News: Willard (December 20, 1924)

Contact: Shari Volovsek Hahn (Transcriber)

----Source: Willard Spice, Willard WI (December 20, 1924), Volume 1, No. 4

 provided by Sandy Klinke

Surnames: Ehlers, Jones, Quast, Thompson, Celesnik, Zagozen, Podobnik, Glass, Hintz, Francel Lunka, Pakiz, Taylor, Peterson, Musich, Kokaly, Verschay, Clair, Scharenbrock, Boh, Ruzic, Trunkel, Matkovich, Bayuk, Schwab, Baldwin, Matkovich


Feb. 5, 1924

Feb. 21, 1924

Oct. 25, 1924

Dec. 20, 1924

April 8, 1925

May 14, 1925

May 25, 1925


News: Willard Spice (December 20, 1924); Pg. 1, Pg. 2, Pg. 3, Pg. 4




News From The Young Peoples' Club

The last meeting was called to order at 8:25 by the secretary in absence of both president and vice-president. A motion was made by Miss Ehlers that Lawrence Jones act as temporary chairman. Carried. Roll call was read by the secretary. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. A treasurer's report was read and accepted. Miss Ehlers then gave a report of the work of the program committee in which she told about three good home talent plays which she had ordered and received. A motion was made that it be left to the program committee to decide upon the play to be given and the characters to take part. Carried.

As Johnny Quast, chairman of the refreshment committee has left Willard for Greenwood the president appointed Mrs. Harley Thompson to act as chairman.

A motion was made that the members of the U.P.C draw "names" from a box to present with a gift at Christmas, to which must be attached a verse of no less than six lines. Carried. Names were then drawn and the following new members enrolled.

Anne Celesnik

Jennie Celesnik

John Zagozen

Harley Thompson

Mrs. Harley Thompson

Mike Podobnik

Frank Celesnik

Bryan Glass

Paul Hintz

F.G. Francel

Frances Lunka

The president then announced that the Willard Glee Club would meet for organization on THursday at 4:00 P.M. It was also announced that at the next meeting each one is to answer "roll" with a joke, riddle, funny story or memory gem. If anyone fails to do this they must pay a forfeit of not less than a dime.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:10.

The next meeting will be held Wednesday evening, Dec. 17th. New officers and commeittees will be elected A short program will precede the distribution of gifts and the reading of the verses. The program will consist of a musical selection by Merko Pakiz, who will also speak on starting an orchestra, folk dances by the upper room and a number by the Willard Glee Club which at present consists of the following people:---

Miss Taylor, Pianist

L.F. Jones, Director

Miss E. Peterson

Albert Musich

John Zagozen

Reinhold Kokaly

John Verschay

Mildred Clair

Anne Scharenbrock

Ann Boh

Elizabeth Scharenbrock

Angeline Ruzic

Ann Trunkel

Ann Matkovich

Gertude Bayuk

Roland Hintz

William Schwab

This Glee Club meets every Thursday at 4:00 P.M. New members desired.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All


Christian Politeness

The education of youths, in our day, appears to concern itself with reading, writing history, etc., but very little with the matter of good manners. The rising generation seems to be growing up with great lack of good breeding. If some of our educational institutions would put out a study of two from among those not strictly necessary, and substitute in there instead a course instruction upon courtesy and politeness, the change would prove beneficial. From Editorial Notes in "Light" of New Orleans.

In what politeness consists? A person is polite when he is mainly occupied in removing the obstacles which hinder the free and unembarrased action of those about him. It carefully avoids whatever may cause a jar or a jolt in the minds of those with whom it is cast. A gentleman carefully avoids all slashing of opinions, suspicions or resentment. His concern is to make every one at ease and at home. He has his eyes on all his company. His is tender toward the bashful, gentle and merciful toward the abused. He recollects to whom he speaks, he guards against unseasonable allusions or topics which may irritate. He never speaks of himself except when compelled, he has no ears for slander or gossip, he interprets every thing for the best. He is never mean of battle in disputes, never takes unfair advantage, never insinuates evil,  which he dares not say out.

