News: Willard Spice (Oct 25, 1924)
Contact: Shari Volovsek Hahn (Transcriber)
----Source: Willard Spice, Willard WI (October 25, 1924), Volume 1, No. 1 provided by Sandy Klinke
Surnames: Zupanc, Cesnik, McCune, Kirn/Kern, Quast, Peterson,
Jones, Taylor, Ociesek, Ehlers, Baldwin, Mallory, Ruzic, Kokaly, Thompson,
Clair, Campbell, Matkovich, Fainter, Celesnik, Crotzer, Schwab, Bayuk, Trunkel,
Kovenchan, Vershay/Verschay, Gabrovic, Hintz, Plautz, Butcher, Roldiz, Parkel,
Zallar, Panyon, Scharenbrock, Debevec, Boh, Horvat, Ulesich, Koschak, Speich,
Braun, Schmidt, Drewey, VanNatta, Musich, Dergance, Zagar, Abel, Slaughter,
Preisig, McCarty, Butcher, Anderson, Stair, Thomas, Ule, Masoval, Kuester, Noal,
Albright, Jorenby, Laykovich, Ingham, Brown, Ludwig, Behrens, Gullord, Hoehne,
Barnes, Arends, Keiner
News: Willard Spice (Oct 25, 1924); Pg. 1, Pg. 2, Pg. 3, Pg. 4
Page 1
Boost Willard and Its Undertakings
We are going to try to put Willard on the map this year, by undertaking to edit a community paper in connection with our club and school. The purpose of this paper are manifold. In the first place it will be a means of announcing the dates and programs of our club meetings and entertainments; it is also intended to motivate the school work by publishing the best work in composition, geography and other subjects. We also hope we may have a better school attendance by publishing the names of those having perfect attendance each month. Then, too, it has a social and entertaining side with its jokes, stories, etc. It is also a means of obtaining a closer relationship between the school and the community.
In order to make this paper a success, it is necessary that we have the co-operation of all the members. This is YOUR paper and failure or success is up to you. A staff has been chosen which is responsible for a certain portion of the paper, however this does not mean that they are to do all the work and the rest sit back. No, we want each one to give something each time and it is for this reason we have placed a closed "News" boy in the hall at the schoolhouse. If you have any news send it with one of the pupils, sealed or otherwise, and they will drop it into the box.
And if it so happens that your article has not been published in the next issue, do not feel discouraged or vexed about it, for it may have come in too late, or there may have been too much for that issue. Remember that we can't publish everything or please everybody.
---Boast Willard---
All people in Willard or in the adjoining districts who are interested in organizing a Community Sunday School are requested to meet at the Willard School on Sunday morning, October 26 at 10:30.
---Boast Willard---
Willard Young Peoples' Club Oct 29th.
Social at Zupanc, given by Young Ladies Sociality, Oct 26.
"Robin Hood" at Greenwood Oct. 28 and 29.
Community Services at Willard School, Oct. 28.
Watch for list of teachers that have ever taught in the Willard School--To be published soon.
---Boast Willard---
One day Ignac Cesnik was working in the railroad shop and being alone, heard the telephone ring vigorously several times. He at last decided it ought to be answered. He picked up the receiver and said "Hello" just as he had seen others do. "Hello" he called. The other voice answered "Hello" and asked "Is this 86158?" Ignac said, "Aw, go on, do you think I'm a box car?"
---Boast Willard---
"Richard" said Mrs. McCune "when you divided those five pieces of candy with your brother Rolland did you give him three?"
"No, ma, I thought they wouldn't come out even so I ate one before I began to divide."
The Willard Young People's Club was first organized on Oct. 2nd. The purpose of the club is to afford social and mental culture, to be of the greatest possible service to our country, state and community, to advance the interest of our school, to afford added opportunities for our educational development, especially training for the conduct of public meetings. At the first meeting the following officers were elected.
Martin Kern....President
John Quast....Vice President
Ethel Peterson....Secretary
Lawrence Jones....Treasurer
It was decided that these meetings should be held every second Wednesday evening to begin at 8:00 o'clock and last no longer than 11:00 o'clock unless extended by vote of the club.
Any person who attends this club and pays their fees is a member. Fees of 25c a quarter are charged. Refreshments and entertainment committees were appointed by the officers to serve for three months. The following were appointed. Refreshments: John Quast, Eleanor Taylor, and Sally Ociezek. Entertainment: Ethel Peterson, Helen Ehlers, and Carlyle Baldwin.
