Bio: Holverson, Alexander H.
Contact: Stan
----Source: Contributed by
Lani Bartelt
Alexander H. Holverson
Alexander H. Holverson was born at Christina, Norway in 1851. He came to this country when he was seven years old and lived at the home of an uncle in Beloit, WI until he was sixteen. He then came to Neillsville, WI and worked in the lumber camps. Having a ready ability to do any kind of work he found various employments over the years working in a clothing store for Fred Klopf, driving stagecoach, keeping a livery stable, and he developed into Clark Co’s top auctioneer. He also kept a harness shop and bought and sold properties, and for many years he was employed by the lumber companies to hire men for the camps as they gathered into Neillsville as he could speak fluent English, Norwegian, and German and had a speaking knowledge of several other languages.
He served one term as under sheriff. when J. W. Page was sheriff. about 1889.
He was married three times. His first wife was Mary Miller who was born at Hartford, WI Oct 22,1853. She and Alexander were married Sept 27,1870 at her birthplace. They had two children Carrie and Edward.
Mary (Miller) Holverson died at her home in Neillsville on Friday, July 16,1890 after a lingering illness.
Her obit said she was a woman who believed that the duties of the home were paramount to the demands of society and in the care of her children and home were her greatest happiness.
The funeral took place from the home on Hewett St. and Rev. Jas. H. McManus conducted the service. The obit went on to say the remains were followed to her final resting place by the largest concourse of people that had attended a funeral for a long time with a thirty-two vehicle procession.
Alexander H Holverson; next married Mrs. Hattie Markey, widow of Edward Markey, who died in 1894. Alexander and Hattie married about 1898. Hattie (Babcock) Markey Holverson was born in the state of NY and came to WI with her parents when quite young and at the time of her death Oct 10,1915 had been a resident of Neillsville for forty-nine years. Her obituary states that she died at her home in Neillsville after an illness of several months duration. She left few relatives to mourn her, a nephew, Charles Babcock, Alexander Holverson and stepchildren, Carrie and Edwin from Alexander’s first marriage. Her obit also stated she was an active member of the Women’s Relief Corps (WRC) and the Royal Neighbors.
The funeral was held at her home with Rev LB Colman preaching the funeral sermon. The Royal Neighbors, WRC and GAR attending as a body and the WRC services also being used. Those from a distance to attend the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. John A Silnick of Chicago; Mrs. C.E. Reichenbeck of Merrilan, WI; Mrs. Jeff Peaslee and Miss Jennie Reichenbeck of Black River Falls, WI; Mrs. W H Woodworth of Eau Claire, WI’ and Mrs. George Ringrose of Alma Center, WI
Alexander H Holverson married a third time to Mrs. Eva Potter, widow of Legare Potter. Eva (Strong) Potter Holverson was born in Medina Co Ohio Aug 11,1856. In the spring of 1861 her parents came west with a party of immigrants to Ontario, Vernon Co, WI traveling in covered wagons. Here she grew to womanhood and in 1875 she married Legare Potter. In 1879 they moved to Colby, Clark Co, WI where Mr. Potter operated sawmills until March, 1891 they again moved to Globe Corner in the town of Weston. In May 1894 they again moved to Neillsville and in 1908 Mr. Potter died.
Alexander and Eva married Aug 5,1919 at Waukegan Illinois with John V Batz, JP officiating.
In the spring of 1861 her parents came west with a party of immigrants to Ontario, Vernon Co., Wis., traveling in covered wagons, the journey taking six weeks. Here she grew to womanhood and in 1875 was married to Legare Potter. In 1879 they moved to the town of Colby, Clark County, Wis., where Mr. Potter operated sawmills from time to time until March, 1891, when they moved to the Globe Corner in the town of Weston. In May 1894 they moved to Neillsville, which remained their permanent home. Mr. Potter died in 1908. Their marriage record from the Clark County Republican & Press also said the following:
Both parties are well and favorably known here. For many years the groom has been identified with various business interests of Neillsville, and has been a business booster for this community. For years he was the leading auctioneer in this locality, and had a high reputation and wide acquaintance in that line of work. Of late he has gone out on sales only on special occasions, but still takes an active part in affairs by looking after his property interests in the city. The bride is a woman highly qualified in home arts, and excellent social qualities. With a large amount of private work on her hands at all times, she has during the war and as long after as service was needed, been one of the leaders in Red Cross and other patriotic work. Not this community alone, but the nation as a whole has been benefited by what she has done and led others in doing.
Alexander H Halvorsen died at his home on Aug 31,1923 after a brief illness.
Rev. Longnecker officiated at the funeral and his wife, Eva, and his children from his first marriage, son, Edwin of Neillsville and daughter, Carrie (Mrs. WH Woodsworth of Eau Clarire and five grandchildren were all in attendance.
Eva Holverson passed away at her home in Neillsville on Nov 14,1928 aged 72 years, 2 months and 2 days.
She was a charter member of the Neillsville United Colony No. 132,BRFF and was an early member of the Women’s Relief Corps (WRC) at Colby, being the first commander of the Isaac N Earl GAR Post at Colby, which was organized in 1883. During WW I she was very active in all the war work and had always been helpful in community affairs.
Alexander Holverson and all three of his wives are buried at the Neillsville City Cemetery, Pine Valley Township, Clark Co, WI.
Edwin Alexander Holverson was born July 8,1871 in Neillsville. When about fifteen years of age he went west to Ft. Benton and for years followed the adventurous life of a cowboy.
Returning to Neillsville he went into the harness work and later dealt mostly in horses and cattle and other property.
He was married to Miss Agnes Eagles in 1901. They had the following children:
Edwin, Lenore, Rosalie, and Constance. In 1925 the family drove with cars to California stopping along the way at interesting points and returning the next year.
Daughter, Lenore was married to Herman Awe on June 20,1923 at the home of her parents with Rev Donnell officiating. Standing up for them was Richard Albrecht and Smily Frei, friends of the young people.
On April 21,1923 the Neillsville, Clark Co, WI community was greatly shocked when Edwin Holverson was found dead in his bed in a private room or den which he had fitted up and used as an office in the barn at his residence on North Grand Ave. His son, Edwin found him in bed and at once summoned medical help but Dr Houseley and the county coroner, Dr MC Rosekans both agreed death was probably caused by heart failure.
His wife, Agnes and his four children, Edwin, still at home; Rosalie and Constance also still at home; and Lenore, Mrs, survived him. Herman Awe of Green Grove. He also left two grandchildren and one sister, Mrs.. WH (Carrie) Woodworth, San Diego, CA.
Funeral services were held at Schiler’s Funeral Home with Rev GW Longnecker officiating.
He too is buried at Neillsville City Cemetery.
Edwin and Agnes also had another two children who died young. Son Gerald died on April 8, 1910 at the age of seven. He was sick only a few days before his death Rev WP Burrows officiated at the funeral service. There is no record of burial for him.
Daughter Gwendolyn Lucille, born 16 Jan 1906 died 15 Sept 1907. She was 20 months old. She is buried at Neillsville City Cemetery.
There is also another child buried there listed only as Infant Holverson, child of Ed and Agnes Holverson.
There is no burial record for Agnes (Eagles) Holverson so perhaps she remarried after Edwin’s death.
Alexander Holverson and all three of his wives Obits
Eva Potter/Alexander Holverson marriage record
Neillsville City Cemetery records
Lenore Holverson marriage record
Gerald Holverson, son of Edwin obit
Neillsville City Cemetery records for Holverson family members
Gwendolyn Lucilee Holverson, Daughter of Edwin Holverson
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