Lincoln County, Wisconsin

~~ Biographical Index W ~~


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Bio: Waid, Deanna (Engagement - 2006)
Bio: Weber, Liberty Leigh (Birth - 2005)
Bio: Weeks, Christine Marie (Engagement - 2007)
Bio: Wegner, Ella Rae (Birth - 2004)
Bio: Wegner, Tenille (Engagement - 2005)
Bio: Weiss, Robert (History - b 1857)
Bio: Weith, Jacob Thomas (Birth - 2007)
Bio: Weix, Christian Harold (Birth - 2005)
Bio: Weix, Faith Vivian (Birth - 2005)
Bio: Welch, Calvin James (Birth - 2005)
Bio: Wendorf, Shannon (Engagement - 2006)
Bio: Wendt, Olivia Ann (Birth - 2007)
Bio: Wendt, Ramsey Scott (Birth - 2004)
Bio: Werner, Jaxson Joseph (Birth - 2004)
Bio: Werner, Stacy (Engagement - 2007)
Bio: Wescott, James W. (History - b 1848)
Bio: Westerhouse, Kristine Loel (Engagement - 2005)
Bio: Whiting, Jacob F. (History - b 1844)
Bio: Whitson, Edward W. (Commemorative Bio - 1895)
Bio: Widak, Lindsey Sarah (Engagement - 2004)
Bio: Wierzba, Loriette (Engagement - 2007)
Bio: Wilde, Mya Nicole (Birth - 2005)
Bio: Wiley, John (History - b 1835)
Bio: Wilke, Skylie Marie (Birth - 2004)
Bio: Willard, Van R. (History - b 1842)
Bio: Willett, Leslie H. (History - b 1862)
Bio: Willett, Leslie H (Photos)
Bio: Williams, Aidan Edgar Quinn (Birth - 2004)
Bio: Williams, Shavary Anthony (Birth - 2007)
Bio: Wilson, Jenifer M. (Engagement - 2007)
Bio: Wimmer, Maverick John (Birth - 2005)
Bio: Winchester, Willie G. (History - b 1858)
Bio: Wipperfurth, Werner (Commemorative Bio - 1895)
Bio: Wolff, Herman Charles (Commemorative Bio - 1895)
Bio: Woller, Abigail Rose (Birth - 2004)
Bio: Woller, Amy Elizabeth (Engagement - 2007)
Bio: Woller, Beckie (Engagement - 2007)
Bio: Woller, Julius (Farm Fire - 4 Nov. 1925)
Bio: Wood, Adam Christopher (Birth - 2004)
Bio: Wright, Henry W. (Commemorative Bio - 1895)
Bio: Wright, William Henry (Commemorative Bio - 1895)

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