The officers met on the following week and drew up a constitution which was submitted to the club and adopted.
The second meeting was held on Oct. 15, and was called together by vice-president John Quast. The fore part of the evening was spent in listening to a political speaker, Mr. Mallory of Granton, and in community singing. After the business meeting the young people joined together in the dancing of the Virginia Reel with Miss Taylor at the piano after which a food social and auction with Mr. Jones as auctioneer. The proceeds were used in the buying of community song books for the school and club. This was left to Mr. Jones who has now at hand thirty "10 Best Songs".
The entertainment committee met on the following Wednesday to make plans for thier "Halloween Social" to be held on Wednesday evening, Oct. 29. Following are the plans.
Each lady is requested to bring with her a sheet and a mask made of white cloth, with opening for the eyes and nose. The Int. room is to be closed and reserved for these habitments(?). About 5 minutes before the "Ghost Social" is announced, the ladies are to retire to this room and dress as ghosts. Supply yourself with safety pins. Each lady is to cover herself entirely with the sheet and mask so that nothing may suggest her identity. The mask is first tied over the face, and the corner of the sheet is gathered and pinned with a hatpin to the top of her head. The sheet must meet the mask. When they are arranged, one by one is brought into the Upper Room where their ghost forms will be sold--(the highest bidder to be the lucky fellow).
The refreshment committee will serve the lunch in the Domestic Science Room so ladies are asked to bring one thing for "eats" as cake, sandwiches, cookies, pickles, etc. All young men who buy partners will be served lunch free to them and their partners--others will be charged .15c.
The entertainment committee have also planned a short program consisting of "songs", "solos", and "dances", and active games to last throughout the evening. Our community song is printed in the last issue and should be learned by next meeting.
---Boast Willard---
What the Willard Small Bell Saw and Heard
For many years The Holy family Congregation of Willard Wis., was owner of a small bell, too small to be heard except if you stood right under it. Though small as he was, nevertheless, he performed faithfully for ten years, his appointed duty. The 11 of October was a day of surprise for the little fellow. On that day he saw from high up in the tower how the people unloaded from the train two brand new and shining bells. They brought them to the church and the little fellow thought, "the days of my services are over." Few days after the workingmen came, they took me down with merry remarks and laughter and put me into a corner. I thought, such are the ways of the world. Ingratitude is the worlds ways, but why complain I served the purpose.
Although put into a corner, I kept my eyes and ears open. A few days after there came a tall man with a saw and hammer. He and his helper cleaned everything up. I was old and dirty. They thought anything was good enough for me. The carpenter put in a new floor, like a farmer who gets a new harness for a new horse. The men took out a part of the tower and for the first time in many years, I saw what the world looked like. The working man began to bring in long planks from all over and build a large, but funny bridge my room. Then they put all kinds of beams together. They let down long ropes and departed. In a short time, I heard babbling voices below. I craned my neck to see what was going on. The first thing I saw was many ladies with long green wreaths in their hands. They went to my two new companions and started to decorate them with flowers so you could hardly see them. The work done, they departed. The night was dark but Sunday morning was bright and glorious. The people came from all over, for the first time in many years. I did not invite them. It was curiousity that brought them to the church. I saw a strange priest who came from afar off and with prayers he blessed my two successors. After the services everybody hastened to partake of the sumptuous dinner prepared by the ladies.
When the dinner was over I heard a great commotion in the church. My two new friends were taken out of the church and thier voices tried. The smaller had a voice like a lady, but the big fellow boomed like thunder. He almost made me deaf. Soon a man came up, let the long ropes down, spoke some words to the people below and in a few minutes I saw a new shining bell standing in the opening of the tower. He was not very large, but larger than I. His name is St. Anthony, to pray for the health of the cattle. The cattle here is of great importance as they are the chief resources of the farmer in this locality. My new companion was soon placed near me and I spoke to him whence he came. He told me to be silent as he does not talk with children. I felt bad, but pride is even amongst bells just as common as among people.
The tall man let the rope down again. He spoke a few words and the rope became very taut. The men were pulling slow and hard. After a while something very huge in size loomed up into the tower. Once set up I saw he was really a large fellow and he did not even look at me or say "You little fellow what are you doing around here." I saw his name was St. John the Baptist, like the saint so will this bell from hence call the people to penance and prayer. He will call them for services, for solemnities, he will accompany them with his voice on their last journey. He will ring and call till some day other bells will replace them as they did the little fellow.
