Nebraskans in World War II

World War II Honor List of Dead and Missing, State of Nebraska
published by the War Dept in Jun 1946. Copy of this report found at Central City Library, Merrick County, NE.
    Introduction with explanation of names, serial numbers, military grades, types of casualty.
    Tabulation by counties and types of casualties (names of the deceased with serial number, etc.).

Nebraska State Summary of Naval War Casualties, 1946 (part of MARDOS Memorial Library of Pam Rietsch) SITE TEMPORARILY DOWN

Lists of Nebraska casualties & wounded as published in the Columbus Telegram, posted on the Platte County website of Sherri Brakenhoff.

Archival Research Catalog (ARC)  Nebraska State Summary of War Casualties for Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard Personnel.  

Archival Research Catalog (ARC)  Honor List of Dead and Missing Army and Army Air Forces Personnel

Visit the hospitable North Platte Canteen (Nebraska) where millions of servicemen were served during WW II.

"What did you do in the War?" page of resource material on website of Nebraska State Historical Society.

Naval Depot. For those that don't know, the US Navy had an installation in Hastings, Nebraska where they stored ammunition in bunkers. The theory was that having the bunkers in the middle of the US meant that they were safe from any possible bomb attacks.  You can still see the bunkers along the highway east of town, and some of the old housing units are being used by the Good Samaritan Retirement Village. Most of them are being replaced by new housing now.
from Connie Snyder on NE Heritage list, 2 Jun 1998

242nd Field Artillery Battalion US Army - page provided by Ed Walsh, includes many NE men - complete roster by battery, with home town given for each serviceman.

Many units are developing websites - Use the major search engines to seek info.  Here's an example: USAF - 801st/492nd Bomb Group  If you find a website that includes a number of Nebraskans, please let us know!

POW camps in Nebraska


Information By County

Cedar County  Social News page includes stories related to WW II (See: 1942, 1943, 1944)

Colfax County John  Machacek tells about "Green Hell" of Guadalcanal.  From --"The Schuyler Sun," Thursday, May 27, 1943 Submitted by Elizabeth Sebranek to Colfax County NEGenWeb 

Gage County Casualties of WW II (US Navy, Marine & Coast Guard) by Lori Laird.

Howard County 1940 Draft Lists (from NSGS Nebraska Ancestree, Vol. 16, no 3) Continued (Vol. 16, no 4)

Knox County  War Casualties

Nuckolls County  Service Record WW II, Nelson and Community

Saunders County Military page

Seward County 134th Nebraska National Guard - Company M Men of Seward and adjacent area from the Seward County webpage by Jeanne Walsh.  Historical Note: the 134th Nat'l Guard had 180% turn over rate during WW II, due to casualties.


General Information

The National World War II Memorial the first national memorial dedicated to all who served during World War II.  Make sure to visit the WWII  Registry

The History Place - World War Two in Europe

The History of World War II includes list of battles by date and other interesting information.

World War II U.S. Veterans Website

Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet - Military - World War II

HyperWar World War II on the World Wide Web

WWII Timeline America at War

World War II Advocacy & Intelligence Index for POW-MIAs, Inc.,

NARA World War II Records


Peter C. Millen, born on Nov 20,1924.  Joined the Navy on Dec 16,1941.  Peter was assigned to the destroyer USS Jarvis DD-393 in Feb 1942.  He was KIA on Aug 9,1942 in the Pacific/Solomon Island area.  His rank was S/2c.  Sharon



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