Nebraskans in World War I

"The Great World War" began in August, 1914. The United States did not join the conflict until 6 Apr 1917. The Armistice was signed "at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month", 1918.

"Soldiers of the Great War: Memorial Edition"  Nebraska portion of this three-volume set.  Transcribed by Susan Anderson, Keith County Volunteer Coordinator.

List of Nebraskans that died while serving in the military during WW I from NSHS Journal "Nebraska History and Record of Pioneer Days", Vol II, no. 1. Make certain to read about the Society's collection of materials related to WW I in this same issue. Note: Other issues of this journal are now available!

See "Nebraska History and Record of Pioneer Days", Vol. I, no. 2 - the Table of Contents includes:  Sergeant Anderson, of Funston (photo ID of WW I pictures at NE & Camp Funston), History and Patriotism (in schools), Who started the War?, NE House of Representatives Service Flag (representing members, & sons of members that were in the service).

Base Hospital 49 "University of Nebraska Hospital Overseas" from Nebraska History & Record of Pioneer Days, Vol II, no.2 - includes lists of officers, enlisted & nursing personnel.

Nebraska Alumni Killed in WWI - ALHN website by Virginia A. Cisewski

History of Western Nebraska and Its People by Grant L. Shumway, 1921 -
"Soldier Boys in World War", the photos of Nebraska service men from pp 339-341. Donated by Sandy Smith.

A story about the Servicemen from Nebraska that received the Distinguished Service Cross, written by Marianne - Cherry County Co-coordinator

University of Nebraska, 1918 Yearbook - Strong emphasis on WW I (which was still in progress).  List of students, alumni and faculty serving in various capacities related to the war effort. Letters from service men and snapshots. Information from assorted training camps and military bases. List of bases.

A story and facts written about the 355th Co B Nebraska WW1 Veterans, written by Marianne! Thank you.

New Laws on "Sedition, Sabotage and Home Guards", passed at Special Session of NE Legislature, March 26 to Apr 8, 1918

History of the Nebraska American Legion by Frank Boyd O'Connell, 1922. Pam Rietsch has prepared every name and town indexes. SITE TEMPORARILY DOWN.

Pilgrimage for the mothers and widows of soldiers, sailors, and mariners of the American forces now interred in the cemeteries of Europe - Nebraska List provided by Kathy Monical.

General John Joseph Pershing (1860-1948) Graduate of University of NE Law School in 1893. Commander of the American Expeditionary Force to France in 1917.  Briefest of bios includes quotations, and a speech by Gen. John J. Pershing. For a large portrait of the General, use this link. (from "Victory ... Burt County Nebraska in the World War").

Eddie Rickenbacher Speaks in Omaha (from Plattsmouth Journal, May 22, 1919)

EA Dubois & wife, from Plattsmouth Journal 1918


 WWI Draft Registration

Sample of the draft registration cards for 1917 and 1918,

Draft registration material is available for some counties, prepared and donated by Ray Banks from the original draft registration cards. Thank you, Mr. Banks!  Check the USGenWeb Nebraska  Archives for the following counties: Arthur, Banner, Blaine, Garfield, Garden, Grant, Hooker, Keya Paha, Logan, Loup, McPherson, Perkins, Rock, Thomas and Wheeler.

Read about the "DRAFT PLAN" from the Garden County News 20 July 1917.   Nebraska  Archives


Draft lists as published in newspapers or draft cards are available for the following counties: 

  Antelope Co 

Garden Co. - Draft Cards (Archives - see above)

Nemaha Co. - 1917 & 1918

Arthur Co. - Draft Cards (Archives - see above)

Garfield Co. - Draft Cards (Archives - see above)

Otoe Co. - 1917

Banner Co - Draft Cards (Archives - see above)

Gosper Co. - draft lists & newsclips and Registrations

Perkins Co. - Draft Cards (Archives - see above)

  Pierce Co. 

Blaine Co. - Draft Cards (Archives - see above)

Grant Co. - Draft Cards (Archives - see above)
Gage - WW I Draft Registration for Grant Twp. (From NSGS NE Ancestree, Vol 16, no 3.)

Platte Co.

Boyd Co. draft list, Memorial at Co. courthouse  

Hall Co.

Polk Co.

Hamilton Co.