---Boast Willard---
Willard Community Song
(Tune "America"")
To Willard now we go,
if anyone wants to know
The reaon why
That's where we have our fun
Can't wait till the day will come.
They'll all join in the hum
Though young or shy.
A meeting there will be
In the Willard Community
Come and Let's go!
For Willard will be in pride
With friends on every side.
Go tell the news far and wide
To friend and foe.
The piano will give us a tune
And our song the (rest of lyrics unreadable)
---Boast Willard---
The Young Ladies Sodality are giving a basket social and dance at Zupanc Ball Room, Sunday Oct. 26, afternoon and evening. Ladies bring baskets and men bring well filled purses and Good music.
---Boast Willard---
No Joke About This
Thursday night was a sure a cold night, at least that's what Trav Ruzic and Martin Kokaly told Mr. Thompson. Wonder why they thought so!
---Boast Willard---
(Answers will be found in next issue)
1--What is the longest word in the English language?
2--What is it that a lady looks for and yet hates to find?
3--What has only a nose when the eye is out?
4--What is full of holes and yet holds water?
---Boast Willard---
Two new words are taught in the sixth grade spelling class each day. One day the words were a follows: "defense" and "toward."
Teacher: "who can give a sentence using both words?"
Pupil: "I climbed defense and tored my pants."
---Boast Willard---
Page 2
Willard Spice
Published bi-monthly by the members of the Willard Young Peoples' Club.
Subscription Rates--10c a copy; $1.00 a school year.
Editor in Chief...Ethel Peterson
Ass't Editor...Elizabeth Clair
Editorials...Ivan Ruzic
State and National News...George Campbell
Local News...Mrs. H. Thompson
School Notes,
Primary Room...Eleanor Taylor
Int. Room...Zora Ruzic
Upper Room...A. Matkovich
Jokes...Harley Thompson
Jokes...Carlyle Baldwin
North Willard News...Helen Ehlers
Gorman News...Franced Fainter
Adv. Manager...Lawrence Jones
Printed by..."Gleaner"
Club Motto "Let us hold fast to all that is Good"
We are sending you a complimentary copy of our first issue of "Willard Spice" which is being published bi-monthly by the members of the Willard Young Peoples' Club. We hope you will like this paper and will want to subscribe for it for the rest of the school year. The rates as you will see above are ten cents a copy or one dollar a year. In case you would like to subscribe will you please fill in the blank below and send it to me?
Kindly tell your friends about it.
Ethel Peterson, Editor in chief.
Enclosed find one dollar ($1.00) for which please send me the "Willard Spice" for this school year. Signed______________________________
---Boast Willard---
How We Begin School Each Morning in Willard.
Miss Ethel Peterson rings the bell at 8:55. Then all the children line up on the sidewalk. The boys from each room in one line, and the girls from each room in... (words obliterated) while he .......... raises the flag we sing "America." When we finish singing "America" we salute our flag. We put our right hand above our eyes on our forehead and say "I pledge allegiance to my flag and to the Republic for which is stands; one nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." When we say "flag" our hand raises and points to our flag. After we salute our flag, our teacher says "Pass." While we march in our rooms, Geraldine Crotzer plays a march on our Victrola. We have to stand by our seats in good position until our teacher comes in and says "Sit." Anne Celesnik.
---Boast Willard---
Use of Standardized Tests.
Thus far in the Intermediate grades they have given standardized tests in Reading, Language, Arithmetic, and Spelling. They use, "Standardized Reasoning Test in Arithmetic" by Monroe. For Grades 6 and 7 they had Form One and Form Two. They used "Standardized Test in Correct Forms of Language" for grades 5 and 6, and one hundred demons in Spelling for all grades. All these tests were given the first of the year and will be given again in the middle of the year. The purpose is to compare the pupils in the Willard School with the average pupils of that grade throughout the state. We have found they are slightly below average in Reading. This is a means for the teacher to really see whether anything is being taught. Since the same tests are given three times. Geraldine Crotzer, Grade 6.
---Boost Willard---
Results of the Reading Test in Int. Room
Standard Scores
Average Scores at Willard
---Boost Willard---
Anne Matkovich was absent from school the forepart of the week on account of a bad tooth.
