1795 Tennessee 1845 Democrat Nashville, Tenn 1849
Zachary Taylor Orance Co, Va 1784 Louisiana 1849 Whig Washington, DC 1850
Millard Fillmore Summer Hill, NY 1800 New York 1850 Whig Buffalo, NY 1874
Franklin Pierce Hillsboro, NH 1894 New Hampshire 1853 Democrat Concord, NH 1869
James Buchanan Cove Gap, Pa 1701 Pennsylvania 1857 Democrat Wheatland, Pa 1868
Abraham Lincoln Larue Co, Ky 1809 Illinois 1861 Republican Washington, DC 1865
Andrew Johnson Raleigh, NC 1808 Tennessee 1865 Republican Carter's Depot, Tenn 11775
Ulysses S Grant Point Pleasant, O 1822 Dist of Columbia 1869 Republican Mt McGregor, NY 1885
Rutherford B Hayes Delaware, O 1822 Ohio 1877 Republican Fremont, O 1893
James A Garfield Cuyahoga Co, O 1831 Ohio 1881 Republican Long Branch, NJ 1881
Chester A Arthur Fairfield, Vt 1830 New York 1881 Republican New York City 1886
Grover Cleveland Caldwell, NJ 1837 New York 1885 Democrat   
Bejamin Harrison North Bend, O 1833 Indiana 1889 Republican   
Grover cleveland Caldwell, NJ 1837 New York 1893 Democrat   
*Jackson called himself a South Carolinian, and his biographr, Kendall, recorded his birth-place in Lancaster county, SC, but Parton has published documentary evidence to show that Jackson was born in Union county, NC, less than a quarter mile from the South Carolina line.
+The democratic party of to-day claims lineal descent from the republican party, and President Jefferson as its founder.
^Politcal parties were disorganized at the time of the election of John Quincy Adams. He claimed to be republican, but his doctrines were decidedly federalistic. The opposition to his administration took the name of democrats, and elected Jackson president.


The presidential succession is fixed by chapter 4 of the acts of the Forty-ninth congress, first session. In case of the removal, death, resignation, or inability of both the President and Vice-President, then the Secretary of State shall act as President until the disability of the President or Vice-President is removed or a president elected. If there be no Secretary of State, then the Secretary of the Treasury will act; and the remainder of the order of succession is: The Secretary of War, Attorney-General, Postmaster-General, Secretary of the Navy, and Secretary of the Interior. The acting President must, upon taking office, convene congress, if not at the time in session, in extraordinary session, giving twenty days' notice. This act applies only to such cabinet officers as shall have been appointed by the advice and consent of the Senate, and are eligible under the Constitution to the Presidency.

John Adams Quincy, Mass 1735 Massachusetts 1789 Federlist Quincy, Mass 1826
Thomas Jefferson Shadwell, Va 1743 Virginia 1797 Republican Monticello, Va 1826
Aaron Burr Newark, NJ 1756 New York 1801 Republican Staten Island, NY 1836
George Clinton Ulster county, NY 1739 New York 1805 Republican Washington, DC 1812
Elbridge Gerry Marblehead, Mass 1744 Massachusetts 1813 Republican Washington, DC 1814
Daniel D Tompkins Scarsdale, NY 1774 New York 1817 Republican Staten Island, NY 1825
John C Calhoun Abbeville, SC 1782 South Carolina 1825 Republican Washington, DC 1850
Martin Van Buren Kinderhook, NY 1782 New York 1833 Democrat Kinderhook, NY 1862
Richard M Johnson Louisville, Ky 1780 Kentucky 1837 Democrat Frankfort, Ky 1850
John Tyler Greenway, Va 1790 Virginia 1841 Democrat Richarmond, Va 1862
George M Dallas Philadelphia, Pa 1792 Pennsylvania 1845 Democrat Philadelphia, Pa 1864
Millard Fillmore Summerhill, NY 1800 New York 1849 Whig Buffalo, NY 1874
William R King Sampson county, NC 1786 Alabama 1853 Democrat Dallas county, Ala 1853
J C Breckinridge Lexington, Ky 1821 Kentucky 1857 Democrat Lexington, Ky 1875
Hannibal Hamlin Paris, Me 1809 Maine 1861 Republican Portland, Me 1801
Andrew Johnson Raleigh, NC 1808 Tennessee 1865 Republican Carter county, Tenn 1875
Schuyler Colfax New York City 1823 Indiana 1869 Republican Mankato, Mn 1885
Henry Wilson Farmington, NH 1812 Massachusetts 1873 Republican Washington, DC 1875
William A Wheeler Malone, NY 1819 New York 1877 Republican Malone, NY 1887
Chester A Arthur Fairfield, Vt 1830 New York 1881 Republican New York City 1886
T A Hendricks Muskingum county, O 1819 Indiana 1885 2Eemocrat Indianapolis, Ind 1885
Levi P Morton Shoreham, Vt 1824 New York 1889 Republican   
Adlai E Stevenson Christian county, Ky 1835 Illinois 1893 Democrat   


