Grand Army of the Republic

(click to view larger image)


GAR Post information  Name, location, officers, meeting time & organization date.

GAR Post Numbers in Nebraska from the NSGS -- ANCESTREE

Daughters of Union Veterans NSGS ANCESTREE

Photographs of medal/badge that belonged to Lewis C. Olmstead. The Jas. A. Garfield Post, No 80, G.A.R. - Dept. of Nebraska, was located at Red Cloud, Webster County, NE. Photos supplied by great-grandson, Raymond Felle.

Valparaiso GAR Photo, Saunders County

Burt Co. GAR History & Veterans Association on Burt News pages

NE GAR officials for 1897 (from Legislative Year Book)

Status of Nebraska Dept. G.A.R. in 1922 from NE History & Record of Pioneer Days, Vol. V no.3, July-Aug 1922.

Poster advertising the Nebraska
Soldiers and Sailors Reunion at 
Kearney Nebraska in 1889.
(Thanks to Tom Borg)


"Bygones" by Angus McDonall, 1911
(Thanks to Ginger & her grandfather)

GAR Membership Records

 GAR members of posts in Boyd County.  
 GAR members of two posts in Dakota County 
 GAR members of five post in Douglas County 
 Hall Co. - GAR members, Bradley & Lyons Posts
 Johnson Co. - Tecumseh Chieftian Roster of Heckathorn Post No. 47
 Thurston Co. - GAR members of post 278, Pender, NE.
 York Co. - GAR Post 42 and Woman's Relief Corps Auxiliary Post 5


From the Hastings Independent Tribune - 30 Aug. 1895


7-10 Oct 1879: Unofficial NE G.A.R. Reunion at Warren's Grove, near Bellwood, Butler, NE Photo from the book "Bellwood, Nebraska: The First 100 Years", 1980.
(For information - see Andreas "History of Nebraska", Butler County, parts 3 & 7)

Four pictures from the GAR Reunion at Pierce Nebraska on July 11, 1911
Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 4

A picture from the GAR Reunion at Meadow Grove Nebraska in 1904
Meadow Grove Photo

A big thank you to Carolee Dunivan for supply the above 5 pictures to the Nebraska GAR site!!

1880: Central City, Merrick, NE (clips from two newspapers)  The First OFFICIAL Reunion of G. A. R., 13-18 September 1880

1881: Lincoln, Lancaster, NE

1895: Hastings, Adams Co., NE August 26-31 Nebraska State Reunion &NE-KS Interstate G.A.R. combined reunion.  Thank you, Bill W.

1897: Lincoln, Lancaster Co., NE September 13-18   Thank you, Brenda B. & Bill W.

1949: Final Encampment of NE Dept., G.A.R.  Thanks, Bill W.

NSGS Ancestree - collection of extracts from several issues related to Civil War Vets and Veteran's Organizations. Rollcalls for Encampments of 1897, 1938, 1941, 1942. Thank you to NSGS!

Fifty-second Illinois Reunion of 1908 at Stanton, NE

Reunion of two Union Soldiers who fought together at Shiloh


Interstate Encampments of GAR 

5-18 Sep 1891: NE-KS Interstate G.A.R. Reunion at Red Cloud, NE Thanks again to BB & BW!

ROLLCALL for 1891 G.A.R. NE-KS Interstate Reunion from NSGS Ancestree. Thank you!

1895  NE-KS Interstate GAR, please see Nebraska State Reunion above.

1896 - Four State Reunion held at Falls City, NE Richardson County website, list of 192 attendees with place of residence and/or state from which enlisted. Thanks to Norma!


National Encampments of GAR

1887: St. Louis, MO - Plans, invitation to President Cleveland, conflict ...
               (Thanks again to BB & BW!)

1899: G.A.R. National Encampment was held 5 September, in Philadelphia, PA.

1906: National Encampment was held in Minneapolis, MN

1912: 46th G.A.R. National Encampment was held in Los Angeles, CA

1918: Portland, Oregon Article: "Nebraskan May Head G.A.R., ..."


From Andreas "History of Nebraska", 1882 - (please send notice of other paragraphs found)

Antelope Co (part 2 on web)
Killpatrick Post, No. 82 Oakdale organized 1881.
(list of first officers)

Lancaster Co (part 25 on web)
Upright Post, No. 62, Bennet, organized 1881.
(named for woman; current officers)

Antelope Co (part 3 on web)
John C. Fremont Post, No. 68, Neligh organized 1881.
(list of first officers)

Nuckolls Co (part 3 on web)
G. H. Thomas Post, No. 15, Nelson.
(current officers)

Buffalo Co (part 4 on web)
Sedgwick Post, Kearney re-organized 1879.
(officers for 1879; current officers)

Otoe Co (part 15 on web)
Wadsworth Post, No. 21, Syracuse, organized 1879.
(first and current list of officers)

Butler Co (part 3 on web)
Abraham Lincoln Post, No. 10, David City organized 1877.
(charter members; current officers; first GAR Reunion)

Otoe Co (part 17 on web)
Mansfield Post, No. 54, Palmyra, organized 1880.
(current officers)

Butler Co (part 5 on web)
Farnsworth Post, No. 73, Ulysses organized 1881.
(charter members; first officers; current officers)

Polk Co (part 2 on web)
J. F. Reynolds Post, No. 26, Osceola, organized 1879.
(charter members & current officers)

Butler Co (part 7 on web)
Charles Russel Lowell Post, No. 83, Bellwood.
(see Capt. Miles Warren; first GAR Reunion)

Polk Co (part 4 on web)
J. A. Mower Post, No. 59, Stromsburg, organized 1880.
(charter members, first and current officers)

Clay Co (part 8 on web)
Geo. G. Meade Post, No. 19, Sutton organized 1879.
(first officers; current officers)

Saline Co (part 7 on web)
Harker Post, No. 51, Wilbur, organized 1880.
(first and current officers)

Clay Co (part 12 on web)
Geo C. Oliver Post No. 43, Fairfield organized 1880.
(first officers; current officers)

Saline Co (part 9 on web)
The Curtis Post, No. 89, DeWitt, organized 1882.
(current officers)

Colfax Co (part 3 on web)
Sheridan Post, No. 34, Schuyler organized 1880.
(charter members; current officers)

Seward Co (part 3 on web)
Seward Post , No. 3, Seward, organized 1880.
(charter members; first and current list of officers)

Dodge Co (part 5 on web)
McPherson Post, No. 4, organized 1876.
(First commander; current officers)

Mount Tabor Commandery, No. 9, organized 1880.
(first & current officers)

Seward Co (part 6 on web)
Winslow Post, No. 56, Milford, organized 1880.
(charter members, first & current list of officers)

Hamilton Co (part 3 on web)
Zach Chandler Post, No. 44., Aurora, organized 1880.
(charter members, first & current officers)

Thayer Co (part 3 on web)
Morton Post, No 17, Hebron, organized 1879, reorganized in 1882.
(current officers)

Jefferson Co (part 4 on web)
Russel Post, No. 77, organized 1881.
(Current officers)

Washington Co (part 2 on web)
John A. Dix Post, No. 52, Blair, organized 1880.
(first officers)

Lancaster Co (part 8 on web)
Farragut Post, No. 25. Lincoln organized1879.
(current officers)

Wayne Co (on the web)
Casey Post, No. 5, La Porte organized 1881.
(first officers)

 Wanted: Nebraska GAR Encampment (reunion) information.  Please submit clippings, notices, etc. as found to coordinator.

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