There was no school at Willard or in the adjoining district on Thursday due to the fact that confirmation took place at the Catholic church in Willard on that day.
Hope you've all noticed that William Schwab is wearing a tie to school now days and hair combed just "so". We've been trying to guess the reason why?
A school society has been organized in the Intermediate Grade of which Miss E. Peterson is teacher. Their first meeting was held on Wednesday P.M. Sept 24. It was called to order by Miss Peterson who acted as temporary chairman. After she had discussed the purpose and....of an organization they elected Geraldine Crotzer, President. Zora Ruzic, Vice-President. Martin Matkovich, Secretary.
They will meet every other Wednesday beginning at 3:00 P.M. A motion was made and carried that the president appoint three people for each month to have charge of the entertainment. The three people who were appointed for September were: Amelia Matkovic, Albert Bayuk, and Tony Trunkel. They had a program on that day also, which was as follows:---
A Boy's Song...Caroline Kovenchan.
Two Stunts...Zora and Geraldine
Song "Leaves"...Caroline K. and Marcella S.
Arithmetic Games...Grade 4
The visitors at this meeting were Mrs. G. Campbell and Mrs. P. Baldwin.
The next meeting was called to order on Oct 22. It was decided that the pupils from our room which have perfect attendance for one month shall be given a quarter of a day vacation at the beginning of the next month. Three new people were appointed to have charge of the programs. They were: Zora R., Marcella S., and Joe Vershay.
Following is the program which was given on that day:
Song "Thanksgiving is Near"...By Nine Girls.
Willies First Pocket...Frances Schwab.
Dialogue "Johnny and Teacher"...Zora R., and Geraldine Crotzer.
Cricket Song...Louise Gabrovic
Actress Dance...Eight Girls
Dialogue "The Little Bell"...Amelia M. and Edna K.
Reading "Uncle Podger Hangs a Picture...Miss E. Peterson
Dialogue, Playing Truant.
Song "Where The Lazy Daisies Grow"...Four Girls
Dialogue "The Sick Doll'...Geraldine, Amelia, and Albert B.
Recitation "Cat Tails"...Zora
Dialogue "Ettyket"...Four Girls
It was moved and carried that the society choose the 3 best numbers which should be given again at the Young People's CLub on Wednesday evening Oct. 29. The following were chosen:
Actress Dance...Eight Girls
Song "Where the Lazy Daisies Grow"...Four Girls
Dialogue "Johnny and Teacher"...Zora R. and Geraldine Crotzer
---Boost Willard---
Jokes Sprung "Just for Fun"
Heard in the Schoolroom
Mr. Jones: "Is it correct to say 5 and 6 is 12, or 5 and 6 are 12?"
Willie Schwab: 5 and 6 are 12
Mr. Jones: No, 5 and 6 are 11
Edna Kokaly when discussing Bayard Raylor and how he ws taken prisoner when traveling in Turkey said "The Turkeys took them as their slave and he had to escape from the Turkeys in the night."
Teacher (teaching the 2nd grade a picture study of kittens) asked, "Have you a kitten at your house?
Pupil: No, we have a tom-cat.
Teacher: How many hens have you, Tony?
Tony: We have seven hens counting the rooster.
Teacher: Johnny, can you tell me what a hypocrite is?
Johnny: Yes, Ma'm. It's a boy what comes to school with a smile on his face.
Teacher: Joe, can you tell me how iron was first discovered?
Joe: Yes Ma'm. I heard father say yesterday that they smelt it.
Caroline Kovenchan: "Mother can I go over and play?"
Mrs. K: What, with those holes in your stocking?
Caroline:............out in the road."
John "Happy" read the following headline in a paper. "Lady
Wounded On Her Honeymoon." Turning to his wife he said, "Say, Annie, what part
of a woman is that?"
Mrs. Thompson: "You're a naughty girl, Eileen, to kick your brother."
Eileen: "I didn't kick him."
Mrs. Thompson: "Why I saw you kick him several times."
Eileen: "I didn't. I missed him every time."
---Boost Willard---
How I live My Physiology
I get up at the same time and wash my hands and face. I comb my hair and clean my fingernails before I go to school. I eat slowly and eat good food for breakfast. I eat fruit and cereals such as puffed wheat and corn flakes. I wash my face with cool water to feel fresh and take a bath once a week. I drink milk twice a day. When I get up in the morning, I exercise and eat fruit before each meal. I am out in the fresh air all I can. I put on clean underwear once a week. I wear woolen clothes in the winter. I exercise my muscles so I may grow strong. We have screens on the window and I have my window open at night. I eat only three meals a day. I don't drink coffee or tea. I try to be cheerful most of the time. Boyd Hintz, Grade 6.