AlabamaBiennial1st Mon in Aug Aug 6, 1894BiennialTues after 2d Mon in NovNov 13, 1884
Arkansas Biennial 1st Mon in Sep Sep 3, 1894 Biennial 2d Mon in Jan Jan 9, 1895
California* Quadrennial Tues after 1st Mon in Nov Nov 6, 1894 Biennial Mon after Jan 1 Jan 9, 1895
Colorado Biennial Tues after 1st Mon in Nov Nov 6, 1894 Biennial 1st Wed in Jan Jan 9, 1895
Connecticut Biennial Tues after 1st Mon in Nov Nov 6, 1894 Biennial Wed after 1st Mon in Jan Jan 4, 1895
Delaware Biennial Tues after 1st Mon in Nov Nov 6, 1894 Biennial Tues after 1st Mon in Jan Jan 3, 1895
Florida* Quadrennial Tues after 1st Mon in Oct Oct 6, 1896 Biennial Tues after 1st Mon in Apr Apr 4, 1895
Georgia Biennial 1st Wed in Oct Oct 3, 1894 Annual 4th Wed in Oct Oct 24, 1893
Idaho Biennial Tues after 1st Mon in Nov Nov 6, 1894 Biennial 1st Mon in Jan Jan 2, 1895
Illinois Biennial Tues after 1st Mon in Nov Nov 6, 1894 Biennial Wed after 1st Mon in Jan Jan 4, 1895
Indiana Biennial Tues after 1st Mon in Nov Nov 6, 1894 Biennial Thur after 1st Mon in Jan Jan 5, 1895
Iowa* Annual Tues after 1st Mon in Nov Nov 6, 1894 Biennial 2d Mon in Jan Jan 9, 1895
Kansas Biennial Tues after 1st Mon in Nov Nov 6, 1894 Biennial 2d Tues in Jan Jan 10, 1895
Kentucky* Quadrennial Tues after 1st Mon in Nov Nov 6, 1894 Biennial Last Mon in Dec Dec 30, 1893
Louisiana* Quadrennial Tues after 3d Mon in Apr Apr 21, 1896 Biennial 2d Mon in May May 14, 1894
Maine Biennial 2d Mon in Sep Sep 10, 1894 Biennial 2st Wed in Jan Jan 4, 1895
Maryland Biennial Tues after 1st Mon in Nov Nov 7, 1893 Biennial Wed after 1st Mon in Jan Jan 3, 1894
Massachusetts+ Annual Tues after 1st Mon in Nov Nov 7, 1893 Annual 1st Wed in Jan Jan 3, 1894
Michigan Biennial Tues after 1st Mon in Nov Nov 6, 1894 Biennial 1st Wed in Jan Jan 4, 1895
Minnesota Biennial Tues after 1st Mon in Nov Nov 6, 1894 Biennial Tues after 1st Mon in Jan Jan 3, 1895
Mississippi* Quadrennial Tues after 1st Mon in Nov Nov 6, 1895 Biennial Tues after 1st Mon in Jan Jan 3, 1895
Missouri Biennial Tues after 1st Mon in Nov Nov 6, 1894 Biennial Wed after Jan 1 Jan 4, 1895
Montana* Quadrennial Tues after 1st Mon in Nov Nov 6, 1894 Biennial 1st Mon in Jan Jan 7, 1895
Nebraska Biennial Tues after 1st Mon in Nov Nov 6, 1894 Biennial 1st Tues in Jan Jan 3, 1895
Nevada Biennial Tues after 1st Mon in Nov Nov 6, 1894 Biennial 3d Mon in Jan Jan 16, 1895
New Hampshire Biennial Tues after 1st Mon in Nov Nov 6, 1894 Biennial 1st Wed in Jan Jan 4, 1895
New Jersey* Annual Tues after 1st Mon in Nov Nov 7, 1893 Annual 2d Tues in Jan Jan 9, 1894