His in the nature of things, that where ever there is a genteel heart, it will always be courteous. It  is likewise natural that where ever a base heart may be, it shall always show itself similarly. A habit once formed is hard to change.

Politeness therefore does not consist in certain graceful bows nor in silly acts. True politeness is the expression of genuine kindness of heart. It is founded on Christian as well as natural laws.

The polite person will therefore meet his fellowmen in a civil and friendly manner. Will not annoy them or hurt their feelings. He will forget his own merits in favor of others. To be polite means to be modest and humble, to practice self contol and self sacrifice.

In rural districts, on the farm, the people who live nautral, often show greater dignity and more politeness than many dwellers in the cities, for their politeness is often only a veneer and does not spring from their heart.

Like the duties of a good citizen, politeness should be observed always, every where, at home, in school, and church and under all circumstances, in exchange of our opinions and disputes. Where there is politeness there is no room fo rudeness and ill manners.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All


Willard School

Dear Santa Claus:---

Please bring me a horn, a drum, a gun, a ball, a watch, a story book, a sled, a Christmas tree, a tablet, a pencil, some candy, peanuts, a wagon and a car.

Your friend,

Peter Celesnik


What to Observe

1---The sanitarky conditions of the school building

2---The general discipline and management of the school.

3---The attitude of the teacher toward the children.

4---The attitude of the children toward the teacher.

5---The size of the classes.

6---The supply of supplementary material as maps, dictionaries, etc.

7---The physical conditions under which teachers and pupils are working.

8---Facilities offered, for the development of the health of the children, playgrounds nurses, quarters, etc.

9---To what extent their own children participate in school activities.

10--Equipment of school especially as realates to library, gymnasium, shop instructional materials, etc.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All


(Concerning a Man from Willard)

Magistrate: "What's the charge?"

Policeman: "Drunk, your honor, but not disorderly. He only wanted to go home, but he was in no condition."

Magistrate: "Officer, you done well. No man should be allowed to go home unless he's capable of protecting himself."


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All


Community Sunday School

A business meeting followed the regular community Sunday School last Sunday. Up to this time classes had been taught by temporary teachers and so a motion was made that permanent teachers and superintendents be appoimted. The following are our permanent list.

Superintendent...Lawrence Jones

Vice super---George Hintz

Sec & Treas---Geo. Campbell

Pianist---Mrs. G. Campbell

Adult Teacher---Ethel Peterson

Int. Teacher---Miss Lizzie Clair

Primary Teacher---Mrs. P. Baldwin

A motion was made that the superintendent open the school and begin singing at 10:30 sharp. Carried. Enrolling of regular classes followed the business meeting.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All


Willard School

Dear Santa Claus:--

I want a rubber ball, and four tablets, four pencils, and two Christmas books. I want a package of candy, a little sleigh, a little clock. I want a little house with a man and woman in it, a reading book, a little horn, a little table and a little chair.

Your friend,

Annie Zagozen


Dear Santa Claus:--

I am writing you a letter. I wish you would bring me some candy, toys, a gun to shoot, a train of cars, a sled and skis, gum and all kinds of things.

Your friend,

John Trunkel


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All


The Electric Bell System Of Our School

The electric bell system in our school is very convenient in the dismissal and calling together the pupils. The ninth grade Science Class installed it for their Science lesson.

There is a bell in each room, a push button in the Intermediate and Upper Room and the batteries in the latter.

There are two wires leading from the Primary Room to the Intermediate Room. One went through two negatives, and one through two positives. Two wires leading from the Intermediate Room to the Upper Room are arranged in a series. The third wire was fixed between the Intermediate Room bell and push button and lead to the Upper Room push button to form a complete circuit.

When a current passes through the bell the magnets get magnitized and attract a plate toward them, then there is a complete circuit, and the bell rings. When the spring makes the plate go back to its original positionn the circuit is broken and the bell stops ringing.

                Ann T Matkovich, General Science, 9th.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All


Information Parents Should Seek

1--What parents can do to help schools.

2--Whether any bad habits had been noted in pupils.

3--What is the general school success of the child.

4--Are the teachers salaries adequate.

5--What are the qualifications demanded of the teaching force.

6--General policies of the school department.

7--Specific facts about parents own children.