---Boost Willard---
Advertisements on this page:
Steve Plautz, General Merchandise, Willard
Willard Garage, L.S. Butcher, Prop., Willard
Antone Roliz, Blacksmith, Willard
Baldwins Garage, Paul Baldwin, Willard
The Red Shop, General Blacksmith, Geo. P. Campbell, Willard
Page 3
Favorable and Unfavorable Features of Our School
The school at Willard is a first class state graded school having three teachers with an enrollment of over one hundred pupils. It is a new building, the primary room having been built in 1910, the Intermediate Room in 1916, and the Upper Room in 1922. It is a frame building well constructed, having a large roomy basement, allowing an opportunity of teaching Domestic Science and Manual Training. We have an excellent heating and ventilation system although it is very often difficult to heat the outer halls. The seats in each room are so arranged that the light falls over the left shoulders which makes an excellent lighting system and in no room is the lights less than one fifth of the floor space. They have light adjustable curtains which shut off the sunlight and yet do not make the room too dark altho at present many of the cords from these curtains need renewing. The rooms are spacious enough so that each person is allowed the required number of cubic feet of air. The most unfavorable feature arising is the seats which are not adjustable and therefore many pupils are sitting in seats which do not fit and consequently has a bad effect on their posture. Physical Exercise and postural training is taught 2 1/2 hours per week namely by means of Supervised Play at recess and physical exercises at intervals during the day. As an aid in this, the school has purchased a set of 3 physical exercise records which give directions for use. Another unfavorable feature which might be stated is that the walls in some of the rooms need fixing and all ought to be tinted light tan.
Health and sanitiation have been kept in mind during the course and thus good drinking fountain has been installed in each hall, also paper toweling, liquid soap, mirror and wash basin. Shelves are provided for the dinner pails and it is hoped that when the cold weather sets in the pupils may be served to at least one "hot dish" to go with their cold lunches.
Since the opening of school this fall the district have provided the school with a new set of maps, new science, manual training and domestic science equipment and all other school supplies to last until Christmas. The school takes this opportunity of showing their appreciation for the splendid cooperation which has been given by the school board.
The school is provided with dustless crayons, screened windows, oiled floors, pencil sharpeners, and firm waste baskets all of which prevent dust and germs from getting into the air. Indoor toilets and a play room occupy the northern end of the basement and it is expected that this play room may be arranged so that it may be suited for play during the cold days. The pupils feel that their play ground is not large enough to accomodate their number and perhaps the one thing which the school is in need of the very most is something in the form of playground equipment such as swings, giant stride, etc.
The school is provided with a well on the grounds which supplies pure fresh water. The Health Side of the Child's Life is constantly being thought of in all their new equipment.
Hygiene and Sanitation is taught in the General Exercise period once a week and some of the rooms have daily inspection for lean arms, teeth, fingernails, and ears.
---Boost Willard---
List of Perfect Attendance for the First Month of School
Upper Room
Anne Parkel
Anne Trunkel
Mildred Clair
Reinhold Kokaly
Joe Zallar
John Verschay
Primary Room
Cecilia Gabrovic
Mary Alice Hintz
Rudolph Trunkel
Richard McCune
Rudy Panyon
Julia Scharenbrock
Amelia Celesnik
Eleanor Debevec
Albina Gabrovic
Louis Horvat
Francis Korenchan
Intermediate Room
Zora Ruzic
Joe Verschay
William Boh
Kathryn Hintz
Edna Kokaly
Catherine Verschay
Frances Ulesich
Joseph Panyon
Marcella Scharenbrock
Alice Scharenbrock
Mayme Debevec
---Boost Willard---
The following are stories which have been chosen by the teachers as being the best in certain classes.
Tubal Cain
Tubal Cain was the first blacksmith. Every day he worked hard at his forge making spears and swords. While he worked he sang a song about himself. The people bought the swords and spears. They gave him gifts of gold and pearls in exchange. They were very happy to have them so they sang a song about Tubal Cain and their weapons.