Burt Co. - 1st list and 2nd list,
Draft & Exempt Lists

 Holt Co. - Numbered list, & lists by precinct.  

Richardson Co. - 1917, 1918, & Roll of Honor

Butler Co

Hooker Co - Draft Cards (Archives - see above) newsclips could not be found

Rock Co. - Draft Cards (Archives - see above)  

Cass Co. draft lists

Howard Co.

Saline Co.
1917 Draft Registration, DeWitt Twp. (from NSGS NE Ancestree, Vol 16, no. 4)

Cheyenne Co.

Jefferson Co. - Part I, Part II, Part III

Sarpy Co.

Colfax Co.

Johnson Co.

Saunders Co.

Cuming Co.

Keya Paha Co. - Draft Cards (Archives - see above)

Seward Co. -

Dakota Co.     2nd draft list

Logan Co. - Draft Cards (Archives - see above)

Sheridan Co. - 1917 draft list,
1918 draft cards (bad links - 11/3/08)

Dawson Co.

Loup Co. - Draft Cards (Archives - see above)

Thayer Co.

Franklin Co.

 Lincoln Co. - 12 draft lists!

Thomas Co. - Draft Cards (Archives - see above)

Frontier Co.

McPherson Co. - Draft Cards (Archives - see above) 

Thurston Co. - Draft & local units information

Furnas Co. 1917, 1918

Merrick Co. - 1917 & 1918 lists

Wayne Co. - 1917

Gage Co. - 3 lists

Nance Co. - 1917 & 1918 lists

Wheeler Co. - Draft Cards
(Archives - see above)


Information By County

"In the World War 1917-1918-1919 Buffalo County Nebraska" published by Oliver F Brown Publishing Company, Kearney, Nebr., 1919.

Burt County People in World War I  This site is part of county page by Bill Wever.  

Burt County WW I Soldiers, Sailors and Marines (does not include casualties) RG18 Files (kept at NSHS)

"Victory ... Burt County Nebraska in the World War"

Frontier County  Veterans Burials

Kearney County  Veterans in 1925 - Veterans burials

Knox County World War One Inductees 

Knox County  War Casualties

Lancaster County Honor Roll "WW I Veterans Who Fought For Us" - brief bios & photos related to servicemen of Lancaster County.

Lincoln County  The Nolan Brothers

Madison County Honor Roll published by Walter Krenzien of Norfolk, NE.

Nuckolls County  WW I Honor Roll  

Platte County  Veterans burials  

Saunders County - "Honor Roll - 1917-1918-1919" book about both the veterans and activities of the citizens in WW I 

Saunders County Military page


General Information

Common abbreviations appearing in publications related to WW I
A.E.F. - American Expeditionary Forces
Q.M.C. - Quartermaster Corps
A.O. - Army of Ocupation
O.T.S. - Officer's Training School
I.C.O.T.S. - ?
S.A.T.C. - Students Army Training Corps at UNL or Creighton College
M.C. - Medical Corps
S.C. - Signal Corps
M.T.C. - Motor Transport Corps
U.S.N.R.F. - US Navy Reserve Forces? at UN

Leading Facts of American History by D. H. Montgomery, 1920 (pp 411-432) - "The Great European War", "Our Men Reach Europe and Do Their Part in the Great War", etc. Some maps included, pronunciation guide to battlefield names.

NARA World War I Records

The Great War Society (website devoted to WW I)

World War I, Links to Other Resources  from members of the World War I Military History List

PBS Documentary, The Great War

The World War I Document Archive

World War I - Trenches on the Web

Newspaper Pictorials: World War I Rotogravures American Memory from the Library of Congress

Overseas burials - American Battles Monument Commission page Honor Roll of World War I Dead - Data base by name, gives death date with grave location, a view of the cemetery.

WWI Timeline America at War

Note: There is a rumor (we know of no published statement of facts) that the great "Spanish flu" epidemic of 1917-1918 can be traced to Camp Funston, KS. This was the army base where many Nebraska draftees underwent basic training. Thousands died of the disease, and thousands more died younger than would have been expected because they had suffered permanent respiratory damage. For an overall info page about the epidemic, please see The Influenza Pandemic of 1918 by Molly Billings.


Poster Graphics from: Trenches on the Web - Mike Iavarone

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