8--Per capita cost as compared with that of other cities.

9--Whether the child is working up to his full capacity as determined by intelligence and educational tests.

10--What are the vocational tendencies of the child if any are manifested.

11--Purposes of the various courses o study.

12--Reasons for making or not making changes in course of study.

13--Finances of school district tax rate, indebtedness, etc.

14--Is pupil in course best suited to his capacity and needs.

15--Does pupil show any special aptitudes; disabilities.

16--Has pupil too many outside activities.

17--Is pupil courteous and helpful.

18--Does pupil enter into a sufficient number of student activities?

19--What provisions are made for backward and for superior children?


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All



Teacher: "William, what is steam?"

Will S.: "Water crazy with the heat."

Wise Kid

Teacher: "What is the most prominent women's club in America?"

Wise Kid: "The rolling pin."



Willard Spice

Published bi-monthley by the memers of the Willard Young Peoples' Club.

Subscription Rates--10c a copy or $1.00 a school year.


Editor in Chief...Ethel Peterson

Ass't Editor...Elizabeth Clair

Editorials...Ivan Ruzic

State and National News...George Campbell

Local News...Mrs. H. Thompson

Local News...John Quast

School Notes;

   Primary Room...Elasnor Taylor

   Int. Room...Zora Ruzic

   Upper Room...A. Matkovich

Jokes...Harley Thompson

Jokes...Carlyle Baldwin

North Willard News...Helen Ehlers

Gorman News...Frances Fainter

Adv. Manager...Lawrence Jones

Printed by..."Gleaner"

Club MOtto "let us hold fast to all that is Good"


"Entered as second-class matter November 25, 1924, at the post office at Greenwood, Wisconsin, under the Act of March 3, 1879"

"Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized November 25, 1924"


Willard School

Dear Santa:

I wish you would come to our school and give the presents out. Miss Peterson said that she'd like a real Santa Claus. I wish you would bring me a lot of candy, peanuts, walnuts and all kind of things. Please Santa come to our school. I will hang up my stocking on Christmas eve. I will be a good girl so that you won't give me a stick. I will tell my ma to buy me some peanuts and candy. Your friend, Alice Scharenbrock

Dear Santa:

I am writing to you to tell you what I want on Christmas eve. I am going to hang my stocking up and I want you to bring me presents. I want a  big doll, a pencil box, some candy, some peanuts and some fruit. You may bring some other things if you please. Don't forget to bring my brothers and sister something too. Your friend, Caroline Karenchan

Dear Santa:

How are you getting along? Our teacher told me to write to you so I did. Please bring me some candy, nuts, oranges, a bell to ring and a big ball to play with. On Christmas eve I will hang up my stocking and I am glad you will fill it full of toys. on Christmas eve I want you to come our house. Please don't bring me any stick. I don't want you to show this to Miss Peterson. I know whe will see it because she has to mail the letters. Your friend, Marcella Scharenbrock

Dear Santa:

I am wishing you a Happy Christmas and wish you to bring me a nice horn and some other toys and cany and put some on the Christmas tree when I am sleeping. Leave a big bag of candy and toys so I will be happy all year. Goodby Santa. Your friend, Tony Zupanc

Dear Santa:

My teacher told me to write a letter to you so I did. I wish you would come to our house on Christmas eve. I hope you are well. I want you to bring candy, mnuts, tooth paste, 1 dozen orangesm a finger nail file, popcorn balls, pencil, a book to read out of. I will hang up my stocking on Christmas eve. I am good in school. Please don't bring me a stick. I would be very happy if you would bring all these things for me. Your friend, Louise Gabrovic

Dear Santa:

I am asking you to bring something for Christmas. I wish you would bring me a play dog and a air rifle. A little hammer, a box of blocks. Your friend, Joe Horvat

Dear Santa:

I wrote to you last year and I will wite a few lines this year too.