New York* Annual Tues after 1st Mon in Nov Nov 7, 1893 Annual 2st Tues in Jan Jan 2, 1894
North Carolina* Quadrennial Tues after 1st Mon in Nov Nov 6, 1894 Biennial Wed after 1st Mon in Jan Jan 4, 1895
North Dakota Biennial Tues after 1st Mon in Nov Nov 6, 1894 Biennial Tues after 1st Mon in Jan Jan 4, 1895
Ohio* Annual Tues after 1st Mon in Nov Nov 7, 1893 Biennial 1st Mon in Jan Jan 1, 1894
Oregon*^ Quadrennial 1st Mon in Jun Jun 4, 1894 Biennial 2d Mon in Jan Jan 9, 1895
Pennsylvania* Annual Tues after 1st Mon in Nov Nov 7, 1893 Biennial 1st Mon in Jan Jan 2, 1895
Rhode Island " Annual 1st Wed in Apr Apr 5, 1893 Annual Last Tues in May May 31, 1895
South Carolina+ Biennial Tues after 1st Mon in Nov Nov 6, 1894 Annual 4th Tues in Nov Nov 28, 1893
South Dakota Biennial Tues after 1st Mon in Nov Nov 6, 1894 Biennial Tues after 1st Mon in Jan Jan 3, 1895
Tennessee Biennial Tues after 1st Mon in Nov Nov 6, 1894 Biennial 1st Mon in Jan Jan 2, 1895
Texas Biennial Tues after 1st Mon in NovNov 6, 1894 Biennial 2d Tues in Jan Jan 10, 1895
Vermont Biennial 1st Tues in Sep Sep 4, 1894 Biennial 1st Wed in Oct Oct 3, 1894
Virginia* Quadrennial Tues after 1st Mon in Nov Nov 7, 1893 Biennial 1st Wed in Dec Dec 4, 1893
Washington* Quadrennial Tues after 1st Mon in Nov Nov 3, 1896 Biennial 2d Mon in Jan Jan 9, 1895
West Virginia* Quadrennial Tues after 1st Mon in Nov Nov 3, 1896 Biennial 2d Wed in Jan Jan 11, 1895
Wisconsin Biennial Tues after 1st Mon in Nov Nov 6, 1894 Biennial 2d Wed in Jan Jan 11, 1895
Wyoming* Quadrennial Tues after 1st Mon in Nov Nov 6, 1894 Biennial 2d Tues in Jan Jan 10, 1895
Arizona Biennial Tues after 1st Mon in Nov Nov 6, 1894 Biennial 2d Mon in Feb Feb 12, 1895
New Mexico Biennial Tues after 1st Mon in Nov Nov 6, 1894 Biennial Last Mon in Dec Dec 31, 1894
Oklahoma Biennial Tues after 1st Mon in Nov Nov 6, 1894 Biennial Tues after 1st Mon in Jan Jan 3, 1895
Utah Biennial Tues after 1st Mon in Nov Nov 6, 1894 Biennial 2d Mon in Jan Jan 8, 1894
NOTE: Congressional elections in all states are biennial.
*Members of the legislature are elected biennially.
+Members of the legislature are elected annually.
^County officers are elected annually.
"The Legislature meets annually on the last Tuesday of May each year at Newport, with an adjourned session to Providence in January the following year.

1Obvious typo of original content. Correct year of death: 1875.
2Obvious typo in original text.

Number of Prisoners and Insane Persons
States of the Union
© 2002 by Lynn Waterman