Soon the people began to kill each other. This made Tubal Cain very sad, so he closed his shop for a long time. The land was all bloody because the people had been killing each other.
For many days Tubal Cain sat thinking what he should do. At last a thought came o'er him. So he opened up his shop again and began to make plows. After this the people put their swords in the hall and their spears on the wall. Then the people began to till the soil. So they sang a song thanking old Tubal Cain for the plows, and that they should not forget their weapons.
Angeline Koschak
---Boost Willard---
Civics Story
(If you can fill in the blanks in teh following you will have a fine Civics story. Folks this is your puzzle. Read it throgh twice before you try to write words in the blanks, then write them neatly and send to the "News Box" at school. The winner shall receive a prize.)
I am a _____________of the United States. My home is in the town of _______________. This township is in the _______________part of ___________________ county. There are ________________ townships in Clark County. A few days ago, I visited the court house to apply for a hunting license. I went to Mr. ___________________ the ______________. office but he was busy so I strolled about as I waited my turn. Just then the ____________ Mr. ____________ brought in two men, prisoners from the county jail. They were going to be tried ________________ __________________ for robbing a store. One of these men had been tried a few months before for a similar crime and Mr. ________________ the _____________ who was to prosecute the case, asked Mr. __________________ the ________________ ____ ___________ to look up his record of the previous trial.
Presently a young lady came into the courthouse. She wished to secure a certificate to teach school in the county. They directed her to the off of Mr. _______________ the _____________ _________.
A man appeared in the hall about that time. He had just bought a farm in the county and wanted to have the paper recorded. He was told to find the ___________ ____ __________ Mr. _____________'s office.
About this time I noted many men coming into the courthouse and passing upstairs. I followed to the room where the Legislative Department of the Government of the County was in session. It is called the ______________ ____________. As I entered Mr. __________ the chairman from my township was reading a petition for a new bridge in our township. Mr. ___________ the county clerk, was keeping the minutes of the previous meeting. I became so interested in this meeting that I stayed an hour. As I was going down, a man rushed into the County Treasurer's office and shouted "I want pay for the supplies I sold to the county last month." Mr. ___________ replied, "I can't give you any money unless you have an order drawn by Mr. _______________, the _________ ____________. As I was leavig the courthouse, I met an elderly woman accompanied by an elderly couple. The lady stopped me and said, "I came to see about having my husband's will probated. Where shall I go?" I told her to see Mr._________ as he was the ____________ She then said, "My son and this young lady wish to be married. Where shall they go?" I replied to the _________'s office, but if they want someone to perform the marriage ceremony either a _________ or an _____________ ___________ has authority to do that.
---Boost Willard---
When Ralph Hintz was a little boy and the baby of the family he happened to be visiting school one day when he heard the teacher say "China is a very densely populated country. Did you know that every third child born into this world is a Chinaman?" Ralph being the baby and the second child of the family listened with open mouth. That night as he entered the house he said, "Ma, our next baby will be a Chinaman."
Advertisements on this page
Speich & Braun, Ford Sales and Service, Greenwood
Thompson Confections, Willard
Quast & Co, General Merchandise, Willard
Page 4
Local News Items
Mr. John Bayuk went to Greenwood on business Monday.
Mrs. Paul Baldwin, Mrs. G. Campbell, and Mrs. Campbell Sr. called at the school on Monday.
Mrs. L. Clair, Mildred Clair, and Ethel Peterson spent Friday evening with Mr. Peter Schmidt.
State Inspector, Mr. Drewey, and County Superintendent, Mrs. VanNatta, visited the Willard School during the forenoon of Tuesday Oct. 21. From the rumors we hear that they were very pleased with the conditions in the school.
Mr. Lawrence Jones spent last weekend at his home at Wisconsin Rapids returning on Sunday evening.
Johnny Quast was on the sick list on Monday. Too much of a good time on Sunday, Johnny? Take it slow and easy.
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Musich spent last Sunday evening at the home of Martin Matkovich.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ulesich and family drove to Greenwood Monday to have a family picture taken.
Mr. Math Dergance spent Tuesday afternoon at Thorp helping to build some of the homes which were destroyed during the tornado.
Mrs. John Vershay has been ill and Mrs. P. Zagar has been helping her with the work.
Mrs. George Hintz and children and Mrs. Lizzie Clair visited at Frank Abel's on the Greenwood road on Sunday. They visited there with Ed Slaughter who was at one time a resident of Willard.