For Christmas I want you to do a favor for me. I want you to come to our Christmas program at our school and give out the presents to the children. I want you to come to our home and bring us presents and all kinds of nuts and candy. I will be sure to hang my stocking. It will be a brown stocking. Please fill it full. For my Christmas presents I want a nice big dolly with pretty long curls. I want a ring with a pretty set in it too. I think I will close my letter because I haven't anything else to ask for. Goodbye my dear friend Santa. Your Friend, Amelia Matkovich

Dear Santa:

I wish you would come to our house and bring me candy, nuts, toys and some other things. I wish you would and leave a big bag of toys and goodies. I have not been very good 89 in deportment and 90. I wish you A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year. So Good-by. Your friend, Rosalyn Laykovich

Dear Santa Clause:

I was good all the year long and I hope you will bring me some toys for Christmas. I hope you will bring me candy, a ring, a string of beads some story books and a pair of skates. Your friend, Mary Bergant

Dear Santa Claus:

I am a girl and I like you dear Santa Claus. It is getting near Christmas Day. We are studying for our plays for Christmas. Dear Santa Clause will you please bring me a beautiful doll and bring me a horn, a ring and a drum. Sometimes when there is no school for us Saturdays I am a very good, good girl. On Christmas Day I will hang up my stocking. And fill them with pretty toys. Some boys and girls are not good they will not get any toys. My name is Amelia Celesnik. Our teachers name is Miss Eleanor Taylor. I will have to stop now. Your friend, Amelia Celesnik

Dear Santa Claus:

I was good all the year. Please bring me candy, peanuts, a dress, slippers, stockings, a doll and a house, a cow, a horse and a big balloon. I wish you'd bring me a toy gun a horn and all kinds of toys. Bring me mittens and over rubbers, too. Your friend Angeline Laykovich

Dear Santa Claus:

I am writing to you a few lines. First I am going to tell what I want you to do on Christmas eve. I want you to bring a Christmas tree and some toys to put on the Christmas tree. On Friday come to school at night. Come to our Christmas program and brin a Christmas tree and some toys to put on our Christmas tree. Bring a present to everybody in our school, and bring each a box of candy. In school on my report card I go good standings and for my deportment I always get above 88. My sister and my brother have good standings too. I think I must close my letter. Good-by dear Santa Claus. Your friend, Annie Zagas

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All

Advertisements on this page:

Steve Plautz

Schwarze Bros.

Farmers' Store

J.F. Vesel, Jeweler

Greenwood Co-Op

Thompson Confectionery

F.A. Oelig



School Notes

The school program will be given on Friday evening, Dec. 19th, to begin at 8:00 o'clock. It will consist of the following numbers:--

1--A dialogue "Christmas Speakin' at Skagg's Skule," which last at leaset half an hour and is given by the Intermediate Room. The characters in the play are:

Miss Emmeline Elkins (Teacher)...Geraldine Crotzer

Josiah Judd (Clerk of Skule Board)...Victor Musich

Mrs. Skaggs, Mrs. Hill (Visitors)...Zora Ruzic, Frances Schwab

Billy Skaggs (Very Bashful)...Joe Bizjak

Ole Swanson (A Swede)...Albert Bayuk

Florildy, Matildy (Twins)...Alice and Marcella Scharenbrock

Rastis (A Negro boy)...Tony Trunkel

Sam Shaw (who stutters)...Willie Dergance

Virgil Vane (very studious)...Boyd Hintz

Tiny Tillie (Small for age)...Anne Celesnik

Corabell (Her fat sister)...Amelia Matkovich

Sarah Jane (sho's not scared)...Catherine Verschay

2--The Primary Room are to furnish numbers between sets of the play. Their part will consist of a (1) "Mother Goose Play" (2) A song "Who Has Seen Dear Santa Claus?" and (3) a play "Merry Elfin Bard."

3--The UPper Room will then present a three act play entitled "The Christmas Spirit" which last about ninety minutes. Following is a synoposis of their play.

The Christmas Spirit

Walter Hardcash was a the proprietor of Hardcash and Company. He was hard hearted and rich. His employees, Mr. Foster, Mr. Barker, and Frank Bent, wanted an increase of salary for a Christmas present.

Mr. Hardcash refuses to go to an invitation of Mr. Holmes, and refuses to raise the salary of his employees and stenographer.

Mary Douglas the stenographer, Mr. Bent and Mr. Barker intend to leave on account of the refusal of the raise in salary.

The Christmas Spirit came and showed how he could have helped some of those poor people whom he refused to help. When he saw all those scenes his heart was changed from a hard and cold one to a kind and sympathetic one.

When the people saw him in the changed condition they were surprised. He gave a raise to everyone of his employees salary and, on Christmas, he gave a great supper and invited Mrs. Douglas, ,Mary, Mr. Barker, Mr. Foster, Frank Bent, Mr. and Mrs. Holmes, Miss Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron, their children and some others.


Walter Hardcash...Joe Ule

Mr. Barker...Martin Gregorich

Frank Bent...Roland Hintz

Mary Douglas...Gertrude Bayuk

Mrs. Douglas...Evanka Zallar

Mr. Foster...John Zagozen

Mr. Holmes...Wm. Schwab

Mrs. Holmes...Ann Trunkel

Miss Allen...Ann Matkovich

Mr. Cameron...John Matkovich

Mrs. Cameron,.Angeline Koschak

Christmas Spirit...Angel Ruzic

Evonka Zallar was on the sick list on Thursday.

The children are building a little snow and log hut north of the school and have been working at it like beavers

Mr Gais Crotzer has withdrawn from the school and has gone to live with his uncle Sam at Elroy, Ill.

The pupils have been busy during the past week trying to become champion Christmas Seal sellers.

During the weeks of Dec. 1 and Dec. 8, a subscription drive for the "Willard Spice" took place by the school children. Each room wa given about fifty blanks which were promises to pay on or before April 1st, to "Willard Spice" $1.00 on condition that it be issued twice per month. The room which could get the most people to sign their names to these subscription blanks were to be proclaimed winner and were to be entertained at a party by the other two rooms. This contest called on Friday Dec. 12 at 4:00 p.m. in favor of the Intermediate Room which procured 13 subscribers, the Upper Room winning 2nd place with 11 subscribers, and the Primary Room winning third, with one subscriber. Three Cheers for the Intermediate Room!!! They take this means of telling the other two rooms they desire to be entertained at a party on Wednesday P.M. at 3:00 P.M. during which their regular school society is to meet.



Sophie and Margaret Lucas entertained Annie and Amelia Buoved Sunday evening. The evening was spent by story telling.

Mary Plautz visited at the Jelercic home Sunday.

Mrs. Joe Trost, Pauline and Victor Trost were guests at the Kokaly home Sunday.

A baby boy came to gladden the Kokaly family last Friday.

Mr. John Gregorich did butchering Wednesday.

Mr. Frank Peroshek did purchasing at Greenwood Tuesday.

Angela Luzovec and Frank Lucas are taking piano lessons from Mirco Pakiz.

Mr. Mike Artac and Mrs. John Lucas spent Monday with Mrs. Joe Bukovec.

Mr. Steve Plautz hass been very ill, so his son, Mike is running the store.

Mrs. Mike Artac and Mrs. Ule one evening of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reineking and Bernelda, of Greenwood, had dinner with miss Ehlers Sunday.

Miss Lee Noah stayed with Miss Ethel Peterson Sunday.

Mr. Val Jeras is busy hauling bolts to Willard.

Mrs. Steve Plautz did Xmas shopping at Greenwood Saturday.

Joe Luzovec, Mike Plautz, Albert Trost, and Tony Kokaly went after a Christmas tree for the school on Sunday. They found a beautiful tree near the Eau Claire river. While there, they visited Frank Loreha. The boys aid they enjoyed their visit with him because he is a Northern trapper and he told the boys all about the secrets of trapping.

A bunch of young folks here enjoyed a sleigh ride Thursday evening and after they arrived back they had an indoor marshmallow roast.

School Notes

All of the Language Classes are busy making Xmas booklets most of them look very artistic. As we all believe "Trifles make perfection, but perfection is no trifle."

Names were drawn for exchanging presents, last Friday.

Joe Luzovec, Albert Trost, John Snedic, Frank Petkovsek, and Mattie Gregorich trimmed our Xmas tree and the room with evergreen boughs Monday. They sure did a very fine piece of work. Wish you would come and see the school room in all its splendor.

Sophie Luzovec received the highest standing in Civics.