Mr. Jacob Preisig and children attended the show in Greenwood Saturday night. Paul Preisig says he saw his teacher Miss McCarty there.
Mrs. Andrew Kovenchan and daughters Caroline and Frances spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. John Zallar.
Martin Kokaly Jr took Mrs. (words obliterated)
Miss E. Peterson called on Mr. and Mrs. L.S. Butcher Tuesday evening.
Mrs. H. Anderson of Owen and little daughter and her mother, Mrs. W. Stair of Stanley visited at the Campbell home on Tuesday.
Mrs. Violet Campbell of Augusta has been visiting with her son George and family for the past week.
The Choir of the WIllard Community Church met for practice last Monday night and will meet again on Oct. 27. The following sang in the choir on Tuesday: Mrs. G. Campbell, Mrs. P. Baldwin, Miss Ethel Peterson and Messers Lawrence Jones, Roland Hintz and Ralph Hintz.
E.E. Slaughter and family of Firchild were at Willard Sunday.
Preaching Services were held in the school last Tuesday Oct 21. At this time Mr. Thomas, Superintendent of the Eau Claire district, was present with Rev. T.O. Thompson and brought a beautiful message to all who were present.
Mr. Joe Ule went to Neillsville to get his brother-in-law Frank Masoval who is now visiting at his home.
Mr. Fred Kuester is at present finishing the roof on Frank Parkel's silo.
The North Mound School with Miss Lu Noal as teacher, begain Tuesday, Oct. 21. At present she is staying with Miss Helen Ehlers. This North Mound School has been moved to the center of the district.
Many people from this community attended the dance at Albright's on Tuesday eve.
Matt Ruzic went to Greenwood on business Monday.
Many from this community attended the Auction Sale at C.O. Jorenby on Tuesday.
Mr. Trunkel and Mr. Laykovich went to Neillsville Saturday morning on business.
The train made a special trip Thursday to bring Hugo Quast form flour.
James Ingham, wife and sone spent a couple of days visiting thier parents and sister at Willard.
E.G. Ingham transacted business at Neillsville Wednesday.
G.P. Campbell is expecting his brother, H. E. Campbell and family of Augusta for a visit.
Mrs. G.L. Campbell and her mother-in-law shopped at Neillsville
John Stair, salesman for automobile accessories was doing business in the
vicinity Wednesday.
Cass Brown of Augusta, salesman for fire proof safes was a business call in the vicinity Wednesday.
Mrs. Lizzie Clair was pleasantly surprised last Thursday morning when the pastor and his family of Stanley, accompanied by members of the Ladies Aid drove over, and visited the entire day.
---Boost Willard---
How My Teacher Teaches Spelling
The first day of school she pronounced 100 demons (hard word) in spelling to grades 4, 5, and 6. If any child got above 85 he need not take Spelling that month. Those who got between 70 and 85 were put in 6th grade spelling, those who got between 60 and 50 were in 5th grade spelling and those getting below 50 were in 4th grade. The teacher then teaches 4 new words a day to grade 4, 5 words to grade 5, 6 words to grade 6 all taken from the list of misspelled words by that grade. As soon as she has completed the list the entire 100 Demons are pronounced again this time those getting (words unreadable) fall into grade 4. The following were exempt at the first test having standings as follows:
Jennie Horvat...91
Geraldine Crotzer...93?
Amelia Matkovich...92
Zora Ruzic...90
Joe Laykovich...90
Albert Bayuk...90
Kathryn Hintz...90
Frances Schwab...87
Martin Matkovich...86
Anne Celesnik...85
Boyd Hintz
Report cards showing the standings for the first 6 weeks were given to the pupils in the Willard School on Friday.
State Inspector Mr. Drewey and CO. Supt. Mrs. VanNatta called at Willard School on Tuesday.
---Boost Willard---
Guess Who? A young couple of Willard called at the county clerk's office for a marriage license. The clerk told them he did not believe they were old enough, that he would not grant them a license. Afterwards he thought he did wrong, so he called them at the hotel and asked the clerk if they were there. The clerk said "They are upstairs. Go right up if you wish to see them." He went up, but when he came to their door it was closed. On it was a card which read "License Applied For."
---Boost Willard---
And they say Johnny Quast was on the sick list on Monday. Some called it "Painters Colic." Some say, too much of a good thing sometimes has bad effects, eh what?
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