The 7th and 8th grades are reading "Evangeline."

The 2nd graders are almost through with their second reading book.

The 3rd and 4gth grades are memorizing "Bethlehem."

What the clock could relate

What kept Albert Bukovec at home one day last week.

Who was seen going home by moonlight Wednesday?

Whose name Mattie Gregorich drew?

Why Joe Luzovec's and Albert Trost's shopping is so important.

What instrument Angeline Artac invented from paper.

Why George Plautz is so interested in Annie Kokaly's Arithmetic paper?

Who Margaret Lucas enveys while reading?


Willard School

Dear Santa--

I am writing you a few lines to tell you what I want for Christmas. I have an average of 89 in school.

Please come to our house. I want a doll, a doll house, a doll wagon, a monkey, a sewing outfit, a doll set, a comb and a pound of nuts, candy peanuts, walnuts, and toys. If you think I am mean, you may give me a stick. Good-by. Your friend, Mayme Debevec.


Mr. Hintz was in Greenwood one day last week. A butcher asked him if he did not have a hog to butcher as he was in need of some fresh pork. A few days later Mr. Hintz brought in a hog that weighed 250 lbs. The butcher said he was much pleased to get it. After they had it weighed, Mr. Hintz said he believed he would take one of the hind quarters as he had no meat.

"Certainly" said the butcher. "I would as soon you would have it as anybody."

After he had it cut and weighed Mr. Hingz asked, "how do we stand?" The butcher went to his desk and gigured for a while, came back and said, "You owe me fifty cents."


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All


Mrs. Trunkel: "Tony, how did you get that black eye?"

Tony: "I was protectin' a little boy."

Mrs. T: "That was noble, son. Who was he?"

Tony: "Me."

Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year to All

OPERA HOUSE, Greenwood, WI

Wednesday Dec. 17th, Richard Talmidge in "Watch Him Step."

Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 20th and 21st, "My Man" with Betsy Ruth Miller and Dustin Farnum. A stirring Picture of our city today. A drama with comedy.

Thursday Dec. 25th, "Conducter 1892" with Johnny Hines. Volley of Folly on a Trolley

Saturday and Sunday Dec. 27th and 28t, Harry Carey in "Desert Driven." A red-blooded story of the Western Plains.

Wednesday Dec. 31st, Tom Mix and Tony.

Children Matinee Xmas Day at 2:30. All children will be admitted free. The older people may come at the regular admission price.

Two shows each night at 7:30 and 9:00

O.A. Hiles, Manager

Other Advertisements on this page:

Leach Bros.

Quast and Co.



Local News

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All

Mr. Stancer (I believe the correct spelling may be Stamcar?) drove to Greenwood with his oxen on Monday.

Mr. Anton Debevec went to Greenwood on Tuesday.

Mr. Math Dergance was cutting corn for Frank Boh a few days ago.

Miss Mary Scharenbrock has been on the sick list this week.

Andrew Korenchan was at Greenwood, Monday.

Carlyle Baldwin was seen in the Willard P.O. on Saturday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Hans Thompson of Lindsey, Montana are spending the winter with their son, Harley Thompson.

Mrs. L.S. Butcher called at the Preisig home on Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Ingham went to Spencer Friday to spend the day with their son.

Miss E. Taylor called at the Ruzic's home on Thursday eve.

Evanka Zallar has been ill for the past few days. we send her our hopes for a speedy recovery.

Mrs. Hans Thompson and Mrs. Harley Thompson visited with Mrs. J. Preisig Thursday afternoon.

Miss Lee Noah spent the last week Saturday night with Miss Peterson and attended the Community Sunday School Sunday.

Mr. Howard Bremer also attended the Sunday School having spent the night with Lawrence Jones.

Community Worship was held at the school on Tuesday night. Rev. Thompson, pastor. The many, who were assembled, listening to a wonderful sermon and were favored by a special number by the choir entitled "Whispering Hope."

Misses Eleanor Taylor and Ethel Peterson spent Friday night at the Matkovich and Celesnik homes. Part of the evening was spent in coasting downhill.

Mr. L.F. Jones attended the M. E. Churh supper and bazaar on Thursday evening after which he went to the theatre in Greenwood to see the play given by the school in that town. Friday afternoon he left for his home at the Rapids to spend the weekend.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All


North Mound Notes

Miss Eva Herrick left for Peoria, Ill., Monday.

Miss Mathilda Cerne called on Miss Mary Herrick, Sunday.

Mr. Jerry Bolka is busy making cord wood.

Mr. Vincent Jelercic has been grinding feed for the neighbors.

Mr. Joe Dobush called on Mr. Kotcan Sunday.

Mr. Kotcan has been busy hauling lumber for his new barn.

School Notes

The entire school has been busy decorating for Xmas. In all they have succeeded very well.

John Djubenski and Jack Herrick are going after a tree for the Xmas Party.

Last Friday, names were exchanged for Christmas presents. We wonder what all the scrambling on Mary Gerces part was for.

Mr. Gerc has been building a cellarway on the schoolhouse.

The Literary Society will meet next Friday afternoon to plan for Xmas Party which will be held on Dec. 24.

Our attendance record is certainly fine. We surely hope it will continue so.

The children are enjoying the snow. They have a find slide on the hill.

We Wonder Why

Wanda Kotcan likes a reversed position so much.

Everyone likes to tease little Peter?

Mike Krule is such a tease?

The 3rd and 4th grades cannot learn their poem

The children come to school so early.

Why MIss Noah and Mike Krultz wore pillows on their backs last week.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All



To get a good crop of potatoes we must plow the land in the fall. A rich, sandy loam is best suited to the production of potatoes. Land that has grown clover sod the year before is an ideal spot for potatoes.

Potatoes should be planted two feet apart and the hills 12 to 15 inches apart in the row. The seed should be covered to a depth of about four inches using a hoe or a one-horse plow for the purpose. As soon as the plants appear above the ground so the rows can be followed they should be cultivated, they should be cultivated very often during the growing season, using a hand hoe occasionally, if necessary, to keep the ground free from weeds. Toward the last the plants may be hilled to hold them up and protect the potatoes from the sun when the vines begin to die.

After the potatoes are dug they should not be allowed to lie exposed in the sun or any light while in storage as they soon become green and unfit for table use. Early potatoes should not be stored in a damp place during the heated part of the summer and should be kept in a cool shady shed till the autumn weather sets in, they they may be placed in a dry cellar or buried in the open ground. The ideal temperature for keeping potatoes is between 30 and 40 degrees F., but they will not withstand any freezing.

Gertrude Bayuk


Willard School

Dear Santa Claus--

I want two tablets, two pencils and two note books for school. I want a stocking full of toys. My stocking will be hanging on the chimney wall. I want a little monkey that is on a string. Will you bring me a box full of pencils and an eraser? I want a doll that can talk, walk, cry and sleep, a suit, a wrist watch, a doll wagon, a ring a ribbon, a hat for my doll and three books so I can read. Will you bring me some pictures and a bed for my doll? Your friend, Eleanor Debevec


Dear Santa Claus--

I know you are always busy, I am a good boy, dear Santa Claus. Bring me a drum, a fiddle and a little car. I wish you would fill my stocking and if you do you shall have a kiss. But don't laugh at that, I am a third grader. I know the tables of ones, twos, threes, fours, fives, sixes, sevens, and eights. Now be sure to bring. I am so glad to see you. Be sure to come on Christmas. Will you go down the chimney? Well, that is all I can tell you. Goodbye. Your friend, Johnie Godec


Willard School

Dear Santa Claus--

I wish you would bfring me all these things. A doll, a tablet, a doll table, a book, a pencil, a tin sheep, a candy cane, some candy, some doll chairs, some blocks with the a,b,c,d's and so on with them, a doll bed and a Christmas stocking. Your friend, Bernice


Advertisments on this page:

L.C. Clute

L. Berg, Photographer

The Gullord Pharmacy

C.C. Hoehne

R.L. Barnes, D.C.

Farmers & Merchants Bank

Arends Bros.

The North Side Meat Market




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Webmasters: Leon Konieczny, Tanya Paschke,

Janet & Stan Schwarze, James W. Sternitzky,

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